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NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 2, NO. (WHOLE NO. 55 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1936 PRICE CENTS By JAMES CANNON OUR Lenin, who died eleven years ago this month, gave us the fundamental analysis of the social conditions of our time from which all revolutionary thought and action proceed.
Our epoch, he said, is the epoch of wars and revolutions.
In his own struggle and victory he demonstrated the correctof this formula and the underlying unity of these two forms of social upheaval.
Lenin and a numerically insigUnder the Banner Of Lenin Ohio Drivers Local Tampa Aid Maritime Federation Flourishes Under Group Balks Is Threatened with Whitewash Rabid Boss Attacks General Lockout nificant group o in interaction. Youngstown Packing House Mass Meeting Strike Ties Up New Struggle ology of the opportunist wise. Local 377 in Workers Plan West Coast Finds Workers Union Drive Union Merger Shipbuilding Prepared ness Florida Victims to Hold who town.
signe an agreement con alists a sect in the terminJanuary 22.
acres raised the banner of revolutionary struggle against Poulnot and Rogers, the imperialist war and made workers of Tampa, Florida, it, within three years, the banwere kidnapped. tarred, feathered and beaten by the same gang of ner of the first victorious By CURTISS workers revolution.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 18. The YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio. little Lenin MASON CITY, Iowa, Jan. 11. police and Klansmen who murdered SAN FRANCISCO. The year over two years ago the truck driv. Deciding that definite steps shoula Joseph Shoemaker several weeks Industrial Union of Shipyard Work banner was the banner of in ers here organized foenl union No. be taken to organize an industrial ago, will be the featured speakers ers (independent) of San Francisco 1988 is ushered in with the west ternationalism. His struggle 377. For several months the local union for all packing house work at a mass meeting to be held in and Oakland walked out on strike coast waterfront dally becoming against the war was a struggle union made very little headway. ers throughout the packing indus New York City January 22 under over a week ago. The San Pedro more tense. storm is browing for the Third Internation. Started to grow as a force in the Rapids, Austin, Albert Lea, South Aid the Defense of Civil Rights in union walked out this morning, strike of 1984 seem like a gentle None but internationalists labor movement by the militant St. Paul, Faribault and Mason City Tampa.
making the strike general on the breeze.
honor the memory of the real Lenin today.
From about met in a two day session over the Over tactics it pursued. few of the sallent facts Poulnot and Rogers escaped with west coast, excepting Seattle.
Fifty nine steam schooners are In the blackest days of the war when the united parties of Arty members when it first started, week end here. This conference their lives, but shoemaker pald the a thousand men are out under the the Second International became the direct instruments of the the very beginning few people ever Yon of All Workers of Austin, Minn. Tampa bosses and the corrupt city in the Bay Area of San Francisco Hotels have retallated with stock imperialist war makers, when the faithless leaders of the social paid any attention to the drivers and the Midwest Union of Packing administration to all who try to and Oakland democracy invoked the name of Marx to bless the imperialist local union, taking into considera House Workers of Cedar Rapids, organize workers to fight for their The entire shipbuilding Industry out. These ships ply coastwise be tion the fact that many times ef. committee of ten was set up economic needs or who oppose the of these three points is paralyzed tween the northern lumber regions slaughter as the traitors of today invoke the name of Lenin forts have been made to organize and given full power to take steps corrupt political ring in the court as the workers, practically to a and San Francisco, The Seamen proletarian internationalism. So we today, on the eve of an cessful.
union for the packing house work bers of the Modern Democrats, an Jobs unless their than the so called left as well as other world war for which the leaders of the Second and Third The drivers in the meantime ers.
insurgent Tampa political group granted. The demands are for the conservative labor leaders, is sup Internationals have already offered their services as lackeys of learned quite a bit. They have The conference cited the division with a liberal program. They have Seattle scale of wages, which would porting the seamen of these steam the imperialist masters, must fight for a revival of true Leninism, taken a lesson from the workers in that has been created in the ranks also done organizing for the Work amount to raise of between 16e schooners and 36c an hour, and for recogniThe Pennsylvania, a superluxur study his teachings and example, and fight under his banner Cleveland, Toledo, Minneapolis and of the packing worker by crafters Alliance.
