BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the TWHOLE NO. 641 VOL. NO. 12 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 28. 1936 PRICE CENTO Call for Revolutionary Mass Action in France Spanish Masses From Fish Eastern Part of to Browder Demand Results State Tied Up Police Aid Hearst in Guild Strike Blacklist Ruled Out in Akron Fact Fourth Internationalists Alone Follow Liebknecht Slogan in Rhineland Crisis With the courage that immortalized the name of Liebknecht, the Fourth Internationalists of France the Bolshevik Leninist Group and Revolutionary Socialist Youth holsted the banner of revolutionary action while Stalinist and social democratie leaders climbed on the patriotie band wagon when Hitler oeeupled the Rhineland. Their Marcantonio Takes Anappeal to the workers, pensants and soldiers of France is reproduced other Leap on His In full below: Unemployed and Land Workers Begin to Take Flying Trapeze 7, 000 WPA Workers Respond to Call of Joint Hitler Germany repudiation of barbarism. With this criminal Matters into Own Hands; Azona Dismayed The local Stalinists in their Action Committee of Unemployed and Unions the Locarno and Versailles treaties le the opportunist parties would which demilitarized the left bank make the French soldiers once more frantic efforts to find an American of the Rhine brings world to the docile slaves of the General By ALFREDO ROJAS editon of French Daladier, a ALLENTOWN, March 24 More than two thousand WPA work.
the brink of war once more. State of Creusot and the Bank of The Spanish proletariat has shoved its flst through the electoral Czech Renes or a Spanish Azana ers on sixty two Lehigh County projects went out yesterday in a wellOnce more capitalism under the France History repeats itself not agreement under which the republiean bourgeoisie was elected and is People Front leadership. Anally planned strike against the Federal time order and for better conditions.
guise of fascism or the clonk of as a farce, but as a gruesome tragoverning. democracy blindfolds the masses gedy. The Joubauxs, the Blums and found it in the person of one Vito Today they were joined by five thousand more WPA men from of the different countries for a new Cachins of yesterday repeat their in a huge march on Seville, forced the Azana government to throw into Who Is Vito? Vito Is everything, Four weeks of demonstrations for unemployment relief, culminating Marcantonio.
Carbon county as the strike is spreading throughout Eastern Pennsylslaughter.
Hitler and the Nazis have smash others lend them new and energetic the diseard its pompous declaration against unemployment relief.
sayer for Italian fascism, StalinThe strike came after a mass meeting in Allentown on March 22 ed the German working class par support.
This declaration was point of had been called by a joint Action Council of Pennsylvania unemployed tles with terror and corruption, Against the Kaiser, in 1914, these the electoral agreement with the wing National Committee deci ist stooge, a one hundred and some organizations. The men reported for work on the morning of March Now the Brownshirt leader of the same men preached defense of re workers parties, in the following sion to bold the convention in As odd percent American silverInternational counter revolution im publican traditions. of liberty, terms: turias, and are demanding its tongued demagogue and a shrewd 23 when their elected shop stewards on each project informed the poses new and more crushing bur of democracy. And for the dein other words, the The Republicans do not actransfer to a more central location. vote cntc ble representative authorities that they were going out. Mr. Mack Funeral Proces dens upon the German working fense of liberty they led us under (or kcept the subsidy to unemployTheir leader, Largo Caballero, has best sion, the striker name for a flying squadron, closed down all the class and blindfolds it for coming an all powerful militarist dictator men solicited by the workers declared his organization will boy. Stalinism) to lead a local all indestruction and death on the plains ship to frightful suffering and the delegation. They believe that the outlying projects in the county, cott the convention unless it is clusive, all class, petty bourgeois moved to Madrid.
measures of agrarian policy and and not so petty bourgeois; intel The authorities are reported to be frantie. The Federal Adminisof Eastern Europe or on the Rhine. slaughter of a million and a half of The French bourgeoisie, lectual and literape: Incipient trator for the district, Henry Mack, hastened to issue a statement the our men and of ten million through those to be carried out in indus Two Fascists convicted of firing fascist and anti fascist farmer and saying he was not excited about the strike, and threatening to eut Schnelders, the de Wendels, the out the world.
shots at the home of Caballero re labor party.
try, public works and, in sum, Herriots, the la Rocques, the Lavals Today as yesterday we must un the whole plan of national re ceived light prison sentences of all strikers of WPA and relief.
and the Sarrauts are redoubling mask this shameless lle, a hundred construction, will full not only two months each.
Wherever local Stalinism rears significant event during the strike was the march on the City their efforts to blindfold the French times more cynical in 1936 than in its own ends but also the essenits head in the mass organipations Bourgeois Parties Consolidating there Marcantonio rides the crest Hall of eight hundred WPA workers, who camped there until five proletariat for the new holocaust 1914.
tial task of absorbing unemploy.
