CominternIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninSocialismStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers Movement

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1936 Miners Union Conference Hurls Rebel Spirit Stirs Union Reneges Defi at Green Ultimatum on CIO On Office Workers Akron Gum Miners WPA Official. the om det meget nemt at Tire tous ledowing the modele de los costo Found Guilty Mooney Calls (Meat Packers For Support Launch Drive (Continued from Page 1) decency and health. turbulent the jurisdiction of the (Continued from Page 1)
How the Stalinists work in the keepers Union and their organisastone unioniste and their leaders and gas and chemical plants to the roll call vote. But the opposition thoroughly aroused by this attempt trade unions, how they substitute thon they went so far as to my Since both Goodrich and Fire about 100, 000 workers in by product debate followed with a demand for Noediese to my, the miners became the union men was not Elven a fair quickly stepped into the forefront officials already claim jurlsdiction gan, who was in the chair at the This, however, is only one small the general interests of progressive Strike, they would see to it that organization. But the craft union was steam rollered; both Pat Fred muld.
their own factional interests for that if the union would not call a wage allowance when he was trans of the altdowns and led the work fered to another machine.
ers to victory, hundreds Joined the lover skilled mechanics working in time, and later John Lewis ruled example of the conflict between militant trade unionism is brought the stalinists in the Bookkeepers from department to department ral an aniwer to the crying need or be considered only a minor matter clared the committee report, in lonjam that is now extending deep in connection with the lockout of that they would throw their sup trebuilders committee went organizations for they have found these plants. This, however, may this demand out of order and de craft unionism and industrial. out once more by their activities Union would vote right, meaning Lying workers to their banner and the rubberworkers militant tran in view of the general conflictcluding the projected salary boost, er into the whole of the movement elight office workers of the Margon port to the present leadership of thus entire production was stopped unton constantly fighting for the whole this polithe action will play ever, Lewis cleverly manipulated to advance is projected. The produces doul and to parts, bas. Unfortunately for the Stalinista, around the industrial union issue, adopted. The following day, how. in every Instance where actual un Corporation. This company which the unfon.
within an hour. This involved 1, 500. workers rights, Another ghift camo in at midnight its part, it is the attitude of the this question to his own advantage Workers Union, also represented both an inside factory and an cl the present leadership of the Book and joined, doubling the number themselves take spontaneous action miners convention in regard to with a grandiloquent gesture be on the Committee for Industrial OT Ace. The workers in the factory keepers and Stenographers Union That the rubberworkers would refusing to work against the slow but steady this larger question contronting declined to accept the salary in canization, recently obtained an are members of a Stalinist is not ready to bargain away the committee of two union men pression of their living wage the trade union movement today crease. The other officers hurried election under the National Labor Metal Workers Union outside of principles of progressive unionism from each of the four shifts was through various moves of the commously the present conflict in the that will serve to sharpen enor. to follow in his footsteps, Relations Act in a campaign the of against a company union, selected by the workers to conter papies is thousand fold proof of our The office workers in return for votes. It is not going Autonomy and Roosevelt Here were members of the Office Work to permit its members to sign a with the management. The com contention that the unions must A, of again the higher craft union of ers Union, also a Stalinist organ yellow dog contract in order to No doubt John Lewis has also turbulent debate ensued also cals stepped in and attempted to Itation, but when this union liqul oblige the Stallplats. It insista pany quickly agreed to give the show in action that they will lead worker bis allowance and the men the workers. for the workers are emerged considerably strengthened on the autonomy question. In this bave the National Labor Relationsdated they joined the that tbe locked out workers be rewent back to work.
demanding action.
in the union leadership since this is involved the right of the district Board recognize the craft anions (Bookkeepers and Stenographers Instated. Its policy to a clear cut However, it was discovered that convention. In its most extreme organizations to elect their own who claimed jurisdiction over the Union) which is affiliated to the militant one of strike action.
