BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninismMarxMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1936 NEW MILITANT PAGE Socialism in Words but Treacherous Patriotism in Action Beware of Social Patriotism Masking its Judas Game Behind Empty Revolutionary Phrases By JOHN WEST struggle agninst the war, the revoThere 18 and naturally enoughIntionists must proclaim the Fourth a widespread confusion about the International; and that the strugnature and meaning of social patri.
gle against the war is inseparable otism. Indeed, if it were not for from the struggle against the old this confusion, social patriotism Interntionals and for the new. This would not be capable of producing conclusion and this task cannot be the powerful effects which it does hidden: we know in advance what In fact produce; and, consequently.
would not represent the mortal tent of the policies of the social re groupments consequently take war. The social patriots are for va that collaboration with the class associates. This is particularly restruggle against the war.
In each case, the concrete con and around which new and basic class policy against the imperialist tion with those who make war, in the positions of Blum and his the task must be, and to fail to danger to the working class which democrats meant simply: support of place.
rious kinds of Neutrality Legisla enemy and the bourgeols state can vealing It does in fact represent.
the case of defense of In addition, these four issues pro.
by a reply frequently heard from representative, the state. In other Patriots is sharp and unmistakable should be remarked that advocacy and the bourgeois state that, in record of these gentlemen with re which to measure the new differenThe confusion can be dllustrated port of the class enemy through its line between Marxists and social the most desirable kind. subordination to the class tenemo nebo miessary to comment on the vide major criteria by means of or sympathizers, to the accusation mean, the betrayal of the workers crisis that it tends more and more ways social patriotism in the strict cannot be formulated within the were at the beginning, and have The approach towards a revolution: that the polley of the Comintern 18 struggle for socialism, which is clearly to reduce all the complex sense of the term. In the isolation, framework of capitalism, since cap. remained consistently, the bitter the protest libellousslander. class enemy and the state; and thus t8 the baste two: revolutionary pacifism, which is not here under must always be the strugde Nevertheless, in the face of the war ple we discover bytach so extients article and this or that resolution the struggle against war, which is divergence here can be summed up always to pass over into social. pa power and for socialism.
Why look at such and such an it meant also the abandonment of Marxism and social patriotism. The discussion. Pacifism, however, tends against capitalism, for workers crisis, they are able to formulate a ination that the militant Socialists You can see for yourself, the inseparable from the class struggle as follows: theorist puts forward the great tor socialism.
Conse, policy with regard to the defense in this country have given though triotism though it does not neces quently, they pose the problem of of the Soviet Union which is in not without certain vitlating modLeninist slogan, Turn the Imperial ifications the revolutionary as op(1) Defense of the Soviet Union. sarily do so. In any case, the re the struggle against war in what distinguishable from the policy of The basic characteristic of social 1st war into a civil war. Here are patriotism remains the same: sup olutionary struggle against war ever manner it appears sanctions, the paragraphs which state the port. within the working class of other source october besohet fenten: against every variety of pacifism. the Soviet Union, attitude toward has now ranged itself on the side tons posted helena operacit seriana TheMarxists stand for the defense must always include the struggle Neutrality Legislation, defense of Stalinism. The reason for this is posed to the social patriotic annot far to seek. Stalinism, too, swers to three of these four ques.
under socialism, that capitalism in of the bourgeoisie in the war. The the capitalist nations, by the over(4) League and Governmental Fascist states as always the strug of the enemies of the October Rev. They retain a blend of pacifism and evitably in the end leads to war, specific forms of social patriotism, throw of the bourgeois state by the Sanctions sle against the bourgeoisle and the olution. Stalinism translates de potential social patriotism in their The Marxists are against all bourgeois state.
fense of the Soviet Union in de answer to the fourth Neutrality tinue to call the social patri. these must be adjusted to the con Marxists maintain that this policy forms of League and governmental The programs of all the parties fense of bourgeois states and this Legislation which is of particular otic in the face of such evidence. crete circumstance of the diven war holds equally in peace and in sanctions, and for independent organizations and groups of the naturally colncides with the aims Importance for a party in the UnitBlum ed States, since this is almost exclear about the nature of politics. not by the To many honest people, not fully crisis. It is by these specific forms war, and is the only way in which working class sanctions. The so working class can be rigidly tested of Messrs. Blum and Bauer.
not afraid of words: clusively a question (our revsuch reply 19 convincing To phrases that sederal and abstract the International proletariat can de cial patriots are for League and by reference to the four special 18 and Bauer Marxists. however, it is entirely any anti war policy.
