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Program of Cleveland Congress Reeks With Pacifism; Class Struggle Omitted PAC)
NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1983 stoneltes glowed me if they had forced the to do something it did not wish. Actually, of course, MARCH OF EVENTS the Stalinists grabbed the opportun.
ity with both bands to declare that the Langue would dissolve into a broader organization if the trade By JACK WEBER unions took the initiative in calling for Election year is here and the inates the world and its wishes muat stallment of comrade Stryker The following is the second in Neutrality, Major Plank of Platform, Guarantees leads to war as surely a sanctions that is what that purpose. For NEUTRALITY FOR SANCTIONS. expense. American capitalism dom do.
they know that the broader the season is open for the creation of be carefully consulted by the other artlele on the recent Lengue Support to S: Government Against War and Fascism ConThe American League demand movement, the wider its support take issues between capitallet poul imperialists. Thus America Influ.
ticla. More especially is this the ences all decisions without appear greng held at Cleveland, Ed.
for neutrality legislation is merely mong the trade union bureaucracy, case over the lasue of war or peace. ing to have any finger in the ple at the more they can spread their pol This leaves the big bourgeoiste its members to accept class (a) Neutrality legislation ignore the form in which stalinism suarBy PHILLIP STRYKER strucklo Hno in defense of demo the fundamental Marxist doctrines Antees its ald to American Imper sonous pacifism A8 clouk for their In this respect the present campaign all.
bears certain resemblances with free to maneuver and to remain that capitalism is in every country om if American Imperialism be social chauvinam Above all, they shot of 1916 when Wileon was re loof until the proper moment for neutrality legislation and dem The American League program fensive armaments; General Fang turns the original conception of the politically with the rest of the Lon. But not only will such an the revolutionary voices in the soChen Wu plea for America not to united front on its head. You must world and that war is as natural alliance not whitewash the imper cialist Party, and the correct post out of war. Then too the educa: utmost power when the rival im the wr weakness toward Japen but believe in the ending of capitalism to capitalism as le peace. It imialist and reactionary character of tion against sanctions taken by the tion of the mass was accomplish Terialists are in no position to Cleveland welcoming be agreed to not only by generals imperialist power suike the site government. It amerlen chooses to amorphous movement. The lov: pearance of neutruity in the first as Wilson proceeded during neutralspeech with its declaration of faith and bishops, Utoplans, Epics and States from the rest of the world stallpists will have bred the main this task, and the publie rebuke Issue wie is clearly enough revealed afloat, so Roosevelt in the lull that Bight against the Soviet Union, the stoneltes did them yeoman service world war. How fictitious this ity to construct the biggest navy in God and America; the fnnumer. Farmer Laborites, bat eren by as to which its tentacles reach. It in the memoirs of Secretary of precedes the next great conflict, is able speeches of the preachers; the cists. but you don have to accept declares it possible for imperialist slons necessary to line up the of Ben Gold attack on Zimmer State Lansing, despite the pose of hastening the building of the strongdeliberate arrangements preventing the class struggle man, wtich was implied when Zim You can be an America to cut itselt off from its masses to go to war!
any discussion of program and re avowed class collaborationist but foreign trade and investment of The Disarmament Illusion high moral toner attempted best navy on the seas. Neutrality merman and Browder followed each the careful selection of documents. does not stop for one moment the solutions. all this was described ight against war and Fascism! capital abroad the very life lines. The second andere pala ko tan support of the resolution for broad steer the United States into the war in order to be ready for the need of other on the speakers platform in lansing replaced Bryan in order to complete militarizing of the Pacific grees Against War and Pascu. to be found in the museum of anti sible for the American government. and universal disarmament as adening the movement, was the least on the side of be Allies. The funda neutrality held in Cleveland, January 6. capitalist curiosities? Stalinist the executive committee of the cap vocated by the Soviet Union. Browder could give Zimmerman for mental reasons for aiding the allied with Japan. Neutrality here plays The ten point program of the mountebanks, Is there no limit to itallst class no matter who site In Whatever the uses to the Soviet his uefal services imperialists were the financial in the same role that sanctions played American League Against War and the fall?
The Cat and the Canary Washington, to take over the task state in its international diplomacy terests of the American capitalista, and play in England.
