BourgeoisieFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalySocialismSovietStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1936 MASS PICKET LINE WINS FIRST STRIKE CONFLICT Throw Back Police Army Japanese Intervention Threatens Soviet Union In First Major Skirmish This was dangerous testing London Naval German American pact. such a to Hitler.
by the pickets and many employes coming to work Joined the strike movement, sitdown in key departments in Plant One was begun early Tuesday in sympathy with the strikers. (Continued from Page 1)
off and make the burden a little banner of ocial justice. And it the recent election turn to meden committee was sent to the union North China border. This pressure lighter. For this he earned the has allocated to itself the chiet de tlon. Continued from Page 1) eastern section of Ohio. The Good asking if the picket line should be was bearing fruits. Chiang Kal hatred of the swashbucklers. tense of the divinity of the Emperor.
On Guard!
strikers have is the energy and rich and Fire tone workers are formed.
shek openly announced his rendiThe Price of the Hirelin In this lie the bases of a Japanes All this provides the basis for a high spirits of the women, who ready to come out at the drop of Two police attempts to smash ness to make his deal with Japanhave turned out in great numbers hat. Even now, the brothers through the plant Two line falledese Imperialism. The very day of But the Japanese bourgeoisle can military Fascist dictatorship of a new Intervention of the Japanese to back up the strike.
are on duty at the strike bes daur all their free time on picket anty with the strikers instead of trying new Japanese ambassador to China hlreling. Just as the Frenc TIL Anal life and death struggle for Japanese Imperialism can dig tte Fitty girls from these other two plante spend Tuesday as more workers joined the Tokyo coup, Hacbiro Arita, the not avold paying the price of its type which is likely to emerge when masse fn the determination of thelle bour Japanese imperialism enters its own de tiny. The war policy of ter 24 hours a day. Every two The Central Labor Uplon in Akron to get in the factory.
arrived in Shanghai enroute to seotale had to pay its Napoleon own grave. War, especially war hours, a thousand sandwiches are has sent a delegation to Governor By Wednesday morning, sixty Nanking to open formal negotia like the Chinese bourgeoisle has to its future.
pay Chiang Kal shek, the German Path Is Not Smooth against the Soviet Union, can and made and delivered to the picket Davey warning him not to try to picket lines were marching in chain tions posts. The women, organized in bring in the militia, fashion around entrances and Plant Throughout the preliminaries to its Hitler, and so on down the line, But the path of Japanese imperl. will accelerate the development of the Japanese the Union Buyers Club, have prov victory in Akron today will One and Three were closed by the these negotiations the Japanese en tremendously effective in neu mean the rubber Industry has been sitdowners who came out on strike. military openly announced the finding itself compelled may be allem, whether in khaki or in mutui, revolutionary forces deep within the tomorrow to has not been entirely smooth, even Japanese mas. Solld with a world tralizing the prejudices of the local conquered at last by the union Militancy and determination to the preferred the direct method of pay its Arakl, its Hayashi or it during the years of imperialist proletariat defending the Soviet merchants and small business men. movement, and will be the signal win de pite all obstacles were mark open conquest. They continued to represent me to whatever general victory. In Japan itself the drain Union by taking up the struggle of the war cost has reduced wives and daughters of the strik other mas production industries temperature dropped to nine below srovelling capitulation and contin failed to reach out for its own base barest Tevels of existence. They are regimes of the Soviet Union ten ers to shown by an incident that throughout the country.
occurred the second day of the The union officials wouldn sane This only helped swing Nanking paganda has been directed against waged on the continent with bullets anese proletariat can step into the trike. The weather was way be Every Aid Promised by Akron tion a strike bulletin for Wedne day into line.
big capital on behalf of the horribly and bomb low zero, and some of the strikers Committee morning although hundreds of Good Planned to Test but for the war being van of that struggle and help wing were rather loath to venture out year workers were coming to the into the cold to take care of the By JACK WILSON picket lines instead of going to The multiplication of borgned to knit the ranks, composed sweated labor. In the army itself can imperialism will greedily tap Similarly with regard to the This was in part propaganda Wased on all world markets by to vietory.
