BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1936 NEW MILITANT PAGE People Front. New Panacea of Stalinism the ardor.
By Max Shachtman either friendly or allled with and by Joining with the bourgeois in the official textbook of the And further: part look like now, in the Stalinist the Soviet Union, or whose friend parties to elect Eduard Benes, Stalinists, published only a few To preach confidence in legal conception? Los und staun. as. ruscism, in seizing power in simple, so plausible, so effective as ship the Soviet Union seeks. This shrewd and falthful servitor of months ago Fascism and Socialism, in constitutionalism, in bour the Germans sny; read and gaup.
Germany without encountering the the one now so vociferously adslightest resistance from the work vanced by the Stalinist parties, folreacherous guch friends always president of the republic. Ro. comments as follows on the resig. gools democracy, that is, in the The anti Fascist mass party.
ing class, revealed how utterly lowing the 7th Congress of the prove to be in a crists! is pur land for an Oliver! Benes for a nation of Daladler after the Febru. capitalist state, means to invite writes Foster in the October 1935 and by the at the. savage ary Fascist demonstration in and to guarantee the victory of Communist, should be based on has become in the years of its de tually all the countries of the globe. rice of converting more accurate Paris: France. Only here, inDitto Faselem. That is the lesson of cay, it nevertheless But only appears! For a closer. of organizing their People stead of Benes or Hindenburg, the the trade unions (What? Not from ylelded one Therewith the whole card Germany and Austria. 290. below? and should include farmpositive result. It brutally jerked examination of the Stalinist pana fronts into recruiting agencies name is Herriot, or Daladler, castle of bourgeois democracy of the proletarian movement out of its cea against Fascism and war, Perfect! If anything is to be ers organizations, the Communist figuratively and literally) of the whose renown as a Alghter against complacency with the old labor which goes by the alluring name democratie imperialist bourgeol. Paseism was first gained on that the democratie defense against added to it, it is this: The place of parties, their theories, their prac of The People Front, will not ie in the respective countries.
Fascism, of democracy versus the Left Cartel in France has now party, Socialist party, state Farmerfamous February when he crum dictatorship of the whole social been taken by the Stalinist organ Labor parties, veterans organixatical policies and their leadership only reveal that the plan is far It is at this point that the dit democratie line, came tumbling and compelled it to undertake a from a new one but also that its erence between Stalloist and pled up at the mere sight of several ized People Front. the Stalin tlong, working women organizathousand Fascists, armed with down. The line of the Left ista now ery for the same Daladier tions, workers and farmers coop search for a course different from execution would have just exactly he German social democratic those which led it to such a calam. the opposite efects from those it courses comes to an end, and their strating in front of the Chamber of parts, of the parliamentary demo Poople Front, instead of a verteratives, workers traternal socleItous and humiliating defeat. At promises to produce.
the same time that Fascism brought eratle defense against Fascism, Ing Fascism, will, if continued wetles, tenants leagues, anti war to The opposite effects? Precisely, is of little or no fundamental acwas once again only to havo are merely echoing the pre 7th cleties, groups of intellectuals, etc.
to the workers everywhere an acute Do you then mean that the Stalin ount, and of no practical signift Ditto in Mexico, the friendship amoothed the way for the advance Congress Dutt smooth the way for (P. 901. One would think that awareness of the hideous inferno ists, instead of wanting to avert cance; it relates to the Why and of whose bourgeoisle the Soviet bu of Fascism, for government of the advance of Fasciam, for a gov Whenever and wherever it triumphs, bring them on? Not at all, any the How and the What. or in bourgeois demagogue, President the Right, for intensifed dicta ernment of the Right, for intensi these were enough, that everyone torship against the workers.
