BourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyHitlerImperialismKirovSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. WHOLE NO. 601 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1936 PRICE CENTS Mass Action Forces Amnesty In Spain Dutch Gov Clamps Down on Revolutionary Fickets Government Compelled Blockade To Release 30, 000 Party, RSAP, for Anti Imperialist Campaign Akron Co.
Force State Wide WPA Wage Rise Another Enemy of Labor Vigilantes Enters Presidential Race Prosecute Landon Balanced Budget at Exper. se of Workers, wp.
Militants all the Following the stormy of the punish, which marked the most dramatie return to self confident activity to be witnessed Fourth Internationalists Strike Back as Police FRISCO CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL in the world labor movement in eure, the Axon goverument. We telay med to sign that monenly here which will offer the res Raid Homes, Party Printshop, Confiscate CALLS FOR RELEASE OF MINI Threat of Injunction as meant 130, 00) clum war prisoners Lines Stay Solid in The thoninds of men and women confined to enpitalist dungeonly in Issue of Neuwe Fakkel. Party Organ pain victims of the rivelige taken by the ruling class for the Walkout SAN FIANCISCO. resolution from one to fourteen years, come here uprising of the My in October 1934 in defense of their ght Dutch imperiali is cracking down on our sister party, the calling upon the Californis purole up before the role bound on Febthey ly the clerical fruit reaction, BULLETIN board to release Norman Mini and rury 25th to have their sentences Revolutionary Social Labor Party of the Netherlands. Court pro The imming emonstrations wh ch forced the umiesty are an en Nis seven fellow prisoners WA TAN Met. They have been in jail about AKRON, Ohio, Feb. 21. Good couraging inclication that the Spanish masses are unwilling to allow cedure has been instituted against the party and its organ, De Neuwe lunanly by the Central LA it peur. San Francis labor year Tire plants remained idle their moltant sentiments to be wiped out by urliamentary illusions Pakkel and copies of the February is ue have been contiscated. The Corneil ellel on the board to blockaded all rates and here as larke mass plcket lines Imir Cel last week climinated by their leaders following upon the impressive electoral kept printing office of the party has been searched as have the homes of Net the intence at the minimum victory over the reaction.
Norman Mint, overworked in the oficers and some of the active members The artion of the cr ntral body scabs at bay. Officials, unahle Nearly two years of reactionary jute mill at San Quentin, collajua was taken in labor circles here as to break through the line, in ae; repres on have failed to quench The replied to th attempt of the Dutch reactionaries, the job last week. Latest re repudiation of Paul Scharrenbers. tion for four days, have applied supported also by the so called Democrats in the Colyn cabinet, by purts indicate that his condition commity secretary of the state the revolutionary spirit of the Spanish workers and peasants.
putting ito. Emergency Apparatus into action and promptly getting mot eritical federation, who recently attacked Sherill James Flower declared LANL Sunday general elections, the out a special two paure issue of February 1, number 87 to replace The cight Sacramento criminal the National Sacramento Appeal his readiness to violently smash through the lines in case of a fint opportunity the masses have the conftcated No. 87. At the mast head of this extra edit on of the sentencedenmittee light for the prisoners nyud calism prisoners, favorable court deelsion.
Neuwe Fakkel stands the defiant challenge to the reactionary foer of By JACK WILSON option to capitalism, resultel the working class: was, am and will be!
AKRON, Ohio Feb. 16 Rubber in an overwhelming vote for a new The immedinte occasion for the workers at Goodyear threatened to mcial order. While the bourgene attack of the Netherland Departy strike this week anless the company reformist character of the program tank ment of Justice on the Neuwe Fakof the Totes Front for whlel.
back seventy five Plant Ohio Pay Increase Laid to the water wire cist Is an ann workers layol of last week, thu kel was an art cle appearing in the bringing the crisex throughout the Action of Jobless Inting commentary on the leader January 21 1sne and dealing with tire industry to another open for of the workers parties who signed Organizations the poverty, tarvation and tuberit. the significance of the election to the new was expressed by culosis in the East Indian Rex Already the company was forme sion of Inteh imperialism.
By ART PREIS Unemployed and Poor Farmers their coming out on the streets to Like to swallow its statement that 137 workers who lend the latest it every other mperialist government TOLER, Feb. Iklu un attempt take the first truit of their votery by freeing all pol til prisoners By JAMES EVANS statte.
show. at Pinut last Friday were to forestall state wide strike action tremely nervous about the langer Leader of Cal. Tar Feather an is gettig a great deal of pub Kamer workers and farmers was An evasive little Kansis politiAt a time when the condition of his tently fire of the workers of Ohin, The role of the present The plant wheh ordinarily runs of revolt In colonial possession Mob Sues Victims for licity wadays.
