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Danger in Scottsboro nsurin possibility.
PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1986 The War Policy of Imperialism The Aggressor and Status Quo This type of neutrality legislation is the most openly of all an integral part of war program. Since the NEUTRALITY LAWS AND WAR question of who is the aggressor is purely Juridical and moral in character all capitalist nations being equally involved in the internaPacifism versus Revolutionary Policy tion system which inevitably AN EDITORIAL breeds ware such a doctrine 18 By JOHN WEST this country.
Infringe the entirely reasonable the system which supports its no senere was found that one to my brother Tas Scottsboro cases are in court again.
At bo time since their original trial has the mass movement striking indication of the depth The New York Times, authentic rights of the honest neutral Uncle cial position to collapse without a sible way in which nations to whom Uncontrollable forces on the whole, maintenance of the of protest on behalf of the nine innocent boys been at a lower ebb.
of the war crisis is the fact that, voice of finance capital, sums the sam, who asks only pence and free struggle.
status quo is desirable, can plan to At no time bas the need for such a movement been greater, as the during these first weeks of the matter up succinctly, Jan. 19th, in dom. This is naturally a severe would wedge through any concely secure such maintenance. This ap energetic attempts of trial Judge Callahan to rush the Arat case through to a conviction indicates.
hearings and debate over neutral Neutrality. In the last analysis. shock to capitalists. They who doubt this need only slance eaucracy. The status quo is also ity legislation have received more must always present itself to this can put up with it for a time, and over recent monthly foreign trade on the whole, desired by British To frustrate and expose these efforts of the prosecution and to newspaper space and headlines than country as a problem in trade reto a certain point. But, after all, reports during the period of opera and French Imperialism, but they back up the legal defense, a brond campaign of counter pressures any other Congressional news more lations. Nor is the problem pelu. the honor of a great nation, and the tion of the temporary folationist and acceptance of the extreme imperatively necessary.
even than the potently vote corall Warly Amerilen. Augur, the brilliant profits and potential profits of its neutrality legislation adopted last theory of sanctions too risky. They Thor recently counts for a peenise him mitterem hoede ver menter Ing Bonus Senator Nye is becoming director of the Times foreign serv. capitalista, can endure only so much. summer.
advocate it therefore in a diluted New York City for January 26. This will be held, however, the a name for housewives and ward ice, somewhat grimly applies the After all. economies is not every What then is the function of 180 form.
trial is over!
heelers to conjure with Every day lesson to England: Britain will arm thing. When honor is at stake, more lationist neutrality propaganda? The also wants for the time During the month preceding the trial, when such protests are brings a Juley scandal from the files to the teeth not for war but for the vulgar considerations must go by It too has a basic part to play in being, the status quo. But the most effective, the LD. did not call a single mass meeting or dem the war program of imperial does not so imperiously need to of the State Department or Morgan defense of peace.
onstration in New York City specifically in support of the boys. The Co. Carter Glass plays his favor These are serious men, wbo know So, with infinite regret, and a ism. The does not need to take dangerous steps to gain this only such meeting held was that of January 8, called by the New York Ite role of ancient Roman Senator what they are talking about. call on all classes for truly patriotic enter the coming war at the outset. end, nor does the Isolationist branch of the Non Partisan Labor Defense. Conditions in the rest of denouncing the desecrators of the Chloroform for the Masses sacrifice, the war to defend the The probable strategy wll be to tradition make a sanctions doc the country appear to be the same temple, and defends the honor of his rights of the neutral and peace wait until the opponents are to some trine easy to come out with openly The Committee has just published a pamphlet, The Scottabon war time leader who was besides, No, it is not these who doubt that loving United States is declared.
extent exhausted, and then to step However, even the present proposed in holding the decisive position neutrality legislation, nominally apCase. This pamphlet asks readers to send the Committee money.
sir, Southern gentleman agains: the neutrality policy of a capitalist Money for defense is a good thing. Why not also ask readers to send Nye infamous accusations, The Doctrine of Isolation The state is part of its war program. though a preventive war against plying equally to all belligerents, a letter of protest to Gov. Bibb Graves of Alabama or to Lt. Gov. Tom resigning monarch of the House of who delude themselves with the (2) The second neutrality policy Japan is not excluded. contains something of the San a means for Morgan smokes his big pipe, willes myth Knight, the adopt outor! Why not call for mass meeting Why not ask readers to get their has also a long Consequently, the rulers of the tions against now current, aggressor Idea: in organizations to jovially at reporters, and poses with peace.