has been covered. But no, the eto Cardenas, durng whose less than fed dictatorship against the work it also impelled them to think more than the German social demo the results. 275. ers. And not only in France. impels us to read further and to deeply about why it took over the crats wanted the war of 1914 1918 The Soviet government signs a two years in office more than 2, 000 gasp more: helm so easily in Germany and or the victory of Hitler in 1983: military political pact with Czecho militant peasants have been assa The Farmer Labor Party and Hne of action must bence for that matter, any more than the slovakia; the stalinists, pleased. sinated in the state of Vera Cruz The new mass party of tollers forward should also strive to include sec.
be adopted so that the bulk of the members of the capital reads the New York Times cable alone, has the ardent support of the People Front tions of the sprouting Fasciator reptile may be strangled before it ist class want Imperiallat war (Dec. 22, 1985. with a Soviet pact the ludicrous little of Mexico.
strangles them.
Like Theseus in the labyrinth of People Pront.
partly Fascist organizations and What is decisive In this, as in all for defense against German ageres Its manifesto only a few weeks ago Nothing is more understandable other social questions, is not what slon which Mr. Benes realtem in pasted all over the capital, began: mythology, one would need a large In the resolution adopted by the tendencies; such as company unthan the fact that the workers, you want, but what will logically duced him to conclude, voted along With Cardenas! Against the Cal ball of string to enable him to get Central Committee of the on long, American Legion posts, and alarmed by the spread of Fascism result from the policy you pursue side the bourgeois Catholte parties lesist resetion! and ended. Let to the center (and out again) of January 18, 1985, upon Browder groups of the Coughlin and Long the movements, etc. ibid. lend a receptive ear to every plaus. xlous mountain climber has ever and effect! Litvinov signs pact Ele against the Callesist reaction ican Communist party has travelled straight information that the Am. If, after this stupefyingly comible plan presented as a means been known to reach the top of good, bad or Indtfferent, that to Half the Mexican membership in its futile search for a Farmer erican masses were clamoring for prehensive enumeration, there is whereby they may deal an effective Mont Blanc by starting to dig not the point at the moment) with working in the government appara. Labor party in the course of the a Labor party, four types of Labor stil one man, woman, child or blow to what menaces their very ditch at the foot of it; such a the Czech bourgeoise. The Czech tus, is only added reason for such last dozen or more years. Shelvou parties are described, reflecting beast omitted from the roll call, he, existence. And of the plans recent method would hardly bring him as struggle and every other re Now let us see the People ago, it was taken down bot the of this movement the class strug ered by the second, more ominous mi staliniste promptly suspend with a sigh of relief several years the two chief political tendencies she or it will undoubtedly be corly put forward, none appears 80 half way up the alde of it.
How the German Social Democrats volutionary principle by voting for Front as it labors to be born in party, but the hope shortly before sle or class collaboration. a) etc.
he military budget in parliament the United States.
the 7th World Congress and dusted a Popular or progressive party What more pointed indication Followed the Road to Ruin oft. Now, a few months afterwards, based on the LaFo ette, Sinclair, could the sager sections of the People Front. Democracy!
It appears, considerably the worse Olson and Long movements, and American bourgeoisle have of the The classle party of the prac. for the presidency of the republle and Fascism for alteration, as the specific Amer typified by these leaders and their fact that, as another installment on tical struggle against Fascism, for (God knows he isn perfect, but leana form of the People front. programs. b) a Farmer Labor or the price for Russian recogaltion, peace and democracy, was the Ger Hitler 18 worse. The struggle Almost up to yesterday, the Stal the Weimar Reubile, they helped The Communist. Foster, ter, diftering only in name and the gifts the Soviet bureaucracy is pre.