If the slogan Defense of the solutionary polies, one might say, we must always judge tend the Workers state. The social governmental sanctions against ssues of the present crists.
patriots stand for the defense of the called aggressors.
By making this test, we discover Viet Union can ald them in maks must begin at home. The meaningless.
In the present war crisis, there Soviet Union by the defense of the The social patriots will of course, at once the fact of major impor. ing the social patriotic pill palat. s have taken a revolutionary poWe have here an example of a tore, it is irrelevant to argue fever nations (ie, the bourgeois states) say that such a bald outline grously tance: that, on all four, the most able to the working class, they are sition even on this fourth, and have which may be (for whatever rea misrepresents their position, that vigorous, relentless and unceasing perfectly willing borrow it from fairly consistently opposed all forms since the beginnings of the revolu. civil war. the dfetatorship of the Soviet Union in the war. Within all that. ete. And it is certainly wist international and its national bour Party and of the old Guard from this that the And.
technique of betrayers familiar the appearance of phrases about son) in military alliance with the the questions are not so simple as advocate of the social patriotie po Stalin. They go thus step be of Youtrality Legislation.
tionary movement, and typical of proletariat. or the struggle for any capitalist countrs, they stand true that in the writing and sitions is Stalinism the Commu. yond the lenders of the British It would be an error to conclude demagogy in every form. It is the socialism. These are, on the proper for support of the war, if the conn speeches of the social patriots the sections thronghout the world. The Socialists in this country. These consequently, still less the militants eral by supporters of reformism and not at all determine the meaning of Soviet Union.
same argument that is used in gen occasion, Important. But they do try in question is allled with the questions are not so simply put. Communist parties have become the stick mainly to the three other is have reached the full clarification social democracy. Do not the social. the anti war polies, do not at all democrats declare in favor of social mark it as on the one hand, revoluThey are covered over a cloud of material embodiment of social pa sues for their social patriotle plat of a Marxist program, in general. 2) Wars of democratie nations modifications, provisos additions form it can take in the present same answers as the stalius and This is not yet by any means the triotism in the thorough and fatal form giving to them exactly the or specifically on the war question.
ism and agninst capitalism? How. tionary, or on the other, social patri against fascist nations.
then, can you say that they are an otic.
The Marxists make no distinction clauses. The social patriots inform crisis. The primary historical functhe Bauers. but still balk at the ense. In spite of their on the whole obstacle to the working class, that Four Forms of Social Patriotism between democratie and fascist nagovernmental sanctions, but als All is to act as the chief function however. And, if it is needed in four crucial present questions, they us that they are for not merely Iron remaining for stalinism to ful first. They will doubtless learn, correct stand with respect to these they actually serve to uphold the continued rule of capital and to secular issues of the present crisis, war, since they regard both as mere here must ena mine the specific anations stilte recerence to the policy on for working class sanctions and ary for imperialism within the order to speed up recruiting for the retain, on the issue of war other army, we bourgeoisle within foster the basic Interests of the since it is with respect to these ly two different forms of capitalist the latter are basically the more working class in the coming war.
the working that the altferentiation between class role, and recognize that dem important. They assure us that Defense of the Soviet Union Onenl, and the chiefs of the Brit earlier heritage: confusions, for ex class?
when fighting in the armies of revolutionists and social. patriots or excessarily leads to fascism France or the United States against strates with equally crystal clarity become among the loudest of the land particularly concerning the Unfortunately, the effects of the takes place.
The same test, secondly demon ish Labour Party have overnight ample. with reference to pacifism actions of men are not measured oz in the decline of capitalism, unless Germany or Japan, they will not that the leaders of the Second Indefenders of the Workers State. proper concrete attitude of Marx.
In the present war crisis, the capitalism itself is overthrown.
organizations; determined elther by their hopes specific and peculiar issues have within both democratic and fascist really be fighting in support of ternational, together with the lend.
