CapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNational LiberationSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1936 Left Wing Group Gains in Social Patriotism Routed in Debate Phila Needle Trades Union Between YCL YPSL on War Question Our Line Been Changed Again fol mente non prestate the most intends be turned the one this te doen is om det er en det er et stort in contem, et beboererate de ceramica St. Gottwald Attacks Trotskyite Dragon 11 Stalinists and Lovestoneites Support Administration; Shamefaced, apologetic, ever on united action of the toiler can in the basic sues of the debate the defensive, recognizing the unstop war. How? By revolution. his position was clear and unamSabotage United Front popularity of its position before an by overthrowing the system that biguous. It was as it should be audience of revolutionary youth, breed war? No, that is the pas when revolutionary polley con PHILADELPHIA. Local Phila. committee who were here to su Stalinism clutched at a wordy veii sive, negative attitude of the Yip fronts social patriotism. First, the The Daily Worker has taken its that the American follow the ILGWU passed thru one of the most pervise the proceedings. Everything to hide its social patriotie uglinessels which flows from a fatalistie great lesson of 1914, of which he cut. Hathaway is making up for road of Bauer and the progresive eze ting elgettons ever held in its was put through very quickly el at the debate on war held in St. attitude. We need a practical at said, in truth, that the had lost time his job as editor of the forces among the Socialists includhistory. This election, an emerg iminating the time periods set by Nicholas Palace on February 14th, tude, one which utilizes every forgotten, or rather was repeating Daily is at stake. So all the ing the Ras an Mensheviks.
ency election granted by the the constitution.
its worst mistake. In that war scribes are mobilized for a daily in order to eliminate, it possible, a New Conference, New Attack Its represure, Gil Green means for peace.
National of the Young What are these means?
The he declared the social democracy Dre against the Left Socialists The Daily gave way. to opbitter factional fight between two Some of the members of the Mt. Communist League, had the onerous class struggle pursued to its goal, had betrayed, by supporting the and the Trotskyists. Orders are portunt backsliding, which has office speking elements, which tant Group still under the illusion task of defending pacifism, re class war which will strike a death fatherland under the guise that orders and they are to be found nothing in common with the recomthreatened the very existence of the that somehow the Stalinists and formism, and chauvism against a blow at imperialist war! Hardly, this fatherland was protecting the in the current issue of the Commendations of the Seventh con organization Progresives were sincere, urged champion of revolutionary policies acifist methods and a pacifist interests of a small nation. He mupist International (January Tess on differentiated tacto.
The conditions of the workers in the group to make another attempt in the struggle against war, Gus program: Against the pointed to the British socialist 1998. when it made a hero out of JOR Kuusinen report to the presid. Lewis.
from bad to worse. All sorts of this time they were invited to a Pecples Socialist League. What anabolish the Monroe Doctrine, to cause of Belgium, the Russian 80 tum of the Executive Committee of The critic further informs the union violations were taking place conference initiated by the Rank ironic twist of history! How disarmament, for the prohibition calist because of Serbia. Now the Comintern, No Grounds for readers that the Trotskylte das Wage cuts, lengthening of hours, and File Committee. At this meet strange to see the organization of subsidies to arms manufacturers, the had appropriated this pole self Satiataction, is a criticism of ger demanda constant vigilance discrimination against active and in the Militants discovered that emerging from the split of 1919 against sag laws, for the popular. cy by substituting the name of the mistakes and shortcomings in and activity, This is especially the Seventh true for Denmark, the Scandinavcurrence, but the officials were too combined. Aļl former enmittes were and the spirit of Noske and Schelde Soviet Union and the rallying of be answered once begyn: by class Congress line on the united front. in countries in general, in Holland busy establishing their power in the forgotten, no more differences bemann! How gratifying to see an the tollers for its defense. good struggle action leading up to In the past years, many Com. and it is necessary in other office to do anything.