In the October 1935 issue of Labor party of the same charac and as a promise of what greater man social democracy. Its policy, against the Fascists must not ex inists not only rejected a united the bourgeoiste consolidate itself in generously complemented by the ceed, parliamentary bounds, for ac front with the Socialist parties and power on the grounds that Fasciam Shelt and dusted off, explains that Labor party with a predominantly American rulers in return for an has also been taken off the degree of its demagogy. c) a pared to make to the democratic German stalinists, resulted in the tual physical struggle would pro the reformist trade untons, but de would thereby be warded off. Then, unlike France, where the mass trade union basis, with a program Alliance against Japan, the Stalinhancement of the danger of a new in the country, which would fright advocated such a bloc against Fas the proletariat, they stood by help have perties of their own, which consisting of immediate demands Ists are working with might and inst remnants even of bourgeois ler. Better a thousand times that of social Fascists. Not a united quito legally and constitutionally united front, the United States about the cooperative common often the class struggle to reduce based upon the following concepers need no arms in order to con against Fascism, said the Stalin of that very same Welmar Repub are to be carried out in this counreaucracy, assisted by the Socialist national extension of LaFollette democracy and democratically on the basis the decisions of the 7th Congress a section of the trade union bution of an innocuous, all embracing, tions: quer a majority at the ballot box. tern, but first crush the social del lic.
Not having behind us the major. The consequences of this course mocracy, and there will be no Fastry and God knows they must be party and excluding the Commun. Detty bourgeois progressivism. The intentions of Stalin and Co. the must unite with some ists. d) a Labor party built up or do we owe the LA Follette dyity, we cannot yet take control of are too frightful and recent in the cist problem. The the country, establish a Socialist memory of all to require detailed world proletariat, the beloved stal bere the best type, but we body or something to form the from below on a trade union basta nasty in Wisconsin an apology it government, and inaugurate a 80 comment.
cialist society. The Weimar Repub. Now, wherein does the stalinist dictum which became canonical of the mooie am besoek liet bare er somebody or something, it will have putting forward a program of line at spronting Fascist or partly liets better for the working class policy of the People Front diftendenInternetowels similarly: In any case, It is not im. The fabled sculptor, Pygmalion, mass struggles, strikes, etc. with cles in its ranles, and the trade than the Hohenzollern monarchy: fer essentially, in France or in the Social democracy Hitlerism is worse than the Wel United States from the policy of the moderate wing of Fascism.
mar Republic. We must therefore the German social democrats? In These organizations do not nesate, called conditions that Dimitroff identity of their positions. The so inanimate statue he had cheelled, tant elements, including the Com. Sressive movement, being uneduthe end. thebourgeois republlo, for only one respect. The Germans but supplement one another. The sets for casting his vote for hour and wished so ardently that it munsts The Communist, Feb. cated in the precepts of overhauled Stalinism, would probably balk, in capitalism, but democracy or Fas action out of a deeply colt desire sarlat, the slightly less beloved same as those promulgated by the marbie save way to the flesh and clone to choose, the stalinists decid at sleting in the same party with Being, as they were, in a posl their unreasonably sectarian way, country, we can find a majority to and Institutions of labor, built up Plenum of the in Mareh, The latter also demanded that the blood of Galathen, whom Pygmallon ed only a year ago to having noth company unions and Coughlin Long defend the republle. democracies by years of effort and sacrifice, as 1931, that the social democrats, in bourgeois democratic governments espoused and lived happily with foring to do with any of the variante groups.
requtre majoritles) only if we the living basis for the coming so order to deceive the masses, delib which it supported or tolerated a goodly period of time. Let us except Type Anything less rep Just read what is palmed on ally ourselves with the democratic cialist society in Germany. These lemy of the working class is Fas do this, that and the other thing ideas with in order that they may What does the People Front, 1985 election platform of the Stal.
elements of all classes. They will organizations and Institutions the cism, in order thereby to divert at Like the Stalinists, they too spoke erately proclaim that the chief en should alsnrm the Fascists and slim Web Infuse their marblehended that was before the 7th Congress. Leninism: The hour. reads the struggle against Fascism only if The Stalinists have adopted the tention from the question of the real struggle against the come to life as the American anti Fascistmas Parmer Labor Inlets in New York, demands the we do not drive them into its arms same line out of just as deep struggle against the dictatorship of Fascists. Like the Stalinists, they building of the broadest people by a systematic prosecution of the desire to protect the proletarian mitaliseringseveral of the dealize too said that final salvation this class struggle. The class struggle, Institutions and the foundations of the democratic forms of the latter government cannot bring. And courtesy to him: he should not take employed, professionals, small busCatholica, in such critical times as cxisc by socialism which are being laid in and to create among the workers like the Stalinists, they supported this in any sense as a truce with Less, men, Protestants, virtue of the Fascist threat to seize the Soviet Union.
