BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsFranceIV InternationalImperialismKirovLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1936 Stalinists Return to Old Love in China, Gen Feng it can store al fons per totes les persone con contre rencontre este valor Pickets Ti up autole the only earliest centre NEW MILITANT part, he accomplies by lumping together as reds not only revolutionists (about whom he prints nothwith which is merged ing but lies. but also every kind of criminal, murTHE MILITANT derer, irresponsible demagogue, labor faker, bandit, Published weekly by the New Militant Publishing Co.
moral degenerate, crackbrained atheit, etc. Through 55 East 11th Street, New York City.
this he hopes that his readers will develop the same emotional attitude toward reds that they have to Entered as second class mall matter at the Post Office ward murderers, degenerate, and bandits. He would at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. like his readers to believe that these are all reda, JAMES CANNON.
and that all reds carry on these orts of activities Ally and Butcher of 1927 Revolt Is struggle between Chiang and Wu. was executed by Chang Kai shek in Editor In an exactly similar manner, Stalinism tries to Seen as Hero of 1936 Peoples Front on June 14 with the Wuhan leaders, the balance of the game played with Subscription Rates: In the United States 00 per build up an emotional frenzy against Trotskyi he agreed with them on one point Feng: year: 65e six months. Canada and foreign. 50 per About genuine Trotskyists, the Stalinists print By LO SEN joined the ranks of that peculiar only: the workers, peasants and Feng Yu hs ang, he wrote, year; 00 six months. Bundle rates: 2c per copy.
nothing but lies if they printed the truth, their On February 14 the Daily Work Species cultivated in China by stal Communists must be crushed (See Vol. 2, No. (Whole No. 58) few a chapter for himself.
own followers would be led toward Trotskyism. er published a special cable from in and Bucharin the Bolshevised Fischer, Soviets in World Affairs, months after his formal entry They never, on any occason, substant ate any charges Shanghal under the heading: Feng militarist. The Holy Grail proved L:600, semAnna Louise Strong into the Kuomintang he began to How Stalinism Prepares For with fact or even attempted proof, or with political Proposes Reorganization Christ no match for Russian arms, Rus Chna Millions 62 et seq. to execute workers and peasants.
analysis. They never do so, because of course, that lon General Asks Komintang Desian money, Russian advisers. Feng But heyond this principled agreeIn September, 1927, he ordered War would be as imposible as for Hearst to substantiate cide for Defense.
was quickly converted to the idea ment, Feng wanted no further the execution of 300 striking his charges against reds in general. The Stalin st HG wanted Declaring China must not flinch that a Russian gun in hand was truck with Wuhan, textile workers. When the work NCE guin, on a world cale, Stal nism launches then go on to lump together, in the same paragraphs from boldly meeting foreign aggres worth a dozen haloes in the here strong allies from whom he coulders of the Peking Hankow Rail a vast attack on the impotent, bankrupt sect way, having received no wages of the Trotskyltes The degenerate sycophants of ples, foreign interventionis, agents provacateurs, the motional existence, Feng Yubsiang, verses in 1925 eut him off from all from whom he had nothing more to for 12 months, attempted to press the Comintern baul once more into action their lum murderer of Kirov, nihil in short, any scoundrel Christian General, made report other sources of munition supply. sal, not even by further timely whom all honest workers naturally hnte and despise. today before a meeting of 700 state for payment, he had an unknown bering armament of lie. corruption and slander The Moscow Build up betrayals. At the conference com number of them executed. He the sole weapons now left in their rusted and de In this way the stalinists hope that the workers will employees and members of the Kno In 1926 he went to Mosent and Pilments and titles were exchanged.
las been even more brutal in his cayed storehouse of treachery and betrayal.