These four issues thus provide Ists toward and wishes or by the abstract alo been four. 1) Defense of the states, Marxists call for struggle. de governments of France and ofers of the chief parties affiliated to us further with a decisive test for they have romantie ideas about gans which they from time to time Soviet Union. 2) Wars of dem against the war, against the statel Germany and despotie Japan, and unchanged the social patriotie traals. They prove beyond any possible against war. and they have so far the United States, but against Nazi the Second International, continue the nature of the two Internation such matters as the general strike formulate. ocratie nations against fascist they insist that the chief enemy 18 for the Soviet Union; and as soon dition of 1914. On all four of these doubt that the Internationals are failed entirely to draw conclusions Perfumed Polson Above all is this true in the case tion. 1) League and government social natriots call for the support Unton and the menace of Fascism siven exactly the same answer as will function for the war during ertheless, the answers they have nations. 3) Neutrality Legisla. at home the class enemy. The as the threat against the Soviet basic concrete Issues they have on the side of the war, that they from their war position with respect to the international question. Nev.
of social patriotism. The truth of al sanctions.
the matter is that if a social patriot. This does not mean that other against fascist nations.
ic policy were openly and explicitly issues are not present. All the ola (3) Neutrality Legislation turn their arms against the bour. swer. The tour answers are en well as during the actual conflict. siven on these four questions stated as such, it would make no issues remain, and take on new (This is a problem chiefly for the United States, Goois governments of France and bodied, for example, in the Dan. From this it follows necessarily tablish, for the time being at least.
headway among the masses, and meanings in the new crisis. But the United States. The Marxists 1914, the social democrats fought (Similarly, in Zyromskl Bauer Thesis, as well as that, as one integral part of the the direction in which they are moving. Whether this movement would be of minor importance. It these four appear in a special manare against all forms and types of not to support the Kaiser and the will be completed in adherence to would be merely repudiated. 8o ner at present, offering problems Neutrality Legislation, and for an Junkers and Industrialists, but the full and uncompromising proclal patriotism gains its influence not wholly solved in previous crises, independent revolutionary working against the Czar; and not for the WORLD OF LABOR gram of revolutionary Marxism is precisely because it is diegutsed, be of decisive Importance for the cause it is clothed outwardly in the English bankers, but against the Kaiser. They will quickly grant building of the revolutionary party noble raiment proletarian and MARCH OF revolutionary phraseology. Only EVENTS per te center Langislation cannot CP ers Neutral to Lithuanian Fascist Gov in this counter of these four issues featuring thus tan social patriotism gain accan only be done by the victory of the present war crisis, the question cess to the consciousness of the In a War with Germany of sanctions, though not the most masses. The deady polson of social the working class, but we must utilize every means at our dispoImportant, 18 yet the most controBy JACK WEBER patriotism must on all occasions be sal.
versial and raises the largest numheavily perfumed.
The defeat of the combined refinitely closer than to the prole No Buts in Anti War Struggle We quote from a letter (Janu. the Lithuanian people. It is they ber of new and consequently hithIt is the critical Insight of Marx. actionary monarchical fascist forces tariat. Azana was placed in power ism alone that can penetrate to the in Spain, even though confined as to prvent Ghi Robles from attaining equivocation and deception. At But this is all merely evasion, ary, 1988)written by our Lithu themselves who are really prepared erto unanswered questions. Fur potsonous core. And Marxism 18 yet to the parliamentary sphere, control. But just as Hindenburg heart, the questions are really as members to whom about 200 (in clique (whose social base is relatest in practice. The Stalinists claim some 1, 000 evident that our directing Fascist theory, but have already had basis of ideals and wishes. nor of hearts of minons of tntlers in town negotiations between Azana and Gu two possible. There are no bata the activities of provocateurs, which of Lithuania, and it easy to party Greece, and the fur 100 meters live abstract phrases and distant goals, and country. The flames of prole. Robles on the possibility of a par. in the revolutionary struggle is in part due to the bureaucratte such charges and are able to against the workers movement grame any program not on the dence and daring through the of government, so there are already Yes and No answers are the only But the enormous development of the main upon the Independence during the critical situatient specifie questions, the concrete Dol extinguished under the onslaught At the same time Azana kindly in a 20, 000 word theals serve only mode to nothing. On the other the stalinistas far as the ned, after the sanguinary clash tir actions which tollow from such anew ani even more flercely. The fascist leader, to leave the country social patriote betrayal. it is for the entire wortahas made a sharp hoevertheless the stalinists are compelled by the events to take a answers and such concrete policies. brutal repressions suffered by the until things blow over. The de. this very reason that the issue of turne to the right during the past prepared, In the event of war, to clear cut position, one way of the Social Patriotism In 1914 workers after the defeat of the last nouement of the People Pront war provides so unerring a touch year. The slogan Long Live the defend bravely their own coun other, went the whole hoering this In 1914, the European social dem. heurrection have called forth a threatens to be a very speedy one stone whereby to distinguish the International Revolution. which try (and, consequently, also the vealed its true nature. During this ocratie parties carried through the movement far beyond the clecters!
