BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniPopular FrontsRosa LuxemburgSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1936 Fight Police Developments in the Needle Irades; Soviet Russia and Ethiopia the Goats Relief Rolls In Vermont Program for the Progressives Behind the Scenes Are Pruned Walkout By MUSTE it not in name and presently de largely accounts also for the extent In Texas By JAMES EVANS mand substantial concessions 10 to which the members in these Loaded Dice Developments are taking place in the contract itself and seek to wipe unions are impressed by the Stalinist Soviet Russia and Ethiopia would Moreover, the Soviet Union is Marble Workers Battle the needle tera de portant which are out the unions. they ofter real proposals for unifying groups, even be the goats.
placed in the melancholy position of Starvation, Graft, and Militantly After Threc also in considerable measure typlent opposition. Such a testing period though this often takes the form of Rodney Dutcher, Washington NEA being a window dressing for the Corruption Rife Month Siege of what is taking place or will in Industry generally, the war and poet war expansion, wing machine clubs and even on results that would accompany the life. Its entrance into the League In State When we seek to understand with what disastrous results for the occasion the proposal that there possible dissolution of the League save that body an unwarranted By CYRUS RIGBY trends in the union movement, we workers is too well known. In such ought to be no groups in the union of Nations in his column for Jan prestige in the eyes of millions of Voluntarily, Litvinote (Special to the New Militant)
RUTLAND, Vt. New England, have first of all to examine in or left wing with a nucleus of re means that there be no organized an capitalism becomes more acute, acreed to play a game with loaded By JAMES EVANS the traditional home of granite dustrial conditions and in particular volutionary Marxiste under the force opposed to the union mach it un certain that neither a weak dice for all the high flown talk DALLAS, Texas The Texas relike rugged American individu the developments in the industry in guidance and discipline of a revo ine! The members alism, was Tuesday also the scene which a given union something is wrong: they feel vague ers republie would be spared from imperialist contradictions. The appease the hordes of unemployed that feudal nor a highly developed work about taking advantage of the lief authorities are attempting to of oppressed Yankee workers in re What, then, is taking place in the lutionary party, Is needed.
volt. For three months the workers garment industry today? For rea Such a progresive movement does ly that danger threatens. But the.
When thieves face Soviet government has relled upon with a few meager victuals before of the Vermont Marble Company, sons which space does not permit not extat in the needle trades today issues are not yet sharply defined. desperate extremities, they take the personal integrity of sleek al desperation flares into rebellton.
It must be, they feel that there are desperate measures.
of Rutland, have been out on strike us to go into, but among which the We are as a matter of fact witness 100 many groups, let us have formed observer deny that the par depended upon Laval, Benes, and tles in this state, hag announced ang in plomats instead of the revolutionary Adam Johnson, the Southern defense of the workers. It has aristocrat who directs relief activiHach week their battle has been National Recovery Act was not the ing the disintegration of the old unity drawing closer to victory.
only or even the most important left wing forces and only the early ticular type of thieves honor, exone, the garment industry experienc beginnings of a new genuine left No one can lay down a set of emplified by the langue of Nations Baldwin to protect it against attack that surplus vegetables still in the So close to victory, indeed, had decided upturn in 1983 wing adapted to the needs of the simple rules which can be applied is crumbling along with the hold from the predatory system which local comissaries would be distributhe strikers battle become that the ted to unemployed who have company, and ita vested legal al Cut throat competition had in the coming period. The stalinists and in every specifte case in this con that the thieves have on the world? these gentlemen uphold.
Certainly, anyone can see that the been dropped from the rolls. Test been disciplined and constant. On sulted in such chaos that even the longer a left wing force, but rather ever, a few gulding ideas for the an employee of the capitalist press: French Popular Front amounts Colonel Johnson appear to be Claus, 10 Behind the Scenes Tuesday morning, a gang of scabe employers, at least important sec an extremely conservative one. In activity of the genuine progressives only to gradual emasculation of the post Christmas Santa was engaged in londing marble onto tions of them, were prepared to not a few instances in the needle In this period. Statesmen are constantly tempted revolutionary movement in that should be remembered that some and gondola cars, whic Guiding Ideas for Progressives were accept government regulation and trades unlons they ally themselves hitched to an engine under steam. to deal with unlons in return for openly with It must be frankly recognized would preserve perlice to western the Popular Front saving off the plus beans now that direct relief The scabs were protected by a an opportunity to put prices up and or even more reactionary elemente.
