BolshevismCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandGPUGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1936 «My Escape from Stalin Prison» By Tarov month after our arrest we were window, wounding comrade Essay to leave. They stand with very The woman considered me The river was brond and the cur Record of a Worker Bolshevik transferred to the Verkhnl Uralsk an in the chest. During the days solemn fhoes as if on parade. communist. They were not afraid rent rapid. threw away my suck solitary set for the celebration of revoluA few words about myself. was In 1928 was ordered by the par. Just at that time. In the latter tionary holidays we had sharp As soon as the train pulled away of communists. The only thing they and bag. put on a military con born in 1806. My father was a maty to take courses in the Com prison, the incarcerated Bolshevik clashes with the prison administr from the station tore to piery feared was the Political Depart. tume, but not the boots, and barethe document issued to me by the ment.
The latter is the absolute foot (I kept only my civilian cos son, my mother, a housekeeper. munist University. attended the Leniniste, to the number of 450 tlon. On such days we were either GPU. From that moment, ceased master of the village, and roles tume) walked into the open, and went to work at the age of 14, first forbidden to take our daily walk everybody and everything in the proceeded calmly towards the bank as a locksmith, and then as a pres university three years, was kicked called a general hunger strike in village.
No sooner did reach the river, man.
out for an oppositionist speech, protest against the prison regime or were beaten up for singing the to be an exile.
Internationale. arrived at Ashkabad. My orl The villagers were all preoccu quickly stripped off the uniform Joined the Communist Party in and sent back. But still contin and the arbitrary treatment of the Hunger Strike ginal intention was to cross the pied with the question of the work and was about to tle on my civilian 1917. Served on all fronts during ued to work in the party, first as Bolshevik Leninista by the adminisThe administration began to act frontier over the Ashkabad mount day. They were not interested in costume when a cry came from a the civil war in Trans Caucasia: the agitprop of the district, then astration.
first as a rank and file soldier in secretary: later held a responsi Ice Water a little les barbarously only after ains. But it proved unfeasible. anything except matters relating distance: Halt! Halt. the Red Army, then studied mill. ble post in the central apparatus.
450 Bolshevik Leninists in the ver bills. was advised not to try it. as their own affair everything re hands plunged into the water.
tary science in the training school. During the discussion of 1927. strike, as far back as 1830, the pris: kuni Uralsk solitary. But towara So kept on riding. And when it lating to the kolkhoz. In their The patrols, without being aware In the army as organizer and lead no longer tolerate seeing me in the Bizukov at the head, used to see the end of 1981, on the occasion of was no longer possible to so by minds, the kolkhoz is a state enter where the cry was coming from Central Committee and was pack orders to spray the Bolshevik len. Stalin rabid attack on Rosa Lux train, walked on foot. After many prise managed by the Political De raised an alarm and began fring emburg (I forget whether it was years of close confinement, the partment, while the kolkhoznikl are swam under the water, keeping in the decision of the party, did par Here served as chairman of the ter, in Siberia. Since 1821, in accordance with ed off into the trade union field. Inists with ice water (this, in win on November 20 or 21) we were miraculous beauty of the scene took merely laborers, working in the der as long as was possible. When ty work as Instructor and organiz workers committee of railroad con The order was executed. During night. The agents rushed going.
to a general search at my breath away, but had to keep kolkhoz and receiving a meager ever stuck my head out for air, ration for their work day. The heard rifle fire. The clothes be er, under the of the Trans struction crews. In 1927 was ex the hubbub, while our comrades at into the cells at night and searched The Local Population tabulņtion of work days is on dis. came waterlogged and hampered Caucasian always worked pelled from the party for carrying tempted to plug up the vents in or every nook and cranns. In the among the rank and Ale of the par on oppositionist activity, and later der to keep the water from their dark a desperate brawl ensued be road, The shore of the river is myny on a wall in the village read my progress. In the meantime the It leads to the village willing room. The men and women in current was rapidly carrying me ty.
removed from my post.
