AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyLeninismMussoliniNazismNon-aggression PactSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. 10 WHOLE NO. 62 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1936 PRICE CENTS New Areas il Really Gripped in Hitler Makes Bid for Board Stays Adama Milwaukee Anti Soviet Alliance Militant Spirit and Ac 1574 Pledges Aid to Jail French New Japan Invasion of Rhine Drives Bolsheviksin Gov tool Nailinto Versailles Coffin Class Fight of Army Italy Holds Trump Cardy as Powers Face Alternative of fort IW Leader IsFramedon Fake Charge Sharpens Ax for WPA Relief Men Bottom Drops out of Advertizing as Guild Continues Strike tion Pervades Workers Milwaukee Strikers Ranks in 2nd Week More than 2, 000 plekets, drawn The Milwaukee Newspaper guild in MILWAUKEE, Wis. March from all the leading sections of The Building Service Union en the labor movement in Wisconsin, Wisconsin News won an important ters the second week of the strike marched last Saturday in a mass with ranks firm. The strike bas Hearst Wisconsin News where line around the plant of the victory in the circuit court here Friday when Judge Charles been extended by stages unti Aarons held that the guild under thousand workers are now affected, the American Newspaper Guild James Bambrick announced tounit is fighting courageous certain conditions coud continue 18 day that if the Mayor peace prostrike battle against Bearst secondary picketing of department posals are not accepted sweatshop conditions.
stores, theaters and other adveruncondi Farrell Dobbs, secretary trea tisers of the News.
tionally by the Real Estate bosses surer of Minneapolis Local 574 titioned the court for a blanket iD Strikers Evokes Repression! Gap Until Road Is Clear sailles and Locarno treaties by marching troops, guns and tanks into twenty five thousand additional The News management had pe Solidarity with Brest Toulon Moderate Cabinet StopNazi Germany this week ripped the paper bottoms out of the Verservice workers in four thousand called on Heywood Broun in New junction forbidding all secondary buildings including department full cooperation of the MinneaYork early this week to offer the picketing, relying on an earlier declfor Final Lunge the demilitarized Rhineland.
by Allies stores will be called out, polls truck drivers to the striking sion of the court holding that such This move, long heralded and sedulously prepared, brings French Many conferences of Union rep Fuldsmen picketing was illegal.
Specifio plans for (From Revolution, Paris, France)
By LO SEN resentatives and bosses have been organizing Minneapolis support and British Imperialism face to face with the alternatives of mobilizing Judge Aarons held, however, that beld in Mayor La Guardia office for the Milwaukee struggle were After being coddled and coaxect once more against Germany or accepting Hitler offer of a united front such picketing could continue, ut of our comrades were placed on the for three day while they held pub against the Soviet Union.
sometimes with the attendance of discussed.
the picketing was not directed at docks of bourgeois justice. Thel lic buildings in the heart of Tokyo, Edward McGrady of the DeFaced with the Italian threat to support the Reich in its denunciaLabor organizations throughout the advertiser. The court said the crime? One of them, Brun, was the the military insurgents who last tion of the Locarne paets, Britain, which has just launched the mightiest partment of Labor. No progress to the country will make this rigbt that the News was unfair to organ lution, or of the Revolutionary government leaders were politely that it would far sooner make terms with Hitler than rist war at plckets could carry signs stating former business manager of Revo week assassinated three Japanese armament program the world has ever seen, has given ample indication ward a settlement was reached by these conferences until today when own and back the men on the against the Pascist Hearst their tred reporters but not signs urging Socialist routes. Key and the ushered back to their barracks and time when it could have little confidence in the outcome.
the proposal made by the mayor picket line with a national boy customers to cease buying from Bolshevik Leninist Group. The two Jittery chancellories all over the French imperialism, uncertain of British support, desperately dowas accepted unconditionally by cott of the Hearst press.
advertisers of the News.
the union and with many conditions others, Maria Cralpean and Jean world were assured that the crisis sirous of winning Italy back into the concert of Powers, is meeting the Boycott Hearst!
Advertizing Drops and strings attached by the bosses. Support the American News Gene Green attorney for the of Revolution which proclaimed its on March Koki Hirota, Jap designed to keep Germany vanquished and impotent have come to naught.
