NEW MILITANT VOL. 2, NO. WHOLE NO. 58 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1936 PRICE CENTS Official Organ of the Workers Party of the Milliners Furriers 1700 in Mass Meet Pekin Strike Called Off. Stoppage Strike Is Settled Scotched Paralyzes City in Fight To Remove Police Chief Motor Products Strike Enters its Third Month Rubber Baron Grants Union Demands NEXT WEEK!
Protest Stalin Terror Vote for Resolution Calling for Committee To Probe Charges Made by Ciliga and Tarov NEW YORK. Feb. packed best revolutionists are hounded, Trimmers Suffer Cut As Gold Forces Wretched Plaza roared an enthusiastie. Ayoclaimed Stalin is destroying the hall of over 700 people in Irving jailed, tortured and exiled, he exContract Is Made Be Agreement on Union Anti Bolshevika repressions and can revolution without revolutionhind Closed Doors No Closed Shop ing for a committee to investigate ists. But police terror can never the NEW MILITAVT and Leon 1sm. he concluded, they live on in the Daily Worker frame up against vanquish the great ideas of LeninGreen Succeeds Where As we go to press some of the By RABINOWITZ Bosses and Tear Gas Trotsky the prisons, the solitary confinement millinery workers in New York are The new agreement signed be With the same overwhelming ap. cells and Siberian exile! Proreturning to their shops, while tween the Furriers union and the proval the audience endorsed the longed cheering and Were Powerless applause others await orders from the union employers in New York clearly re sending and the settlement committee.
cablegram of solidarity greeted the conclusion of the speech vealed that the only concern of the and confidence in its name to com. and the meeting ended with the BULLETIN About 15. 000 ladles headwear Stalinists in the leadership of the rade Leon Trotsky in view of the singing of the Internationale.
Maintaining his San Fransisco William workers filed out yesterday mornunion respectability. to curry slanderous charges made against The following is the resolution Detroit Auto Workers Battle Bravely Against Motor strikebreaking record, ing from the uptown. midtown and favor with the of bureau him in the Stalinist scandal sheet. adopted: Dynasty, Police Terror, Dillon Sabotage Green stepped into the Pekin strike downtown shops in stoppage crats and the bosses even at the The speakers at this meeting, in order to club it over the head.
We, over 700 New York work called by the union here. Two balls price of Berliicing the last pre comrades Cannon and Muste, called ery in mass meeting assembled, representative of Green persuadDETROIT, Jan. 30. The strike in Detroit at the Motor Products ed or coerced the unions to call of were filled to capacity tense of struggle.
to protest Stalin terror in the Figorously protest against the plant is entering into its third month. This desperate battle, beginning the strike before an agreement The millinery workers had a pre Surrenders Closed Shop Soviet Union, tashed out against frightful hounding of revolutionliminary shake up a few months as a controversy over wages, has developed into an eple struggle to could be reached in the distillery The union has surrendered its the murderous treatment accorded ists by the Stalin bureaucracy in conquer the right to unionism in the automobile industry.
strike. It goes without saying, that ago when the manufacturers threat demand for a closed shop, entitling to Bolshevik Leninists and the at the Soviet Union; The class conscious automobile manufacturers saw the threatening Police Chief Donahue, the Mayor ened the tunion with a general lock the bosses to fire workers after the tempt to cover it up in the We declare that the terror danger facing all of them in the strike proved successful, and with and the employers were overjoyed.
out. Since then a number of size six months of equal division of by a miserable frame up.
campaign against the true delen. out a moment hesitation or delay.
able concerns left New York, there work. In addition the demand for Muste, in a stirring talk, by swelling the ranks of the unem a labor bureau ders of the Soviet Union seriously the big three declared a truce and was abandoned, answered objections made by many February 5, 1936.
Pekin adds its name to san ployed. Because of the general which empowers the boss to bire uninformed workers who concede scarcity of work and the unprecewhomever be chooses, major the truth of our exposures of the revolution; and aids the forces of counter banded together with the independents to destroy the common foe.
