AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyLeninMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1936 The Spanish Elections Speed Up or the ScabsWill Iake Your many Sharecroppers St. Louis Retail Clerks Demands Pres.
WPA Layoffs By MAX SHACHTMAN People Front Acts as Brake on forces in the country (also on a Upward Movement of Masses enamoured have the smaller American editions singular unanimity marks the he must take profit; if he cannot, he will refuse to parliamentary scale) have been of Stalin become, that Stakhanovism has been inreception operate. Or operating costs become too high, when accorded the election strengthened absolutely and rela troduced, or rather an attempt at Introduction to the it would prove cheaper for him to use scabs and lock victory of the People Front by ing class and an idea that a meafront. it was not used by the tively by the fact that women have longsboremen, in San Francisco, bas been made. out the Union men, that is exactly what he will do.
labor papers which are otherwise sure of prudence was needed; the workers parties but the workers the vote and that, this time.
antagonistic to each other views. workers emerged from the battle parties used by it. It was not tak (My emphasis, The P, Waterfront Worker of February 3, 1936 anarchist and syndicalist workers The Jewish Daily Forward and the with a high spirit of self assurance en in tow by the socialists and comdecided to cast ballota. In face of (p. 8) contains the following choice more intended, Let the shipowners tremble at the roar of this militant blast from the Stalinists. Toe the mark, equally octogenarlan New Leader and confidence in their ability to munist It dragged the latter in these indisputable facts, the bour no doubt, to warm the cockles of the hearts of alí vie with the editors of the Daily retrieve their losses in the very next its wake. The payment which it gools wing of the front was given Stevedores. Lamess must be eliminated, working. boys, or we ll anger the bosses, After all, we still Worker in saluting the victory with battle.
live in a capitalistic society the speed up isn an intoxicated enthusiasm which made (the amnesty of the thirty the decisive predominance in the 4t class discipline must be enforced Today, we face a new problema problem if not as bad as it might be. etc.
they do not allow a single critical for the remarkable showing made all those labor fighters who were lonia having a list of its own, the met squarely and honestly will wreck the organizaEssentially, this is the explanation thousand which leaves unaffected vision of candidactės. With Outa We have no doubt the longehoremen will give these comment to mar.
by the Spanish workers in their imprisoned prior to the insurrec division stood as follows: the Re tion we sacrificed so much for and fought so hard capitalist lack keys the answer they so richly deserve.
That the outcome of the elections speedy comeback. At the same time tion) was extorted from it by the publican Left parties in the bloc to build. That problem is the amount of work per These workers who saw their striking comrades shot reveals a distinctly gratifying ad. it is a pitiless indictment of the overwhelming pressure of the mass were granted 170 candidates and formed per gang per day. In the Blue Book days, by the bosses thugs, will turn to these Stakhanovite vance by the Spanish working class cowardly capitulation of the Second es who were storming the peniten the labor candidates only 143 (127 30 or 40 tons per gang per hour was considered an henchmen of Hearst, Plant and Giannini and say.
is, of course, beyond debate. One and Third Internationals in Gertlaries themselves. The payment socialistas 14 communists and syn average hours work. Today, 30 or 40 tons is con You can fawn upon the ship owners but for us must search far and wide in the many in 1933, of their effrontery in which the workers made (restoradicalists. Elected were more than sidered a good hours work. Everyone will admit union conditions were won by strike action, not by modern history of the working class attributing to the working class tion of bourgeois democratic power, 120 members of the bourgeois par. 40 tons is too damned much cargo to move in one class collaboration with finks and bosses. We intend of the world to find a parallel to their own despicable cowardice. new credit to the discredited retle and some 100 members of the bour, but at the same time 40 tons for hours is to stand our ground, and fight for union conditions labor parties.
the amazing recuperative powers of. We would have liked to fight, publican parties of Azana and Mar not helluva lot. After all, we still live in a cap Working won at the cost of working class lives.
the Spanish proletariat. What but the masses were not ready. tinez Barrios, etc. were voluntarily. To what relationship of forces in italist society, the shipowners still own the ships and class discipline hell! You mean the speed up!
neither the social democratic nor It the reader draws from the unnecessarily and unwarrantedly the country does such farveston, the Stalinist press have obliged us above conclusion that the Spanish given to the bourgeoiste as a gift which patently gives the bourgeoi with, however, is an explanation for masses did and do have the kind of by the labor leaders.
