AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxRadekSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGO NW NOLITANT SATURDAY MARCH 14, 1986 Reichstag Fire Defendants Persecuted THE CASE OF POPOV 1ANEV HitlerSeeks Anti SovietAlliance naction in tbe course of the entire long at his instance) raid was than ofrer moral encouragement. view. It is possible that ble logie armaments (France. etc. Not even Bernstein had such Mustone.
For he did not even want a revolution.
Many workers, even some intel(Papo stontstcourse of the cominter, from France other than one which couchupo hetonemen etalopete. Jail French have placed all their political bope he said were perfectly acceptable cades a little (A Prague Socialtat 66 upon a man who did his duty as to him because these other states, paper even reported he had gone of Bolsheviks revolutionist in a trial. Poor bopeuke Poland and Orechoslovakia, to the Crimea for a rest cure. What devastation that ten year era were only serving their own nation and the Stalinists are reminded that of Stalinist polley must have cost al interests and it was reasonable the struggle for bread has not er. Continued from Page 1)
On the second anniversary of the ing thus out of petty bourgeois, to influential members of the Balkan Lt such patent hopelessness can be that they should be doing so.
actly been entirely suspended in ding us for our anti militarist proLelpzig trial, which was forced to mantic sentiment. This insufferable parties were of the opinion that called hope. Germany does not desire to at favor of the struggle for peace paganda the was expelling we exonerate the communists accused cynicism may be found literally in Dimitroff should be expelled be This is the truth: The Comintern tack these states. he went on. and democracy.
from its ranks for our struggle of the Reichstag fire, the Comintern the resolution of the on the cause of conspirative unreliability. is morally, politically and organi But the Soviet Union was quite an The Stalintern hesitates, The revolutionary defeatism.
press of the entire world is pub Popov Tanev case. Popov and Tan Popov and Tanov arrest were unationally destroyed not in spite of other matter. First of all, repre fate of the bureaucracy system of Challaye followed, declaring his lishing memotrs dedicated to the ev are further accused of not having doubtedly due to Dimitro un but because of the Dimitrotts.
heroic Dimitrov Dimitrov understood the political significance heard of lightmindedness. Besides The top bureaucracy had hoped stitutionally organized exponent of whether this slight leftward lurch menta were those of a pacifist achievements before the fascist of the trial. They had not declined that many addresses were found on The army. he said, must not be court will not be disputed by any: the services of the two official de Dimitroft person upon his arrest. to sure itacle of papal infallibility the revolutionary pabilosophy of life wiltum Into rout Our Policy Is Unmistakablo diverted by national defense. These Germany reoccupation of the young people are acting in the beat press restricted itself to recalling years after the trial to even be 19. Dimitrott lightmłodedness in purpose unmistakably. It is used vet but was therefore thing Rhineland is the latest and loudet tradition of Jaures, that is to say opponents. Had the Comintern trifles which are not worthy two the conspirative work very serious mendous propaganda serves this sire to attack it. The Franco soon this second anniversary, the mentioned.
he born on note laten ondoan. Son as a means of stilling the very last apart which had to be done away explosion in the furnaceod implest or republican defense.
courageous defense put up by Dim Hold ont. the judge InterruptKolarer Sheds Some Light before Hitler took power it had oppositionist volces at a moment with peace was to be pre Allst contradictions. Twenty years ago it took far less to precipitateed, the accused do not want the Itrov, it would remain within the Hitler thus evidently does not a war. Today the Imperialists are soldiers to remain at the service of And all this shall arouse today become a veritable system with when the policies of the Comintern served in Western Europe framework of a revolutionary task. extraordinary International Inter speak even at that time with a And it would be shabby of us to poest? Perhaps the bureaucrats do certain amount of contempt of Dim.
blm. That why people used to are becoming open betrayal.
share the notion of the Stalinit Infinitely more conscious of the national defense outside the conlemize with it on this occasion. not know what they are writing They are against national found contradiction between the conflagration. The rise of democratic and fascist states of October Revolution out of the ashes Join ranks with the proletarians.
the defense and call upon the soldiers to Unfortunately, however, there is Perhas this is just a lot of big trott methods. Today naturally in this caso. The Comintern die reak en de reste de los other the purest Bolnbevlon and the cele Picket Line Europea He boldly envianses a love the best come out on the capitalist nations, barried dreams.
