AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalItalyKamenevLeninLeninismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyVictor SergeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1936 WZW ME ZITANT PAGE Jugoslav Communist Bares Stalin Anti Bolshevik Terror hunger Who Are the Exiled Revolutionists In Jails and Concentration Camps?
at was Riutin situation of ski, both of the Democratie Cenocratic Centralists, Smirnov, deavored to sway the Zinovlev. Continued from Page 1)
tralism group (the Sapronoviats. did a 35 day hunger strike for this is to be found. He served his five ists. In the course of the affair it consulate on the subject of my pass modest demand. Several dozen years at Sousdal in 1935; he was was shown that the perport, without giving me any kind others at liberty for half a month at Oulesuaded and tried to force the Zino.
have conducted of document to confirm the confis. strikes for establishing a regime la (Oirat Tour) and at the present vlevists to bear witness that the had swayed time he has been imprisoned for oppositionists cation of this material, for political prisoners in the camps.
another five year term at Sousdal. them. The Zinovievists sent a sen.
In the struggle for this demand The Concentration tatal accidents occurred in the Voya Voyovitch, former secretaryeral statement about this affair to Camps Marinski camp (among the anar IN HIS letter, Dr. Anton Clliga mentions by name of the Left Opposition in Leningrad. Arrested at the of the also to be found the prosecuting attorney of the chists. group of prisoners in scores of men and women jailed and exiled and end of 1927.
at Verkhni Uralsk (with the sister the local was acting in a On the concentration camps.
the Solovki and certain individuals turtured by Stallo and his henchmen. Many of those in the Ukht Pecherski and Marin nentioned by comrade Ciliga have been languishing party since 1917. When Denikin hoards raged over of the change that has taken place from Moscow. At present the whole The new and most frightful ski camps have succeeded in ob MOUSSIA MAGID: Member of the Bolshevik of Unschlicht. Taking advantage provocative way on Instructions in Stalinist dungeons for years: thus among the scourse for those who are persecuted taining a partial regime for polit. prisoners mentioned by him are to be found many or politically in Russia is the concenical prisoners, but a large majority the Ukraine she worked in the Bolshevik underground in the prisoner personnel, the ad group has been in prison for three those listed in the Bunetin of the Russian Opposition movement. Jalled for supporting the Left Opposition ministration has again worsened months, the hearing is over and a tration camp. There are many con of the prisoners, principally in the (No. 19, March 1980) among MEDVEDIEV: Metal worker. Member of the legal conditions and the rations decision is awaited from Moscow.
centration camps in Russia, in Marinski and Karagandiski cumps, are: Dorochenko, Victor Krayny (driven to Insanity. the party since 1901 (Iskrrovitx)Bolshevik since of the prisoners. Famine rations Help the Exiles!
machew Pharaohs ladiers the Marinski camp, durlug sumuner. among the Democratic centralists are: Davidov, the Ozar. Participant of the October Revolution, ularly in the penitentiaries of Yaro To compel Moscow to provide hundreds of thousands of workers the anarchist Sandemiskywem incarcerated since 1929 1930, that is for over bein in 1920 Chairman of the All Russian Trade Union of the decrease in construction during work for the exiles to eliminate El these places educate a group of prisoners (among them Essayan, Smirnov and others. These men have been Member of All Russian since October, 1917: Slav and of Verkhnt Uralsk. With and peasants and tens of thousands forced to walk, or rather to run, to years.
Metal Workers. Supporter of the Workers Opposi the second Five Year Plan, unem. the famine rations in the penitenof criminals, receiving in exchange their jobs in the fields, which were tion.
ployment has become a daily phe taries, to release political prison.
