BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEngelsFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY. MARCH 21, 1936 33rd Anniversary of the Death of Marx MARX. LEADER AND THINKER Goodyear Pickets Prepare for Vigilantes Shuffle War Cards at London Powers Parley Engel Speech at the Grave of his friend ac Repression (Continued from Page 1)
and withdrawal of financial sup work. But the city employees revent pickets from stopping their port to the Goodyear assembly (the fused to work.
Karl Marx, the great founder of the modem working class move ist society and of the forms of company union. Defending the Picket Posts For ment, died on March 14, 1883. In commemoration of the fifty third government which it had brought Thus the struggle goes on.
However, the alarm was sounded anniversary of his death we reprint the eloquent speech of his brilliant into being. to contribute to the four weeks it has remained the and within fifteen minutes carloads co worker Frederick Engels, delivered at Highgato Cemetary, London, liberation of the present day pro center of attention of the whole la of strikers, half dressed but well on (Continued from Page 1) renunciation of the idea of a Somake conscious of its own position solidarity and courage seldom prepared for battle, poured down cialist revolution, and of all revOn the Fourteenth of March, at covered the special law of motion and Its needs of the conditions equalled in labor struggles, the pushing the police down Market more and more definitely on proolutionary methods of struggle. quarter to three in the afternoon, governing the present day capital under which it could win its free strikers held their ground and Street. 400 General Tire Company longing the period of its own here adaptation to bourgeols nationalthe greatest living thinker ceased ist method of production and the dom. Fighting was his element, maintained a mass picket line in workers left work and added rein mony by helping arm Germany to think. He had been left alone bourgeois society that this method And he fought with a passion, a the face fare per vicious in functions forcements at the battle front, Italy, Germany and Soviet Union ism; forgetfulness of the fact its that the frontiers of nationality we came back we found him in an covery of surplus value suddenly could rival. His work on the first that two momentos issues hinge through the lines but was tossed own middle. At London it can at and fatherland are changing in armchair, peacefully gone to sleepthrew light on the problem in try Rheinische Zeitung (1842. the upon the outcome of this strike. twenty feet by a couple of busky ford to watch with silent Interest history; making a fetish of bour. but forever ing to solve which all previous in Paris Vorwarts (1844. the Brussels Two Aspects of Struggle geois legalism; abolition of the An immeasurable loss has been vestigators, both bourgeois econom Deutsche Zeitung (1847. the Neue First and foremost it has raised subsequently in a hospital. Another and perhaps even a little amuse class point of view and the class sustained both by the militant pro ists and socialist critics, had been Rheinische Zeitung (1848 the the question of organization of the dozen cops were bounced around as ment. It can choose its allies and letariat of Europe and America, groping in the dark New York Tribune (1962 61. and mass production industries. This they began to retreat towards make its own terms. Meanwhile and by historical science, in the Two such discoveries would be in addition to these a host of mill is not a new question. It has ap downtown and soon the bluecoats proceeds independently with the struggle out of fear of repelling construction of its own sphere of the broad masses of the populainfluence and domination, These picket huts have long been week Austria and Hungary best beef lede water store that enough for one life time. Hay tay lang holes in the feruese tiene pared before, in plans and trichemes Wortese picket sluts This tion (read: petty bourgeoisie) will has been left by the death of this the man to whom it is granted to London, and finally, crowning all, but it is the first time that it has a thorn in the sides of the company send their premiers and forels logical foundations of opportunthose are undoubtedly the ideomighty spirit will soon enough make make even one such discovery. But the formation of the International been given lite and vitality on the and the city authorities like to ministers to Rome to tighten the itself felt.
in every single field which Marx in Workingmen Association. this mass picket line.
the strikers, however, the buts rep bonds already established by the ism. It is on this soil that the Just as Darwin discovered the vestigated and he lovestigated very was indeed an achievement of which victory for the Goodyear strik resent their proudest possession Rome protocols of March, 1934. The present chauvinist patriotle mood. law of evolution in organic nature, many fields, none of them superMars might well have been prouders will undoubtedly mean a sweep the very heart of the strike the direction in which this weight will of the majority of the leaders of so Marx discovered the law of evo Heially, even in that of mathematics, even if he had done nothing else. In organization of the whole rub workers have consistently refused Bo will be determined by the deal lution in human history; he discov he made independent discoveries.
