BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninismMarxismMussoliniSocialismSovietStalinStalinismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

MATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1936 NEW MILITANT PA3 AFTER FIVE MONTHS OF SANCTIONS WORLD OF LABOR Its Effect upon the Italo Ethiopian War, men de would have mere en evene temple the rooms The Great Powers and the Workers to re unite France to a degree because the polley of sanctions was Stakhanov Campaign Gripped by Serious inable year ago. At that time, tensively enforced. This is in fact France was making rapidly ready, the conclusion which the pro sancCrisis in the Soviet Union through a division into the two tionists reach in trying to explain great class armies, for the strug why sanctions have not worked in By JOHN WRIGHT gle for power. The internal crisis the Italian affair.
For months now the stalinist SPLIT IN THE SWEDISH One of the crucial issues of the as defined in the League Covenant materials and products related to solved in favor of the bourgeoiste that this correct, and let om en press has been filled with bollyhoo The European press reports that present war crisis has been the can be put into effect only by sov the carrying on of war (imple by the unification achieved with agine that sanctions had been en for Stakhanovism. The February a split has taken place in the ComSanctions, inoreover, are not mere reality they can even conceivably and also certain restrictions on of the People Front. But the pro nations. What would have followed al boasts that: The words Stak. of the Third International. Broblems of so called sanctions creign political states. The only ments of war, horses, trucks, etc. the help of the pro sanctions policy forced to the limit by the League issue of the Communist Interantton munist Party of sweden (section ly a question for theoretical anal have is as acts of sovereign polit granting loans and credits to Italy, cess of clans differentiation has from this? To be thoroughly ef hanovism and Stakhanov methods considerable section of the ysis. Sanctions are being tested ical states The United States, also, also by experience: during nearly It is this basic fact which de not a member of the League, has back heavily. The temporary weak to include embargoes on virtually have become famous far beyond the Swedish retused, it seems to Ave months they have been in oper termines the attitude of the vari carried out certain sanctions the ening of the Croix de Feu and the every import to and export teus confines of the first socialist state follow blindly the turn toward naation (p. 351)
tional defonse that was ratified by thebe wus tendencies within the workoutain implements of war, as provide such smug complacency by the have had to apply to goods to and the light of the experience five months, therefore, wish to class to ed in the Neutrality Act; and re Stalinists as proof of the great from non sanctions applying naAt the very beight of this cam the Seventh Congres. The section test the analysis we have made oftionary Marxists are opposed to strictions on loans and credit, victories of the People Front, tions in order to accomplish their paign, new comes from Moscow, that split has issued its own organ, sanctions, because they are on all the problement sanctions and the ocasions opposed to bourgeois na through the Johnson Act. in actuality demonstrates just the purpose. Thus, they could have as reported by Harold Denny in Proletarian Unity. in which it that all opposite. The Fascists have re been enforced only by a military the New York Times, that: Stak charges the Third International spect to them.
arxists aims always toward the these nations, including the Soviet tired a little precisely because the and naval blockade (what diplo hanovism has fallen back so com with having betrayed the revoluThe frst point to make clear is overthrow of bourgeois states. The caloy, have been very zealous in policy of the People Front has so muts have been calling military pletely in its birthplace that only tionary tradition of Leninism, The split in Sweden is the first EU namely, the real sancfavor sanctions, because at bottom sanctions. They have been careful ing class that it does not so im naval blockade is an act of war. one of the many Donetz Basin coal tions which have really been in the social patriots rest on bour not to step over the bounds of minently threaten the foundations and must necessarily have led to mining units was not falling in its open sign of the opposition that operation during these months are geols national states, and rely on collective action by extending of bourgeois rule. Consequently, 10 armed retaliation by Italy, since production quota. Times, has been rumored to be stirring in in actuality certain economic, in collaboration with them. The so sanctions to anything France, the attempt at a Fascist the life of Italy as a nation would March 18. the ranks of the Comintern, since ancial and commercial measures cial patriots of the standard social rally agreed upon to, for exam coup can be further postponed. have been at stake, as well as recarried out by certain national variety, here as in every other ple, oll.
