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Second Edition.
Third Edition.
Statement on the War Crisis against Hitler aggressions, and to men clubs and anti war profes Trotsky (N. Trotsky. After Lenin diod, a second edl In this latest Stalinist fallsifica implement the League Covenant sionals; on the contrary, it attacks born in 1879, active in the Workers tion of his collected Works was tion of history we find the followsanctions by government The the whole conception of such rell(Adopted Unanimously) Illusions fostered by the diplomac Bauer Dan Zyromski Thesis openly ance as alding and promoting, and Circles in the dty of Nikolayev ing biography in the same rolissued by the Lenin Institute. We ume XXI, on the very same page For the past six months after of the Soviet Union, in company advocates support of the wans of not in any way hindering the prep in 1996 exiled to Siberia, soon after give below the biographical 571: more than a year of deliberate with demoralized liberals, reform democratie nations against Tacarations for war.
escaped abroad and participated in note of the Stalinist historians preparation, the armies of Italian ists, pacifists of all shades, and ist nations. Trotsky (Bronstein) born early as August Fascism have driven thelr attack Roosevelt himself is the notion that of last year, the Executive CommitThe Workers Party calls for the the Iskra. Delegate from the Siber as it was dished up after Trot1879 social democrat who headed Centrist tendency (Trotskyagainst the Ethiopian peoples, Im the world is now divided between the or she socialist and Labour in continued effort to defend the Ethitam League at the Second Congress sky expulsion, in Volume XXI, by of opian peoples against Italian as of the Party. After the split in the page 571: ism) In the ranks of the Russian Internal social and economic con peace loving democratic nations ternational adopted a program of session, for the defense of the Party, adhered to the Mensheviks.
Social Democracy, and who subse tradictions, Mussolini and the Ital. This notion is part of the preparaand war loving fascist nations. Call blooded social patriotism. for unremitting struggle Even prior to the revolution, in worked in the city of Nikolayev, Advanced troop of the counter rev Trotsky.(born 1879. quently slid down to the role of the The struggle.
tion in open imperialist aggression to ridere superiore coming upon ce ateist waste means the struggle But for this delense and this strug 1905, he advanced his own and to participated in the South Russian olutionary bourgeoisie. Participat against the last of the Independentism rejects and dispels this illusion against the Second International. sle, the Workers Party calls at the day particularly noteworthy theory Workers League. In 1898 was ared in the Second Party Conpress, nations of Africa.
or any form of it. The idea that 10. During the past two years, which they can be, in fact, conduct which he asserted that the bour province, from where he escaped Soviet of Workers Deputies in same time for the sole means by of the permanent revolution, in rested and exiled to the Irkutsk after the split became a rabid Men The war in Africa demon there imperialisme have reached the state the dea that one or another nation ened and disoriented the revolu It is the international working directly into the socialist revolu ed in the Second Party Congress. vist Parvustte theory of the perma of armed struggle for a re making is guilty in an imperialist war, ts tionary struggle against war to an class, especially the Italian working tion, being the first of the national and after the spilt in the Party, nent revolution. In 1912, organized strates that the centered the role opine come tallest on longbilder messed from a polley which weak mous action of the working class. sends revolution of 1005 must pass abroad in 1902. In 1903 participat. 1906. Aduerent of the semi Menste of boundaries, and a re division of at best formalistic ethical sentimen active espousal of the policies of class, together with the oppressed revolutions; he defended his theory while remaining with the Menshe struggle against the Bolsheviks.
territories and colonial possessions. tality, not political realism. The class truce and social patriotism. colonial peoples, who are the true in the newspaper Nachalo, the cent viks, he participated closely in the During the war rejected slogan of Though the Italian campaign in causes of war are to be found la By the Franco Soviet Pact, the alles of the Ethioplan peoples oral organ of the Menshevik faction Iskra. During the first revolution civil war, defentism, and the nee the imperialist powers, this delay nations. The national state of every tatives in the League during the al, nor Roosevelt, nor their own ber. 1806, in Petersburg. After the Adherent of Parvus theory of the slogan No Victories, No Defeats and directly to a world struggle of capitalisme operating scoret blevet duct of the Soviet Union represen. League of Nations, nor stalin Lay published during November Decam. In 1905 he worked in Petersburg with the Social Chan can prove no more than temporary capitalist nation, without exception, Ethiopian erlals, and above all by Christian Emperor and semi feudal arrest of Khrustalev Nossar, be permanent revolution. When the was a paraphrase of the slogan de is the political Instrument of the the seventh Congress of the chieftains. It is the independent was elected Chalrman of the Prst Petersburg Soviet of Workers Dep tense of the Fatherland. In 1917, The war in Ethiopla must be class enemy, the first and implac the Communist International stands sanctions of the working class, its understood as the prelude to the new impertalist world war.