the Second International has And consequently Marx was the ber industry. It may set a cigantic to tear them down, even when such now to bide his time. His armies grown. Lenin, vot. XVIII, ered the simple fact, hitherto con This was the man of science best hated and most calumniated organisation movement on foot proposals were made by the union in Ethiopia have at last prevailed 84)
cealed by an overgrowth of ideol. But this was not even at the man. man of his times. Governments. steel, automobile and public utili officials under a plea of avoiding over the heroic resistarree of the ogy, that mankind must first of all science was for Marx a historically both absolutist and republican, deties.
violence. They have effectively re Ethiopians and now occupe com And it 18 on this soll that the clothing, before it can pursue holl ever great the joy with which he ported him from their territories. In the second place the Goodyear pelled every attack.
The bourgeoisie, whether conservat: strike has raised the question not manding positions both on the Eritsame mood has grown in the ranks tics, science, religion, art, etc. and welcomed a new discovery in some ive or extreme democrat, vled with merely of union organization in pany to reopen the plants, rein rean and Somaliland fronts of what was once Lenin InternaGermany banks now, as it banked tional. To say, as the Seventh Conimmelinte materin menus of life application perhaps it was as yet on him. All this he brushed aside unton an industrial union. Noring vigilante forces, company thugs on British support. It cannot nor ducted for the defence of the freebefore it moved across the Rhine. gress said, that the war is conand consequently the degree of econquite Impossible to envisage, he ex omle development attained by a perienced a quite other dat jy them, answering only when neces debated intensely. It has already has issued a radio call to all its could it retreat from its position bodom and the existence of the na given people or during a given when the discovery involved im sity compelled him.
epoch, form the foundation upon mediate revolutionary changes in which the forms of government industry and in the general course died beloved, revered and mourned, which have shaken the trade union asking for their mobilization. In soluble internal contradictions. Ger betrayal of all Socialist convieAnd he has caused serious clashes of views members who are ex service men cause it is driven forward by in. tions is, in Lenin view, a total even the religious ideas of the led closely the discoveries made in Workers from the mines of Siberis But in this case also, it is the first velop, say the union officials, the steadily worse and the stability of propaganda of peace at the the legal conceptions, the art and of history. For example, he follow. by millions of revolutionary Sellow. movement to its very foundation. the event that trouble shoula de many economic position has grown tions.
people concerned have been evolved, the field of electricity and recently to California, In all parts of Europe time that this question has taken ex service men will be placed as centuated cleavage between it and by a call to revolutionary mass the regime weakened by the present time, if not accompanied and American and make bold to on the life and vitalty on the mass captains on the picket lines.
and in the light of which these those of Marcel Deprez.
say that though he may have many picket lines.
the German masses. The lid of things must therefore be explained, actions, is only capable of spreadinstead of vice versat as had hither revolutionary. Its real mission in al enemy.
For Marx was before all else a opponents he has hardly one person. These two aspects of the Akron crucial battle. Evidently the unton comente strangulation Testjust to ing illusions, of demoralising the to been the case.
He was to contribute in one way or His name and work will endure rubber workers strike, both of such men feel justified by the splendid long and no longer. It is the Fas But that is not all. Marx also dis another to the orerthrow of capital. through the ages!
imposing magnitude, the outon of support they have received in countconfidence in the humanitarian ficials were slow to recognize. At ing upon its own forces to repel eradicable, compulsions which cist states, driven by the same in ism of the bourgeoisie, and of the outset they tried to treat it further attacks. They know that brought them into being in the first making it plaything in the Azana Starts vince attempted to tratenie pre Soil Protits simply as an unauthorized affair. they can count on the backing of place, which are forced to take the hands of the secret diplomacy.
soldiers, and were shot down by and they were compelled to step in Akron plants and they know that changes in an insupportable status or more proven? Can we now, on Was ever a lesson more timely?
picked troops, eleven being killed Conserved line with the movement.
the Central Labor Union is under quo. Thus Italy marched into Eth the brink of war, follow any other and scores wounded, Azana clamped The Trusts Mobilize There never appeared to be any back them to the limit. specialopia and Germany today stakes its course than the one Lenin took in progressive influence and ready to a censorship on the labor press reganizations.
