Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. IWHOLE NO. 561 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1936 PRICE CENTS NEW MILITANT Jugoslav Communist Escapes from Siberia; Bares Anti Bolshevik Terror of Stalin STATEMENT OF FACT ON STALIN TERROR, Revolutionists Held ON MR. HEARST AND THE SUNDAY WORKER in Jails, Solitaries and ON OCTOBER 19 the NEW MILITANT Concentration Camps Three Loyal Hungarian Stalinists, in Conflict with Bela Kun, Clapped into Jail Ohio PA Utilities Brotherhood Hits Edison Layoffs Bakers Union Official Framed in Youngstown Union Wins Third Unionist Arrested in Anti Labor Drive Led Wage Rise Rapid Growth, Militancy dermanned Crews at of Union Causes Many Form Union Power Houses In Minnesota has January 21, a militant business agent of the Bakers Local 177 meant to be a smoke screen to divert attention does the almost medieval torture of the Bolsheviks printed the revelations of Tarov Bolshe from the revelations of Stalin terror against the in the Soviet Union.
vik Leninist who escaped from Siberian exile on Leninists.
Stalin persecution of revolutionists in the Soviet On our part we will not be silent when revoluBefore the entire labor movement we challenge tionists of unimpeachable integrity and years of Union.
the corrupt scribblers of the Daily and Sunday service and sacrifice to the working class languish Three months later, on Sunday, January 19, Worker to prove their assertions.
in jails, solitary confinement and concentration William Randolph Hearst, without authorization Furthermore we challenge them to disprove camps.
or permission from Leon Trotsky, or his Amer one single charge made in Tarov article.
We propose to publish authentic information ican literary agents, or from us, lifted the Tarov On our part we charge the Stalinists with as broadly and as widely as our means permit (Copyright, Jan. 1936, by New Militant Publishing Co. Reproduction in whole or part without permission from the publishers forbidden. article and Trotsky comment on it, from the furnishing Hearst with ammunition against the until such a time as an aroused labor movement The author of the following letter, former member of the Political NEW MILITANT and printed it in his chain revolutionary movement.
throughout the world will force Stalin to call a Bureau of the Communist Party of Jugoslavia, comrade A, Ciliga, of anti labor rags.
This they do by persecuting, torturing, yes!
halt to his criminal course.
spent five and a half years in solitary confinement and in Stalinist On the very same day, the Sunday Worker, exile. Comrade Dr. Anton Ciliga is at the present time not connected and even murdering genuine revolutionary inter In this issue we publish new revelations of the in true Hearstian style, blared forth headlines to with any political organization, nationalists in the Soviet Union, men who have persecution of Communist opponents of Stalin in the effect that Leon Trotsky is an agent of fought and bled in the Russian Revolution and in the Soviet Union. The article of comrade Ciliga December 9, 1935 Hearst, and a promise to reveal at a later date the Civil War and against foreign intervention. shows that foreign Communists as well as Rus Dear Comrades, the price received for them.
You have requested me to give you IMMEDIATELY, even though So long as this Thermidorian repression con sians are imprisoned and hounded by Stalin for There is not a modicum of truth in this slander briefly, information on my own ease, on the Russian Bolshevik Leninists tinues, we take no responsibility for whatever effactional reasons.
and on the penitentiaries and exile in general Bearing in mind that the learned from the gutter methods of Hearst him fects their publication may have. The stigma The workers of the world must know these exigencies of the case demand speedy information, will try to reply as self and employed against al revolutionists. It is for this rests upon Stalin gangster clique as facts.
best can to your request, even though it may be to the detriment of a rounded out picture. But hope, in a following letter, to fill in the gaps of this communication. begin with the fate of the group to which myself belonged. thorities that they allow us to re In the month of May, 1930, a turn to our homes abrond. We group of fugoslay communists who fasted a long time (28 days) to were in Russia on a mission for the obtain this demand. The Soviet Jugoslav Communist party, were authorities not only refused us per arrested at Moscow and at Lenin mission to leave, but increased our grad by the G, The group was sentence by two years, without arrested for connection with the trial and without new charges.
