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Gen lfang, Stalinist Hero. Kuo Min Tang Butcher the old forms and have banded themselves together into unite all fighters against Japanese troops in the mountain fastnesses with his superiors, the veteran the Fang Chen wus, the Chen Mingthat is now known as the Peantetang not in the period when the was it? It was an attempted re land resolution that every Chinese remarks Progressives PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1936 NEW MILITANT happened at Minneapolis, at Detroit, and on the Pacific Coast with which is merged Shrewdly enough, the reactionary labor leaders THE MILITANT see in these movements the real challenge to their Publisbed weekly by the New Militant Publishing Co. antiquated forms and methods, their treacherous 55 East 11th Street, New York City policy, their power. Hence the expulsion and Red Purge aimed at Local 174, the sabotage of the inde Entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office pendents auto strike in Detroit and the move now at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
By LO SEN to expel and reorganize the locals affiliated to the and peasants blood the situation last May. China JAMES CANNON. Editor On the front cover of a Stalinist army of Kuomintang reaction, al workers such labor leaders and the employers, the visitantes publication called China Today burier amilitarist in Chiang mil. Howed in Antweit Pung herofculiy Press, usuligan 2018 tarist diadem, the Kuomintang faith in So in 1983 Fang was still the Subscription Rates: In the United States 00 per and the government agencies there is only a division Is the picture of a Chinese general for his services in 1927 with com him by waging the terror with the stalwart defender of the Kuominnained Fang Chen wu. Ping has mand of an army a Atting place, best of Chiang other underlings. tang. He wasn even as daring year: 65c six months, Canada and foreign: 50 per of labor.
year: 00 six months. Bundle rates: 2c per copy. There is no way for the marine workery but to this country as a Aghter against Indeed, for a veteran revolution. But Fang was still faithful to Feng as Feng Yu hslang! And when the Yu hslang and when Feng and revolt failed? Like every other Vol. SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1986 No. stand their ground and Asht it out. Capitulation to Japanese imperialism. He was the demands of the Scharrenbergs and the Tobins sponsored by them at the recent count (most of the article is pure cided to throw in his lot with Feng gained away his deals for pleces Then follows an imaginative ac Chiang went to war in 1930 he detwo penny militarist, Fang bar Rally Round the Flag to the bosses. The latter strive to smash the unions in an article by that other fighter Action sans tighting the Japan and therefore incurred Chlang of silver. General Fang Chen wu Japanese imperialisme, ese at Tsinan in 1928 which displeasure. According to Hansu has telegraphed. saying that within, spilt them into fragments and deprive them Hansu Chan, in the same magazine, heroic events which have made Gen. drawn into another militarist elvil government provides him with the labor movement social patriotism and revolutionary internationalism the present period of an which submit to such Invasions of their rights cannot people respect him (Gen. Pang Pung an outstanding champion of war. 30, 000 to enable him to take a anti Japanese tradition in conduct any effective struggle against the employers. even more as a veteran revolutionimminent new imperialist slaughter makes the attiThere can be no mystery about trip to foreign countries. China tude toward the coming war the decisive criterion by North China.
these facts to anyone who is will Press, Sept. 18, 1983. Affiliation to the of and its international ist and the embodiment of the antiAnd prewhich to judge all parties, groups and tendencies in But the blood of the heroicing to ick up a Chinese Who Who sumably he got the 30, 000 pieces of unions is undoubtedly the correct policy for the Japanese tradition in North China. events of only a few months back, and verify the dates. There can be silver and they have kept him in the ranks of the working class.
militant local organizations.
The tendency of the Stalinists in the regardir expelled they should continue to fight for re affis great proportions. He has it in blood which Fang Chen wu helped no mistake about their significance. cigarette money until the Stalinnow clear enough to all who are able to read and Atlon and to stand for trade unton unity as Local Nis power to play a great role in to shed, was still warm of this Fang Chen wu is a veteran revo tern lurched rightward in 1985 and Hansu Chan is treacherously silent. Iutionist in the tradition of Chiang caught up with Fang Chen wu.
observe has been implieit all the time in their 574 in Minneapolis does. But to purchase affiliation the remakin of China But this is not all.
