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Sweeps Pa. Supports Cardenas of Mexico; He Calls Troops On Land, Sea, Air British Imperialism Girds Against Peasants Itself for New War. While Workers Starve Why the Czechs Had to Eat Crow low payroll. by in and (Continued from Page 1)
present time the active head of the Pennsylvania Security League March 26. President LAZATO Cardenas of Mexico today ordered By HENRY THURMAN on WPA projects.
all provincial governors and mill In preparation for the Seventh a side imperialist which included At a meeting of 2, 500 project By workers in Allentown on WednesThe problem bas given rise to Our old friend, the editor of the tary commanders to take steps Party Congress of the Communist the country of socialism, the counday night, Sam Gordon, State or LONDON, March 16. The Brit a series of debates in the press be Army, Navy and Air Force Gax agrist attempts of landworkers Party of Czechoslovakia, oficial try of the working class. We inKanizer of the Pennsylvania Unem ish Government has rushed through tween the old naval school and the ette let the cat out of the bag in to occupy large estates. The preslstalinism in the person of Klemens isted on the contrary that the dent order followed recent selzployed League, denounced Mr. Parliament a new plan for nation new. The modernists swear by his notes for February 1936 ures of land, the most notable re Gottwald demonstratively expels formulation of Thorez itself was Jones attack against Rauschen defense claiming that certain the seaplane and the old sea dogs sented themselves tout enlistment cent case being the occupation of the anti Leninist deviation of the monstrous. New Militant, Au do not share Mr. Rauschen ing their armed forces. The British editor of the Army, Navy a total of 44, 466 or 52 per cent an estate belonging to former pres Czech party out the front door, gust 10, 1985) Now Gottwald states and busch political views. Mr. Gor ruling class has no intention of Air Force Gazette, in the issue for to that of Thorex (assuming the donald, but Jones propaganda belins left behind. The air force December, 1838, declares tramite loe health. Most of these rejections it announcing that they would make only to immediately smuggle it in that a formulation of position akin would seem to polnt to a too low it into a Workers Home. They again through the rear entrance.
were driven off by government. This publie absolution is neces non Imperialist character of a naan organization of the unemployed. 750 firat line areoplanes. The millions of pounds in building su standard of living, not in the soldiers.
The Pennsylvania Unemployed navy is to be strengthened by the per dreadnoughts which will be sense of an absence of luxury sitated by the fact that it (the tion in war purely on the basis of but of necessities and this is conblown to smithereens by a few firmed by the large number of League will stand shoulder to building of two capital ships at a In an interview in the Daily neglected the concrete fight its alliance with the Soviet Union, shoulder with the Pennsylvania cost of million pounds each and well directed blows from the air ander red. There is deficiency of borde, secretary of the Communist for the concrete rights and de without regard to the nature of the Security League in the fight and the cruiser strength is to be or a few torpedoes from down be 46, 773 in the Territorial Army. party of Mexico, sald: mands of the people against the government in control) is monback it up to the limit against this brought up to 70 modernized ships Like everybody else the poten The position of the Communist present regime brought them, in strous. But as we shall see a little underhanded and slanderous at: with air carriers. Four new army Party of Mexico is to support the the eyes of the masses, dangerous further on, Gottwald is worried not tack. He indicated that the or battalions are to be raised and to these charges, correspond tial recruit is convinced that war the certain units are to be mecbanized ent signing himself Navalis re is a bad thing and the Pacifists government of President Cardenly near to this regime.
ganizations represented in (Rude about the monstrous content, but keep rubbing it in. The GovernJoint Action Committee would push while a special drive is to be made plies with the following weighty as because it is a progressive Pravo, Feb. 13. about the monstrous form in which nationalistic government, because irreconellably for the ousting of for recruits for the Territorial arguments: It would requirement has taken measures to Industry is to about 7, 000 freight carrying are counte this propaga it is anti reactionary and opposed The foreign policy of the Stalin the betrayal is put before those Mr. Jones and presented a resolu Army (Citizens)
the What same tion to this effect, which was en be organized with the collabora planes to transport to the penetration of imperialism, bureaucracy cannot be carried out who must be hoodwinked.