Stalin persecutes not only his political opponents nomenon in exile. At Yenisselsk, ers from the concentration campe.
gratuitous labor. The peasant wo at a distance of ten kllometers from but their next of kin. Comrade Cllisa references SMILGA: Pensant by birth; member of the where spent my last year, half to release from exile and from men and female criminals who are their quarters, where they worked to wives, sisters, children, etc. of the prisoners de Bolshevik party since 1907; twice in exile under the among them are sentenced to until late into the night. serve the men and are placed in note this clearly enough. The persecution of Trot. Czar: elected member of the In 1917; active of the exiles literally starved to dungeons and to allow the Jugoparticipant in the civil war; member of the Revoluthe condition of practically forced Upon expiration of his sentence sky son is not an exception but the rule.
rival to the concentration camp. and Haeberling to return abroadprostitution.
Here are the records of a few of Stalin victims: tionary War Soviet member of the Supreme Econo Belov, became ill because of malnu these tasks leave me no peace, in the summer of 1935, Dingelstedt was removed from the Solovki and KAMENEV: One of the closest collaborators mle Council in 1921, etc. Jalled by Stalin in 1927. SMIRNOV: Old Bolshevik: after February the eyes of all.
trition and died of hunger before think of them day and night. And sentexiled to Ata, Kraskin to The same news am rendy to do everything In my to my knowledge, into four camperurukhansk, unit is necessary at an arrested in a student demonstration in 1902. Worked Revolution worked in Moscow as one of the editors arrives from Minussinsk, in Central power to relieve the talen hele Ukht Pocherskt (Zyryan. Marinski costs to secure the liberation of po. In the Moscow Bolshevik organization. Participated of the Bolshevik paper there. active participant in Asia, from the Narym Province of hundreds of comrades with whom (Central Siberia. Karagandinski litical prisoners from the concen in the Third and the London Congresses of the party the October Revolution. member of the Revolution Archangel. At sinussiisk, there spent five and a half years in (coal mines of Kazakstan) and the tration camps and to put a stop to During the 1905 revolution worked in Petrograd up ary Military Committee of the Moscow Solovieczki Islands in the month the practice of sending them there. to 1908 when he was again arrested. After arrest he October; participated in the street battles in Moscow. Nousia Magia, Dorochenko, Ya terrible situation am so well and strike broke out in the penitentiary Life in the Peniten and Zinovlev. In 1013 he was ordered by the tionary War Committee; in active service with the At Yentsselsk. Papermeister Pavel, something can be achieved by the The prisoners tiaries demanded that an end be made of to Petrograd. Arrested in 1914 and extled to Siberia: army that fought the Czechoslovak divisions and Balmonchor, Grall, Doubenbaum pressure of the European workers Member of the C: Chairman of the All Russian Kolchak, etc. Under Stalin lock and key since 1927. Kolomenko; the Viennese Long and of the democratic movement, these additional sentences of im. Some remarks on the peniten etc. etc.
prisonment, and the immediate reC. Chairman of the Moscow Soviet (1918 cialist war worked In Petersburg and abroad under of work. the SR s, Teodor Isaie tarles, penitentiaries and in oxile.
SHLYAPNIKOV: Communist; during the imper. er (he is systematically deprived On political life in the soll.
lease of men arbitrarily held in tiarles and exlle.
this way (that is to say, two thirds ZINOVIEV: One of the closest collaborators of the direction of the establishing contacts for vitch Trederbanm. Mare Levine, There remains too little time to In the solitary confinement cells Lenin. Member of the party since 1901. Organized the center. People Commissar of Labor after the Pra Lasman, the left s, the enable me to describe this aspect wat he prisoners) The hunger strike of the penitentiary of Verkhnt. Bolshevik group in rerne. In 19105 came to Petro October Revolution. Leader of the so called Work brother and sister Louirsin, the of the situation as it warrants. It Zionists, Bernstein and Kogan: the will be necessary to do it separateby the dispersal of the comrades to time the principal part of the Zino Participated in the London Party Congress where he various penitentiarles, concentra. vlevists (Zinoviev, Kamenev. Kuk was erected member of the on which he re.