It is, unfortunately, the history, is the program of isola can afford the luxury of a more in effect it works out to ald one or the his Inquisitors for the cameramen. masses too trusting and too des tion. This is a favorite of liberals, direct long term preparation for the other side, just as freedon of the and demonstrations throughout the country?
perately eager to grasp at any straw the avowed theory of Senator Nye. war than is possible to the hard seas in the last war acted in part The pamphlet contains a four page chronological outline of the Neutrality of hard he new labeled peace. who cberish such and, in a somewhat different form, pressed European nations. Preparus sanctions against Germany.
formal developments in the case and 19 pages of Judge Horton problem. Particularly in the United illusions. And the masses do so. of Hearst. This doctrine says that ation for war means not merely Later on the need of imperidecision, when he set aside the second conviction of Patterson on the States have the conceptions of above all, because they are deceived freedom of the seas must be building armaments, collecting realism to smooth the way for the grounds that it was contrary to the evidence. The introduction to this neutrality, neutrality policy and and confused by the horde of false abandoned, since it got us into the serves of material, and organizing declaration of war may require material, signed by the Committee, states. In our judgment no one who reads Judge Horton temperate and checkered career Around these spread the lies and distortions. next. The will have to solate in the present era, the psycholog or declarations. Roosevelt annual fair statement of the evidence can fail to conclude that the Scottsboro conceptions have revolved the lead. From within and outside the work itself rigidly from any war situa ical and moral preparation of message, with its attack on auto boys are wholly Innocent of the charge of rape.
ing ideas of American foreign policy ing class, the pacifists and social tion, will have to remain in strict masses for war. The masses must cratic war making dictatorships Let us not recall that when Horton issued his decision in June, as a whole. They deserve careful patriots carry forward betrayal. financial and economic quarantine, be led to see the war as just To foreshadowed such analysis 1933 the stated that his motive was to make it easier to kill the accomplish this, they must be sys. which would make it easy for a boys. Let us not even stop to ask why the Committee now goes out of It is they who advise the masses. sacrificing the war profits. Neutrality Part of War Policy Support strong neutrality legislaThe neutrality bills now before tematically deceived as to the true moral mobilization of the nation in its way to praise the judge for his fairness in deciding not to join a tion, and strike a blow peace. Congress are on the whole hybrid nature and cause of war. In such a war against the aggressor. The first and essential pre requl. Which, translated, means: Support of this second type and the first deception in this country, the doc against fascism, tyranny and millynch party.
site to an understanding of the con the war program of the Let is simply ask this: how is that the jury which heard all the list The doctrine of solation is a trine of isolation plays a great part, itarism cept of neutrality and any specific In vicious and fatal myth. In terms creating the grossest pacifist illu evidence which Judge Horton heard, concluded that the boys were neutrality proposals or legislation is state, and prepare for Series list the coming war, of historical actuality, isolation for sions. By its falsification of the real An examination in the concrete gullty. Apparently there are exceptions to the no one who rende to realize that such a concept of The neutrality proposals promin the is simply a direct impossl position of the it hinders the of proposed forms of neutrality leg.
rule laid down by the Committee. And the main exception seems to be a fundamental part of the war policy ont at present can be divided into llity. What could it possibly mean? development of the genuine fight islation only serves to establish Alabama Jurlea! With them, at least, evidence does not decide of the United States (or of any three major types: Even if which is also impossible against war, and directs the energy mone in general to begin with statements, etc. gives only one reason for supporting the boys: that The Scottsboro Defense Committee. in all its news releases, unquestionably what is clear other capitalist state which makes Freedom of the Seas foreign commerce to warring nations those seeking peace into the enough they are innocent.
use of them. This hasle fact is could be cut off entirely, it is neces harmless chase after a will o the Neutrality legislation of any sort (1) The traditional neutrality sary to remember that econo wlsp.
whatever on the part of a capitalist But they will never be acquitted if the fight is made simply on a no doubt obfcured by the attitude policy of the United States since mic enterprise is not at all confined (3) The third current doctrine state is and can be nothing else legal basis.
ferrard one titrelit, molle veutralites. its foundation has been the doctrine at any time to the geographical of neutrality is the American counthan one aspect of its war program The only sure fortress of the Scottsboro boys is the masson. Only the liberals, the Nation, the New the freedom of the seas. The boundaries of the nation. American terpart of the theory of sane Different types of neutrality legisla a militant campaign of mass protest can force court and Jury and the Republic, the Daily Worker, the New theory of this doctrine is that the capital owns or is invested in in tions. Secretary Hull has dirted tion are only different theories of class forces behind them to heed the laws and to heed the evidence That is the lesson of hundreds of labor enses. It is the lesson of five It none the less remains a fact for vold all foreign entanglements. world automobile and airplane foremost supporter in this country terests of the baste war program. years of Scottboro itself.
all that; and it could not be other shall be left free to carry on trade transportation and communication with the organizations under its in. We can and must conclude that admit that we feel uncertain of its reception. The New York Times In calling this lesson to the attention of the Committee, we must wise.