gunmen (called railroad police) thing like prosperity obtained for details. The dissipation of the left Confusion, inability to make rapla Germany free hand to attack shameful truce entered into by Ulusions of a beneficent govern squad of and professional maintain them at some level. Some. It is not necessary to dwell on the that this is transition period. Europe and localize war by giving the viteble crede contender through the dole will help to perpetunto the in Russia while tossing Ethiopia to the Thorez and Blum, Laval is free to hidden in the cab of the locomotive. a couple of years.
movement in the unions as a result headway, and so on, must not them to think that the Lord RooseAll morning a Hne of about 300 The Changing situation of the insane policies pursued by duce discouragement or impatience. Fascist wolf. There are power negotiate with pultler at one door ment among the workers, causing The desire of the workers for France which bold that destruction ful elements both in England and and Mussolini at the other.
velt will continue to scatter some Laval Bides His Time pickets marched back and forth manna their way.
along the tracks.
Gradually, however, the scene hos Is, however, a factor that cannot be ulty cannot of course be met with of the Soviet government would be When this is accomplished, the Pruning the Relief Rolls been shifting in the general con too strongly emphasized. The fact a negative, head on attack. Profine thing for the world. The French Fascists will make their bid The Battle omy of the country the basis for that is possible for the Stalinista gressives themselves must, however, only question among diplomats here for power, while Monsteur Laval Meanwhile, the relief rolls are About noon two scabe, Arthur Genuine and lasting prosperity has still to masquerade as the real hot fail into the notion that the road is how Influential these elemente lights his elgar with the Franco So being pruned feverishly to elimlonte who Alwill and Radeline Lyons, the for of unemployed. The wage level more dimeult. They will not fully attempt to fuse heterogeneous ele te in the backrooms of Internation upon the Soviet Union, flerce sur these who Tatten on poverty. The tempted to leave the marble yard remains far below that of 1920. expose themselves until the crisis ments on any or no program. So politics.
prossion of all working class move state commission has instructed its sull car, escorted by Armed The market remains a restricted in the industry and the unions is far as possible they must wean the An alternative plan calls for an ments, will be the tragle results of army of local flunkies to submit a in deputles in automobiles following one for every industry. The upturn much further advanced than it is workers away from illusions and ron ring around Germany, which the Soviet foreign policy. The The scabe car was stoned and which has occurred, however, causes today.
sentimentality about unity in the would require appeasment of Mus democratie nations eulogized at the list of their clients with the reasons forced by the pickets to halt. Im employers to be impatient of the Hot House Plant solini and co operation from Italy. Seventh Congress of the Comintern client, certified since November 1st mediately the deputies got out and slight restraints to which they were ordered the massed workers to dis subjected in the early days of the The same holds true of the Love Stalinist rank and file groupe 18 cover benevolent Anglo French peintul incubus or democracy. Sol is being dropped from the WPA regardless of his personal circumperse. As soon as they began lay. Roosevelt administration. The stoueites for example. The so not progressive step. What is pro attitude toward Italian denigns on diens who macht have been influenstances. know one young teacher, ing hands on the nearest pleket. Even in the garment industry where their leadershini movement under gressive is to expose the role the Austria. 18 declared unconstitutional. enlled ed for the proletarian revolution, employed on an adult education by no means constalinists are playing their cap That alternative may yot bo had not the Comintern abandoned project, who is entirely typical of the battle commenced.
Workers used whatever weapons entirely forgotten and conting force it is hot house union right wingers, thelr reaction may have had it in mind when they are from their barracks to even the formality of advance nothe nightmare of 1930 is not yet stitutes dependable left wing itulation to the old. Fuard, the chosen. The British and French its propagande in the artes mu those receiving the are without came into ther hands; deputies, reditions are in considerable measure plant fostered by the union adminary proposals of no groups in the tried to serve up Etklopia on the toller both of their own nation tice. This particular client has a enforced by torrent of new. deme voluntarily maintained, competi istration. It is not a fanakande fide ion. etc. United action for spe platter to Mussolini. But recont alities and of the Soviet Union. Pregnant wife, a child, his father, ly from the company office nearby. The urge to break all bonds. the struggle over issues. Por of unity proposals may be resorted and the Germans have strongthened largely forfelted the co fidence of The case workers, who has thus One striker, unarmed except for his escape union wage rates, the policy officials can still obscure and evade with such a group is the only way least flirting with the idea that a to sell oi: to Fascist Italy.
blows from a nightstick, only to or shoe string contractors against in the trade worsen and employers toward developing a genuine lett Rusla would le the best way out for the international working class of cotton to her lite. When she was fats, was seen to fall twice under er playing of an unlimited number the issues. But when the conditions to break up the old situation and confinement or Hitler aggression to the hour of decision has come time, is a woman who has never Ket up again and pursue the fight each other, etc. becomes ever demand real and open concessions wing progressive must take the of it all.