ariat. The revolutionary party can mocracy betrayal on the issue of mass demonstrations that can alduties. Arrested together with the usele si srecutive Committee and Forned the Melrayonts, and to In the preparation for the make no distinction between good war, announcing itself as ready to the battles of the Ethiopian peoples. Executive Committee on December later became Chairman. After the sether with the latter entered the Italian selzure of Ethiopia, and and bad capitalist states. It is do the hangman job of turning not the sanctions of finance capital during the course of the conflict, the enemy of every capitalist over the proletarlat of England, and its puppet states. And likewise 1906, he was sent into life exile arrest of the Petersburg Soviet, he Bolshevik party at the sixth Conthe League of Nations has once state, to the death.
France and the to thelr nafor the defense of the and to Obdorsk. but escaped en route was exiled to Siberia but en route gress of the and was electo Equally illusory and disast tional bourgeolste in the coming the struggle against the approach and emigrated abroad. Trotsky tietpated in the London Congress People Commissar of Foreign Alsible doubt its true role. The group in at the better that the struggle war, in return for paper promisos ing world war, it is only the inde chose Vienna to live in, and there Living in Vienna, he formed his tales. On the question of the Brest ever the defender of peace. It is of governmental sanctions against Soviet Union. In England, the Com together with its allles under its League is not in any sense. what atost war can be added by support of protection for the borders of the pendent action of the working class be issued a popular labor newspe own group, the ideological expres peace, trst expressed himself in the legal and hypocritical cover for the aggressor. whether applied by munist party applauds the position leadership which gives hope to the per Pravda, to be circulated in Russion of which was a paper he pub favor of the tactie No Peace, No the maneuvering of the dominant individual capitalist states directly, of the Labour Parts: in France, the working and exploited masses asia: he broke with the Mensheviks lished, Pranda In 1912, participated Wars, and after the offensive was in the so called August Ploc, cre resumed. for a revolutionary war.
and sistance in December, 184, up to the puppet instrument of the imper. Blum and Herriot: In Czechoslo al state, but in ever sharper attacking the factional struggle abroad he war he was a member of the edi. of the Revolutionary War Commit Ethiopia first Invoked League as Nations, which is nothing else than astically the worst betrayals of the bourgeolale through the nation side of all factions. however, dur Bolsheviks. During the imperialist Commissar of War, and Chairman the actual outbreak of the war, the list power Support of govern vakia, the Communist party votes against the bourgeoiste and the na made a bioe with the Mensheviks torial board of the Internationalist tre of the Republic cap to 1924)
League negotiations served to per mental sanctions in any form no for Benes and openly calls on the tional state.
and the Vperedovists against the Paris. He took part in Zimmerwald, sity of statitying the trade un the hostilities by Itals, and to deter and criticismecessarily means vakian bourgeoisie and thus for its The struggle against war is not defensive preparation by Ethiopia. collaboration with the sanction master, French ireperialisme for the and cannot be conceived as an In bloe between Lenin and Plekhanov holding centrist position, and sons, and organized a faction on The League has been utilized applying capitalist state. Such col u. the Communist party repente dependent struggle, having a spec who fought against the Huldators. not adhering to the Zimmerwald this platform. In 1928 1924 headed throughout, above all to serve the laboration, in turn, necessarily edly declares its pledge to support at status above class conflicts. It From the very beginning of the ins Left. In 1916, on the charge of car the opposition from 1926, leader ends of British imperialism. Be means support of the war polley of the government in a war against is an integral part of the revoluperialist war he took a brilliant in Pying on internationalist propaganda of the Oppositionist Bloe (TrotWaged a hind its cover, the agents of Great the Elven capitalist state. The re: Japan. The cl. and its sections tionary struggle for workers power ternationalist position, participated Spain, and Prom there, after his sharp factional strugple ainst Bled over the price in terms of always the struggle use the and governmental sanctions against in the war crisis polosseo mbiut the and adhered to Zimmerwald. De America. In 1917, upon his arrival International Britain, France and Italy have has wolutionary struggle against war to take the lead in demanding League ens permet close strength, mace up in the publleation of Nashe Slovo, arrest, he was again deported to the and the Communist In November 1921, territories which cachowas willing any kind 18 always, and must be support of democratic nations the preparation to turn the imper. United States. On his return from yotlar, and together with them en onstrations in Moscow and lento dem.
to pay to preserve its own interests. social patriotism and betrayal.