The business of the state is to over the high seas with any custom systems, mines, plantations, public fluence. This is the doctrine of Lit. advocacy and support of neutrality serve the interests of capital. These ers they may choose.
utilities, railroads, to mention only vinov, applied by the sections legislation is necessarily advocacy reports, obviously after an interview with Leibowitz, that the defense is going to test the theory of winning this case by keeping radicals interests, from time to time, reach Hull made statements in part ap under the rule of year ago Secretary of State a few. What would happen to these within capitalist nations in the and support of the war program of out of the picture.
solation name way Litvinov applies it the imperialist state. Such advo.
The buys were arrested, charged, tried and convicted before a that a temporary solution can be parently abandoning this traditional Would capitalists sit back as spokesinan for the Sovet State cacy and support within the workradical or a liberal or a Yankee intervened in their behalf. The cry reached only through war. Modern doctrine. And there is no doubt quietly and allow the warring na The baste pre requisites of neu ing class, therefore, is a form of be of Reds is a prosecution trick. The intention of Leibowitz, which be war is gigantic and involved that the publicity given its con. tions to take them over? Woula trality legislation according to this trayal on the question of war. It undertaking, and must be system fall into a certain public disfavor, forbidden to trade with the bel. Workerelven by the Dally must be exposed. fought against has carried out successfully for three years thanks to the is to sequences in 1914 17 has made it such industries also (and how. the theory, Jan. 2, are. 1) Recogni and eliminated.
run everybody out of the case except reactionaries, and to see that the atically prepared for over lons Nevertheless it remains a a corner ligerents. tion of world collective action to There is only one struggle agains mass campaign stays at its present low ebb or sinks even lower maintain pence. 2) branding of an war: the revolutionary struggle Before one asks whether the Committee will be able to stop his part of the preparation is the build stone of policy. The AdminiLife Blood of Imperialism stration Neutrality Bll, when ining of armaments. But there is more troduced, contained it in a modified aggressor. 3) lifting of arms em against the system that breeds war, plans, one must ask whether the Committee intends to. The Committee But what an absurdity to suppose bargo against the victim of aggres the struggle for world socialism states that it has retained Leibowitz and his reactionary Huntsville, to it than this. Speeches, laws, form in the clause permitting. le, that even commerce could be shut Sion, tightening it against an AG Let us put an end to the deadly Ala. associate, Clarence Watta. Then is not Leibowitz strategy the are one vastly important part of the demanding) normal trade with down. In an Imperialist nation, GRESSOR. 4) arms embargoes to myth that the war makers the strategy of the Committee? Then how can the Committee organize a preparation.
belligerents in all but actual war foreign investment and trade (how. be extended not only to fnancial capitalist states are going to be as protest campaign?
munitions. Great leeway is allowed ever small a percentage of total aid to an aggressor, but to include the ones to do away with that Before it is too late and dire consequences result, we call upon How else conld they be under for the definition of normal trade, turnover they may represent) are the MOST VITAL war materials of through which alone they endure. the Scottsboro Defense Committee to reconsider its policy. The ScottsUndoubtedly, on any ac and no provision is made to shut essential to the functioning of cap. todasoll, cotton, copper, fron, and the struggle against war is nothing boro boys are in grave danger. Only a broadly organized, akresiewe count, they have something to do off indirect shipment to belligerents Italist economy. Without it, imper such other raw materials in which other than the class struggle for movement of mass protest can save them. The only victory is freedom.
with the problem of war. But, we through neutrals. It should also talism collapses. No class can allow American supplies are decisive.
are told they are efforts to maintain be remembered that incrensed trade workers power Leibowitz policy will never get it.
and secure peace not at all part of with future belligerents begins in the preparation for war. This, advance of actual hostilities, during European banks have about three aged to put Congress on record, cessation of transatlantic trade.
