BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEngelsFranceIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismReform PartySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1986 NEW MILITANT PAC a Our Rovolutionary Heritages Expel 20, 000 Oppositionists from The Corn Rebellion In Recent «Cleansing» Under to By Leighton Rigby If American workers generally ist war concerned their final inare unaware that in 1917 three tereste not at all quarters of a million men were pre This class consciousness naturally (Continued from Page 1) pelled were divided equally among 20, 000 Expelled earned confidence. Perhape sixthrough our Rusdan Bulletin. Thus paring to march on Washington and tyrned the people toward the doc ing of the documents in his sat these categories, each would num If we take the West Siberia eo months later we shall learn how the precious primacy of revolution wreet the reins from the Big Slicktrine of Karl Marx. In several of rapy. 3, 618 people were expelled ber more than 300. Yet Eikhe eficient, then we would arrive at many new Bolshevik Leninists wilary thought is being made secure, and his war birds, it is only further the counties affected, the Soclalist from the party, percent of the bimself states that the Trotskyista a number of not less than 40, 000 thereby be promoted from the party Under the of the bureaueproof that the domain of patriotism vote in 1914 was over one third of entire organization. During the and Zinovlevista comprise the larg expelled Trotskyists and Zino to the concentration camps.
racy, and not without direct prois a disenlightened realm Indeed. the total cas do not mean to check up, it appears, that we suc est group numerically next to the vlevists for the entire Soviet Un The Power of Our Program vocation on the part of the Yagodas, Prese files yield little concerning Inter that this, in itselt, meant a ceeded in uncovering not only 180 White Guards.
lon. We have already stated why Medveds and others, isolated ele the Corn Rebellion; Inspired histo derinite revolutionary trend. lated individuals but entire coun cannot be less than 1, 000 expelled this number must be considered as The above cited data may per ments of the youth take to the path res make no mention of it; and merely state that it being backter revolutionary Trotskyist. Zino Bolshevik Leninists in the West. too large. But even if we take the bape appeas utterly unexpected to of individual terror, e, to the path e it without a word. But the cheering the spirit of progress while ranks of the party. Khatayevich mately 20 percent of all those ex percentage of the expelled Trot our computation before the read. Bonapartists avidly selze upon termemory must not be lost in the beling oppressed by that same pro does not supply their number. But pelled Saye Elkhe, From the skylsts. over percent, then er eyes so as to exclude the post mortistic acts in order to justity darkness of the late war. sress, these people were backward, he does cite other figures: 3, 800 total number of Trotskyists and out of the 200, 000 expelled, we sibility of any suspicions of sub their bloody repressions of the op There are two reasons for the prefer, however, to think those White Guards, kulaks, members of Zinovlevista expelled from the would get more than 10, 000.
failure of the movement: timid and people backward who are oppressed Petlara, Makhno and other bands: party about one half worked in the Arally, we take the average between whole gist of the matter lles in the as the ancient sordidness of privi Irresponeble leadership, and up and no glimmer of hope for re 300 sneak thieves and spectaco Trotskylet Zinovlevist garbage (1) Agures, then we get 20, 000. In all stalinist press and its agents (Itke of the revolutionary youth does not educational Institutions. The the West Siberian and Kharkov fact that under the influence of the leged despots. But the main section let, who wormed their way into the suitable circumstances for success.
party The Working Class Union The first cause, 1f recognized as a with forged documents. took particular pains to pervade probability the latter number would Louts Fisher and similar gentle tear loose from its class to take fact, needs no elaboration. The (Pravda, December 28, 1985. the ideological sector, Toward the middle of 1914, the These two groups together com utillae it for proper. The be closer to the truth.