Francisco and Terre Haute, to ai dented number of unemployed there conosco was made when the Stalin clique but who believe the new tradition and weapon of Amer.
was a deep going interest in the Beause in the last agreement, pro publication of such facts has a de We cah for the immediate ces Ford ordered new dies made for ican labor forged in recent years, rotations and in the agreement, viding for an unemployment insur leterious effect on the Soviet Union sation of these persecutions and instrument panels to relieve the Trimmers Lose Out ance fund, pal for by the bosses itself. He pointed to the method the release of all revolutionists embarassment because of the strike This gmall mid western city (pop Agreements were signed with two and administered by the union employed by reactionary trade un now in Stalin Siberia; Hudson began using moulding ulation 17, 000) on the outskirts of associations and many independent was completely omitted in the new ion bureancrats who accuse pro We protest the dastardly atfrom scab shops: Packards used the Illinois coal fields is feeling the shope. The settlements involved the agreement, gressives of injuring the trade tempt of the Daily Worker to power of aroused and enraged rolling machines moved over from cover up this repression by link the Motor Products plant, etc.
following branches. operators, The agreement provides for a ten unions by making known the crimes workingmen.
ing the great co worker of Lenin. Sit. Down Protest over blockers, cutters and trimmers. The percent wage increase, equal divi and misrule of the leading cliques Industrial paralysis gripe the Motor Barons Unyielding of persecutions, Muste Leon Trotsky, with the reactiontown. Nothing moves, plants are: ary Hearst; The automobile barons, determines remained the same as in the old year, no sring of shop chairmen urged, and you will thereby deDischarge Forces shut down, stores and banks are agreement while the trimmers who before March 1, 1937, only two prive the capitalist press of ammu We add our voices to the reed that their industry shall not be Reinstatement closed, the streets are deserted. tainted with any part of unionism, constitute a majority in the trade bors to be permitted to work in nition against the Workers Repub quest that Roger Baldwin under new power is superseding the cap lost one fourth of an hour in over the shop. Agreement to be binding in lic.
take the formation of a commit. resorted to the most violent methods italist city administration the gen to crush the strike and stamp ont case of removal of firm from the Ife was followed by time pay tee for an investigation of the By JACK WILSON comrade James Cannon who explained charges of the Daily Worker with iron any hopes the automobile The administration of the main clty. equal wages for women.
workers may harbor abont organ that a virtual strike of 500 work. ities, milk and fuel are to be deliv.
AKRON, Ohio, Jan. 31. Fear aral strike committee which gives permission as to what necessi ery Union greeted the membership Compared with conditions pre the fundamentals of the Soviet against Leon Trotsky and the NEW MILITANT; izing. Five days after the strike er since Tuesdny noon wouldered, which closes down drugstores to an original method of procedure. vailing in other sections of the state as the greatest labor organwas called the Motor Products Co spread throughout its plants caused and allows pharmaceutical de There wasn a single provision needle industry, this agreement is ization in the world, flayed the de We, furthermore, call upon all joined the National Metal Tracle the Firestone tire company here to made for discussion of the agree the worst. Furthermore, this agreestruction of the Communist party. genuine supporters of the Soviet ment before atificati either ment was signed at the very time the Soviets and the trade Union, workers and intellectuals, rm, it is reliably reported. has today and brought complete victory Association. The Motor Products accede suddenly to unton demands partments to fill out prescriptions, The workers of Pekin, and the chairmen and chairladies meet the is fighting for a re and the degeneration introduced to support the demand for an ining of two weeks ago, or at the newal of its own contract, been henvily subsidized iy Chrysler to rubber workers in their first through them the workers of the very into It hy the Stalinist burenucracy. ternational investigation by an and Ford since the inception of the major open clash with the company rest of the country, will begin to two general membership meetings encouraging token, indeed, for the Comparing the revolutionary meat accepted pro Soviet committee of on Februnry new method of dress bosses in their present consures of well protection utilized in the charges of Tarov and Ciliga strike, with the Intter directing the The immediate issue which in grasp the might of organised labor.
