BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismLeninMarxMarxismPrivate PropertySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Father of His Country Now Sires People Front in Capitalist England (Dally Feb. 22.
way Austrian Centrist Party Takes the Count Estamos cas de colores intending to promote the date outles. hennes Green Urged of and PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1936 In Germany the existing situation rests on the revolution which Social Insurance Laws began in 1848 and ended in 1866.
1866 was a complete revolution.
Just as Prussia only became anything by treachery and war against the German Empire, in alliance with foreign powers (1740, 1756. Continued from Pape 1)
The sentimental outpourings in CPers Discover Workers Hero in does not exist and must therefore 1785. so it only achieved the Gersuicide, has broken up families and the Stalinit press on the occasions Slave Owner George Washington be taked.
man Prussian Empire by the forcment Fund during the previous tw has forced men into Jobs at le of the birthdays of Lincoln and Marxist Conception of History ible overthrow of the German Con years he is entitled to 17s per week than trade union rates. It has also Washington outraged many advanced workers. When Stalinism has distinct from those whose fdeologent from tho e of the mechanics The whole hunt for a national federation and by doll war. it a single man or 9s per week to created the mot intense bitterness already revealed a full blown pro showed no trace of any organle and small farmers who constituted tradition is, in fact, allen to Marx. After its victory it overthrew three wife if married and 8s per weel amongst the unemployed but owing ist not only because of its class thrones by God grace and an for each child up to a maximum to a variety of reasons, this foeling gram of social patriotism, it may connection with the struggle of the the left wing in the American reviews character, but also because nexed their territories, together of six. woman, who pays ahas not expressed itself in rebellion, seem superfluous to show how the proletariat.
olution. See The Spirit of the but on the to be Thus, in treating the Art Constitution, New Interna merely to find direct Inspiration of Frankfort.
Marxim Stalinists have forgotten how to not go to history with those of the former free city lower rate of contribution, tecele turning in on the workers in bo analyze history. Nevertheless, their struggle against fendalism, Eng. tional, Feb. 1936. months (unless the worker ba wave of sullen apathy and reaction.
antice revealed an old truth: to ca carefully distinguishes the de The Stalinist approach, however, from proletarian prodecessors. In olutionary do not know the mean break with Marxism at one point mands of the middle classes from logically leaves no place in bistory the writings of the Marxists on ing of the word. And as this was been previous to becoming idle, a The Expect of Social Insuran on the Worker with the more thorough solng derand for the role of other classe than For Vinks with the proletarian pres vate property of the princes who has exhausted his standard benefit At the end of the 19th century Marxism at every point of the peasant plebian groups who Washington in the revolution; forent 18, Indeed, but a minor note.
The Stalinit celebration of gropingly and in religious terms they identify Washington with the had been driven out. That this and must make application to the old Chamberlain was canvassing Washington and Lincoln birthdays already reached beyond modern monolithic aims of the revoluFar more important for Marxist was unlawful, revolutionary there Unemployment Assistance Board the Tories for Old Age Penfone was part of the campaign for a bourgeois society. Although real tion; their very formulatione pro historians has been the task of fore, it admitted by setting the ac for transitional benefit which will and in the first were toying And editorial beginning win Lin portant results at that time of tween the alm of different classes. geols revolutions demonstrates that the Reichstag which had as lit prove that he is really in need of with the schemes of Health and. were to promote coln or Washington ended in a hor. Wyclife and Luther, Engels makes say the Stalinista: so long as clases exist all social tle right to dispose of these funds a slstance from the state. This is the notorious Means Test.
Unemployment Insurance. In the evolutio tatory appeal to the farmer, the clear that it is not they who are year 1936 all these schemes are in His was the task of defeating must take the form of as the government. By demonstrat. middle classes, and the workers to our direct predecessors, but John An army of officials are employed operation and are now worked up the Tories and the Hearst, du ing that the bourgeoisle bas seized as the completion of the North Ger to investigate the circumstances of into a well conceived system which get together to form a two elas Ball and Thomas Muenzer.