La Guardia Proposal paper Gulld in its fight to organ guild, argued that the intent of the solidarity with the heroic fighters Anese foreign minister, was named Across the border a mighty, rearmed Reich has once more hurled its The mayor proposal provides ize Hearst editorial employees! secondary picketing was to inttu of Brest and Tomlon, which brand premier to succeed Keisuke Okada, challenge for a place in the imperialist sun. 1) Acceptance of the tentative ence the advertiser to cease patroned as assassins the radical reaction. Who calmly rose from the grave to In this explosive situation, Mussolini holds the whip hand. It definition herein below quoted in izing the News, not to harm the ary ministers and called upon the which the world had consigned him with Mussolini encouragement that Hitler unilaterally denounced the reference to union recognition. It business of the advertiser. young soldiers not to fire upon their thinking him assassinated, but who Locarno treaty and marehed across the Rhine. At the same time, almost is the same definition which was The presence of guild pickets in working class brothers, tentatively accepted the other morn front of places of business is not the reply was immediate. The la premier more acceptable to the only a formula for bringing the powers once more to the negotiation ing, provided an increase of wage expected to ease the difficulty of the police were ordered to tear down High Command.
table for a division of the spoils and a choosing of sides. In demanding would be granted. 2) The matter News management in keeping its our posters entitled Brest and Koki Hirota is essentially the his pound of flesh, Mussolini holds over London and Parts the menace of wages, hours, conditions and duadvertisers in line. Many of them Toulon. the government army man. He is known as one of an Italo German alliance drawing Austria, Hungary, Poland and ratio of contract be submitted to have alrendy ceased advertising luradio station) announced that Fred of the leaders of the ultra national Bulgaria Into its orbit, demanding as his price a complete relaxation of arbitration, both sides agreeing to the News for the duration of the Zeller was wanted by the police: ist Black Dragon society and is pressure on his East African conquests.
abide by the decision. 3) The arstrike and others will follow suit the Minister of Justice confiscated entirely persona grata to the gen.
bitrator to be agreed upon by rep Although a municipal primary Revolution (or at least tried to. erals. During the past two years, Hitler Trump Cards But Hitler Is by no meang only resentatives Selected from each Auto Accident Used as election is only four days away and issued orders for its confiscation all as foreign minister, he pursued with Mussolini trump He is playing to work on the selection of the arm Blind for Four Months Sen hela, not line of peintiere naver barracks, arrested two salesmen bining diplomatte with military cards of his own.
bitrator. Arbitrator to be selected tence of James Cross While tanks trundled across the tising has appeared in the News, and prosecuted the paper. pressure upon China. His results Rhine bridges and planes swooped within twenty four hours.
except for an ad of the Electric Co. That is why Although the trial were far from negligible. All of The formula referred to above which is Jubilantly over Rhineland cities, provided for moderimination By GERRY ALLARD GILLESPIE, Ill. Mar. James erhimposing a municipal own was held during working hours, aNorth China came in this period referendum.
large number of young people under the direct sway of the JapHitler stood in the Kroll Opera against union nrembers and vacan.
House in Berlin and offered 25cies created by the discharge or Cross, yonth director of the Illinois. The News circulation continues crowded into the courtroom of the anese Empire. The time was well year non aggression pact to France, withdrawal of a union member are Workers Alliance and a member of to drop and the management has 14th Chamber and a long line of employed, meanwhile, in ManchuRelgium, Lithuania and all states to be filled by other members of the the national committee of the Spar resorted to the device of free copies others who could not get in, crowdria in completing the strategie net of railways and roads branching bordering on the Relch, to be guarunion.
tacus Youth Leagne, is at the Van. to stem the tide. Some of the readed into the hall.
The Trial north, east and west toward the Enthusiastie young union mem dalis Penal Farm beginning a four ers have made bundles of the free bers battled with strike breaker month sentence on a charge wh ch coples and dumped the bundles in The press box was killed. The borders of the Soviet Union and Hunger Only Solution of the offered a western al pact to France, Belgium, Britain, Holland Capitalist Politicians for and Italy.
Indigo summoned the accused. He Outer Mongolia, and bosses thugs in innumerable indirectly grew out of hi labor the circulation office.
The feeling of organized labor lingered on the case of Maria Crai The Stop Gap Solution clashes. Many strikers have been Unemployment Crisis He offered to come back to the Cross gained the enmity of the against Hearst refusal to bargain peau, 19 year old member of the arrested, many injured but the spl As premier, Koki Hirota repre League of Nations it promised the rit of the union rises to the aim a By JAMES EVANS junking of the Versailles Treaty culties ine because of his courageons lead photographers has compelled the noted for her revolutionary pro tween the aggressive and the ership in several strikes. year News to display the label of the pagania! Her husband already moderate representatives of Jap receive the axe at the hands Half a million reliet workers win and the granting of colonial con Large numbers of tenants are ago he led strike of six hunAllied Printhe Trades Council in sentenced by the same 14th Chamber anese Imperialism.
dving their support to the strike. dred hgh school tudents against cessions to Germany.
He will un Federal Administrator Harry.
All this he offered France one ear of the front page. The man for a similar motive, he said in questionably be more subject to War Office pressure than his pre.
