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The Hunt for Trotskyist Contraband HISTORY BOOKS FOR SALE!
The New Revision Under Way in Daily Worker Distorts Lenin Teachings WHAT PRICE ALLIANCES?
Social Patriotism Scorns World Revolution SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1936 NEW MILITANT PAGE historical literature, one of his zealous historian immediately tried to oblige him by broadcasting the historical fact that Trotskytem never had anything to do with Communism, being an unadulterated and permanent species of count er revolution. What did Stalin do?
Absorbed as he was constructing socialism in the Soviet Union, and helping Hitler come into power in Germany, he neverthelea took time By JOHN WRIGHT Yes, Trotskylam. so often liquidIn the sphere of Russian off to reply to this historian, one By DAN EASTMAN that 18 vile that parades in the then he went on to analyze one of from the Kremlin down, theated, exterminated and burled by history, there has not yet (1) been Olekbnovich Chlding him, he Almo dally in the last week or name of revolution. Perhaps Reits aspects. Repard seizes on this Stalintate in the Soviet Union are Stalin and his henchmen is now accomplished the work of scrapping wrote: two in the Dally Worker, Theodore pard forgot that he said the same lart incidental analysis and makes having the jitters from a recent mass movement in the Soviet Union. non Bolshevik traditions which.
Repard has turned his weighty thing in the same words in the last it appear to be the main content of poch making and horrible diacov. During the recent technical check comrade Stalin (posed) in his work Stalin Letter theoretical artillery on the Young article. This all that is vile that Tyler pamphlet.
or made by none other than Stalin. up. thousands of Totskyists were Some Questions relating to the Dear Comrade Olekhnovich, Socialists. The nolae la terrific. parades in the name of revolution While Stalin and his suite were expelled from the party. No History of Bolshevism. which, as Nonsense on War Your letter received. Excuse On Monday, February 24th, page eems to haunt Repard. Maybe he marching from one irrevocable sooner was this cleansing concluded is well known, posed in its call the delay 18 am overloaded of the Daily Worker be delivers picked up the phrase from Gottwald If alliances were the cause of triumph to the next, an unbeller than it was immediately necessary scope before our historians the with work.
a alvo under the title, Young so that Czech leader, who after voting war, the Soviet Union would be able situation contined to develop to institute another purge (this que tion of liquidating semi Men find myself utterly unable to cialist Leaders Are Beginning to for the war budget in the Czecho directly responsible for war, and so in the rear: On the Historical time, a mere exchange of new party shevist, semi Centrist ideas, and agree with you, comrade Olekh Run Amuck on the Question of Slovakian parliament, went home to would every other nation that enterWar.
Pront. While Stalin was busy cards for the old and tattered Trotskyist contraband in our hi tor. novich. And here is the reason write an attack on Otto Bauer for ed an alliance and the struggle making history in the very frontones. per istent drive on a ical literature.
why: It is time to sound the alarm, says flirting with the idea that Stalin against war would be reduced to Poes, his funkies in the rear were vast scale is now going on to preRadek Whines It is not true that Trotskyism Repard. order: from Moscow and the Soviet Union were anything a struggle against alliances. But manufactaring it according to the pare and execute this new purge.
was never a faction of Commun the last issue of the the New MIL but one indivisible whole. in this is nonsense, and Tyler never task set by Stalin in January day to day prescription. With the We shall content ourselves here by Ism. IT WOULD BE LUDI tant. the Young Socialists are dissolubly bound together. said it.
changes in the objective situation, quoting an eloquent paragraph from 1982 remains unfulfilled by Janudrawing close to all that 14 vile We tell our Socialist Comrade CROUS TO DENY FACTS THAT War is caused by the economie ary, 1936. What was Stalin doing the mean and ways of talsifying an article by Shubrikov, secre all the time? He was very busy.
ARE KNOWN TO EVERYBODY, which parades in the name of tre frankly that the next step after conflicts which are incessant under httory were varled tary of the Quibi hev District: volution.
as a faction in the reSmall wonder, that Radek was in Tyler present position is to call capitalism. The only struggle Bat now it turns out o a matter We must not forget revolustructed to write a tremendous arcorded in the resolutions of pon He begins with Gus Tyler, one of for open struggle again the Soviet against war is the struggle against of Incontrovertible fact (for, Stalin tionary gllance for a single ventions and congresses of the the YPSL leaders: Union. says the Stalinist bage. capitalism Whether or not the himmelt says so that the science moment. We have no right what the In the self same issue of Pray. Cop. our emphast. How does Tyler approach the Why? Because Tyler can answer Soviet Union enters an alliance will of story in the Soviet Union over to think all the alien and Ergo: It is impermissible to war que tion?
whether the Soviet Union is a not stop war.
