BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE NEW MITLITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1936 stant at sacrifice Call for Revolutionary Blacklist Outlet Les Painters Spanish Masses Taking de resultaterne er mickey melange Defend Rights Mass Action in France In Akron Pact Matters in Own Hands strikers.
care that all gates were guarded and closed Bo tight that nothing (Continued from Page 1) could move in or out. These pickThe New York Painters District (Continued from Page 1) Russian working classes to military they consider reemployment of the ets were in dead earnest in their Council has obtained a temporary (Continued from Page 1) cept the principle of the nationtight to establish a union of thelr injunction in court restraining the government. The Republican and alization of the land and its free en in the traditional havens of neu cliques.
trality. works of defense, arma The only defense of the Soviet company further agrees to own choice and they knew what General Executive Board of the Catholic press both sound the same ments, and military construction Union, the only way to prevent the meet and negotiate with the work the termine the mana bene che Brotherhood from revoking the note of hope that the opening of licited by the delegates of the grow monstrously return of capitalism to the ers individually or through their determination and their rejection Councti charter and from asking the Cortes will stop the disorders Socialist party of several previous settlement of employers not to comply with by acting as an escape valve. An And in France? The same scene! and the victory of Hitlerism, duly chosen representatives, but Instead, the bourgeoisle proposed Aviation, steel, shipyards, chemicals, all the war industries are and French workers is the intera company union whose removalment. The strikers had a contin. The judge ruled that the council tween the Republican Left of Aby it and the workers parties, the only defense of Russian the Goodyear Industrial Assembly, Iers inferior to the present agree agreements made with the Council agreement has been concluded be in the electoral agreement signed booming. This year 20 billion national socialist revolution! still was demanded by the strikers, stiu suabs out and to compel the com newly elected officers and to retinez Barrios, and the Catalan Es uous battle, not only to keep the 1s entitled to function with the ana, Republican Union of Marmeries of measures which do not franes are devoted to socalled ns other preachers shout disarma remain in the picture. It is this begin to ameliorate the plight of tional defense. plan for organ ment under the benevolent protec qualified recognition that the rub Dany to come to more reasonable celve per capita tax from the localquerra, bourgeois nationalist party. the peasantry and the land workterms, but also to stiften the back. unions.
izing an armed nation in case of tion of the League of Nations. What ber workers union, by the conestablihing one Joint executive ers.
The attempts of the to committee, The right wing Socialists and war is about to come before par deceit!
tinued solidarity and determination one of the union officials. This thereby making this the Stalinists are afding Azana in liament: it will reduce the country For 15 years now every conter of its membership, now has the responsibility the strikers die revoke the Council charter grows group, with 150 sents. out of the special elections held by tee, the most important single vot of his land program.
the Cor this issue by making no criticism to Hitler German slavery.
ence has ended in a tremendous possibility of making real. GrantThe French General Staff is pertailure. Every ing that the determination dis Obstacles in the Road the Council on February 20, which ing force. The center republicans, conference has Double Fakery the former has declared to be un under the last premier, Velardes, fecting military plans for the coor been followed by an intensive re played in such splendid fashion Viewing the agreement that has constitutional. It is, however, nec bave also announced their support dination of the Belgian and Swiss armament of the various counrties during the trying and difficult days been made, and noting its specifieessary to understand the reasons of the Azana government.
Like the Spanish Stalinists, the armies. It is tightening its alli Super armaments and towering war American Daily Worker is covof the strike remains after the recompromising features, the situa for these special elections general fist fight broke out at lleån regime forced upon the workering ances with Czechoslovakia, Ruma budgets have become an inescapa turn to work, the foothold already tion described above bas to be takthe fact that the repub.
rin and Yugoslavia. Finally it ble necessity for decaying imperl should serve as a means of strengthere were factors of even greater gained by qualified recognition en into account. And besides this Committee Finds Irregularities a preliminary session of the Cortes ers parties in the electoral agreehas concluded a military alliance allgm.
For years, with but brief inter on March 19, when a center re ment a llat declaration against the with Russia.
No, it is impossible for capitalism thening the union in continued consequences, all playing a serious ruptions, the New York Painters publican struck the Socialist depo nationalisation of land. Harry Where is democracy in all this? to disarm itselt. The international struggle to eliminate the company role in the strike settlement. First District was ruled by the corrupt ty Escribano.
union outfit of all it must be remembered that Zauener gang. Honest elections Gannes, on March 23, wrote: TOWhat Sarraut and Maurin want working class must turn the armaA general strike has been going day a new democratic government Points in Agreement the organization of any of the gl had passed out of practice alto on for several days at La Coruna, holds power by the same votes (as to defend is the power of French ments against their owners.