cells, the agents of the aim tween the imprisoned Bolshevik topa. After 25 versts, come to the kolkoz crowd around the tabu away. Below was the foreign ed the hose directly into the eyes Leninists and the administration. Mussulman villages. The inhabitation to find out who has the most rock bound shore the river in Arrest, Exile and Prison of the comrades, as a result of this Bizukov the warden of the prisonants are poor but they have the work days to her credit. They were flood tide and urrent On September 24, 1928, was ar khni Uralsk solitary are comrade Pognayan lost his eye received a substantial wallop on Caces of freemen. They are badly all pre occuppled with this and carry me further down would have incarcer sight.
no chance to get to that shore. rested as a Bolshevik Leninistated former capitulators, Ginsthe jaw. Many of us were Hled dressed, but vigorous and merry might say, with this alone That same night many comrades And in April, 1981, a guard fired hand and foot and dragged from people. They consider the Soviet. Came the last and decisive found myself compelled to abandon the Opposition were also placed un burg. Popov, Pavlov and others his rifle through the bars of a cell the cells.
power to be their own, but, in their day. It was noon. clambered my only suit, with my money in its der arrest. Inasmuch as on the next 25 in all. They are kept apart.
The Honor Roll opluton, somebody keeps hindering atop small mound, covered with pockets. clambered out on the day the relatives and friends of the The prisoners commune in the sol.
them, the toilers, from getting the fruit trees and began assiduous foreign shore, in my underwear incarcerated Oppositionists massed Itary refused to accept them as boons of the Soviet system. They ty to study the locale. fixed the For a long time lay among the list below the imprisoned Op. from Czechoslovakia whose names blame the spollers and thieves who nosition of the border patrols. reeds. could observe the Soviet by the hundreds at the doors of the members because they are for the local the bureaucracy was General Line. and only against positionists in the Verkhni Uralsk unfortunately have forgotten pillage the Soviet wealth and pre macadam road cut across the gar patrols approach the river bank and solitary whose names am able to one of them was a former member veut the toilers from building matros paced the road. had to obviously thought that it was some compelled, that very day. to free the existing internal regime.
three quarters of the arrested Oprecall: of the a fervent partisan Socialism quickly. They spoke On January 22, 1981, the anni.
seize the opportunity a few min border patrolman who fled away.
positionists, holding only 31 people, versary of Lenin death, the en. 1) Dingelstedt; 2) Elxin. 3) of building the Fourth Interna freely about everything.
istee to make my way to the river And then found myselt once tire Akmolinsk colony of the Bol Sointsev; 4) Klukov; 5) Gorodet tional (It is too bad that forgot We remained one and a hall Shevik Leninists was arrested at ski; 6)Kostya Khngayev: 7) Misha the name of this comrade. One woman said: How can our and plunge into the water. It was acain sitting in Jall, this time a to. months in the cells. To night. Among those arrested were Khusnyeb: 8) Bazazan; 9) Red. Ebitor note: Comrade Taror Now, for instance, they proposed to wards the end of December we the following comrades: Sposkar azubov: 10) Aaron Papelmeister: memory failed him in this case us that we plant this year twice as Concerning the Mensheviks were exiled to Kazakstan. Kiziler. Zhantnev. Khugayev, Xenia 11) Moses Parelmeister: 12) Alisha Kecause of the similarity in the much in these hills as we did hithOrdoo. Once there, we were dis Djikayev, Zalayev, Gogundze. Kier Papelmeister: 13) Popov; 14) names between the two countries, erta in peace time. And in order. The centrists today do not ist. He told me that the Zionists persed in the towns of Kazakstan: aya, Tsintsadze, Gasinov. Zinov and Popova. 