Women as well as men enaged in stronger. For the most part it does from the unlons, and the Hillmans step in awareness of its meaning, the bloody tray until the police not yet take the form of direct and and Dubinskys are prepared as ever must not regard merger as the end, ly that Berlin is eager for an under tion of Fascism and the factors for But It can be said authoritative society the factors for the realiza appointed to this position two years ago, she boasted to relief clients forces began to realise they were open cutting of wage rates or of a to help the employers save the les goed in stsell, and they must standing with London, and that the establishment of Communism. employment. have had nothing that she was very glad to have this getting the worst of it. Then the right against the unions, but of reindustry, then they will be unablefar as possible disabuse the member Moscow, foretele from Germany gues, not to be solved by suppo money. she said.
worrying over the There are mutually desperate guardians of capitalism sistance against any further conto equivocate successfully, to work ship of Illusions, antagonistic possibility of attack to do but ride around and spend put more modern weapons into accessions as to wager, hours and con hand in glove with the top bureau Finally, a genuine left programs and Japan at the same time, is of international capitalist alliances tion. tear gas bomb was hurled ditions and a steady pressure on crats and at the same time pose ive movement is built upon issues. jlttery.
and vague united fronts with Passing the Buck and exploded in the midst of the union representatives in the shope as progressives and Bolsheviks. The issues will emerge ever moro These statements are plain and prosperous gentlemen who say every When a project worker protesta workers. But the retreat, unavolto relax standards while formally And when we observe that already sharply. Then the various tend apparent to any revolutionist Be thing and mean nothing. This is over his dismissal, the buck is passed able in the face of this onslaught, the contract is maintained. The Lovestonette officials such as Zim: cucies and elements in the unions neath all tie pompots ceremonies the bour for social revolution. from one official to the other. Each WAS both orderly and dignified time when the employers will remerman find it necessary to go out will appear in their true colors of the League sessions, and the For, as this paper has repeatedly plush chair gratter politely contraSome strikers merely withdrew sort to the more extreme methods of their way to seek to combat the Since a new left wing must be bullt hypocritical oratory about sanctions, emphasized, the central issue is not dicts the other antul finally the yards to swalt developments is probably not far distant, however. still weak forces of the Workers on the basis of a program, those still other sessions are being held Fascism versus Democracy. It te worker abandons his appeal ont of Othere marched into union headUnion Gains Party in the needle trades, we get advanced workers who constitute gatherings at which the Soviet Union Fascism versus communism. The rage or sheer disgust. For as long quarters to prepare for a fresh attack by the law.
An inkling of the course they will the nucleus of that left wing must in discussed but to which it is not workers can win only under the as workers can be fooled into bellevThe unions in the garment in then take.
already begin to differentiate them invited. And in those sessions, the leadership of a party which marches ing that individual officials are When the Smoke Cleared dustry made huge gains in 1983 The fact that this is such a transelves in the eyes of the members stik hat bandits drop the idealistic unflaggingly to the historie goal of their friends, they will not resort to They were instrumental in lowering sition period as we have sketched from others. to become the exponents pose of the forum. They become the workers. The order of the day mass pressure and defeat these When casualties were counted hours and raising wages from the accounts for the utterly confused of issues as they arise, to show business men discussing a big deal! is not the buliding of reformist courteous purveyors of starvation.
batting average was remarkably troversies which had rent the unions groups and clubs in the needle the leaders in the shore, so that as commonwealth and the accompany. use the master. The order of the middle class are not required to sit high. 12 deputy Sheriffs were sent subsided, as they have a habit of trades unions and the maneuvers the conflict deepens the members ing destruction of socialist tend day is the ballding of the revolution with those in overalls while waltto the hospital against of the doing in a period of growth and in which they are engaging. It may know to whom to turn militant strikers. It was impossible succes. Even the old Guard and encles throughout the world.