however, could be true only if peace the period of the rapid accumulation and one halt billions of dollars in against what he called the intoler. He felt that the pressure of this were possible under onpitalism. We of war reserves that almost any sold in their vaults, said Langing, able Attitude of Britain interferknow that it is not. We know that amount of trade could in fact be He insisted it would be disastrous ence with the freedom of the seas approaching crisis had gone beyond capitalism leads inevitably to war to withdraw any considerable am Wilson intervention for peace at the ability of the Morgan financial We know that the program of every however, was not enough. Under the defined as normal.
ount, and if the European counthat particular time, has been char agency meaning that it was time capitalist state is necessarily a war pressure of Bornh and other tratries cannot find the means to pay acterized by Senator Clark, of the for the government to inter(Continged from Page 1)
program. For the capitalist state ditional Senators, an amending son expressed the wish that such thus causing a proportionate draft terms definitely to the ad they would have to stop buying. Nye committee, as an effort to rene directly.
to abandon a war program woula clause has been inserted to guaran the profits out of war. Besides loans should not be made Shortly shrinkage of American export vantage of the Allies, terms which Page Letter be simply for it abdiente, since only tee continued full upholding of the Wan Street can still be consoled thereafter, Robert Lansing trade The result, said Lansing Germany was sure to refuse, there should go to war with through war enn It endure. Con freedom of the sens doctrine. with the comment by the New York Councillor of the Department of would be restriction of outputs, by opening the way for our en Germany. sald Ambassador Pago we sequently, neutrality measures can be understood only as part of the Profits, Trade and War Times on these investigations, that state, authorized the bankers to ex industrial depression, idle capital trance Into the war on the Allies the greatest help we could give the war program of the capitalist state. This doctrive is consistent and wen exploded, with little or no ever, not to submit the question to financial demoralization and genertial elections of 1916 Wilson could further on in the same cable he Who Believes Neutrality Means realistic. It is entirely false to damage.
believe that American capitalista It is to be expected that the bank ion. Purchases of munitions and al unrest. It would there roll up a plurality vote on the slo added: Perhaps our going to war want war.
Who is it that doubts this? Who bey want profits. They strongly as much as they now like the Ne Like other capitalists, ers like these investigations about other war material by the alled Lansing, to adopt a policy of ex reality the way had already been Inent trade position can be mainpowers Increased in volume at a tending loans.
believes that neutrality measures prefer to gain profits peacefully. Deal. But for Roosevelt this is one rapid pace. From then on began opened for America entrance into tained and a panic averted.
In the characteristic manner of the war on the side of the Allies few weeks later the United not Roosevelt on Friday in his an expensive, bazardous undertakayecific aims. In his recent messages Anance capital, and especially of secret diplomacy Wilson answered: Lousing Gives Game Away States declared war on Germany Annual message he states that ing, and resides they have moral to Congress the neutrality policy the House of Morgan.
In March, 1917, Wilson proposed and when it was over 120, 000 Ameradequate neutrality legislation is scruples against it. So they ask, in stood out prominently. Yet his budwill take no action either for or his fateful declaration of war, pro Ican soldiers had lost their lives the major task of the present al sincerity, only to carry on their get message proposed to set aside Morgan Turns on the Heat against such a transaction. but claimed to be the result of the loss while another 182, 700 were wounsession. On Monday he follows with trade in peace. Those nations can about a billion dollars for the 1968 of Lansing the House of Morgan so far as we are concerned, and people, in the unrestricted subma Charles Beard, in his American Apparently following the advice that this should be orally conveyed, of lives of peaceful and innocent ded. But according to testimony of his annual budget providing an into the fighting, and the cap. armament expenditures, crease of 200 millions in the ap italists will stick to their profits.
carried on secret negotiations for not put in writing.
rine warfare that Germany put into Leviathan, the American corporapropriation of the regular budget The comparative geographical isoA Sham Opposition a 100, 000, 000 loan to the allied The policy on war loans thus effect. But in the voluminous doc tions, which became the merchants for military preparation with no lation of the and its immense It is one thing telling how much more will flow material sources give a semblance banker og to investigate the powers. But the task of changing changed. The House of Morgan umentation, the state correspond of death; filled their coffers with but it is somethine en the government policy against floated not a mere 100, 000, 000 but ence and the correspondence of the gold. These corporations made profrom relief funds. As Roosevelt ok plausibility to this iden, since tirely different to take steps toward loans still remained, and an oppor loans totalling in excess of one bil. International bankers, nothing of fits of thirty eight billion dollars.