Carry over that hate contempt to the sts who are listed in the same sentencrotksy mintang Party in Nanking, capital there quickly learned all the tew Exactly one week Inter Feng crossed actions against the peasantry in What a thankles and contrad ctory task they Fortunate where he Honan (Inprecorr, Aug. 17.
cate words. They were even faster the province to Haucho of China have, these cynical betrayers, trying hopelessly to ly, workers are not so stupid and uncritical as they cover their apostacy with the cloak of Marxist Feng is a member of the Polit. to remember. perhaps than the truck an immediate bargain with 1928. appen to be in the eyes of the cul bureaucrats o lical Bureau of the Kuomintang aud Lord Prayer. He had himself and Chiang Kalahek, Chiang was now Chiu Chiu pei was of the the Cominten.
phia es and invocations to Lenin! On page one they has participated in groups oppos he benchman, Yu Yu jen (now a man worth betraying. On June must prove to the workers that the Trotskyists are wholly Impotent, isolated, without influence, and But the content of the present campaign is far ing Chiang Kai shek within and bead of the Nanking Control Yuan 22, 1927. Feng sned a denuncia leaders of the who elong to the without the Kuomintang. photographed in the midst of ad. tion of Wuhsn where, he said. mer Comintern after 1927 despite its falling to pieces. And on page 2, 4, and they more important than the methods wh ch are being miring backslamping Moscow func chants, traders, factors owners and Srok betrayal of the Ch nese remnt expie Trotskyism as the main danger to the used. This content can only be understood as part working class, and the spearhead of the counterBy not adding a single word ionarier In Moscow on July 19, landlords were oppressed by the volution. Would he today. if he of the preparation of the Comintern for the betrayal more abont Feng, his whole Past 1926. Feng predicted new battle: laborers and peasante and served were alive, swallow whole a new revolution. strange impotence, to have such power!
of class in the war.
and new victories awniting the fu an ultimatum on Wuhan fer the alliance with this butcher, or with very curious Isolat on, when uch a barrage is The truth of the matter is this: The xrent histor record and role. his previous rela: ture of the Chinese nation. He complete elimination and extermin, ordinates, men like Fang Chen wu needed for protection against it!
tions with the Comintern, the Daily even remembered to call special ation of the Communists. See lenl events of the rust three years combined wth. ker advertised the Stalintern attention to the labor and peasant China Weekly Review, July for Perhaps Stalin sin mong the the war crisis, are making their deep imprint nt on the lower the coffin, heap on the earth, and pronounce And, alas, how, often must these grave diggers International proletariat. revival of revolut ong readiness, once more, to form avement taking place throughout text. Lochinvar had fallen down blood in men veins.
Fourth International Forces Grow the final malediction! It is restes corpse they consciousness IN emrging with increasing rapidits suited front with this many hued China and announced his convie on the job.
in China deal with here! Year after year it is bur ed deep: At the same me, as authoritatively summed up in tarile compartigiani de tips them that in the future the pros subsequent career Feng dita the Seventh Congress, Stalinism has gone over to groups opposing Chinng Kai shek. letar at will ultimately sain a vic: indeed betray Chiang at the first and, unfallingly, year after year, in truly Biblical But Chinese workers, who may fashion, it rises again to haunt the charnel house of social patriotism, and is preparing for betrayal in Preparing today to launch a new tory in China. on August 19, in opportunity. He fought a bloody this very day be standing on the the war. But such betrayal cannot be successfully bloc of four classex in China, an interview with Pravda, Feng civil war against him in 1950, made threshold of new revival after Stal nism. All the incantations of the Comintern prie ty, all their drawn out medieval curses, with beli carried out unless stalinist social pratrotic ideas coddling and fondling Fang Cheng promised that his army would fight a few futile state in 1988 at being nine years of react on following and book, cannot lay this unruly spirit to rest. No dominate ideologically the advanced workers in the wu, lu Han min Feng Yu hsians for the emancipation of the naraut. Jaminese and this year their terrific defeat, will not take democratic countries. Consequently, Stalinism and their ilk, the Staliniste, with tion and the consumation of the brought him back into the councils or without guidance. The Commade a new deal with Chiang which it so rendily.
gruve they dig can be deep enough to hold it.
