BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyFootballFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInter-imperialist warItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. 11 WHOLE NO. 63 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1936 PRICE CIEND Workers Press for Action in Spain Azana Lays Shuffle New War Goodyear Picket Line Retains Firm Control; Prepared to Counter Bosses Vigilante Terror Ground For Cards at London Union Plans to Extracts from the Rabble. Rousing Radio Gum Miners Suppression Mobilize AU Reject Bad Leaders Still Playing Service Strike no ens ensen met Terminates Compromise de.
Appeal Hearings on Sac to se modelo e taken Cases Expected Soon Speech of Former Mayor of Akron Revolutionary Working Class Can Upset AppleAKROX, Ohio, March 15 The briuging in firearms and gas to cart of Capitalist Politicans and Warmakers Ex Soldiers Fatal Game with speech Was devotect mainly create a regime of terror in this Settlement to an attack on labor agitators community when the non striking and Communist leaders who workers attempt to enter the plant.
Rapublicans Statesmen and diplomats of the Powers met at London this week AKRON, Ohio. In its fifth week brought with them all the tricks of. Are we going to permit this By PAUL FIELDING not to decide the issue of war or peace in Europe, but to decide, in the furious struggle, conducted by their trade necessary to create riots condition to continue in this city? AKROX, Mar. 15. By ALFREDO ROJAS they could, how and by whom and against whom the inevitable war the Goodyear rubber workers for and civil commotion, lawlessness He then referred to strikers be No, no, a thousand times no, The first sessions of the Spanish shall be waged the right to have a union of their and disorder in our peaceful and fuddted and coerced by the Pesotas. d rather stay out than say Cortos are taking place in the midst own choice, enters a crucial stage. law abiding community. could Germers, and Kryckzys. Work yes! Hitler reoccupation of the Rhineland and his open offer of of wide, but still sporndie, battles hloe of western powers against the Soviet Union has once more pre rejected the so called settlement nor could stretch a point and call lets, clubs and brickbats in order ors in answer to the company pro landowners police and troops.
On Saturday, March 11, the union not address them as fellow citizens. ers must run the gauntlet of bulsang five thousand Goodyear strik of the workers and peasants against cipitated the bubbling and wrasy solution of European alignments proposnl advanced by the company, them fellow Americans to go to work. Out of town posal to go back to work.
Partly concealed by the press cenand forced the search for a new formula and a new compound, Ir as promptly as it hnd previously No one before, he said, has come radical and Socialist leaders have Five thonsand fighting sorship of the Axana government, gum ritants abound and the harried chemists at London feared momen rejected the McGrady conciliation to the radio and told you the real had the affrontery to praise our miners, on strike for the fourth and especially suppressed by the tarily to see their whole laboratory Bo up in the smoke and thunder of again served notice that it intended whole strike problem here in All the peace and maintaining law and back to their jobs with nothing countrics, the clashes have grown proposal. The company thereupon truth about what is back of the supine officialdom for preserving week, shouted down a plan to go bourgeois news services to other to reopen the plants, and that it ron. The henchmen of these out order. Then he referred to long and a shattering explosion carrying is.
for the plant to tighten since the elections.
in extent throughout the month sues, conflicts and men beyond their would refuse employment to all side agitators were busy arming haired Hapgoods, wild eyed and the picket lines.
strikers. The next morning at the pickets with clubs, iron pipes loose tongued Tates (chairman of The continued initiative of the two Nazi Army on the March more than 6, 000 men were on and revolvers. They came into the Central Labor. Union of Akron line, braving rain and snow, wait masses is especially evident in the the picket line.
London, Germany was marching to either make the Akron rubber Ting leeches, labor agitators, radio ing to get into the Akron Armory, son of Spain, where the tale more thousands into the Rhineland Vigilante forces which have been industry 100 percent unionized or cals, communists, red orators like the largest auditorium in the city. Iestates predominate and where the land workers and peasants have The French War office claimed that organizing under cover for some to wreck the industry! And wreck jackals around a carcass.