Industries sether; working conditions deterl. in protest against the murder of a 1931) but this time it has a speciale Other points in the agreement antic mare product and culte tasks orated. The crookednes imper the domination of the Revolution or War French bourgeoisie over 60 million of this construction worker by a Catholle. mandate to give the land to those establish certain rules for working is in itself a most people so Indo China, Madagascar nounce the role that Hitler plays contemplated lay ofis. She tire and in the Akron rubber Industry. an tions held last June, provoked a Seville, workers attacked two pris. sure, the workers have taken the exploitation of 30 million French ter revolution. By extortion and hour weekly schedule and in all trated their forces to bolster up quested the Civil Liberties Union are still being detained. Fights in be passed. This is double fakery: Bourse and the Bank of France, the fascist and reactionary cliques are not to exceed 40 nor to be les lesssible to defeat this strike and a committee to investigate the elec and reactionaries have resulted in cluded no mandate to give the land textile barons! That is what stands Rocque and Taittinger become his or employees affected. Temporart. campaign of organization in other wortels to was over a score of deaths.
substantiated but on the contrary a repudiation this The estate of the behind the le of defense of de lieutenants. Thus Hitler hopes to is a week of 24 hours is to be mass production industries. It is committee would supervise new monarchist of this principle by the republimocracy. of national defense, in rally the most rabid representatives worked in all departments to avoid in view of this fact that the par elections to insure their fair con Count de Romanones, in Toledo Cans; secondly, except for a few 1938 just as in 1914.
o decaying capitalism for the drive lay offs.
province, has been expropriated by Instances, the workers are not tak.
And in case of contem tial victory won in Akron, that the duct. The committee founding two thousand land workers. It is ing the land but, deceived by their The Versailles Treaty to the East.
plated lay offs in the future lists present forward step made, assume rant irregularities and Zausner re one of the largest estates in Spain. own leaders are waiting for furStatus quo or revision of the in duplicate are to be made avail real significance signed the secretaryship. usurped One of the direct causes of Hit: Versailles Treaty, either tactic will able to the representatives of the Then In addition to these fac through the crooked election deal.
Azana has taken two significant thet action by the Cortes ler gesture was the seher inevitably unleash war.
Treaty. This monstrous tors already mentioned the Akron But the fearing conse steps in an effort to consolidate a Today only the working class pact allowed the French capitalista revolution, the expropriation of representatives of the workers ar. ization of vigilante forces. Com discredited, refused to accept the All police forces in the country. Daily Notice is also to be given to strikers faced a large scale organfuences with its special bencemen his regime against the proletariat. March 22 (not reported by the Worker. the Communist to arm their frontiers to the teeth. capitalism, the smashing of imperfected of any changes in wage rates posed of a combination of what is committee proposed to supervise hitherto decentralized in control, Party came out for a condition It forbade the German capitalists dalism, can save the world from before they are posted. In rekan sually called the better people. special elections and ruled that have been taken over by the Madwith the bourgeolate in the munic to keep troops on their own terria new slaughter.
tory to the West of the Rhine. The That is why the workers must wis lobos question, however, no pro morebieron in het were sunmen and the fem selections would be unconsti induer er noen beo eliminate local spal elections to be held Apriunie, and called for a permanent coallFor the New York locals there Azana has also announced that, tion Popular Front to go on af law In 1925 at the moment when oppose Hitler activities not to the numerous wage cats that have would be vigilantes had at their American capital gave German overthrow of the bourgeolate.
the Steel Trust with the aid of but must close their ranks for the already taken place and which disposal war chest of many thou as hardly anything else left but under the pretext of sing the ter the municipal elections.