Finance capital does not call in the taillation by the non safictionist The breakdown is not limited to the new turn was officially sancstates. Great Britain, France, the crucial issue, function as the agents Italy, on her side, however, has Fascists until it has to; if it can nations, whose sovereignty would the coal industry. The situation tioned six months 280. There are Soviet Union, and various of their of the bourgeois bureaucracy with sone a little further, and has ex maintain itself securely with the be threatened by the blockade.
satellites. This point may seem in the working class. The new isso serious that, according to also continued rumors of a revolt panded the reign of sanctions by aid of working class parties, We see, therefore, that a fully either so trivial or so obvious as style Stalinist social patriots runc Instituting what she has salled so much the bette, and less trou effective wanctions poliey would Denny dispatch, it caused Com In the Polish The Indications are that Stalin to be hardly worth making.
In tion within the working class as connter sanctions. restriction of blesome.
in this case as in any other mean munist party and government lendl act, however, it is crucial. The agents of the class enemy through imports, prohibition of the sale of Likewise, as in England, the pro nothing else than war. The peace ers to demand. that it (1. e. Stak. and his henchmen will not have inreason why it must be understood an indirect route.
is that these measures are usually committed to the building of so nations, freezing of These latter certain products from sanctionist sanctions policy in France has pollcy of sanctions turns out to hanovism) be revived and strength. ternally the same easy sailing with credits and made meaningless any opposition to be war policy. The belief that ened.
their latest turn as they had with referred to not as they really are cialism in one country, are conse other financial restrictions to pre the increased armament measures sanctions are a means for entore Is Denny perhape vilifying Stak ail the preceding zigzags.
tions. From this it is concluded quently led to aid in maintenance vent payment to these nations, etc. and speeded militarization. And ing peace thus puts us into a flat hanovism? Is there really a break of the status quo Internationally What has been the effect of these it has played a great part in mak. contradiction: peace can be genthat they differ fundamentally from to enable socialism to be built morsures?
BELGIUM measures carried out by national Without interruption and thus ing the moses ready to defend vinels enforced only by war. The down. and how serious is it?
First, it will require no argu. with full patriotic fervour, French reason for this is, of course, that It is impossible as yet to gauge Special Congress of the BelStates, that they are collective acts must collaborate with and rely on ment to prove that their effect on finance capital against Hitler. Hu the original belle that any be the situation fully, but sufficient whose im the conduct of the Italian military manite and Populaire outdo liet which leads to a contradiction facts are already avallable to engian Labor Party (P. was uphold world stability and worla mediate interest such maintenance campaign in Ethiopia has been Flandin in their denunciation of. false. Sanctions are not a able us to outline it.
held on February 22, for the pur peace is or seems to Stalin to be. In zero. There is no indication that the re militarization of the Rhine means for enforcing peace.
The truth is that the idea of both cases, social patriotism in gen they have affected the campaign land. And, quite naturally, they The only case in which this conThe introduction of what Denny pose of ratifying the action of socialist Ministers who had previous fiction. The League of Nations to particular, means nothing other point of view Ethiopia has lared sents the class enemy at home be it the interests of all nations in tem indubitably produced results y approved the military project of not sovereign political unit nor chance managemovite the class tenemaneither better nor worse than since their policy and Flandin are the world be the spealled as at the outset. If we take the key Devere statement zens nor army nor navy nor Indus happened in case of sanctions of. As means of stopping the war mony. Then it might be possible steel and coal figures as the basis These proposals of the Belgian tries nor trade nor Anance other since their invocation in Novemo of saving revaged Ethiopia, Independent Action to organize an unbroken front of for general orientation, we find War Department proved somewhat the for sanctions have accomplished nothternational Settlements, which to Most of the nations belonging to ing Secondly, the pro sanctions pol and the aggressor, alone against from an average production of 36. sters in the coalition Government.
some extent It controls. Conse. the League have put into effect Sanctions seem to have had some dependenta botered any effective in the entire world, might well have thousand tons in September to 38 They hed entered into this coalition quently there are no sanctions certain measures relating to the effect in adding to Italy econo against the war. With their cus out a fight. But this is not and thousand tons in December; a like no matters relating to the army which the langue could put into trade with Italy. These measures me and financial burdens internal tomary hypocrisy and cynicam, the cannot be true of the capitalist increase was gained in the produc would be broached until after the effect, no matter how desirous it have included prohibitions on the 15, in cutting down supplies of cer. Stalinist spokesmen inform us that world, in which the interests of tron of coal (the Donetz Basin) next parliamentary elections, and How great percentage of such and working class sanctions. tions are continuously in conflict output of 178. thousand tons in ministry that the condition of na MARCH OF EVENTS dislocation can be traced to sane and that the latter are more ba This might be the case in a World September to 220 thousand tons in tonal defense was perfectly splen tions, however, and how much to sle. The eriticized at Federation of Social aid.