VOYA VUYOVICH: Erstwhile Secretary of the sister of Medvedyer and a large ls and a little later, in a week or Young Communist International. Exiled for his sup number of Leningradists.
tion camps, and by forced feeding. line, Zalutski and also Smilga. mained until Stalin came along. Arrested in 1908 port of the Zinovlev group.
two. may say, in a few words, Nearly 30 comrades were then sent also the well known leaders of the after his arrest went abroad to collaborate most In the spring of 1935, Siberia that at Verkhni Uralsk the political to the concentration camps: most Workers Opposition, Shllapnikov closely with Lenin (Zimmerwald; Klenthal. Then there are countless others, not named by was alled up with Leningradists. life was very intense, a host of of them, headed by the strike com. 11 and deaf. and Medvedyev, the turned to Russia in April, 1917 together with lenin jails.
Re Dr. Ciliga. languishing in Stalin Thermidorian They were transported there in en articles used to appear on all quesmittee (Theodor Dingelstedt, Jo. leader of the Democratic Central Among them, for example, is Victor Serge tire trainlonds, whole families with tons of social life in the seph Krishin, Sasha siltinski) were ism group, who directed the insur. the Petersburg Sovlet; Chairman of the Executive exlled not for his activities, but merely for his symafter the July days went into hiding. Chairman of writer and historian of the Russian Revolution, children, wives, parents, etc. Many and also on the principal question sent to the Solovletzki Islands rection of October 1917 at Moscow, Committee Communist International, etc.
of them have been sent into places of international politics during the Some of them. Indo Yepoukidne, former secretary of the pathies with Trotsky and the Bolshevik Leninists. which are all the way north: 0b period 1930 33: Fascism, Germany nephew of the famous ex secretary the time of Leniu, the old worker.
THEODOR DINGLESTEDT: Member of the Assassination and physical extermination: Blum.
dorsk, Doudinno. Vorilsk, Turak series of papers appeared (writof the Bielov, G, Boiko. Bolshevik Timophee Sapronov (he Bolshevik party since 1910; member of the Petrograd kin, murdered in cold blood by the Butov, hansk, Verkhnelarsk. Several tens ten by hand. issued by all the etc. to the Ukht Pecherski camp. is seriously ill and unless the Eu of the Russian Revolutiou; active participant in the Committee of the party during the February period driven by the torture to suicideKote of thousands of comrades were ex groupe, sub groups and currents.
In the summer of 1985, almost the ropean proletariat releases him October Revolution.
Zingadze, denied medical attention, exiled to unbear lled from Leningrad group of Great discussions were held.
whole Bolshevik Leninist colony of from the penitentiary he will not From 1923 one of the leaders able climate, dled.
women, the sister of Zinoviev, the 1931 32, the Bolshevik. Leninist Central Asia (Samarkand, Chem. survive his five year term. widow of Chataki (who was shot. group underwent splits and lived kent, Alma Ata, Akmolinak. Aktou The Zinovievists behave generally the painter Rosenfeld. There were 38 the the sister of Kuklin, etc. are to be in organizational chaos. In 1933 catastrophe binsk, Pavlodar, etc. were in the in a capitulatory fashion Sebut indicted, a mixed and very suspi averted. This famous brother was twenty men of the Right Oppost Yentsselsk and Turakhansk. The was reached anew and single barely khmi Uralsk are also to be found found exile at Vorogod (between 34 a rapproachement in opinions major part sent to the concentra varying degrees and ways. Zino clous collection. The result was sent to another place. He is not ton (Slepkov, Astrov, etc.
major part of the tion camps for a five year period. view is busy principally with ques two executions (a member of the to be found at Verkhni Uralsk. For up with a Aside from the Bolshevik lenin Leningradists is tragle. The Zino. single paper. Several (about ten)
a considerable section of anarchists. of books on Puscism) and with the exactly, either Chervlakov or Cher anything about this affair, Kamen te stils. Finally, some anar noble bearing and deport them the Democratic Centralists tions of Fascism (he brought a load whose name do not recall his categorical refusal to know was there before. do not know it Vievist functionaries haven a very Bolshevik Leninists went over to Consome Zionists, and a few Social history of the Russian situation. nodsk, and the second, a member ev received not only an increase of Social democrats, and 40 to 60 Bolers Section keeps its mouth closed among the Democratic Centralvas Revolutionaries and social demo Kamenevis 98. percent in agree of the Kremlin Guard. The rest about ten years, but was sent to a shevik Leninists.