Causes of the Sitdowns the company wago going to pay form this was indicated by lauda officers against the present prac mechanics in this field instead of whom wh Membership Fights Yellow Dog any of the workers money for the The causes of the sltdowns can tory and uncritical statements such tice of the general officers institut the 011 Workers Union, The issue arose in connection This policy of strike was pretime lost during the sit down so the not be found in the issues around as those made by delegates from ing what is called provisional gov. Radio Workers Bolt with the discharge of two mem sented by the Executive Board to which the recent skirmishee were Logan County, West Virginia who ernments, by appointment of of It will be remembered that the bers of the office atat for their special membership meeting of Threats by the company to fore fought. There have been wage cuts, compared Lewis to Moses, who cials who are to work under the A, of Executive Council meet unton activity. The rest of the the Bookkeepers and Stenographers police were made with the sound the test. Union men have been layed the strengthening of the position was sustained more than tractory workers tederal untons for me manded the reinstatement of the Inists were forced to retreat. Sharp phant were the work te strand the in the factories without voluble pro Beypt. But in its real essence on roll call wote this e fected the appeal of the radio showed their solidarity and de workers. At this meeting the stalday the workers prepared foresan as the Firestone unionist whose only by the readiness of the rank but surely not, since bisease, a vle trial form of organization. The refused to reinstate them and de leadership of the Metal Workers Inside until their demand for halt case started the sitdown.
pay was met. Callahan, Goodrich local unionism and to accept progressive Similarly Lewis carried the day to ignore the council decision and workers that they sign a pledge the strike in order to further their workers were going to keep the reason for the sitdowns the follow. Involved in this lgbt and they practically unanimously for supa regardless of whether or not this the factory workers strike when opposed to the general progressive When the company saw that the prealdent correctly gavo 88 the ideas. They understand the issues with ease lining up the convention to proceed to organize industrially agreeing to remain at work should own narrow factional Interests as plant closed at all bets and would ing statement. The whole thing have proved that they are ready port of Roosevelt to go forward means expulsion from the A, of their agreement expired. This the policy of wagingent militante che not let anyone work, it agreed to in a nutshell is that the men have to make it with Roosevelt, Aghting under his office workers refused to do and against the yellow dog contract.
may all the men except the tirebuild underpaid over a period of time to a been overworked. Overloaded and In the Grand Style banner for re election, Undoubted.
There are similar indications were immediately locked out by the They aid not dare at this meeting John Lewis, however, under ty the ease of these victories must that the automobile workers union boss to defend the leadership of the The tirebulldera, to show that breaking point. It has been reached stands also how to make the best in a large measure be attributed to will go ahead, dety the of Discouraged Strike Action Metal Workers Union. All they they were willing to sacrifice for now. Any incident will serve as the use of this strengthened position. fight for industrial untoism in mechanics and refuse to let the the office workers had agreed 100 of a strike such an attack divided In view of the fact that last year old was to whine that on the ove the sake of fellow workers, accepted We Deed mention only the incident euse de utilor leger war ou rebens and temper of the rubberworkers: by the reas, one can be ac mere Inch taken by John Lewis and the has already written into its consti latter were negotiating their pres. Various speakers from the floor the user posted about vehet behouers en sienificant as portraying the mood ar les for the reading to the lates, which mination to support the position trial furlediction which this unton factory workers struck when the argument was effectively ridiculed.
though union leaders urged them as showing what working conditions dent only after Lewis had had the tion were easily swayed to swal: to accept and the drive of economte forces opportunity to cause the real sen low good deal more than would The union committee was trick have done to their ideas It is thus clear that great forces Inist Metal Workers Union in this the membership to know all the ed into accepting the proposal and timent of the delegates present.
are already set into motion in the situation becomes doubly treacher facta in connection with the im The rapid spread of the sitdowns In ous. Instead of receiving help from pending strike.
at for industrial unionism.
recommending it to the men, some shows how a fighting slogan won brought in a proposition to increase When the motion The committee on officers report otherwise have been the case.