Bribing and promising, the French Italian and German fascism pre ment.
Signs are multiplying of a rap of the waves. There Marcantonio over worked clerks had changed their registration from Democratic bourgeosie once more preaches pare and launch the war; but so Unemployed Foreing Action proachement between the various is chier spokesman. There Marcan. and Republican to Socialist.
Sacred Union of the exploiters and does the French Republic, the Eng.
bourgeois parties. The Catholic and tonlo leads. whether it be in The authorities thrents to cut the men off relief were answered the exploited, of the oppressors and lish Monarchy, the American De this position was carried on by the declarations No systematie agitation against right wing press carries numerous the singing of the Star Spangled by preparations for a tremendous three county mass action for relief the oppressed. The leaders of the mocracy, so do the Balkan tyrant Socialist and Communist press et leaders, announcing they will un mentioned farmer and labor party. You can starve 10, 000 workers and get away with it, was the French working class parties of the lackeys of French and English capther before necesitter en lehetseras conditionally in samestepe the wino farmer labor party, screeches the statement one of the unemployed leaders.
Second and Third Internationals, ital.
prostituted to the peeudo democracy It is not the form of government tions which celebrated the elector. dertake to maintain public order Daily Worker and immediately the The strike is unusually well organized, with job stewards on each of the Bourse and the capitalist that is responsible for war. It is al victory found the masses raising As a necessary step in cotuing to ex gin soaked social fascist and project, a joint action committee to coordinate the activities of all press, rally to Sarraut as they ral imperialist capitalism, then an unemployment relief as one of their an agreement with Azana, the Ceda now. comrademande le obtinute unemployed organizations in the field, and highly efficient flying squad lied to Laval on Dec. 6th, 1985. Jexploitation of man by man, that chiet demands. With a million un. Cathelle party has announ xed that Heywood Broun rises to nominate Thus the monstrous pact of 1914 breeds war as clouds breed the employed in a comparatively small it will eliminate from its ranks all Vito as candidate for mayor on the rans which have been formed entirely by the WPA workers. Although between the men who pretend to storm. Capitalism rules not only population, rellet to police were put on extra duty and served out nightsticks at the first speak in the name of the workers in Hitler Germany but also in ployed became news of the strike, the authorities retracted this order when they and the governing capitalist and Sarraut France.
burning issue of the Cortes will formally pledge Marcantonio hails. the king which broke the bonds of the itself to the republican form of of Italy, Marcantonio aids. the found that the strikers ranks were solidly organized and so wellmilitarist oppressors of the workers The Lie of the Defense of agreement and of the passivity of 18 consummated once more. Continued on Page 2) Italian (fascist) red cross. Marcancoordinated that there was little chance of provoking a riot.
Democracy the proletarian leaders.
tonio toasts. the regime in Italy.
We, Bolshevik Leninists and ReFinally, on March 23, the whole reports an Italian fascist paper.
ALLENTOWN. Pa. March 20. In every country of the world Marcantonio defends the rights Thousands of WPA workers volutionary Socialist Youth, soldiers armament grows incessantly. In the countryside converged on Seville of the peepul in congress, hicthroughout Bastern Pennsylvania of the growing Fourth Internation United States billions have just and marched on the office of the coughs the New Masses.
are preparing for strike action unal, we on the contrary speak from been appropriated for an immense civil governor. who was forced to promise that the government would Marcantonio urges support of der the leadership of a regional the heart of the exploited masses. Armament increase. In Great Bri people candidates in fight for Joint Action Committee set up by In their name we reply to the Captain too a gigantic plan has just alleviate the situation. The gov.
farmer labor party, gurgles the the affiliates in this district of the italist Rovenments, to Sarraut and been fomulated for the investment ernor also ordered the owners of Daily Worker.
Pennsylvania Unemployed League: his agents off with the masks! of billions in airplanes, cannon and closed pottery factory to re open The proletariat will take no part battleships.
and pay wages.
Marcantonio urges support of the Pennsylvania Security League In Japan the army in preparing your war, unleashed and navy can no longer restrain Shortly afterward, the cabinet arch red batter, Hamilton Fish Jr.
and Central Trades and Labor as a delegate to the Republican naCouncils of the American Federa in the name of rapacious capitalism their impatient lust to conquer Asia announced it would ask the Cortes which oppresses hundreds of mil Italy continues to put the Ethiopian to create a special fund out of Milwaukee Workers Holdtional convention, reports the New Workers Feel Strength tion of Labor.
lions throughout the entire world. people to fire and sword. In Po which to pay emergency unemploy.