Ff in journalism, too, whines: by and large, in the camp of coun. hostile class elements have al. To begin with Tyler belleves beacon or a burden. No wonder 89 ert that Trotskyism (Trotsky Our histor ans have not yet as What Tyler was trying to explain ready been exposed and driven ter revolution. that the whole question is compara he replied when asked this question in his pamphlet was that alliances ites) WERE ALWAYS a faction similated the great historical legaThe gravity of the situation is out of the party. We have no cy of Mars, Engels and Lenin; this of Menshevism, for such a suptively simple as he stated at the by Green that he could no more cannot stop war all they can do Illustrated sufficiently by the fact right to allow our elase vistance is very clearly proved by the very position must logically lead to the debate. We, of cours, part com answer this question than one whe is alter the line up.
that on January 26, 1988, a special have learned a great deal during to flag for a single moment. We fact of the supremacy of the school from 1917 to 1927 our party was notion that during the period pany with him right here. For us ther the of or craft unlong the question of war rains some or the Social Democratic union of that alliances are responsible for Repard accuse: Tyler of mying Commision of Twelve, with Zhdanthe check up of party credentials.
of Pokrovsky in the sphere of Ruso as Chairman, was appointed by fairly complex question, some of Germany before Hitler were bea war and then instead of correcting the party of a BLOC between the sinn hlutory, by the fact of the in But we must not forget that the Stalin to savo what can be saved.
which cannot be settled by an epl cons or burdens.
Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks, surmountable influence of Luxemclass enemy, too, has learned gram. We make no bones about it.
this false impresion goes on to atIndignation is no Reply Naturally, the Commleslon faces something. For, we exposed not burgism and Trotskyism, in the a soloseal problem. In its work it tack Tyler as it alliances could vik party, which is utterly Incor Nelther aid Lenin.
treatment of modern history as a a few double dealers, ZinovievImagine comparing the Soviet stop war. What is there left of the runs up against tremendous difficul This profound observation is the rect and incompatible with the istTrotskyists, and all sorts of whole, at a time when the tormy um and substance of Article Union to craft unions, to the fundamental Marxist conception of foundations of Bolshevism.
them in the words of Pravda itselt: other anti Soviet elements whose course of history has placed the of Repard attack. He goes on to of L, to the German trade unions, war? Nothing. War fi reduced to Brange as it may seem, this historians face to face th whole party papers were in perfect What other way out remains show that Lenin, in his instruction says Repard in a fit of indignation the unfortunate chance of an allwork has run up against difficulties order. As is well known, sec series of que tions of paramount only one, namely? let us agree to the Hague Delegation on Decem and let it go at that.
lle falls ance and the struggle agatnet war in the sphere of the History of the tion of the Trotskyist, Zinovlev. It is well worth dwelling ists had a close consp rative Their own falsifted history looms tain historical segment of time not to be taken in by the simple ist Union working class organiza Soviet Union.
upon these difficulties because they organization, carrying on their As a source of danger in the storms Trotskyism represented a faction declarations of the reformists that tion, or is it the Staliniat bureaue Alliances and the USSR concern not small group of undermining activities under the they would answer war with trike racy, beyond ml take and above The Soviet Union is a Sodallat authors but the condition of our mask of honest and devoted. most unexpected places nearbs of Communisme a faction vacin.
Historical Science. Lead ng arpower which could never be a lating between Bolshevism and or revolution. Then he attacks criticism?
party members. Pravda. Feb. the Captain himself is no great Menshevism, Tyler for taking the simple defl When progressive trade unionists partner to an imperialit alllance.
ticle In Pravda, Jan. 27, 1936. Our 3, 1936. Our emphas Signed) Stalin. nition of the slogan Turn the attack William Green all bls little says Repard, It is not in the fact (Dated) Jan. 15, 1932 Those words hardly require any adds his own thunderbolts to the Liquidating Pokrovsky imperialist war into civil war. hired lackeys begin to howl that that the Soviet Union takes advanThat all. In other words, the they are attacking the trade union tage of imperlalist alliances that the comment. Every syllable sounds the already overcast skies, and only Today, any historian, any time whole of Article is devoted to How does this differ from Repara treachery lles but in the fact that On the 19th year of the October alarm. The entire Soviet press to provide the enemy with ammunition.