Whenever one sufferabile, Landel refused to con ca aturday and Monday, wax Cari Watum, hrad, tenay situation to that of 1931 is obvious which, as enpitalism crucks up.
must be exploited ever more exed down by the company butlles annone 10 meteent pay Thento a walition of bourgrols Assault and Battery po capitalist News Arxider ny system of the roller. day. 2. in the lope that the for all, negories of work republicans and Socialists formally held wwer. One prevent difference tremely and brutally. The governthere is some mention of Governor The entire obl gation of feeding the in the state.
workers and be kritiei in tie is that, by entering coalition for ment accordingly sensitive to Alt Landon is o president al pahnuery was turneul ar to local meantime, The termine is refractive then the lition, the bourgeois repubrevelat ons of this extreme exploitBy ERNEST BESIG sibility. Landon is continually com counts administrators During 1934, licans gained for themselves the Tuistend workers te to the February 16, ation and repression in the colonDirector, Cal Branch pare to the numewhat lamented 105 counties Kuna miro Announcement of the pilly rin Lion share to purlinmentary rep tes. Besides, articles of thi. kind SAN FRANCISCO. al, Feb. 16. Cal Coolidge who was certainly priate the total or less than two headquarter of the year local hourgeois at brything besides a walking brain inillion dollars to feed several hund of the Cuteil kubber Workers of came within three any following resentation. 1931 tend to draw together inte alliance Jack Green and Sol Nitxers, storm: but who hnd the good for thousand starving ople. EAmerien, and Join Nolidly into the the line of a twenty tour un publicans la comparatively those two foes of Imperial nm, the sana kuwa tar and feather victim, tune to worven chef executive Wently. Governor Landbon save the cuts once and for allers and the Unemployed Larghe in calists were the largest single growing movement to stop lay offe y conference all to FA. Work Malmes of dopuitles: the soexploited colonial people on the have been made defendants in one hand, and the exploitel prole 500 damage suit filed in the Su joying a temporary bonu.
while American capitalism was en commity officials the wlik when throngh a strike tariat in the home country, on the war Court of Sonoma County. If landon shonld be the pub pxgxcel the buck to them, Northwest Ohio to a wide foron in parliament. The present (alling the Boxsex Hand Balancing the Budget prvad move to in the increurement for the clestion gave the other hand. By no mean, there charging them with anlt and can nominee, every attempt will The full epublican Left of Axona and the fore, naust Information of this kind battery. The plaintifts in the came to marle to capitalize tie drehs to which the firebuilders at ant nndnion of Luca County a terrin majority of the depute Then me another of the furiod The last witdown was joined by and other in Walx by the Workers Republican Union of Martinez be permitted to be the Ikht of include Fred Cairns, alleged lead scontent by bis amiga man Wat is unbe. Kan formall her dress which lueTaicas County Unemployel Lue. On the first returns the bourg crew xymtheti itdown from day.
Jer of the tar mob, and Harold uger, unch the The cartoon in the extra edition Combell, kuid to be a rodent of Rark 10 normaley cry of 10 or Walte cutter from another 2, meil conference will be lieka Republient had 110 deputies, the Socialists, 8! Thng the workers of the Neuwe Fakkel represents a Petaluma, Cairns in a defendant in the Korp Cool with Collage All the enemy threatened to February 2: Toledo caption in which Freedom of the two federal curt damage Courchants discontinued credit the fire the entire the right depart suits motto wll be used to irties voluntarily Pressure final over the state themselves to their bon rol al subordinate Irene Lies Buried. The decor bronsht by Nitzberg and Green eleven the bankers slown on the tal rubberworker took the floor by project and employed or wts representi insignia taillien unemployed into mortgage and like carrion crow tion in the margin conset of rewhich filowed: an altermath of voting itembea laindon Ivimself This was no concern of Alls with net manager. Fred Climer, You can in the factory and told the permitions for this time of the petih pulatih productions of the Dutch equivathe tar and father party on Au will portrayed the rest vm willion Halteel away. To been ordering is workers around Workers Alliance in Columbus la The wurgence of the Same tion of the cartoon makes ironically cutty denied Cairns motion to do empty dinner mail for votes el 10 bulunce the bidet. Por long time wit our turn. Saturday, with a reported proletariat has drawn into political a well known Dutch folk song mix Gren suit and a new motion at the same time, he will be praise ruling can always be dependent Thrumpiny Dunced that the entation from twenty one cruntien life for the first time the max which swak of the people living. Her sowe the Socrays the Chamber of Commerce as the upon to protect a ximilar if wit. Sino Agress to take a strike with the Souticals archit free and bl the om Holland preemento feliratur will shortly man who balancel the builget in ing grott Feleval Itelict Admin ions oil.
