FranceImperialismInvasionItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. WHOLE NO. 61 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1936 PRICE CENTS NEW MILITANT Japanese Invasion Threatens Soviet Union Massed Goodyear Pickets Throw Back Police War Loomsas Anti Soviet Army for First Major Victory in Rubber Strike Support The Perspectives of Gang Seizes Nippon Gov Rubber Workers!
the Akron Strike Green Urged SitDown Hits Chem. Plantin Akron Boro To Organize Steel Plants of Military Clique Wreaks Vergeance on Moderates in First Step to Hasten Drive of Imperial Conquest and Assault on Sovtet Union Union Threatens General By LO SEN Strike if Militia is Establishment an open tary dictatorship in Japan aga result of Wednesday putsch in Tokyo, will bring war against the Called Out Soviet Union on to the immediate order of the day for Japanese imBy CARL SHEA perialism.
AKRON, Feb. 25. The Goodyear The drive of Japanese controlled Manchu Mongol forces acros By FARRELL DOBBS rubber strike is more firmly en By JACK WILSON Chahar and Sulyuan for the conquest of Inner Mongolia will be so Secretary Treasurer of Local 574 trenched tonight than ever, with 168 picket posts being maintained It is highly significant that precisely in that factory Goodyear celerated. Border conflicts along the Manchukuo Outer Mongolian VISIT to the front lines in the struggle for industrial union on an eleven mile front. This mom where the company union is 17 years old and the rubber workers bonafrontier will be carried to the point of major hostilities.
ism at the Goodyear Rubber plant in Akron lends new courage ing the 15, 000 strikers had a show flde union admittedly the weakest, that the strike in the rubber industry to union men who have struggled hard for the great day that is down with the forces of law and should begin! This happened because Goodyear workers were given Along that vast border between two world, trom Vladivostok to now dawning.
order, which re ulted in a smash Manchuli, the long beralded war of predatory Imperialism against the The almost unbelievable resourcefulness and the splendid couring victory for the union. Early absolutely no concessions but driven downward constantly, thus storing Workers State will finally blaze.
age and determination shown by the rubber workers proved beyond headquarters that Sheriff Flower spark. Other rubber workers unions lave obtained minor concessions in the day word reached strike up an explosive force which blew up when the last sitdown provided the This is the immediate threat, the immediate meaning of Wednesthe question of a doubt that the strength of a giant lies smouldering Police Chief Boss, with 300 depu. and thus basic antagonisms were dulled.
day bloody events in Tokyo. This is the immediate alarm for the within the ranks of the American workers in the basic industries. ties and 130 copes, were going to. The so called objective econom working class of the entire world.
The solid ranks of industrial unionism are fanning this spirit charge the pricket line at ten factors invotved have been pointed Early Wednesday morning a band into a fame. We do not have to witness the demoralizing sight of and attempt to break the back of out in the NEW MILITANT previ of officers of the Frst Japanese Di.
the members of one crait union walking through the picket lines of the strike with violence.
ously and need only listing. Price vision, about to entrain for duty in another striking craft union to go to work. There is no question As the hour neared, hun wars, shifting the entire burden on Manchukue, murdered Premier of craft distinction in this strike. If you work in the Goodyear strike headquarters across from dreds of pickets packed into the the workers through wage cut Okad. Finance Minister Takahaplant, you are either in the rubber workers union and out on the lengthening of hours, regard of shi. Lord Privy Seal Viscount Saito picket line or you are a scab.
the struck plant. Thousand more seniority rights favoring squad and Gen. Watanabe, a lich ranking On Tuesday morning, February 25, the embattled workers, took the streets in front of the men, who are nothing but company picketing in violation of a court injunction, calculated to klestroy picket posts. Each picket was scab groupe, in making tinneur Cen orship Clamps Down well provided with fire wood. Up their strength, faced down an army of police and special deputies the bill marched the forces of law sary layoff these injustices have Japan was immediately blanketed seared themselves in the workers sent out to enforce the injunction. The picket line holds solid with and order.
in one of the most complete censor Grimly the strikers ships ever established in the Far a picket post at each of the 168 gates of the plant. Around the waited. The cops in the lead, the 500 Barberton Workers minds. They prov de the fire which has kept pickets warm despite eleven mile fighting front the slogan is: Nobody goes in the plant.
East. For hour the world waitrd strike breakers marched closer and Force Managers to below zero weather.