15) Rosa Smirnev. 16) le confused Jugoslavia with Czech to fulfill the plan, we began to til attach any particular political im are also entering the Second Inter Tewas sent to Akmolinsk; comrade ne vite kira Gandhomy Sencor con Ros Rozora: 17) Lena Danilovich oslovakia. He is here referring to both our pasturelands and meadows. prortance to the existence of the national, and he himself is a former Tanduroy to Adbasar: comrades the night of their arrewt. Zinoy and 18) Babayan; 10) Tsintsadze: 20) Jugoslav comrades Ciliga, Dedich And now look. you see the one have compromised themselves inversation, he expressed the opinion result Russian Mensheviks. The latter social democrat. During the con Fanoel and Garyakin to Semipala his wife, Kirn capitulated. Socrates Gevorkyan; 21) Trint and Draguich. Ciliga was not a before your own eyes. Our tinsk: comrade Seta Nazaryani to sadze, Jr. 22) Solovyan: 23) member of the but working have become bare, so skinny the the eyes of the brond masses of the that the Menshevik social demol etropavlovxk: comrade Daniler to on the next day we were trans Khanbudakov; 24) Garnilov: 25 under the in the Balkan bones alone remain. In the old toilers by their behavior during the crats committed an unpardonable Chemkent. In Tiflis, seven more ported from Akmolinsk to the Pet Melidze. 26) Minasyan; 27) Mir federation See the NEW MIL1 days we used to grow little but we October revolution. And it is very mistake in the 1917 revolution, e. Georgian comrades Joiners com lovsk we were placed in Infected 30) Pedorchenko 31) Zhanter: ropavlovak prison. In Petropavitadze: 28) Pavlov: 29) zíloyer: TANT, Jan. 25th and Feb. 8th. got a gel deal, we fertilized the difficult to restore by means of they failed to conduct a decisive There were many, many other land and got good crops. To us phrases the pre revolutionary an policy for the conquest of power the names of the otsiers do not recells. Together with were also 32) Khngayev. 3rd. 38) Kapytov. comrades whose names, too. am mountain people. pastrire lands are thority of the Russian Social Demand fought against the dictatorship call. incarcerated four comrades. local 31) Kassel: 35) Drapkin; 36) unable to recall.
important. Our village need to have ocratic Labor Party. That is why of the proletariat.
In Akmolink found Gins worker communists because were members of the Opposition. Gazaryan; 39) Pogosyan they Gerdovsky: 37)
stopalov; 38)
1, 500 cows, and 12, 000 sheep. And they are not much of a danger to. of the Mensheviks, Zionists.
burg. Andruichin, Arshavsky, At the present time am aware now, only 80 cows and 350 sheep the stalinist regime. Our youth Dashnaks (members of the Armen nokrev, Arto Suriajan and ember crowwe. hate blind, but still in prison)10) Davlarge one in Akmolinsk, where can we grow in these hits except Mensheviks. Especially the Georg tiun) and oilers whom ran across (now of the following colonies of exiles: How can we live well! And what sees nothing revolutionary in the lau nationalist party Dashna sua two other cumrides from Leningrad de Chekanov. Two of themidov: 41) Davtyan: 42) Dimitriev. comrade Musya Joffe (the wife of lentils? Is it possible that these ian Mensheviks. The youth me in in exile and prison. can say that were exilel, one to Arkhangelsk, whose names ont reenll. From the sither to Wexleru Siberia: the Saakyan: 46) Essayan; 47) Sas Joffe who committed suicide Ed. wise people do not understand this? them only the return to capitalism. they are not dangerous to the Stal 43) Stelinsky: 44) Demchenko: 45) the noted Soviet diplomat.
Osveti there come to join its comrades Zhantnev, Khugas aloyev other two were sentenced together oon: 48) Avry 49) Yakovlev, is; one in Frunze (comrades Zhan The Villagers Opl The authority of the dictatorship Inist regime The Russian Mengheand Xenia Djilayer: from Baku with to three years in prison.