revolution, on the very threshold of now urging full blast all its local Faction of Communism Communim, after all classes had agents to be on guard not to would dare to repeat this species toward the war question. rather of the bureaucracy of the Soviet working class struggle against capbeen irrevocably eliminated, our relax thelre vigilance for an instant. He is thundering today as he did would find himself rotting in Jalling the fact that Repard ha com tacking the Soviet Union itself? It price for the alliance. It is not hetorical science is in such an and not fail this time to do a In August 8, 1984 against the fact for life.
awal and ominous condition that thorough and final job of unmask that the textbooks do not properly pletely failed to answer the fairly utter:not at all except that Green that the Soviet Union has formed Stalin must intervene and appointing and expelling the Trotskylts. treat: the struggle of tendencies vik, No. 16, Aug. 30, 1982, pages 46. the YCL by Tyler and the YPSL the intellectual scale as to claim Stalin has recognized the French Only four years ago (see, Bolshe complex questions put to him and lackeys have not yet sunk so low on an alliance with Franco It is that no lew than twelve specialists (InContraband in Oficial Textbooks in the ruling Communist Party In 48) the Jovial Captain hmelf was cluding Radek and Bukharin) to The bureaucracy is in trenay the and the struggle or the opinion that it is absurd to What Lenin Sald that the of is one indiv. imperialit army as the price for relleve the situation. This is not Repard failed to give the full istle whole. Indi solubly bound the alliance that makes it treachery.
only a strange state of affairs, but learned dui dat deal that it has a net Trotskyism as a manife ta deny fact known to everybody. quotation from Lenin instructogether. No amount of righteous Neither Tenin nor Trotsky nor Marx over the condition well worth looking into and the great deal it obviously Zhdanov, and Kirov, August Sisted in Atting well known (and in by the during the last check up, olation. Decree signed by Stalie the task of historical cience con tion of petty bourgeois counter rev.
and was obviously convinced that tlong to the Hague delegation.
indignation from Repard can con nor Engels could oppose the Soviet After urging them not to be taken all his lackey adoration of the Union taking advantage of imperialThe firt inkling of the crisis on expects to learn from its thundered against the wrong Une unfortunately recorded) facts into clarations, Lenin said: First, the historical front came to the purge (February to May Stalinist bureaucracy to which he ist alliances. Yet Repard say that 1934. But in January, 1932 he also formists imple de uninitiated in the form of a world evidently a great deal more than it of his storians: There is indissolubly bound. like a lave the statement that the USSR wide attack launched by Stalin had ever urmised.
a tissue of Interpretation and therefore, darification on the to his master.
partner to an imperialist alltance Repard then turns his reintillat is the mot infamous of all slam pen prostitutes (with Radek at the the stalinist usurpers are seeking Bolsheviki who are of the opinion the great merit of the Pokrowks question of national defence head) against the historian to plug any possible channel that Trotskyl misfaction of school in history. Under the guise ing Intellect to the problem of al. ders This he qualities by accusing liances: Almost word for word this Tyler of saying that the Soviet Pokrovaky through wh ch revolutionary ideas roneous and commits toolth and of erudition, facts, dates and docucation of the only possible way tion of defeatism. Third, ele argument is repeated in Tyler Unon is an imperialit partner of pamphlet. On page 12 we find that an Imperialist alliance. But neither This late and unlamented cholar might seep into the consciousne even anti Soviet acts still it is ments, they falsified history to meet was one of the recognized figure the student youth and the new gen netlonor Communism. and he the needs of their master.
to struggle again war by heada of the official school of Stalin rations of workers, means of the creation and mainthe Communit International. Tyler nor the Trotskyists have ist histor ans. In the textbooks he called upon all historians to strug But our Captain, as usual, proved tenance of an illegal organization coke alliances with the capitalist advanced the theory that the Soviet Today, the Stalinists think that ele against Trotsyism as the ad infall bly wrong. Today, he is a was invariably referred to as the they have uncovered one of the imvanced troop of the counter revolu danger to him eit. Today, his old war. all this must be primary prevent or minimize wars; alliances by Repard to u tract attention clas of other nations. On page Union itself was an imperialit for continuous war against the 17 we find that alliances do not power. That is also nonsense used into English means that his par skyism finds way to the masse. Questions relating to the History adequate It is only 99. percent bones about bare faced treachery. Finally to world war between bigger not the alliance but It seems that Repard makes no give rise to counter alliances and from the issue at stake. Which 18, sumed by the bueraueracy to be history are certain that their own it, 15, Jan. 1932. Yet Stalin dicats to the surface, and muddation, omits the second, and then What does tht position amonnt alliance.
entirely in its own interests. Bat textbook. aire not false enough. The mselt insisted that Trotskyism mp the clear waters. new school spend the rest of the article attacks to? Namely that the Soviet Union working class.