Revolutionists on the Stand fascist and democratie alike, direct. Only by working to guarantee the The bourgeois Judge is very well links these up to something entire point, where simple minded person los of these methods are called ly different, to which it attributes would never suspect. To be sure, sectarians. Continued from Page 1) ed at the heart of the Soviet state. Octobers of tomorrow, by guaran aware of the class struggle.
very greatest significance. This there is not even an indication of As chairman of the Comintern to the strike by the Milwaukee Britain always has and still does teelng irreconcilable and consistent Then a few words from Deglige, other something is a confession of it in the resolution of the Bulgar Dimitrofe did not want to forego Trades Council and the State Fed nurture this same notion. It was struggle against all imperialist rul revolutionary socialist, in which he Tanev and a resolution of the Cen. mentary, and naturally with the luck had fallen into his lap and he has pitched in with a letter calling, eign policy up until 1838 and it come preserve the conquests of the in the barracks: the Judge inter error on the part of Popov and ian But Kolarev in his com. bis petty revenge Bureaucratic eratio of Labor. Even BM Green the central tenet of Trance for ing classes, will we in the crises to described the misery of the soldier tral Committee of the Communist approval of Dimitrov, is much more made the most of it. That it was for support of the strike.
not at all beyond the realms of October of yesterday.
party of Bulgaria regarding this informative. He writes: precisely the Bulgars who delayed calling upon the attendants to repossibility that France may revert Strike Morale High confesedon of error. Quite the orin showing the customary subordiWhat does this mean to every move him from the stand.
to it tomorrow. The slanificance of the resolu. nation to the beloved leader was The spirit of the strikers and sup.
To every worker? The floor was then given to the As cortostante regime titele. ton of the Incoming the something his pride could not stand. porters has been magnificent. Plek: contradiction in the modern pace, just as the imperialists are revolutionary will.
Hitler sees one fundamental it means that he must qutcken bis accused, all of whom affirmed thetr Most assuredly. But Kolarev who not in the condemnation Communist party of Bulgaria lles The old Bulgarian Central Committing goes on at freezing tempera: world, the contradiction between hastening theirs. It means that we stands at present time in the Bolshevik conduct of comrades tee was sloughed off must unite all those committed to lager of Revolution, admitted his Brun, former business man good graces of the Comintern be Popov and Taner but in the sharp The Methods of the Helmsman Pickets, was answered one morning viet Union. He also see what cause he is alleged to have led, to criticism of the sectarian position at A. by 150 although the Stalin sees far less clearly and the overthrow of capitalism, gener responsibility. am a socialist.
This is the Dimitroff they call ator of wars, in the ranks of a he stated, and not an anarchist.
September uprising thinks differ of Bulgaria had adopted in con er. They know why. Dimitroff gether with Dimitrov the Bulgarian which the previous of the their great and remarkable lead temperature was 16 below zero!
This strike, which involves 20 ed dietion between the proletariat firmly knit revolutionary party. Melcheler read a statement adently. In the last issue of the Com. ducting the campaign in the Letp is just as responsible for the bloodytorial workers of the News and capitalist classes of all na munist International he writes, lg trial.
The sectarian course, as defeats of the Bulgarian proleta: monstrative lesson about the value shevism and on that appeal 10 tions. Als appeal is against Rolttonal, free of the social and nemitting gullt for his revolutionary tional reformist and patriotic gan bage of the existing internationals, Maria Crapeau declared that herewith are of extraordinary in of the party leadership, made it in China, etc. For he was a member Here the Guild is winning for it.
has staked his whole regime.
dispel all Ilusions of democratic even if she had known that the ternational interest: not only be That pags for one of the posable for it to utilize the effect of the highest organ of the Comtrial and the role of the comrades Dimitrov not only by his conduct ever come from him, on the com side or which it could never hope pressors us for me a great honor the proletariat, and it war over brothers in uniformitate treptelor cause they deal with the Leipzig Ive weapons furnished by comrade intern. Not a word of protest had sell the actual concrete support of greatest enemies in the eyes of the security, carry on the struggle to Daper was banned, she would have organize the workers for the es sold it. She defended the right of the organized labor movement, out. Bolshevistle international world op tablishment of the dictatorship of young workers to call upon thel involved in it, but also because the in the Leipzig court, but by his trary. He slandered and persecuted to move forward a step questions dealt with are of tremen whole long revolutionary struggle the oppositionists who warned them and justification for my dealing takes us, to night against all odds to refuse to serve the capitallate There is another lesson what before posterity, he said.
dous Importance for our struggle at the head of the Bulgarian just as much as Stalin other and with the utmost clarity to de and proved that this is a fundaagainst fascism in general and workers.
organization henchmen. We can recall here an industrial union The Logle of Hitler Postion teat our own imperialist ruling mental doctrine of communista.
against German fascism in partieuoccasion which is not unimportant would mean to this strike. The lar.