CIOChallenges Old Guard to learn what had happened in To Those hard bitten cynics who say that the American worker will closer to the mased rubber work not fight shall have to change their minds after this forceful demVacate ers. The line refused to budge.
Goodyear Fabulous Profits kyo while hints of the mornings In Answer to Threat Properly handled, the workers work seeped out through ManchutFinally Boss halted his men a few onstration kuo and along liplomatic circuits Of Mass Expulsion The suddenness with which the strike came made it difficult feet from the taut strikers. Ner BARBERTON, Ohio, Feb. 22. are unbeatable and opport by from Singapore to London.
for the strikers to prepare adequate aciliti its conduct These over.
vou ly, he looked the situation Company officials of the Columbia everyone but big business is a fore.
teral Break Chemical Co. in Barberton, a large cone conclusion. Even Finally came a laconic War of By ARNE SWABECK deficiencies are being rapidly overcome. The present headquarters ing down, he cried out, ve never indutrial suburb of Akron, Ohio, fact finding hoard ha condenined Some new verbal broadsides have tice Communique, confirming the is not adequate for an assembly hall for the strike bu: will serve wage cut. been fired in the ever sharpening assas inutions led anyone into a goddam slaughinally moved to negotiate a strike Goodyear practices very well as a commissary and headquarters for the strike leaders ter house, and m not going to which started last Wednesday when in te eten Toetop that of Last conflict between the of terhorninder Okadin, was ordered to and field captains. second and larger assembly place is needed for large gatherings of the strikers and, of equal importance, so deputies marched down the hill inctory and forced the management Goodyear announced ansco. 000 official tenders of the Committee for His first announcement was that that the workers from the other rubber plants and all other Akron again, to the accompaniment of the to vacate. The men are firmly en increase in profit for 1935 over Industrin Organization. At the wall was absolutely calm. tew workers may come to the proper place to get correct information mendous deveria and boot from the trenched and refuse to leave the pote bringing to co wiem tied same time the repercusions from 2016 massed pickets. One of the deputant until the company, which profit to 500. 000, which fact this conflict begin to penetrate cleap law was clamped down on Tokyo.
fater he resigned. Martin ties suddenly clutched his stomach owned by the Mellon interests alone rallied hundreds of Incensed by into the brottest Inyers of the Leat. Gen. Kashl, commander of assist On this question there is a second important factor. The manmovement.
trikers with their magnificent wages and full pay for every day 35, 000 rubber workers and ther Comell. Wm. Green has issued a full anthority to administer rigid ill. The grants a cents hourly increase in workers to the peket line.
composed the capital garri on, was appointed In the name of the Executive Military Governor of the city with agement of the company has complete access to the radio, to the demonstration of militancy and de of the strike.
advertising columns of the daily papers and to a very large extent termination, had carried the day.
to the news and editorial columns also. It is vital that this propa Inside the strike headquarters The it down strike resulted ers who are employed in subsidiary warning to all local and federal martial law. The full First and ganda of the bosses be counteracted by the strikers. The most effecthis evening was a milling crowd when the management refused to plants or other fudustrial plants union to all state Federations and Second Fleet were ordered to Tokio tive weapon for this purpose is the daily strike bulletin issued at a regular hour and widely distributed. Once started, the strike bulte discussing the way in which they for undercents hourly wage raide power of the workers when aroused will not tolerate any organizaton were landed. Tokyo was complete tin easily becomes self supporting. The experiences of the Minnehad called the blure of the hard. The union took up the light under for there are only 250, 000 people that gives allegiance, assistance or ty in the hands of the Supreme apolis truck drivers, the Toledo Chevrolet strike, the St. Louis Gas boiled Sherire Jim Flowers, and his the militant leadership of altogether bere. This an over support to the Committee for Indus War Council.
trial Organization, or any other Military Wants No Moderates House strike, and many others stand as living proof of the value strike breaker. Each picket post Lee, union president, and called for sized mill town. in other words.
organization which had its allotment of ten strikers, ceneral wage Increase. Wedne How is the rubber barons as o of the American At present writing, 24 hours after of a daily strike bulletin. The rubber workers will find such a paper hurdled around a stove inside a stopped her ena centered the delante ciation trying to break the strike Federation of innbor. The Amitecne the events, Feb. 26 it was still not eagerly received and closely read by all workers.