One further step in ports, while the reactionary officers (Continued from Page 1) doubt in the minds of the employ committe of Afteen has already all on winning Europe to the idea 1915, to unite Marxists all over the against the consolidation of his government, world to unite these Marxian eland then Asana will be free to responsible for the murders have rive per cent will be proratedbeers regarding the great and decisive been elected by the to be For if it fails to accomplish thisements, however small their numTime ready to take action when neces and the conflagration illumines ber may be at the beginning to return against his allies.
remained unmolested at their posts. who always owes the landlord and again the Goodyear company, sary.
tween the landlord and the tenant Importance of this strike.
With the aid of the Right Wing The Associated Press also reports money. Ten percent will go to the Litchfield, let it be known that in tee for Industrial Organization, From the inception the Commit tier, its stakes will be played out. real socialism now forgotten, to once more the Franco German fronvive in their name the words of Socialists, the Azana Barrios that the army, backed by Azana owner of the equipment and live.
And the Soviet Union? The forecall the workers of all countries to group, despite its admittedly weak place in the actual population, was appointee, Minister of War Mas stock our old friend, the landlord der no circumstances would it give headed by John Lewis, lent its ink of issues in Europe brings na relinquish chauvinism and raise the Only Jett blog seats in the Corter, there they will take more decisive steps prorated as the crop is divided: strikers.
the strike. The reason for the special fruits of the nationalist, socialismold banner of Marxism.
In this the Goodyear interest shown by this committee In one country course of the stall through a call to revolutionary by making it possible for Aznato crush the mass movement. This the landlord will get the crop and company found support from the is obvious. None of its membersinist bureaucracy which has foda struggle will the peace demand Barrior to join with the center and report has gone incontradicted. the tenant will get down the road.
gain proletarian content. The right bourgeois deputies and have clear majority in the Cortes. It solidate his power and stem theocratie party needs the continlled duction industries. Taylor, the fail to see the two basic issues placed the Workers State in mortal only real program of action, then, In spite of Azana moves to couAt this particular stage, the Dem feudal barons of other mass procin that are involved the organization danger of its very existence. Prae would be the Marxian program vice president of the United States of the mass production Industries tical and realistie policies, un center deputier, with the exception still a period of time in which the on national, as well as a sectionsistance of the special steel industrial union. These are now crucial reveal yet more clearly that the has happened, which explains what is significant that all the right and mass movement, it is clear there is support of the landed entrepeneur steel Corporation, offered the 18 and the organization of an indus dressed in the glare of the crisis, which brings the masses a complete and clear understanding of what of seven die hards, voted for the proletariat will be able to build al scale. The AAA insured the conThe issues and for the future progress fate of the Soviet Union has been Left candidate for Speaker of workers councils and prepare for tinence of this alliance until it try strike breaking agencies.
the Cortes, Barrios. 1t is already decisive struggle against the was declared unconstitutional by patched the assistance of special depends upon how this committee perialism.
automobile manufacturers dis of the trade union movement much linked to the chariot of French im imperialism is and how to fight What can Moscow against it; which declares openly settled that Zamora will resign and bourgeoisie. Azona grip on the the Supreme Court. The oil con that, as the Constitution provides, country is still very weak, making servation proposal is simply a rekey personnel. But the strikers squares itself with the Goodyear course now add up to? It can only the collapse of the Second Interna that opportunism has brought about strikers.
Parrios as Speaker will ascend to it possible rapidly to build the duni newal of the subsidy bribe under have carried on undaunted.
The picket lines have remained strenuously support the anti Gertional: which appeals to the work another name.
the presidency. Once this is con power of workers councils.
virtually air tight, covering an shown an inclination to compro ish of its blackball to keep Geronto opet Up to now the Lewis forces have man orientation of France and pol a Marxian Internasummated, Azan Barrios will Time to Build Dual Power GOLD AND DUST eight mile front. The first crisis mise more than the situation war many from coming back into the the opportunists. Ibid. 249)
tional openly without and against break with their proletarian alles an interesting proof of the weak, on their own terms and at their ness of the regime is the seizure of nants of bourgeois democracy does through with colors flying. Special the importance of the issues that The Staliniste love of the rem appeared on Wednesday, Feb. 25 rants. The strike is in a strong League of Nations!
own convenience.