Pont, Liberty Leaguors of 1775. its power by force, employed ter man Confederation which this the applicant for transitional me to the worker but cunningly splits perty. To find a warrant for So, too, in estimating the French Hinking up Washington and Llorevolution the roles of Danton and His was the task of leading the coln with the present stalinist om. Robe plerre are in no way miniAmerican people in their battle confiscated private property, etc. revolutionary creation. make no bank? Has be a peniston? If he egories. Thus the aged worker with mibus naturally involved a great mixed, but Marxists have shown for independence against the we show that all power in class complaint about that. But thome is a father, have his sons or daugh his 108 per week looks askance deal of violence both to American that our tradition comes down English upper class which sought Societies can be arrived at only by who operate with blood and throw ters an income? It he is son or at the young man with 179 to reduce young history and to Marxism.
merica to co breaking through the myth of le swallow up whole states, through figures like Babeuf. lontal slavery. Farmer Bality. It is primarily teach thrones and confiscate private daughter, has his or her parents Tradition Bourgeols and We could give dozens of exam Labor Party of trade unions, this profound lesson (1 except of property, should not condemn other an income? This, and dozen per week who in turn envies the married man with the large family Proletarian ples from Marxian historical writtheoretical people as revolutionists. If the other lawyer like questions are drawing over pounds per week.
Broadly speaking, there are two ings, but the point 11 really a very middle class and Negro people, course the more yearn from the Party only retains the right to be red at the unfortunate victim. The worker in industry claim that and anti fascists Is the correct lessons which we very different tendencies in mod simple one. So far as Marxists way to carry out the real Amerman and a wife, it is estimated, ican traditions championed by ern hi tory, which Marxists have have gone to history for direct in history of bourgeois revolutions) no more and no less revolutionary can live upon 24 per week. It he is paying for it all and looks that we must seek to popularize the than the Imperial Government has they have any income been at some pains to distinguish spiration, they have sought it in Washington.
excess of upon the unemployed as a lot of Worker, history of the American Revolution been, it has got all it needs.
that amount, then benefit is refrom each other. 1) the forerun those hi torical figures whose ideo and the Civil War.
Engels letter needs only to be duced accordingly. Single persons From the working class political ners of the proletarian revolution. logy had a social content connect(2) the revolutionists of other ing it with the proletariat.
And the Daily Worker cartoon To teach that the bourgeoisie, in contrasted with the sentimental must how desperate circumstances parties and trade unions officials classe, that is, bourgeois anal shows Washington, with a copy of the grip of necessity, has been un slobbery of the Stalinista over if they are living with their parlare drawn and corrupted in order Washington Role the Declaration of Independence compromising, bold, forthright in Washington and Lincoln, and we ents before they can receive any to aid in the administration of the petty bourgeois revolutionists.
Serious Marxists, therefore, under his arm, chained to a police its use of illegal methods, in no realize how allen to Marxism 18 benefit. Before receiving benefit different schemes.
When the greedy taxpayers and other real Marxists have al Washington tradition is connect Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mebring wonld not for a moment speak of man, with the caption The Wereway requires that we idealize the the use of American history by he must sign a declaration, declarumongst the British etapitalist ein Alive Today.
bourgeoisie. On the contrary: Marx Stalinlats.
ing that he is willing to attend a ways made a clear di tinction beted with that of the working class. Satire itself is helpless against and his successors have always laid who As a representative of the commer such gross corruption of history. bare the narrowness of bourgeois how diferent the picture of Lincoln name for a concentration camp the burden of Unemployment in tween those revolutionists One can barely indicate here training center which is another complained to Lloyd George about forestituiten directe a poterleceseors sial planting aristocracy, his aims we may point out, however, that revolutionists, their viciousness to and Washington would be if writ where hundreds unemployed merancangurean ceplied: When please the modern as in no and history. To propose to build a posity in clothing their special class els instead of the Philistine senti art of stone breaking, road making against revolution. This was a roparty covering different classes, the interests with the language of uni mentalism of Browder and Hatha or munition making The terror markably accurate forecast.
