BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceHitlerImperialismKamenevKirovLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1936 NEW MILITANT PAGE Assassination by Postcard, or the New Stalinist Frame up Use Incident in Effort to Deport Leon Trotsky Fred Zeller Uncovers Real Motive of Campaign of Hitler, of Democracy in Military Dictatorship ounge to murder the leaders of the Soviet individual terror. He also knows concocted, and it is not at all acproletariat?
very well that no one who really cidental that it was immediately What has the Central Bureau of contemplates murder plots would cabled to the picayune Arbeideren the Norwegian Labor Party to say put them down on a postcard in Norway, to supply the Norwegian What has the Norwegian Go And what is the aim of the article agents of Stalin with fresh senvernment to say?
Yes, Its aim is to make the Norweg sations to use in their local slander The stalinista in Norway did not lan workers believe in a lie, and to campaign, and in their driye to ex.
Under the screaming headline: headline charging a death plot have to wait long for their answer. Instead them foreover, the Il Trotsky from his asylum in By FRED ZELLER mountains saw the little wooden Norway (From Revolution, Organ of the house in which the great strategist by French Trotskyist, the Satur same freshly arrived postcard 10, in a leading article in The Soer Government to place Trotsky under day issue of the Daily Worker from France. The Norwegian laudet, one of the organs of the arrest.
This is not the first time that Revolutionary Socialist Youth of of the October Revolution, the (February 15) reprints a facsimile Stalinists (upon instructions from said the following: France. Well, gentlemen, neither win the Staliniste resorted to frame ups, of a postcard, as evidence of a Moscow) first charged that Trot Under the headline: Trotsky happen.
in their hatred and persecution of Protskyist plot to assassinate stal sky agitation culminates in the Henchman etc. last Friday issue Nelther the Norwegian workers, For the last two weeks the Cen founder and organizer of the Red revolutionists.
tral committee of the Young Com Army has rented two rooms for himin himself, propaganda for terroristic attacks of Arbeideren prints article nor the Norwegian Labor Govern To mention only one years ago, slanders against the Young Social mirable and faithful companion of munist League has redoubled its self and his wifo Natale, the adDriven to the wall by the revela against the Soviet Union and its which it is impossible to character ment are so easily made fools of in July, 1931, the Polish rag Kurists of the Seine District.
tions of Tarov and Ciliga, and by leaders and is almod above all ize as it deserves without resorting as the central organ of the yer Codzienny carried a patent pouincerit on a little postcard rooms, which besides were cold. They his magnificent lite. Two little their inability to continue their own against the greatest leader of the to harshest epithets. Schello then obviously believes.
fraud on its front pages, purporting which sent from Oalo to an old in this house where they reside Trotsky Hearst frame up. Browder world proletariat in our time quotes from the Arbeideren, and But this article will not remain to be an article by Trotsky. The army friend, comrade Robert Fol, they have a bedroom and a little Brudens and Co. now seek to hide Stalin, The Norwegian pen proe comments as follows: behind evidence just received from titute then proceeded to translate without consequences. One of its Moscow. Pravda immediately re secretary of the 18th Section of the office. No flunkeys. no secre France. We believe that the Arbeideren consequences will be that the in printed a fasclmile of this article un By this method they hope taries. Natalie takes care of the More than four months ago on with calling for the murder of way will be given to understand distrust in the honesty and sincerity agent. Trotsky established that physical struggle against us. Tens arrange the newspapers and magthe postcard, and to charge Zeller and the Communist Party of Nor dignation against the and the der the headline: Pilsudskl New to mobilize a few natve souls for house and helps the old man to November 6, 1935) Fred Zeller (se Stalin.
cretary of the Socialist Youth Alin unmistakable terms what the of the Communists which are al. this article concocted and sup of thousands of leaflets have been azines be receives from all over the limecara the Seine District) sent ment. it was no accident that ism that they have perpetrated in Party will become only strengthen by an agent of the It is the Trotskyist and want. Imagine, to a stationed to a young friend of his, the conspirators in the plot against their paper. Even though the know. ed and even more widespread. we obvious Intention of the usurping assassinate Stalin! This last min expected to see an arrogant This neldent was made the Kirov were former members of the edge of the French language is not said before and we repeat again: Stalinist bureaucracy in Moscow ute discovery Is so coarse and man, full of hatred. found a man, pletely sometimes grave, sometimes brightsublect of rabid campaign by the tion, who came forward as the might enable them to understandings whatsoever with people who its bestial persecutions of revolu Inicking in arguments against us to ening when he spoke of his heroic countries, particularly Norway, the volution.