The Socialists are rent by a criticized.
heavy industry a new start.
various rubber companies. Depo special elections, They did, and government work, he plans to limit Today Hitler has rejected this inescapable dilemma. Unbesitating ment a special memorandum was War or Revolution that is the In addition to the actual Agree.
ties badges were freely issued to the result a defeat for most sessions of the Cortes to a few each sharp struggle on this question, left subjection to the Versailles Treaty. ly we choose revolution. Only the accepted verbally these high jackers and plug uglies of the remnants of the Zausner month, according to an Associated Klements Inststing that whatever the company by Sheride Jim Flower, who often sang Twelve business agents were prese dipsatch of March 20. This was to be gained from coalition with the bourgeoisle in the namocracy, begins to mobilize because And Sarraut, the champion of de rising revolutionary food can make representatives as binding upon ceremonies with the vigilante lead porters of Louis Weinstock, who a minimum the use of the Cortes Itional elections has been achieved, manapod to appear in appropriate elected, a part of whom were sup is obviouly an effort to reduce to the German troope bave entered peace, can make the bourgeoise them which provide for the set and that the Socialist party should. Germany! Once more this hesitate and retreat.
Only the broadest and most stub to handle grievances of the work ting up of machinery in the plant ers. red hysteria continued won the election for secretary of as a tribunal of the proletariat.
without abatement throughout the the District Council with a vote of Azana is particularly anxious to put up its own candidates in all cities and towns where democracy is unmasked as a pac discussion of the land it has 18st cover for the Versailles born class struggle, the victorious crs. By the terms of this memor period of the strike almost three to one. This became sertion. But it is precisely this strength. It will be recalled that Treaty, the direct cause of all the revolution of the working class can andum ench division within the Even some of the union officials the signal for action by the conflicts in Europe since the war. end the threat of a new worla plant is to have a shop committee stooped to the level of imitating It revoked the council charter are question which is the most baste in the elections of 1881 and 1963 the Socialists showed their greatAll this, Saurant government war.
for the union and is entitled to this red hysteria, directing their bitrarlly and without a hearing issue in Spain today. In the elec knows very well. It was for this Workers!
take up matters of adjustments attacks mainly against the work. Its representatives visited the toral agreement, the republican est strength in these local elecers Party bourgeoiste declared very reason that Sarrant, as he re. new European and world war during working hours and to be er The Republicans do not acpersonally, who was in velgle them into a refusal to honor vealed in his radio speech on March threatens the ruin and destruction accompanied by union representa Mustand aguinst Comrade painter bosses in an effort to inMr. Laski Advises 8, entered into secret negotiations of human civilization.
tives when conferring with the Akron during the strike. These par the agreement formerly concluded The right wing Socialist line was with Hitler after the latter de The masses of France, already management.
ticular gentlemen made clear that with the council when the Za usner several instances of local meeting given classic expression by Harold clared his intentions. For Hitler decimated in 1914 1918, will be since the attempted revocation of Laski in last week New LeadUnion Officials Wavering what they feared was the cour. gang held the reins, relentlessly drives forward bis plan stricken. Millions of deaths and ageous militancy displayed by the Naturally the New York paint the council charter, agents of the er. old guard Socialist organ.
While on a whole this strike strikers which was consciously ers union membership resented this have been permitted to hold Laski declares, Ten years of profor uniting the world counter rev. the rainfall working class pro settlement marks a distinct for aided by the progressive forces attitude of the Its under up regular action, after which a found Srogressive legislation are will be the result.
ward step for the rubber workers This example shows that secret Only the overthrow of capitalism union there need be little done within their ranks.
Despite these weaknesses, the held and cnducted without any vio stock supporters would get together, given its letters of credit prediplomacy continues to plotil for the can spare the world these new or that the vaccilating attitude of the results of the magnificent battle lations of trade union democracy. have rump meetings and declare sumably while the workers st nalistic bireings continue to shout in the face of the announced and following up in the same spirit the Akron strikers is that now the rank and file membership supports main trouble with such action is onlaing that the struggle is fast about defense of liberty and heralded treason of the parties of net by the strikers on the picket union has a solid basis. It is firm the newly elected officers and there that it does not rally the broad developing into a struggle for pro other les the Second and Third Internation: line accounts for the sains not bely established, and with the spirit need be no doubt that in a choice layers of the rank and file in this letarian power, Laski declares, How Can Be Defended! al, we raise the red flag of working more definitive. Represents that has been displayed by the between these and the attitude necessary fight and besides only the breakdown of the present on But a section of the press, with standard of the Fourth Interna trial Organization, headed by John now, carried forward to the new ship is entirely Justified in this shp as a whole have real meaning something like Fascism and the Humanite at its head, plans to put tional. Lewis shared in this weakness. stage, a gain ot momentous Impor support.