That price is the betrayal of the that was yesterday. Today, Pravda trouble, you see, lies with the way was once upon a time) a faction of historians is therefore necesary e Trier for doing what the will be responsible for the next history being taught in the of Communism. Back in the ame Men unaccustomed to dealing with urged in the second part of the war. The harmful traditions of the schools!
school of Pokrovsky have not Our historical science is in a posed in its full cope before the ning than the schemer in the fairy. tion of national defense, defentism, ing that war is cau el by alliances year, 1932, after Stalin had already facts are needed. Men more cun quotation. It was exactly the ques Repard here accuses Tyler of say.
PAUL LUTTINGER, been liquidated in the sphere of the terrible condition, say DANIEL LUTTINGER, History of the Jan. 27) Why? Listen: Pravda historlans the question of liqu dat tale who tried to steal Aladdin and war on war that Tyler put to This he does by means of a quota ing. Trot kylst contraband in our moge lamp Green again and again in hi de tion torn out of context. Tyler In other words, we have here an Washington Square North official decree to liquidate imme.
bate. And it was exactly these correctly 2 and 8 Except Sunday presented the questions that Green simply fail position on war in pamphlet, diately Pokrovsky (already, a sue and Holidays.
ed to answer.
ce stal corpse. and his school.
But as we have already learned When Tyler ways that we must from Pravda Itself, this is not any threaten revolution it follows that histor an living or dead but a conwe must be in a position to dition of things that surpa ses mere threaten revolution otherwise we liquidation of Individuals. The will be playing with words. From name of Pokrovaky is merely a EDINBURGH, Scotlandirritating red tape procedure, faulty his part and must produce witness ter is not in a position to threaten this Repard conclude that, as Ty.
symbol to denote that the evil ex. In pre war day tends even to the Hereafter. In the scene of exeriments in social icine and inadequate ensh benefits.
Germany was medical treatment, adulterated med ness to prove that the accident of revolution, his attitude lends to disease was really the outcome of pasivity and playing with point of fact, the Stalinit bureaue Insurance. Today, Britain is the recent innovation has been the work. At thi point it becomes racy is now in process of liquidating country where capitalism spend payment of 10 per week Old Age THE ROAD FOR necessary for the worker to obwords. But it is not Tyler who ed up in its own school books. sick, aged, unemployed and disabled tors upon reaching the age of 65.
its own falsification of history ser millions of Pounds in the relief of Pensions all Insu REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISTS contribu tain legal advice, and in steps our is playing with words old friend the lawyer, and by the in Rus la for more than twenty Lenin threatened revolution The Official Decree The decree issued by the about to embark upon a similar the right of any cash benefit when acceptel an offer from the agents workers. the Seems But the aged person then loses time the case is settled the worker years but was in a position to threaten revolution twice, once War and the Workers is written by John West. He needs of the and the Council of course. It may interest American slek or unemployed when idle, so in 1905 and once in 1917. Was no introduction to you. The Road for Revolutionary Socialof his employer, which usually 1s an extremely modest sum. Woe Lenin merely playing with rerence to Pokrovsky or any chool capitalism operates social Insurance clare that they have been wind ists is written by Fred Zeller. He is the acknowledged leader words the ret of the time!
of the French Socialist youth.
but bluntly states the following: and what effects it ha upon the red, and so it seems. If a person becide the worker who has to claim Repard neglects to answer the Commission composed of working class.
is idle for more than two years even win his ease and then losePenti mind war on war. But they Workmen Compensation. He may question about national defense, de Fred Zeller was expelled from the Socialist youth organcomrades Zhdanov (Chairman. Health Insurance and Old Age and fail to pay arrears in conization by the agents of Leon Blum and his Old Guard some Radek, Svanidze, Gorin, Lukin, Pensions tributions then he loses his job, bene Yet another link in the chain of Stalinists are in favor of national have been answered for him. The Yakovlev, By trianski. Zatonski, time ago, together with twelve other youth comrades. The Falsulla Khodinlev, Bauman, B1young Socialists, however, remained supporters of the revoState in urance against sickness fit when sick and if he is idle too or disablement was introduced in long. he fall out of the schetne social insurance is the now legal defense of countries allied with the bnoy and Bukharin is apponted altogether and loses everything.
ized busines of Assurance Com lutionary position presented by Fred Zeller and his co workto examine and improve and ers. They remained supporters in the continuation of the wherever necessary revise the by wage workers already written textbooks on hisstruggle for this position. How this struggle has been and employers and grant from sons who are not contributor to comment policies whereby countries, the abandon the war on war.
carried on and how comrado Zeller and his co workers came tory.