sie the upper hand, correspond? To the contrast between the resurgence leadership that offers additional it is not so much the workers absolutely none! It corresponds of the formerly defeated Spanish assurance of the final victory, be who needed the support of the bour only to the contemptible attitude of Take Vote on Ask Aid in Strike Act on Cal.
paralysis of, let us say, tbe also de ly. After having remained firmly politeians who urgently required allies in wbom they have more (Continued from Page 1)
feated German working class. Un. asleep General Strike any and in spreading the boycott the switch and deprecat. the support and protection of the confidence than they have in the less one is to ascribe the causes of ing the revolution of 1931 as a mere workers. They received the latter forces of the proletariat which is of Kroger stores since very early the startling contrast to some mys nothing, the Stalinists ended up in in the form of the complete subor. shared equally by the socialist and in the strike have been the ProBy MITCHELL terious national superiority of Span October 1934, by grudgingly enter dination of the labor parties to the Stalinist leadership. The Maurinressive Miners of America and the BERKELEY, Calif. Feb. 27ish proletarian physiology or Intel ing the united front of the working bourgeois parties in the People Nin party which signed the People Executive Sec s, Southern Tenant United Mine Workers of America Faced with mass dismissals on lect over the German, the difference class organizations against which Front.
Front program and supported it in Farmers Union (District 12. Both of these organ WPA projects delegations of the must sought for in another do they had invelghed up to the last zations have placed Kroger on their professional Workers Union sent main. Neither social democrats por minute. As for the socialist leadProgram of People Front te betwee de ne perete peste tot BMP2STeman to acknowledge in the post election Stalinists are particulary anxious ership, kept the Spanish workius Take the question of the pro number of its periodical, La Batal the Southern Farmers of their locals in the state of Illinois of Berkeley, Oakland and the Board to probe for an intelligible answer class in leash for as long as it gram, for example. Even assuming la (Feb. 21, 1936) Catalonia a measure of Justice to the workers In some cases locals of these unions and forced the officials to allow the Union in an effort to bring some have posted notices to this effect. of Supervisors of Alameda County to the question for the simple reason could, tying it as firmly as possible for the moment the admissibility to per le certain that if the post on the cotton plantations of North have placed a fine of 25. 00 on any use of the long distance phone to that it would fly in the face of to the democratie capitalist re writing a common program with of the country the republican move eastern Arkansas are now taking a member of their organization caught one of its representatives. Georse their respective political pbiloso public, demoralizing it month in a bourgeois party which we reject ment, as a force. is a veritable fie vote on a proposal to call every dealing with Kroger. Many other Grayden, who depicted the local phies and mouth out by the practise of in principle It is worth while ex. tion, as it proved to be in the elecone out on strike througbout the unlons here are helping financially situation and presented the union The Great Value of Struggle coalitions with the bourgeoisie, and amining the program that was tons of 1833. This veritable fe entire area.
and by having their members refuse demands to Pres. Roosevelt.
Both your regular social democ tion for the grand purpose of fore 1936 issue of the Comintern public majority and the programmatic New evictions of union members to buy Kroger goods, The union is seeking affiliation rat and your oficial Stalinist placed ing the capitalists to restore the cation, Rundschau, of Basle, we control of the People Front by are reported daily. Most of them are Issue Strike Bulletin to the Gov Employees organizathe seal of approbation on the fall socialists to their inglorious position read that In the minimum pro Caballero, Uribe, Alanrin and Nin. made without any sort of settlement To answer the lies and stander tion of the of and has the and to lead the prolet the republic of the working class this electoral bloc stand the followTreacherous Stalinism of wages due the workers. Govern that the Kroger company is putting support of the Central Labor Counariat in direct struggle against the ment payments or subsidies are also ont over the radio, in the news cil of Alameda County in this re ing demands: Amnesty for all the Fascist bandits before they came to And even though the masses, refused. Planters offer Yellow Dog papers and through their other past quest. It is also planning a mass power in 1983. At the same time People Front Lightning Rod Beopolitical prisoners and for some deliberatels, some instinctive contracts in an attempt to force mouthpieces, the union has torten meeting on the WPA situation in the more than 100 revolutionary are fighting to break away from sharecroppers and tenants, as well out a strike bulletin in which they the latter part of March they deplored the armed struggle The text of Grayden speech foland the Spanish workers akninst the samiciently ignoble, they both so death; abolition of the reactionary Co, let the astinte demagogues and conditions than ever before with February 28th issue of this strikesowe advancing reaction in October 1931 cialists and stalinists capped it by laws, reestablishment of the rights the bourgeois partice even though the provision that each worker ac bulletin we read that after almost Mr. President: and more than hinted that it had erforming the function of light of democratie liberties national the masses are groping, in elementcepting shall gave up union member four months of hunger, hardships, am a spokesman for a commitputsch. How many times did they less soil of democratie capitalism tion of the landed property of the ence, and showing that by them and privation the union is standing tee of the Union of Professional both say often in so many words: the increasingly menacing flashes aristocracy, the monarchists and selves they are infinitely more pow. As Brooks Hays, Resettlement Ad furthermore that their ranks are from the Alameda County Court Efforts by Interested people such it on its original demands, and Workers of the East Bay, speaking proveearinha vermeniled the ceremeente working class resurgence which all enemies of the people dissole erful and effective than they are ministrator of Washington, and holding firm and not a man has House, California.