Clash with Craft Unions them sald later, but not many be concretised by massa in motion the officers salaries by 100 percent, increasing measure these forces the metal workers union as they to declare the strike was put, it On this major issue none of them will look toward the miners unton had expected, the locked out work was unanimously carried by the were disturbed because it was seen and that the rubberworkers are in which would elevate the remuner made any mistake. They were able for leadership. And if the recently ers were told that for them to boo workers present, would be rectified in the near This places squarely before the 12, 000 yearly to 215, 000.
ution for Lewis from paltry to judge also from practical expe concluded convention is to be taken strike at present would embarrass The strike is now on. mass future, union leaders the responsibility of sentment to this proposal was well number of the higher, and particu Workers is becoming conclous of the slow season and because their around the plant. The Bookkeepers The rerlence. Last year, for example, a as an indication, the United Mine the factory workers since this was picket line has already been thrown down, active union members. en of the workers and leading them in Norris, who said: We have als attempted to have the Guffez ls the light in which the result of In addition, the leaders of the movement. The tur During the entire time of the sit answering the fundamental demande expressed by an Indian Welegate, Tarly redctionary, cratt union of its new role. Fundamentally this agreement with the Margon Corp. Union in its fight is appealing for in the negotiations, signed up hund. the rubber barons who have been ren the present salary plenty to mechanics, working in or around order to get a full and complete Metal Workers Union sought in the calls upon the workers in the reds of non union men into the bona running everything their own way sustain any one in a standard of the mines, would be taken out of understanding.
fide union.
every way to put pressure on the factory to participate in this strug while Claherty previously was ruin Bookkeepers Union in order to pre gle and me to it that no acabe are Union Grows After Struggle ing the unions.
vent them from oulling a strike permitted to work. The strike must The union at Goodyear grew after Workers Ready for Strike the sitdown but for just the opposite employment, how the federal gov been spreading whispering cam have even tried to discourage the of this corporation to set its office Evey avenue of thought arising ernment uses unemployed relief as paign of the most slimy slander. Locked out workers from pleketing. employees to sign Yellow Daig reason which brought the great from a study of the meaning of the a vote catching device, the use 088 They were tremendously impressed in a conference between tue Bous Contract shall be defeated!
and Goodrich locals.
ness of the projects and work un by the size and methods of the conclusion that the rubberworkers Goodyear workers realized clear not only are ready for but demand der the present set up. He empba union and a number of them ex.
ly that it was their lack of organ. an industry wide strike to break (Continued from Page 1)
sized the necessity for the pressed the sentiment to union of ization of leadership that brought the continual drive against them prove that Walker was permitted to workers to work together with all Acals during and after the meeting the tirebuilders defeat Failure of by the companies lie on the ground helpless in freez the other unemployed and the need that they were going back to their the union leadership itself to utilize There are no smooth tongued ing weather for a period of six or for establishing complete coopera organization to demand that unity through at all costs immediately.
left the workers without confidence strike sentiment among the cials refusing to give him any as unemployed organizations.
Throughout the meeting, speak. Contipped from Page Continued from Page 1)
and so they went to work when the into the channels of betrayal and Mistance. The acting prosecutor The presence of Allard and John Goodyear company assembled its defeat this year.
then proceeded to read a number in eroon ka enteret bestehen so for en store indultace neste relatere state about the Mooney Billings frame mittee. The of Committee Blue strike breakers, the Flying Whether any indtvidual union om of notarized afhdavits, the sworn platfrom, although spokesmen for and nation wide For Industrial Organization in Squadron to do the work.
cer wants to continue the right statements of Walker widow and two different national unemployed the part of the A, workers and Charles Gott, in 1916 a sergeant, Washington, DC, will be conetter solned the union because to of the greatest significance for the. The his power gether with the other they make a solfd front and so were The upswing of the workers will max of this startling but conclusive establishment of unity between the union announced in this connection to seal the frame up forever by re of the industrial unlon movement able to plan a 100 per cent sitdown carry him along.