Farmer Labor party. necessitates versality, etc. Marx, and those who of the Meang Test, which is ar Social insurance has become a linding categories which include wrote in his spirit, bave never plied every two months to those weapon used by British capitalism both classes such terms as the sought direct inspiration from the Lincoln Place in the Civil War in receipt of Transitional Relief, in order to demoralize the worker.
people, the nation, the coun bourgeoisle even in its most pro In a Marxist history of the Civil has driven many poor people For how long shall they succeed?
try, American traditions, etc. gressive periods They have only War, Lincoln would lose stature: union that is victimized by the craft party. therefore, is inevitably na the bourgeoisie in coming to power drew Johnson, who faithfully carunion bureaucrats. Thus there are Among the participants in the action for peace conference (London Bureau Schwab and Dorlot to Stalin and over the nationalist interpretation and illegality, and that if this was nearly impeached, indicates what passed from tionalist and chauvinist, and takes have been forced to resort to force ried out Lincoln policies and was hardly prospects of moderation of In Steel Drive the conflict in the of of Left Socialist Organizations) in Leon Blum, from the Red Front to of the history of the American rev necessary when it was merely a Lincoln stature might have been Pre ent indications point rather in February 1935 wa the Viennese Koplenig (leader of the Austrian olution and the Civil War. question of shifting power from one had he not fallen a martyr. For the direction of sharpening of Group. Rote Front (Red Front. and Otto Bauer. It the Browder ys. Marx and Engels class to another, how much more Marxists, it is the Black Repub(Continued from Page In order to complete the picture of could reconcile disarmament the conflict all along the line.
But this is only the one side of necessary is it when the task belicans who would loom large in regard to the steel workers, who by the famous Sapist (derived from with revolutionary defeatism, there Another example is Browder fore the proletariat is, not only to the history of the period: the ruth several recent manifestations of re the present itnation. As. the name Socialist Workers was no reason why the revolution speeches in online and the came take power, but to abolish private less, determined representatives of volt appearing even in their com implied in the after made of active property altogether.
tional it is worth the trouble to Austrian could not reconcile tributed pamphlet form. Browthe industrial bourgeoisie, led by pany unions have shown their grow. ssistance to a campaign organ Engels Letter to Bebel Thaddeus Stevens briefly depict the birth and. the the dictatorship of the proletariat der makes a strenuous effort to collapse of this group.
with the Provisional Anti Fascist hind quotations from Marx praising In a famous letter from Engels Sumner, who drove through with applies to the whole trade union austrial union movement in order The Red Front arose immediately Government. the revolutionary pol Lincoln, and such as he finds he to Bebel, after the Socialist suc Incomparable ferocity the system movement. The scored a to rally the support it needs, will these recent find itself ever more actively enafter the event of February 1834 icy against war with the demand of has to use in truncated form be cesses in the election of 1884 de atic subjugation of the South in the real advantage in and was composed of numerous left Austrian neutrality guaranteed by canse Marx and Engels were ser spite the semi legal status of the reconstruction period. One cannot broadsides and gained new support, gaged in the organzation of the un As a matter of fact wing leaders and of worker ele the Entente. It only remained for erely critical of Lincoln and the party under the Socialist Laws, like the stalinista, present the It also made clearer the direction organised.
many unions already call upon the ments of the social democracy who the Red Front to note that there policy he represented. See Select Ingels showed how an analysis of Black Republicans as menas in which it hended.
As a result new forces are rally. for a sistance in organizahad drifted to it. In this period of are no longer any serious differ Correspondence of Marx and the illegal sources of the bourgeois lotable as Lincoln; but presumably ferment in the illegal movement, it ences with the party which it had usele. 135 ff letters dealing rule can serve to teach the prole we are speaking about revolutioning to the movement for industrial tion campaigns.
Marx estariat. This letter can serve as a aries, and the Black Republicans unionism. The automobile worker The outcome of this conflet is was the organizational expresion left and to submit to the patronage with the Civil War. timate was that the Civil War model to us in drawing the same were perhaps the most ruthless rev. union and the rubber workers union in claa. beginning has been of large sections of workers who of Otto Bauer in the name of redraged out because Lincoln and conclusions from American history. olutionaries that American history have for some time been on the womentous for the American work were breakng with reformism and volutionary unity.
some can show most friendly terms with the made. An aggressive polley of oron the road to revolution, cen Evdently, this is not a question his petty bourgeois policy clung to and is worth quoting at II Lincoln loses, Washington Judging from all present indica ganisaton and a program indus.