By Reactionary City Administration incarcerated in solitary confinement to renew automatically and In the penitentiarles of Verkhr without trial the periods of impris By GEORGE TRUHAR Uralsk for three years: 1) Stanka onment and exile. This law is YOUNGSTOWX, Jan, 21. The frame up of trade unionists in Youngstown is being extended by the present anti unlon city administra Drakultch (Russian surname, enough to make one hair stand Concessions tion in combination with the open shoppers and the Citizen Association, Kovalev. former member of the on end, but it is on this fact that Charges that the Consolidated C, of the Jugoslav leader of the entire history of years of Tuesday, was arrested. The warrant was swom out by seab named Gilbert (Special to New Militant)
300 more employees within the slav organizations in the city of Following this hunger strike we Eichenlaub.
TOLEDO, Jan, 21. promise The drive on the unions is continuing. That the reactionary labor of a 10 percent wage increase for Minnesota Emergency Teachers AsST. PAUL, Minn. Jan. 18 The tinuing the polley of cutting labor Russian surname. Victor Soloviev) tes and were sent into exile in vari leaders of the United Labor Con common labor tentatively approved forces which was largely respons former secretary of the Trade ous ontlying districts. had to gº gress, under the leadership of Andy using scaby or non union workmen, by the state WPA administration Socintion held its first annual dele lible for the power tie up on Jan. Union Committee of the Province to Eastern Siberia, to the city of Hubbard, are trying to wash their and to live up to the agreement starting February 13 was given by Men Union on the University of La Guardia by the Brotherhood of Anton Cilign, the author of these Western Siberia, the village of sated convention today in the 15, were made today to Mayor of Herzegovina, at Mostar: 3) Dr. Yenissetak; comrade Deditch to hands of the whole matter is shown which was to run antil May 1, William Schmuhl, Lucas and Minnesota campus, Sixty by their attitude of passivity and 1936.
Wood countles administrator, to gates, with practically every county dele Utility Employees failure to mobilize the labor movement back of the local uniona under Uptown Bakery, Strikes are also going on in the the executive board of the WPA in the state represented, were in This information was conveyed the of Jugoslavia. editor of comrade Draguitch, to Saratov on Workers Union, afilated with the attendance to the Mayor in letter signed by the legal central organ of the the Volga; comrade Haeberling was dre.
One of the defendants arrested Lucas County Unemployed League.
On the other hand, in order to on the fake kidnapping and torture The convention adopted a consti the Brotherhood New York reforeign representative of the of reached the Urals, Martin Wersing, president of party. Borin, at Zagreb, and sent from city to city until he Comrade DragThe promised wage increase wastution, declaration of principles, glonal board. Coples of the letter the party, get the support of these reaction charge, Mike Hornyak, was dis secured after six weeks of an in elected officers and an executive were sent to uitch escaped and returned to his tensive drive during which hundreds board of fifteen members, and laid bodies which are investigating last Russian surname, sustov. forrested on the Russo Pollshe border arles, the leadership of the local charged by the Armour Couared of WPA workers have flocked into down a plan of organization for the week failure of electricity supply. 11 er member of the party Committee and locked up in the secret dun.
unions under tre tends to soften whose management openly comrade, Stephan Haeberling home abroad. In 1984 he was arits attack against the various in the press that it was because of the union.
forces that are out to smash mill. his union activity and the notoriety coming year. All evidence in connection with number of concessions have officers for the coming year are the power tie up serves to contrm of theprovince Volevodiny (formerly geons of the Solovletzkl Islands, rely too much on the different polithe various concern is beres. been secured in the way of improve. Norris, Minneapolis, presie the opinion le voiced at the time, South Hungary. at Novi Sad, was from where, for over a year no haldanna who are promising them chals of the different unions are ment of job conditions, including dent, and Dorothy Holmes, St. Paul, Mr. Wersing complaint declared exiled for three years to the Urals. further news has come from him.