spontaneous outburst which carries Indeed at the expense of the work tendencies and developments with was still to be found last year on existing government. social patriotle betrayal of the work. oral stage. For the moment the in the labor movement.
whole period the has openly ing class to the war, turned thelr reactionary forces are being seatterThese four specific forms which has been completely deleted today class conscious expressed himself with the supposedly democratic Stalinist (one of the most and eynically collaborated not only following over to the guns of im The working class of Spain is to social patriotism has taken during from bene columns theft press. nos follows, during in conversation parties but even with the Liberal ed like chaft before the wind. In day celebrating great electoral the present wat erists are not, of the reader no longer gets the jit with one of our comrades: have Party.
done entirely. for the sake of so, Salamanca, carceras lehes tarv: the bourgeoiste in power. True. como en el tie the four Eses tol useintrom sucevolution, setelah antener actually attacks Lithuanta, that conducted all the wars that cialism, Not for one moment did the leaders of the social democracy ing peasants have begun to seize that section of the bourgeoisle in lows not accidentally nor arbitra Everything is rational and sane. will enlist as a volunteer in the 1912 to the land, driving abandon the ideal of a socialist power prefers the republic to the rily, but from one fundamental in. Instead of this they broadcast Lithuanian army.
society. None of them made dec luas applied the most bestial tersure developed in the new situation, regime is determined finally by the de Which the concrete answers are trance they go under the name of stripped of all velis. Once upon a ment. It is this party afloat recented larations for the support of the There you have the true spirit, rorism against the workers move.
class enemy. Many of them Kant. the government has been forced nature of the class holding power given. Marxists hold that the Radical Socialists. and they ap time, sky included continued even to ad.
Cuarist Russia, the Men and voted for the lonyme (a Innd temporarily, pending passage Once before it was the power ship.
vocate the proletarian dictator lof necessary laws by the Cortes. the ballot, to all appearances, that from the class struggle in general: a struggle for People Front country. were likewise clapped in for the law against the press the revolutionary situation exists. brought about the downfatiot the that the class struggle means in Gorernment with their own partie Jalls.
exile law, ete. In particular, durtionable conduct, they supported the that threatened to engult the Span It was the continued faith in that aletanda subiect peoples and see hoeven tot ha democratie govern We will not put obstacles in the crnment, this parts dissolveda ser But, in spite of all this unexcep. But equally clearly, all the dangers monarchy in favor of the republic the present era the struggle of the ipation (1. e. that of the stalinists. In their leaflets, for August ing the recent period of the last Imperialist war; they recruited the ish proletariat previottsly and give (bourgeois) republie under the selfworkers into the army: they voted the victory to the counter revolu same Axona, that led to the pretions of the middle classes) against ment in general which they pledge way of the Fascist Government in eral workers organizations and of for the war credits; they took their tion, remain.
vions defeat of the proletarian re.
the bourgeoisie, and its representato support. When they are told its mensures agninst Hitler. In sanized at Salonica and elsewhere places in the war machines. It is volution. It was the fact that no compromise in this struggle is perhad occupled Itselt intensively up the increase of the army, and of s.
tives, the bourgeois states. No that such a democratic government other words, they accept in reality the anti semitie gangs of the Three and ideals and words that we char Thebe Peeples Front by means of itselt on a Marxist program, cap de sistemos Acerception de situations to stars and then proceeded the possile determine before was originally evaluated being the The coup etat of Inst March acterize their policies as social which the proletariat was complete able of planning the revolution care such as, for example, war. Rain 1996 to surrender the power to land whether these measures will stalinists, with How could these concrete acts he bourgeoisie, is already breaking up the masses in assimilating their ex. trong mu eu imination in except the same, there answer is: Oh, body else in any case, up to now tempt on the part of the Liberal reconciled with the abstract ideals? into its Irreconcilably antagonistieneriences, that held back the retional situations, skilled and ingenious men. They resort quite spontaneously to inde the masses, without a clear plan the Marxists must always reject different sort of a democracy. As against the peasants who are re ed to collaborate with this very found little difficults. It was neces. pendent action in their own inter and a firm program and without any policy which involves a subor. if there can be any other kind of belling. Such is the miserable state same party of Venizelos!
sary, in Germany. for the social ests. The petty bourgeoisle have the leadership of a party, can only dination to, compromise with. col. bourgeois democracy! We, the Bol. in which the Stalinist party finds in all their documents, the Staldemocracy to defend the gains and taken immediate alarm at the un lead to defeat, however courageons laboration with the class enemy shevik Leninists, are naturally not itselt at present.