tween them. They had indeed com organization still formally tied to program with everything but the strikes and revolutionary civil munists replaced business like countries to react more actively The Stalinist Rank and Me bined not against the right wing the Second International proudlyclass struggle in it, choked with 11. war. criticism of Social Democra than hitherto to Trot kylte slanCommittee together with the Love and it disastrous policies, but raising the banner of Liebknecht lus ons, calculated to promote war What will the Communtate bety with mere denunciation. Now der, for such slander, though isxtone Progressives, were support against the Militants.
and Lenin!
in the shortest possible time. doing? he asked. They will be it happens that the necessary sued at first by Trotskyltes theming the administration against the No sooner was the meeting open Second Edition Social Patriots In case of an Alliance.
if the Soviet Union is serious business like criticism is selves, is frequently spread by all remnants of the old Reisberg reed than the Muitants were put involved The pacifist twaddle off his chest, this policy they will be compelled Listening to Green as he rena And in the interests of replaced by silence.
kinds of Left Social Democrats on trial. They were asked why they gime, who sought to regain control Even worse than silence is the and Socialista. For example, adds of the union by assuming the role had formed a separate group. The prepared speech, utterly lack ng Green got down to cases.
if fighters for better conditions for delegation was fully aware of the indre or forcefulness, the writer talk about a possible military al to break the strikes carried on by charge against the Daily Worker. Kuusinen, Otto Bauer repeats the revolutioni ts since these will im Kuusinen cites the Daily praise lander of Boris Souvarine reason for this question. Already could hardly escape the impression llance between the Soviet Unionde a successful ontcome to the lof Otto Bauer as leader for against Stalin. This speech is the The workers in the industry, Although, when Reisberk was berhente especially protes kelte statement than the speaker himself. We need the future, encreibles rutes cup war. The logic of the Stalinist working classes. dty; its suggestion scurost Stathe news atpackens Trotskyltes every panuger, he fought bitterly against and if they did not state this open to this not ont of generosity or compose the incredible does happen, position will lead them to vote for Hathaway Made the Scape Goat teft wing and organized themselves the meaning of this question. They revoint ontsts there can Groups has followers imitated the the ilitants were well aware of miseration with Gil Greenfor what will be the policy of Stalin a war with Japan, to vote for the only be ism then? Listen to Green: In military budget and they will be Kuusinen criticism of the Daily No evidence is given to show that inte de committee held meeting therefore refused to be provokea wa agrainst those who use the such a war our primary aim is to come Jingo No. 1: An the Soviet Union the words of Lenin and Marx to mo insure the victory of the Soviet Here Worker is elaborated upon by there a conflict between the outside of the union, and instructed into a discussion insisting that the live the masses for imperialist Union. and thi defense of the Tyler made a telling point. In in a review of the October is Daily line and the Central Comheir members to carry out their question before the body was the war on the side of finance capital. Sove Union demands more than 1918 the American Socalist Alger sues of the paper. The review mitte in October!
liberty Nates that the Socialist) Call were in the majortity in the cotton pressing that a united front at What is interesting for 118 is that merels turning the imperialist war non Lee had voted for But what happened by NOV. 28 to make Foster and Browder so Jocul Executive controlling also the be set up in order to defeat the the social patriots of the second to a civil war. Implicit in this loan in the New York Board of any criticized and then ilelegation to the Joint Board, kept right wing.
Most likely, Thereupon an attack edition Pack even that modieum of romark is the support of the cap Aldermen on the grounds that a Kuu inen crit cisme on Bater. Critical or offerta HD continuous struggle against wa launched upon the leadership sincerity and conviction displayed italist government of this country revolutionary regime had been este However, the chief aim of the delivered on November 20 had alKuusinen criticism of the Daily the majority of the Joint Board. a wedge between the newer members 1014.
Ther, at least, thought that ele can it mean, especially when America and Russia were at war review is to establish that the line ready reached the central. com.