Let us be on our guard! Ameri picket posts. The women caucused, AKRON, Ohio, Feb. 22. gen. work. No effort was made to and finally delivered the following eral strike movement was rapidly the non trikers over primarily be der incidents along the Soviet and of peasant youth, largely, to the wide cracks have appeared in the up the fruits of Soviet Japanele But It was also imposing facade message: rigid, Indoctrin conflict which it will turn to the You cook. We ll gaining impetur here to support cause the union officials feared a take care of the picketing! With 4, 000 Goodyear strikers against strike.
weeks represented direct provoca consciously in part the development ated discipline. There have been advantage of its own aims to the such a spirit, from that moment on armed vigilantes and hundreds of Combating Company Maneuvers tion by Japanese Imperialism, in an of an independent weapon which mutinie hushed by censorship ever Pacific When the inevitable com ting dozens of candidates for each intention of using a sweeping in giving out statements to non strik: soltan frontier, which Japan mil army has po ed as the champion of the Japanese petty bourgeolate has American imperialism. We will te Valuable days were lost by not attempt to feel lone. Mootor on the Head Command could hold over since the beginning of the Manchu, alet finally comes, as now, our ta picket post.
junction as an excuse to smash the ers and to the papers which kept itarists wanted to test as a poten moral righteousness as against the felt the sharp pinch. Nothing defend the Soviet Union by fightBesides the picket posts that are nicket line.
howling for reasons why the men maintained by the Goodyear local, progressive dominated commit are striking. Unfavorable Comtal battleground to discover the ex notorious corruption of Japanese monstrated this more definitely. ing its and our enemy in our own It has even raised the even though in digutsed form, than country. crul er cars are constantly on tee of steen was chosen by 300 ment began to be heard on the act extent to which the Soviet politician Union would regard Mongolia the job. Apparently the strike cheering delegates at the Central streets but the mi take was corfight as its own.
committee bas borrowed a lot of labor Union special meeting Instrected when key workers adopted ideas that were developed by the night with full power to do any completely a correct program which pact evidently has absolutely noth Sit Down Hits Minneapolis truck drivers in their thing they advise to help the good had been hammered home by mill which was compensated for diploing to do with the limitation of strikes of 1984.
year strikers.
tants matically by an agreement to set Conference armaments. It is merely a pro Chem. Plant There is the strike beadquarters, The Goodyear strikers bave ad Pickets took charge of traffic, up a border commission to adjuposal for war alliance between Britain, the United States, and with hospital, commissary, speaker, etc. There are the talopted the slogan, Hold that picket closed liquor stores, and generally Idicate the frontier disputes.
Injunetion or no injunction, ran East Akron under direction of a The common theory about dis(Continued from Page 1) Germany Agreements between the military (Continued from Page 1)
CATS. There is everything in Akron 188 ued by progressives and they special strike committee, all wees. clique and the civilian tools oftions ever got together in a Naval It may be wondered how the naBritain Stake outside of the plant seeing to today but a printed daily strike prepared to rest any of the at company trick of sneaking in Britain has two big front in the that the strikers get food and clothbulletin, and there is a posibility tacks which are being openly prescabe Instead of office workers in Japanese imperiale me must alwaxe Conference in the first place in London Conference fire. They are ing. At tirst the company refused that even this will be established pared by Sheriff Flower, a Nation the payroll department while workin the near future.
er were waiting for checks brought the two arme suplemento flich oth tually saw an agreement between with the United States for con. It had to be smuggled inside over Already national guard observ. a complete stoppage of every move or far more than they condict. The Great Britain, the United States, corted action against Japan for the chofence, but finally the manager Goodyear President Broadcasts Tonight at 10:40, the pre Identers have been sent in and troops ment in and out of the factory. Japanese military Arm is driving and Japan to limit their navles to protection of American and British ment was forced to let the men forward to serve the interests of a 53 ratio. But times were difInterests in of the Goodyear Company, Litch have been told to be ready for im. Even the company pre ident, Far East. At the bring supplies in through the gate.
field, spoke over the radio, present mediate call.
Latchfleld was kept within the plant Japane e imperialism. The clvillan have radioe and ing the usual boss line: Our com Company union meetings have along with 600 flying squad scabarm wants to keep that drive with other them, and the nations had same time the Briti a diplomats the strikers To a are trying to drag Germany into cards and Thursday night they many ubion has been in existence and foremen, businessmen, superkas maks, etc. to use tomorrow terest and factors over which the for the moment with the conqnenttion of France. This is in line! Hour. The morale of the men is been packed by Goodrich and who have tear gas bombs, clube in certain limite dictated by celne certain extent they were satisfied the conference against the opport staged Mayor Bowes Amateur for seventeen years reventeen Japanese bourgeoisie alone has no they had made in the World War with their recent policy of playing high.
years of peace and harmony. wiers, and other rats, crying for against the workers.