The said government now inin dorsed by the 2, 600 present in a ton of the Trade Unions so that amount of wheat as one tramp tends to get down to business, and and because it is trying to sup. the grossly social chauvinist is needed are not frightful disrising vote without any opposition it can be converted from a com steamer. It follows, therefore, that special bounties and family allow. port itself upon the mass of the people for the defense of the Inmercial to a war basis at any given the problem of feeding the country ances are being dangled in front of or abstentions.
manner that has distinguished it tortions but distortions that can Mr. Jones circular and Sam Gor moment. Minister of Defense has continues, and must continue to the workers. Press, cinema andra terests of the nation. This gov. for the past eight months, because be put across in an acceptable form, Gottwald Quick Change Act don resolution follow below been appointed who is to supervise lie in safeguarding the sea transalo are to be brought into action ernment, while fighting reaction these methods do not sufficiently Having accomplished the publie Reply of Mr. Edward Jones So Mr. Rauschendusch 1s back not known, it is hinted that a 300 100 squadrons to fly to the Middle Daily Mail.
Employers are asked and particularly to the proletaalthough the cost of the scheme is Furthermore, it is of little use for good recruiting suggestions by the eign capital, gives to the people enable the party to carry out its be trayal under a safely red dipped renunciation, the mentor now pulls in town.
million pound loan for National Bast in two days it when they get to bring pressure upon their work rint and its party, the Commu clonk. This is what Gottwald a quick change act, and ushers in Isn he the gentleman who un Defense will be floated soon.
reprimand tells the Czechoslovak. the culprit disguised in carefully there their ground staffs. arma ers and in all these measures fail, nist Party, liberty of action necretouched falseface.
dertook to smear the memory of ments, repair installations, spare then according to Lord Rothermere, essary for the forwardnig of the ian section.
Woodrow Wilson in the recent War in the Air parts and machines, remain in there is really nothing for it but Mexican national revolution to He warns that to approve the No, the tolling people only munitions investigation, and who During the last great worla England. All these things, amount. military conscription. This is no its ultimate triumph, to the liber armament policy which is being trust the army to a government let Pierpont Morgan emerge from war, London and other British citing to many thousands of tons of doubt the real aim of the governation of the country today dom carried on by the present govern. which is a real people government.
the inquiry with one nice coat of les were bombed by German Zep materials can only be transported ment which is moving cantiously.
inated by foreign capital, to the ment and even to call for increased is, however, the present coalition whitewash? And the same person pelins and areoplanes and towards by sea.
Liquidation of the hereditary, whom the Pinchots put on the state the end of the war, a specially or Industry and War semi feudal land holdings creat and impermissible from the stand a government? By no means, everyarmaments is perfectly incorrect government in Czechoslovakia such Other writers support their case In order to keep a modern war ing these conditions necessary for point of the workers. Nevertheless body knows this. Mr. Rauschenbusch is, under led German towns on the Phie by pointing to the results of naval force supplied with food and arms, ganized British air force bombardthe transition from a nationalis this is what happened. To put it Everybody knows. in the eyes stand, senior member of the firm of These events marked the beginning were either easily hit from the air industry must be carried on upon a mancuvers where moving targets tie, democratie, anti imperialist bluntly, what is not perfectly in of the masses. from the standRauschenbusch and Ruttenberg of a revolution in the technique of we recompletely missed, according to mass basis with centralized con revolution to the proletarian rev correct and impermissible from twoint of the workers. nobody whose chlet and only occupation is modern warfare with the aeroplane who is telling the tale. The Gov. trol. To accomplish this, the DCship (else there would have been element. great confusion in the ical party in Pennsylvania sress has been made in the devel comment and two haren noughts cama deal with certain firms not now on of sanctions served the cause of no mouths of trial to test its effect) minds of many workers. these Rauschenbusch and Ruttenberg opment of aerial bombing with re seven cruisers with air carriers has war work, while it is hinted that peace and the defense of the op has proved to be too cross a be phrases are the touchstones of the are quite put out because will not suits entirely unfavorable to the pleased neither the old school nor armament trusts will be asked to pressed. Imperialism has made its trayal in the eyes of the class. con present revision of the party atiristruct all wea directors to com. British militarists. The Insular the new buiten probably the rear cooperate with a Minister for Mun. sacriiches. but has not gone scious workers who must be subtly stude, and show clearls to those outfit, which when completely or tered Empire which used to be a course of actual warfare which luted with drafts of unemployed have preferred no trouble at all. Social Patriotism with a vengeance Party turns its eyes to the masses night into a third political party has now become a heavy handicap. people would have us believe.
