BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyIV InternationalInvasionLeninLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1936 NEW MILITANT PAGE The People Front as Anton Ciliga Describes Wrecking of Jugoslav Applied in China. 1927 Tells of Opposition Struggle in the Soviet Union for ing.
there are He is obviously restrained, for it to make them accept our decisione. did more than that. Anybody who view opposition he made a career til dattuguished by its complets our group (the center) was ar Hitherto Unpublished Document Reveals Pages From Internal Life in Jugoslavia bers) of the Congress despite the pursuing this tactle they do not tive and reporter of the comintern, tact that in accordance with the give the trump cards Betrayal of Revolution Through In the years from 1926 to 1929 a movement, would soon be in posses decision of the plenum of the but prepare their own coming to noble who took refuge on Soviet This Policy strong colony of Jugoslavia Com sion of a record so necessary for of the Jugoslav an old worker party power with the assistance of shores.
munists (about 120) gathered grad underground activity. And a ca had been slated for the post. In and through the Comintern.
After such a demonstrative conually in Moscow. In most cases reer a world career in the Comin order to prepare completely they were responsible party activ tern, would be open to them. Everythelr machination, Gorkich Bukharvik Leninists was formed only in ership the latter assumed a coun The Opposition group of Bolshedemnation of the Comintern leadEditor Note: We publish below, in part, the minutes of the ists, men with considerable revoluthing would have gone smoothly in Manulisky organized the matter 1928 in Moscow after the expert ter offensive through the medium Chinese Sub Committee of the Executive Committee of the Communist tionary record, experienced and had their fate depended upon Mos in such a way us to delay the arence of the kulak bread strike of a Commission of the of International held in Moscow in May 1997. There minutes have been These were not emigres (with few grade also has a word or two to (he spent days waiting in one of the tempered in underground activity. cow alone. But, sad say, Bel rival of this worker to the Congress after becoming disillusioned with the and of the Comintern published for the first time in French by Albert Treint, former member exceptions) but in thely overwhelm say in Jugoslavia Salinist self criticism and headed by the notorious former of the and leader of the French Communist party.
the border cities for permission to disagreeing with the struggle on Menshevik, Popov. Forty were ing majority men who had been And in Belgrade a military Fas depart) while the scoundrel Brez two fronts. This opposition group. censured; twenty were sent into The reader will clearly see how things happened. The Stalinist temporarily ordered to Moscow for cist overturn took place on January ovich appeared in Moscow even as has been said, headed the dis party exile: three were expelled leadership, in its endeavor to safeguard the interests of their bourgeois party work arrived Mos. 1929, and there ensued a bloody prior to the Congress, and in this satisfaction which fared up sharp for one years from the party. allies, the landed nobility among the generals, curbed the peasant in.
cow from their active work in the Balkan extirpation of every sort way, as if of necessity, he was ly and elementally against the con section of our opposition group reThe hourgeoisie, after having triumphed over the reactionaries there in the overwhelming num around activits now became neces. Brezovich progress indicates a duet de the recran interne anderebira zaunkot, Guy Doors com and a serious with the aid of the exploited workers and peasants, drowned in blood ber of cases they were workers. sary and the need was for men very characteristic lawfulness the revolt of the peasants and the workers insurrection.
Among these activists sharp capable of going to their doom ars, 1928, a resolution condemning another section (Dragulch, Dadich The document below shows the tremendous responsibility borne by Gorkich saved his hide. He had this conduct received more than 90 and myself) went to Leningrad: a factional struggle was waged be without the flicker of an eye. The managed, together with Manuilsky, votes as against five who voted for third section elsewhere. This took Stalin for the defeat of the Chinese Revolution. This document should tween the supporters of the Right mandatories were panic stricken to pass in time to the service of the leadership and who defended place in the summer and autumn of he of especial value today when the People Front propaganda of the Communist party: From 1926 to ers, had estimated much too tightls themselves in their case, the mat the leadership of this representa. 1929.
Communist party and its actual realization in France repeats broad outline, if not in detail, the Kuo Min Tang policy in China. 928, Moscow entrusted the lead their chances of success and of a ter was settled without a catastroership of the Jugoslav to the career. Now what was in question phe: their careers were not broken The Struggle for the Right to Depart Right group (S. Markovitch) but were not their careers but their ort. But, in return, the Jugoslav In ay, 1030, sort of conference instead, a number of innocent by Analytle Report by Albert Treint tion, which cannot triumph with in view of the fact that the more heads The Chinese Sub Committee was out their support will be relegated ed among those who came to Mos heard of and a most infamous ca it was disurmed and disorganized. ference in Mscow. At the conter: er. They were under sus And then there occurred an un into the hands of bestial reaction, came trom Leningrad to this con Jugoslavs and one girl, a Swedish workers movement was betrayed of our group took place in Moscow, standers were arrested (several composed of Bukharin, Ercoll, and to the Greek Calends.