Stalinists throughout all European agents of Fascism and counter re absolutely that the expression Tod set out deliberately mislead the tionists in the Soviet Union by the launch such a campaign slander struggle at the ride of Lenin and only country that offered Trotsky ueber (a mort) in reality means workers. Against such people we charge that the Opposition and all on the basis of a personal card the bolshevik old guard in the The right of asylum. But it was at boks are now being fested by are nevertheless in a position to see This is the same Trotsky whose Away with! Down with. they declare War, and only War! its stokosmen are assassins, agents addressed to a friend. Besides, seizure of power by the workers and that time hardly mentioned in Small wonder, that nfter such an America, been use the fraud was so Socinlist Publishing Society in Nor clearly whether Trotsky. had answer to their initial attempt in of counter hereign espionage and sincere communists and socialists sants. expected to see a man rind It an exaggeration to give such filthy with money; Trotsky is poor.
bylonely patent that it was hope way.
he planned the murder of Stalin, Europe, the Stalinists in America We want to know: Upon whose publicity to a joke at which they Trotsky on Stalin to try to fixt it upon the This is is the same Trotsky who e would have dealt with such con perferre not to make we months orders was Hearst supplied with the were the first to laugh. expected to hear him speak of erican workers, Elsewhere in interviews are being featured in the pracy in an ordinary postenrd. go of the plietastatic evidence articles lifted from the NEW MILI Allow me to remark in passing Stalin with wine limtred. not at We brand the man who wrote from bronce, This iste we rrini Zeller own headlines of the Labor Party Press, TINTI Were they the same people that the cornmunists were good all. Ele hates Stalin o more than xwer published months ago in Ilow long more will the Nor this article in the arbeidereu as an Hearst Frame up Used in Norway we were behind the Polish frame cal less violent about me when they the others because for him Ms me Below we reprint the use weglan workers tolerate this?
in of the ed incident in What was the Socialist south is well what he is pertrat cr here did find itself compelled to ople who send erotostats from start a Stalinist factiou in the hot and care acel to a NeM. AY: Norway to say abont the fact that he knows well that a full bloote irry the revelations of Throv udirme to America, while other Young Socialists.
miserable persona! harrel. For wcember 13, 935. Arbeideren expelled members of the French evolutionist like Trotsky is ruth Cilisa in the NEY WILITANT. Photostats are being seat csom (IE Avant Garde organ of the him, his expulsion from the country horral on the Norwegian Socialist Youth are using oslo as toe opponent of assassination and The Trotsky Horts ng was America to Norway?
Fretch nersists in it cam where he organized the armed came out Sentionally base for their open propaganda mign may be obliged to culargel struggle of the workers against on this point. 66 fendal Carism is the result of a WPAW ference is expectel the coming What the Drudges Feared age profound movement among the Sunday by the WPA Workers Union. Response to the conference But why all these hysterical masses. exhausted by heroic slanders and lies?
struggle and the retreat of the Raise Won call has already come from numer Guyot. Lechaux, Graujon, Ancelle workers on an international scale.
workers are crying for real expected to find a discouraged (Continued from Page 1) fighting union.
are not idiots. They are simply and sour man, saw a tired and Workers Union have been BUCHAREST Following the 3rdiano, and diverse democratie And Lothar kuduceanu (social drudges doing their eight hours a sick man, but full of confidence and demanding the increase. They have Unity the Vital Need period of adventurist policy whose personalities.
democratic leader) writes an article day They know very well that at taith in the revolutionary destiny The need for unity of the Un culminating point was reached in Supplication to His Majesty demanded also that hours of work employed Lengue and the Workers the bloody events at Grivita (1)
in Lumea Noua expressing his any moment they may be ordered to of the world working class. saw Let us now observe the People satisfaction that the Communists make a new turn and that they a tireless worker, following the be the goods and that no lost time Alliance is strikingly emphasized the resolution adopted in February Front in action. The first action have learned the value of collabo will have to obey. know enough daily rise et fascism with angulsh, jobs be.