Firm Against Arrests Marcantonio gives Ham Fishened Though Settlement the project workers and the Works Today as in 1914, the hired press land, Czechoslovakia, the Balkans, ment relief.
pretends that democracy is legle Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, ev. Struggle Sharpens in and Sluggings clean bill of health for his past Progress Administration is the new is Compromise imately defending itself against order issued as WPA Bulletin No. Continued on Page 2)
The speed with which the massanti labor activities by declaring: es drove the government to take MILWAUKEE, Wis. Mar He (Fish) has served in congress 23 for sixteen years and has stood for AKRON After five weeks of 812, which requires that time lost action on this basic question is Guildsmen and their sympathizers evidenced by the fact that it caught in the strike against the Hearst social and industrial Justice and a valient battle the striking rubber beyond their control shall be made hours not to exceed the the right wing Socialists complete owne Wisconsin News were de square deal for labor and small workers finally compelled the Good up.
ly unawares. Only two days befendants in three courts as the business Interests. Nothing less year company to offer terms of an maximum of eight per day and 40 Marcantonio is the white hatred agreement, which by no means rep hours per week. Organizations of fore, the Socialist organization of strike entered its sixth week Gallarta toy of People Front and Parmer resented in that the strikers de the project workers as well as or stronghold of the moderate. In and augmented in front of the labor Stalinism.
sired, but nevertheless became accanized labor as a whole, feel that For the past few weeks the Marcantonio is for Stalin in Rusceptable to them. This agreement this step 1: but a preliminary to Broad sections of the trade un for old age assistance but passed dalecio Prieto, passed a resolution News building. administration in New York, lon movement are lining up behind by in silence the question of unempathizers, who were arrested SatThree guild men and four cynlliam Edgar Borah in the Unit majority vote in a meeting of 5, 000 week in place of the thirty hour sia for Mussolini in Italy and for was ratified by an overwhelming the imposition of the forty hour with Victor Ridder at its head had the National Sacramento Appeal ployment relief urday during the mass demonstraed States.
Goodyear strikers. It is a compro week now in force on WPA. Or.
initiated campaign to fire forty Committee in its effort to win a thousand workers in the lo minimum term for the eight Sac reflected in the sharpening of the part, were in the district court on The movement of the masses is tion in which 1, 500 persons for mise, and while it does not rectify ganized labor feels that should this cal vicinity. Already the axe has ramento criminal Sit Down Wins the many of the serious evils out of move succeed, a serious blow would syndicalism fallen on some thousands and will prisoners.
struggle inside the Socialist party, various misdemeanor fied union recognition that it con movement endorsed by the Americontinue to fall each week until The State Board of Prison Terms The Gallarta organization passed Foremost among the defendants talas, marks distinct forward can Federation of Labor.
June 15, when the estimated econ will meet soon to fix definite terms Socialist groups of Madrid on the the American Newspaper guild.
step for the rubber workers union.
County organizations of project omy program of the Administra for Norman Mint and his seven pretext of violations of party discharged with resisting an office workers that have already been aftion will be completed.
MUNNEAPOLIS, March 25. The this fact is kiven by the enormous tee and joined in the strike move.
Perhaps the best testimony to Aliated to the Joint Action Commit Others Faced with the prospect of seas. Indeterminate sentence of one to cipline. They also voted to recomwere Hymie Polinsky, Sun pockups in the spring and tourteen years. The minimum term provide the nationale convention striking photographer and picket complete ieterke forre ended restrides this unton made during the entrancesinde theme strike menigh.
approve organie unity between the captain: Alfred Lauterbach, strik Husamleter Kectorx ther the charge strike and immediatels npon the Northampton, Carbon, Monro, Berk: sent ont releases to the effect that. on the Organizations the workers they are releasing by adopting formal resolutions, or and to authorize the Socialists to inund Disch. Abe Holzman, Marwoodware factory on March 25, Godyear local experienced a veritlin ontlying regions have requested after three days occupation of the able mushroom growth and it counts representation on the Regional a bourgeois coalition cabinet. sympathizer.
absurdity of this statement is o porting the drive initiated by the have refused to accept the right. The Broun W7 arrested after he Furniture Workers Local 1859 writing 000 more members than for action.
played checkers, ping pong. And when the strike began. Many new vious.
Sacramento Appeal (Continued on Page 2)
Committee cards while waiting for the man members also joined the Firestone Demands formulated by Committee Daily picket lines are being main. They are the Amalgamated Cloth agement to come across.
and Goodrich locals. And finany, tained before the Port Authorits dies Garment Workers Union, the The strike was called after a un ollowing the meeting which rati The enforcement of the ing Workers, the International La Building. Workers picketing have Amalgamated Lithographers, the ion member was fired for using fed the agreement, strikers and principle of the Security Wage.
foul and obsene language to a sympathizers numbering no time lost by circumstances Daily arrests have been made. The national Jewelry United Textile Workers, the Inter 10, 000 beyond their (the workers. consupervisor. The supervisor had been staged mammoth demonstration trol to be made up.
police in several instances have United Wall Paper Crafts.