xtrategy of the manufacturers movecensed workers and let to the re. More than that, they will begin to bureaucratic control over a non flict with their own workers The der Lenin with the reactionary concerning Stalin anti Bolshevik There were many dissenting bosses could desire no better uego terror of Stalin under which the repressions.
ments. The Wine is the familiar Cual to opernte their machines see in vagne outlines the workers one he employed in the controversy Tuesday wis the lay off for a week government of the future, voices among the trimmers who tintor for the workers than Ben with General Johnson during the of a unionist, Clay Dick, because he Causes of the Strike suffered by the compromise with Gold.
golden days of the Blue Anglo hada serap with a ace maker The general strike at Pekin grew the manufacturers Even during. The furriers bave written many Don talk, don answer questions, of his departinent one night out ont of the soil of economic and pothe life of the NRA, the trimmers heroic pages in the struggle for don negotiate with my body wide the plaut.
Hitical conditions. As far back as received time and a half for over union conditions, enjoying the best old on tight and keep things in your It was the spark that flamed into August of last year a conflict entime Now with the union agree conditions in the needle Industry Tro highly important articles, the Soviet Union have beeonie own hands. The two federal con deliance the smouldering resued between the union and emment they are entitled to only 25 until internal trife and division in cents extra per hour for overtime, the ranks destroyed a considerable one by Leon Trotsky and another mass force and at the same time ciliators sent in by the Department sentment of workers which has in ployers at the American Distilling But they were submerged by a well part of their prest gains. But with by Tarov, dealing with the the biggest and most tested seeof Labor were given the runaround creased in bitterness during the past Company over the firing of a union until they threw up their hands in two months as speed up attempts engineer. strike followed and organized and well oiled bureaucra the union reunited, it was the hope Bolshevik Leninists in the Soviet tie machine.
tion of the Fourth International despair and Wft for Washington and wage ents made froads into the struggle simmered until about of the furriers that the time had Union, will appear in the next The new article by Taror gives absolutely no negotintions have been the plant.
Another NRA come to Ware determined fight issue of the NEW MILITANT.
for the closed shop and for condi.
further information on the con countenanced since the Tirebuilders in Dept. 16 and Harry Donahue and his deputies The artiele by comrade Trotsky The orations of the officers of the tions that would at least equal the is one of the most heartening and ditions of the Bolshevik Leninists has taken over the reins. The man 17 who are the heart of the pro hurled tear gas the picket line union, including President Zaritsky, standards of the other needle trades Inspiring that has come from his in exile and prison in the Soviet ufacturers Are Niny ignoring auction system, spontaneously with before the plant.
were pretty, superficial and primarlions. But the policy of struggle pen on the Soviet Union in recent Union, the names of the most out the strike.
out any leadership sat down at their Labor solidarity rose to counter 15 shop talk. They lacked inspira: is today alien to the Stalinists who times. In it he takes the figures standing personalities and a vivid In Augury of Future Battles machines, stopping all production of the attack. The Pekin Trades and tion and fighting spirit. Zaritsky now head the union.
printed in the Russian Stalinist narration of Taror escape over Concomitantl, they have unti until the unionist was reinstat Tabor assembly protested the strikeannouncement about his new creaThe Pot of Gold ed, leashed the most violent terror Breaking efforts of Mayor press on the recent party eleanstion of a union NRA fell flat.
In Schurman for his settlement erpresenting the agreement to ing in the Soviet Union and subNobody was interested, and why the membership meeting held at mits them to a searching analy.
Watch for the next issue! or, seen in Detroit since the Ford massWorkers Sit Tight should they be? One lesson the Mecca Temple on Tuesday, Feb. sis. His conclusions, after re der extra copies and bundles in acre years ago. An imposing army The mass protest caught both the forts and demanded the removal of millinery workers have long ago Ben Gold brought all his demagogie advance! Make sure that this of mocuted police, squad cars and company and the union lenders in the chief of police. Fallure to comlearned: whatever they get will be tricks into play to make the fur moving every possible charge of issue of the paper finds its way motor exele details patrol the plant awares. When shift changing time the strike.
exaggeration or partiality, prove into the hands of all our friends only through their own organized (Continued on Page that the Bolshevik Leninists in Braving the sub zero weather.
atrikers in an attempt to break fused to leave the factory, word crews of pickets are patrolling the effort and not because of any out.
and sympathizers!
their spirit and crush their monte. Was passed around of the seriousness city, enforcing the clore order on side force or benevolent individuals.