Fascism, and the resolutions, were Yet this fantastic doctrine is ab of maintaining peace. Thus it alds of this slogan, dropped by Litvinov Paul Porter, as official observer articularly those of the big bankers brought in on the last day, and solutely necessary to the American the government in preparing for into the League of Nations discus. for the Socialist Party, in propos. The most backward person knows VIGILANTES IN SEATTLE.
with the rules forbidding any League on what other doctrine war, for as Hearst and Roosevelt ston, it is so utterly unreal that ing that the langue go on record this today so that there is absolutely The elements and methods of resolutions from could one gather together these have consistently declared and even such a bourgeois pacifist or for dissolving into a broader organ nothing new being revealed by the fasciem are always present in cap the door, were voted through to generals and preachers, profession. Gelerende ute or to strong new League denounces it. Yet hero it Butler told the cheering sanization as the War Resisters ixation, declared himself to be in Congressional investigation of the Italist society in embryo. It is when full sympathy for the aims and relation between the Morgan loans these sectional elements begin to wond the material required. crats and middle class panacea trality and peace policy the u. this moth eaten panacea of pre purpo the Longue and term and the entry of Americh except recur, when they begin to coalesce strong national de war idealism, resurrected by Stalled it the most realistle of all peace for the filling out of a few concrete and take on national character that line brought in by the Stalinist con carry along the old lumber of class tense. Neutrality legislation 18 Inism. What does it mean, to organizations in the country. Ap detalls. It was easy for the bank Cascism becomes immediately mentroited leadership?
struksle phrases, in order to trade precisely the myth of isolationism Aight for American imperialism rently his whole criticism of the ers to create the appearance of a neing to the working class. To Lenin declared, and the first con on the herotc epoch of the Comin which Wilson employed to prepare to disarm? correct polley can league is limited to its unrrow financial crists with the possibility gauge the progress of reaction so grease of the Communist Interna tern which is its chlet stock in for the last war.
only be based on fighting for things base! Its bourgeois pacifism, its of panic in order to achieve their as to see ahead and organize the tional embodied, the conception trade in decelving the workers. But (b) But neutrality legislation has which are possible. Can American role in sowing anti working class alms of complete support of England working class for defense against Diplomacy had the the rule of knife and club, it is that the struggle against imperial to secure its allies for its nefarious an even more direct war making sert sach a possibility only by him entirely. Porter went around usual task of covering up these necessary to pay close attention to ist war can only be the revolution work, it mus old.
Ary struggle for the overthrow of altogether.
governmental sanctions would only throwing overboard the Marxist the Congress, after having push material interests with the more every sectional struggle. The Pad capitalism. The only way to preThe Illusion of Neutrality seriously be enforced by an imper doctrine that war is inevitable and the Stalinists into endorsing a relatable veneer of humanity and the Const has witnessed tremendous pare the struggle against war, The main planks of the antiislist power when it meant to crush rated part of the capitalist process. if he were the cat who swallowed causes of war were made the sub past few years. The general strike apart from the bullding of the rev. war program are: Neutrality legislation to be country as a preparation to crush. But even then, disarmament would the canary. The truth is in the marine issue and the freedom of In Frisco stands out as a monument dizing of the only way to fight war, passed by Congress. Since America ing it by military means war is armed forces also are needed for laration of Porter gave the stalin his memoirs to delete all documents the indications are that the marine struggle day by day. The various (not a word was sald against the forcible means. 80, too. American masses. During 1935 troops were the liquidation of the sectarian lluence of the Morgans in shaping fought this major battle, may again Lorms of pacifism are not only not League of Nations during the con imperialism could under the cloak used twenty two times against form of organization of the Leugue. American policy. Thus the letter strike against the big shipping in gle against war, but are rather ide now halls it as a force for peace. Anancial and economie restrictions, workers and farmers. Can capital. The Daily Worker Joyous greet of Lanting to Wilson in which the terests. The bosses on thelr gide are becomes the obvious prepared to put down such a strike ological enemies of the struggle governmental sanctions of the Eu boycotts, etc. against another coun ism dispense with this too? The ing of Porter declaration was not Secretary mouthpiece of the financiers in with the violence and brutality Against war and must be driven out ropean variety finds its equivalent try only as a step to open warfare theory of total and universal dis only sincere, it was deliriously basecuring direct government backing charactéristie of major strike moreof the labor movement. This is the here in government neutrality leg. As the British and French reform armament is based on class collany.
of the floating of enormous loans inents. minor but important in.
program of Lenin and is our pro islation. Every rotten reformist Ist Stalinist support of government borationism and pacifism of the The studied silence of the Con to the Allies, is omitted.
and pacifist organization in Amer. al sanctions has dication of ruling class preparedness already demon most openly anti working class gress on the question of sanctions character.
is seen in the vigilante movement Stalinjat Pacifist Chop Suey ice supports such mandatory strated, those who support such rewas simply bait to pull the Social. NEUTRALITY TODAY.