in the packing house industry will at plant which the company was What is needed is conscious pre written and signed statement by the Workers Alliance of America unemployed and organiza to hold together the foul conspiriley national movement for industrial atrald of. That why the order to pration for the strike so that the Dr. Phillip Johnson, a physician within the very near future. Scores tions of 24 Northwest Ohlo coun. Against us unionism carry out wage cut is still in the workers cin have every advantage of long standing in the community of local members attended tles on February 23 in Toledo to These framers are tenaciously de The Committee For Industrial superintendent office and will reossible gainst their ruthless class dies. The statement was as told that the union is affiliated with the Lief workers forces in this large are renewing with all the vigor of Unioniam in the Packing House who attended Walker before he the union meeting despite the fact consolidate the uneinplored and refending their foul conspiracy and main there for a while.
enemies, lows: Lucas Connty Unemployed League area, their beings the rankest accusations Industry does not pretend to set against us to becloud the real 18 itself up as a central body for the This is to say that was AlREADY FEBRUARY sues. No depravity will be too low federation of packing house unonzo Walker family physician for for them to stoop to in justifying lons. The only requirement which The Third International After Lenin many months. took care of him the dastardly deed that has robbed it lays down for atillation is a sinin his last illness. Here are some us of the best years of our lives. cere destre for the building of inof the things he said By LEOX TROTSKY 00 me before James Brennan, assistant under dustrial unioniam in the industry.
he died: was so old fell to Fickert and active prosecutor who The principal role of the CommitPartial Contents: the ground. berged the foreman rallroaded innocent twenty two tee will be to carry on an educa latter to the Sixth Congress of the Comintern, to send me home, but he walked year old Warren Billings to the tonal campaign to prove the need THE PROGRAM OF THE COMINTERN il Way. lay on the ground until THE ROAD FOR penitentiary for life, last year in for industrial unionism and thus about 4:30 His death was Program of the International Revolution or a Program troduced into the California Legis to bring organized pressure to caused by extreme exposure to of Socialism in a Single Country?
REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISTS lature a resolution calling upon the force the American Federation of cold. Dr. Johnson emphasis. Governor to commute our Labor to issue an unrestricted in2. Strategy and Tacties in the Imperialist Epoch.
Verdiet Is Gullty to time served, thus branding usdustrial union charter for the pack3. Balance and Perspectives of the Chinese Revolution.
War and the Workers is written by John West. He needs forever as ex convicts. time ex. Ing house Industry.
pired felons. convicted murder no introduction to you. The Road for Revolutionary Social The date on which this objective called upon any representative of WHO IS LEADING THE COMINTERN TODAY?
ers. That cowardly, tricky man will be realized is governed by the the administration present ists is written by Fred Zeller. He is the acknowledged leader euver would have ended forever any developments in the national move.
Cloth bound Pre publication price 50 in the audience to assume the role of the French Socialist youth.
of redressing this monstrous ment and by the intelligence and hope of defense attorney. Although the ORDER NOW adlininistration had been publicly Fred Zeller was expelled from the Socialist youth organwrong in court sincere effort which the packing PIONEER PUBLISHERS It is only through the splendid house unlons apply to this work.