trism. For every revolutionary of entry in it elf. but of its principle constitutional methods instead of length Marxist, it was already clear at and political content. The crux of pursuing a revolutionary course: The whole of the Liberal phil gains from a Marxist description. tions both of these union are draw. trial unionism is the need of the ing closer to its standard. The radio moment. This the has The way the North is conistines have gained such a respect He needs no apologie such as the workers union and the flat glass brought forward and on this basis revolutionary principles could pure a proletarian, is the question of ducting is only what might for us that they are screaming Stalinists have been making for his vent this new group from collapsing war. Placed in the vice of the have been expected from a bour with one accord: Yes, if the Social. having been a slaveholder and anti worken union have now decided a movement is faking form. Mi geois under the impact of the powerful Stalinist Peace front and the ap where fraud has Democrats will put themselves on democratic. it is sufficient for us definitely to expand on the basis tant workers should have no dieapparatuses of the bureaucratic peal of Otto Bauer for a united centrists of the right and the lett. front in world politics (he had in Marx in September, 1862 then we are in favor of the imme a class and led it in revolutionary tlon. It may not be amies to add it.
And Engels, in November of the diate repeal of the Socialist Law. struggle. No need we apologize concerned, it is characteristie that made may open up However, the Red Front justified mind a united front with the BritInsofar as present trende are the beginning that has been it existence by the defense of the Ish sanctionists. the left leader same year, wrote to Marx: There is no doubt, thereore, that for his role of the Constitutional idea of the united front and on the of the Revolutionary Socialists Despite the screams of the this suggestion will at once be Convention in depriving the masses all of these unions which are the unton organization such as has sentimental recognition of the sought for safety in their independ made to you in the Reichstag. The of the gains of the revolution from first to rally to the indutrial unfon seldom been witne sed before in ence on que tions of Austrian tae Yankees, there is still no sign whatever available that the peo Red Front Disintegrates ties. But the great decisions of ple regard this petty business as. not so much for Germany, where important to analyze the consumtion industries. But the growing of laying the foundation now of a proletarian polities are made pre is gear.
our gallant lads have given it in mately skillful and essentially ille support given to the program of the trade union movement The inevitable happened. The cisely in this period on the inter: tence.
a real question of national exis leaders of the Red Front emigrated national arena. And here the left. must say cannot tame answer would at once destroy ary, method by which Washington labor bodies and numerous local movement will experience before the elections, as for abroad. gal and arbitrary, le, revolution. o. is by no means contineded to modern methods of produc truggle that this to Moscow, and the revolutionary of the group supporting Miler (auwork up any enthusiasm for a workers, not seeing any need for a thor of the pamphlet The New Be people which on such a colossal the colossal impression produced and the Federallats achieved their by the elections.
ends. For, what are we seeking? craft unions have expressed their its existence is assured will have subtitute for a united front beginning. placed their confidence a fourth of its own population this: issile allows itself to be beaten by In my opinion the case is like Not a figure to worship and peg a sympathy and support to this new the effect of elevating it to a higher tween the and the re in tested leadership of the old fox, Farmer Labor party on, 18 the It to be expected that the craft of the old craft union ideology and level of consciousnes. On the basis turned to the two major parties. Otto Bauer. For the sake of the and which after eighteen months Only a small number of stalwarta independence of the Austrian tae than the discovery that all its of war has achieved nothing more Throughout the whole of Europe Stalinists seek, No, we are Marx union bureaucrats will retaliate, in in the spirit of class collaboration (about 200. of extremely heterotic they accepted and submitted to the existing political situation is Ista, who seek to lay bare the rev.
the product of revolution. The le olutionary proces of history the face of this growing support, it would be inconcelvable. It can be with arbitrary measures of expul born and grow only in the fire of geneous composition, remained. Sin the social imperialist strategy of generals are asses and all its of gal basis, historic right, legitimacy.
ficials raseals and traitors. After They completely obscure the ston, not merely of individual mem the class struggle and from the cere worker elements in the ranks, the Second International and its ac with an understandable organiza complices of the Third.
all, the thing must happen air.
have been everywhere riddled point which Engel brought out:bers but of whole organizations. da struggle it will recelve an inferently, even in a bourgeois re through a thousand times or en. Our rulers took power by illegal When confronted with the posibil delible imprint that will help to tion patriotism, made desperate of Diffferences Overcome forts to continue the work. The publie, If it is not to end in utter tirely overthrown. But it is in the methods and hold it by arbitrary ity that progressive ideas may take shape its ontook and its policies.