These two main planks on war iste in. The Stalinists are all along the Coast. Only a few more Americant a literature problem not the enough about this vicious proposal will inevitably also support the are supplemented by others consistent than the Socialists: they their advantage to screen their war raided a Communist school that had rathe ouer erst article showed bow 19. But it is worth recapitulating low. Those who try to draw (as tinction between good and bad car legislation, for the Peoples Front, sanctions. The pose of international Vicious fashion students and teachthe Stalinists did not make me single the main argument. The demand American Socialists attempt) a dis italist powers is smugled in by for peace loving nations like capitalist action against Italian ers The latter were chased for which pervaded the Congress The (a) illustons of ordinary pacifism tions and American neutrality leg the relation between war and fasists who are inconsistent, in cor Ish workers. Similarly reason why they had met de his with the (b) war making function isletion draw a distinction where sims as if the democratic capt: rectly opposing sanctions, but at and progressive henchmen of car when youngster tactics are used liberal 19 everywhere in the capitalist world embodied in their program, which of sanctions.
none exists. Neutrality legislation talist powers were not equally war the same time supporting neutrale italism here wish exploit the against the working class movement, is pacifist from beginning to end.
makers! This was supplemented by ity legishation, and talling to crit constant references in the many cite the concept of the Peoples waging a fake battle over neutrality. Before the arrival of the vigilantes desire for peace of the masses by the thugs were alded by the police.
But this is not all! Even the most speeches to Germany and Japan Front. The stalinists may well say: To do this however they must make everal members of the teaching elementare conception THE MANAGER CORNER class struggle tactics is absent from the most dangerous war makers. Let the Socialists stay on record it appear that it was the nefarious staff and student body had been the Stalinist documents of the Con There are references to strikes against sanctions. All we need 18 work of the big bourgeoisle that arrested by the polke under orders gress!
against transport of munitions, ex. for them to support neutrality legenused the giving up of nentrality from the Mayor. Following the sing American war preparations, islation, the Peoples Front, and in the last war.
In order to obscure the stark Since our last report 98 new sub. Branch 36)
was the careful arrests the terror was loosed on the and resisting increasing militariza join in a truly all embracing Fed preparations and inaneuvering of remaining individuals. This is but anti working class nature of this scribers have been added to our (Branch 9)
Stalinist version of the united mailing list. This brings us to a tion; but the bourgols pacifisteration, and we will drown out Morgan and famont behind the symptom of what may be expected (Branch 13)
front, the Stalinists have evolved a total of 320 new subscriptions since planks characterize the program, and destroy their position against scenes that overthrew neutrality. on a growing scale in the event of (Branch 16 most astonishing formula. In his our present drive began. MeanIn concluding the description of sanctions. Branch 2) the Congrese two facts are worth And of course Nye and Borah intend big strikes. It is necessary for the keynote speech, Chairman Harry while renewals on expired subscrip. Branch F. Ward, declared that the Amer tions are coming in well. These, of 12) reiterating with emphasis broad movement against reacto see to it that this does not happen workers to made aware of the situa(District 28. tion and involving the trade unions again! As a matter of fact neu tion in advance and to organize Gaseous Attack on War ican League is anti capitalist: course, are not listed here. We Philadelphia, Pa. 20 but beyond that point, where it list only new subscriptions.
The program itself was discussed is possible and desirable, and the trality at this time is the method by their forces accordingly for the Pittsburgh, Pa. 25 cully in one of the commissions, and revolutionists will gladly work for which the American imperialists are defense of their meetings against comes to what is to be done with The comrades in New York City Plenty wood, Mont.
the profit system, how it is to be are doing the best work by far in St. Louis, Mo. not at all in the congress, which it. Such a movement will be keyed accomplishing their alms with least the vigilantes.
done, what is to take its place, that this drive. Branch has exceeded Salt Lake City.
10 adopted it as soon as read. Like to the present situation in America is the political task of the parties, its quota and Branch and are San Francisco, Cal. wise the scores of resolutions where the struggle for democratic and has nothing to do with the making headway and having the San Diego, Cal. 10 (mainly dealing with defense causes rights has before it the task of League.
and democratie rights) were adopt strengthening the trade undone and biggest number of subscriptions to Springfield, ed without discussion. To think of defending political prisoners, the In view of the use of my name by field, in which most of my activiThis was put even more crudely, their credit. But branch is lag Toledo, Ohio. the congress 19 a form dlacus foreign born, fighting police terror. Lonis Budenz from platforms of ties have been centered. The line the League organ November la ing terribly.