For capitalism there is pro classes, to turn imperialist war into That is what the Revolutionary These, then are the crimes of the cor a characterization of Dimitrollorganisations can do little more found logic in Hitler point of vil war.
technical workers, split into craft Socialist Youth fight for today What Is Their Crime?
old Bulgarian Central Committee: With Ith his approval (most likely also under the banner of Mari, Lenta and Trotsky. She concluded with the slogan: In short, we are concerned bere revolutionary past of Dimitrofanged in the house of a well knowo latement was issued over the sdg may be unable to surmount the with something of extraordinary these communists in sectarian Jugoslav Communist of great revo natures of the typographers press complicated tangle of inter imperi. Nippon Army Long Hve the international interest, of tremen blindness did not even dream that lutionary Integrity, because he was men s, photo engravers. mailemalist contradictions at the outset dous importance. Modest question: Dimitrofe would become the helm suspected of being an oppositionist. and stereotyper unions (all In but wben tomorrow Or even in the tional!
Can the confession of Popov Andman of the Comintern at the 7th Two functionaries forced their one plant. expressing sympathy course of the imperialist war that After a plea of Leo Lagrange for ande? Not at all. Popov and Taner alone is the whole nub of the com police credentials, Taney really acquire such import World Congress. This and this way into his Berlin lodging with with the strikers but polnting to may finally break, the Third Reich. Continged from Pape 1) Brun Rous and Gerard spoke of merely searched his existing contractual relations with Britain, France, Italy and their cide on the destruction of the So tintes of the Japanese Emplre de Judges rendered their verdiet. Pear.
altion before the court. They con That is why they are being ago trunke and drawers in order to Hearst as reason for the absence satellites sit around table to do hours the men who guide the des the bloody policy of the decree laws.
demn Torgler and praise Dimitrov upon. That is why the new central the suspect oppositionist documenta.
erat furnish the Balkan leadership with any more substantial support, Together with the Gulld there vlet Union, logle may be finally because he executed his Bolshevikcommittee, by the grace of Dimit. These are methods which were DotAre slx unions among the workers die home, even for Stalin, Brow cided that for the moment stoping the spread of the affair they line calmly and courageously. Beroff, decided to remove Popoy and gap arrangement which in reality sentenced our three comrades to in all categories departments der and GII Green, sides that they do not say anything Tanove trom their leading und strange to Dimitron even at that of the Wisconsin News. Unlted in What is the immediate prospect? strengthened the hand of the Pas one month in prison and 100 francs (whoever that could in the slightest solltions. The criticism of Popoy and the method of selection in the Com. a Wisconsin News Union they coula Hitler move into the Rhinelanaldst and military elements while fine each, them. Yet despite the editing of Tanov conduct in court only fur. lintern, knows that Dimitroff Was dictate their own terms even to a may drive the imperialist powers dying the appearance of attenuntthe top bureaucrats, Popor and nished the pretext that was needed advanced to the rank of leader Hearst!
Dimitrofr broken pride. Such characteristics against the old Bulgarian central teristics, and satisfaction precisely because of those charac National Fight But that an efort will be made to ing the crlads was needed. The an. Cross Framed arrive at some not at all because of This has created a somewhat em ready unmistakable Comise is alswer wasHirota The tactic of clear, are not very pleasing to the bur. committee which many years ago Ws conduct at the Leipzig court. barrassing position involving mu Filther way, the Workers State the moment will be consolidation. in III. Court Gen. Kawashima, who was relawhich do not drag those condemned to be sure is an experience which onlin beans an equal share of re of the non striking unton printing The whole sweet dream of na: the War Office in favor of Gen.
And today? Today Dimitrof nottual recriminations between some Is In mortal danger.
tively moderate. has retired from to them in the dust and the mud. really should arouse internatfonal sponsibility but a very highest kind workers and strike sympathizers tional sodalist security founded Chulchi Terauchl, who is relatively and charged with driving an auto (Conthped from Page 1)
have a low rating with those gen Interest.
Technically. Crone was arrested tlemen. Whoever risks such a Dimitroff as a Leader of responsibility for the course, nevertheless, faces complete treacherous course of the comincome out with a statement that no ances is crumbling before our very aggressive Gen.