canized is to be transformed over great advantage in time of war may not be so far distant as some apprentices with the permission of However, since trouble could not The mentor quotes. the trade union officials who are be altogether avoided, Great Brit No honest working man and woFrom now on until after the No In war with any Continental said to be quite ready to strike a ain has been able to keep strings And the proposal for supporting vember election, expect that WPA Power, London and the great in3. Army Recruiting Revelations bargain with the Government and on Italy, and has laid the basis for man in the Republic is today the building of the army under against the army and against arm. real people government. mind and my administration of WPA will dustrial centers would an easy It was generally thought that the risk the protests of the rank and a settlement within an interna: aments. The army deserves the you, is made after the forced adbe regularly blasted and denounced target for an attack by air. This prevalence of unemployment and Ale.
tional framework which will not representatives of the Reis best and we must arm! Let us all mission that the bourgeois army learly recognized no less the intensive recruiting campaigns During the last war, workshop be too threatening to publican Old Guard and friends of an authority than Sir the to life upon the terests Meanwhile British troops advance with weapons in hands remains a bourgeois army and an Taylor, Mason Owlett and Gift of Air, stated that London was, bates have revealed an entirely dit. Wales and they wrought great hav situations in India and Egypt (Lit: be as many of these weapons as government is a non fascist bour the downtrodden as Harvey HOR. when Secretary of State army but the parliamentary de Clyde, the Midland and in South have cleared up awkward resulting us and we desire that there shan by the hourgeoisie even when the Rauschenbusch Ruttenberg, world, most vulnerable to an air House of Cormons, March 12, 1986. ruling class have not forgotten this sanctions against Great Britain for possible, and that they should be geois government, which may even the best!
include Socialists, and that therepromoters to a third political party attack, owing to its reographical Mr. Duft Cooper, Secretary for however, and they hope to drast its treatment of the Feyptian stu.
fore the working class cannot grant in the state of s to method of. to tribes in The Minister of National De Mr. Rauschenbusch had nothing attack, Pierre Cot, the former the end of the year the Army would these storm centers and also to dix. France, by throwing first oil tense brought forward in the De. the means for armaments to such a government if it is not willing to to do with the creation of WPA French Air Marshall, has explained be 10, 000 men under strength and pick their men from the ranks of and then political monkey wrench fense Committee the program of whereover 300, 000 jobless and in the columns of the Spectator, the Territorial Army 40, 000 men the demoralized sections of the unes into the sanctions machinery, material demands of the arm ad betray its own class interests. Rude Pravo, Feb. 13: Daily destitute men and women have 1994: There are in existence in under strength and he argued that employed. There is no real enthu. has managed to keep friendly with ministration. These demands are worker, March been given employment in Pennsylcendiary bombs weighing a couple this was the result of an increase siasm for war amongst the British Italy while at the same time not numerous, but they are necessary!
of pounds and sufficient to create in employment and a higher living masses, and with catastrophe loom breaking with Great Britain. If Now if there were no profits which Why the New Shift. He had nothing to do with es a fire center. single aeroplane standard. This, of course, is a ing near, a tremendous ferment is she has been having certain dif the bis armament manufacturers Two factors probably explain the tablishing security wage for can carry enough of these bombs Tory joke as unemployment figures taking place within all groups and culties in Syria, we must observe pocket, then the army would have new shift in the party line. The neither Mr. Rauschenbusch nor sibility of coping with.
And so far as am concerned ters than there would be the pos even then mostly by government doubt steam roller through its plan serving peace within her own do patriotic Crechoslovakian armam of an unstated number of rank and manipulation while the standard of but if war comes British capital minions as well as in Ethiopiaent factories deliver; Instead of one fille Czech workers, as indicated in any other political gigolo is going Yet another form of attack is living has remained stationary. ism will be in serious danger.
to capitalize or cash in on this the dropping of gas bombs as de Litvinov has kept in the good aeroplane, two: Instead of one ma Gottwald text. The second is a graces or his imperialist colleagues, chine gun, two.
sinister undercurrent that Moscow great enterprise, the sole credit for scribed by Lord Halsbury, a chembuilt up sentiment against Gerwhich belongs to President Frankmust have sensed even prior to workers, the Everyone: the ist of government explosives, in many, and secured the ratification In Roosevelt.