Workers, arring to provoke an outburst somming the entire their defiance original WPA provisions for the taken up their patrol wagons on that the company could have an friet and all Strict enforcement of the Among Individual signers of the the huge freight elevators and ar petition are Sidney Hillman. Jo social democrats in Vienna last week failed to recognize its own strength which had previously gained a writers. Showing their continued solid.
The trial of the thirty Anstrian courtroom, however, completely excuse for an attack on the union in front of the vigilante headquart thirty hour week and 120 hour City Projects Council and the serbe Schlossberg and August Belcanto a surprising conclusion. The New York Times correspondent ten agreement by the threat of a arity the demonstrators shouted: The minimum 94 a month We will make this the greatest wage for all project workers.
use of tear gas against pickets and workers and David Dubinskyncqnitted and twelve received six fendants said in substance, Restore the sit down was called for victory possible. The ouster of state WPA demonstrators was reported though Lnigi Antonini and Julins Hochto twenty month sentences.
This must be considered a victory and we ll fight even under your tered the factory, sat down at their No Discrimination administrator Edward Jones Mr. Ridder testily denied that he man, officers of the Ladies Garment had issued any such order, Workers Union for the Austrian working class for standards for his record of vicious antiagainst the increasing machines, but refused to work. Out The agreement arrived at com.
Other Niners are Paul Blanshard the judge was reported to be un. Nazl danger. Other prisoners of three hundred workers, three tains several mints that are vague It is obvious that on the projects Commissioner of Accounts of New nually harsh on political prisoners pointed out that the present wenk hundred refused to work.
Enbor activities.
that are well organized, the order York City: Lewis Mumford, mem and at least two of the defendants regime in Austria could not rely and capable of interpretation by the Ouster of Jones One of Main to pare oft ten or twenty percent ber of the Board of Higher Educa were liable to death.
All doors to the plant were company to wnit its purposes. It Demands will not go through. On Projecttion: Alfred Bingham and Seldon on its small professional army for guarded from the inside by strik the very first point provides for the The demands for the onsting of The prisoners have not yet been defense. They said such defense ers and a large sign saying No return of all strikers without discri administrator Jones is the culmina1621 over thirty enumerators were Rodman, editors of Common Sense: freed, and they can be sent back to could come only from the mass of help wanted was hung out for the mination. Usually this is consider tion of a long dispute between labor fired. At this writing it is report Adolph Held, President of the Am concentration camps by the police Austrian workers. On March 18th atttention of any woulded that they are to be relnstated in algamated Bank; Louis Waldman, under the present Austrian law. It was reported. Roman Pellets.
led by the workers as one of the organizations and Mr. Jones over a week without the loss of pay.
Food was carried in to the strik cardinal features of a strike set the entire period of his incumbency, Attorney; Rose Schneiderman, WoOn April a huge demonstration men Trade Union League; tribute to the fighting strength of said the underground movement officer of Local 574 was also active distinct gain scored by the Akron pitch when Mr. Jones recently isThe whole proceeding was a one of the leading defendants. ers by members of Local 574. Antlement and this guarantee means a This dispute was brought to a high is planned at the office of the Kennedy, president of the Litho the Austrian workers, who instilled was not directed at the state but in negotiating the agreement which strikers. Besides this guarantee sued a circular under the letterA. Al unemployed workers, all graphers: Samuel Beardsley, score a healthy respect in the Austrian was an opposition party of men contained all the union demands cancels the series of lay ofe notices head of the WPA, attacking Mr. workers, white collar and tary of the Jewelry Workers and capitalists on February 1934. Com holding the same principles as those including the reinstatement of the which precipitated the strike and Stephen Rauschenbusch, formerly laborers should attend.
James Starr, secretary of the Tex pare the conditions of this trial who in democracles could enter par fred worker and provision that it marks a considerable change of counsel for the Senate Committee Do not let the economy protile Workers with the conditions in Nazi Gerliament and even form governments. future aring would have to be reattitude from the recent announce Investigating the munitions manugram go through, it is economy at Other local and state of many, where the working class The socialists in Austria demand ferred to a union committee which ments made by the company spokes facturers and their financial backthe expense of the workers. Be bodies have also lined up with the went down without struggle.
there on April 4th.
the same right to agitate as. the would have final say until the ar men that under no condition woulders. Mr. Rauschenbusch is at the defense.
The policy of the defense in the (Continued on Page 2) bitration. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4) Picket Unions Aid Sac to Victim enero de datos de mange menneset Heywood Browns president In Minneapolis will have no difficulty in finding through the action of general off Bether with the Stalinists to enter thn Hart and Mike Porter, strikeant during which the members of within its ranks at the time of this Committee and are also preparing Easy Terms for Socialists Victory for Austrian Labor the month.