The threat and use of League sanctions have been made not to save The same concluston holds the most degraded forms of pacte bolest war into the cold war for the there after the February revolution, tered into the Bolshevik Party at grad. Defended the views of the with equal force with reference to ism: In pushing vigorous Neu overthrow. of the bourgeoise state ho was arrested by the English and the sixth Congress of the impossibility of building sociallite Bthlopla. which the League Itsell the support of Neutrality legislatrality Legislation on the part of and the victory of the workers.
set free only on the demand of the and was elected to the After in the of the inevitability has repeatedly offered to sacrifice tion in this country. Once again, the government. Throughout More clearly than any other Provisional Government, which was the Bolshevika had conquered the of the degeneration of the Bolsbe possessions and lines of communica necessarily means the attempt to tional prepares the sacrifice of the the struggle against war attest the sure of the Petersburg Soviet. In 1917, Trotsky became ita Chatrman and the probable return to capital but to safeguard British colonial report of Neutrality Legislation the world the Communist Interna. phase of revolutionary activity does torced to intervene under the pres Petrograd Soviet in September, vik party and the Soviet power, tion, to try to close the opening for conduct the struggle against war in working class on the altar of imper international character of the revo Petersburg he entered the organi After October, he became People ism. At the Fifteenth Conpress of Germany in Central Europe, and in collaboration with the imperialist inlism.
lutionary movement. It is an inter zation of the Mejrayontsi. togeth Commissar of Foreign Affairs.
Dar the expelled from the general to uphold the needs of the government, and thus can be condominant member states. The celved as nothing else than a form The struggle against Imperial aneted in terms of an international Vik Party at the sixth Party Con Litovsk Peace, he was a staunch underground anti Soviet activity.
League of Nations is in every re of social patriotism, Imperialism, ist war means overywhere the relentless struggle spect the agency, not of peace, but which makes wars, can never be an against the ternational organization. Thus the After the July days, he was arrest taette No Peace, No War. After Guards he became one of the po of imperialist aggression.
ally in the struggle against war. Third International, The struggle against war must be struggle against war poses, in the ed by the Government of Kerensky the most Peace, he became People larizing centers of the counter rev The struggle against Imperial everywhere and always the inde11. Throughout the world the most intense form, the central task and indicted for leading the insur Commissar of War and Chairman olutionary forces inside and outist war demands the unremitting pendent revolutionary the right to only organized forces systematic of the present period. the building reckton le but was shortly treed of the Revolutionary War Cound side of the Our emphaexposure of the role of the against imperialism itselt.
League of Nations.
revolutionary struggle against im name generator to drive forward burg proletariat. After the Peters the discussion in 1920 21, he head In the Museum of the Revolution At the outbreak of the last perialist war are the parties and the revolutionary advance of the burg Soviet went over to the Bolled one of the factions formed at In Moscow in a dark corner there is No less than the European imperialist war, the Second Inter crouping of the Fourth Interna working class Threatening as is sheviks he was elected Chaiman that time. defending the necessity hung and, perhaps, is still hanging powers is imperialism bound national revealed its internal de tionalists. The Workers Party of the oncoming of the new war, rel. and in this capacity he organized of Statifying the trade unions. a modest tablet. It bore the foltect to the events in Africa and to ing class to the class enemy, by in the closest solidarity with its forces now ranged against it, there 25. Standing member of the Sition: from 1926 the leader of the In the nature of thinpe, It is the new world conflict which they espousing the cause of national de comrades in all countries. is no reason to despair. Out of the of the since 1917; member United Opposition. In 1927, ex impossible to argue with Trotsky, herald. The sentimental dream of tense and patriotism, by a truce Against the betrayers, the Work last world war came the first great of the Council of People Commis pelled from the party. Our em. for he has no views of any sort. Isolation, Roosevelt promises with the bourgeolstein It is necessary and obilgatory that the will remain free and of national unity by going overcial patriotism and social chauvio: in 1914, the internationalists were ple Commissar of Foreign Affairs, The above quoted and Imuntangled. have no more force to social patriotism and socialism: It rejects every conception of an organized force in only one na then People Commissar of War.