against Insuperable odds; and the black cloudbank that might Inun organizations, purging the army of yoke, the labor leaders seek to fast tators in the intolerable situation The union with ouly 146. men is The thousands of us now working Spanish defeat in 1984 showed how date the rule of the bourgeoise in Fascists; rehiring of all the work en it only the more firmly around now existing have been repulsed by the rigantic chain grocery about the large number on WPA projects are concerned fruitless was such needless blood. Spain for all time. This not very ers discharged from factories after their throats. Typical and charac plantation owners.
men shed as would have been involved laudáble function was performed October 1934.
They refuse to store which has thousands of stores women who are facing discharge by a similar attempt in Germany. through the mechanism of the teristic is the Madrid dispatch to deal with the Southern Tenant all over the country. In order to within a few weeks.
Thus the minimum program of the Daily Worker of Feb. 25, 1938, Farmers Union, and threaten wide make this fight effective they must Yet, the lesson of the Saunish Spanish People Front. To pass in the for the People Front on that is, after the elections and the spread vtolence. Reports from reit Kroger in the heart. e, the Those of us working on the Na labor revival in not only winambig critically over the pumpous phrase January 16. Aliserable enough, it stormy movements of the masses: liable sources, union and non unton. Pricketbook. This can be done only tonal Gulde, a Federal Project are nous, but it speaks out conclusively clogs of the People Front in Spain will be said, and rightly sa But Without consulting the Azana indicate that bands of outlaws are by arquainting the people and par reaching a state of panic as March of Plekhanov whose solitary con to beat the drums for these other wounced with such apparent intran Left local governments are active Continual threats to stage another who normally trade with this labor of the Personnel are to be distribution to the summary of the victories which were gained in Nigeance as thelr rock bottom, be In Asturias province and other Elaine Massacre massacre of ating corporation that Kroger is charged.
New projects are not being set up tament that they shoud not have time and would lead to just not to be found in the program of only premature, but stupid to boot. are being made by the planters, they can buy their groceries else rapidly enough to take care of taken up arms. The difference complete in calamity for the space the bloc after it was formed that attempt is being made to divide This time they plan murder of white white any individual or organ. these now working on WPA proLeft allies, the as well as black Union men.
essentially in this: The German that would emulate it, as it did for Ral of Amnesty for political prison socialists and the communists. izatjon desiring to help the progress jects and most serious of all in the of this strike can do so by placing situation of the rapidly increasing working class was defeated without the German proletariat a couple ofers and the promise to rentre work more truly classic picture of social committee of responsible plantation store in their community, by having for rellet and by your ruling dented The Union has offered to meet a la plket in front of the Kroger unemployed who are forced to ask struggle. The Pascist thugs found years ago.
that they could come to power with The first question that arises in But in place of the minimum de emann Wels type could hardly be owners and attempt to get hie settle their organization pnt Kroger on opportunity of assignment to WPA out encountering any resistance from connection with the Spanish munds which the bourgoots allies furnished than what is reflected 19 moet Content controversy we fel de and then we don matronize list, or by projects.
the proletariat. The ruling class People Front is: Is it correct for (read: bosses) refused to include, the two sentences quoted!
was therefore able to say to itself: the workers to seek and arrive at the latter inserted a number of negotiate a fair and just Wiles, Secretary, Warehouse Work We submit that the relief allow If could bring this gang of semi an agreement with a bourgeois dem planks underneath which the three Is it surprising therefore that in contract. Our demands are as fol ers Union. No. 687, 4046 Folsomance in California is inadequate to armed mercenaries to power for xratic party in the struggle iabor parties shamelessly signed addition to the hysterical praises lows: Just the purpose of crushing every vest gainst bourgeois reaction, even an their names.