aid, and promising to fix things up employed are Insisting that these open Jobs, fuel for fires, etc. MeanA score of our friends were exiled that it was due to drastic Exile Without Trial if no noise will be made employees resign from their offices while the union is redoubling its upon the to establish the ance and inspection forces through The declaration of principles calls weakening of the system mainten to, and placed under surveillance in These Fix It friends are the in the unions.
various corners of European Russin Two Russian comrades, connect When in 1935 we ended the sec.
most dangerous enemies of the at The Bord Company, which has a work hours per month from the in Minnesota which are seeking to campaign to reduce the number of closest relationship with those forces wholesale lay offs.
tacked locals, that is, Bakers Local cotract with the city for sewage present 132 to 120 The 132 hour build a state wide WPA organizaFired for Organization Work ed with 18 (Victor Zankov and ond term of our exile, the 177, and Drivers Local 377.
City Wage Cut Drive disposal, is violating its contract schedule represents a slight reduction, and to help this The Consolidated Edison system Oreste Glibowsky. were also sent this time extended our exile for most flagrantly.
organiza continues also to discharge work to the penitentiary of Verkhnt three years without trial or new Uralsk on November 180: we Indictment. Thus a foreign born This third arrest on the charge ing to prevent the union is try. tion of six hours over the one in tion into being. The next state ers with excellent records because were not mentioned in the list of worker or a militant worker who of kidnapping and torture is really may result.
this and a strike effect up to January 16, a conces wide conference of WPA, relief of their union activities. One case the result of trying to fix things Committee Funks on Union slon won in the past week by the organizations and trade unions will in point is that of Ewing and prisoners which was published in comes to Russia no longer has the up. The new city administration, the Bulletin of the Russian Opposi right to leave it, he is changed into The committee of prominent cittunton.
be held in Minneapolis Feb. 9. Stephen Solony, energetic organiz tion No. 10, as the list was drawn a speeles of eternal prisoner it be led by Mayor Evans and Police zens, which local union 377 called The declaration also binds theers for the Brotherhood of Utility is dissatisfied with the condition of Militancy at High Point Chlef Olson, spurred on by the into being to investigate the charges Grievances on the job are mount fraternal relations with all other Friday. Ewing is secretary of our to establish immediately Employees, who were fired last up in October, 1930, Comrade Tarov. who escaped the proletariat and the general sita name for itself. It also wants to etted aninst them, held a secret showing a desire for organization other states, in order to work out dletion over Manhattan and the 1086. mentions our group, but be escape from Russia after twou and Citizens Association, is out to make of racketeering and gansterism leving, and the WPA workers here are similar federal teachers groups in Equity Local 100, which has juris. From the see his letters uation in Russia. personally was finally able to divert the minds of the people at the union to postpone before.
Youngstown from the city finanJanuary 21 and advised and a militancy never displayed a common program looking towards Bronx, Five different crews of the establishment of a permanent Both men were chemists for the of the two countries, he made an cause of the similarity in the names in which found myself continu.
cial condition and its efforts to re the investigation until the trial of workers have walked off jobs in a badult education project by the fed Consolidated Gas Company. Solosy error regarding our country of oniously between life and denth. duce the salaries and wages of the January 22, or later. It also ad body during the past three days eral government, city employees. At present this vised against any publicity. Dr. led by union members, have organ Teachers on federal adult, work years, and Ewing five years. Both from Czechoslovakia instead or passport, because had a family had been employed there seven gin and wrote three comrades succeeded because had a foreign of able to rely pored trade unions, especially the Drivers tee publlely, but appeared at the elected committees, and battled out crafts, and National Youth Adminiand Bakers who are most militant, meeting were dropped they were told by a Another inaccuracy, concerning my. thing, and because squarely posed and who are the driving force of the Aght against wage cute Unionists should look with gus quarters are jammed with workers eligible for membership in the Min President John Stilwell of the weltes: One of them, former mem my comrades have remained in ex.