30) Volodya Smirnov; 51) Valentnev, Kolça Tsintsadze and oth of the proletariat is great in the viks have not yet discarded their How can they. broke in an came comide Gasanov; from Infected Cells tin Smirnov; 52) Avetisa; 53) ers. In Uralsk comrade Jenny other woman In the Petropavlovsk prison, in Golubchik. 54) Zankov: 56) Sasa and her husband (I forgot their last These people with lly white hands tlonary face precisely behind the personalities are not harmful to very Indignantly. Stalna hides his counter revodu brond are trying to do. These old Georgia. comridex Shevashev, Kiv.
raya Gogude and Tsintsadze: the infected cells all the comrade rov: 56) Peter (a cosack. 57) name. Comrade Jenny gave birth think that it we plant tentiis we authority of the dictatorship of the Stalin. He arrested them together from Odessa, comrade Shura Kret with three exceptions (comrades Spitalnik; 58) Pestel.
to a son in May, 1932, in the Verset cream butter. If they did not proletariat. The exploited classes with the communists in order to yvski Khugnyev, Djikayev, and myself) Then there were three comrades kan Uralsk solitary.
Capitulators Returned to Prison contracted spotted typhus, one after butt in, our kolkhey would have warmly acclaim the dictatorship throw a screen around his counter five times more than it has now 11 1930 many capitulatexl. and another. They were transferred to Across the Border and the State would get five times of the proletariat because other revolutionary actions toward the there renning only 11 of us in Ak the city hospital. Fortunately there wise it would be impossible to ex latter. Today, Stalin is surroundmolinsk. But the capitulators are were no mortalities. The moment. One dne day changed my jan. Sitting at the car window Rolkhoz is a good thing, particularly propriate the capitalists. led by the worst proletarian el now sitting in all for having car, they passed their crisis, the con clothes, rode to the railroad sto. gazed at the Agents of the rail for nis poor people, but the State In the Verkhni Uralsk solitarsements ried on Oppositionist activity. For valescents were shipped to the tion, boarded a train and bade ways (G. who always line the stys everything belongs to me, there were 16 28 Mensheviks, the In Jall met also communist example, at present in the Ver prison infirmary. On the seventh farewell to the of Andi platform when the trains are about piece of bread is enough for you. mnjority Georglans. underscore who were incarcerated although Georgian Menabeviks because in they were in agreement with the various dominions are treated as position during the 19th century, that are peculiar, and deeply chan. the existing internal regime. It contraßt to others they hold view General Line. They were against colonies of England.
American Capital save her often the advantage par vinist and have nothing in common never enters the mind of these besIn these nations the basic indus tienlarly in such longer term pro with internationalism. They were in that a given regime is the retries are almost all carried on by Argentine, Chile) and in getting ing the hunger strike jects as the building of railroads set free: only four remaining. Durct of a given policy. The Menthe Bolsheviks at least expressed their most of Central America not only English manufacturers By JOHN WEST American continents is the privi. war makers, who know that they the orchards (the chief industry. war, Germany came rapidly for hunger strike as a protest against by a one day hunger strike. The Before the they announced a twenty four hour tied upon the Bolshevik Leninists Certain recent developments in ledged and special function of the can enllat the masses in support but rallronds, communications, etc ward, and threatened both England the arbitrary the foreign policy of the Roesevelt Bourgeoisle of the and that only of such high sounding and standard Frult exploits the cor and the u. in South America. Bolshevik Leninista treatment of the followers of the General Lane did Administration have been receiving in the New World all others idealistic purposes as the defense chards of Mexico. The oil fields But defeat in the War sent Ger administration. happened to enleven issue a verbal protest, but the prison not even do that they did not less than the attention they de must come a bad second. of democracy, freedom, the rights of Mexico, Venezuela, Bolivia, are many a long way back, England gage in conversation with two kept sitting quietly alongside us.
serve. refer specitically to a new The time is indeed propitions of the weak. And such a view is chiefly in hands. The silver, remained and continues, and now Georgian Mensheviks. came away The Red Army soldiers who, on the stage openly announced by Roose Europe is occupled with grave in as false and treacherous as all the copper, and gold mines of Peru and Japan emerges more and more with the conclusion that they are orders of the administration, fedt relt in his Anual Message Con teranl crisis. England, besides be other phases of the betrayers gress. In that stress Roosevelting directly involved in the imme Colonies of Imperialism la vished a considerable oratorical diate European crlals, faces wide We must not be deceived by General Motors, Ford and Chrysler in effort in painting contrasting pic sprend disturbances throughout forms. colony is not a colony, provide the automobiles and trucks, manufactures into the South Amer. also had discussion with zi behavior.