the securing of rating with a bourgeois party but of their past to substantiate such and with joy the progress of the An article in today Toledo News is generally admitted that had communist Party marked a new amnesty for political prisoners, at the same time regretting that a statement. But for several months workers who are learning little by Bee declared, The increase author such units been established sev. turn: this time in a completely stead of embarking on a campaign they still do not know when and they have been aware that the YCLittle that the two internationals ized by Dr. Carl Watson, state WPA eral months ago, this increase and opposite direction: the party found vigorous agitation in the ranks how to support bourgeois party. has ceased to be a true revolution have collapsed and who are reIn at the proletariat, they substituted Fascist Gain ary youth organization and that organizing themselves on the basis state wide workers strike. won long ago by a solid state wide this resolution it is said that the legal action for this revolutionary That Possibilities for such a strike fighting front. The blekering and party must struggle for the forma struggle People such as Mm. Ellersecution of an opportunist policy movement of the how matters stand in the the is liquidating it into a of revolutionary Marxism for a generareal offensive against imperialism.
Above all found man hunted winning of this concession has dividuals of both organizations has bosses attacks, war and fascism. oran recently proudly called Moor peasants against the democ. stalinist policy is the Revolu. Ice over the whole world and sufwinning ned this theowtetory. The wood back and forth between in brond people front, Agatust the case the Barenne Correspondence which can only benefit the fascists, tom of Frenchmen.
The only danger facing them and by the governments and their polpointed the road of militant action been largely the cause for keeping to the workers of this state thousands of unemployed and Let us skip over the question of her supported by all the democratie leaders, under the impact of tionary Entente of the Socialist fering terribly from his inability to as the means of gaining further jects workers from Jolning either This revolutionary tactic clearly a campalm of supplication to King Not spolug any solution on the left. We alone, in reality, are ripe for of the revolutionary workers be physically active in the service With what admiration and what ization and workers action has TANT has been point ng out for gusses of the and which more prisoners on the June 8th celebri. Allied to their persecntors, they are on the basis of revolutionary Marx. tervor, Trotsky spoke of Lenin.
been heightened. The fear of the past two months for both or over the Stalinists have stripped of thon (5. This even if amnesty had to the fascist gang and is in embodied in their old form mounting lay o Why They Hate Trotsky tions, and the knowledge that fur gram through the actions of a few the cards so is to mark the rotten as a stroke or generosits on the well (Viducian blue in attack with the greatest violence hatred of Trotsky. But truth and Then understood the Stalinist tione conerally bad working condi botage of nnity on a correct propony in order to better shuffle up and in the crew of the masses the latter are already demanding ul. But it is also only us that they ther pas boosts can be won by individuals at this crucial period turn the complete abandonnent of part of the King and contribute in pliament Sooner or fighting organized action, has would show a criminal lack of rece class struggle which has since restoring his prestige of course, the country, which is including ever of revolution and thrown their later when the great up the world This process of radicalization in its have abandoned the path Justice will triumph.
comes woked a genuine response in the sponsibity toward the real needs lccn replaced by a new criterion: amesty was grantes, the exploited workers WPA workers in this part of the land tesires of the unemployed and the status quo on all fronts. The second action of the People stages. But tbe deed her the social is what they are trying to hide at sents of the workers movement that larger muses, is only in its first glorion am heroic post to the wil do him justice and give him state, and a highly successful con relief workers of this nation, revolutionary struggle of the pro Pront, of much greater Importance in Itumania, betrayer defeated proletariat wils. That is the truth and that the place in the history of the last letariat gainst the bourgeoisie was the siemonstration of the Na democrats and the stalinists, is not any price Lives way to an alliance from abovenal Pennants Party which was to in a position to draw behind it the Resides my visit to Trotsky lad and beauty amid the worst physical he has held with so much grandeur READY SOON with the most corrupt democrats have been held on the eve of the nor peasants of the villages and political significance. Not that and moral suffering.
for the preservation of the present opening of parliament.