Treint. Stalin, who was summoned Stalin: One can maneuver with cow, the Lefts were always very tastrophe. At this critical moment in order to cover up their deser. ence we worked out theres and picion because of some sort of ex he phone by Bukharin, took a de out compromising anything. The strong. During the above mentioned the best section of the mandation, Gorkich and other leaders of outlined our work In its viewe, ternal clue, e. they looked suscisive part at the end of the meet agrarian revolution frightens the world the Right party leadership tories left the party, the and the Comintern afterwards calmly in all its internal shadings our picious. Instead of a meeting with Kuo Min Tang only in the degree (the Political Bureau) had man the workers movement in general sent tens and hundreds of men to group belonged to the extreme let the representative of the Moscow that it directly injures members aged to compromise itself to such to their fate and fled as fast as their doom. In 1920 1983 the sunewing of the Bolshevik Leninists, center, the provocateur organized Bukharin reported on the situa as well as the officers of its armies. a degree that the rate plenum of less, railways, and airplanes could thing was repeated in Jugoslavia und out some questions drew close an interview for me with another legioning to forcibly seize the land. Borodin to oppose the confiscation 1927 28) removed the old Political Moscow. This squad of deserters on a much larger scale, in China. These theses spoke of the necessity our theses with him, and certain This is frightening the Wuhan gov: and division of the Innd belonging Bureau and elected another, a left was headed by the ideologist of the and that which was perpetrated of advancing the slogan of a new aspects of transmitting the above to the members of the kuolin Bureau (or, rather, a semi left. entire course Gorkich. That is earlier and later in a number of party after the 16th Congress (in mentioned material to comrade. ment Ed. It we do not curb Tank or to the officers of the Na. But the was reckoning with the way the best of them he other countries. When the working the summer of 1930) which rejected Trotsky.
the agrarian movement, we will tional Army.
Treint: real revolution win was Bukharin, Gorkich, Mapuit worse remained in Jugoslavia, and accounting, it will be the day the task of reform by revoluImmediately before the arrest we come impossible to win at ma Jorbe know how to regard such taboos sky, and they annulled the decision passed into the service of the roof dreadful judgment judgment tirnary methods; of the turn from were selzed by alarm, sensing the in the Kuo Min Tang. On the other Bukharin: Why not? Besides of the dissolved the so called lice. And the worse ones, it turned not so much of the Gorkiches, Man propaganda to agitation. of the danger. One of us, comrade Drak no methods of doing Left Bureau, and since it was ut out, had been provocateurs all the alskys and Co for they are only propaganda and preparation of eco utch worked as a latheman at the large our influence in it; and when otherwise.
we will have become more powerTreint: and 11, which is inevit. Right leadership, they did some from both sides at the very outset. masters, the true organizers and trialization is being effected at the night shift at the time and there fal, we will go beyond our presentable, the peasants in revolt pass thing much worse, The triumvirate aulice and we will also have much in, must we also support the boar: Gorkich Manuilsky recruited some while to dwell a little on him, betionary movement from 1922 23 on Bukharin datory one Brezovich. It is worth defeats of the international revolu proletariat. in event of the eco he went into biding and was ar geols leadership of the Kuo min sort of a crew that had never had cause Brezovich is not an acciden the Political Bureau of the Vance, subsequently, political slo During this he managed to em relation to be here proba nang which will not fall to resort anything to common with the drugs cal igure in the present day Com. the Bureau of the chief bureau sans as well the return at the Op kene tripe to Moscow and contacte the allies of the proletariat but of spected?
from all the five continents, and had also been a member of the The unprecedented cowardice and Trotsky from abroad. Nin and to inform him about the knowing which one to sacrifice: Bukharin: We are a revolution sent them as fully empowered emis Political Bureau of the Chinese, vileness of the Comintern leaderarrest of our group. But we had the Insurgent peasants or the left ary party and we have no fear ofarles. mandatorless into a parties. At a given moment, the a fearful indignation among the members of our group. Glybovski, Nin, nor, Indeed, did we keep up few Russian comrades the Japanese, French, and many other ship after January 6, 1929 aroused national bourgeolate.
were no previous contacts with comrade employing. We must In order to complete this more be able tomorrow than today, ize every method to be mour de mockery of the Jugoslav jwerty this gang was entitled a workers tates the passage to provocateurs. cially among the Left group which had some contacts with factories of cautlousness. soon thereafter means of the constitutional deck song into effect.