the administration and that there Jews, Socialists, Communists, Demwower superseded by the strug Identify them with the Soviet to struggle for the democratic forms bourgeois democracy as the losser gle of the people (all classes, the reaucracy and its interests would be no pulling of punches in ocrats and Republicans, a people of their exploitation and against ID Lenin too made demands on the questions or remarks addressed to front, fighting in the interests of good people of all classes) against both cases, such a line must ultl the Fascist forms.
bourgeois democratic government (Continued from Page 1) him as a representative of the ad the common people, the working the payahopathologienl Brownshirts, mately lead it already has in But all this was in the period of Kerensky in the struggle against the WPA here which has left thon debat Fertility stancar Schmuht haa Every means and effort reads ministration. The chairman then people and the poor farmers.
The unity of the people is sented by the Iron Frontpoot of these institutions and con that there was a universal stormy But and here lies the fundamen ends of qualified workers on the indicated that he was very busy circular, dated August 20, 1935, Germany not only to the wiping when the Stalinists guaranteed us the Fascist Kornilov. Quite true.
have won the democratic bour. uents of past years, but even to the revolutionary upsurge of the pro tal, unobliterable difference. at relief rolls, lad of thousands of man, and the union was a very sent to all. units by the New seotste to the struggle against Fas smashing of the very bureaucracy letarlat, mass radicalization, no time aid Lenin support the Ker others for varying periods of time by organization, he wished to York district literature department, cism, 18. represented by the fact whose course brings on the catas which threatened the innermost ensky regime, at no time did he that ent monthly pay from the 56 submit a printed list of nine ques must be made to widen and that Hindenburg is our candidate trophe.
fortresses of world capitalism. The put the social democratic Stalinist minimum down to as little as 20 tons drawn up by the unton, coples cases of people in New York City.
Why the Stalinists Made the Turn siderably under the rental leader against Kornilov he subjected the days and weeks, short pald hun worker present, as the basis for the. The necessity for the widest distribution of this platform, as to the People Front ship of the Stalinist general statt, bourgeols democracy and its gov dreds who have worked full time spenker remarks and from the struggle on all frontsernment to a pitiless criticism, or by a trick method of accountancy, you can see, is very great, much For Afteen minutes Schuhl ram greater than ordinarily, because of Up to the time Hitler took power, complete turn about face in for the proletarian dictatorship the ganizing the masses independently and has provoked scores of other bled and fumbled through the ques our attempt to unite all people 10 the Stalinist line in Germany (as which was consecrated at the 7th forced march forward to the strugdemoersey. patiently explaining, minute the day before, attempted eral WPA and to the local city and anti ascist front.
Third International has made a warning against the counterfeit Srievances Schmuhl, at the last tions, passing the buck to the FedIn all other countries) was derived World Congress gle for the democratie forms of and systematically mobilizing the to evade speaking at the meeting, He ended up Socialists, Communists, Republic theory and practice of Believing even less in the fight. the dfctatorship of capitalism masses for the struggle for power. the date for which he himself had reelle overg know have ans, Democrats, all classes of socialism in one country. The ing capacities of the world prole in general.
source of the new Stalinist line is tariat now that it was prostrate in The same policy is now denounced set. little persuasion by a union t answered these questions very people, all people, flghting in the Now the tolling masses exactly the same theory.