These are the lessons for us toAnd the Working Class?
a suburban railway by workers in not stretch far enough to cover deputies and police tried to smash are involved and they are ready to day while the imperialists brew Stalinists in Menshevik Role Madrid, after they were refused a democracy in a union which they And the voice of the European their new cauldron of war. The The Stalinist organ, Mundo Ob conference with the management to control. This is shown by leat through the picket lines but were fight them out to a successful con proletariat? It is stifted in the vise Third International has followed The workers set trgued by the purrfers Progres stopped cold in their tracks. They clusion. The progressives among second and Third Internationals. and Marrian elements around the of the sacred union forged by the the historie course of the Secondrero, is vying with El Socialista state their demands.
which is being edited by the right continue to run the railway on its sive League. In addition to other wing Socialists, in laying down and regular schedule. except that all eriticisms of the union, the leaflet 15, 000 workers, the proud work of the strikers are on the alert and Sarraut of France, Benes of Czech world, however small their number oslovakia, Van Zeeland of Belgium, may be at the beginning, must utterly false and Mensheyik perfunds collected are being taken to contains a report this cenfet the progressive forces in this strike they deserve full and complete sup.
spective. Lenin famous formula the union headquarters for distri purest democracy, right from the On Saturday, March 7, the attack Titulescu of Rumania and similars raise the banner of Marxism, of in their respective general states the Fourth International.
lution and therefore let us meret: Azana makes no pretense of believ. most popular man in the stabes ing the piekets unaware, Lieutenant Gum Miners these are the forces upon which the lessly expose the bourgeoiste ana ing in socialization of industry, be morement. Ben Gold, Manager of Tom Lynett drove a truck into a arm the proletariat is long forgot would undoubtedly move against the Joint Council. The leaflet picket hut, barely missing four own fate and to them It has subor Service Striko ten; and on the agrarian question these railway workers; but the supstates: pickets. He next ordered 30 city An incident that happened at workers to clear up the wreck the Stalinists take a completely port which they are receiving has letariat in every country across the Menshevik position, repeatedly de for five days prevented Madrid au the last meeting of the Joint while 75 policemen stood by to pre(Continued from Page 1)
face of the world. The peace poldeclaring that the bloc with the thorities from punishing their auCouncil will clearly illustrate the icy of the Stalinist bureaucracy House then suggested a wecret has led to a crisis in which the al.
SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION bourgeoisie must be maintained dacity. Here is a clear sign that wonderful democracy that we It would help us a great deal ballot He was shouted down. ternatives are bloody imperialist sistant Secretary of Agriculture in (Continued from Page 1)
in order to carry out the expropri the power is not yet in the tight have in our union. member of if you wodid renew your sub Who is going to count the votes? war with the working class chained the federal government.
ation of the land! The Bolshevik fist of Azana.
the minority interruped His scription a few weeks In adthe men erled.
to the imperia chariots analysis, that in the epoch of im. But to build dual. power, one Majesty, Manager Gold. The The strikers left the auditorium, Soviet Union a pawn in the game, As we go to press, hundreds of vance of its expiration. Such perialism the bourgeoisie is incap must have leadership which desires Manager became hysterical and able of carrying through the tasks to do so. The Stalinists and Right abused him in the worst fashion.
cooperation would eliminate a prepared for renewed assaults by or war against the Soviet Union workers, some reports say thougood deal of work for us. If They tightened the with the active aid or at least the strike breakers continuinig at work.
of the bourgeois democratic revolu wing Socialists, with their Menshe He then gave a command to the your the number following picket line, and laid plans for a benign tolerance of yesterday al. Picketing has been resumed in some tion this is thrown overboard by vik perspective, will do nothing to chairman that any member of general name on the wrapper is 63, if necessary.
The left solies.
the Council who will dare to inthe Stalinists, whose perspective on break with Azana.
strike Strikebreakers Stirring Trouble your subscription has expired.
cases, and great confusion exists.
this question differs not a hair from cialists are vacillating. Much de terrupt the manager shall be susThe threat to the Soviet Union The Realty Board apparently is Please send us remittanee Meanwbile group of nonthat of the right wing Socialists pends on the outcome of the Social pended from the Council. This Immediately.
strikers headed by Lyle Carru has not only heightened on its pushing the advantage which the Claridad, organ of Caballero ist convention which will shortly motion was passed.
western frontier. Optimistle ignor settlement has given them, in an thers (dubbed Vile Corrupter, by amuses who believed that the mill attempt to break the union comand the left Socialists, is far to the take place, the first in four years.