wind break Every two hours, cars stopped the machinery, and despite in the cut and arted way. The per exact penalties were specified, it is clear whether Japan would pass Outside the city of Akron it is difficult to get accurate informacame around delivering hot lunch the threats and leading of the ennial injunet on which would abol reported that the intention is to from a semi military to an open, tion about the strike because of the manner in which the daily papers company have remained in the fac ish the picket line: the counter revoke the charters of any organ: ship of those representatives of Jap are suppressing it. This is done because the bosses in steel, auto, Women Very Active tory since.
demonstrations staged by the comixation found guilty of giving uch and the other big industries do not want the workers to know of One of the bet weapons that the Meanwhile, 400 other workers are many unfon: full support of the allegiance.
anese finance capital who believe (Continued on Page 2)
this powerful demonstration of industrial union strength. But the (Continued on Page Continued oon Page 2)
that the present moment is the moIn reply the (1. once againment to strike on continental Asiat rubber workers do want the other workers to know about their fight defled the Exerutive Council and for the further glory of the Empire.
indicated that it would continue its Whatever government emerge from systematic press releases to all papers in the country. The daily work. Not only did the o. the coup, it is clear that strike bulletin is the best instrument with which to do this.
refuse to dissolve but it challenged tation will be in the direction of a the of to undertake a hardening Intransigeance and surIt is heartening to observe that the Committee for Industrial serions campaign of organization in render to the impatience of the mil.
Organization is sending money and men to aid the Akron strikers.
the steel indw try, to which the Itary arm of Japanese Imperialism.
This strike is of vital interest to the industrial union movement and committee would contributo a halt Wednesday coup was an answer the most practical work that the can do is to give the strike unstinted support. The Akron strike must be won. The craft union Death by Hunger Stalks scoured the road, firing on the number of families have been million dollars and the services of to two tendencies which have retrained organizers. Two conditions. com ists must not be permitted to sell the strike out in an effort to stifle On Pres. Roosevelt the meeting.
croppery who were going home from settled on the Ander on Rehabili. however, the considered cently shown signs of making headTwo unarmed men way in Japan.
the rising sentiment for industrial unionism. There is a grave danger tation Farm, a project that was necesary for succes: Firstly, that Poor Farms of such a thing happening. Especially when Secretary Perkins hired guerillas. ace mediator, McGrady, is reported to have been ordered to Akron Simon Bas, leader of the Earle the Earle County croppers Condustrial lines, and secondly, the able turn of the ma ses away from to effect a settlement. very large part of the responsibility in By James Evans.
this strike rests with the The workers are furnishing the FABLE intele de The unbare crop. local, and three others were arrest. trary to the promises of the case leadership of the campaign must be the propaganda in favor of the im to pers of Crittenden county are goed the next day while returning workers, the remedy seem about success.
continent, as shown in the elections fighting forces. They must have leadership, a leadership conscious ing throngh hell. This whole area from a conference with union offic. to kill the victims. One six year with these developments it be selto was given preference over the in which the more moderate Minof the full import of the forces moving today in the national strug. a pleture of starvation, evlet on, als in Memphis. The drumhead old child starved to death on this comes increa ingly clear that up more aggressive selyukat party gle and capable of guiding the strikers through the treacherous and terror. Every militant cropper court at Marion refused them legal Roosevelt poor farm. settlement proposals which have wrecked every attempt at unionizing the big industries.
death. Any day, he may be shot them to one year each on charges The tenant remaining find them. of Li centers around the issue of portant, the Japanese Social Masses The Goodyear strike in Akron must be won. All labor must from ambush by one of the planter of rioting: This case is now un selves up against the same old pro organization of the millions of un. Socialist) Party polled 620, 000 pos tion: their cotton taken to pay organized workers, and a peciallly votes, an increase of 500 per cent rally to support the fight. The workers in every city can aid by deputies. Any night, some mob of der appeal, and widespread mas landlord may drag hm from his support is needed to prevent the for furnish with Mr. President those employed in the basic indus and an unmistakable sign of awak opening an intensive organization drive in all Goodyear agencies.
hovel and string him up to the nearra lroading of these fighters again tsub tituted for Mr. Planter. Floyd tries.
ening in the rank of the Japanese Carry the fight to Goodyear! Get the strike news from the est tree Southern feudalism. District Attor, lyingly maintains that all evlet Sharp, Arkansas State Administra Steel Industry Pivot workers.
rubber workers, not from the bosses papers! Fight to build indusTwo meetings were raided re torney Denver Naturally the teel industry oe Assa sinated Ministers too Slow trial unionism. cently by mobs composed of plant prosecute croppers and the Union de familles are being supplied with cuples in this respect a pivotal ers, landlord, deputies, and riding naturally refures to take any action food shelter position. To the trade uniontats, sented to a certain extent by the The second tendency was reprebosses. Howard Kester, Secretary against the official banditti of the The Southern Tenant Farmer real ecurity of organization is un government heads who were assa of the Central Defense Committee section.