Kal shek and Feng Yu hslang. Like The slogan of soviets is no nationalistie policy. More than seven years ago to the of at the price of capitulation to the What does this mean? Who is the others he his criticism of the program of the Sixth Congress union wreckers masquerading as labor leaders, to Gen. Fang and what has been his in 1929, when black reaction Chiang and Feng of the Comintern, Trotsky prophesied that the dogma give up the right of autonomy and internal democ role as a veteran revolutionist. under the Kuomintang was firmly embodies the anti imperialist more. It will go unsung to a grave of Socialism in One Country (and no other coun racy and renounce the policy of militant struggle Since the seventh Congress the in the saddle, when the workers tradition only by virtue of having laden with the bodies of the new victims of Stalinist betrayal which it claimed. Over its Ashes is rising try. would inevitably lead to degeneration along that is fatal for the workers involved.
stalinists have played soft pedal groaned under the Kuomintang battened off the shattered flesh of national the lines o patriotism. The prediction is a The marine untons on the Pacific Coast have be on the slogan of Soviets for terror in the cities and the peasant murdered workers and peasants a new foul phoenix, reality already. The Stalinists in the impending come a great power precisely because they have dis China. what they want now is a armies under Chu Teb and the and real anti imperialist ehters, defense government for China, a war will take their place in the camp of the betrayers carded the old methods and, to a certain extent, the national defense government to others fought back Kuomintang He feasted off the blood of the lamb new national united front with of 1914 But, unlike the social democrats of 1914, who openly joined the imperialist camp only on a Maritime Federation for common action. That is Imperialism, fighters like Fang of Klangst and Hunan, in 1920, in revolutionists of yesterday (and Shus and other second class Chiang This August 4, after the declaration of war, the Staliniste the right road for these times. We hope they stick Chn wu and Hansu Chan.
What March, the Kuomintang rewarded who knows, of tomorrow. Kal sheks.
are showing their hand in advance. Not only obto it. They are entitled to the warmest sympathy does this signity. Fang Chen wu for his heroism is what qualifies him in 1936 to a It is with anger and loathing fectively as a result of false policy, but subjectively, And solidarity of all progressive workers in their Policy Dripping with Blood by electing him to its Central Ex. great role in the remaking of China. that every true revolutionist in ecutive Committee. consciously, deliberately, they are preparing to act streflet secretary of Labor and the labor reaction reverting in China to the policy of chand does not relate our veteran It means that the Stalinists are as recruiting agents of American in the Too Radical for Faung China and elsewhere will meet this This facts in the coming war under the pretext of arles all birds of a feather.
Hansu Chan makes much of a new attempt to betray any hopes the bloc of four classes.
revolutionist established himself supposed anti Japanese movement that remain for China revolution Soviet Union. The main task at present is to entice That was the name given oight in the high council of the Kuomin. in which Fang joined in 1983. What ary future in the present epoch.
the Socialists to rally round the flag.
Socialist Party Split It is with renewed determination years ago, in China, to the policy Debating with Norman Thomas, Browder, who Stalinists were themselves calling volt against Nanking by Feng Yu revolutionist will struggle to build certainly speaks with authority as long as his THE split in the Socialist Party, which began in Front.
that party revolutionary but at hilang, on a straight militarist commission is not revoked, explained the real motive New York City and was then extended to New In France today and elsewhere the time when even they had come anti militarist basis. To do this, a new revolutionary party and the of the excessive sentiments of love and units for the York State at the Utica Conference, will now become for tomorrow. the monster uswhole to realize that it represented the Peng Yu Islang had to call himself the like every rival militarist today. Fourth International.