Union Under Double Fire next four years are, above all, a over the le of national defense by With our comrades of Belgium, means of the slogan of defense of England, Italy, Holland, Switzer company union still being in the American labor movement. Akron Only this fallure accounts for the tance will be recorded for the Officials Watching the Wind With the attempts of the breathing space. To declare as the land, America, with the vanguard pleture. Insofar as the strike is me made its valuable contribution issue seems At the present moment the whole to induce the bosses to break the Laski does, that If the left (inThe Stalinist bureaucracy which of the international working class concerned, it must be said that the struggle is not completed. It The affairs o hang in the balance agreement with the council there cluding the bourgeoiste) are wise enough to maintain their present the council and the can be no doubt that the New York crushed the conquests of the the Marxist Leninists of France afmeldom before has such a complete must go on, and no doubt it will local unions are still in a chaotie membership will face a double fire. unity there will be four years in October Revolution one after an firm their faith in the ideas of solidarity and such a magnificent go ou until not only the rubber in condition.
other, which even now has re estab Lenin and Liebknecht.
the be ex which to consolidate the ideals for Some of the elected Not only Iished Marshalls and Cossacks. If capitalism unleashes war determikation been displayed on dustry is solidly organized, but the officials, notably some of the bus pected unless some compromise which the Revolution of 1831 was Ands alties in French, English and once more, than in spite of all Belgian capitalism and the White sacrifices and innumerable vie.
their posts at any time of the day and the mass production industries not knowing where to place the attempt to set up a rival organ. terms, to give the bourgeoiste four or night without balking for an in lare solidly organized.
Guard dictatorship of the Little tims, the hour will have sounded Entente. By funning the flames of eaucrats they want to feel assured take advantage of the conflict to geols state power. After the Gerchauvinism among the masses of sie to transform this Imperialist Austria Trial were made in the working class first of which side will win outbreak down even the existing poor man and Austrian events, Laski the people under the national flags war into a stubborn and merelsuburbs of Vienna, where the work. Louis Weinstock is suported by the working conditions and cut the wrote a theoretical work on the of these alltes the bureaucracy less civil war against our own ers demonstrated their suport of Daily Worker, and his group of the Soviet Union pretends to bourgeoiste.
the defendants. But on March 19th the time being is in the less for prevailing wage scale right and left. nature of the state which apleadership.
Moreover the action of the newly proached a Marxian position: but defend socialism.
The enemy is at home!
it was reported that Disquiet was But it is pursuing tactie often elected council officers in golng to at the first sign of resurgence Under the pretext of defense of Workers!
caused to both the government and witnessed before and usually with the capitalist court for assistane of the proletariat, when theory the the Stalinist burea. Continued from Page 1) the socialists alike by redoubled results detremental to the movegood indication for the future con Laski reverts to traditional social into practice, To the incitements of the chau. monarchists.
crncy delivers the French working Naxi efforts to make capital out of ment.
class bound hand and foot to both vinists and partisans of the sacred There is a great temptation to the workers growing indignation Instead of really consolidating duct of the fight.
the right and the left wing of unton, fight with us for the meth coneillate the capitalist government over the trial.
the membership in fight that the General Start and the munt ods and the aims of the interna during a trial. But the effect of The defense policy evidently tend has been carried on against the tions makers. In reality it is in tional working class, the aims of such conciliation is disastrous. The ed to drive the Austrian workers Zausner clique and which now terested only in defending its own Marx. Lenin, Luxembourg Liebefense followed exactly the same into the arms of the Nazis, for they necessarily must be continued privileger. Thus is prepared the knecht and Trotsky.
Down with secret policy which led to the defeat of are already disillusioned with de against the arbitrary actions of the enslavement of both the French and treaties!
Publish the war aims of imperl1934. In effect the defense promis mocracy and opposed imperialist this group concerns itself alist Franee!
ed support of the Government in war and the Nazis promise them with meaningless endorsements. In If you re hungry for a Feast of Wits PAUL LUTTINGER, The workers refuse to fight for just as Bauer promised Dollfussures return for a few democratic favors, social reforms and pacifist mensDANIEL LUTTINGER, the profits of de Wendel or Mer support in 1933 in return for con Thus the apparently succesful four persons were arrested.
the street. In that melee the other If you want to see old friends you ve lost cier.