They are not alone For what they so desperately strive to bury is must dr ve forward post haste in its attempt to engulf cold hard cynicism would like to national revolution.
the advanced strata of the labor movement. blot from memory the whole tragie of the Kuomutang at Nanking manist League of China is gather nothing el e than the ving soul of the revolution However, the reviving revolutionary consciousness Past of the Chinese Revolution et arms elsewhere. Feng hnd te the Daily Worker, Indicates a new influence at a rapid pace, although For years, while be could still DTI Intext statement, as reported by ing strength and extending its itself. And for such a task all the might of the Comintern is as powerleat the whining of a disresists more and more powerfully the Stalinist polley They would like to dissolve from twed to throw in his lot with the souffle in the rivalry for power. it is still small gruntled shopkeeper.
of betrayal. It refuses to accept the Comintern workers and peasants who paid Moscow, marvelled a contein po the cl. stands wady to drum up mass paper. Struggle has made histery the clotted blood of the Kuomintang. But when he visited new bid for popular support, which This is the real meaning of the attack on Trot new six page bl weekly printer doctrine that to be a friend of the Soviet Un on means with their lives for Stalin united to be a lackey of Stalin It realizes ever more clearly front with the Feng Yil hingsrary Japanese observer, the Chris kyism.
that Stalinism itself is in the forefront of the enemies tian General allowed himself to be of the Soviet Union, and that to be a true friend carly nine years ago. After all. Hadische of Lenin before any one Fer, Through a Stalinist Eyes the banner of the Communst Les The present campaign, in all its deep implica (Fuse: Noviet of the Soviet Union means to be an enemy of Stalinsm. alt sammit the Daily Worker had War tions, minst be clearly understood, and the lesson Are Chinese workers, are honestle of China. With the Communist It is resolved not to fight for imperials in the war. only its own renders to deal with in the Orient. Peking. 1927. revolutionists still in the Pranks Teague, the Chinese section for the Policy drawn. It has its ouree, as articles in recent issues no matter what the pleas or threats of Stalin. 327)
going to accept Fenc once more as Fourth International, lies the hope of the NEW MILITANT have disclosed, in the Soviet Stalinism understands that ts war poliey can sue Most of them don even know a Stalin Gives Him Arms an ally: ag ist imperialism. for the future of the Chinese revoChion itself in the very beart of Stalin sm. There, ceed only by a liquidation of the revolutionary de Chinese revolution ever took place!
In 1928, Chin Chiui (known in Intion, not with the Stalin sts and in the party urge which has followed the Seventh velopment, or at the least by capturing it before it Revolt in Stalinist Ranks It was all immensely easy, plea the International as Strachov: be their blood stained allies, Congre. comrade Trotsky shows that no less than Overcome sant and profitable.
20. 000 Bolshevik Leninist Trotskyists were disis fully clarit ed, by turning it aside into the But in dumping hastily not only with admiration for Feng revoltreacherous channel of the Comintern.
the more distant past but even the Telephone from various unions covered with the party rank And a new purge is scheduled for this Spring.
lin Wied him with the arms he The present campaign against Trotskyism. fun. Soviets in Central China, il period wanted and sent him back to China gave From the Soviet Union the campaign is being damentally understood, is one aspect of this effort during which Wan Alin informed to do or die, as he said he would Akron Plant el sol ng with the trike, it it is extended throughout the world. It has hit this ellecl.
country with full force during the last week, pre It aside, to harness its potential energies to the many of our comrades did not for the revolution Naturally, complete shutdown of pared for by the Hearst and. Trot ky slander, Cannons derstand and do not understand the Back among his soldiers, Feng (Continued from Page. the plants in asured by a strike Ed torials and special articles shower their filth Neither we nor comrade Trotsky claim any pro new situation which has arisen in proclaimed on Septemberbora 1928 er atter synker who said, Either even though some workers do not under the age old theory that it enough Alth is prietary right to the system of ideas which the thrown, some will be bound to tick wherever this Hydra monster, Trotskyism. shows one of its er Com ntern labels Trotskyism. These ideas that tern cynies cannot so exily hurdle announced that it would henceforth we all go back to work Tuesday, or join the movement for the key de be the object of his armies to none of us.
partments are 100 per cent unionpent heads. And, in this wonder world, we scover are now being attacked are the basic ideas of Marx, the barriers of history.