inlsts present themselves as conachievements of the German work controllable power shown by the the struggle of the workers.
at all opposed to a struggle for the sistent democrats. At the outbreak Ing class against the tyranny and masses. Azana, republican mainstay In every country where the blight Collaboration with Class Enemy democratic rights of the workers, GREECE of the Italo Abyssinian war, they despotism of Russian Czarism, the of the bourgeoisie, has been extend of the capitalist crisis has finally But the policy of the social pa only we understand very well that The Daily Worker has of late took the initiative in addressing a most reactionary government in the ed credit anew among the masses resulted in a revolutionary crisis, it triots is exactly a policy of subør under the existing conditions de made a great fuss about the slan burning appeal to all political par entire world, which, if victorious, by the betraying People Front of has been demonstrated that a van dination to compromise with the mocraey cannot in general long ders cast at its sister party in ties in the country, exhorting them would have destroyed those gains Republicans Socialists Stalinists, in guard party of the most class con class enemy and the state. The maintain itself and cannot prove Greece.
Under date line of to unite for the defense of Nation and achievements. This was a very order to derail the workers revoluscious and militant workers is a social patriots propose to conduct to be anything except a trausition. December 2, 1935, our Greek al independence and National inteplausible argument, and could be tion for the second time with prerequisite for a successful strug the struggle against war in colla al stage either towards Fascism or comrades wrote us a very illumin. grity. Ist reasoning.
defended by most convincing social the reported consent of Caballero, gle against the capitalists. Willaboration with the bourgeois state: revolution. But as for the starin ating letter. We have just received The coup etat of October 10, co called left socialist, Azana has second demonstration of this Marx to defend the Soviet Union along ists, they have discovered, it seems. it. The delay was dhe in a large 1935, was executed without the Its plausibility is decreased, how prohibited all demonstrations. The ist principle be necessary for the with bourgeois states allied with a new social order, some sort of measure to the fact that one com democratic coalition (depicted by ever, when it is compared with the order was applied in particular Spanish working class? The Stal. the Soviet state; to defeat Fascism an entirely different democracy. rades in Greece have been func the Stalinists as a powerful mass equally convincing socialist reason against Socialist farm aborers who Inists, by their class collaboration in collaboration with the bourgeois. The second principal plank tioning under extremely nerous organization)
able to so much ing which was employed by the had planned to hold monster demon ist policy of the People Front, atmocratie states: to stop war for their program is the independence conditions. During the period of as lift its little finger. The Stalinsocial democrats of France and strations in Madrid and all provin have again brought the Spanish the United States by collaboration of Lithuania. Long Lire the in illegality (prior to the fall of the ist party has publicly come forward England. The latter pointed ontcial capitals in favor of immediate workers to the brink of defeat. The with the imperialist govern dependence of Lithuania! That is Kondylis gorernment. they sul as a democratic party and as a deof course, that it was necessary to parcelling of grandees estates. It militant socialist workers have been ment in enacting and enforcing Neu their battle slogan today. The most fered very severe blows in propor fender of national units. In the defend democracy and freedom remains to be seen whether Azana hampered from reaching firm Marx. trality Legislation; to punish ag grotesqne point is that this strug tion to their forces. Six of our domain of internal policies, it is in (and the possibility for the advance will succeed in normalizing the ist ground as the only logical regressors by relying on the sanc gle for the independence of Lithu Greek comralles, among them agreement with the polley of the socialism which democracy and situation. Meantime, as is always sult of their own experiences, by tions of imperialist states and the ania serves as their point of depar. Georges Vitsoris, have been exiled Balkan Entente. None of the secfreedom allowed) against German the case with the liberal bour the false and betraying course of imperialist League against the ag ture for the struggle against the to various islands. Another leading tons of the Communist Internamilitarism, which would, If victor geols elements boosted into power stalinism. Correct leadership enn gressor.
tous have destroyed democracy in with the aid of the masses, Azan only be built on the clear plans and government. They constantly charge comrade was court martialled to tional has so ignobly and so sto The Marxists point out that a the Government with the intention three years in prison Here is pidly disgraced itself as has the France and England, and thus turn is already making overtures to the the firm principles of the New In struggle against war cannot con of selling Lithuania to the Ger what our Greek comrades report Communist Party of Greece during ed back the struggle for soctalism. reactionaries to whom he feels international.
Iceivably be conducted in collabora mans, accuse it of betraying labout the activity of the Stalinists this recent period.