Fists Washington Square North Down with the policy of milltinlued legality.
policy of the defense has disastrous flew and several women were 2 and 8 Becept Sundays track of This policy may have been suc effects for while the thirty de mauled, including Jean Dessel tary alliances practiced by and Holidays France, England, Germany and cessful with the presiding Judge fendants receive light sentences, the striking librarian and Mrs. William the League of Nations!
who was usually stern with non working class demoralized and Oviatt, wife of a striker and head If you want to be thrilled by the stories of For an offensive against the this case with extraordiuary kibernazl prisoners and who conducted weakened.
of the commissary The next defendants who come The roughouse tactics of the WORKERS Sauraut government and its polthe dean of labor journalismalits, which won tributes from the before the Austrian courts win police drew not only the criticism ley of the sacred unton! Mass defense.
have less support and less chance of the strikers but also that of the Protect Yourselves Against the action for workers power and Serious Error for freedom.
sideline spectators.
OOME TO THE the expropriation of big capital!
Hazards of Life. Jeln the But the policy of the defense When the young workers in uni The defense of working class Broun was scheduled to speak at WORKMENS SICK DEATH for at home or the barracks show while it may have conciliated the prisoners comes first. They shoula Miller Hall, near the safety bulld.
16 ANNIVERSARY DINNER BENEFIT FUND OF THE their alarm, demand political rights court must have tended to demoral e given every possible support. Ing. but he refused to beatee hadi of the 1884 1936 for the soldiers and labor papers ize the Austrian working class. As But their demoralizing policy, to until the other six under arrest had in the barracks. Elect bail arranged for them also. The Organized, managed by and for delegates to deal with the sudlers the letter of the Austrian Socialists put it mildiy, must be deplored.
soldiers to the Second International after banks were closed and problem was LEAGUE FOR MUTUAL AID workers with only one purpose: problems.
the February defeat revealed, the ralse 40 in cash. An appeal to render protection to members If the bourgeoisie mobilizes the Austrian workers definitely do not was made to the crowd in the hall.
Our Guest Speaker: It responded with 06.
and their familles, and to sup troops: coordinate the struggle to want democratie favors; they want Cari Minkley. organizer for the OSCAR AMERINGER port all endeavors and struggle direct the discontent of the masses more than the same right as the editor of the American Guardian for the improvement of tollers, brewery workers union, told the threatened with a new slaughter monarchists: they have broken crowd that Hearst was competing toward an immediate pence and with the coalition policy practised About 50. 000 members organWe ll Have Songs by CARMEN RUEBEN, Famous Concert Singer.
the overthrow of capitalism. in democracies, and their movement (Continued from Page 1)
Ized in 350 branches.
with WPA by paying reporters 15 THE OCCASION. Our Sixth Anniversary 3, 400, 000 It war is declared: struggle for is decidedly directed against the protested the arrests of Lauterbach and 20 a week.
fratern ation between the French state.
and Polinsky in front of the News Broun, who got to the meeting THE PLACE.
Roger Smith Grill, 40 41st St.
Death benefit graded accord and German workers on the battleThe spectacle of defendants fresh building and an hour and a half after two hours in jail, brought the In to age at entry. Stek beneatfeld!
from Austrian capitalist prisons ex of mass picketing Police several crowd to its feet several times in THE TIME Friday, April 3rd at o clock payments from 225 to 900 to Down with laperialist war!
pressing their fears for the national times tried to break up the pleket a rousing strike speech.
defense of capitalist Austria must lines, guildsmen charged.
men and women, according to Trial began Monday before a 50 per plate Tables seat eight CIA Long live the international work also have been repugnant to the Strikers Storm Safety Baflding circult court jury of the News (no gratuities)
ing class revolution. Monthly 188eagments from 16e Austrian workers. In effect the de After a parade along Wisconsin charges that the guild has violatTHE LEAGUE FOR MUTUAL AID Long live the Fourth Interna fense practically promised that the Avenue, the marchers stormed the ed terms of the secondary picketing to 10.
For further information apply socialist workers were ready to join safety building to demand the re injunction of the court. Herbert 104 Fifth Avenue, New York City (signed)
the Versailles Imperialist conlition lease of Broun and the others. Langendorff and George Bergstrom, to Main Omee: Tompkins Square 6234 Central Committee, Bolshevikarmies in a war against Germany. About 125. policemen charged out arrested 10 days ago, will go to 714 Senon Amo. Brooklyn, NY, Leninist Group. Revoła. Throughout the whole trial it of the safety building and drove trial Tuesday in the municipal tionary Socialist Youth. was reported that man arrests the crowd into vacant lot across court on disorderly conduct.
Is Victory Police Aid Hearst News Reserve