Socialist workers and youth. He said. situation can develop tomorrow when German every local will soon witness a definitive separation class collaborationist concept of the party of black reaction, the anti Japanese. To win popular Rubber War and Japanese Faseism will proceed to attack the of the old Guardists and the official party headed by the People Front is being thrust Party of terror. And at the height sympathy he was even canny Soviet Union. Will the militant Socialists adopt Norman Thomas. All doubt on this score was reupon workers to whom It is repre of this period, our veterane revole enough to close down the Kuomin poeltion neutrality? Will they advocate the moved by the action of the National Executive Com sented as something new. But in tionist joined its Central Execu tang headquarters in his territory (Continued from Page slogan Keep America Out of Warp Impossible! mittee in revoking the charter of the Old Guard State China the history of the People Committee. Doesn that quality Fang rejoined his old bose in that ers every time. Since the rubber The meaning of these Executive of New York at its Philadelphia meeting Front Idea was written eight years is perhaps as clear to fight imperialism?
as Browder could make them. Precision of thought last Sunday, and the simultaneous announcement of ago in letters of blood drawn from dissension between Fang Chen Industry has been in a growing Kuomintang Governor and utterance was never one of the merits of the state of decline along with industry an Eastern States conference under Old Guard us the velns of thousands of betrayed wu and Feng. Wasn Feng revo in general under capitalism, It has leader. In one of his priceless essays in the Daily But that is not yet all. Fang lutionary enough for his revolu been wracked pices to be held in the middle of January. The split and massacred workers, peasants Worker of December 9, Michael Gold, one of the was so herole and so revolution tionary Heutenant?
tire price wars of will be deepened at this conference so it was and intellectuals.
literary specialists who are hired to translate the frankly announced by its sponsors. In all probability Without even an Inner whudderary that three months later, in General Feng. We read, increasing intensity in the past ten party line into English, has explained what Brow national organization of the right wing, rivalling (or perhaps with. these people May, 1929, he was named governor in favor of the restoration of the years, der meant. Sald Gold: That this war will continue in Kuomintang the official party, will be set up even before the May who still call themselves Commu of Anhwe province. Hansu Chan Chahar provincial But Fascist Germany and Japan unite against convention. These are the clear indications of the nists are embarking upon exactly says casually that he assumed the headquarters which Marshal Feng the future in even greater intensity the Soviet Union Mr. Zam wants American Socialtrend of developments which culminated in the Phil. the same policy which elght years chairmanship. But under Fang, sealed up after he took charge of is an Indisputed fact as shown by the report from Detroit this week ists to stand idly by, and to adopt the neutral policy adelphia decisions of the and the reaction of ago destroyed the tremendous the Old Guard to them, Chinese mass movement of 1925 27.
that DuPonts have ordered the Lewis to address the auto workers United States Rubber Co. to break Will they do it? Anyone who went through the From every point of view the definitive break of which handed the workers and unions in Cleveland. The Cleve: the temporary price agreement in last World War knows that Socialists won the party majority with the incorrigibly reactionary peasants over to nearly a decade land Federation of Labor bas kone an effort to take markets away If the line up is such, THEY WILL FIGHT IN Old Guard is a step forward.
The split is a pro of unimaginable terror and black Gain in AFL on record to endorse this meetlug. from Goodyear, Goodrich and FireTHE AMERICAN ARMY. If it is allied to the reaction under the Kuomintang.
gressive split. It creates a new situation in the Here is the first concrete sign of stone Soviet Union. Our emphasie)
workers political movement and opens up new pos For the Kuomintang was in its day the trade union movement of one That is clear enough. That is what all the Facing these facts squarely and sibilities and prospects for the rapid development of also a fighter agiost imperialism. Continued from Page 1) city being pressed in the direction Eight years ago, in the dim daya multiple jurisdictional claims ad of support of progressive Issues, at rubber workers is an elementary constantly explaining them to the Browders have been hinting at in their cloudy form.