The People Front suing to the Spanish People Front at end of season, legal rates of in if you can picket Kroger store in starvation level, with the payment medica Ige of labor organization, without greement on the parliamentary program which makes the French the social democracy should also pers and tenants, wages of 00 Innity write to this or or rent, service bills and by the stalinists the Right wing terest on advances made sharecrop your labor even attempting to fight them tield. Absolutely correct! But only ople Front platform and even and picket signs will be care beyond the slim dole allowed.
We ask that you assure us of off, how much does have to fear under certain conditions and in cer President Roosevelt program look give it the accoude of approval? per 10 hour day with 15 cents per sent by return mail. continuous employment at wages from the workers now that the Fastain ways. The principal condition. He substantial Left wing doen. Everything the Stalinists stand for hour orertime for all work done by sufficient to maintain our families the complete arsenal of state power part of the proletariat which wames Teundschau lorem weke latest victory contained in the February toe binding owners not to interfere Arrest 14 in NY on a basis of health and decency.
We submit that as American citand brutal: can therefore have bourgeois democrates, retains, abso. Support of small industry and Forward, written by its foreign criminate against Union members. WPA Protest izens, in this marvelously rich greater self confidence. The working lutely, its political and organiza small commerce. In the field of pert, Shub, a tiological Menshe Mass Evictions Continue country, that we are entitled to an class rond only say to itself; it tionat independence.
It may not financial reform the most important vik: The present victory over the abundance that we are anxious and The mass eviction of Union tread: if my parties, my leaders) merye itself into the bourgeois is the proposal to work for the reaction was made possible thanks Fourteen workers, members of willing to produce.
was not able to lift a finger against party. It may not write a vum Rank or pain so revising its set to the fact that all the progressive families continues from many plan the Workers Alliance of America.
the Faxcixt traxt when it was arm. non program with the hoursevis ivity that it masa fulani in reality parties and groups unted in a tatlous with no let up in sight, en were arrested at the Port Author: ernment provide work for all the ed with little more than knives, pirts. In this or that district, the its task, the regulation of credit. democratic People Front which weiter and children are often doming ity Building, Thursday, March Gen, unemployed and at once. now that they are armed with the candidate of the bourgeois paris, conta nut decide to accept the dates in most of the districts of the place of refuse intents supplied Administrator, Mr. Ring, see them the employed the calitorala state? And it my leaders stood itself in other distruts. But from nemanded Tele nationalization of the entered the socialists, the syndical themeluesin homes of other Union jobs from which they were cent wages.
still had the Vis lel posibilie of its wit must always lot of the workers it is promians and also the communists, who threats and waruings, many of them second time Ring broke his engage to end the misery we see about us xtrified in their tracks when they were platformand it must have banks. In the Held of improving the ints, the radical bourgeois republicumbers they are founded by arbitrarily dismissed.
For the Mr. President, we are determined tirs of fighting the Fascists before it out why it has a program of The reorganization of the gave up their own communist praying, lenve the state or be nic nient with the workers. In the This suffering that is sending our we were dish and driven its own, why it speaks from its own labor courts and the establishment gram in favor of the moderate. Dynamite was recently placed meantime, these workers, who have friends and neighbors to the insane underground or mor the yoke of platform, why it has arrive at a cof their independence. Not only (Hear! Ilear. democratie program in the tent colony near Parkin. Aamilles to feed, were given the hospitals, to the taking of their own Initier, what reason bave to tie temporary greement with a bour are the class collaborationists of the People Front. What the ways later a mob led by the famous runaround by the city County Sheriff served notice on the authorities and the officials. Wleness and foreing many to lives livre, condemning our children to leve that they will be anything but cos priy, why the agreement is bor courts to be reorganized but Spanish socialists did not succeed les effective ow, when itler has a trmporary and cannot be per their independence from whom In attaining by meaas of a general homeless Denie sathered there to While shonting such demands 318 he hund ateros?