place crets are to be found in the concen ment with the general line. Some were condemned to to 10 years, common cell (No. 57, third tier, tration campe. The politieal pris think that everything Is over and halt were transported to Verkhnt. north aisle of the penitentiary, makes no requests, tells no lles to and among the partisans of Myasoners are subject to the regular that it will be necessary to begin Uralsk (most of them courtiers of with 13 men in a large cell. camp regime. they mult live and all over again. Kameney has re the Kremlin. Kamenev Who People the the doesn fall on its knees nikov, but in 1983 84 there was ten times a day in order to be par. also a rapprochement and a federwork with the criminals. The crimcelved as the outcome of a new categorically that he knew anything steln who was scientine collaboradenied may also mention the Volk Solitaries?
ation of left communists was creInals are incited against the pollt trial ated. The views of the Bolshevik.
al a sentence which runs to ten about this affair and insisted that tor at the Military Academy. She At Tentsselsk a group of Oppost Leninists in the penitentiaries were icals. Tens of comrades have en years. The second trial was based he stw the principal accused indispent five years In all, some 200 prisoners. In tionists was arrested during the oriented in the same direction as dured long hunger strikes, demand on the charges of a plot against viduals for the frst time in his of the penitentiary of Yaroslav be Yaroslav and Sousdal are to be ints Davidov and Boiko, the Bol of comrade Trotsky.
the secret part the penitentiarles of Chelabinsk, summer (the Democratie Central those of the Opposition abroad and Ing the substitution of the peniten himself (that is to say, Stalin. ure during the trial. His brother fore coming to Verkhni Uralsk. found other groups of political shevik Leninist Maksimov) and two tiary for the concentration camp The principal hero of the accusa announced during the trial that there she partly lost her power of prisoners of all currents. At Sous groups of Zinovlevists. The Oppo(Vladimir Smirnov, Jr. and Slip Itlon was Kamener own brother, thanks to his last minute arrest, speech, In the penitentiary of Ver. Idal the second leader of the Dem sitionists are accused of having en With fraternal greetings, CILIGA.
can only lead the Finnish people into the abyss. Only the Finnish NEWS FROM NORWAY proletariat, by its revolution, can create a vigorous life for the innish people within the borders of The and the In more and more into an independent a Soviet Europe.
ternational political organism with a program By The Plenum of the National Com. and directives all its own. Some still trusted in its strong position ticipation in The policy of the London Buro mittee of the Norwegian Labor of the parties represented in this Oslo, Norway On December in parliament.
the revolutionary works in this Finland of the Lappo and of the in their approach Party (N. was held in Oslo Committee are working also for to 10, the annual conference of the The governmental activity of the afteen years imprisonment.
movement amounted to as much as terror. But Norwegian Labor to the has not been able to Nov. 16 18. At this session acom the formation of a Fourth Interna Scandinavian Internationale met Finnish social democrats consisted Premier Nygaardevold address in Helsingfors, Finland. This out of a type of passivity and indolence Stool Pigeon Activity was even more remarkable for he one of the most degenerate reformmunication from the International clonal. Under these circumstances, the At originated as an alliance of the which is unparallelled in history, showed the awkward zeal of the ist parties in the Scandinavias Unity (formerly known as the National Committee of the Norweswedish. Danish and Finnish social While the counter revolution armed this country is like a dog with his veritable eulogy of the Finnishna the most extreme Finnish nation came up for discussion among that the prerequisites for the per The legal social democracy in parvenue. His speech grew into serving as it does, the Interests of or the London. Amsterdam Buro) glan Labor party is of the opinion a year, the Norwegian labor party tirely unham pered, within the very in the same position as the Hunga. to slve went to his sympathetic us: reformist leaders who take the road to whether the shall con longer exist. The party when has also been partielpating in it. boundaries of the Red South, no Flan social democracy, which also derstanding for the suppression of the at nationalist, Autarchy policy tone to the regal ded as a member theless continue to work with unl one by now, that collaboration with requests the for Informa of international collaboration no acter of this Internationale was offensive against the White North. It behaves accordingly. it de Finland.