second is also understandable when working Class Union was organ: prise 1, 800. In addition the arreference here te obviously to new The enormous political signio many of our friends in the West ventures. The program of the bave imperceptibly become accus. Fourth International even though wo consider that capitalism was ized in Arkansas. The original firmly in the saddle, by virtue of a purpose of this organization is not ticle also refers obecurely to for party members, from the student cance of the above data is clearlamed to the idea that if any Bolit does not promise Instantaneous eption mains: Why does the bureaucracy, then they are almost all and unconditionally certain way to with the needle of patriotism. Even came nearer, the began to only be to Individuals, not more as regards the high percentage of on the one hand, keep the total in hard labor camps. No! That out. The growth of the Fourth fortifying its position by deep Jabe of the Into the World War party. but here the reference can code that Siberia though it failed to materialize, how advocate overthrow of the capital than a score at the most. Sub Bolshevik Leninists: the youth is secret, while on the other, it makes is not the case at all! The Marx International on the world arena ever, the proposed march on Wash. Ist government in Washington cortes there remains to the share influence of the exiles (the same Aclently clear for general orlenta: tionary tradition cannot be rooted and followers in the We tracting the above mentioned cate being obvlously subjected to the public partial data which is sur ist program and the great revolu strengthens and inspires our friends ington gives us reason to know that Leadership was poor from the start of Trotskyists and Zinovleriste, a phenomenon, we might add, was to lon?
The answer is very simple. out by means of police measures. can state with certainty that de the Draft Act of 1917 was not a but by 1917 some 35, 000 farmers in well as oppositionists of all typen be obterved under Czarism as well. the bureaucracy crawl out of its To be sure, in the the Bol spite the thirteen years of hounding cepted by the people of every sec Oklahoma and surrounding staten not less than 1, 000. Or Is Khatay tion.
alone were able to embrace the vieh perbape hiding some other Where Repression Is Strongest the Bolshevik Leninists, while at day than in any other country in either in vileness or cruelty, despite Opposition to War broad pattern of the Working Class categorles of the expelled? Which In the Kharkov district out of the same time it is compelled to the world of greatest interest in capitulations and betrayals, more Union.
warning: ones? Why? But even if only 50, 000 members, more than 000 broadcast a Beware!
Before the press, movies, song the writers and spellbinders could The strategy to be used in con halt or a third of the above num were expelled Secretary Zaitsev They are many! They are of the Jugoslav comrade Clliga even today the Fourth International build up the maximum of warnection with tho march on Wash ber falls to the share of the Trot break down into categories only growing! In any case, there is no Nevertheless, the functioning of the already has its strongest, numerie hysteria, there was much trouble ngton was briefly this: on a given skylsta. even then we get a very by the highest organs. Among and handfuls still to be crushed. for a single day. If not as a doc section in the 2, 356 Ch of expulsion, checked longer ang talk about remnants revolutionary mind is not suspended ally largest, and most tempered day, the local chapters would gather imposing number (500 to 1, 000. throughout the land. organ and march to specified point Naturally, this number stii these are: 907 kulaks and White izers, unsound, perhape, but ambl where they would be joined by purely hypothetical in character.
New Purge in Preparation trine, then as a mood, as a tradi No, we have not the slightest tlous, were busy on the West Coast other groups of the and breakers of discipline: 120 remain the most irreconcilable en a mam character in the Programs neither smooth nor The as a our ground for. and in the East. Thirteen bundred army would set ont for ashington, The Black Sos Region objectors were deported from Bls. Along the way, the size of the army small item we find that in the 120 Trotskyists. This time we are In the same issue of Pravda, in bourgeois nationalists, and, finally seeks to perpetuate its position as Itselt new and fresh forces.
sneak thieves and spectators: 42emies of the bureaucracy which and today it is obviously drawing to straight. The struggle of the op be Arison, and berded lyne would be enlarged manyfold by the Asov Black Sea region, 1, 324 people siven quite a definite figure, and, the stalinist clique assigns the expelled during the last months at bureaucratic purge in the SR Among pressed demands great sacrificee.
a ruling caste. Small wonder that the 10 to 20 thousand Trotskylsts But the future is ours. The latest Foreet fires and bombings were viously readed Mexico addition. blamed on those who opponed the the roups. reattle and total number checked. The check moreover, without any mention of first place in its amalgam lists to 1985, the representatives of the old is proof even to the blind: the e. among Zinovlevists. It we take into con the war, whether the blame was well toested green corn would constitute up revealed that several elty sideration the fact that in Khar earned this honor by their entire the movement of the years 1923 Trotkylsta. They have er generation, the participants in future is ours!
placed or not. Lack of organization the food supply.
organizations there existed counter. kov, the satrapy of L, Trotsky alone prevented unrest and doubts Kostor, struggle. The very nature of the 1928, comprise tens, perhaps hund. Jau 11, 1936.
revolutionary Trotskylst Zinovlevist Petrovaky and Co. the physical ex most recent purge testifies in the reds, but not more. The basic mass from aseaming real significance.