ican market.
tures of dark, war laden, tyranny her colonial empire. Japan is going in the basic economic meaning, and build factories in Canada and ridden Europe, on the cine hand, steadily forward in her announced merely because it is called so. Many assembly plants the other coun Looking Forward to war union set up. The Resolutions and the enlightened, happy and policy of reducing the Far East to names are used: dominion, man tries. The sugar industry of Cuba Committee reported to the body peaceenshrined Americus on the beer province, and at the present date free state. sphere of infu. Whed through the great. New powerful nation of the rotting capwith three resolutions, in all of The possible inaccuracy of the is yet ready to challenge empire, are all, for example, names and Communications companies op imperialism sees the war ap.
picture is not important. No doubt, Japan openly. What, then, coula which England employs. colony erate the power, light, and com. proaching. And already It aims to No. 1, introduced by Building to an imperialist spokesman, such be more appropriate than a remind means in the economic sense a from Laborers, 562, asked for support in minor disturbances to the Chaco to the rest of the world from the territory relatively undeveloped in government works have been built its strangle hold on the Americans. 510, Barbers No. 61, Bartenders no, their strike per the Summer Teled violent strikes, surrections audtering the stage of armed conflict nation, which is exploited primari. u. capital passed on to the o out to the potentialities of the Plasterers No. 15, Plaster Tenders Coran port for the been signed. revolutions in Cuba, re division of the world now en nomie domination of some powerful through the huge exportation of tem. From this as a basis, its eyes Mechanics 383. Lathers No 1910. by Upholsterers Union, 61. asked Strutwear dictatorial couis in strikers and called upon the entire Brazil, Chile, etc. are entirely closed sphere? And, when the tion. Such economic domination defanit or fantastically depreciated. maining aloot, in splendida isolation. telegram from John Lewis trade union movemente to selle compatible with peace as imperial reminder is accompanied by the carries with it inevitably a greater Every interstice of the economie until the warring powers approach was read to the delegates, In the public, meeting in their behalt velt was of course speaking for in the peace time history of any nation. When the government of ged with capital.
more than the anke of rhetorical country, it gains much more than the dominant nation controls the In addition, quite naturally, the hold the whip hand on a ping in to decide the issue, and to not being able to attend and cited Local 382, Auto Mechanics, called effect.
abstract significance.
world as his reason for non attendance for the reinstatement of 574 in the basic direction of the policies of basic political policies of these na scale.
the fact that the United Mine Drivers International, adopted, An American League of Nations. World Interests of the the subject territory, particularly tions is controlled by Washington.
Attention of the delegates was The remarks in the Annual Mes It must not be imagined that by in the sphere of foreign relations, The gloved and friendly hand of Marxists must follow with Workers convention was now going called to the coming state wide on in Washington, sage are being rapidly followed up. announcing proprietorshh in the that territory is a colony in polit. the good neighbor is supplement increasing care the course of the WPA conference which will be Feelers have gone out, looking to Americas, the Is giving up ical as well as economie fnet, no ed whenever necessary by the fron. Pan American policy, and On a motion by Dunne, held in General Drivers Hall, 257 ward a general conference of the interests in the rest of the world. matter what name may be used, 10 of battleships and marines. the events within the Central and all delegates were pledged to go Plymouth Ave. North, Saturday Pan American nations. The Ad The ravenous needs of fin matter what the legal standing.
Growth of Influence South American countries. Above back to their organizations and and Sunday, February and Au ministration publicity has been ince capital are not so easily satis. In the basic sense, Mexico, the The present rentionship between all relations between the revolu. secure permission to sign the or unions were requested to send delevague and inconclusive in stating fled. The requires also its nations of Central America many of the and these nations haatlonists of these nations and those canization name to a new call Eates.