But it even it was too small. They time have now come out in the the city in the effort. Patience He warned that radicals who formed a double line around the been exploited most bitterly. To 90, 000 German soldiers now stol open under the high sounding name has ceased to be a virtue. now rule in East Akron (a work building, and when they finally got say, however, that the masses are polsed at the French frontier. Es timates which included the storm Realty Board Refusese citizens law and order He stated that sparks, private ers district) will presently also in the hall, they packed the seats seixing the land would be an exTroops, labor corps and police err league. The former Mayor Reinstatement of in citizen, had a right to speak the rule with lead pipes in South Sudanes and stood on the window tionis involving the whole popularied the total to more than 200, 000. prepared statement has as (sills and tion have demanded the expropri nounced his acceptance of an in matter affecting the whole commu districts. So what?
Across the street company men ation of the land in many places Along the French border into the Many Strikers chain of mighty forts that France vitation to lead strike breakers into nity. He also represented Goodhas built since the last war, more He announced that an agency had watched the crowd, and went back in the southern provinces, and these the plants through action of these year men loyal workers who had been created in the last twenty four to their bosses with an unfavorable demonstrations have often gone The Building Service strike is vigilantes. Ominously there appear asked him to speak. The specter hours to deal with the situation, report than 150, 000 troops were moved over.
over to popular raids on the esUnder a compromise settle simultaneous reports that a quanti of sickness and hunger now makes namely the Law and Order League.
The meeting climaxed a week of tates of particularly hated landown and the border townshoedverta ment on the question of fining all ty of guns and ammunition has dis it imperative that these men do 8º lle gave two telephone numbers bekerius belle en thee on parler ensuche whom have been killed From Czechoslovakia, rehtring to strikers in such clashes.
Belgium, Rumania, Bulgaria. Al strikers, the union leadership armory.
bania and Italy came reports of agreed to call off the strike and to For the past three weeks there of joining the League could com were ready for anything. As each Peasants Waiting The company offer included: has mobilizations, preparations and the leave all questions of wages, etc.
semblance of law and municate.
union official entered the hallThe raide usually with wheels of the whole war machine to arbitration. While some dis Return of all employees without order nor any apparent desire on Help us to gang up for Consti from the highest sent the drawn even before police and of Europe started to turn more satisfaction exists in the union discrimination; meeting with all the part of those in authority to tutional law and order. Those who the lowest petty men troops have arrived: for, by and rapidly.
the way negotiations were carried groups (this would ostensibly incorrect the situation. Homes have dare to stop you (referring to non shouted No!
large, the peasants believe that the Secret Ballot Howled Down At London the fronte comedy of on, and the compromise reached, clude the company union. notice been bombed, windows smashed. union workers) will have to take new Cortes will decree the land to imperialist horse trading was be yesterday union membership meet to be given of wage changes, nego Thereupon Sparks mentioned about the consequences. Help us to say It had been planned to cast them and are waiting for that.
ing played on with a number of ing indicated that the settlement, tiation on working hours; advance twenty alleged instances of vio to the out of town leaders set the secret ballots, but the workers fiat. When they discover that Azana lence ascribed to the strikers. hell out of here, and we are not ly refused. Each time they spled and program is merely a repetition important changes in the dramatis hailed as a victory by the leaders, notice of layoffs. Right at this moment out of going to be too much interested in the ballot boxes, a howl went up: that of 1981 division of a few personae.
would be accepted.
While the union did not place it town leaders and agitators are the dignity of their going.