ary party. But the time is shurt! ing their turn to beg for jobe. But to count those on both sides with the top bureaucracy were able to this partiality ends at the office doors. Competent professionals, in more minor Injuries, but those sent put up a plausible appearance of Leagues now manifesting itself in Brownsville Open Forum dire need, are beng dented employ.
to the hospital were all in serious efficiency and progressivism. Were the Workers Alliance will shortly condition. Busines of arresting they not making demands on the pave the way for a state wide unit Sex and the Class Struggle ment on the cultural projects merely strike leaders was begun as soon as employers and getting results? Wited front between the two organizabecause they have attained some professional standing. although Sheriff Schoenfeld bomb had preness, in another industry. John Speaker: tions and the Ohio Building Trades pared the way for the State At Lewis even before he openly launchCouncils in a state wide WPA DR. OSCAR TROPP they have simultaneously lost their torney dramatic entrance on the ed his crusade for industrial unionstrike.
incomes. On one writers project, well known physician there is not a single bona fide writer set. Some of the ten strikers arrest ism. We are not speaking of the (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
ed were unable to walk; one was sential role played by Hillman, circumstances would they ever be have walked off their jobs and come Friday, Jan. 24, 8:30 employed, while the supervisor is a still unconscious and bleeding na he Dubinsky, et. al. under the New taken back.
Philadelphia 1776 Pitkin Ave. nr. Stone very reactionary school teacher. In directly in a body to the headquar.
was carried forcibly oft to jat. Deal on which the New Militant Ewing and Solosy attracted unters to be organized.
LENIN. LIEBKNECHT fact, there are probably not a dozen qualified writers in the state who attention in company LUXEMBOURG Reports of sentiments in the local In spite of their notorious Ver has frequently stated its position. because of their work as Workers Alliance, which has conOPEN FORUM are working on any of these litermont smugness, the disinterested There was an immense amount Memorial Meeting ary projects.
citizens of Rutland are more sym of organizing, administrative and editors of one of our publications, statently refused to cooperate with LOCAL 22, pathetic with the strike than it educational work to be done and the The Gas Man; and because in No the union and Unemployed League SUNDAY, JAN. 26, 8:15 From Red River to Rio Grande would seem from capitalist press officials turned to young workers, rember, 1984, they were appointed in the WPA Alght, due to the dis The Government and the Unions Meanwhile, the old line labor Grant Fraternity Hall accounts. Reporters for the Rutland and intellectuals, Socialist party to investigate the conduct of the ruptive and slanderous tactics of leaders are attempting quickly to Speaker: 1626 Arch Street, 3rd floor. have muffle the widespread strike sentiattempted to stir up chauvenistte trades, etc. to assist, and the fact behalf of the workers in the com vaded it, indicate that the rank Speakers: MUSTE ment. Any day may witness a feeling against Polish workers in that these more politicalized work. Inany chemical department. Fol and file is beginning to demand spontaneous walkout of MAX SHACHTMAN THURSDAY, JAN. 30, P.
project volved in the strike while at the ers could give militant talks to the lowing that investigation they rejoint action with the union and workers, badly organized and led Editor New International in Council Room of Local 22 same time they have been compelled workers and a militant collaboration ported that the company union evt. the leagues.
by men who lack strike experience.
to make publie the arrest of two to the union was an additional re dently had been formed to make The union is putting out MANNY GARRETT But, nevertheless, the WPA strike 232 West 40th St.
selectmen, Dwyer and Thomas, overcommendation in the eyes of the the employees belleve they had col. ily paper on the jobs, the Editor Young Spartacus remains the order of the day in WPA scers of the poor, on charges of officials. We were supposed to be lective bargaining when this was Union News, which has met with Ausp: Philadelphia Branch, SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT Texas, a strike which must be called and won through immediate cohaving failed to provide clothing having a revolution under Roose not true.
a tremendous response Special to chldren of striking marble work velt in 1933. On their part militants ordination on of all unemployed workers. Farmers and Ratland towns and progressives who did not hold. was a cons of an affidavit by ployment and labor problems are Accompanying Mr. Wersing let. weekly leaders classes on unem.
ers and progressive trade unionists.
people who work, as well as the a clear cut and complete Narxist Charles Smith, a former operative being held by the union at the The only hope for the workers of smaller merchants, are generally on position (in more than name) found for the Railway Audit and Inspec Texas is a solid strike front from Toledo Workers School.