other cities throughout the country, unions and the further redivision Speakers at Protest Meeting tion of their union and hiring ous Iiner, was tied up for several That means to counterpose the workers revolution to the capi and they were an inspiration to under the guise of racial prejudice.
days as the east coast seamen re Among the other speakers at the through the unton hall.
fused to man her, unless they retalist war and to work unceasingly and under all conditions for other crafts and local unions, such The conference repudiated this as mass meeting, which will be held Acting in Solidarity the realization of an international organization of the Leninists. As the butchers, bakers and auto the program of the bosses. The at the Hotel Delano, 43rd Street, The Indutrial Unton controls al drawn by the sailors signing out That is the only way to fight war, because the only answer to mechanics in the city of Youngs conference stands for one industrial near Sixth Avenue, at wii sectlons of the workers who con of west coast ports. The Panama the owns the war is revolution.
Reviving the Labor Movement One Negro delegate to the confer David Lasser of the Workers A111 machinists who belong to the Ma Lenin fought the betrayers who lured the socialist masses sylvania, ence told of cases when workers of ance, Herbert Solow of the Non chinists Union of the American with the Sailors Union of the AtThey really helped to revive the big race had been used to break Partisan Labor Defense, and Sam Federation of Labor. Generally lantic, which has a lower wage rate He proclaimed irreconcilable war against the social patriots owned reste strike mladine Sarthenia emphasis wienerteet thema General Defense erlendis relations hord sway between than the Pacific, of course, this of all hues, the agents of imperialism in the labor movement. unionism into the stagnant reaction Committee. Jullus Hochman of the the rank and file of the machinist agreement was signed without the Joint Board of Dressmakers will and the Industrial Union, however, men being consulted.
Against them he called for the regrouping of the proletarian ary swamp that has failed to learn Defense Plans New preside. Admission will be 25 cents. The strike began on January Furnishing Scabs Union Cards After tion on the program of revolutionary internationalism. It is existence in the city of Youngs Federal Appeal in As a result of the campaign of mands to the employers. The in number of days, skeleton crew well to remember that Lenin fought for this idea without com The labor movement here Scottsboro Case protest organized by the Committee, dustrial Union Jolned their walk of unlicensed scabs was secured. It promise even when he stood in a very small minority. He sists of about 19. 000 organized of which the LD. is a constitu out, at first as an act of solidarity, is said that the local appointee of ent, the Tampe authorities have and later on presenting their de Furesuth, the Grand Old Man of taught that the split with the social patriots was the prerequi workers. The basle industries of defense motion to transfer the felt compelled to go through the mands to the companies, too. The the shipowner who is president of site for the revolutionary unity of the workers. The develop the efforts to unor sanized, but with Scottsboro cases to the Federal motions of a prosecution. six Machinists and Industrial Union the International Seamen Union, ment of events brilliantly vindicated his thesis. The Russian terest in unionism became general Callahan in Decatur, Ala, on Jan. been arrested, charged with kidnap and have given assurances that one Revolution confirmed it in practice. On the foundation of the among the workers. The bonnes, in At the same time the trial dates ping and with second degree mur will not go back to work unless the told: union men worked alongside to say, but the fact must be theory and the practice the word and the deed the Comin their efforts to stop the awakening for Hnywood Patterson and clar der. The county prosecutor stall employers settle with the others. of these scabs.
tern arose as a great world movement, heralding the proletarian Spirit of trade antonism among the ence Norris were set for Jan. 20 ing because the defense is backed Lackenback An international official of the Four freighters revolution in all countries.
this was a and 23 respectively. jury panel, by wealthy clear manufactur Machinists attempted to instruct which had been tied up by JobAll that Lenin taught us about the reformist social democ trade unionism in Foungstown, that reported to include 20 Negrees, was ers who support the Klan terror the machinists of San Francisco to action of the seamen satiedon racy and the Second International remains true and applies is the local union of drivers 377.