The social patriotic division of nature of all parties or tops were composed for the most labor is thereby completed. All But all this disappear from the revolution, to demand that the new Wa bington used in coming to see a threat to their own reaction NEW MILITANT classes means. We ask no more than to be root and spread, they know of no which have come to power through allowed to use the same means as restraint. In such possibilities they part of overcantiou: intellectuals, a typical centrist formation eter that was lacking was the extreme Stalinist picture, except a care basis of right created by the revonally preoccupled with not crossing left complement. In France the fully worded remark by Browder lution shonld also be unconditionpower.
ary domination. About this they real incentive with which is merged times, ally recognized and regarded as stundas obscure this point: for to active untonization, they know But it is no accident that the make no mistakes.
And of balancing themselve be the job. In Austria the Red Front Why this distorted picture?
THE MILITANT tween extremes. Their great hope has the distinction of carrying out en use to paint Lincoln ein full face exist.
Otherwise the present rulers they seek to build an openly. re will mean new and more bitter Published weekly by the New M! Bworkers parties would create new there are not creat afference be a la statinism of the tradition that now onwards it is to exist no more the revolutionary method of strus corporations which are determined St. Phone: Algon. 9018.
to resist, and of such struggles they Entered as second clase mall matter opportunities for an intermediary tween the internal policies of the are sworn enemies.
party. The leadership never reach two partie (Revolutionary SocialTrade Union Democracy at the Post Office at Now York, ed the point of elaborating clear ists and Communist Party) there READY SOON under the act of March 2, 1879 But it equally reasonable to principle. Its political documents are no great obstcles in the road WORKERS JAMES CANNON: Editor The Third International After Lenin were the result of innumerable am to the formation of a united prole assume that the industrial union putation and mutual compromises tarian party. In order to more Protect Yourselves Against the movement will find it necessary to Subscription rates: In the United of divergent opinions. The result: effectively support this process and By LEON TROTSKY Hazards of Life. Join the draw closer together in defense of States 00 per year: 06 per six the elementary trade union rights months; Canada and forelga 50 kneeling before the Soviet bureauc in order to struggle for the united racy with some minor reserva: the Red Front dissolved itself into Partial Contents: WORKMENS SICK DEATH of democracy and freedom of exper year; 00 aiz months. Bundle BENEFIT PUND OF THE prosion of ideas. The industrial rates: Two cents per copy Letter to the sixth Congress of the Comintern, of the Second and Third Interna. the Revolutionary Soriallt Party.
1884 1936 union movement will be compelled SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1886 tional nationally, against unity, tween th and the The There are no great differences be THE PROGRAM OF THE COMINTERNto rally to the assistance of every! Vol. 2, No. (Whole No. 59)
for a new party.
Organized, managed by and for Red Front on its side no longer has Program of the International Revolution of a Proworkers with only one purpose Those who were able to get over great differences with the of Socialism in a Single Country?
to render protection to members the hurdle of these continual con And for cause! All that was in Strategy and Tacties of the Imperialist Epoch, and their families, and to sup What is the Stakhanovist Movement?
tradictions fell into a complete blind volved was only a minor difference alley. It was at this time that the in internal policy on the prepara3. Balance and Perspectives of the Chinese Revolution port all endeavors and struggles Read The New Iternational, February Issue.
historie conference of the tion of a bourgeolt conlition (what THE CHINESE QUESTION AFTER THE for the improvement of tollern, SIXTH About 50, 000 members organcame to their aid.
This article is written by one of our Ruslan comrades, At last an in. is called the peoples front or Ized In 850 branches. Reserves ternational grouping where the prin provisional anti fascist govern This book is almost all set up and ready to go to prese 3, 400, 000 Markin, and the facts presented are fully authenticated by ciple of mutual obsolution and not ment. and in external policy on Those comrades and friends who want to take advan.
Information from the press of the Soviet Union. In each instance the mutual Irreconcilability of prin the policy of free hands for the Death benefit graded accord the low pre publication proe, ciple prevailed The Red Front be peace action of Stalin Bauer.
ing to age at entry. Sick benefit exact data is given, presenting on a whole a picture of this came an enthusiastic partisan of Over It all hangs the purple rag send in their ordens for the book now.
payments from 225 to 900to movement not previously known to NEW MILITANT readers. world wide action for pence and of revolutionary unity. In men and women, according to Cloth bound of revolutionary unity. close word: pure and unsullied sodal Pre publication price 50 Get your copy of the New International from 55 East 11th st.
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