The Third International After Lenin fegime (a military dictatorship) tional ensunt satrape The Na the oppressed retty borgeoisie of the Seine Young Socinlist Federa(6)
uninst fascism, revolutionary act. unneed a great demonstration in bourgeoixic The task of the hour, such ting. as Trotskyism And would say. say what think anthe eties in the struggle against the tions Trotskyist! There is no That is what they were afrald By LEXON TROTSKY lons are replaced by legal actions which several tens of thousands of the desto mitice the proletariat, there are no Trut kyists. There Henceforth the leaders of the CL on the pretext that it is necessary peasants were to meet in Bucharest is the same as everywhere else: the is ouly the revolutionary policy Partial Contents. of on by by violence. The socialist bureauc Letter to the Sixth Congress of the Comintern, legal press, in order not to frighten Tataresco government.
The Com It be created in the struggle tants and that all.
crney wants to strangle us but you THE PROGRAM OF THE COMINTERNthe democratie allies the Marx. mithist Paty decided to support this agninst Stalinism and Social de Proof Where are tie Proots don know us. We shall stand up Program of the International Revolution of a Prothe vague term (so dear to the ed an expression of Indignation unitarycentrism. the other above and is the formation might give way an inch before the consente of Socialism in a Single Country?
fascists. of laboring people. In of the masses. The government The Romanian Bolshevik leninists bring back after an interview with of Stalin, no more than before the Strategy and Tacties of the Imperialist Epoch its content the illegal press dis naturally prohibited the demon have already begun this struggle Lenin loyal collaborator, Balance and Perspectives of the Chinese Revolution.
tinguishes itself in no way from the stration as well as that of the and are contident that the correct like everyone else we once really the boots of the Radicals and you legal pross, except it it be by still Christian Nationalists which was to ness and intransigence of their believe that Trotsky was THE CHINESE QUESTION AFTER THE SIXTH more reactionary language.
agent want to bar the revolutionary millWhat in have been held on the same day principles will lead CONGRESS WHO IS LEADING THE COMINTERN TODAY. Traces of Democracy (this second demonstration had as of the counter revolution, politi tants from the struggle.
ciatn living in a mansion surrounded famy!
This book is almost all set up and ready to go to press To obtain the alliance with the its aim the neutralization of the Notes with funky, secretaries, etc. The Rincere young socialists and Those comrades and friends who want to take advan. bourgeois democratie politicians esto. Despite this prohibition, the (1) In February 1983 a strike wanted to know the truth and for cominunists well know now that in tage of the low pre publication price, should in the struggle against Fascism, National Peasant leaders announc broke out in the factories of Griv months asked Guyot and Michaud the approaching decisive battle the People Front became the deed that the demonstration would itza over economic grievances. to sve me the proofs that the which will be decided in the streets send in their orders for the book now fender of the existing regime in be held After a bitter battle the railroad Trotskyists were policemen and against the fascists, we boldly proCloth bound Rumania, that is, of the military Demonstration Called off workers Pre publication price 50 succeeded in winning government agents. Several times claim today as yesterday the first dictatorship which serves it, which Then, fonr days before the date some concessions: but since the we went to 120 rue Lafayette to place in the first ranks of the battle: ORDER NOW condemns the workers to repression set, frightened by the Christian Moscow resolutions had character get facts and documents. even No violence among workers!
100 Fifth Avenue, New York City and complete misery. For this pur Nationalists on the one side, pro ized the situation as revolution said to Guyot. If you really have One enemy, fascism!
PIONEER rose they have discovered in it, bably also having received the asary. as well as for reasons of pres irrefutable proof about them per PUBLISHERS Long live the revolution in traces of democracy. 2) Yester surance of King Carol that they tige (the strike had been led at the soually will demand the expulsion France. day these gentlemen were shouting would soon be returned to power beginning by the social democrat of the guilty ones from our ranks. Long live the International prothat there was a fascist regime in and under the pretext that after Bogntolu. the flonkeys lending the They put me off funumerable times letarian revolution Rumania, today, on the orders of this audience the situation has com Rumanian Communist party forced saying that they were preparing a THE NEW INTERNATIONAL Moscow and, microscope in hand, pletely changed. they counterman things on the road of an adventure complete file the subject, but RSSSSSS they discover traces of democracy ded the order for the demonstration by presenting political demands they never managed to bring us the LUMEN CLUB LECTURE to justify their putrid bloc with IN BOUND VOLUME Large sections of the peasants such as Soviet Rumania. In slightest palpable proof, the small.
such odious personal ties as Do were aroused by this demonstration reply, the government only awaited est document, the tiniest scrap of Do We Need a labor Party!