with double force today. Only one amendment is needed Attack by Bosses all of the Negroes summoned mas pendent investigation of the crime and fle quickly and emphatically an increased basic rate, equalling pointed out, however, that any or committee is conducting an inde trial Union. The machinist rank had accepted the company offers of to his analysis of the international movement: The Third InSeveral weeks ago the bosses be stricken by the prosecution be in order to compel the prosecution informed this international official the west coast scale ternational stands in the same dock with the Second, indicted citizens Association, in order to Alter Judge Callahan overruled Threat to Remove Convention were running the strike, and second Urges East Coast Action The Sailor Union of San Franfor the same crimes. The frightful defeats suffered by the prepare public opinion for a drive the motion to have the case transproletariat in Germany and Austria testify to the unregenerate (Continued on Page 4)
Efforts will be made to get the that they were not going to walk cisco, at its last meeting went on (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
treachery of the social democracy and the complicity of Stalinism. At this moment the two traitor internationals stand Toledo MESA Local at the service of the capitalist League of Nations, backing Wins Real Victory sanctions and paralyzing the resistance of the workers to In Ten week Battle the impending war. Corrupt and treacherous to the core, the Second and Third Internationals are today the main bulwarks TOLEDO, 0, Jan. 14. After 72 of the capitalist world system.
By GEORGE MARSHALL days of striking and two days of Reacting against the policies which led to disaster in solid mass picket lines, the workGermany and Austria, an increasing number of the advanced New Deal go to the guillotine of the New Deal and all it repre demanding the retraction of the meat strikes from desperate house come out of the battle with no read One by one the measures of the of Fuseism. They want to get rid ground under their feet again, are skyrocket, and which has provokeders of the Mother Spring Co. have (Continued on Page 4)
First the NRA; then the Railroad sents in the way of state capital few minor concessions they were wives in city after elty.
Retirement Act; and now the AAA ism and revert to the good old days forced to grant their upper middle have been beheaded by the Lord of the Coolidge Hoover regime, class allies, the farmers, in order not the only ones who suffered from and forth between the two negotiBut the consuming masses were After days of jockeying back High Executioner American when the goverment rarely inter to extricate themselves from the the AAA The crop restriction pro ating committees with the Toledo capital, the Supreme Court.
fered with their business, and then crisis. Thanks to the Supreme gram ground the faces of the Peace Board acting as messenger What does the massacre mean? only at their own behest. Conrt, the last stronghold of en southern share croppers and tenantIt means tha The Roosevelt Rev.
olution is dead and needs only to trialists, encouraged by every rise what they want. Such is the signi transformed them into wage labor management and presented to the be buried The real purpose of the in the stock market, emboldened by ticance of the plowing under of the escarning even less for therr Mather strikers at their meeting on labor than Only Pressure of Workers Organizations Can Pre italism and restore its profit mak and drove hun Sunday, Jan.
were read and explained to the Who Benefited and who Suffered dreds of thousands of the land.
vent Unfavoradle Action by Reactionary Forces men by the chairman, American capitalism, as adminisThe plantation owners, the cotton Becker, president of local 4, of the tration spokesmen so proudly profrom the AAA?
corporations, and the banks alone Following the chairman While Raymond Henderson, courts, and the fight for them will claim, has recovered from the crisis.
prospered under the attorney for the National Sacra be carried further by Henderson, The steady rise in production in What was the AAA? The AAA ate destruction and these higher ngricultural workers got no more remarks, the men were addressed mento Appeal Committee, continues possibly to the Federal courts, and dices, the ten months old stock was designed to raise the prices of prices? First, the top layers of the from the AAA than the industrial tary of the and Burke log Jam caused by the state re. Until the question of the right of tripling of corporate profits testify market by restricting production on ments from the government for re Ohio onion workers, the New Jersey ledo Tocal. Both speakers pointed prisoner 57808 in San Quentin, with trial record is settled, the appeal in nursing his patient back to sumer on the other. Capitalis prices for the crope they raised. tions of labor only when they out that the union bad won suba copy of the record of the trial itself is tied up by the State. health. American capital feels the knows no other way of emerging Second, the landlords, the banks fought their bosses by organizing stantial victories, as the men were. proceedings, the State Parole Board Board Decision Important strength of yore returning to its from the crisis caused by the col and the insurance companies who and striking.