Utica, sion, therefore, would be to dignity martial law, etc. In large part, such the Communist Party for the pur of the in the PUL and the Le sue, by Paul Reld, its executive The list following below shows Washington, DC.
it. It was a mass meeting where a movement will, though not in a nose of undermining and disrupting High County has been (as it The exact character of the new quite a few cities and some of the cities not listed. 45 that responses have come in from Youngstown, Onro. 10 the deletes were simply sub formal sense, but in actual fact, be the Workers Party wish to make could not but be) disruptive and 30 Jected to a barrage of gaseous talk aiding the struggle against war; for entirely clear my own position. Insupportable, unworthy of the sup social and economie order and the responses are rather good; but from method of achieving it through the comrades in a number of cities altractly against war and fas so far as it is possible to have a am absolutely opposed to the port of any thinking worker.
Total. 1, 000 320 cm. Firthermore, not to speak of united front in the struggle against action of Budenz cupitulating to BILL REIOH.
class war, nonviolent revolution, we have not heard at all. True clase collaboration, etc. are not we have heard from several of them the validity of most of the dele war, that is possible on the level of the Stalinist party and despite my the concern nor the program of the saying that they are on the job. TANT for the year 1935 are now ICOR, workers clube, un capitalist oppression, which is a labor movement. cannot but conThe issues of the NEW MILI tes present the day by day struggle against former association with him in the American League.
Philadelphia This has radical sound for a expect to turn in new subscripvolumer. The price for the com the Soviet Union, etc. these actu struggle against imperialist war. he joined the all of which has LENIN LIEBKNECHT moment, but contrast it with the tions. What ally counts, howeve plete set, in durable binding, will ally were the bulk of the delegates we have advocated and alded in been calculated to instill false LUXEMBOURG program of one of the older mass is the actual results and we will be 50 postpaid. But the actual organizations sending delegates the first steps of building such and reactionary polley into the Memorial Meeting Labor Defense program covers far we have these results. Meanwhile orders come in. Those who desire future life of the American Tengue unions, and such a broad labor de class. Particularly contemptible are who presumably were molding the progressive movement in the trade ranks of the American working SUNDAY, JAN. 26, 8:15 less Erandiose tasks than the Amer we are taking it up with them di to obtain a bound volume shoula, did not thereby affiliate to the rense movement.
icon League. It requires no one to rectly also.
Budenz vicious attacks on the so Grant Fraternity Hall therefore, forward their orders American League. Thus it was a But to confuse the struggle called Trotskylsts, namely, those 1626 Arch Street, 3rd floor belleve in the ending of capitalism, and certainly not in its revolutionExtension of our party press is right away.
masquerade claiming to represent against capitalist oppression, on revolutionists in the Soviet Union Preparations are also under way two millions, which both ideolog which a united front is possible and and elsewhere who have remained Speakers: ary overthrow. But it does require an ever pressing duty for every Sympathizers are of to make up the complete file of the Scally and organizationally dis desirable with the question of the loyal to the principles of Marxian MAX SHACHTMAN course, invited to participate as NEW INTERNATIONAL, all 199les solved the morning after but leav revolutionary struggle against war internationalism in the face of the Editor New International WORKERS well. We suggest that the comrades mblished to date, in bound volumen. Ing the vicions Illusion in the minds and there is only one way to greatest difficulties, calumnies and MANNY GARRETT in every Instance check the list be They will contain both volumes of many that something had been night war, the way of the revolu persections, Exlitor Young Spartacus My condemnation of Budena, far Protect Yourselves Against the laws careful and make the neces neede. July 1903. gak teh anda melumat sescomplished for fighting war and ton, fit the overthrow of capitalison Ausp: Philadelphia Branch, serve only from being a personal matter, is WORKMEN SICK DEATH a mi, the next thing to eral of the issues of this period are aditioual function beside sowing social chauvinistă. Stalinism wants program and conduct, that is, the are shown as yet, or where the refug the December, 1985 isue. Sev.
The masquerade, however, had an the war makers and their allies the rather condemnation of his political EGR BENEFIT FUND OF THE do is to take the question up in how not available except the copies illusions, it had very deliberately this contusion; it depends on it to program and line of conduct of the New Haven, Conn.
the branch and see to it that ne et aside for bindine. The price the function of propagandizing for crown out revolutionary volces, it Communist Party Events in the tion follows.
the Stalinit JOHN WEST condition with the Iepends on it to befog the atmos last year in particular have conOrganized, managed by and for will speak on phere and preront the workers of Armed with tenfold emphasis the heurwosie the People Front Russia imperialist alles from pre analysis of the reactionary and na The World Faces the New War Since our last report the new sub. TERNATIONAL will be 00 post workers with only one purpose nie.
scriptions receivel together with to render protection to memhers the quotas of the various cities ELI TANT, Past 11th Street, Send all orders to the NEW Ty important speaker.
thienpolitical carry Ward paring the structe. But what are tonalistic nature of the de.
and their familles, and to supFraternal Hall stand as follows. Roger Baldwin, etc. sang the Socinlsts falling into the trap generation, above all in the highly portall endeavors amil struggles 19 Elm Street City New York, NY.