Only a few months ago French Different interpretations of the self in the position of rejecting all Take them out! Take them grandees estates and the Jesults. Imperialism was the buffer between agreement have been given by union of the points in this offer it neverout. shouts rose to the rafters. preceded by interminable legal Britain and Italy over the issue of leaders and spokesmen for the Real theless declared for non acceptance The meeting could not go on until steps plus a scheme for government Ethiopia. Today it is Britain who ty Board. The former, basing them in view of its most pressing from the purchase of estates for distribution; stands with arm upraised to pro selves on one clause, claim that mands being ignored. These debuilding.
in other words, no serious move teet the Third Reich from the blows meant the rehiring of all strikers. mands were reiterated at the Sat.
The company plan was put before toward solving the agrarian prob.
of an angry France. Italy is care on the other hand, the bosses claimurday meeting and they include: the group rank and filler took lem there is no doubt that the fully stradaling while she waits for that a qualifying clause left the Restoration of all wage reductions the floor and substituted a resolu pusants will overrun the estates.
one side or the other to pull her door wide open to any landlord to since Jan. 1; a uniform thirty six transcript of the record of the trial try.
Final steps toward obtaining aits members throughout the countion which rejected some points, chestnut, an Ethiopian settlement, refuse to hire union men who had hour week; straight seniority rights of the Sacramento criminal syndiemended others, and proposed new deelmated and driven of the land Whether they will thereafter be enes. All in all, it was little more or whether they will remain on the ago it was Italy who thundered strike, and to retain strike breakers now clear that the company never elsewhere on ette teenuse, and the forces in California are bringing before but had withdrawn.
The Hearst and other reactionary than Goodyear had proposed a week and depends primarily on whether threats to quit the League, today hired in good faith.
they are backed up by the workers it is France who says she will bolt The final interpretation of this place. It should be rememberert attorneys will begin work on the pressure to get the Board to set raise their hands, John House, lpen if the workers parties take the meant to negotiate in the first Those supporting the resolution in the cities, which can only hapin this crisis the League fails to section will be determined by the that last spring the company agreed expected that date for the appeal long sentences. The Board can set union president, said.
appeal briefs in a few days It is serve her purposes.
militancy and solidarity shown by to meet representatives sentences anywhere from one to road of intransigeant struggle of the hearing will be set in the near fourteen years. If it were to set By marching into the Rhineland the returning strikers and the lead workers and then promptly made a Every hand but one went up.
against the bourgeois regime of ten days ago Hitler set the longership given them. Already, in some farce out of it. Those oprosed?
One lone hand rove and tangled European fuse splut cases, building crews have met and (Continued from Page 4)
Repeated efforts by the defense to one year terms, the prisoners would (Continued on page. The workers struggles in the tering. splutters still and no decided that all or none go back to force the State to provide several be free in April. The Board accities have received more attention man can say whether today or to work.
copeies of the transcript were block. tion, in the last analysis, will be a in both the Spanish and the Amermorrow It will end in the weak pop The Settlement ed by the prosecution. Attorney reflection brought upon it.
ican press, these facts being less of a firecracker or blow up the Raymond Henderson, retained The terms of the settlement are easily suppressed What has not works. Meanwhile what is going by the National Sacramento Appeal Letters appealing for minimum been made clear is that in prac.
on today is the scramble for sale in part as follows: Committee on behalf of Norman terms should be sent to Chairman tically every Instance where a positions The terms of the agreement en tered into between the parties on Mini, tried to compel enforcement of Frank Sykes, State Board of worker has been killed, the proleMain Positions in Rhine Conflict all the prisoners rights to coples of Prison Terms, Kohl Building, San tarian organizations have answered Nov. 21, 1934, and of the Cupran award shall continue in effect, exthe transcript. He, as well as Leo At present it is possible to sumnot only with huge mass funerals (Special to the New Militant)
marize the main positions somewhat Gallagher acting for the other pris. Francisco. They should stress the (Special to the New Militant) but with 24 hour general strikes in bept that there shall be an imBy JAMES EVANS as follows: oners, was denied relief by the high fact that none of the prisoners was By JAMES EVANS the localities involved.
mediate arbitration of the min WASHINGTON, DC. There is er courts of California.