Sadao disgrace or else a new declaration of guilt which has to make up for old Bulgarian Central Committee that is one who understands the per Guild has ever expected or ask eyes. The utter bankruptey of the the real leader of the ultra nation rested in a car accident which oc Whatever was omitted. And to be opposition to Dimitrofe? It is nec meaning of the proletarian struggle ed for more than the moral support League of Nations, once again realists, has retired again for the mo curred Christmas Eve of last year.
The total damages amounted to sure Kolarev seves just such aessary to go into this even though that revolutionary cadres for the the Allied printing trades union vealede in Italy war of aggression ment into the background.
The damages were paid. No one threat: Popov and Taner con does not st into the whole Dim. overthrow of the bourgeoisle can in this struggle of editorial work acter of the promises made by the Incidents Cease Temporarily was injured; not one of the persons fession of guilt can in no case be the Telpaty trial, that is to be ex truce, approval of the military bud All this does not take place with whose car was damaged complained considered as satisfactory.
Trade uulon support for the Wis threat that these promises will be Machiavellian smoothnes. There or prosecuted. Yet states Attorney act, before Dimitrofe made his mark, gets, support of the imperialist consin News strike must extend be washed away and withered in the can be little doubt that the most Seyfrit, notorlous for his red beltWhat are Popoy and Tanev sond Milwaukee to all parts of the storm, must be driven home, even crate pressure on the Emperor workers brazenly stated he would guilty of? Along with Dimitrov they were accused in the Relchstag other workers know Hearst as the trists who today rule the destinies bring about the apointment of Hir setCross.
argon trial. Tanev, robust pensant type, arrived in Berlin only labor hating Fascist who symbol of the Soviet Union.
ota rather than Baron Hiranuma, The getting is not one sided, several days before his arrest. He izes everything rotten and reactionNew Turn in Preparation. who is the outspoken leader of however. Labor 18 aroused and they literally did not speak single ary in American life. The Guild is There is ample evidence of a frankly Fascist organization. It are out to get Cross out of prison word of German Popov, a sickly.
fighting a finish fight. Supporters chronically tubercular man, had everywhere must al by fighting new lurch by the bureaucracy un was not great enough to enable by appealing bls case to a higher Fearst too by bogeotting Hearst About two months der the pressure of these events. Prince Konoye, moderate to court; more than that the militant been there for some time previous. THE ROAD FOR But he spoke only broken German, papers. conducting take the relns of power which the workers of Macoupln county will anti Hearst Radek, in meetings, collecting money for the the futility of the League of Na Izvestia, regretfully admitted Emperor offered to him.
render a verdict in the com! ng elec In no case could he be considered tions for states attorney retiring REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISTS Wisconsin News strikers and help Meanwhile on the actual potencapable of even a short speech in ing the American Newspaper Guild Russia must rely upon its own tions sanctions. His conclusion: tial war fronts another temporary Michael Seyfrit for hie anti labor the German language. They were shift has taken place. The series Organze Defense Couzmittee to win its battle.
thus restricted in advance in their national forces. Included in these War and the Workers is written by John West. He needs of incidents on the Outer Mongolian committee has been organized defense. national forces are the border frontier, which we described last composed of members of the miner Taney Attempt at Suicide no introduction to you. The Road for Revolutionary SocialGRAND AFFAIR patrols abroad.
week as provocative teelers by unlon, Illinois Workers Alliance and In the first few months, in the ists is written by Fred Zeller. He is the acknowledged leader given by the In the last few weeks the Stal the Japanese military who wanted other labor organizations, Local course of the investigation, they of the French Socialist youth.
LUMEN CLUB Inlet International, which throw to know the extent to which Mos Progressive Miners of America has were placed in chains. Just like Fred Zeller was expelled from the Socialist youth organ Dance, Entertainmeat, Refresh all Its forces behind the League, cow would beck Mongolia, have alrady pledged its support after Dimitrov and subjected to the most ization by the agents of Leon Blum and his Old Guard some ments and Good Jazz Band, whose sections in all the alled abruptly ceasech Stalin, in his own John Battuello, left wing leader, excruciating cross examinations.
time ago, together with twelve other youth comrades. The Saturday, March 14 at P.