Treint: That was the policy of leadership. as a matter of fact. The spirit of bureaucratie Byzan numbered over 50.
slone adopted in the Kuo Min the Marquis de Bouille against the couple of honest workers were in tism reigning throughout the entire and at their head were the motor members who did not par Dragutch was arrested (during his The comrade Nin himself was deported Among them, and a small apparatus group consisted of a live center: from the and comrade before we have been able to win a International in 1987.
to annihilate as by force of arms be the policy of our revolutionary vetime (eg. comrade Djuro Djak provocateurs to worm their way to about 10, and working semi illegal ticipate in the center and of candi arrest at night, on a street in Len solld majority The ter to its extreme logical coneludered by the Jugoslav reaction. In part in the Jugoslay workers Jugoslav national left, which arose sympathizers, liberals who helped fred at comrade Dragulch when he Stalin: Bukharin carries the mat order and Trefnt continued for some time, lion. But thingse who not happen the Jugoslav dock bs these Magie was captured by the Russian demand for underground organiza that time in mod prospection et send for muself. although at that time We possess suficient from the East, nobody from the troops. During the be turned tion and activity and which crew in ing certain imortant Comintern maaid think it necessary to demand his partion. Ercoll does not speak, authority the on ted to leave for Jugoslavia. They after the annihilation of the Zino and peasant questions, was and is he leats towards Trefnt thesta he once again pose the question: To was in the least suspect in Jugo In Leningrad, becoming a district heational narrowess.
Immediately after the conference energetically enough for it. So many things were still unclear to healtates to oppose the leadership Aght or maneuver!
of the Russian party, slavia itself was rested. It was established that an me: both what is and whither Bukharin, finding himself in It is unable and it refuses (fun individual who served as the con things were heading: how reaction tion in China well enough to Treint: do not know the situs under various pretexts to Moscow agitprop (in charge of agitation be and propaganda. From there Gor damentally) to tie tip its own ques tact between our group and the would take shape in the future, critical position, demands that the certain that it would be impossible loned. They already envisaged him to Jugoslavia, placing in his tions and struggles of other left for some time been provocateur about and what were the laws ROVIn short, the mandatories funckich Bukharin. Manuilsky shipped tions and struggle with the ques. district and the Moscow center had and how it had originally come sub committee hear Stalin.
to maneuver withont suffering a While Bukharin is out telephon defeat. Let us admit that the man themselves as complete victors and hands the entire organizational and groups of the forner Comintern (obviously, in order to escape ex. erning the Rimsian revolution.
ing, a conversation ensues between eaver is necessary and possible, what is more important within technical apparatus of the party. The Jugoslav Lefts delude them ile. Members who did not partici CILIGA.
Treint and Ercoli, in which the which does not appear at all cer a month or so, or a half year, or a And in 1928 at the Sixth World selves with thinking that by such pate in the center and candidates (Subsequent issues will carry latter soek as far as to say that tain, then the maneuver must re year they, who were people without Congress he was promoted to the conduct they do not ruin the remained untouched because the the continuation of comrade the polley pursued in China and the main a maneuver.
any by methods employed in the Interna tional are incompatible with the Ercoli: Of course!
The army of the Ruhr began to Treint: Then, demand that we formation of a revolutionary van oppose all attempts of the Wuhan disintegrate!
guard Poinenre let loove a ruthless re.
Stalin arrives. He declares him by force of arms to make respected Practice in the Ruhr in 1923 pression. About 200) arrests were self in agreement with Bukharin. the limitations of the agrarian rev.
made: German workers, wives, Treint does not take the real situa. olution and that very strict instruc young girls, civilians, French wol tion in China into consideration. tions in this sense be attached to several years after the war the was applied in a conscious way.
To fall to take a position at the the directives which stalin proposes French industrialists were in pos By splendid strikes and demondiers and sub offcers were imprispresent time against the peasant to send to Borodin.
session of iron, but they had nostrations in March, 1923 the Ger.