This is not a question of wages a right to go into the factory.
The First Set back direct control Aid to Japanese Diplomacy at the expense of Germany and Germany against France The management has been forced and hours, but a question of whe First Break in the picket line Nearly 5, 000 Goodyear workers Austria. They were economically As for France, she still trying to move its offices to a downtown ther the government is to be trans refused to enter the plants even came Friday night when a court Seeming militarist truculence exhausted by the war and did not unsuccessfully trying to play Italy Akron bullding. Although it has ported into the middle of a law. though promised protection and et order was given during the Injunc has proved very useful to Japanese feel they could stand the expense against Britain. While Britain threatened to eject the strike les mob. We must avold Auto Corts are being made to swing their lon hearing that coal be allowed diplomacy. The appearance of of ediate Daval race. And erman ighten has made no move to do so. It re cracy or chaos, etc. etc. in the Nympathy into active support.
hnuled in by train. Strike captains helplessness before uncontrollable they had to make some convincing France into giving up her over calls too well that the strike breakusual boss manner. Full page ads Union Officials Timid had trouble re training pickets from militari ts has enabled Japanese srestures to pacify their war weary tures to Mu solini, France is trying efforts of the Ohio Ingulator Co.
appear in all the Akron papers, stopping the train as the company diplomacy to prevent itself from population. All these interests ing to use Italy to frighten Britain resulted in the threat of a generat containing the usual run of the mill clared in the injunction hearing Injunction would be given.
John Hou e un on president, de tried to provoke trouble so that the being laced into the straitjacket of combined to make them amenable into giving up her overtures to strike by the Central Labor Unlom slanders which bo ses always use that the strike was an outlaw some imperialist horse trade around to some real naval limitation.
a few months back.
However, the company received conference tables. It has enabled against any group of workers who strike, thus giving an excuse for the injunction easily as House and it to maintain a striking indepen. world has been steadily preparing the conference, Since that time the capitalist Germany apparently will not goin The Hit down is a labor tactic have the courage and determine the granting of the injunction and Zeiger flopped terribly in the court Kence in Japan own imperialist for the next war, and every suc. invited to sign a separate treaty Akron and its suburbe during the But she has been which has proven its worth in tion to organize and fight in de ricing sympathy to the union right as progressives had said they interests, although that has not ceeding naval conference has reg. under the same terms with Britain last month. Your times the workers fense of their rights, Incidentally. Pressure from progresives, backed would Litchfield announced he was broad by the rank and file, has forced been an unmixed blessing for Japistered the decline of the forces alone. No doubt she will accept at the major rubber shops have emcasting from inside the plant. beHou e to change his stand a little for the trikers but the Central The situation began to look dark anore imperialism.
that made for the Washington Britain protection for her efforts ployed it. Three times it has gained cure it get out, don know The union officials were afraid Labor union meeting was called me wa when the Japanese army gotiation undertaken to modify How regretful the Tokyo Foreign Naval Agreement of 1921. The ne to build up her naval war machine. victories for the strikers. The when can get in again. Thlso come out openly for demands as Just in time to rally the disheart warched into Manchurla! With and improve the Washington Agreei It is more than likely that the sulted in the bitter strike now being Amerlea Game fourth use of this tactie has re will give some idea of the rigorous they hoped for quick settlement and he workers and put discipline which the strikers are want the men to go back to work blood in the pickets.
new life how straight a face could ambas ment in 1927 broke off without any United States will come to some fought at the Goodyear Tire and maintaining around the struck as they feur facing a real strike, xadors visit the chancelleries of results. In 1930 another grand gesagreement with Britain over the Rubber Co.
plants No one enters or lon ve CLU Gives Support Europe and Ainerica and deny the ture at disarmament went up in Pacific. If not at the London ConBut progresive pressure became The tactie is a very imple one.
the plant without the permission too strong and the union has an The re olution adopted unanimarch of conquest during the very smoke. And now the London Conference, sooner or later in a ecret The men go into the factory but of the union. Up until a few days conced it wants to abolish the mously by the CLU delegates brist tours that it roared acros theference has lost Japan and about or open treaty. The question for stand by their machines without to lo e Italy, two of the signers American diplomats revolves around operating them. They see that no ago, the union was permitting the Pying sund, company scab or led in defiance of any injunction Plains of Manchuria!