In spite of the fact that the cotton and those who had helped organize in defending the capitalist father Green took pains to characterize with Germany it was necessary to of the Daily on the Lewis move mittee. Local is the largest local, it is a the group.
land they were defending the so the war of 1914 1918 as an imperi. hupport this measure in the inter ment criticized by Kuusinen was The aim of the review can be minority on the Joint Board, since This attack which consisted of cal st institutions, the trade un alist conflict, and the approaching ests of Rusia. This drew a severe not the line of the Central Commite of the Communist party, In a seen when write imperial rebuke from the But, would tee It must be stated that the er.
representation on that body is not the typical lies and slanders of the lons, the party. the cooperative, lone as a struggle betweetele can t Green favor such an action is word, Hathaway line wa in conon a proportional basis. The light Stalinists and their Lovestonette Their contemporary prototypes ism and socialism. What in the Joint Board finally reached henchmen had the opposite effect know that they are defending only it mean when Green pointed out Lee s, wouldn he he opposed to lict with that of Browder and amples Blven from the Dally a polut where the cotton delegation from the one intended. These new. Stalin. What an inglorious that the principal means Foster!
of strug the censure?
gle in such a war would be not walked out of its meeting and the members left with the feeling that end of Jenin Comintern!
He continued, laying bare the The reviewer quotes Browder line of polley, and do not chatae other faction took advantage of the these people no longer representa Tyler job was therefore an easy str kes or revolution because it is fake of a war of democracy versu: and Foster on the Lewis movement terize the activities of our Central Committee, the party as a whole situation to expel them.
healthy left wing policy in the union one and as he lashed at Stalinism Impossible to answer war with a Fascism. In case of war, the demand adds: But this pol cy or even most of the work of the Comrades Foster and Disgraceful Squabble and a new left wing movement must wth the whip of revolutionary Merrer Fehle u predatorstatus est, or at least all civil liberties Browder strike or revolution. but the ex seratte nations would turn Fastted by not carried out by Daily Worker. The Central Committee murt, however, take meas.
Marxism, Green could only whine The Relsberg group immediately be built.
The Stalinist Line up got to work in the cotton Executive and plend: Don would be suppressed as the or the Dally Worker. be impractical Imperialia.
Simple! Not quite! The Dailyures to strengthen the carrying out and sent committee to the The following night, at a mem. and futalistie. and passive Realizing that he was approach perience of the last war showed.
which was to meet in Cleveland. bership meeting of the cotton local. please let uuite. He only ng the danger zone, Green began quotation from Marty, a leader articles under attack were in the of the Seventh Congress line in the few days later membership with great bally, the stalinists wlected to add his main concerns to be the free en Gropas lopen of the French cr. was read which October Issues (the last article Dasly Worker.
Hathaway is made the scapemeeting of the cotton local was lected majority on the Elec. They are watching me in Moscow. defense of military alliances Unite the defenders of sane low, even Lenin is quoted Not tendency on the part of democra and Browder Ine was presented goat! Another verse can be added broken up and police were called tons objections committee and for.
in The Stalinists and progressives a time it looked as if they would thing with the opponents of sane whether the working class should the capitalist governments. Any one month later printed in the to the rong: Our ine been added to the general disorder, by sweep the elections. tremendous tion, the defenders of the capital support its own bourgeo sie to body. Tyler concluded the pointe Daily, Nov. 28 and 29, respectively. changed again!
but who raise the question of a war Ining up with the manager, who re campaign ensued. In the few days ist fatherland with the interna lied with the Soviet Union, Gottwald. Czechoslovakian sequently level at these theses was, Reisberg follower) to open or con handed out and the line up of the race and conlit on government ine imperialist contradictions, this Fascist Germany 18 either a stalino patriotie chlef, is the latest not against its essential features duct the meeting.
groupe was exposed to everyone. with the partians of civil war was how Green distorted the issue faker or a fool.