Speaker This first bound voume contains all the issues that have apbresco, former mayor of Bucharest, having promised that the victors a convenient pretext to shoot sever paper, because in reality they had wared to date, beginning with July 1934 up to and including the or Petre Pandrea, the living ex. of this revolution would redound al scores of workers.
nothing, nothing, nothing to show SOLOMON MARCUS December, 1825 gue.
ample of the political chameleon to their benefit and all this with (2) Here e the declaration of us. Prominent Socialist (3. the support of the communists! a bureaucrat of the Rumanian Com. Maurice Thorex announces that Sunday, Feb. 23, 8:30 Attractively and durably bound.
Practically speaking, the People Naturally the indignation of the munist party: Since such legal have been vacationing in Trotsky This volume contains also a special and complete index of all What Front has been realized only parti peasants, adroits exploited by fas papers as. are allowed to appear, mansion.
28 14th St. 4th floor a miserable ally. The anitaries have rejected cists of all stripes, turned into articles listed analytically by contents and in alphabetical order democracy still exists.
ADMISSION FREE of the names of the authors.
it, by opposing to it the proletarian boomerang not only for the Na (3) His blography, given in a In a little village lost in the Price 00, pompaid united front. 4) The social de tional Peasants Party but also for fascist paper Axa. o llchea de mocrats, in base agreement with its ally, the communist party. High stanga. show a very wretched Order from The New International, 65 East 11th St. New the communists on the question (co ly fllustrative of the decay of the character who has changed his York, NY Naboration with bourgeois partles) Communist party and its crawling theory several times corresponding What is the Stakhanovist Movement?
but not desiring joint action with before the National Peasants is the to different policies. 4) Despite their correct pasi Read The New Iternational, February Issue.
them at any cost (despite the ef fact that after having noted that forts of the communists who have this attitude constitutes a betration in principle on the problem This article is written by one of our Russian comrades, made all the concessions to obtain al (Balkan Correspondence) in (the Popovici group was even extheir adherence) have rejected the stead of denouncing this party to pelled as partisans the People Markin, and the facts presented are fully authenticated by Blg selection of books at 49 dents, formerly 50 to 00.
People Front counterposing to it the proletarian masses and the poor Front. the unitaries cling at all informat on from the press of the Soviet Union. In each instance We have a large stock of books and pamphlets on the Socialist exact data is given, presenting on a whole a picture of this the democratic front (that is peasants, it clung to its coat talle price to bourgeois legality (their movement not previously known to NEW MILITANT readers.
and Labor movement not available elsewhere.
parties without the commmunists. the pretext that It is necessary to enment) and do not raise their The Peoples Front in Rumania aid the National Peasants to under smallest finger to struggle for these Get your copy of the New International from 55 East Ilth st.
Come up and pay us a visit.
consists of the alliance of the Com stand the gravity of the decision of positions!
New York, 16 cents per copy. yearly subscription, 12 munist Party with some of the ele. its leadership which is conniving (5) On June 8th, 1930, King PIONEER BOOKSHOP Insules, 1, 50 ments of the National Peasants with the camarilla and to make it Carol returned to Romania.
100 Filth Avenue, Corner 15th. Room 1010 Party (they sought involve the understand the necessity of its par (6) It is a well known fact that yearly combinat on subecription to the NEW MILITANT and leaders such as Mihalache, etc. but ticipation in an anti fasclat mobil their methods of government are the NEW INTERNATIONAL both for 00.
Write for our new list of books at Bargain prices to date without success. the Jun zation. Balkan Correspondence, the same often worse than those lanists. the party of George Brat Nov. 1985, page 186)
of the Mberals, to vietors.