It is true the leaders, the fiery groupe (the Krasny Aksal plant, termination of the Opposition has best and clearest possible way to all are the new recruits. More orators were idealista, unsound. In the regional agricultural depart been going on since 1923, with the growth of their influence. The over we must not forget that the of foreign agencies expelled from.
After the exposed portions of the theory Inaistent mention of splex country became ill with war hyste. Their smooth flow of words heament, the fruit and grape trust. bestial ruthlessness 80 thorough bureaucracy can no longer make above date applies only to the the party during the purge deserves And they were also timid, proportion of the expelled these out the entire Soviet Union, then means of the terrorixed party, or But there also exists the particular attention. Such cases with parts of the wbere the disease but after this was done. kroups composed, but it does admit even the modest number of 120. even publicity before it. The pub youth! It is precisely in their mider are of course entirely possible. But Was unknown.
Its many millioned One of these in they either demonstrated their utter that even after the check up un comprising more than percent of lic purge has been replaced by that unrest assumes a particularly be rare exceptions. An ordinary cluded several countles in Okla Incompetence to lead or ran away. exposed enemies continue to crop the expelled (2, 856) seems they. by their nature, can only homa and parts of neighboring The Battle and Its Outcome states. That section provided the up in the regional organizations. astounding.
truly star chamber, le, it is transfered aggravated character. It is right secret circular letter would have locale for the. Corn Rebellion. After several false starts in 20 Trotskyists in West Siberia entirely into the hands of the fully difficult for young revolution sufficed to take care of forwarding August of 1917 the In the It is all too clear that the bu Of course, the expelled, too, sat to learn Leninism in the the information. But why do the In. accounts. have read of the Oklahoma distrlet began to mobil 3, 876 members of the party were have the slightest motives for ex physical extermination. This me level is incomparabis higher than aples? Tho Stalinist press could In the West Siberian reaucracy has not and cannot are placed in the same hands for But without any doubt their newspapers keep harping about reception of the Draft Act in Oklas ize. No kreat numbers came to one expelled (11 percent) and 1, 936 aggerating the influence of the thod is so well adapted to the in the level of the Stalinist party. never have presumed to be o bold homa, too much emphasis has been spot, but several small groups were candidates (128 percent)
put upon the backwardness of the Secre formed At the behest of elvil tary Elkhe writes in Pravda Bolshevik Leninists. That is why interests of the bureaucracy that the great tradition lives on. In without special instructions from been offered as the main excuse for authorities, several less Among the expelled the largest have seeped into the press as the new cleansing. from February oppositionist literature.
we must look upon the figures that Stalin has immediately projected a secret places lles hidden the ola above. But what is the purpose of On the the issued order? It can be correctTee without a doubt, the fact that organized to bring the draft dods Guards from Kolehaks armies the stalinist clique has preferred party cards (these, it appears, have Engels and Lenin (they dare not Stalintat Autocratic rule in the Moreover, since 1924 to May of the current year. Ola shelves stand the books of Marx, ly divined. During the years of newspapers were not generally read were a few skirmishes, There there constitute almost a third. to expel oppositionists moral become tattered. must be er proscribe them as yet. The Soviet not a few foreign Communers to the bar of and movies were seldom seen did good leadership.
the case of the Orievists. Dec 23, 1935. Ac without Then come the Trotskyists and Zin degenerates and even as White changed for new ones, and the in papers are compelled to publish ists Oppositionists have been shot.
tend to retard the growth of the tenant farmers was a hopeless one. cording to the statement, the Bol that precisely the most influential rigid proviso that during the re The international literature, under ing in solitary confinement conwar spirit among the tenant farm. Only at Holdenville, where two shevik Leninists take the second and active Bolshevik Leninists were placement of party cards, the me the banner of the Fourth Interna centration camps and exile. Ever ers of Oklahoma. But how hack Ward were they, really?
members of a porse and one place numerically. All the ex. expelled under these very categorcretaries, ie, the organs of the tonal, is already a very rich one more news about this is penetrating member were killed, were there pelled, with the exception of the les: it is all the easter to make must once again check the today. Our ideas and slogans pen. abroad. of exceptional value are The Burden of Oppression serious casualties.