to argue with conftrmed liquida tons and Otzorlate but there is than the unetuous phrases of Wilchaurentem. Already, before the national unity and national de tion, and the betrayal of social de (Our emphasis)
proved blography was to be Son in 1916. Neutrality and outbreak of the new war, the lead fense; it rejects all ideas of truce mocracy came to the great mass of no arguing with a man who plays found even in the Third EdiThe above brief biography of Neutrality Legislation are only ers of the Socialist and Labour In with the bourgeois state, democrat. the workers and methock that was Trotsky appeared in a note to the tion of Lenin Collected Works the role of a screen for the misup to 1931, and thereafter, until takes of both the former and the decorated counters in the imperial ternational, together with the major ic or fascist; it exposes the role of unexpected and not prepared for first edition of Lenin Collected another Third Edition was is latter such man must be ex: Ist game, sugar coated formulatione repetition of the betrayal, are al the League of Nations as the pawn Today, organized groups of revoluof different phases of the war ready preparing to turn over their of the imperialist member states: tionary Internationalists exist in Works, Volume XIV, part 2, page sued by the Marx Engels Lenin posed as a diplomat of the worst 481. Lenin was then still alive. Institute in 1935.
polley The will, on the con following to the war makers. In it opposes all forms of government nearly every nation, and are activeIt one were to take Stalin at his trary, play the dominant and de England, the Labour Party, by cal al sanctions or neutrality legisla forging the parties of the Fourth own worde, a tablet should be hung clsive role in the new Imperialistling for government applied sanction; it rejects the sentimental 11. International: today the Second in his memory with the inscrip struggle Behind Its pacifist cover tions and the closing of the Suez lusions of paclists and petty bour and Third Internationals have an ing, the Roosevelt government is Canal, and by supporting the main geois liberals; above all it direct nounced their betrayalbeforehand, BOOK SALE pouring more funds into its war line of the Baldwin government, its attacks against the enemy at and we will thus not be trapped by He never argued, he only falsimachine than any other nation in has once again taken the position home, against imperialism.
surprise; and today we have the fled.
Big selection of books at 49 cents, formerly 50 to 00.
the world. Both navy and army are of national unity (that is, solidar The Workers Party places no re rich experience and lessons of the We have a large stock of hooks and pamphlets on the Socialist on a purely offensive ity with the class enemy) before liance on the peaceful intentions past generation to draw from In this museum there is sup strategic var is. The bour the war danger, and of fully devel of bourgeois democratic nations, nor aud Labor movement not availablo elsewhere.
posedly preserved the record of The struggle against imperialkeotsie, waiting and preparing, exoped social patriotism to defend upon spineless united fronts of ist war is the struggle for socialeach and every participant and pects to intervene in the later stages the interests of the bourgeoisie liberals, ministers, bourgeois woCome up and pay us a visit.
event in the Russian Revolution Ism, is the struggle for the Fourth of the world struggle, when the PIONEER BOOKSHOP (even prior to 1905. The above International, for the world rev.
other powers are mutually exhaustmentioned tablet is the only record olution ed, to achieve the world domination Resolution on the Socialist Party 109 Fifth Avenue, Corner 15th. Room 1010 of Trotsky participation in the of finance capital.
Write for our new list of books at Bargalo prloer revolutionary struggles of the Rus (Adopted Unanimously) position. The greatest weakness in stan proletariat. It was copled by The struggle against Imperial The recent developments in the the struggle of the Left Wing has SUBSCRIBERS ATTENTION!
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Ing to age at entry, Sick benefit payments from 25 to 000 to diplomatie deals, appeals to pacifist The Old Guard represents social It is the task and duty of the St. Phone: Lgon. 9058.
and liberal anti war sentiment, and democratic reformism in the crudest revolutionary forces to follow each Entered as second class mall matter Read The New Iternational, February Issue.
men and women, according to the maneuvers of the League of form. The standpoint of this 08 phase of this process within the at the Post Omee at New York, This article is written by one of our Russian comrades, Monthly assessments from 450 Nations. Sovlet forelsen nolley prosifled and reactionary group in Socialist Party with the utmost care under the act of March 3, 1870 motes the most disastrous illusions quest fons of domestie policy is and attention, and to seek through Markin, and the facts presented are fully authenticated by to 10.
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DANIEL LUTTINGER, war requires the constant expo social patriotism At bottom, the attitude to be by the Workers SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1966 sure of the foreign polley of Stal factional struggle in the party is the party. The National Committee is Vol. 2, No. 10. Whole No. 62) yearly combination subecription to the NEW MILITANT and Thington Square Nerth Inism.
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In the United in this country.