invited to present its side of the ization by the agents of Leon Blum and his Old Guard some 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City support that you have given through There will, however, be immediate case at the trial, no representative time ago, together with twelve other youth comrades. The these many years that we are still gains for the local unions through was in attendance. The judge then young Socialists, however, remained supporters of the revo alive and fighting for freedom and the benefit of closer cooperation in appointed Ted Selander, union executive secretary, to act as vindication. It is only through your the day by day struggle against defense lutionary position presented by Fred Zeller and his co workcouncil. He proceded to give all ers. They remained supporters in the continuation of the generous, loyal, financial help that the packing house employers, we have been able to continue ex the statements on the case given to struggle for this position. How this struggle has been posing this frame up to the world. mittee For Industrial Organization The next conference of the Comunion committees by the adminis carried on and how comrade Zeller and his co workers came We need funds desperately to OF ALL PUBLISHERS tration. The audience laughed de to a revolutionary position, and came to be supporters of risively throughout the presentacarry through the present move we in the Packing House Industry will Large Selection of Books and Pamphlets on the Socialist and ton of these statements at the cold the Fourth International, is described in this little pamphlet. are making. We must immediately be held in Austin, Minnesota, on Labor Movement Not Available Elsewhere.
blooded stupidity of the lles and The introduction is by Leon Trotsky.
prepare a complete transcript of Saturday, February 29, and San the hearing proceedings of over fit day, March Further information wistings of the administration, alWrite for new book list containing hundreds of books at less though everyone agreed that Selan.
teen thousand pages to enable my may be secured through Joseph than half price.
der was honestly attempting the attorneys to prepare their brief for Voorhees. Austin, Minnesota, and the United States Supreme Court Lewis Clarke, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
personally unpleasant task of a We are compelled to pay for that SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT Pay us a visit and conscientious defense. The PIONEER BOOKSHOP andlence, acting as jury, ended the transcript, the California Supreme Court having refused to pay such READ THE NEW MILITANT 100 Filth Avenue, Corner 15th St. Room 1010 hearing with a thunderous and expenses for us. know you will unanimous verdict of Guilty!
do your utmost to strain a point at Allard, in his address, spoke of this time to give us desperately NEW MILITANT the necessity of organization on the needed financial assistance.
With jobs, stated that he had learned a your continued aid know we hall with which is merged THE NEW INTERNATIONAL great deal about the form and ac WAR AND THE WORKERS crown our struggle with victory.
THE MILITANT tivities of the union which Without your ald we are helplessly published weekly by the New Mill.
IN BOUND VOLUME he was going to attempt to have lost, The pamphlet, War and the Workers, presents a searching carried out in Illinois, and invited tant Publishing Co. 55 East 11th With profound proletarian appre st. Phone: ALgon. 9068.
This first bound vonme contains all the issues that have ap representatives of the union to an analysis of the nature and causes of modern war. It deals ciation of what you have done for Entered 28 second class mall matter peared to date, beginning with July 1034 up to and including the conference to be held shortDecember, 1995 issue.
with the problem of sanctions, neutrality, and the role of me through these many desperate at the Post Office at New York, ly. He ended his remarks with an years, send you warmest frater under the act of March 8, 1879.
Attractively and durably bound.
impassioned plea for unity among the League of Nations. It presents a scathing indictment of nal and militant trade union greetthe various forms of pacifism and social patriotism and outthe unemployed organizations and JAMES CANNON: Editor This volume contains also a special and complete Index of all inga called for the quick establishment lines a concrete program of struggle against imperialist war.
Very Sincerely.
articles listed analytically by contents and in alphabetical order Subscription rates: In the United of the names of the authors.
of one big united unemployed and The price of this pamphlet is toc per copy; in lots of ten TOM MOONEY States 00 per year: 66c per six relief workers national organiza31921 months: Canada and foreign 60 Price 00, postpaid or more, 7c per copy. The price of the Zeller pamphlet is tion.
Order from The New International, East 11th St. New Direot all funds and communica per year: 00 slx months. Bundle Urges Unity of Unemployed 5c per copy; in lots of ten or more, 3c per copy.
Here is an opportunity. Take advantage of it.
tions to: Tom Mooney Molders De rates: Two cents per copy Speaking on the national unem fense Committee, Box 2475, San SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1936 ployed situation, Arnold Johnson Francisco, Calit.
Vol. 2, No. (Whole No. 59)
with the Two Pamphlets BOOKS