the purpose of this conference. One outlets elsewhere, especially in the the Carribean islands (eg. Cuba, of course been developed over all of the must be greatly and that will not shortly thora The Resolutions Committee, In report has it that an American Far East. Japen cannot be al Porto Rico, Santo Domingo and long period of time. Indeed for rapidly strengthened. In the ma broader conference on the same conjunction with the Continuation League of Nations will be pro lowed to march indefinitely with to a lesser degree many of the more than a century. Its first jority of these nations, as even a question. Between the conferences Committee was instructed to posed. Another states merely that ont opposition. either through South It will attempt to coordinate the guns or some more friendly dip dan American countries (espe grandiose prophecy WAR the Anbrief survey proves, the revolution. It was decided to set up semi draw up a statement setting forth Venezuela, Pern, Colombia, nouncement of the Monroe Doctrine ary struggle to identical with ours: permanent committee who would the aims and objectives of the con various treaties between the Amer lomatic arrangement. But the pres Bolivia. and even Canada. are itselt, in 1828. This, however, was in the most direct sense it is precarry on the work.
ference to be released to the pubscarphone trons in order to provide ent stake in the East is not yet so part of the colonial system of much more than the young matton imperialism. Their victories, consent to be known as the continua at o clock. committee of seven was elected. lle prese. The meeting adjoumed for a general treaty system guar high as that in the Americas; and imperialism.
anteeing peace mm these two con the is not at present required This is a fact well known to u. that period. It was made possible quently are our victories, and we tion Committee for Industrial or STRIKE DANCE tinents. third suggests revl to take action. Leading influencescapitalists and to the gov only because at that time it Atted are defeated in their defents.
ganization. The was perhaps the sion of the Monroe Doctrive from in the Americas, however, is a con erument. It is obviously revealed into the plans of England, than most important action taken at the in Boro Park are running a dance Strikers at the Rothstein plant its present status as a unilateral stant, enduring, and minimum re in one direction, by the heavy gov. Jockeying the European arena SUBSCRIBERS ATTENTION!
conference as it will set up here and entertainment on Saturday.
policy of the alone to a quirement for imperialism. ernment subsidies to the shops against the Holy Alliance of Prus multilateral declaration of policy In Minneapolis a center and clear Peb. 22 at 8:30 PM. In the Grand The pale liberals, who like us to operating within this system, and sta. Anstria, and Russia.
If the number following your Since ing house for industrial union ne Ballroom of the Boro Park on the part of all the American na believe that the is not an by the extension of Pan American then the hegemony of the name the wrapper is tions.
imperialist nation in the fall sense Airways with the help of much has been steadily built up, develcommittee will be Sunday. Feb. 14 Ave, and to St. Ausplots of The particular 59 character and of the word, are fond of pointing greater subsidies than those given oped not by the words of diploBoro Park Labor Conference for During the daeuseton that took the benefit of the strikers, possible results of this proposed to its lack of colonies in contrast, to any other air line. The War matic notes and publie speeches, place, around the question of inmmmmmmm conference are not decisive. What for example, to Great Britain to Department analyses of the rela. but by the actual relationship of your subscription has KX dustrial organization versus craft HIKE WITH LUMEN CLUB must be understood is that Amer its respect for small nations, its re tive strength of the great powers forces among the contending pow PIRED. We urge you to read Funtons, it was shown by many del To Tibetta Brook Park lean imperialism at this time seer Jection of territorial ambitions in material resources necessary to ers. England has always remained In your renewal by return mall, egates that there is a crying need Sunday February 16 it fit and proper to restate publicly in noble opposition to the greedy carry on the next war treat these the principal contender, and her the furing the receipt of for a more efficient type of work Starting from Woodlawn Station to the world its traditional conten. tyrants of the Old World. Such a territories es colonies of the superb skill and tradition in such For copy without interruption.
ere economic organization than 11 Friends and sympathizers tion that the exploitation of the view is extremely useful to the in exactly the same sense that the matters, added to her dominant can be organized under the craft are invited to come along. IMPERIALISM AT WORK Roosevelt Carves Latin American Empire eine Beste Mexico are owned and run by Cerro clearly. Agressively thrusting her ow gratified that one of theire. us by force even they taunted the ponte si the most vigorbar and Mpls. Unions Join Lewis when they recommended concur