the Daily Telegraph, 1934: Lon. If Mr. Rauschenbusch 1s 80 don could be kept in a lethal ator the Franco Soviet Pact. If, in small traders, peasants, civil serv. Hitler occupation of the Rhine region, the pressure being put upon the affair, Soviet diplomacy has ants, officials must make sacrifices France to loosen its ties and the for the army. They will also sacriconcerned over the lot of the relief mosphere of gas up to a height of acted almost exclusively 28 ties of its tool. Czechoslovakia.
worker, as he professes to be. 30 feet by the discharge (Continued from Page 3) France dilemma was equally pawn first of British and then of fice their lives in war. But they with the Soviet Union, and move would like to ask him where be of gas. To meet this rather the cortications at Hongkong and Mussolint to go ahead, since her member that it is only Trotsky tesnobody pockets hundreds of millions many and her friends, against the 40 tons hind the scenes, and to strengthen puzzling. She was quite willing for Prench imperialism, we must re want to have the guarantee that closer to the united front with Ger god father, Gifford Pinchot, was has carried out extensive air man United States Secretary of State, and had told him so in the early who believe that the dictatorship Gottwald comments on the above clutching after the will. o the wisp rlly wage but an hourly wage that craft guns and gas dug outs, as set for train the ressor by Wished to keep the friendship of ternational proletariat and the ex of status quo, fears the possibility amounted to even when the sun well as warning local authorities his blundering and meaningless Great Britain and the League pro tension of the October revolution saw it wth his own eyes, that such allied with it, and evidently has Nobody would believe, unless he of fascism in the nations at present than the lowest WPA security results do not wem to have been But the Italian preparations for against the eventualities of Hitler that the choice now is not between munist paper. Nevertheless that is ward them by the sections of the on may as well take off your seems that there is no real defense both France and Great Britain in fore, to go along part way with cween democratic imperialism and central orgon of the Party, on alarmingly insufficient. As Gott whiskersMr. Rauschenbusch. Proin attacks from the air.
You re not fooling anyone. You re ailemmar. If Italy, acting alone, Great Britain in the Ethiopian fascist imperialism and that we November 27, 1935. The writer of wald points out, the Czechoslovak not interested in the lot of the reMr. Stanley Baldwin, the Prime won undisputed sway over Ethio question. But her influence was had better take the former and the above quoted article is obvious ian government did nothing whatlief workers Minister, speaking in the House of pia, she would threaten the Brit exerted chiefly to aid the projected like it, eren if it leads next month ly an alien element, hostile to the ever against the fascists and to You re fust a would be political Commons on November 10, 1933, ish Empire lines of communica deal, and to keep the application to the latter.
proletariat and the Party. It is extend democratic rights, on the boss.
declared that attack was the only tion, the headwaters of the Nile, of sanctions from getting too exResolution Presented by Gordon means of defense in air warfare. and Egypt. On the other hand, if tensive or serious. Fandin now is Icy of sanctions useful enough for Party it did not come to such fright gaining with the fascist reactions Imperialism has found the pol true that in other statements of the contrary, it bargained and is bar It is well for the man in the Ethiopla defeated the Italian le jumping the gun, and in his March one stage of its deepening game. ful distortions of the class princi it went and is going still further state WPA administrator, has used the WPA repeatedly as a power on earth that can protect there would be repercussions ad hailed the early cancelling of sanctions has served imperialism that the originator of such a moned confidence in this government political football against adver him from being bombed. Whatever verse to the British rulers among sanctions.
sufficiently well. It is, after all, strous statement was not ruthless by voting for these two budget sarles, and people may tell him, the bomber the native populations of the Brit The Soviet Union pursued the only the position of the internationly driven out of the Party as an items (Foreign Ministry and SoWhereas: This is especially evi will always get through. The only ish colonies. Consequently, what only consistent sanctions policy. al working class that the policy of agent of the class enemy, immedi cial Welfare. What else is that dent from a circular Mr. Jones defense appearance, shows but to tle one hands to abandon recently had distributed on the that you have got to kill women oplan matter was neither peace status quo as long as possible, and would hardly be of central con that there was no clear, consistent an independent policy and to conprojects; said circular attacking and children more quickly than the nor war. The needed a deala to prepare for war with Hitler, it cern to the parents. the question of the army.
themselves bolshevist attitude in the Party to fuse the masses?
one of the unemployed organiza enemy if you want to save your deal which would have given Italy put its money on the League, and or to their tions in the state, under the guise selves. Acting upon this dictum, what Italy could not do without, on friendship with France and who must more rapidly make ready The policy of the lesscr evil.