One of the most powerful wea. ten years; the struggle of the Rusrevolts would be to set the left bour Stalin: We are basically in agree coal. And without coal there is no man workers carried out their class Rut fraternization triumphed over pons of a revolutionary Party is its sian Communist Party: the suicidal Beolsle against us. That would ment; but it is useless to send in method of transforming iron into anty. Heroes of the fraternization, the repression!
pre Without literature which ex. With regard to the peasantry: the policy of the Stalinist bureaucracy mean civil war. But the armed structions relating to this problem. steel.
they fell under the fire of the Chinese are comoped out of mercen repeat that we have enough au. The iron magnates looked greed. French soldiers.
in Gelsenkachen, a mutiny took presses the ideas and program of disagreements over such burning aries and we do not dispose of thority in China over the masses ily at the riches of the Ruhr (Ger Appeal to the Soldiers place in a French aviation camp. the party very little substantial problems as National Minorities adequate financial resources to not to need to utilize coercion. many. which had in its soll the have them on our side.
On May 1, the Echo de la Rubr Ten soldiers were arrested. In progress can be made. On every Industrialization, the alliance with Ercoli: Since Stalin bas declared very thing which would permit the issued an appeal to the French Neustadt, the 28th regiment of inportant este cenfronting the the Kuomingtang which destroyed Treint remarks that the mercen himself in base agreement, be French steel mills full workers: American working class such as the the communist movement in China.
sharpshooters refused to ary soldiers, by and large, are ru lieve that Treint can place his blast.
French Soldiers!
fire war danger, trade union problems, the Anglo Rusinn Committee, the Comite des Forges (heavy Comrades!
the German unemployed who had unemployment, the Soviet Union, catastrophe in Germany, etc.
ined pengants who will desert to confidence in comrade Stalin.
Treint: You are the majority, industry monopoly in France) de Greetings from the workers of occupied the City Hall.
participate in the division of the In Duis the Party must get its program be. The first volume of the SELECT land if we support the ED WORKS OF LEON TROTSKY, agrarian you can decide what you like: but manded this coal!
the Ruhr on the 1st of May, the burg. a patrol of Belgian soldiers fore the working class.
revolution. It is not a question of in the supplementary instructions These hidden material interests, holiday of the international pro placed themselves at the head of a Fwpecially today with the bank. The Third International After Len.
paying them with money but of alwhich have requested are not sent cloaked by Poincare with deceptive letariat. Brothers of the lower demonstration, singing the Interna ruptey of the two old Internationals, in fully innotated, will be ready in January. It will be a large vollowing them to pay themselves in to Borodin, will make public my words about security, peace, the Rhine: Your exploiters, your tionale.
the second and the third, is it nekind at the expense of the landed reservations before the plenary maintenance of civilization, pro politicians are trying to incite cessary to bring the revolutionary ume of 400 pages, cloth bound, and proprietors.
session of the Executive.
voked the invasion and the occupa you against the German workers. In a frenzy, Polcare ordered all doctrines of the Fourth Internation will rell for the phenomenalty low Stalin declares that this thesis is disciplined. demand that comrade Bukharin: The minority must be tion of Westphalia and the Ruhr. they tell you that you are Communist headquarters raided and al before as large an audience as price of 00.
correct in goneral but that it can Treint renounce his plan to make the mass of the people accepted and Co. The pockets of our in Plan of Action Formulated going to the Ruhr to fight stinnes occupted. The German comrades possible Every worker who is interested in were sentenced to more than 100 The war in Ethiopia, which obtaining this great work is urged In the dustrialists are no more filled The left bourgeoise is stin public his reservations tr. this marauding expedition.
years of prison.
powerful. Its armles will not disStalin and Ercoli signify their name of the proletariat, the Com than those of your Schneiders and threatens to engult the whole of to send in his advance order imme Repression and Evacuation Publishers.
band in the twinkle of an eye and agreement.
munist party and the Communist Loucheurs. The exploited are the we will then be defeated in evil involved here Treint: So serious a question is Youth in this period proclaimed its workers of the Ruhr and you, In the trial at Mayence, after class a life and death strnggle. The 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
no force on opposition to this new threat of French soldiers. Above the cap parody of Justice, in true military social patriotic position of both the LEWIS ROBS THE TREASURY war before the insurgent agrarlang italist struggle we cry out to style, tens of years of prison sen the face of the coming war neces are able to connect with the prole earth will prevent me from formu. war. In Germany, in the grip of Socialist and Communist parties in John Lewis gave another ev.
tarian Insurrection, Stalin reads ating my reservations in such a nationalism and misery, the could Dot several telegrams from Borodin manner that they will be heard. Orience of French soldiers pres you: Long Live international sol idarity of all workers, those who ay, 10 years: Harduin. Lemire sitates redoubled effort on the partidence of his progressiviem by showing that the leadership of the are you going to employ physical but Ignite new causes of conflict. Wear Overalls as well as those in Lingat, years: the civilians Ben of the Fourth Internationalists to steamrolling a 13, 000 increase in The delegates of the French and uniform! Long live the common kovick, Ben, Lekhnl, Dyshe. Fite, meet the tide of social chauvinism pay for himself from 12, 000 to Kuo Min Thng has decided to violence against me?