a truly revolutionary movement in the United States.
ulations. Most damning of all was Gold correc By the organizational break with the extreme right before the Third Period, the stallsanced by various craft unions, least to the extent of supporting duty of the Inited Rubber Workwing which represented an outright bourgeois, social. tional united front front against Building on that foundation would what appears to be a step towarders officials for only as more worktion of this too frank appeal for the American intern created in China the naArmy. The Socialist workers are not yet ready for such blunt proposals, and Zam directed withering ers realize that they can fight the patriotic current in the party, the potential weight serialism. ght years ago 1t mply mean no real progress in industrial unionism of the left Socialist workers, and especially of the was Chiang Kal shek and Wang organization, not to speak at all of New England Progressives Gain fire against Gold in the Socialist Call. Sixteen days Socialist youth. in the regroupment and unification ching wei who were the veteran offering serious resistance to the In the New England states, due companies best through the bonslater, Christmas day with all its cheer and good of the vanguard on a revolutionary basis is auto revolutionists who had it in their These federal locals learned by general developments in the E powerful employers corporation. undonbtedly also to the stimulus of tide unions will the unions grow.
will, Gold admitted his error. Hidden in cloud of The ills of the rubber Industry matically increased. It remains to be seen whether verbiage which justified the essence of what he had they will rise to the level of their opportunity and remaking of China. It was the their own experience that only the of the progressive trends are in can be cured permanently only by written, the admisston consisted of this: The refer their tasks and develop the implications of the spirit Chlangs and the Wangs who ex. could provide an effective unton. La undertaking to establish a forum which is capitalistic control for ence to Aghting in the American army was what?
in programmatie terms. That is the first real test of cortated imperialism and whom bad formulation, and to simple a statement of revolutionary seriousness.
On the other hand, the decision to discuss industrial unionism profit instead a complicated situation. What Gold really meant In our opinion the weakest side of the strategy had to respect and follow. And locals to align themselves with the ever, is climaxed by the recent the Stalinistise told the workers them or the delegates from these federal versus eraft unionism. This, how. Industry for use.
is: spoke too frankly and let the ent out of the bag. Therefore was instructed (after a delay of dangers for the future, has been the subordination Wawes Chine Coas. Kau Shekspand alms of the Committee for Indus elections of officers in the New New York Theatre Party 16 days) to cover up without really retracting any. of programmatte questions to disputes of a purely who in 1827 played out their great emergence of the Lewis bloc of progressive slate won in the con WINTERSET thing essential in what had written. am doing by THURSDAY, JAN. 23, 8:30 the best can.
usually lost in a maze of quibbling charges and ment and launching the era of Kuo stimulus for a genuine movement. the candidates made the run on a progressive is becoming the test for almost every office. And Martin Beck Theatre Gold simply ran ahead of himself a little. He counter charges and personal acrimony. The Social mintang reaction.
containing necessary critical attitude to the progressive program 45th Street, West of 8th Ave.
explained the line as he understood it, and he under1st workers can really learn something in the course After eight years out in the stands it correctly. But the strategy of the Stalinists of the bitter fight with the Old Guard, and draw wilderness of ultra leftism, atter Lewis bloc must at all times take such points as: trade union democFor tickets: See Wallace at the present time is not to speak out plainly. The this into account.
racy, industrial unionism, indepenAuspices: Branch 1, Inspiration from it, only if it is lifted onto a political Sx years of new disasters with exOuestions Plague Old Guard dent political action by labor, and basis. without camouflage and without pretense. The periments in soviets without even game is to muddle and confuse the revolutionary unorgan the organization of the workers, blur the issue, dope them by degrees and, left wing will grow in strength and self confidence an organized labor movement back in general, psychologize them for the call to fight progressive bloc headed by John to a siven to the progressive trends the end In the American army wbich will surely come a Old Guard reformism the original article is always stalinists are shamelessly return bureaucratic trade union top offEverywhere these developments Lewis, it is in the light of gen.