knows, these are simply two sides the use is not so immediately in a change of the system that makes tunity to do so soon came. In Aug lion dollars. Morgan turned the importance is said about the unre over and above all deductions, inof the same program There is no volved in International political Wall Street possible. The Wilson ust 1915 there was a crisis of ex. heat on the munition manufactur. stricted submarine warfare, except cluding excess profit taxes. For contradiction whatever them. It is not learst. He But such are the perversities of the whole much in the present situ Morgan had supported sterling, came the sole purchasing agency for planned polley of entry into the war, tive business.
between disputes as are European nations of opposition to the bankers, on clined. Previously the House of heavily. The House of Morgan be as cover for the deliberately war became an exceedingly lucrathe form of Solation. And be of the capitalists runs into a and where in the decisive moments and for obvious reasons. Bankers, the tune of a total of three billion sed y Ambassador Page from Lon Thus the renl causes of America Also, quite unturally, is a major jam. Other nations, struckling for the real and the important pressure including governors of Federal Re dollars for which it received the don to the State Department, under entrance into the world war are rechampion of big navies in order, as their political lives, cannot permit was applied has been shown very serve Districts, quickly made thelr handsome commission of 30, 000, date of March 5, 1917, het landets bede medicamente sobre freedom of the seas without de clearly by the records of the De presentation to the Department or 600. contracts Torwart materiais vealing. Interse language Tt states became the principal object in the most revealed. While the House of Morgan League, which with all its howling have the freedom. so far as pospartment of State, brought out in State. In the language about military expenditure and not to their enemies. Nations fight for economy, never says a word Nible, apply only to themselves, and the hearings of the Nye committee committee, they turned the heat which Morgan had what he de trance into the war. Ambassador cluded, we do not of course, face thorougly concurs the plan towers in order to win them. Thustion was committed to a policy of wipe out all prots on goods sold example of this there is the United the American Anancial and indurstigators of war. On the contrary.
world war the Wilson administra that the decline of sterling would negligible interest. As one condition At a very early stage of the on. They visualized the danger scribed to the committee hearings Page stated that the International the problem of one individual, or most alarming to some individuals, as the aotual ioIt is not General Smedley Butler.
have a strong neutrality program. the warring nations are forced to strict neutrality, according to the even before it was actually deliv. States Steel Corporation, organized trial outlook. Page complained What we face is the system that In his speech to the American Lea.
gue at Clevelan records of the committee. When the cred. Robert Lansing, now Secre by the elder Morgan, who received that the allied powers could not inevitably produces wars; and a he showed the BORO PARK OPEN FORUM question of loans to the allied pow. tary of State, wrote his famous let a promotion fee of 125, 000, 000 in make shipments in gold to pay for class, the bourgeoisie, the representdelegates clearly enough if they The People Front ers by the American bankers was ter to Wilsona letter never includ cash and common stocks. This purchases in the United States and atives of finance capital and of the had wanted to listen how nentral Speaker first broached, Jennings Bryan, ed in Lansing Memotrs. He esti alone would suggest the degree of said that: The almost immediate Industrial corporations, in collusion ity and a modern mechanized army MAX SHACHTMAN who was then Secretary of State, mated that for the year 1915, ex interest held by the House of Mor danger, therefore, is that Franco with their agents in governmental and navy ko hand in hand together.
formulated an adverse opinion set cess exports over imports would san in Steel American and Anglo American er positions, that engineer the plane It is not Morgan. He and the Nye Friday, January 31, P.
down in a letter of January 20, reach the stupendous sum of two Boro Park Labor Lyceum stm after this change of policy change will be so disturbed that or and preparations for war. To the Committee collaborate harmoniously 1915, saying that, money is the and a half billion dollars. The pre on war loans and after the initial ders by all the allied governments working class this is the real enemy.
In the mutual effort to work out a 42nd St. and 14th Ave. worst form contraband because war average had been about half a heavy deliveries of war materials will be reduced to the lowest mint satisfactory neutrality program for Brooklyn, NY lit commands everything else. W11 billion. It is estimated that the to the allied powers, Wilson man. mum, and there will be almost SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT 28 stood. Morgan Coined Gold Out of Workers Blood Even this In SPEAKERS: Stalin Terror Against Bolsheviks Sunday Evening P. Feb. Irving Plaza Hall 15 Street at Irving Place JAMES CANNON MESTE