The mounted police enter inside the of the situation.
The president called his latest creplant gates: the squad cars carry ation a Gentlemen Bourd com The strike Night workers coming to the shops and plants and preventing the seabs to work and police are plant joined in the movement and ranks are swelling: eno workers at sisting of two liberal and hon ext men, who previously served ou stationed in the plant proper to likewise sut down at the tirebuildthe Corn Products Refining Co.
browbeat and terrorive the seribs ing machines. Meanwhile, the millLabor Relations Bourd, and one working inside! Mayor Courensing rooms, and other department voted to join the general strike; professor, who is all good inten.
insists the reign of terror is necess whose work leads up to the actual plckets presented the night shift from entering the Fleishman plant ary for the preservation of peace building of the tires were forced In spite of all these shortcomings. the manager yelled out but he This pioneering skirmish in the to shut down.
the stoppage had a vumber of ad. Simelal to the New Militant)
WAN powerles against the workers The effect of the action is con lattermination for settlement, a generntion ngo, the since the advent of Roosevelt II. great struggle to establish nuto vantages. First and foremost the By JAMES EVANS display of organized strength of the original agrarians were induced to it would be rather surprising fc unionism, furnishes a foretaste of narable to the effect of the closing Looking for Plug Uglies millinery workers, DALLASTex The farmers of emisrnte by the railrond companies pellagra and tuberenlosis did not what ferocinis Labor struggles await of the Toledo Chevrolet transmission. Donahue is at los wits and in doesn make it practice of calling are becoming virtual serfs with land annully, they fought the ranch this crowding of large numbers into seeking devices to break the strike.
regular membership meetings, mass rentals skyrocketing Roosevelt owners who wished to preserve the insufficient accomodations.
The forces of Trades and Labor meetings or any other kind of col Trople may have been dispatched region for grazing purposes. Year lective demonstration, The revi neatly after it hnd served its origl. after year, they cultivated the soil position of fowls with their heads admittedliyoutuber am ont weigh those of the police depart.
brought to the surface many evils ism on its feet. But the AAA back farming territory. Now, the second of them had been counting on the existent therein, and emphasized fire is evident in the spectacle of generation finds itself timpussesed AAA benefits to settle their debts. What this town needs, he says the need of more attention and homeless families trudging the and penniless No ractionaries have said although their tenant neighbors By Richard Fraser stricter control. It gave the work roads, and of abandoned schoolhous. Those who migrate to the cities never had much ground for such to a ma stood solidly with the bloc before him. vixilante commit.
ers a new start to begin a drive ex in once populous communities.
SAN DIEGO. Callf, Fel. 1936 which raised a cry for budustrin tee of about 100 tongh citizens. find neither jobs nor relief awaiting illusions, Since the suspension of The San Diego Labor movement unionism that was hear throughout unfortunately, the for the improvement of working have seen barefooted children, hitch them. Realtors are taking advant. the AAA the bankers and merchants during the past few weeks has been the of larry Steinmetz. Pekin, Ill. has not yet reached the underworld of conditions. It ndoubtedly created hiking with their parents on the age of tite heavy influx to raise the have descended upon these small offering from a severe attack of of the Teachers Union wax instali proportions of that of Chicaco or it spirit of lower cooperation be cold roads, beeglug scraps of food honde rentals: and, in one town of farmers like pacles of wolves. The growing pains. Jeph Casey, aced as the progressive President of St. Louis, otherwise Donahue would work side by side in the shops.