What Is Monstrous?
of a dispute with Mr. Stephen the Air Defense League, a jingo but would not involve too much Great Britain. Thus, for public to turn the workers over to the war which is still continued under a Now let us recapitulate.
Rauschenbusch, and propaganda body, carries on its fighting and would leave Ethiopia purposes, it spoke most loudly of machine.
Last different form in the new change Whereas: Mr. Jones has re work under the slogan: Create a not unrestrictedly under Italian all, for the League, and in favor But the stage in which sanctions of the French as saying that for the future of socialism, even summer we quoted Thorez, leader of line, may well prove disastrous peatedly displayed a vidous anti. new winged army of British bomb rule, but in part at least under of peace and international security labor attitude ever since his apers to smash the foreign hornets in more international control that and meanwhile played in actuality hind the re militarization of the It would be monstrous to consider for socialism in one country.
pointment as WPA director their nests. The new Defense is, a control which would not put the sanctions game as the compro. Rhineland calls for new answers Therefore, be it: Resolved that Plan is an attempt to put these the British lines communication mise between France and Great to new problems. The naked bones this mass meeting of 2, 500 Allen theories into practice by increasing and the Nile too easily at Italy Britain decided. During the past of the entire League structure OPENING APRIL 2nd town project workers goes on ree ord, demanding the immediate readditional airplanes with addition was not concerned over the fate of has conveniently allowed the ques. gesture of the Nazi troops. France LABOR BOOK SHOP moval of Mr. Edward Jones al reinforcement from civil avia the Ethiopians, tion of sanctions to slip out of complains over England treach frem his post as WPA director.
tion. In this way British imperial Great Britain, for the past year, sight, in deference to France ery in refusing sanctions now when at 28 EAST 12th STREET ism hopes to get in the first blow. has consistently aimed toward such wishes, and in order to get through she forced France into them NEW MILITANT an end. Through the League, an the ratification of the Franco 80 against Italy. Corner University Place) Naval Dilemma Litvinov indignant offer along these lines was made to viet Pact. Litvinov 18 now in a ly Protests the violation of the with which is merged Britain has always planed her Italy last summer but this offer position to allow the whole mat. sanctity of treatles (alas, the mor THE MILITANT Published weekly by the New W11 present time, the British fleet is nal requirements.
faith in a large navy and, at the could not satisfy Mussolini inter ter, with a suitable thetorical flour. als of imperialism. And Great WITH COMPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL BOOKS.
He needed aish, to be dropped. After all, what Britain desperately maneuvers to Largest Selection of Socialist and Labor Books tant Publishing Co. 55 Rast 11th probably first in the world so far war. half way and muddled are 11, 000, 000 savages compared to maintain the precarious balance St. Phone: Lgon. 00158. 19 numbers are concerned, but the sanctions policy was adopted after a military alliance with French little longer before the clouds and Periodicals.
Entered as second class mall matter change in the methods of naval the fighting started, in order to imperialism? We cannot allow uto burst wide open.
at the Post Office at New York, Warfare has created a division in keep the dispute within an inter plan ideals to stand in the way of us under the act of March 1879. the ranks of the experts. In order national framework Then the realistic defense of the Workers JAMES CANNON: Editor On and After April 1st to hold the Empire in time of war, Hoare Laval proposal revived the Fatherland.
FREE: copy of Russia and Germany at Brest Litovsk Subscription rates: In the United the navy must be in a position to summer plan; its announcement Meanwhile, ag Selden, The Times PIONEER PUBLISHERS (Reg. Price 00. or, Chants for Socialist by William Morris States. 00 per year: 85c per als freely police the seas and as the was premature, but it paved the London correspondent, remarked a 100 Fi th Avenue months; Canada and foreigo 60 food supply of Britain as well as way. Now, reports indicate that few days ago, Ethiopia, in the face. with every purchase of 00 or more.
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rates: Two cents per copy corners of the earth. The danger to clean up sanctions and th Moses in the bullrashes, has been SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1936 New York City Cireulating Library.
from submarines and hostile air whole Ethiopian question up in forgotten by all but God.
Vol. 2, No. 12 (Whole No. 84) craft needs no exaggeration. Franco British tamm In this manner has the Five Months of Sanctions the