We demand security of employ.
class and its party con never write we forbar from quoting further. Nixteen months ago, which cost hun mor of the State Arkansas.
ment. The withdrawal of your orIn other words, just leave the common program with the bour. The program is simply turerior to dreds of human lives has now ben Marlou Futrell, male as called Feed sur Families, guards by investigation and with a bucket of builling The order was ignored der discharging the thousand work many, the workers haver con otherwise the workers hity Tous certion platfrom. Compared with all of the usual methods of white wash exonerated his friends and the shorting continued. The ers from WPA in California, each.
fidence in themselves and contrari its reason for independent existence it the average German social demo armwracy.
group was placed under arrest.
month, and we demand the imine.
wise, the burgwisie has far xunt. it has wiped on the irreroncilable cratic rty pilatform, even of the Following this, a messenger from date setting up of new projects to furance, firmnes, uidity, struggle of the classes, perind of the Iron Front and Shot rolls off these formulae with sources is effectively blocked. Stat Ring arrivert, promising an appoint care for all these to be released What was inexcusably criminal mirade Hindenbury, is a signi case, because he has been repeating relief administrators at ittle Rock, went with his assistant. This was medinte setting up of a program March 10 or thereabouts and he Reasons for Resurgence them for years. lle hailed the In spain, however. Just because the Communist party and the Naw. therefore, as the program of the lecting Ilindenburg to the German refuse to carry out orders from the part of the socialist party. ticant social document. In so far. retory or the socialdemocrats in Arkansas of the Fourrions encies rejected and an appointment was that wile previne employment for the wokers fought their mood and rin Sin party of Xarxian Unifica People Front is concerned, the presidency in exactly the same Washington. The control of the fully to leave the building the guards As the workers proceeded peace all the unemployed.
the corresponding mood of the bour thou was not only that they wrote questior of Who? Whom? am terms and spirit. In essence, it was Plantation interests extends to the attacked them brutally. Office think: Yes, we were defeated in one crediteit bourgeois parties which the proletariat accepted it. More That he can now include the stallo and Peace Officers have sent guard about three thousand, who had witF. Sharpens that we can and will fight. even politically speaking, they appeared ship forced it on the proletariat. agrees line by line with their eval. to prevent the Union reliet commit. pressed themselves in sympathy battle, but we showed the Fascists was bad enong and that thereby, accurately the treacherons leader ists in his comments that he now ed threats that they are preparednessed the whole affair and had ex Relief cut Axe under. Adverse cireumstances. We before the masses in one party with have proved to ourselves that if the bourgeoisie, but that this comRelationship of Forces nations, is no sign it all that he tee from distributing food and with the workers demands, jumped On the distribution of candidates, has moved closer to Marxism. It clothing contributed by sympathizin (Continued from Page 1)
in this, that and the other respect, written by the bourgeoisie, and that the complete subordination of the only means that the Stalinists have ex and supporters of the share from the brutal assault of the terno of tamine.
we possess an invincible power. in every other respect the joint proletarian wing of the Front to its moved all the way to shub. con croppers cause guards. About thousand Beyond the immediate perspective The bourgeolude thinks: We are not party under the pseudonym of the bourgeois wing is also clearly evi these grounds, he has every right Help is needed. Potest those con people employed in the Port of of struggle, there lies also the nec playing with a toothless old hound People Pront was dominated denced Rear in mind, first, that in to felicitate himself. The Spanish ditions to the President of the Authority Building gathered out essity of revolt. Every worker in here, whom we can kick around con by the bourgeoisie. In other words, the 1981 elections, following the workers have not.
States. Ask senators side to see the workers taken away this country has felt accutely the temptuously. This working class is if the class criterion which Lenin revolution, the socialists were rea lion which showed his teeth and loved so much to apply Who? turned as the largest party in the distinct contradiction between modand congressmen to demand con by the police.
SUPPORT THE ELEVATOR gressional investigation. All con.
Among these arrested were Henry ern property relations and human claws and Suflicted some serious Whom. is employed in this case Cortes. Most of the Republicans workers, we do not wounds upon us. And even if his the result is clearly this: zot in by the skin of their teeth. OPERATORS IN THEIR FIGHT tributions should be sent to Box Rourke, Fleischmann, Harry relations.
Jeap was not well prepared and his Winthrop, Harry Shepard, Lieb. have the time to build Farmer LaSince that time, the Republican FOR HIGHER 5215, Memphis, Tenn.
WAGES Bourgeoisie Discredited AND owitz and others retreat not so well ordered, we did bor parties in order to elect reforLeft parties have been considerThis is the Security promised mist dog catchers and congressmen.
not terminate the fight by skinning The republican bourgeoisie was ahly weakened and even more disBETTER CONDITIONS to the workers by Roosevelt and The choice during the next few his hide. In other words in Spain so badly discredited in the eyes of credited among the masses. Since READ THE NEW MILITANT carried out by his office boy Victor years is not between reform apri the the Ridder. Workers are now being reaction. The choice lles becween Oct. ber will rest for the wors liestire crei. in the united ty has grown and the proletarian READ THE NEW MILITANT SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT laid off by the thousands, revolution: and starvation!
any time of crime.