The trials of the three arrested tighting committee, as the head of dungeons only (Continued on Page 2) tion (Continued ou Page 2)
unionists is coming up January 22, the Citzens Association, Dr. Wilthe Communist International, de assistance by the European prolebut it is understood that they will cox, is a member.
voted partisan of the Fourth Inter tariat and by the democratic movemerely be given a hearing and The Citizens Association, that national. My position on the ment can set them free.
bound over to the ground jury. strike breaking, unton busting body, Fourth International is certainly are three members of the political In the penitentiary of Yaroslav Your correspondent, in digging up was given headlines and front page correctly stated, but was not a bureau of the of Hungary.
material on the situation here, in publicity for a mass meeting for member of the was a They support the general line of talking to various business men Thursday, Jan. 17, and the chief member of the party delegation in the Hungarian and of the and city officials, has been met with of police and the mayor were a smirking smile, a wink and the scheduled to speak.
work in the Balkan Secretariat of own party of the Bela Kun group.
45 people comment: We ve got to pin this on turned out for the meeting!
By ARNE SWABECK the They were invited to Moscow to The second Inue of The Union should remove all doubt of this the pence policies pursued by the them public opinion demands It Guide, organ of Drivers Local senatorial Commission of the part est sceptica. Vlewed in the light they are also quite in accord with hunger strike which lasted 18 days rested on the spot and imprisoned In the summer of 1931. my com discuss the controversial issues in In the investigations by the Nye fact even in the minds of the great. Roosevelt administration. As such rades and participated in the the Hungarian party and were ar.
The newspapers and all city officials 377, has appeared and is being well played by the House of Morgan in of the present Roosevelt neutralits the general methods of the New and in which over 150 prisoners in the penitentiary of Yaroslav.
take the same attitude. received by the local untons. the last world war, the fact the polley all this evidence should re Dealschemes. In a bourgeois demo participated in the penitentiary Hundreds of foreign comrades Boer Spur Mediator The Oles Market, owned by mon Laborers Union Local 125 that the real cause of America George Oles, the spearhead of have endorsed the paper.
en rance into the war was furnished On several occasions the Presl successful must bave popular mass was provoked by rifle fire from the provinces and factually in the the campaign against the unions at While the above events are tak by the interests of finance capital, dent has chided the Wall Street support. This is something the guards directed at the prisoners status of prisoners in Russia, withtnis time, even refuses to meet with ing place, the WPA workers are has now become clearly established. bankers. Two years ago we had the Roosevelt administration under one of whom, Gabo Essayan, who out the possibility of returning to Department of Labor and is still organized into the Hod Carriers, financiers determined, in each de Roosevelt administration sponsors the New Deal policy was carried dow, was wounded. The strike also opposition to their party or to the The unions are picketing the mar Union Local 12. This is a new Wilson administration. Their fear were told that its purpose was to the parchasing power of the masses ment of one famine rations. The On my departure, which was a ket, especially the Butchers and local, organized about six weeks of the loss of hundreds of millions, take the profits out of war.
safeguarding their collective bar atmosphere of terror and the fam. deportation from Russia, the Bakers, with the support of the ago, and it already has a member already invested, together with the Objeet of Investigation goining rights their minimum wage, ine rations drove two prisoners men robbed me, seized my scientific Drivers who refuse to deliver sup ship of 500. They have been recog fear of cutting di profits and pros No doubt this is still accepted limitations on working hours, etc. Vera Bergner and Victor Krayny) notes, my manuscripts, and not only pree The Butchers Union attempted have the right to have fires at the decided the issue.
nized by the WPA authorities and perlty for American business finally widely amongst the masses as a Likewise the war preparations in Insane.
my private correspondence, both genuine objective of the investiga the Rooseveltian system must have At the end of three years of im Russian and foreign, but also my to get an injunction against the project sites and covers for trucks The voluminous evidence intro tions. To this extent they serve to popular slogans, such as: taking prisonment, in 1933, my comrades official correspondence with the Ole market to prevent them from that haul men to and from work. duced into the committee hearings strengthen Allusions in regard to (Continued on Page 1) and demanded of the Soviet au. Continued from Page 3)
Morgan Coined Gold out of Workers Blood in 1917 18. with Wilson Aide dolore