Hopkins In some cases tenant organizations member of the faculty who haagement by printing this label 18 astonishment within the next four would break its pact with the joln with the strikers on the wicket carried a gun against striking steel hoping escape the anti labor Then the witnesses were called. decessor, who was not precisely at against the impoverished and dest satisfy Germany land hunger at months. This vicious unslaught and if the Powers would help line. Others supply pickets with re workers at Alton. The seab teacher brand that has been placed upon it, or the cited witnesses only Maurier loggerheads with the chevaliers of tate indicates the extent to which the expense of the Workers state, freshments and stin larger numbers was removed from his job. Later, The strike will enter its fourth Thores, secretary of the and Empire. Internal contradictions, as the Roosevelt administration takes Hitler bluntly declared that for withold rent from the landlords.
The union has repeatedly an fiers Uncha Fred of stroke which publisher has a sudden change of Nalraux exeused himself by letter coup showed, wie sharpen and the its orders from the larger taxpayers barethe world is dibided into two differences but the Real Estate op nounced its willingness to arbitrateleompelled the contractor of a local heart and agrees to bargain. The As for Thorer how could le solid whole forward pace of Japanese and the commercial associations. It halves, pot office Job to grant union restriking reputers and photographrine himself with the revolutionary imperialism toward. wmiltary is a positive Indication of the gov to strike chords sympathy in defeatints when his party at this adrentures on continental Auta will ernment determination to cease leading currents of both the French and British ruling classes.
union once and for all have rejected cognition and 75 cents an hour forers are holding firm.
all overtures. At the same time common labor.
very moment is preparing the debe accelerated. Hirota will be no all relier lwy gradual stages.
2, 000 On Picket Line The Two Halves of the World These incidents, and the fact that fense of its fatherland. better able than Okada to deal with numerous individuals have signed Cross had been arrested at BelleThe immediate effect of this deMILWAUKEE, March The The Reformists Defense That halt which is built up of Japan insoluble contradictions. cision will be to increase the ranks up with the Union as litve also ville, along with Muste strike of the Wisconsin News New Marceau irert took the stand. His very accession to power indi of the unemployed by a substan Independent, self sustaining nationseveral companies owning strings Mayer, on charges of paper Guild against Hearst today he greeted the action of Revolution entes that the time for the inevit tial of apartment buildings er minal myndicalism, were made reached its 15th any. Tant Saturul of our comrades lel on by jable explosion has drawn nearer. demontage. Every such actional States of the peoples with whom that the political we are bound a hundredfold throngh Statement of Local 22 of the capitalist class have our history and culture, and with vigorous statement, pledging George and States Attorney Seyfrit. when more than 2, 000 marched be The he said have left the surrender of the insurgents in no solution for the problem of in whom we should like, for all the support to the building service (Continued from Page 2) hind a brass band provided by the our socialist party: but they have Tokyo and the appointment of Hir emplorment except slow starvation. future. to remain bound just as strikers and denouncing the truth less attitude of the realty inter Hold Ohio tent to which Iabor organizations is socialist and not anarchist. We Having shot one helt, Japanese im half million be directly affected. tions of other than European conests, was issued today by Dressof this whole region have lined are gratefut to Marcean Pivert, but perialism watchel, poised, the rear. The proportionate increase in tinents in other words Japan. makers Local 22, an And in the other hall, that in solidarity with the 20 Wisconsin the solidarity of the Socialist Party tion on all fronts.
employment decreed by Roosevelt organization of 30, 000 members: WPA Meet Sews editorial workers who are with revolutionary defentism Clearly for ins. surcharged and Hopkins means proportionate which lays claim to general Inter The strike of the thousands of striking for a close shop contract inued a little too much! At the hour the whole world waited for decrease in the wage and living national rule, a doctrine building service workers of New and an Agment for living very time the bourgoolsie was houn the thunder to break. In those standards of those workers with preaches destruction even to the York deserves and must get the (Continued on Page Continued from Page 2) hanging on to all paid jobs.
most eternal and sacred values of TOLEDO, Heb. 23 Represwagen lecent working condi.
full and wholehearted support of catatives of WPA workers gronps tions.
Hopkins expresses the hypocriti order to build up another world, this life and the life hereafter, in the entire labor movement, of the from twenty Northwest Ohio cities The strike has already cit so cal desire that the majority of which to us, appears horrible as tenants and of all fair minded and towns participated in people generally. These workers, Southwest Ohio WPA Workers Con Wisconsin News, which is one of private employment. This reminds of its contents.
including some of the most exploit ference held here today to lay the Hearst les profitable ventures, one of the custom of some primitive ed elements in the city, tolling long basis for a wide spread unified that official feelers have altriles who beg the bear forgiveHitler made a passionate appeal hours under Intolerable conlitions movement of the WPA workers and ready been extended toward the ness before they apply the knife to for European cooperation, with for miserable wages, have at last unemployed. The conference was strikers with a suggestion of a set ST. LOU 18, Mo. March 1Fight. lty right: Elimination of the his throat. It must be remembered Germany functioning on a basis of come to realize that organization is sponsored by the WPA Workers tlement.