France would like to crack down convicted of any overt act, and that MEMPHIS, Tenn. March The Firing of Churches imum standards of wages, such a degree of prosperity in political on Hitler if it were possible to do standards to become effective speeches. Certainly, the President would deny the defendants thelr testified in an affidavit that he pers, the wealthy planters and land press has widely publicized the In effect the court attitude one of the convicting jurors bas with the blood of the share crop against the workers, the world Their immaculate clothing flecked In an effort to stir up resentment so without throwing either Britain from the date of the award. himself is a picture of Prosperity. right to appeal.
or Italy or both to Germany side. At the end of one year, from The only alter This being unlikely, France will reJust take a look, folks, at that great native has been for all the defendane Decker or Norman Mini and that to make a deal, under the guise of tory. The press has naturally connever believed in the gullt of Carol lords of this region gathered here burning churches by demonstrathis date, there shall be upon big smile which will increase in ants to waive their right to separ.
treat to its second line of defense, application of either party the breadth from now until the Novemwhich demands of Britain a hard and fast military alliance with aufurther arbitration of minimum ber election. Of course, the Demo ate. copies of the transcript and to the whole verdict was a compromise. soil conservation with the Decled the peculiar role of the standards of wages and hours, eratle Jackass has gone a bit lame which in the beginning for the ninete pops Norman Mint, who collapsed from theipants spoke to each other in ly a reactionary institution serving tomatie guarantees of British milithe award to be effective for the under Franklin Jockeying: but vide.
tary aid the moment Germany atover work in the Jute mill several soft, insolent voices; the air being to bind the masses spiritually to tacks. At the same time France second year hereof. There shall depend on Old Doe Farley to get be a further arbitration of mind the beast in prime shape for the Defense Diffieulties Overcome weeks ago, has now recovered sul heavy with Southern courtesy and their masters, but is the most pow.
will move to wean Italy away from the smoke from two bit cigars. Iterful landowner and industrialist mum standards of wages and coming sweepstakes.
Some time ago Attorneys Henfleently to go back to work.
the dangerous threat of an ItaloWarnick Persecution Continues was a gentlemens gathering, suh! in the country and the cruellest in hours at the end of the second German rapproachement and pas The other side of the picture is derson and Gallagher agreed to apply jointly for this transcript on The Federal Government is con. The Southern Tenant Farmers its domination of its land workers sible alliance by forcing a settle ther party, the award to be ef last week, year upon the application of el considerably darker. In an article, behalf of Norman Mini and two tinuing its persecution of Jack War. Union, representing 25, 000 croppers and wage slaves.
ment of the East African issue on For peasants and workers to Mussolini terms. Lastly, France fective for the third year hereof. decision of Federal Administrator prisoners represented by Gallagher. niek, one of the Sacramento defend and having headquarters in this will announce that the collective This Agreement is to continue Harry Hopkins to fre 700, 000 This did not break the log jam, ants who was acquitted of the city was not invited to send any burn a church in Spain today, is security racket bas petered out years.
In effect for a period of three WPA workers, under the pretende however, because tive other prison charge of criminal syndicalism last delegates. The gentlemen lost their the exact equivalent of the burning and continue to build Its armathat the majority would be re emers, defended by the LL. were year. In its effort to deport War temper only once: When the repre of the castle or manor of a hated ments and alliances to the maxl.
mum extent possible.