what would have occurred in any length the British Labour Parts and sanctions might indeed be Unforseen contingencles, however, By JACK WEBER These were so to speak, the suddenly compelled the Minister of case under the given circumstane because it advocated only govern a means for enforcing peace if by es, without sanctions, it is difficult oneymoon months of Stakhanovism. War to demand that the compulsory RELIEF FOR BIG BUSINESS.
a million jobs to the unemployed to estimate. Certain economic and dental sanctions and neglected chance threatened by a member of in January, we find the steel pro term of military service be extend working class actions. But this is such a Federation. That, however, auction still increasing. It risesed months, that more millions The process of whittling away The only difference between Roose financial difficulties have also fol only rhetorie, only phrases to tem is a question not for the present to an average daily production of be added to the army budget, and countries. Indeed, it is probable and. 42 thousand tons. But the figures Boo, in order to guarantee col betical strategy is carried a long members of the capitalist govern To believe that sanctions are for the coal Industry already show lective security. The embarrassed step forward in Roosevelt laterting state to that Roosevelt wishes that sanctions have been as burdent working class sanctions do means for enforcing peace leads. small but indubitable decrease. Socialst Ministers did not hesitate densome to Great Britain message to Congress on the budget. to act more cautiously and not as France as to Italy.
and not supplement ench other, as the then, to a contradiction. It makes In January, the average dally out for a moment to vote in approval This is election year and Roosevelt bluntly and speedily letting down This, then, is the sum of the el. each other. The reason is easy to suctions in their true role, to in: 223 thousand tons of coal. The there still remained the task of intends to leave nothing undone in the unemployed from their present order to carral the support of miserable status to one that is still fects of sanctions as pretended in understand. Supporting governmen terpret what actually has happened February figures indicate a levellingswinging the trade unions solidly in struments for stopping war and tal sanctions is supporting the gov. during the past Ave months to ex oft in the production of steel, the line series of maneuvers and business. Fonomy and the avoid worse.
ance of taxation on business are It will be the function of Congress nowever, complete the story of the ease actions are necessarily airect It leaves it inexplicable why sane ausdry oupure not unchousana con discussionsfollowed culminating the forms of relief proposed by the to start investigations of the un effect of sanctions. humanitarian President for ble doubted political corruption that ed against the government (the tons of a sort were applied in the per day, while business! The real purpose of the exists in the WPA (as in capitalist National Unity representative of the opposing case of Itals, but not in the case indicated in the Donbas coal produce that this Congress adopted a res further decline sa It follows as a matter of course WPA is being rapidly unfolded. Institutions in general) to force class) and its policies.
Plest Petrose was to provide a quicker end to the system of work The outstanding effect of the net sultancously Aleht with and in Manchuria, in both of which at the figures of the second five year olution which admits the possibil against the government.
of the relief rolls and then, after due to the exposure of conditions aid in bringing to a new high point Stalinists do; but the logic of facts, unintelligible the anti sanctions tons of coal from the Donetz basin. defensive war in the International clever intermediary to get workers reliet. Already this pressure is on policy of sanctions has been to pretend to do so. In words, as the sted for applying them. It leaves 146 thousand tons of steel, and 230. circumstances. The resolution You can levust as good legal grounds ex. Plan call for a dalty production of of defensive war in certain goes on to emphasize that such a a short space of time, to lay them in West Virginia. The attitude of national unity within both oft and prevent them from getting Congress is shown by its refusal to sanctions invoking nations the not phrases, governs your actions. position of Great Britain now in back on the relief rolls. Each month continue the Florida and Quoddy Italy. The united support of sane the logie of facts prevented those spect to peace, Great Britain, has in Pravda)
And, as the last five months proves, the Rhineland dispute.
ritath, henged from the daily date published sphere coincides with the struggle a new batch of unemployed will ship canals by the grant of special tions by the dominant sections of who stood for governmental sane had the same outlook during all against Fascism. The be Inld oft to fend for themselves fund. No doubt there will be some the bourgeoisle together with the tions from organizing any signit tour of these occurrences and yet went, of course, on record in favor in this best of all possible worlds. opposition to the measly sum of leadership of the dominant work cant working class actions.