Wars for national liberation are of the brave ko ghts of Stalinim, but its reference to the terroristic The general membership, ignorant The Stalinists and the Lovestone with the revolutionary overthrow And his quotation from Lenin: the of the squabble, did not participate ites were definitely lined up with the bonrgeoisie, the lion with letter to the American workers another alible that the stalinista to undertake a scurrilous attack on dictator hp in the Soviet Union.
in this disgraceful performance, the faction in control of the office, the lamb, the fire with the water! where the latter defends his utili use to explain their treacherous Trotskyism. The attack takes the In reality however it is not Bauer inany left in disgust.
which in many respects is more The debate begins. Wound up. xation of the military assistance of policy. Tyler correctly countered form of a plea to Otto Bauer to Mennwhile, new group has reactionary than the Relshere the phonograph Green lides from the French officer, de Luberrue. Of with Lenin position, that no cap keep clear of Trotskyl with who is under attack by Gottwald: it is Trotskylsm which, officially apparately denounced by the Staliniate as dead sprung up. They called themselves group. The cutters local issuel contradiction to contradiction. The course, he overlooked the other ital st nation in the present epoch which he is already in conduct a progressive war, tainted!
ever nee 1924, is now making its the Militants.
Although many of their alate benring the very interecord might be called. The Dance mercilessly flayed the traitor for that the characterization of the Is it not clear that anyone who the movement, but to unionism, the Candidate the members are not only new to eating title Vote for the People of the Confused Social. Patrious supporting the capitalist fatherland central European nations as oplis found in the neighborhood of way in the ranks of the left wing socialist workers.
Sroup already shows promise of a on the day of the elections the lits st notes are the only the ones on the pretext that the Soviet Un pressed nationalities and Germany Trotsky lemom is open, whether the as the imperiallat aggressor would wants it or not, to the danger whole CL machinery was mobilizand it hate to have them heard ton was in danger.
And so every cassion must be future Eynuine left wing Militants Issue Leaflet ed behind their candidates. Workers Capitalism is the cause of war, Tyler Speech lead the to support of the cap being lost forever to the working found to heap lander and calumny.
italist wernments of Ctechol CLASS cave. in many countries Trotskyism were told not to vote for the MON only its abolition will also end In comparison with this ramb. vakia, Austria, Bulgaria, Rumania, leaflet was issued by the group tants. But the results of the elec war. But immediately the key is ling dodg ng, and hurdle jumping, Latvia, etc. etc. etc.
Is it not clear that Otto Bauer, has become a direct branch of the bringing rain and demoralization esting figures.
exposing both factions that were tions bronght out some very interchanged: Yes, war can be stopped, Tyler speech was easy to follow. Beacon or Burden In his own interests, ought to pon police and supplies the latter with into the union, calling on the work Finally the issue that proved to asks Gottwald, who is interested in ary movement. states Gottwald, der this question very seriously numerous agente provocateur and sp e to fight against the revolution Militants? Gain be the high point of the debate. Bauer welfare.
demanding new general elections in spite of lack of torces to THE MANAGER CORNER without even attempting to give In his first presentation Green had the occasion for the article is (that is, manufacture) evidence to lenflet aroused great interest.
SI stacles, such as the newness of the Soviet tendences of the audience Bauer review of Borls Souvarine substantiate this dustardly lle.
multaneously, the rank and file group, the Militants, running in One of our subscribers, who signs tiek not at all utilized, or at least by asking Tyler whether he con critically of the Soviet reg me and As Gottwald party votes for committee handed out a circular, dependently, received one third of rather ambiguous affair, in which the vote, clecting two members to himself Anti Faselst. wrote to us not sufficiently utilized are the sidered the Soviet Union a beacon of the pen om dictatorship of military credits and for the bour.
they further showed their line up the executive of the cotton local the other day as follows ittsburgh, Detroit and Toledo to the international working class Stalin Souvarine is not a Trot, geols pres dent Benes, as all the Enclosed find the renewal of with the administration by asking where they hold the balance of my subfcription to the New Mill dr ve for new snb criptions are this stalinist artifice to turn the skylt See review of his book in parties of the Third International December 1935. prepare to become recruiting agents for the election of a new cotton power. The elections further dem of the an tant. m sorry havn been still entirely too low to appear debate of its proper tracks and delegation to the Joint Board as onstratd the costants in their able to renew it sooner, but the very encouraging.