Stalin: Don get dramatic.
which will sweep the nation at the 25, 000 in the closing session of the struggle of the workers of Ger etc. German proletariat met in Essen struggle against the agrarian revoontbreak of war.
miners convention. Other cronles lution even at cost of a split with With these words the session ad But this did not in the least unb (Germany) for action amongst the many and France against their Lewis on the executive Board tbe For the task of educating the van.
proletarian masses. They formu exploiters and against imperial. due the spirit of fraternization, Third International. Stalin Journed.
conelades: It is not a question, of Not long after the sending of lated a plan of struggle against ism! Down with militarism! which did more for the evacuation guard in the principles of revolu also had their rake on doubled.
knowing whether the views of Stalin directves to Borodin. Tang their respective governments. The The commander ordered the of the Ruhr than a hundred sit tionary Marxism a strong press dle toward this grand steal was Treint are correct in general but Pin Shan, Communist minister of task was not simple, propaganda posters torn down. The soldiers tings of the League of Nations of knowing whether they can be agriculture in the Kuo Min Tang. for fraternization was difficult. It refused. General Degoutte cenThis fraternization was splendid phlets and books on the fundamen. kelmly expressed by an Indiana del egate, Norrish: We have minapplied in the present situation. To accepted the command of a military was necessary to struggle energetic sored all news bearing on the fra ty organized by the Communist tal problems of the day.
ers that are going barefoot. Isn youth of France as of Germany to maneuver? That is the expedition against the agrarian ally against the chauvinist wave. ternization of the French and Ger Pioneer Publishers is making the present salary plenty to sustain and the Ruhr.
question to be resolved. The sub revolution. The scandal was so. At the beginning of January. man workers.
beginning this direction with the any one in a standard of decency committee must give a clear an great that Stalin had to send a 1923, the French troops, penetrating In October, 1923 all the exploited Let us remember their example publication of THE SELECTED and health.
telegraphie counter order. Tang into German territory, were astonPin San yielded with joy and se. Isbed to read posters on the walls awaited feverishly the German heat this time when the of WORKS OF LEON TROTSKY, at today is immersed in social. patriot Treint: We must Aght!
olution, But the bourgeoisle had taken a calling upon them to fraternize.
ism and in all likelihood has never every worker.
popular prices within the reach of SUBSCRIBERS ATTENTION!
Stalin: To fight now means cer step further. The Chine This was the time in histo We lived through many agon even heard of the famous events of If the number following your tain defent. By maneuvering we ants were defeated and the Chinese that the method laid down by Lenin izing houtre, says a witness and the Ruhr.
The publication of this material name on the wrapper 1s gain time and the possibility of berevolution annihilated.
hero of the drama. We others, And let us learn well from the upon which the movement for the coming stronger and fighting later the Freneh soldiers often posed and the trade unions, imprisoned example of our French and German Fourth International 1s based, will 8 on in conditions where victory can Some month before the working and tortured the militants.
this question: Are we going to be brothers in 1923 for it may not be be of incalculable value to the be counted on.
class, then master of Shanghai, of them were even burned alive in the undertakers of the German long distant when we will be called Party in its work of preparing the your subscription has EX Treint: do not think that de had revolution refused Chiang Kai shek the furnaces of the locomotives at upon to follow in their footsteps. American workers for the struggles PIRED. We urge you to send Yeat is certain today. If we side troops entry into the city. Stalin Chapel. Stalin revolutionary Fraternization Propaganda in your renewal by return mall, against the agrarian risings, we ufted this ban by a telegraphic general had revealed himself to be Leaflets, posters, meetings, pa READ THE NEW MILITANT In these works are to be found tbus Insuring the receipt of will not have the peasants with us order. Once inside Chiang Kai the Gallifet of the Chinese Compers, everything was utilized as an a record of the whole disastrous your copy without interruption.
later: and the proletarian revolucisk closed the halls of the party muve.
antidote to the chauvinist pohon. SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT policy of the Comintern in the last Revolutionary Defeatism in The Press is the Collective Organizer. Lerin Falsely, tion Right pea Eto come