the Red River to the Rio Grande!
the side of the strikers. Larger it fairly easy to keep their contion Company, a detective agency. Likelihood of State WPA Strike mper owners are fighting for the tating themselves from the top shadow Solosy while the latter was mendously rapid growth of the All indications point to a trecapitalists.
burcuncrats. There were workers employed in the chemical depart. wion, with a corresponding growth WORKERS Students Support Strike to be enrolled, strikes to be organment of the Astoria Light, Heat, of the Unemployed Leagues. The LECTURE AND DANCE inl. One could agitate for a laborind Power Company, an affilinte of Protect Yourselves galust the 8:30 Speech by NATHAN GOULD, National Sec Hazards of Life. Join the begnu intellectuals living in Vermont Bications At various times sinte the strikerty. Discussion over deeper inte Consolidated Gas Co. Doch union has achieved gennine stabili.
mion policy would mentary evidence also was avall the membership is surprisingly adty and the ideologienl character of retary on The Life and Work of Karl LiebWORKMEN SICK DEATH and helhboring states have come have to wait. Figures such as able the Mayor was told to show vaneed for such a large mass orknecht and Rosa Luxembourg. Short musical program.
strike Students of nearby Darth and others les prominent, became other operative from the same ing the WPA workers into a sepa 9:30 PM. Dancing, refreshments. Good band.
1881 1985 mouth College live given their the administration in some of the agency.
SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 25, 1936 rate organizational form to deal Organized, managed by and for support by a benefit performance of local anions. Waiting For Lefty.
320 Last 14th Street, In the latter part of 1935 more with their particular problems, Hat check 25c workers with only one purpose: Test Yet to come It seems to be finish struggle to render protection to members than 1, 000 workers were dropped white linked organixntionally with We have pointed out that in the by the Consolidateil Edison system, the general unemployed movement, and the workers are deeldelly gain garment industry this is a transition Nr. Wersing letter charged appears to be a successful one, Auspices. Spartacus Vouth League, District and their families, and to support all endeavors and struggles ing around Report that Gov. The real text of the unions These additionni 300 lay offs, com from the results obtained here.
for the improvement of tollers.
Natioan Grundsmen from Montements in the unlons las there down are clearly indicative of the the growing sentiment for joint About 50, 000 members organWAR AND THE WORKERS Ived in 350 branches. Reserves affirmed iu Ratland on Thursday. the employers go still further with indifference to the public safety.
fore not yet come. It will, when system attitude of contemptuous action with the Unemployed 8, 400, 000.
By JOHN WEST Death benefit graded accordMeanwhile the strikers were anain abrogating the contract in fact even This action is in errect a re state plaint went to Nile Anthle their picket forty eight page Pamphlet for the price of 10e; in lots of ing to age at entry. Sick benefit ment of the skytem implied con chalrman, Public Service CommisOPEN FORUM payments from 225 to 8000 to READ THE NEW MILITANT ten or more 7e.
tention that it alone rules the light sion; Maurice Davidson, Com Given by the Lumen Club Here is an excellent pamphlet explaining in a popular style the men and women, according to clases. The Role of Intellectuals in the and power industry in Greater New missioner of Water Supply. Gas causes of imperialist wars in the present epoch, the role of PAUL LUTTINGER, Labor Movement York, and it shows anew that the and Electricity: John Delancy.
and social reformism. It gives the Marxian answer to many ques Monthly assessments from 45 Consolidated Edison Alliance is con. chairman, Board of Transporation DANIEL LUTTINGER, MD.
Speaker: MARTIN GLEE tions that have arisen out of the present war developments, sane to 10.
cerned not with supplying adequate John McElligott, Fire Commis Sunday, Jan. 26, 8:30 Washington Square Nerth tions, the League of Nations, etc.
For further information apply 28 14th Street, 4th floor service to consumers, but in reaping stoner: Dr. John Rice, Health Send your orders to the NEW MILITANT, 55 East 11th St, to Main Omce: and Except Sundays Admission Free As large a profit as the traffic will Commissioner; and Mrs. Elinore Herrick, regional chairman, New York, 714 Senees Ave. Brooklyn, NY and Holidays SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANTI Coples of the Brotherhood com National Labor Relations Board.
Union Hits Ohio WPA Dismissals Wirs Rise weekLiebknecht. Luxemburg Anniversary pacifism bear.