this agreement are to immediate Sievatory members who ratify played by private industry. It is technically representing themselves nick, who emigrated from Canada sentative of the Department Insist. lord in feudal France. The bruBritain fundamentally would like ly proceed to restore their em extensive analysis of this lle short time ago the LD finally ernment has dug up the fact that in six cents per pound for ungrown evokes spontaneous retallation from the masses they oppress; but we to come to terms with Hitler and ployees to their former positions. Roosevelt own Bureau of Labor agreed to advise these self defend 1928 he visited Juarez, Mexico, for cotton United States Senator elect Allen can be assured that the mere loss give Gallagher retainer two hours, and Niagara Falls, CanEllender, of Louisiana, aid offer If individual disputes arise in Statistics reported an unemployants at the same time retain the Indischurch here and there is as connection with the return of the ment increase pensable friendship of France by 50, 000 in private as the only way to realizing an ada, for a similar length of time. eaplution asking Secretary Wal nothing to the frenzy which the employees to work, such as industry during January of this appeal. They have now done so. He is charged with illegal entry on lace to give dae consideration to clergy will display when they are Weaning the latter away from Mosshall be submitted at once to Mr. year. The National Industrial Conin the East. In other words, while Hugh Robertson as Imperial ference Board went the Bureau one of Prison Terms, at which sentence Communist Party last year in proeven Al himself. Everybody knew printion by the organized proletaricow and giving Hitler a free hand The hearing of the State Board his return from these Jaunts.
Warnick, who resigned from the the small farmers. Nobody took threatened with no bodily violence Al resolution very seriously, not at all but with systematie exproFrench Imperialism considers a rearbitrator, who shall consider all better by estimating the increase will be set for Norman Mint and armed Reich on its borders as its circumstances and whose ruling at 700, 000. Finally, the conserva the other prisoners, has been post test against its campaign of sland that the Senator had to make some at immediate enemy, Britain shall be final sees tive statisticians of the American poned for a few weeks. In the ber of no organization whatsoever. sort of gesture in order to keep Azana Consolidating Power more logic in tying the Third Reich The representatives of the uninto a series of pacts which will ion hereby agree to send their 200, 000 workers were dismissed its drive to win support for the idea The Immigration authorities are ing Around dozens of the smaller consummate Hitler offer to pra members back to work.
ward the proletariat, biding his serve the Western European status The immediate arbitration of Ave months. Profits, incidental Sacramento prisoners for number for which he was also denounced landlords voted for Ars proposal or superficial conciliatoriness to by the He has, of course, no on a standing poll.
time until his government has been qud and open the valve to let off the minimum standard of wages y, Increased fourteen percent dur of trade unions are sending resolu connection with the workers Party, Dividing the Spolls consolidated. Arrests of the handsteam at the expense of the Soviet herein provided for is to be contions to the Board, and petitions and his only crimes remain that ing 1935, The conference recommended a ful of those who officially term Union. An Inter Imperialist war ducted by the Hon. Ferdinand Roosevelt finds himself faced with and other resolutions he helped organize a trade union, division of benefit payments that themselves Fascists, a mild censorwill hasten the disintegration of Silcox.
a dilemma. Opposition to his new the British Empire. Nowhere is Mr. Hugh Robertson, who is tax bill, an exceedingly mild mea of all the Sacramento prisoners, the ing social order, and refused to sub Thirty per cent will go the person of the labor press numerous dec As part of its campaign on behalt expressed views critical of the exist naturally gives the tenant wero ship of the Right press but also that better realized than at No. 10 to have final say on whether men sure, must be muffled by Aring is supplying friends with mit to the orders of the Stalinist responsible for the conservation, larations of loyalty to republican Downing Street. Whatever the xis are to return or not, is an archi enough relief workers to balance po of Prison Terms. Last week to hide their own sabotage by claim such responsibilities will be more than this in return for solld zags or middle roads it takes, Brit. tect. The head of the arbitration any increase in taxes. At ard appeals to the state bureaucrats when the latter set out and needless to say, tenants who principles Azana has given little the same ish imperialism will orientate itself board, Ferdinand Silcox, 18 an as time, WPA must be used as a po the League for Industrial Democ assassinating the character of Mini, endangering their lives. Thirty. support from the proletarian or (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) racy distributed 3, 000 such cards to an honest working class prisoner. Continued on Page Continued on page 4) WPA 1936 Football Soil Profits Conserved of