office workers to enter the plant. cauixat on the coinpans unlon proceedings and called on all organ No, let no one fall for the notion of the original agreement. the relative merits of the British one else does either. Thue in the Rearming on Eve of New War Bnt four fink production workers kuown the Goodyear Industrial ined and unorganized workers to that those naughty soldier boys are colonies and China as markets. mas production industries a small were caught trying to sneak assembly, and no lay offs. support the striker on the picket Streebig. the Morgan and the eve of the next World War. gest obstacle to American expan production. Up to the Columbia The London Conference meets on while Britain finally the big number of workers are able to stop through, and ince then no one Signs urgin gets by the picket line, the 30 hour week, line and financially.
seniority rights and return of wages Other rubberworkers Real Industral Union eut recently were made by picketers met after the locals offic. Wendels of Japan) do not want The economie contradictions which sion, nevertheless American polley Chemical strike only a few workers he CLU meeting and them to be doing. prevented the nations from em in the past has centered on China in key departments have participatNeedless to say, the rubber work captain and the union officials 11 planned support for Goodyear strik Conflict of Master and Servant barking on an active war polley in as an easler market to secure first. ed. In the present strike the entire ers have taken in almost all the save to ask for those demands too. er Already workers at Goodrich Only in one sense can conflict 1921 have to a certain extent been the capitalist press reports that force has not only refused to opecraftsmen who work around the Strike Events To Date demanded thint they be enlled ont hier erot have taken plant. carpenters clectrician Monday night the Plant Two on strike between a master and an arrogant and tottering finances reinforced ure. But this is hardly true. It possession of With the possibility of a general painters, sheet metal workers, pipe workers decided to go on trke Exactly as Goodyear strike was servant, a servant moreover who at the expense of the working was never intended to be anything The more than an opportunity for trike in Akron, effect of a fitters. These men saw that their immediately as the company spontaneous movement o will all was known how to reach out to the class and the unemployed.
place was with the mas of organ fused to rescind lay offs. picke organized workers walk out even rea antry to establish a Fascist political ituation is much more various nations to get together and victory at Columbia will be tre It is not unlikely, also, ized rublier workers, asked for native of 500 was formed despite u though certain local union leaders base of his own. Japan drive of favorable to war since the decline observe each others war policies mendous mission into the union, and were xero weather and a blizzard.
The conference it that should the tie up come in will be them with crocodile tears imporlalist conquest in China, its and fall of the revolutionary move at close range readily taken in. Even the Akron, the Columbia strikers will nchin Tuesday the plant was shut tight in their eyes not to.
march toward war on the Soviet ment under the misleadership of elf is nothing more than an ind Ists have cracked under the stres Union represents the basic nece sl the Stalintern. Now the imperial dent amid the continuing war pre se that it spread through Barof the strike, and a large section ty of Japanese imperialism, crowded Ists have the openly expressed as parations of the imperialists. The berton.
The present strike is the second has already entered the Goodyear within the geographically and eco surance of both the Stalint and conference may be a failure for local.
omically limited continues of a tiny Socialist leaders in the democrat some of the imperialists who were in two years. The first was a victory and it is from that time Lewis Forces Strong archipelago. To carry out that countries that they will have outmaneuvered and fail to set John Lewis continuing to drive Japanese imperialism has cre the support of the organized work the allies they wanted but in the that the militaney of Barberton ated a mighty military machine to ing class for their next robber war. same measure it will be a success Inbor dates throw more and more strength be which it must extend power and The nations vanquished in the lat for their opponents. The only comhind the strike, as the tremendous importance of the witntion be (Continued from Page 1) have won the rank and file to that with whom it must share no small war are rearming and getting ready plete fallure is the fallure of liber to fight for a share in the spoils. als, who still think war is caused SUBSCRIBERS ATTENTION!
comes apparent Last night Bro Doneo which is doing its vew. naturally for the average part of the poits.
The nations don bother to hide by Bad Statesmen and Bad nations, If the number following your phy was in town and poke at damndest to swing sympathy to the weket has been two miles ahead of However, it wants to conduct the thelr maneuvers for allies and no to learn anything from the contername on the wrapper is strike leadquarters, promising full company: arming of hundreds of the leader on crery issue that drive at a tempo and a rate of exaltion.