little later. That explains the epidemic of indecent preferable to the substitute but by irreconcilable ing to their old and dried vomit, cials are in a dilemma. Even the denote the sharpening conflict be eral developments, definitely a part flag waving, and the sickening love of our country political struggle against reformism and social noning in it for morsels to chew questions that they settled at the tween the progressive tendencies of the contlict between the reac which they profess now on all occasions with that patriotism. That is in fact the real implication of One of those morsels 18 Fang recent of convention are and the outright reactionary forcestionary and the progressive tendenardent patriotism which Dr. Johnson said to the the split, the heart of the conflict between revolution: Cher wu.
ary socialism on the one side and the Old Guard and returning to plague them. The de. As said before in the maritime cies.
last refuge of a scoundrel all to one end: to die How Support Lewis?
Who Is General Fang?
mand from the federal locals in unfons this is already an open orient and corrupt the vanguard of the American Its political twin, Stalinism, on the other.
The trend that gravitates in the radio manufacture is to come be clash.
workers and dragoon them as slaves of American Caban, Oneal and Co. do not fight the official Ming shu, for example, who is now in Miami, Florida. this month.
There are others. General Chen fore the Executive Council meeting Maritime Federation Under Fire wirection of a uniform progressive movement is now showing some unImperialism in the coming war.
Centering around the question of mistakable signs.
day political realities but from old memories. On ent Chinese social democracy. Naturally Green Woll and com the Maritime Federation, taking in clear that the Lewis bloc provides It is equally the most fundamental principle questions all differ but of them another time. Let us pany fear such demands.
These all the unions operating in the an important stimulus in this direcThe Maritime Federation ences between them have been obliterated; the stal. Ask now: Who is Gen. Fang Chen demands come into contlet with marine industry, which was organ tion. This does not mean that this ROM all indications another great labor struggle reformist social democracy. The Old Guardists do tionists? Why are honest workers union officials and to give way to coast, the clash is avowedly an as as the already established authenInists have gone completely over to the positions of wu? Who is this veteran revolu the vested interests of the craft ized some time ago on the Pacific bloc should be accepted uncritically is impending on the Pacific Coast, and once not yet trust their sincerity. but this skepticism supposed again we see the old familiar combination bosses, believe that he is car them will undoubtedly mean to sault by the whole of the bureau the leadership to which the progresgovernment and reactionary labor leaders lining up sincere in their present line of reformist against imperialism in China. same time the fallure to react to the seamen and longshoremensated. good example of how not gainst the rank and Ale of the workers. In this patriotic betrayal of the masses. rapprochement case, however, the collaboration of these three agen between them and the right wing socialists is inevit Yu hsiang, the one time to Christian organization only increases the tants of the Pacife Coast. The is attitude of a blanket endorsement cles of exploitation and betrayal, usually concealed and camouflaged, is conducted openly even before able. It is already taking place in certato unions. General who in 1927 upset all the struggle for the progressive meas sucs have become clear cut. The given to this bloc by the Stalinists, Their strategy now is to drown the lett Socialists in predictions and hopes of Stalin ures.
international officials plead for the adding only the plea that Lewis go the outbreak of the struggle. This makes the real wave of unity on the way to the broader people Bucharin Borodin and Co. by Join Auto Unity Movement enforcement of the contracts with on record for a labor party. Howissue clearer.
front for patriotism in the coming war. Subordinaing forces with Chiang Kal shek Among the organized automobile the ship owners, charging the Marl. ever, the political position of Lewis It also shows the extreme tensity of the relations tlon of program questions facilitates this game. Such to smash the revolutionary move workers the struggle now goes on time Federation with violation of is already very clearly expressed in between the marine workers and the employers and the imminence of an open, desperate struggle. The gressive features of the split with the old Guard and at the end of June, 1927, Pang was sparring for positions. In the marl ticularly alarmed at the spreading cite miners convention to get 100 Maritime Federation has become a great power. The end in debacle.