tween the different branches that at hot dog stands wandering con whteh know, it has become almost official farm debt conciliation com inte Const of Organizer, top the local Federated Council. Sincs have found comrades to enforre They will Organize tinually until they meet eventual Impossible to find any vacant dwell. imittees are collapsing because the bureaucrat, is the principle pain that time there has been a constant Inw and order for him.
had These scattered voices who while Roosevelt, Baukhend, and are being torn down both to committeemen may less attention to be proceeded, as an opener, to dis many of the elements of an authen away, where negotiations have Meanwhile in Peoria, seven mile were unable to make their opposi Wallace seek means to pay benefits lliscourage emigration and to the interests of debtors. The com solve on a technicality the entire tie iett wing movement.
tion heard or felt in this stoppage due to landlords, the tenant tarm exact higher rents from employed mittee chairmen, generally lawyers, Labor Council during its weekly And then came Casey. failed, seven companies of militia.
will eventually combine in an orers and the small owners are being workers. Over one thousand houses are now insisting that the farmers session on men have been held in readiness Jan. 15.
This attack is the continention for several days awaiting a call to gantsed force to fight against the turned adrift like abandoned mules. bave been destroyed in the city of arrauge individual settlements of Since that time there has been of a victons campion of reaction so into Pekin to break the strike.
Why the hesitancy? Is it because ership of the Millionery Union. They struggle to rent any land that has pers, stranded on the outskirts of Rains county fell for this line, only in bor movement due to the bureau iven started a short time ago by the authorities belleve the very fons during the life of the agree on whatever terms the landlords lid tent cities and living from To date, there have been no pen Green Intest personal represent. Lewis, in his attempted purze o would over awe the strikers!
ment, when it is under consideramy care to offer. These gentle putrid deposits of garbage. ny sales conducted by the farmers ative, Casey, in his attempt to break the militant Minneapolis Unions, do tbey fear a reception for the tion and even during a stoppage. or men are demading enormously in Unspeakable Misery a strike.
themselves as in the West and the Federated Trade Conseil The next point of attack is the Wes militia such as was accorded them creased payments and crop shares In many cases rural families are Middle West.
Control It is interesting to note that the before they will sign any contracts, being forced to double up with Tenant Farmers Union is constantly Coast where the voice of the rank in Toledo a year and a half ago?
Through a gradual process the file is to beginn her relatives who have not yet been increasing its membership in Tex more progressive nominal opposition that has existed Or are they awaiting a convenient Two Generations elements have The San Diego Federated Trades provocation, some frame up insti.
for the last few years in the mil In Crosby county, on the South evicted. When it is recalled that as, with the locals meeting under been shifting into the Federated Coimeji and the West Coast local cated ed by the chief of police linery trade under the name Rank Plains, more than 250 families are Southern rural families are general ground in the Black Belt. The Trades Council until last Fall they of the Seamen Union are being Whatever the reason may be the and File Committee (a Stalinist without farms or any other pros ly large and that the diets are gen. Texas histories do not mention the were able to muster an overwhelm attacked simultaneously, stouge organization) which in the pects of making livings for the com erally inadequate, one can visualize fact, but this state has witnessed ing majority in the election. Xweep.
delay in sending the troops to Pekin An Open Shop Tower is testimony to the power of the third period called for strikes ing season. The farmers of this the intensified misery that comes an unbroken series of agrarian ing out the reactionary control. At over the heads of the officialdom. aren experienced drought on top of from this forced adjustment. Fit struggles, characterized San Diego is notoriously open general strike and a sign of the by the the State Convention of the Fshop town, the boast of the Chamber combustibility of the labor xitun could not be heard even in whispers the AAA during 1984. When the teen or twenty people may be found wual brutality of landlords toward of held here last Fall the dele of Commerce to Eastern focustrial tlon which the bosses and authoriduring this stoppage.
Western part of the state was openedl living in some three room shanty, tenants.
gates from San Diego unions almost (Continued on Page 2) ties fear to ignite.
the border HungerStalks Poor Texas Farms As Roosevelt Plans Take Effect more clemencarnadest one in the Labor Skate Disbands Militant combine end absen San Diego City Labor Council Or