This immediately reveals Bauer for imperialism, their main attack the only solution.
alyss of the The standing in the subscription truth, it must be said that Tyler Trotskylte counter revolutionary social patrioti and for proletarHowever, because of the interest Daily Worker left Indorsefor a united front.
ment of Hearst latest raid on campaign to date is as follow. answer wilg only partially correct lan Internationalism.
aroused among the workers in the The Rank and File and Prothe working cla press, impelled City Quota. Tumed in He asked whether the of work exprewed by Bauer Is not The renewed attack on Trotsky.
shops, the Militants were urged greskives with all their work and me, as left wing Socialist, and Akron, Ohio. 20 the craft unions and the German sufficient, crles Gottwald, either to get together with other progress deals with the office faction, just one, therefore, anxious to defend Albert Lea, Mion. 10 social democracy, respectively were you accept unconditionally every 1sm in the Soviet Union as in the ive elements on the basis of their managed to squeeze through some whatever proletarian liberties ro of their candidates, including the Allentown, Pa. 30 beacons or burdens. How was it thing gong on in the Soviet Union cap talist world is testimony to the leaflet.
main to borrow the money Austin, Minn. possible to pose the question that or. you are a counter revolution growth of the idea of revolution ary Marxism. The Daily Worker conference was called in which business agent of the Cotton local post haste, In order to contribute Berkeley. Cal. 10 way? What Tyler failed to say ary Trotskyite. the Militants and the rank and But they constitute a minority in at least that bit on one front, Boston, Mass. 25 was that the Stalinist bureaucracy Test we appear to be exaggerat recommends Gottwald article to file Committee participated. The the Cotton Executive since the the Left Socialists. On this score, against this combined attack on Charleston, Va. must be differentiated from the ing, we will quote some cholee bit Progressives were invited but dia Reisberg group was able to elect in Agreement with the the organized working class. Chicago. II. 50 18 Soviet Union as such just as the from the revived religious theory of we are all their candidates, the Executive not show up.
Daily: the Social st worker will The Militants proposed a noited consisting of nine Reisberg support letter of this character; it peaks Columbus, Ohio.
No comment is requ red on a Cleveland, Ohio. 25 trade union bureaucracy must be the Indiv sible whole.
learn that calumny and slander is from the trade unions; that the The entire Soviet Union of to merely the cover for treachery front to demand general election, ers, two Militants and eight stal for itsell. It is a Ane example Detroit, Mich. 25 as a means of ridding the union of inists and their followers.
Stalinist bureaucracy is more than day is one indivisible whole the in that Stalinism demands of every of emulation.
a burden, it is a brake, a reac divisible accomplishment of many one Joining Its fold blind obedtThat we Dickson City. Pa.
the two right wing and reactionary The former administration was worthy Dakota. 10. tionery influence on the interne millions and tens of millions carried ence, unconditional serv lity to the factions and to establish a real pro reelected, of course, with the help have a number of comrades who Fargo, tional working class and upon the out under the guidance of Lenin. leader: Stalin gressive leadership and policy in of the Rank and File and their are eager to support our press and High Point, 2 Soviet Union; that the Sov et state and Stalin. And this is how it mut the union followers and are therefore strong to work actively for its extenton Kansas City, Mo. 10 15 must be distinguished from its bube taken. Impractical.
er than ever.
one indivisible whole, 17 reaucratic Incubus. This was im and not eclectically on the lines of mains as before. Already the state in our subscription drive. We have Minneapol Minn.
The Rank and File delegation Inists are talking of liquidating But, as we have said before, we Newark, 20 500 mark. Mount Carmel, Pa. pilet in all his foregoing criticisms like this and don like that WORKERS replied that it was impractical to and attacks on the policy of the (Emphasis in original)
Protect Yourselves Against the make such demands, since the con genuine left wing must be are till a good distance from our New Castle, Pa. 10 but he called to make the And further:. Stalin and the New Haven, Conn.
stitution provides for elections every Hazards of Life. Joln the 10 point ag crystal clear as it should Soviet Union built in the needle trades and the soul are indissolubly two years; the administration had Two of our party branches, New York City. 400 Mitant group has taken the first branch in New York City and 808 be WORKMEN SICK DEATH bound together.
only been in office one year and stop in this direction. Branch All of the major arguments of BENEFIT FUND OF THE US.