State fund. The scheme embraces the scheme only when they reach worker can insure his relatives at The Commision is empowered In France, for instance, they are all manual workers (with few ex: the age of 70 and only after being so much per week and in the event of their attaining a certain age he to a revolutionary position, and came to be supporters of to organize groupe to examine ceptions) who earn less than 200 able to prove that their income is will receive probably 25 pounds or in favor of national defense acord the Fourth International, is described in this liitle pamphlet.
ing to the terms of the Stalin Laval The employer not more than 26 pounds per year. upon their death 12 pound specific textbooks, and also to pounds per year.
pays 10s per week and the worker As not even the mighty minds of this way the poor pay for death activitie of the French Imperinlist ract which specifically approves the The introduction is by Leon Trotsky, announce prize competitions to replace those textbooks which it 10d per week but the female work the National Government have been and keep capitalism alive.
Government in building up its nate will fnd necesary to revise funers pay le. Should the worker able to reveal how an aged peron can exist upon 109 per week Unemployment Insurance tional defense machine to the level damentally. First and foremost fall sick and be unable to work in capitalist Britain it can easily Probably no legislation has of security. They are opposed to played so prominent a part in post revolutionary defentism, for in on the elementary course in the treatment and medicine and 158 per History of the and Mod.
week for weeks with rduced poverty in the world of aged per war Britih politics as the Unem war with France allied with the ployment Insurance Acts. Intro Soviet Union revolutionary defeatern Hi tory. Our emphasis. benefit thereafter. The wife of an sons in Britain.
duced, previous to the war, to einism would be Accord Workmen Compensation (Signed) Stalin insured worker receives pounds and Assurance brace a limited number of building ing to one of the leader of the Molotov upon the birth of a child while the trades worker, the sceme was YCL Chemedanov. What is left of Alongside of the Health Insur broadened to embrace all manual the war against war in France?
because it best characterizes the of any surplus funds for dentalance Act runs the Workmen Com workers who earn les than 250 Nothing We reprint this decree in full act allow adaltional benefits out WAR AND THE WORKERS Repard says that he parts comstalin (in the name of the ment of a certain sum per year for payment by an employer of comtion of certain corporation, gor pany with Tyler on the simpli the stalinist Scence of History, cash benefit. Doctors receive pay penation Act which legalizes the pounds per year with the excep to an employee who ernment, railway, agricultural and city of the war problem. He says and the Soviet Union. has repudt every person regi tered on their meets with an accident or becomes domestic workers. Like the Health it is airly complex. But there The pamphlet, War and the Workers, presents a searching heme, the Unemployated lock stock and borrellow for medicine o dispensed, so that ease while at work. The victim ment sceme has never paid its ist potionIt is slinple treachery analysis of the nature and causes of modern war. It deals nothing complex about the Stalinwith the problem of sanctions, neutrality, and the role of 18 the first public admission of the Act has been a gold mine for the of an accident Ls entitled to a lump way while it has brought govern according to the very tests that the League of Nations. It presents a scathing indictment of Tallure on such a wholesale eale medical profession.
sum of money or a weekly payments down and has been the Lenin urged the Hague delegation the various forms of pacifism and social patriotism and outby the Infallible and Beloved The scheme is administered by ment of halt wage: up to a max means of propping up others. In in the quotation which Repard go Selent st.
Approved Societies such as Trade imum of 30s per week for 28 weeks order to obtain beneat, a worker dishonestly neglect to complete.
lines a concrete program of struggle against imperialist war.
But the causes for this remark Unions, Friendly Societies, or As when he must then be tested by must report at the local employ. So much for article The price of this pamphlet is loc per copy; in lots of ten able admlalon, for this sudden re surance Societies who are in turn a court to see if he is still unft meat exchange where be registers Article 11 appears on Page of or more, 70 per copy. The price of the Zeller pamphlet is valuation of historical values are upervised by District Insurance for work. Before he receives any h: claim for benefit.
the 5c per copy; in lots of ten or more, 3c per copy.
very plain and rather simple. In Committes set up by the state. Like money, however, the worker mut If he can prove that he has pala February 28th. Certain of the soHere is an opportunity. Take advantage of it.
single word: Trotskylam!
deed, they can be summed up to all state schemes it has suttered prove that the accident was not 30 contributions to the Unemploy cialist Youth leader like Tyler are from a series of weaknesses such as due to neglect or carelessness on (Continued on Page 4) drawing dangerously close to all price of the Marxist How the Social Insurance Laws Operate in Capitalist England Two Pamphlets the year 1911 and is based upon old Age Pensions are paid to ter panies who trade in death and Soviet Union, they are opposed to In be