Union is very confused politically, thinkable without the inclusion of sinated, Okada, Takahashi and Saiof the Union, and Goldberger, Even middle class humanitarians still relying to a great extent on the steel industry. The full exten to This was the tendency to let lawyer reta ned by London Naval Conference the organiza are being threatened if they try to law and order although the son of the powers of union organ the program of imperialist expantion, were dragged from the plat sist the croppers. liberal min croppers have been di franchised ization is well nigh impossible with slon proceed at somewhat slower, form of a church, beaten and threat ister attempted to find temporary by the sovereign state of Arkansas. the steel industry remaining unor less costly tempo, to consolidate the The London Naval Conference is Liberals represent Naval Confer dred cropper attending the meet The planter deacons held a special lenge to the whole plantation ys fighting to preserve their feudal quest of Manchukuo and establi htill drassing along. It has lost ences as struggles between Good ins were attacked with clubs and meeting and forbade him from entem, perhaps the greatest expres power, have for long time been ment of a virtual protectorate over the participation of Japan and is and Evil, struggles between peace axe handles. One of the deputies, saging in further subversive activ sion of make upheaval in the South the backbone of the employers re North China) by getting the Nankabout to lose the participation of and war. Actually they are noth an extremely drunken Southern ities. The minister complied; a since the pre war slave rebellion sistance to every working clasing Government signature on a Italy.
It has degenerated into an ing more than the sum of the war gentleman, threatened to bring ma revolutionist would have defled. Highly significant is the formation advance. An aggressive campaign treaty, and even to postpone for open game for allies and positions like force involved. Japan has chine guns if the cropper: dared to Meanwhile, the planters have det derenge squads for exclusively for the organization of the steel the time being the attack on the In the next war pot that Naval withdrawn from the London Con bold another meeting.
creed that all Union members must Negro local by wh te croppers, Industry is therefore becoming an Soviet Union, at least until the Conferences are ever anything else, ference because she couldn get the The Law Breaks Into a Meeting 50. People are Nving In tents on The dying agricultural system of ever more pressing necessity.
European situation bolled over and but the London Conference is the United States and Great Britain At a econd meeting held in St. cold dirt floors, in abandoned rail the South must be overthrown, and Thus the threat made by the created a European diversion which lart of the series and comes nearer to agree that she needed a bigger Peter Church, Constable Everett way stations, and in church build its beneficiaries expropriated by craft union bureaucrats of disctp would rerve Japanese imperialist the actual outbreak of the war, navy to protect her interests in Hood and posse entered with ings belong ng to share cropper the tenants themselves. The other Jons that many give allegiance to pursuance of this polley, the when the nations are less concerned the Pacifle and in China from shotguns manife ting the evident congregations.
about conceding their true pur Great Britain and the United intent on of firing into the gather budding nine to room we cabean tonton con bold og Genelon les been met by a challenge to organizing a polley of exerting strong dip pones. In the earlier conferences States. Italy Union must be supported by pro and support to the o. bas Okada government had been pursuthey made some pretense of peace withdraw beeruse he can get Doorkeeper Jim Ball. The door evicted.
admit that they are Jockeying for withdraw sanctions against. Italy. nesault with intent to kill. After tirely on tal intention, now they practically Britain and France to agree to keeper was arre ted on charges of seed rural laborer must live en urgently needed and should be sent little doubt which is the most effect companied only by military demanhoe cake and green to the Union at Box 6215, Mem tve. And this applles not only with strations along the Manchukuo war. Continued on Page 2) Ball had been Juile, the posee beans, phis, Tenne mee. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
eons er det der noe something on Terror Rages as Arkansas Bosses Battle with Starving Sharecroppers orienwere ahot in the back by these advertised to cure the a Iments of the orgnaization must be along in. One was the clear and unmistak Nations Jockey for War at