awake the masses. sweep away The rubberworkers in other AkEngels and Lenin; they are, in short, the theories, from the Daily Worker that the taint of Trotskyism Chinese workers, whose brothers, the traktorour military clans, breuk ron plants and of course Goodyear ixed and very militant principle anul tactics of the revolutionary move uncles and fathers and comrades down imperialism and secure the plant are watching cluely each Even though seabs were brought has now fonched Norman Thoma, Otto Bauer, Her ment. What Stalinism is now attacking is not merely died under the lash of the Feng Yu freedom bert Zam, Gus Tyler, and, apparently, the entire and of move and it appears wory probable to the plant, the highly technical independence the Workers Party nor the French Bolshevik Tenin hsiangs, remember with abiding China.
that if a picket line is formed at luture of the key jobs which in editorial ward of the socialist Call. The Communist party, that friend of human ty and (as the Dully ists nor any other group or party. Its attack btterness the fruits of the bloc of launched against revolutionary Marxism, against the four classes of 1925 27. That is Feng hnd thus income a full. Plant. every plant in the city will volve over so per cent of the em Worker HUN IL) of the cutire family, with its ideas of revolutionary Marxism, whenever, however, one of the main remonts why the fledged recruit the ranks of the workers brievances at the for them to handle the machinery olicitous its newly disered Socialist under whatever form they appear. And could not stalinist party never been able Stalin reliable allies. joining in shops can be huminarime around and build thres!
comracle. feel twelf called upon to issue a kind be otherwie: Stalinism knows that the victory of since to re establish itself is the that estimable company such hero. These out the demand. fatherly warning even something of a scolding The danger of the situation is in the ideas of revolutionary Marxism within the work party of the Chinese proletariat. Is revolutionary fighter an Chiang Workers Demands. to the e erring children, against the magte which the refurl of the union lendene or ing class means the cod and death of Stalinism, Rut not only among the workers Kashek. Itu Han min, Tang Sheng Abolition of Flying Squads, threatens them. After all, they were social. fa cists Abolition of the company untheir inability to understand the only yesterday, they can hardly be expected to have Above all on the war question. How clear it is even among the ruma ning handfulshi and Wang Chinwei.
ignificance of the possing events attained the rhwnlom of those who have had the Wherever, from whatever ource, appear revolution of the ranks of the Chinese Stalinist behind Tungkwan Pass in the great and fireparem only for the in long year under the guiding inspiration of the Great self the arms and ammunition ary criticism of stalinist social patriotism, the departs, the new liwe is not being northwest. Penz gather to him company formed weab organiza evitable strike.
mand for the Tannint policy of revolutionary de swallowed without protests and dewhich flowed in a steady stream Restore wage cuts of rerent ions.
Teacher and Leader, teatism, the refusal to subordinate the working cla fections.
Iue this in remedied quickly Inuvement to the imperialist Tengle and imperialist the magnificent Nuht of the work weeks.
Our comrades report from China caravans down from Urin. listen it necessary to distinguish and analyze both the Il tely to his Russian advisers ers will be diverted into pessimism Rehire layed off men.
method and the fundamental content of the present France, Great Britain and the United States, at that that revolt is simmering in the and bided his time. 30 hour week.
and defent for they must have corcilmpaign against Trotskyism.
source are a med the barbs of the Stalinits. And Stalinist ranks at the current at No Criticism of Feng Allowed the label Trotskyist. True enough, Trotsky, and tempt to initiate the new line for Union recognition.
met lendershtimmediately to utilThe method is directly borrowed from the method we in solidarity with him, proudly hold these prin a new national united front with It was not long in coming. While No more speed up ie the situntion or various company of the Hearst anti Red modeller all the metalign, which turn is The latest Goodyear itdown mowe will smash the movement.