White Guarda, fall into not more short shrift of them in the concen entire party personnel and issue etrate into the Soviet Union thr the reports of Chlign who recent It must be remembered that these Several hundred members of the than four categories. If the extration campeor en route to exile. new cards only to those who have lough a thousand channels In part, Iy tore tree from the people were oppressed by urban were made prisoners, and Stalinist money lenders who often demanded nearly a hundred were later rentthis International rejects chains. The bureaucracy must in and got, it crope were sufficiently enced to prison, federal or state.
mere electoral support of labor some way parry these revelations, good four or five times the con Those who were set free received ventional rate of interest. Also, advice in the matter of patriotism Longue Nations The Spanish at least some semblance of an exthere was little good land at the from kindly and enlightened wction concludes a hoe with bour. planation. There would be nothing disposal of poor fenant farmers. judges.
keols parties on a common program astonishing were the agents of the Good crope were rare on the scrub The Corn Rebellion was put down.
of supporting the League of NA Comintern to proclaim all the foby soll that was left after investors It was bound for failure from the tions. Is not this the extreme in relgn communists shot and arrested had taken the choice land. And first. But it stands as proof that By LEON TROTSKY in necordance with the principles the Socialist party. Never! Under Pusion and bankruptey?
the domain of contradictions, con in the AS sples of foreign there was an important result of class conscious American workers The Spanish organization of the and methods of the League of Na, o conditions! To enter temporar no Warang yet, but the sections of ever will not pass liceat Tree There is agencies. These vlanies, how.
The this oppression: the poor farmers wii not willingly fight for the 1o. Left Communists, which was allons. Is there anything left out? is into a mass political organiza the London Internationals are working masses will hear the truth and were convinced that a capital. them down.
became daily more class conscious terest that oppose them and beat WAYS muddled organization, mers document are the representatives concilable struggle in its ranks directions. What will happen to International will be at their posts.
Slenatorlere time this infamous tion in order to carry on an irre ready putting it just the opposite The organizations of the Fourth ed, after countless vacillations to the right and to the left, with the of two Left bourgeois parties, the against the reformist lenders for them when the oming events LT Catalan Federation Maurin into Selalist party, the Socialist Fed the banner of the proletarian rev. break?
For a Fundamental Understanding of Living Marxism party of Marxist. Unity. ou eration of Labor, the Communist olution that is opportunism: but Read the a centrist program Some of our party (why, of course. the Soto conclude a pontial alliance with ternational has also adhered offi Unity with Whom?
twn periodicals, misled by this cialist Youth (too bad. Syndi the lenders of a reformist party on But let us return to the Spanish chally to the blue with the bour.
name have written about the calist party (Pestana) and finally the basis of a deliberately dishon. party of Marxist Unity. Flow selle So much the worse for it.
party as though it was drawing the Labor Party of Marxist Uni et program serving to dupe the frontent is the name Marxist Un. As far as we are concerned we close to the Fourth International. ty (Juan Andrade. masses and cover np the bourgeot Ity. with the bourgeoisie. The prefer clarity. In Spain. genuine There is nothing more dangerous revolutionate will no doubt be Most of these parties stood at le that is valour! Can there be Spanish Left Communists than to exaggerate one own for the head of the Spanish révolution any greater debasement and pro dres Nin, Juan Andrade Pound who will mercilessly expose Official theoretical organ of the Workers Party es with the aid of. a credulous during the years of its upsurge titution of Marxism others) have more than once tried the betrayal of Maurin, Nin, Animagination. Reality will not be and they did everything in their and Spain to perry our criticism of their col. tion for the Spanish section of the drade and Co. and lay the foundaA thirty two page magazine for the price of 15 cents. restrained thereby from bringing power to betray it and trample it laborationist policies by elting cruel disillusion!
The Party of Marxist Unity lack of understanding of the spe: January 22, 1936 Fourth International!
Subscription rates: In the 50 per year; 00 The newspapers report that in in the signature of the party of member of the celebrated Loncial conditions in Spain. This is for seven issues. Canada and foreign 75 per year. Spain all the Left parties, both Maurin Nin Andrade. The former don Bureau of Revolutionary So the enstomary argument put to use ORDER FROM bourgeols and working class, have Spanish Left Communists have callet Parties (the former by all opportunisto for the first WORKERS The New International, 56 East 11th St. New York, made an electoral bloc on the turned into a mere talt of the the leadership of this Ruru is duty of a genuine proletarian rev.
basis of a common program, which left bourgeoisie. It is hard to now in the hands of venner Brock olutionist lies in translating the Protect Yourselves Aminst the in the nature of things, airters in concelve a more ignominious down was, secretary of the Independent Special conditions of his country Hazards of Life. Join the way from the program of the fall!