especially emphasized this year by In this manner the victory of the nounces its own radical members in their own country can only of this buro or not. This, it ap its might for an international unithe fact that the conference was Finnish White troops, and of their to the police and takes care to see understand the Finnish people from chers. In the Scandinavias, also buro handles questions of interna Among other things, he said: mean participation their trea pears, is the manner in which this cation.
welcomed not only by the Finnish allles: the Romanors and the Hoh that they are brought to justice. the viewpoint, that every people the recuperation of the labor move tonal policy. The which sanctions Question Mot Dag (Norway) and the social democracy, but also by the enzollerns, was guaranteed in ad. It helps the government disband can only become great official host, the Finnish govern vance.
strong ment leads toward the building of has not up to the present been The Mot Dag organization is the trades unions whenever the lat when and if it builds on its own sections of the Fourth Interna disturbed by the Buro in its evolu affiliated to the London Buro (S.
ment. The latter invited their ter are in the hands of a revolu foundations and upon its own free clonal. colleagues, The White Terror messrs ministers of state, to dinner and placed the The White Terror of the victors clonary majority and organizes culture.
tion toward the Scandinavian type Buro) as a sympathizing organof purely reformist parties, finally ization. Its representative, Oraing.
national broadcasting system at ranks high at the top of the lint new, yellow unions. In the winter their disposal.
The Arbelterbladet of Oslo NEW MILITANT felt the time had come to give up attended its Paris conference this in the history of counter revolutions of 1933 this party sunk so low as defends these noteworthy sentiGlance Into Finland History ments with the even more remark with which is merged this somewhat compromising rela year as well as its London sessions.
consideration the numerically weak Fascist defense organizations able contention that they contain thonship.
This organization is also, as a matIn order to make clear to the population of Finland 3, 402, 000 which did the hangman bloody an old socialist truts, which THE MILITANT In doing so, the showed ter fact, represented in the Secreader the full significance of this and you will grasp the full weight work for the counter revolution of socialist can contradict. If the Published weekly by the New Mithat they, at any rate, take their retariat of the Stockholm Youth behavior on the part of the Scan lof the following figures: Toward 1918 be incorporated as a reserve noble Nygaardsvold had expressed st. Phone: ALgon. 90KR seriously than this famous Burfit, the decided to expel the tant Publishing Co. 55 Bust uith reformist principles much more Buro. In association with this outnecessary to disgrens for a moment workers were incarcerated in the dinavian social democrats to the end of the civil war. 20, 000 army in the military apparatus. these views at the time of Finland into the post war history of Fin concentration After all this, it is clear enough oppression under Czarism, they Entered as second class mall matter takes its revolutionary shingle. The representative of the International land.
camps and jails that the Finnish social democrats might not have been an old social at the Post Office at New York, National Committee adopted the Communist League from the Stock During the war, the Social Dem. right. In the course of four months representatives of the neighboring bourgeois viewpoint of relatively 18, 000 workers were executed out did not invite the social democratic ist trulsm but at any rate, a petty under the act of March 8, 1879. following resolution on this ques. Issue of their paper, these allies of JAMES CANNON: Editor 1985. the take a position on the the strongest party in the country the Special Tribunals. The prison against the Finnish government, torial writers of the over States 00 per year: 65 per six party began its collaboration with wlews of this organization are in Subscription rates: In the United When the Norwegian Labor suffices in order to prove that the sanctions question. One quotation the national elections of 1916 them were subjected to the most it. The Finnish bourgeoisie is well been relatively progressive 1916 per scar: 00 six months. Bundle did so with the object of advancius patriotism of the Second and Third Thereupou parliament was not con hair raising atrocities by the white aware of the dangers attendant ou is ultra reactionary in 1986 no respect different from the socialvoked. The February revolution in Finnish bands and by the White a new world war, insofar as it is Russia unleashed also the revolu Russian and German mercenaries. concerned.