In short, instead of steadily in of a collective security on the basis Hopkins has given publie assurance one and one halt billion dollars ing class parties and organizations contradiction is somewhat obscured tions.
The only in one did she advocate sanc creasing, the output is elther re of the League Covenant for mutual maining stationary or decliningaid.
out a definite schedule of cuts to it is unlikely that this will be re between the bourgeoiste and the where the working class is on the The Real Meaning conflict.
The question naturally arises how Vandervelde, who had retired Are we to reconcile these facts with from active service on account of hopes that the needy will get due for a liberal application of the of sanctions, thus, from the point against the other. It would be the claims made by the Staliniats his age, can still summon sufficient back on relief. Or perhaps they axe. One hundred thousand youths of view of the working class, hasier To explain the role of sanctions that the Stakhanov movement en strength to remain true to the bes will be shuttled from the WPA toare to be discharged from these been the weakening of the position Blaringly obvious in the more im intelligibly. we must first under sures a gigantle growth of the pro trayal of 1914, in company with the PWA! No doubt some shifts campe by July 19t.
portant case of a conflict between stand what they are. And if we ductivity of labor. etc. etc. Messrs. Spaak, De Man and Co.
of the working class, a shift in the two or more imperialist nations understand this, we know that they (Communist Int. Feb. 1936, 35. like this will raise false hopes in Last January 25, Vandervelde relationship of forces in favor of the minds of many unemployed that it is only a matter of waiting UNITY OF THE UNEMPLOYED the bourgeoisie, a set back to the leg. France and Germany. where are not means for enforcing peace. The answer is that the facts give celebrated his 70th birthday. On revolutionary struggle.
correct working class actions would but simply Instruments of the pol the lle to the Stalinist boasts. this happy occasion the Soviet short time for renewed work on have to be directed equally against icies of the national governments It is no nocident, under these to maintain levels federal payrolls. But the big ma circumstances, that the movement has played neatly into the hands the home government, but where invoking them. We judge and ex: ohe things that the sains have been that the preparation for the Second in Italy, the policy of sanctions all the contesting states, including which invoked them, or consider already attained can signity onls sitt, no doubt in token of the fact javity will be doomed to bitter disot the unemployed is taking on a of Mussolint. He has been able to any governmental sanctions would plain them, therefore in the light match mot so much on the basis of Imperialist War proceeding full Roosevelt making it new impetus. Objective conditions atreet the resentment of the mass be directed against only one side of the whole policies of the given in scientide ratioanization of Ind blast under the banner of the seelittle relief is still necessary for to organize and to seek unity of away from himself, the Fascist Hions would have meant a consis. and France, for example, they are creased physoleal exertion on the For Great Britain ustry as at the expense of an in: ond and Third Internationals.
will wash its hands of the largest effort to combat the plans of the state and Italian finance capital, to tent policy against the government, part of the imperialist policies of part of the workers.
The workers STEEL FOR THE SLAUGHTER capitalist class directed against the enemy abroad to the same against the national state. Such two imperialist governments that are unable to maintain the intense While the agents of the imperial That the unemployed remain pas note that in the past months the Great Britain. Thus the process conditions it too would doubtless the Soviet Union, they are part of their physical exhaustion is reflectder, the steel plants are working the sive and put up only a scattered profits of big corporations have of conscious class differentiation in have been unable to bring about the world polley of Stalinismoted in the declining output. More world over to provide the amounifight against the outright starvagone up more than 140. They Italy, which might well have gone peace and stop Italy campaign, socialism in one countrs, preserva over, there are many signs that the tion.
tion being planned for them, note that in the bull stock market on at a rapid rate during this per on the other hand would have act. tion of the international status quo. workers are resisting the attempts DIVISION OF LABOR there has been a gain of 56 in iod, has had substituted for it a ed in a manner just the opposite and preparation for defense of the of the bureaucracy to load an intol steel and cast iron was donble that In 1937, the world production of stock quotations. They see that merging into patriotic support of of the pro sanctions policy in its Soviet Union by alliance with caperable burden on their shoulders of the year 1932.