Tabor Party. We have already into the International language of Frerich People Front and all written that, despite the antiquat. Marxism, which is accessible even WORKMEN SICK DEATH Political Betrayal ed and apparently incurable meitst beyond the contines of one own other fake programs of the same BENEFIT PUND OF THE type. few months ago there was prendices of Maxton and others. country But today there is no 1884 1935 tribunal of constitutional guaran rublished, in Madrid, Juan Andra the LLP, has taken an honest rev. need of the theoretical argutees as well as rigid support of de book, Ther Reformat Burean olutionary position on the question ments The Spanish bloc of the Organized, managed by and for the principle of authority. cracy and the Labor Movement, of the League of Nations and its tops of the working class with the workers with only one purpose: as well as the freeing or justice in which along with quotations sanctions. Each of us has read lert bourgeoiste does not include in to render protection to members from all Influences of a political from Marx, Engels, Lents and with pleasure a number of excel. It anything national, for it does and their families, and to sup and economic order (the freeing other authors, an analysis is made lent articles in the New Leader. not differ in the least from the port all endeavors and struggles of capitalist Justice from the in of the causes underlying the de During the last parliamentary el People Pront in France, Czecho for the improvement of tollers, Allence of capital. And more of generation of labor bureaucrats. ections the Independent Labour Blovakia, Brasil or China.
About 50, 000 members organ IRVING PLAZA HALL the same. The program has in it Juan Andrade forwarded his book Party refused to give even electoral Party of Marxist Unity is mere ized In 350 branches. Reserves the rejection of the nationalization to me twice, each time with glow. support to the Laborites, precisely ly klavishly conducting the same 3, 400, 000.
of land by the bourgools repabli ing dedications, in which he calls been use the latter supported the polley that the seventh Congress Death benefit graded accord15th Street at Irving Place can members of the bloc but lu me his leader and teacher. This returned over agatlons. facticat selections of the Comintern folsted upon als to are at entry. Sick benent payments from 225 to 900 to cheap promises in favor of the tions would have only made me wherever the was unable to ty of their national peculiarities.
men and women, according to MUSIC BY peasantry (credits, higher prices happy: compels me at present to run its own candidates, It should the real difference in the Spanish aluse for agricultural products, etc. the announce all the more decisively have supported a Laborite against polley this time lies only in the fact program declares for the recovery in publle that never taught any a Tory. But this is incidental. In that section of the London In Monthly 488essments from 450 HARLEM RYTHM MAKERS to 10. of industry and protection body political betrayal And Anany case, even talk was excluded for small industry and petty mer arade conduct is nothing else but of any common programs. with In search for justifications for For further information apply chants. Then follows the inevit. betraya of the proletariat the the Laborites. Internationalists their polley Maurin. Nin refer to to Main Office: able control over banks, which sake of an alliance with the bour would have combined support to the Spanish electoral law which 714 Sences Ave. Brooklyn, PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINMENT since the bourgeois republicans, ac reolsle.
cording to the text of the program, In this connection, it is in place crawling of the British social patrt makes it extremely dificult for: reject workers control, Involves to recall that the Spanish Lett ots before the League of Nations Foung party to run its own candidates. See the resolution of the REFRESHMENTS PAUL LUTTINGER, the control over banks. by the Communists, thelr very name and its sanctions. Batalla, No. 234. But DANIEL LUTTINGER, bankers themselves, through the indicates, posed on every appropri We take the liberty to prt a this argument is worthless, Elecmedium of their parliamentary ate occasion, as irreconcilable rev question to Fenner Brockway: just toral technique cannot justify per Washington Square North In TICKETS IN ADVANCE 75c, ATDOOR agenta, like Azana. and similar olntionists particular, they what is the purport of the In fidious policy, in the shape of a 2 and 8 Bxcept Sundays gentlemen. Finally, the foreign thunderously condemned the French ternational of which he 18 the common program with the bourand Holidays.
policy of Spain will be laid down Bolshevik Leninista entering secretary! The British section of geolste. the The Treachery of the Spanish Labor Party of Marxist Unily New International (An And Dance Friday Eve. Feb. 28 for