The Finnish bourgeoisie has the rates: Two cents per copy tionary energies of the Finnish proFor a long time it years 1918 behind it. That year SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1936 labor movement into a single in Internationals. Some revolutionary groups atternational. The party has repeat tack the sanctions policy because letariat 90, 000 workers in the falls! At Airted with the German Polish anti transformed it into an extremely But the great social that, the statistics for all of Fin Soviet alliance of late. It is more counter revolutionary factor. Aside Vol. 2, No. (Whole No. 56)
edly declared that this is the pre they believe that it will lead to democracy proved to be a Centrist land, taking in the whole year attracted by the neutral Scanding from that, the politicians, requisite for its participation in conglomeration tasks before it unequal to the 1917, show figure of altogether vian position. Alliance with the so belatedly solicitous about the SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT the Collaboration Committee which war with Italy and to collabora83, 000 industrial workers. In 1919 rest of the Scandinavian countries national renaissance of Finland has been set up or late, this Cold parties (the reference is to France tion with the bourgeois radical Social Democracy Misses Chance and 1920 the Finnish government (and with England) appears to be have simply forgotten that the in READ THE NEW MILITANT Maboration Committee has developed Tr. This position causes these This party completely missed the had to resort to broad amnesty mea a way out for the dimeult position nish bourgeoisie has ceased to be groups to adopt the same point of most favorable moment for insur sures for no other reason save that of its Foreign Office. That is why an oppressed, and has become an rection in November, 1917, immed otherwise the Flunish capitalists the reactionary Finnish goverument oppressing bourgeoise. It Indulges View as the Fascists, agninst their ately following the victorious up could find no labor power on the took into its own bosom the Inter. In this oppression like the cxech own will, and to commit the same mistakes as the Comintern did in rising in Petrograd. It thus per market! And yet, the wounds in national carnival rigged up by its bourgeoisie out of vengeance for IN BOUND VOLUM: its worst ultra left period. In mitted the Finnish bourgeoisie to flicted during the Finnish civil war social democratic errand boy. the centuries of its own sufferingorganize the counter revolution have endured till this very day All the issues with particular intensity.
the NEW INTERNATIONAL that have ap. a certain phase of this development Eulogy for Butchers with the aid of the Russian general Year after year finds the governthe League of Nations can become peared to date, from the first issue of July, 1934 up to and including over, cannot become great Mannerheim and the troops of the ment exerting the sharpest form of As is usual on such occasions, and strong any more on its own the issue of December, 1985, are now being bound in durable and an instrument in the interests of heautiful cover, in reality it will be volume one and two together the working class and of peace.
Hohenzollerns. Only after a long repression against the labor move there is a great deal of speech foundations. Finnish nationalism period of vacillation, and amidst ment dissolution of organizations, making. The perorations of Swedin one bound volume.
It is Interesting to note. Also, open sabotage from Its Right wing arrests, workhouse sentences, etc. ish Prime Minister Per Albin Han Lappo is the terrorist organisa The price is 00 for this bound volume, sent to you postpald.
join the declaring that it the social democracy also prepared The statistics for the year 1932 son and his Danish colleague ton of the Finnish Fascists, given Those who desire to obtain a bound volume will please forward is in no case a political group with for a struggle. In Southern Fin show that 350 revolutionary work Stauning about the attributes of free hand by the democratie the amount so that the order can be placed right away with the a distinct platform, but a Trade laud the uprising took place de ers were convicted to 800 years the peaceful government form of government.
bookbinder. Send your order to the NEW INTERNATIONAL, 55 spite, rather than because of the imprisonment in that period alone. democracy were remarkable enough East 11th Street, New York, Union of Intellectuals (sic. It is Slootnl Democratic party, which in many cases, the penalty for par as they resounded over the netobvious: opportunism know no Official organ of the Hangmen of Finnish Workers Pay Homage to Scandinavian Socialists. and they Reciprocate no 18 The New International Morelimits.