ciples wint imperialism on every front, aga nst the same people who smashed that he waited the Northern Expedition bitter reactionaries socialpatriotism in every form for revolutionary pane united front nine years ago, wait to the Yangty. Chiang Kaifruntime immemorial Hearst is an enemy of reds came with dramatic switness that defentimus ours, xhek, who earlier had also learned took the company by complete sur they are the princ ples like Member of Chiang Gov le, of solution sts. But it is naturally imposible wise of Lenin and of Marx. They are the priuciple Feng was one of the chief how to unlock the doors of tussian prise and bronght wide suport to for him to cry on a truthful enmpaign against for which all revolutionists have fought, and will thene. He is today a ranking mem arals, entered Shanghai and the workers, union and non union, them, on the basis of what revolution to actually believe and do. If he tried that, the bulk of his readcontinue to fight. They are the principles of revo ber of Chiang Kal shek Govern there with bust ingratitude be. We ll stop at 3!
lutionary Marxism, of the world revolution.
ment In Nanking another fact trayed Stalin. He betrayed not ers (who are predominantly work ng class and lower which the Daily Worker conven his www els interests but the plained to grumbling workers on Lay off notices were being ex middle clas) would gradually be won over to the The career of Stalinism is drawing toward its tently forgets to record! He is faith which Stalin Bukharin Co. fourth shift by a company man side of the rolutionists by Heart owu propagan hi toric cose. The war I reveal it to the working again seeking to build up his sad had taught the Chinese workers when a worker shontei. We11 stop (Continued from Page 1)
lal. Consequently hi campaige must be based class in all its poisoned corruption. The revolution, y depleted political capital brad peasants to have in him. Tans work at 3!
viet press limits its estimate to throughout lies, not on truth. What Hearst must in Its Irresistible advance, wh ch obstacle can only mouthing a few phrases against im Nhen chih and Wang Chin wel, in Other workers took up the cry such terms as, that the masses do is to try to met up in his render a wychological delay but never barricade will sweep it aside, like perialism. The words are barely Wuhan, had also betrayed a. und wanted. We ll stop work at are prepared to defend their demo.
and emotional antagonism against reds. This in dead ashes, from it path.
ont of his mouth before the Stalin though this will boot yet offically 3!
ist lead to th their arms ar admitted in Moscow There had som half of Plant was shouting for the improvement of the life of Prosecute company the workers, etc. The Soviet press is an accurate indicator of the line nothing ever apeared in the public while benting Green and Nitxberg. plete blotting of his past if he will fornia which would fix loticials finel in rage their defect on on Three o clock came and everyone the Staliutern will take. Above all, Cal. Militants about these alleged attacks or because he was injured while ap once more make a deal with them. Ibility Why? The answer is contained shoulders other than Stalin But at down at their machines as no revolution in Spain! No interon Cairns and Campbell. And if plying the tar and feathers.
these men were assaulted, why did The suit. declared Mr. Besiin one more sentence of the Daily there was still Feng Te. murely. though by presented plans Anference with the balance of power!
Worker report: Feng demanded would come like Lachinvar out of taly it was spontaneous Maintenance of the status qno!
not they seek to have their assall emphasizes the need for a publicat China make. definite deci Wis western stronghold and save (Continued from Page 1)
The company agreed to talk to a Socialism in one country and me kill and murder them, anil shot at. ve u for damage because outrage.
ante urrested? suppose we ll next investigation of the Santa Rosa xion as to which nations are friends the day for the revolutionary Kuo committee selected by the men al other!
Ilaintifts with a double barreled can tell Maybe Peng win favor, Feng, close to the soil. He would conference was scheduled at p. Nistory presenting to the Spanish For the second time in five years.
shot gun, In consequence of the alleged we mure, an alliance with the mot betray, letariat an opportunity to overacts, the plaintiffs claim that they Soviet Union. Nothing in his past. vlterating by radio his undying the next afternoon.
Plant Closed throw the capitalist clerical regime. were rendered tire, sore and lame. lis previous sponsal of such feulty to the revolutionaty Kuo his brequent mintang. Eveu Vincent Sheehan, et and newspapers shouted that the worespundered by the soMeanwhile the company announce. alliance. The possibilities of the revolut on of. sustained severe shock and prevent Tetrayal. can juries to their nervous systeins, stalin. who saw practically nothnic saw itdown was over. Of course, the cialist and Syndicalist leadership.