Britain propo es an Anglo ence.
support from the committee for special demties to break the picket and pracode and declared time and possibilitie and seeks to keep its 61 mer will remain in town until the In view of these facts, it would again that the court couldn grant unwilling instrument within those your subscription has EXstrike 18 orer. Tomorrow crews seem ncarly incompreben able that an injunction because this is a limits. That is the role Takahashi PIRED. We urge you to send of organiser from the Amalgamat anyone would consider a possibility recrul strike!
has played. He ha opposed not the Big selection of books at 49 cents, formerly 1, 50 to 00. in your renewal by return mall, el Clothing Workers, the Interna of defeat. But that would ignore All Akron Will Reply huge appropriations for the drive tbus Insuring the receipt of tional Ladies Garment Workers exactly those factors which now Snee easily 000 rubber workers but the excess which could be pared We have a large stock of books and pamphlets on the Socialist your copy without interruption.
and the Cute Mine Workers are have become the balance between from other plants have aided the and Labor movement not available elsewhere.
scheduled to relve. Should the victory and defeat the union leadtrikers on the picket line, spread union officers of the United Rubstrike end in a smashing victory in ing of the walkont throughout the Der Workers of Amer ca that he Come up and pay us a visit.
Limited Number of Bound for the non and there every The Progressives and Leadership entire industry will come as soon would support them. Lewis has PIONEER BOOKSHOP Volumes of evidence that it will the star of In the news report of this strike, as the sherify tries slug his way sent Adolph Germer and Leo KryzYOUNG SPARTACUS Industrial unfontem will be on the you can see the detals of the bung into the factory no matter how weki, vice pre Ident of the Amalga 100 Fifth Avenue, Corner 15th, Room 1010 Off the Press.
heights. Trade unionists from all ling job done by the union officials, much any un on leaders plead to inated Clothing Workers, to the Write for our new list of books at Bargain prices 1932 1935 750 per volume.
over the country are dropping into That is the potential Achille heel the contrary. In fact, Monday will strike scene, Comrades who want to exAkron and carefully observing of the giant Labor. The no doubt probably ee half of Akron rub Already valuable lessons have change their old volumes for up what is going on. In one of an sincere but incorrect policies of the her workers ont at the picket lines been learned by the workers which to date one can do so by handing impressive victory in Akron, industeadership would have ru ned the ready to battle the sheriff, so strong will increase the power of the work in old volumes with 250. If out trial unionism will loom large be strike alrendy if a group of pro is the sentiment for the strikers. ing clas because of this stuggle. THE NEW INTERNATIONAL of town, postage must be gent, fore the eyes of mass production crossives hadn emerged under Quite obviop ly this strike is a After 21 years of complete terror Can be obtained at: worker throughout America. The presure of events. Suflice it to make or break propos tion for un xation by the companies, smashing IN BOUND VOLUME PIONEER BOOKSHOP situation will unquestionably have say, that in so far as the strike ontsm in the tire Industry. The of all attempts at strikes and un 100 Fifth Ave.
an immediate effect in the auto has been placed on a class struggle companies have Tully realized this. ionism, the companie: have been This first bound voume contains all the issues that have ap industry, in the steel mills and the bal has it been successful. The The rank and fle has forced the foiled in their attempts to curb the peared to date, beginning with July 1934 up to and including the packing house industry.
union leaders, while talking of unlon leaders to see it. Since this present walkout. The worker are December, 1885 issue.
Lecture Given by the Though the company is maintain class consciousness, etc. etc. act a mass production industry learning their own strength. No Attractively and durably bound, LUMEN CLUB ing its position of refusing to deal in an impeccable clas collaborable and demanding of industrial matter what Goodyear does, they The People Front and the with the union or to open negotiationist way which has been greeted unionism, both William Green and can build tires wthout us, the This volume contains also a special and complete index of all Spanish Elections.
tions over grievances until the with joy by the company. John Lewis are aware of the is tirebuilder says, determined he articles liated analytically by contents and in alphabetical order Speaker: strike is called off, it is difficult to For example, progresives insist sues involved. So the center of the won go back until a good settle of the names of the authors, GEORGE CLARKE see how they can smash the trike. ed since Tuesday that the company craft industrial un on fight ment 1: made and realizing the Price 00, postpaid Sunday, March 7, at 8:30 They have appealed for the nation would be given the injunction in within the of Lhan been company can run without work 28 East 14th Strong al guards, but the understand quite its own money dominated capitalist shifted to Akron, ers. That workers are the basla Order from The New International, 56 East 11th st. New Fourth floor clearly that martial law would court and that plans to break the Green took honom in round one of all production, That profit. York, Admission Free mean a general strike in the whole injunction were necessary. Thev by telephoning the International stolen from workers.
Perspectives Akron Rubber Strike of the BOOK SALE