The Gestapo knew very well that countries fervently promised com way, cave Tokyo the answer when delivered a flery speech tlaying 94 Fifth Avenue, plete support of capitalist armies, the flatly told Roy Howard that the Michae Seyfrit for his anti labor the three Bulgare had nothing to do young Socialists, however, remained supporters of the revoand offered support in advance to R, would come to the support activities, with the Reichstag fire. It was lutionary position presented by Fred Zeller and his co workI. Hall any nation which would line up of the Outer Mongolian republic in The defense committee has retherefore their intention all along ers. They remained supporters in the continuation of the Subscription. 25c in advance: with the Soviet Union, has now, in event of a clash.
tained two local attorneys, but a 35c at door to link them up under all circumclassle centret manner, staggered desire that Albert Goldman, noted struggle for this position. How this struggle has been stances with German contacts, in Support for Outer Mongolia es back another step. Kuusinen comes socialist attorney, be retained for order to at least make possible a carried on and how comrade Zeller and his co workers came Potential support for Outer Mon the case was expressed by the juridically motivated conviction on to a revolutionary position, and came to he supporters of golia is coming from another dir majority of the committee. The the grounds of high treason. If the the Fourth International, is described in this little pamphlet.
READY SOON ection as well. An army of 10, 000 reactionaries put Cross in jail. one Gestapo did not succeed this Reds under Mao Tse tung has of the defense group said, but it ll The introduction is by Leon Trotsky.
case, that was not so much because The Third International After Lenin marched northward from Szochwan take the radicals to get him out.
of Dimitrov but of Pope and and Shengl into Shanst, with the So we don want to take any Taner. Because during the months By LEON TROTSKY apparent intention of making its chances. We want this case to be long hardships of the investigation way into Suiyuan and there handled at the real labor, class they remained mum abont every Partial Contents: Japan thing. Thnev for instance, surrenA Letter to the Sixth Congress of the Comintern, left Alank and hindering the too Cross can be contacted at Vandered the address of his rooming THE PROGRAM OF THE COMINTERNeasy advance of Japanese controlled dalia Penal Farm, Vandalia, Illinois.
house only after three months, and forces into Inner Mongolia Program of the International Revolution or a ProFunds Needed then only because it was necessary from the point of view of the congram of Socialism in a Single Country?
These Red forces, dislodged from The defense committee urges the duct of the trint and because he Strategy and Tactics of the Imperial st Epoch.
any permanent base and more than sympathizers and members of the ever cut off from the Chinese vro Workers Party and SYL to immedcould be sure by then that he Balance and Perspectives of the Chinese Revolution WAR AND THE WORKERS would endanger no one by it. The letariat in the urban centers of the intely rush funds to Tom Sorble.
THE CHINESE QUESTION AFTER THE SIXTH Yangtze Valley and the South, Treasurer, James Cross Defense Gestapo had a much easier time CONGRESS WHO IS LEADING THE COMINTERN TODAY?
have been converted into another committee, 1406 South Macoupin dress of his rooming house in his with Dimitrov: They found the ad.
instrument of the politico military St. Gillespie, 11. Joe Burrell, left The pamphlet, War and the Workers, presents a searching This book is almost all set up and ready to go to press.
tactics of the Soviet bureaucracy. wing mine leader, is chairman of pocket.
analysis of the nature and causes of modern war. It deals Those comrades and friends who want to take advan.
Under the new line. which in the committee.
But suppose the Gestapo methods with the problem of sanctions, neutrality, and the role of tage of the low pre publication price, should volves the return in Ching to the At least a hundred dollars is need in the course of this investigation the League of Nations. It presents a scathing indictment of and in their orders for the book now.
atsaster ridden concept of a bloc ed for the initial expense of the dewere to destroy the power of rethe various forms of pacifism and social patriotism and outof classes to ight imperialism, fense. Cross is in jail because he sistance of the Bulgars? It was Cloth bound Pro publication price 50 Stalinism has cynically abandoned fought for labor. Tomorrow the probably in consideration of such a lines a concrete program of struggle against imperialist war.
ORDER NOW even its lip service to the hope of Macoupin county reactionaries may possibility that Taney made an at The price of this pamphlet is loc per copy; in lots of ten proletarian revolution in China, imprison our brave left wing mintemnt to evade it by suicide he 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City or more, 7c per copy. The price of the Zeller pamphlet is which will alone ensure the forgingers Let all put our shoulders to slashed his wrists.
5c per copy; in lots of ten or more, 3c per copy.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS of an alliance in Asia stronger than the wheel by raising money and We do not defend suicide, but the Japanese Imperialism which is getting Cross out of all and eventHere is an opportunity. Take advantage of it.
what repulsive bureaucratie arro now sharpening its sword for the wally absolved of the rotten frame gance it is to accuse Tanes of actInevitable clash.
up Two Pamphlets