Dimitror. Wan Mill. Browder and the immense critical faith of the compty refer to take back the This same bloc which together with but were for permanently injured As a further element of damages.
Cl. from embracing him once more staliutern In Penu. News der men it is alleged that in consequence of the Stalinists has entered the. In matter what it means to the patches reaching Mascu faintly The winie just as the third Pemiles Front, is ngan handing the alleged It, large gron Heresting that is was realler Chinese proletariat.
Who and what is Feng yu to deal with Chian Kishk than men. were ringing in for work. The republicans and inving the way for shift, ocmed of ten year service the power over to the bourgeois of person known as Communist, became en lidtered against la 1Iviang? Tatus repeat here for with Wuhan were indignantly re.
tiffs and refused to do business Feng was the entre lepartment sat down imme howly return of the reaction those whose memories are conven fuel publication, IRVING PLAZA HALL intely and were joined by the cur iently short or otherwise inade last trump Repudiation of the upuribus and with them and that many of then ing and mill rooms, quate the record of his past.
removed from the County of Sono To suggest that he would fall Realizing the seriousness of tiedemagoule program of the Peoples ma to pari tukanwn to Plaintiff.
15th Street at Irving Place General Soft on Jesus down on the job was nothing hnt situation, the company reruwd to Pront. Workers Committee of What is The complaint was verified by Feng is a militarist who rose to rank liquidatonism.
That let the fourth shift come into work act on democratiently elected in the Campbell on November 21. hut, no mwer in Chiua northwest shorts worse. It was Trotskyist!
because they knew would join factories, tenements and village to attempt was made to serve either MUSIC BY after the Great War. By a series annoying thorn. Trotsky, was is of the defendants unt last week to compel the liberation of the poof timely and shrewd betrayals of sing warning in Moscow that the sitdown Tintend the plant repet every threat of reaction and Wis closed.
Sol Nitzberg. Petaluma chicken Hitical prisoners. Only such slogans.
his superior officers and allies, he faith Penc meant nothing but a Aeting much yniekur than in the corresponding to the need of the Tincher, WAN served on February HARLEM RYTHM MAKERS beenme or a time, in 1924. the rul chiang Kai shek. See Trotsky department meetings and must or honr, in effectively organize the repetition of the experiment with last uitdown. union officials called 13. but process servers have this ap ing militarist in Peking to note of any 1927: Problems of the workere concerne came and wer of the work ng class, and refar been unable to locate Green peared in center lines as the Christian General the Chinese Revolution. 123 24. Joined the union in wild ton to remove Ernest Benis, Northern Califor the struct wa diretor of the American Civil PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINMENT who taught his soldiers the homely The Butcher Gets to Work cording their sentiment for strike from the marliamentary theatre to Libert es mon, whose attorneys the field and tíctors.
virtus of rustie simplicity. He had few days later. Trotsky warn unless the 75 men were rehired.
are representing Green and Nita learned from foreign missionaries ings were cruslr ngly confirmed by Scabs Ineffective Already the workers are nonberg. characterize the unit ne rldREFRESHMENTS in Szechwan in his early years how events. Feng let Wnban spand its Plant workers, smarting under tamously moving in that direction, iculous. After six months. saia to sing hymns.
forces in a fruitless battle with the the defeat of two weeks ago when But they require the leadership of Mr. Besig. we suddenlyd scover But in 1924 Feng learned that Northerners on the fields of Chum their stdown was broken, are ex: the revolucionary vanguard. The that Gwen el Nit berg are charg TICKETS IN ADVANCE 75c, ATDOOR what it lacked in spiritual piety. iatien in Honan and then came down pected to join in the strike move fate of Spain hanes upon the for ed with the commission of certain YesCow unde in generosity froin Tungkwan muss, ocied Homent Immediately, thùs involving at onder fire of such a general offensex. In site or extensive re TIe shed his Christian skin and wan and became the arb ter of the 16, 500 moyes.
stare Curb Rising Of Spaniards cor Dance Friday Eve. Feb. 28