come for a hearing strutor Ilarry Flopkins grow strike wy Naturty, becoming of and thront of netton on the part of ions. The women al came out in time plant marie pretration to rected. The combine activities ciple obstacle ill previnus Only Shadow of Democracy Left The complaint in the present No Friend of Labor xult lege that carns and Camp bum but wanw that relle el cielle comply to the employee league. Workers pre numbers. The The leading clitorial states of bell went upon the highways in No of the workers This inan, Landon, 10 friend money went to During the democracy in the have lived in relal Thriod of 1934. SEXO. COM wittel wiring Alliance AT of the masses in indicated by themen August 21 for the Kany, and know that the main in willet checks, plus large amount throughout the state is acknowleuls the fact that during the clection scarcely shadow remain after purpm of detecting and pre accomplishment of the geniul All AA fundlx went inn One for All, All for Chie!
ly the administration campaign large butllero had to two and a half years of the Colyn hending such as might in halbwm to enlarge the headlines oder in that state topkins government. We have never ex union committer Mondayu daly pre to live won the assure Inside that the mal Paintin prince be engaged in het land usument office bud held Air balance his budget. P. with the agent to tion with the resie wis mer pected anything ele. In crisis the summer on of crimes and ofThe Blade. oneedex Victory ly trotial expedient and that 1863, the wages of all state employ thus indretly thettering the latter iemand the thiring of the timen.
the Dutch bourgeoisie has broken eines gainst the tons or props were immediately relax it pro dential candidate in the company was the rublurthe lion will be merely a stop The Toledo Blade natal lovlayping me to Norint Spain. tow.
has come forward with its pro aid county st is claimed that one of these employees world went to the unemployed of wilt will be shutti: down, it expuwted, inay avert at the News are planning Ement of the Lyber. Pots from Indiente kram which unload the results of while they were on the streets of the stretch ont Mystem for the tim Landon were to become the plant lay mornk.
the capitalist crisis on the shoulSanta Ion, Green and Mixers the remaining on the job. The president The very light ruller strike of dery of the broad masses.
common labor port their hours. in A1 rally Bundy afternoon, threat of which have been heard the new cabinet, In any event Cab bourgeolie uks help from the hov. xtrike Plantifry. threatened to raise a hurp drop in Wager and struggle would be ulonintically utment for Ntrike by Brig MIKK tate. The Wurkers Alliance and ple Front oral program The did pull, pih, jerk, jote and precedent created by the Governor benefits, now conferred after flere ver workers werd er en not only be but thronghout the allero will have to podlate the ernment by Wily of living on the one hand, and reduction unem (Continued on Page 4) private employment all over the discontinue (Continueil on Page Continued from Page 3) before the socialist leadership ployment insurance and other take the rail of struggle.
clal benefits for the muxsex, on the other hand, While the unitatis prerries At the same time the ela. larmist reports from Sparin tun government also takes political capitalist in rituals are the precautions. Traditions of freeinx herthe per dem and toleration, yen Inleed!
alls press clitorials, as more!
But everything has its lim t, and bere in the Spanish American proses these limity are now reached Editor Note: The following STATEMENT TO ASSOCIATED brief note to travel demanding af of the movie burenentey will Even when the mild Maxton Catthian povinnury Vertur.
in litile fear of anything mor.
when the bourgeoisie, finding it letter was sent hy Trotsky PRESS UNDERSIGNED refriction of its own pont, In or betray self in ever deeper perplexity, to Olav Scheflo, connected with The Hobe Revolut on. sharp world in the labore the area of the Cathol bocomes frantie.
the newspaper Soerlandet. one At the same me suve at started work who were arrestert will party in Parliament, le Dieurd teler. Gilles, continutulf Bury ng the Bourgeois Tradition of the organs of the Norwegian Lahor Party, now being violently re demand that the prin cabin III most sighly interesting that the Bulletin of melanomaitiene il refers. Their pat ironically The editorial then recall the of which am the clitor) attad in crime presely any in their der for Maxton to keep quicti in little Marche. attacked by the Norwegian Stal the stall Arvidegen was immedi In order that reaction be able rm of neted struggle of the Netherlands against inists for daring to defend Trotately by cable from Yoller papers, only into Nuve the Orlowe rwvolution to make use of the villainies of en Wechsely the labour and Spanish oppression in the 17th Nky want the lander ranbli mye articles, love this matter but also prived From infamy dogtueration.