BILLIGE the stikers) met with Nelson tary coup in Tokyo three weeks ago pletely. Unless the union quickly left of the Stalinists, but confines The setting for it is auspicious; it Itselt to abstract assertions of the will take place in the heart of AsThey formed a Law and Order ended in a triumph for the mod. And militantly takes up every case necessity of the dictatorship of the turias, in the region where the soLeague to protect the rights of Ieratex are now compelled to see or discrimination under the general proletariat as the instrument of cialist miners fought most desperthat the Hirota regime, dedicated slogan of All or None return in land distribution and socialization. ately and heroically in the October Urtil March 28 believe it is my duty and the to the more positive policies de each building, there is grave, danIt makes no criticism of Azana, 1934 revolt; and the agenda will HUNDREDS OF NEW TITLES AT BARGAIN PRICES duty of every law abiding citizen manded by the army, is reaching ger that the union will be wiped and goes so far, in calling upon deal with that revolt and its lesReg. Our Price of this community to gang up upon out to make terms with Britain and out, and unionism given a severe the peasants to seize the land, as sons.
MEHRING Karl Marx. 00 the United States in the Pacific set back, not only in the building the out of town radicals and Com for a free hand against the service line, but throughout the to assure them that Azana will COREY Crises of the Middle Class. 50 98 back them up.
READERS, ATTENTION! MARX Capital (3 volumes. 50 00 to our city the threat of reign just as Germany is doing in the city. 150 Azana Shows His Hand TROTSKY My Life.
Due to circumstances West.
beyond 00 The strikers fought militantly.
Azana, on the other hand, is be our control we were compelled to HASTMAN Leon Trotsky (biography. 00 40 ginning to show his band. On the skip the issue of March mis SCHLEIDEMANN Making of New Germany. The workers are preparing for. These processes will go on hand responding to every call of their trouble Well founded rumors are in hand. Time is foreshortening leadership Organizations of tenvery day that Barrios was elected hap with our machinery caused the revealing history of the role played by the circulating that the town is full of The pace toward war quickens, war ants were increasingly rallying to Speaker, their cabinet prolonged Interruption which we shall, howGerman Social Democracy from the turn of strike breakers and professional in which the real defense of the their support. In numerous build the century (2 volumes. 10. 00 95 for a month the state of alarm, ever, attempt to make good by thugs. Picket lines are being Soviet Union by the revolutionists ings, where union shops were lomodified form of martial law, which special efforts to bring to our readWHITCOMB Talk United States.
strengthened, plans are made for in capitalist countries will have to cated, morale, financial and picket KARSNER John Brown. 50 25 had been declared by the previousers material that is up to the highgeneral strike in the rubber indus be carried on not within the strait: support was given generously.
GRATTOX Why We Fought reactionary cabinet. Under the est standard of a revolutionary 60. 69 try if any attempt is made to break Jacket of the union sacree (civil Slowls, but surely, the trade un state of alarm the government has journal. We expect that our suband many others.
the picket lines at Goodyear, and peace) but in unremitting, implac ions of the city with the progresextraordinary powers to prohibit scribers will cooperate and prompta city wide general strike if the able struggle against capitalism, sive locals well in the lead, were and suppress workers demonstra ly renew their subscription when Send for New Book List.
militia is called in.
against the war makers.
rallying to the support of the strike.
tions and meetings. The Associat. expired. To our bundle agents we Will Leninism be completely ob Despite the difficulties in a strike PIONEER The militancy of the workers is ed Press reports that Azana served can only say that prompt attention PUBLISHERS 100 Fifth Avenue, Room 1010 notice on Caballero to call off fur. to payments will help to obviate Corner 15th St.
at a high pitch. The mass meeting scured in the bog of opportunism of this kind the situation was in which voted down the peace plan parading in a red dress?
good shape at the time of the set.
ther demonstrations.
further interruptions.
999 is only one indication of it. Defense of class collaboration; tlement.
Reject Terms more for med henne Compromise BOOK SALE SPEAKERS: WHAT IS HAPPENING IN SPAIN GERMANIA HALL 16th Street and 3rd Avenue JAMES CANNON MAX SHACHTMAN Sunday, March 22nd, 8P.