Is Bauer a Trot Kyite No one they were not ready to agree that it the Salt Lake Cty branch, have (Branch Tyler had been pat in the form of but the most recent recruit of stalshould be kicked out. They were reached their quota of new sub1884 1935 (Branch questions to Green, who in turn Inism enn answer in the affirmative, the lesser evil, in spite of wage cuts. SUBSCRIBERS ATTENTION! acriptions. Branch 1, New York (Branch 30 danced around them in each of Baner attitude toward the Soviet Organized, managed by and for etc. Get rid of the main evil, the If the number following your City, has turned in not less than (Branch his two rebuttals. But twice as Union is in fundamental agreement workers with only one purpose: Reisberg faction, by electing a new 81 new subcriptions, coming very name on the wrapper is (Branch to render protection to members he rose to speak shouts of answer and has been practically since the joint board delegation Beddes, near toward reaching its quota of (Branch 3) the quest ons came from many and their familles, and to sup renetal election would certainly not 90. The branch in Philadelph a. Branch 10 parts of the bal. Hls mealy slan Mansheviks. It is nothing new.
Rusian Revolution with the Rusport all endeavors and struggles be granted by the national office.
Los Angeles and Austin, Minn, are (District 100 119) mouthed replies, his maudlinapit. as it has always been in sharp for the improvement of tollers, No agreement was reached and the similarly reaching near toward Philadelphia, Pa. 20 14 peal to gentiment about the comAbout 50. 000 members organ.
your subscription has EX.
con erence was disbanded.
their quota.
Pittsburgh, Pa. 25 muniata in fall, he abuse of Len conflict with Trotskyism. that is Ized in 350 branches.
PIRED. We urge you to send Reserved few days later a telegram was This all very encouraging: but Plenty wood, Mont. 10 in Ideas for social patriotic par Leninism.
in your renewal by return mall, 18, 400, 000 received, granting new general electhere is also a negative e de to St. Louis, Mo. 10 poses were properly nailed dyl. On the main problem before the waring the receipt of tions Denth benefit graded accordA committee apponted by our report, For example, some Salt Lake City.
10 Tyler. the latter one internation: working clast today.
the Cleveland to investigate your copy without interruption. branches have trot yet succeeded in San Francisco, Cal. 20 in the debate his hammering on the struggle against imperiallt Ing to age at entry. Sick beneat the critical Phila. situation found obtaining a single new rubecripSan Diego, C1. 10 payments from 225 to 900 to the questions was so strong that war, Bauer is in fundamental agree men and women, according to that an emergency existed in the tion. In this respect Allentown Springleld. rll.
Green was forced to admit that in ment with the Stalinista, for er aluste union and since the constitution beads the list and what is worse, Toledo, Ohio.
PAUL LUTTENGER, 25 case of a Soviet American all ance ample on support of imperialist provides for such cases, special elec this is a branch with very good Utica, DANIEL LUTTINGER, MD.
Monthly 188eements from 450. in a war with Japan the Stalinista Rovernments allied with the Soviet tions were granted.
mass contacts and consequently Washington, 10 had a two fold aim, neither of Un ont war. The Bauer Zyrom to 10.
Although the majority of the Washington Square North with very good possibilitle to ob Youngstown, Ohio. which would be to overthrow the kl theses on war were reprinted For further information apply Joint board offered some resistance, and 8 Except Sundays tain new subscriptions. Other cities not llated.
44. American pocrgootsie. And the an, without criticism in the Commun to Main Omce the motion machinery was mme and Holidays branches which have very good swers to the questions: Time alone It (November, 1985. The only 714 Senen Aro. Brooklyn, NY diate set into motion by the contacts and very good posibil Total 486 will prove who is correct. criticism the Staliniats could subof 10 10 75 90 40 75 81)
20 15 15 12)
10 5 10 45 000