In the division of labor for carry with some considerable recovery of the nation that 19, support of the influence on the relationship of Italist states.
ing ont the demands of the capital business the reemployment of un class enemy.
class forces: however unsuccessful to understand sanctions in this khanovism already faces a crists States has increased 31 over that Born a few short months ago. Sta The steel production of the United ist class. Roosevelt occupies the employed workers has made only of even more importance, in the it might have been practically. manner that is, as they are, not position of the liberal damagogue a small dent in their ranks, con long run, is the degree to which it would have promoted The economic and cultural devel of 1834. Germany has increased voicing the Interests of the mass tinually augmented by the new sanctions have aided in accomplish differentlation strengthened the dream of them makos explicable opment of the is no longer its prodnction 36. taking the Thus he points to the NRA 18 ceneration of young workers ready ing national unity within France Independent Struggle of the work what has actually haprened, and compatible with the existence of a lead adina Furopese oczechoslo Veskele problem unemployment. that are stm some ten and one ball crss has of course occurred within and hindered the building up in the Chaco War, the policies This bureaucracy is now a brake 19. England, 11. Poland.
other arm of capitalism, the Su million out of work, by conservative the lesser nations. In Great Brit national units. It would have proof France and Great Britain dia pon further development and it The rising tempo of the steel propreme Court, had not declared it estimate the capitalists make it tain, support of sanctions by the vided the basis for agitation to not require any flirtation with sane must come into an ever greater con unconstitutional. He is left to a testicult to obtain complete and Labour Party and the Communist dispel and not to consolidate no. tions. Indeed, Great Britain prentice with the Soviet proletariat duction reflects the same level the peal to the voluntary action of the reliable statistics on this question. Party identified these parties with long. In short, it would have been ferred that the Chaco War should That is the real meaning of the latemployers to extend their opera These workers thrown out of 10 the Conservative Party on the war the foundation for revolutionary, continue, since Royal Dutch Shell est news from the Soviet Union. proaching tions so as to absorb an increasing dustry in the crisis, must struggle question, which has been, of course, and not for social patriotle strate had an important stake in the vicnumber of the unemployed. And for their very lives against the the decisive question. It was this y.
tory of Paraguay. Sanctions were therefore never mentioned. Like individual bosses, he calls for or end to all rellet to the employ victory of Baldwin in the Novem Weapon of Peace. THE NEW INTERNATIONAL wise in the case of the Japanese effort on a.
Invasion of Manchuria. Here was IN BOUND VOLUME As though it was not the volun. are reckoning without the mass the same policy on the crucial ques What went wrong with sane a perfect legal instance for the ap tary action of the bosses in the pressure that will be exerted by tion, the Labour Party could not tona? the confused but sincere plication of sanctions. But France, This first bound voume contains all the fasues that have ap first place that Britain, peared to date, beginning with July 1884 up to and including the the inevitable con stave off starvation for millions of this, moreover, which is enabling after reviewing the results of the saw nothing to be gained from the December, 1895 issue.
comitant of the business crisis! workers. For this gigantic strug. Baldwin to carry through his arm pro actions policy. Why didn use of seh a risky weapon. Their Attractively and durably bound.
Roosevelt suggests a campaign on sle a firmly koft mass organizationament program with hardly volce they work better?
imperialist interests were not imthe part of big busines for shorter is essential. This organization is raised loudly, and none convine If we begin reasoning from the mediately and directly affected to This volume contains also a special and complete index of all hours to provide more jobs. This in the making in the promising ef irriy against it.
belief that sanctions are a weapon a sufficient degree. They conse articles listed analytically by contents and in alphabetical order demagoky at a time when the aver forts for unity of the unemployed The same developments have or of peace, means for enforcing quently decided that the best of the name of e the authors age work week has grown three movements, particulary the NUL curred in France. Laval, Sertant, peace, then there is only one way means for enforcing peace at Price 04, potpold bours longer (from July to Decem and the wAA. Out of this unity the Peoples Front, all united for to answer these questions. We that time was to do nothing open.
ber 1935. The of cal will spring stronger and more the league and for Runctions must conclude that sunetions went ly, to carry on diplomati negotia Order from The New International, 66 Dast 11th st. New oulates that this increase in the powerful organizing force for the of course, with suitable modit wrong. that they didn work, he tions and financial transann heYork, work week resulted in the loss of coming battle.
tions. And the effect he en ther mapan stan yoh (Continued an Page 1)