the Stalin clique, the villa nie reput can pre hul to you century, the battles against Nam paign of Stalin Ya sola fund perpetrated by Heart Kuryer Celxley bly. They were against the wall Tive Jeon in the beginning of the 1:11h must be and not the revela led the revolis, although contents are self explanatory. fovident that the other forgery trong gent qually har ky ligh.
uithe GPI ORIES FILOMERAN the intolerable per tionis by that it was definitely century and other hi torical occur.
the Contern werven mord MOCOW, in order this to obtain the workers, and the introduce low know whether Ilears a clear majority, tam that the uplex Prat luu renere to wh ch the liberals of (the Netherlands have lokeil hnek for January 30, 1936 at they could do their best rational interiul for a campanion franke into the ful Army certuin of my articles lire The tueal Stanist per Arbeid wurt. This show that tvoll of lauler.
heel by the Marshal, le ly from the Rusian Bulletin e The ny dim ve Rhy.
generations with pride, Put the eren entrail run of Stalinit here in only the Matters are not much lifferent son of the battlers for freedom in has just publislel a dispatch Irust, buller sehen (iliare bly en 111111 of livin for they and the me time. Hileler! When the workers in my more chaly the past who preinlixe on To marry me pleasant with his en woman wurkers are were exhortatis wat wil Niwwind will be at the Prir followers to create is War important they call national travers know wazine nuo greater concerne tomay then the line will learst, the Amer can so To make my thoughts ar. tulinists, for the love of Lesiti. rate with facts memurt of wres of article fociles attempted to translated in chaplate truhlinton of the rights or magtate, a world famous on July Tih in but hard and irrefutable farts. Huplicate in the Kirwaat hardly altered thereby. will try Polaris 300 ltal Nitro de clase me structed to this dispatch, published a series of display to prace it ontsly to the Stalinist wenn Nikolai cik tada bir to rury best. Isot this will not alter 2x elecommunist to obtain. Tak pite the swift attack from my own name. One day before the article wax. forkery meteo ACCORDING TO THE DATA IN The bulle was lived tware ya milline circumstance for our theme to disper a nervous imperialist cabinet, the Arbeide published the us from fow small quotations from TS ATOSCOW RENE Watt Merved ud place under ar crimes of the Most prix Sinult publicist here Neuwe Pakkel is here!
tioll, received a cuble from an artile of mine combined with than 10. 000 (in pality many more) The organizatii they then Nince, the Arbelileren bruke of the Spanish va any loss of time support Win ral ed to our nerveney Apparate with the Pruderpetrated by and ment by the forer.
Nork from my friends there, dead reveral of the rules inventions lxlvik Taills bave o control. Then they triel ek niet mof you premally in ton si revolutionary eris wed from the party! Kur the matter of the aller fart. its newest expure. a xupply. This is more enough. But tus and 6, 000 cople of this spec Ilearl Nou immediately the The Mr Irivela imalately ally, placerari, and MA Again, with me. Fromy wth this information which an estimate rulle for delive me lal bele run off and thelr distrib following cable to common in pulilished an enormous facile to concentration came, rxile etc. they intend to let it is completely at your dipl. You lization of the prolelarat for ution begun. The editorial calls PUBLICATION OF TAROV AR reproduction of this article under Are we him (outhg bore with tw: thai whe wr Whout can make any of you may only few ve, Instead of the for renewed financial support, re TICLE BY HEARST COMMON the rung: Pilsudsk: New the cene of the Soviet on the bible crimes of the Now comery.
lamentary cream newed activity of the party in all PRESS GANGSTERISM STOP Ald. At the salle time this article you may rynkureel that in the bronay ka brotber In At the time famn ding plex Pront. However directions, and for the revolu BUT IMPUDENCK OF HEARST was printed somewhere in New hour of creatext langer when 99 ans of Trikt. Hi ser under copy of the mate with the self xame Theily Worker cable from Merseny flonary overthrow of Dutch im NO EXCUSE ROR CRIMES OF York City a renettonary Tut of the called Friends that the world rect on will im to the foreilea ctitor the bruary 18 list the Sur perladim.
STALIN (LIQUE STOP GAVE wer. TAR went for the perhaps at gully try to put to use every rewton, Arberuland (fonnuerl on Page)