Quota. Turned in steans of praise for the People Cor? They have taken a real step crucial question of the Imperialist for the improvement of toilers.
Friday, Jan. 24th, P.
Akroa. Oblo. 20 ront of Franthat horrible bur forward, by oppuising sanctions. war. on which the and the About 10. 000 members organ Ulbert Lea, Mim.
Sereral thousand copies of the wee of mass strugde the chiet They must not take a bundred Third International have taken a Admission 150 tred in 350 branches Reserves Allentowi, A.
ramphlet War and the Workers, livity of which is pushing the Meps backward by Joining with the position which is essentially indis 3, 100, 000.
Austiu. Min. John West, have already been overnment into pressing social chauvinists in a broader linguishable from that of the SecDeath benetit graded Accord Berkeley. Cal. disposed of. More are still ou hand. etons against Italy. Ernly all embracing Ferleration. ond International during the war.
BOSTON LECTURE 5e at entry. Sick benefit Teston. Mas. 25 we did print a large supply, sut The Ambulance Chasers Speak Up Fortunately, many intervening In contrast to it the revolutionary clent to meet all orders for the rayments from 923 to 909 to Charleston, Ya. The Love Stories of course, MAX Shachtman, editor stes lle between the present and Marxian position of the Workers of the men and women, according to Chicago, Ill.
lecture 50 18, mot immediate period.
ve been selonorisly propagan the passible fornition of such Party on this and other fundamen New International, will classes.
Cleveland, Olio. 25 Numerous comments have been txing 24, at our swehat Biradening of the brand federation. Revolutionary tal questions stands out all the Friday evening. Jan Stonthly assessments from 450 Detroit, Mich.
Columbus, Ohio. 10 receivedl praising this pamphlet for movement represented by the Socialists must serionsly analyze more plainly as conforming to the new headquarters, 18 Stuart Street. The People 2 ts popular presentation and yet League. Their only complaint the lole of their own position; the basic and immediate interests of Boston. Subject. to 10 Dicksoti City. Pa.
thoroughly fundamental analysis of the it is that it is con contradiction het ween their pro the working class.
Front, Can It Stop War and Fas For further information apply Fargo. Dakota. 10. the causes of war, the imperialist role. Thoring piletely their ortion on sanctions, and The bureanerntie regime inside cism? Admission 15c, unemployed to Main Odlce: High Point, conflicts of the preselit croch andre of the social chauvinism of the their ractionary Meion on which is merely a reilee free 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, NY Kansas City, Mo. 10 the role of the various forms of Stalivists in the langue, the Lov. trality legislation: the fundamentation of the same regime in the 3rd Los Angeles, Cal. 23 11 pacifism and socialpatriotism. To storites have only hered the stal. Gistinction between the correct International, makes it all the Brownsville Open Forum Minneapolis, Minn. 75 the serious student of Marxism, to to open the doors wil. Anumited front on fxenes of capitalist more impossible for this organiza Sex and the Class Struggle PAUL LUTTINGER, Mount Carmel. Ua.
the militant worker as well as to rently this Tavestone propaganda ession on the one hand, and on tion to contribute to the advanceDANIEL LUTTINGER, Newark, 20 Speaker: the active trade unionist this 48x a factor in the action taken by the other the question of the revonent of the working clasy, but rathNew Castle, Pa. 10 DR. OSCAR TROPP e pamphlet is indispensable. The Socialist Party in proposing latfonary struggle against war. Weer to its defeat and demoralization. Washington Square North New Haven, Conn. 10 well known physician and 8 Except Sundays New York City. 400 186 ten or more and it can also be obuwing posible a broader organiza ist party, where Stalinism is lead tivities of the have been most and Holidays. Branch tained froun the NEW MILITANT tion.
Friday, Jan. 24, 8:30 ing in France and her satellites. Is plainly shown in the mass organize (Branch office.
Zimmerman and the other Lor this the road you want to travel tions, especially in the unemployed 1776 Pitkin Ave. nr. Stone 75 80 20 16 10 100 11 10 10 Statement of Bill Reich 20 25 10 secretary 1881 1935 10 30 10 10 5 90 40 71)