is preparing to consider the ques pational sensority, time and a half Hence the State Parole Board, tever ridden frame.
ossal forces of production at its are again recelving interest and All the operations of the AAA for overtime, readjustments and tion of setting sentences for Mini which is to meet early in Febru Upon this rising tide of economic command than by destroying and payments on the farm mortgages were carried out at the expense of many other minor concessions, and and the other Sacramento prison ary, becomes a doubly important recovery a wave of reaction in the restricting these productive forces they hold. Third, the packing, to exploited agricultural workers, urged the men to accept the settle Having been denied the right to the prisoners as they cannot hope has set in. The emergency meas forced scarcity onto the masses.
factor in determining the fate of upper circles of monopoly capital and shifting the cost of this en baceo, food, and mail order corpor share croppers, and tenant farmers ment.
ations, who could pocket a percen and the consuming masses for the The Mather Spring Co. men, a copy of the trial record by the to get out through an appeal forures of the New Deal were rungs The AAA was a classic example tage of the higher prices as profits, beneflt of the rich farmers and voting by secret ballot, accepted derson has sought a writ of habeas Counting of good time, the min capital emerged from the pit of the ing end, it limited acreage: plowed declared to have been illegally col. The oppressed masses of the Amer majorityje neat themang the templos corpus in Marin County Court, on imum sentence of all the prisoners depression. Today they have no under every third row of cotton: lected.
ican people have no reason what of the 72 day battle was for the the grounds that Mini is being de will be up on February 27. Their further use for such measures. They wantonly and wastefully slaught Who paid for the AAA? The soever for mourning the death of first time relieved, the meeting nted his constitutional right of ap maximum sentence would be 14 simply encumber their free activity ered millions of pigs and cattle: consuming masses of the country. the AAA. It gave them nothfue broke into wild cheering and sing.
peal, since orief can be rawn years less several years for good and need to be discarded and dewhea cotton Over a billion dollars were collected but higher prices for the necessities ing of the song they had learned up without the trial proceedings. time. The Parole Board has not stroyed.
bought at prices above the world in processing taxes. The bulk of of life and another demonstration during the strike: On the Line, The attorney, Gallagher, yet sent any definite sentence: It The Roosevelt Revolution is market in government bins and this came out of the salaries of of the inability of the present ecoThe prestige of the local union who represents some of the other has the power to do so at its meet therefore giving way to a period of warehouses With the unexpected the working masses.
Thanks to nomic system to distribut the has increased considerably, because Sacramento prisoners, has also ing in February, and if it chose to counter reforms. American finance aid of auch uncontrollable natural the AAA, they paid extra pennies abundance at its disposal. of its conduct of this ten week old gone into action, following Hender it could release all the Sacramento capital is not yet ready to submit forces of destruction as drought for every suit of underwear, loaf Who Are the Usurpers! battle. Shortly a special Issue of son move against the State. He prisoners at the end of next month, to the confining embraces of state and dust storms the government of bread, pound of meat, and pint The fact that the Ammoclated capitalism, which had its first flow has achleved its purpose of raising of milk they bought. The AAA is carried on its front page call tonist, will be published as the is Last Saturday the Daily Worker its new paper, the Industrial UnFarmers, Inc. and the Chamber of ering under Roosevelt and which the prices of the base farm com principally responsible for the tre from the Central Committee of the first shot in a campaign to organIt is unlikely that these writs Commerce of California are contin can find ita Anished expression in modities mendous rise in the cost of living Communist Party, signed by lze the unorganized auto parts will be granted by the county (Continued on Page 4) the national economie strait Jacket Who benefited from this deliber since 1938, which still continues to (Continued on Page 3)
PLOWING UNDER THE AAA local of the MESA of California Parole Board to Meet on Mini Case Above all, the bankers and Indus trenched capital, they are getting farmers even deeper into the dust: boy, an offer was made by the 12.
The proposals before George ers.