an officer in his army. Did this time unions it is already an open of the idea of a maritime federa percent behind President Rodeerelt borses feel obliged to mobilize all their forces in the Veterans revolutionist, like Chu clash and in the Northwest the at tion. On the Gulf Coast, where and his policies.
endeavor to destroy it. a showdown these always include the Department of Laber and the LENIN MEMORIAL Tand other courageous complete tar resulted in a complete rout of time unions have conducted a pro aside, it is, of course, impossible to of bureaucracy.
ly demoralized, veteran revolution the reactionary forces.
Only a few days ago the press was filled with ists) Join the ranks of the revo. There need be no doubt that the for the setting up of such a feder policies as leaders of a real pro threats of the employers the marine workers Oratives to smash MEETING lulon against those of the reaction movement for amalgamation of the ation have gained considerable gressive movement in the trade unby vigilante terror. This was followed by the intervention of cardinal question and then casialls ers unions, the Associated Automo slven further consideration at a ward the bullding up of this move McGrad: Assistant Secretary of Labor. He called informs na: bile Workers, the Automotive In conference to be held this month ment. But the important thing is in the heads of the International unions of samen When in 1928 the Nanking zov. dustrial Workers Association and by the unions of the Gulf vorts, to utilize every opportunity. The and longshoremen; their meeting was a conspiracy SUNDAY EVE. ernment, which was born ont of the has been greatly stim Of course, the setting up of a first step should be for the militants against the Maritime Federation and the workers counter revolution, resumed its ulated by the developments in the maritime federation does not mean to get into the stream that is now united under its banner. Now it is announced that northern advance under reactionary of The amalgamation is a change to an industrial form of in motion in the direction of prothe convention of the International Seamen Union, leadership, the expedition bad lost not yet completed. Negotiations organization. But it is a distinctly gressive organization.
to convene at Washington on Jan. 13, will attempt all revolutionary significance with representatives progressive step. particularly in to outlaw and reorganize its Pacific Coast locals and degenerated into another mill have not yet brought positive review of the fact that it serves to as the first step toward breaking the hold SUBSCRIBERS ATTENTION. tarist civil war. However, the rev. sults due, in the main, to the recoordinate the actions of the unions Bridges, left wing leader in the Maritime Federation SPEAKER: olutionary and anti imperialist actionary and specific craft union in this field; it serves to strengthen If the number following your of the Pacific.
tradition 11 Gen. Fang reasserted obstacles thrown in the way by the their feeling of solidarity and gives name on the wrapper is The urge and drive of the workers for industrial unionism and a militant policy is not confined to the MAX SCHACHTMAN itself when his army, which was latter. There are not yet any tanga much better opportunity for the the first advance northward, ible signs of direct intervention by local union progressive forces to 54 conflict in the upper circles of the of official came into rontact with Japanese the Lewis bloc to make good on assert their leadership. The interdom. That is only a reflection of the real movement, troopa.
its professed claim to promote the national officials look upon this as your subscription haus EXand a distorted reflection at that. The authentic Krmintang General organization of the mass production an obvious and serious threat to PIRED. We urge you to send movement comes from below, and is beginning to IRVING PLAZA HALL. so, Fang was in the van of this industries on an industrial basis. their positions and they have de in your renewal by return mall, express itself in formations and methods of struggle reactionary leadership. In 1928 But one small indication of which clared war on the whole idea of a the Insuring the receipt of which in effect break out of the bonds and discard 15 STREET at IRVING PLACE he was under the command of Gen. way the wind is blowing is afford maritime federation While this 18 your copy withont Interruption.
the obsolete tactics of craft unioniem. That is what Chian Kal shek, a general in the led by the meeting projected for not aimed directly at the official JANUARY 9th Harry