their only salvation. that onlynion of Laens County and the Der system: closel shop work that the spring and summer crops complete armed equality with all the other Powers. He offered coHeart has gone to Madison Wising one of the most important bathope to achieve standards more tit Fraternal delegates from Detroit, newspapermen 75 and 100 a movement bere, one hundred and through a strong anton can they Lucas County employed League consin looking for seits and offered the fu the history of the labor crence and one halt cents in this connection. Hopkins is simply operation to Europeona following the time honored proced straightforward anti Soviet basis Fink Agencles Used ure of forcing workers into the refused and refuse cooperarealty interests, organized in the attended the conference and indiregular workers 15 and 18 for! Warehouse Workers Union 667, ReSince the beginning of the strike. Gelds at below subsistence wage tion, not with Russia, but with Real Estate Advisory Board, deter cated their intention to push tor Not a single newspaperman would tall Clerks International Protective mined to maintain the inhuman con organization similar to that of Lu touch the seab money. few jours Ass n, affiliated with the of the Kroger company has resorted levels. But this time there will be Bolshevism. tremble for Euto the most vicious tacties imagin. no relief set up to take care of these rope and the thought of what Shtones exploitation in. they to. so savagely ated with the general unemployed to function as strikebreakers. Kroger Grocery and Baking Co. for Ahner and Pinkerton strike break Fathering the oranges and picking lated continent if the chaos of a set upon smashing the building and WPA movement.
showing that the Guild will have to the last sixteen weeks.
ing detective agencies: they live the cotton. In order not to make Bolshevist revolution should be sueservice union and depriving the men The conference went on record to reach down into those schools to The trouble started when weeks ned the radio and the daily news the wholesale revision of the rolls cessful. of their only protection. The outcall another enlarged conference prevent the growth of newspaper before, the agreement, under which papers to spread their malicious too flagrant, Hopkins declares, of He appealed directly to France Tisht refusal of these interests even wore March 30 as the beginning scabs instead of newspaper work the union men were working with propaganda of les, slander and course, that some of the discharge on the basis of a threat of proletato listen to the more than reason of a drive to organize throughonters.
the Kroger Company at the St. Louis hate. Besides this, they are now workers will be returned to direct rian revolution in that country to able proposal of the building service the entire state of Ohio. It also Wide Spread Support Warehonse, expired The Kroger conspiring with the police force to relief.
drop its alliance with the Soviet union for arbitration, shows that launched a campaign for the organ Advertisers are already cutting Company Instituted what was frame several members of the union There is but one answer to this Union and Joined that appeal to an their attitude is one of ruthless dis ization of WPA unions throughout down under the pressure of mass known as the Dyer system which on talse charges of bombing and attack conched in terms of statis open threat of independent action regard of everything, but their own 24 Ohio counties and Into popular support for the strike, and enabled them, under the guise of vandalism.
ties and slobbery sentiment. That in Germany own interests It his of cynical indifference to sonthern Michigan, the support of the Milwaukee labor efficiency, to discriminate against On the other side of the picture, answer struggle on part of terms were not met the rights of their employees or the There is widespread opinion here movement in particular. Financial unton men. Then, on November 6th the union bas gotten and is getting all workers organizations sont trendship to Britain, congratulatHitler extended the hand of of workers to sve every possible supWorkers Union, Unemployed League throughout the country, The New Atilitant calls upon al effected shortly between the WPA and other labor organizations contract which would have practi veinity and the strike has been dropped from the rolls, not one ing the realistic sense of an Eng port to the strike. Tenants should and Workers Alliance. The discally denied them all gains they endorsed by the central labor bodies WPA worker discharged: During hish administration which resulted The New York Guild alone has had made in the two years previons of St. Louis, East St. Louis, Belle the next four months, the unem in the conclusion of the Anglo Gerlandlords for quick settlement.
Au Party In Joining the local Workers a week paid out of the pockets of men rejected this they were locked many other cities in Missouri ana er masses and reach greater heights.
bring every pressure upon their ruptive tactics of the Communist pledged and 18 sending nearly 5400 throug their union, and when the ville. Jefferson City, Staunton and played struggle must draw in great man naval accord last year.
Fire on Franco Soviet Pact workers should be ready to assist Alliance to prevent unity between the New York Gulidamen. Support out. The demands of the union at intpols. One of the union chief Otherwise, every working class dis He centred all his fire on the on the picket Wines whenever such it and the Unemployed League is has been pledged and is being dren that time were (and still are. sources of support financially, mor triet in America will become an in Franco Soviet pact. marking it off assistance is requested by the union. now thorougly exposed. Continued on Page 5) The forty hour week; Full senior (Continued on page Continged on page Continued on Page 5)
or Labor Aid for Long Strike