tom, the latter is based upon a same nationalistie theory, the state faced with the necessity of making lifted directly from the Russian greement to speak for 15 min. I can say. When the turned to where is there room for the class in the turned for today, Dim a go, the chairman called upon him struggle in all this vulgar verblage capacities of the world working tend socialism in one country itrone at the 7th Congress, anot be. Trotskyist provocation. the formerance at the meeting, the entire an workers. His 15 minutes stretched speeches of every capitalist der When Schmuhl put in his appear to answer direct questions from the so adeptly lifted from the platform the Soviet bureaucracy from Hitler to the bourgeolsle of tween proletarian dictatorship and merely say to Trotskyist provoca dience rose at the signal of the to an hour. as worker atter worker sogue in the history of modern simply says, when it formulates other countries. The entry of the toute democracy but between tlon.
and fights so furiously for the Soviet Union in to the League of chairman, Art Preis, one of the speared Schuhl with sharp ques polities?
democracy and Fascism. In its consequences the policy first members of the Ohio Unem tions that tore his apologies apart. The People Front willemidolization of its theory, that back Nations and its disgraceful adapta To the extent that there is of the German social democracy ployed League in this territory and aud exposed his false claims on brace all parties and political views ward Russia will arrive at the tion to the interests and policies of kernel of truth in this assertion, led to the victory of Fascism, de a leader of the big FERA strike many points by stating their own (except the revolutionary to be classless socialist society, with a the dominant imperialist gang at the responsibiliy for a situation in spite the fact that it was calculated here last spring, and sang lustily experiences. The chairman merct sure. and it will therefore be an standard of living higher than that Geneva; the seamy practs made with which won the series of imperialist to prevent cithar The defense of the words of a parody song to the fully closed the question period to appendage of the bourgeoiste Just ever enjoyed by any working class French imperialism and its Crecho decay and social revolution the bourgeois democracy. of the Wel tune of Hinky Dinky Parley Vous permit the groggy administrator to as unfailingly 88 was the Iron in any capitalist country at any slovakian vassal; the frantic efforts struggle for working class power mar Republic, as the lesser evil. especially written for the occasion beat a hasty exit.
Front paralyzing the independent Stage ceredetelopment, sooner than to consummate similar alliances has been set low on the order of did not bring the workers to power, as a greeting to the administrator. Stalinists Sabotage Unity movement of the proletariat. The the German, French, English or with England and the United the day, lies with the reformist did not stop Hitler from taking Two verses of the song, printed on Grent confusion, however, stin People Front will embrace all American workers will overthrow States all these attest the extent social democracy and the no less power, and did not even save boule song sheets issued to every worker. exists among the WPA workers due classes of people and it will there theliten bouteiste e Ar Filter the representer which thens tapion clique los estos treacherous mobles a od stalinem. sedis de moderate to frontem fundation. selected the modulries of the maceting to Che netusel of the local Witte sur les represente es recope ander coloro vented, IF the capitalist world, es friendship of capitalist allies.
pecially Europe, can be made to Stalinists draw does not differ by At the 7th Congress, the beloved They went: union in fighting for the WPA sition as it will be, it will have few preserve (more or less the status this article to discuss the Soviet by the socini democracy for years. wald, impudently plagiarizing III.
It is not within the province of a hair from the conclusions drawn Czech Stalinist spokesman, Gottworkers. Weinbers of the Commi to struggle against. Just a few, like They promised us alty five bucks quo, without eruptions or convul. foreign policy, to which the same a month and said, This will do.
nist Party and the liquidated Un Mr. Hearst who knave From the fact that on this, that terding. Wels and Toebe declared: sions. civil war in Germany to criterin should not and cannot be or the other day the working class If this bourgeois democratie, reThen they laid us off for half the Councils have taken impure in body and soul. In ademplored prevent Iitter from coming to applied as are aplied to the policy and not yet stand on the eve of the public is threatened hy bloody Fastime, and it was cut in two.
penetically complete control of the dition to being a Fascist is further power. would precipitate interna tional complientions and probably Russia or in capitalist country. its concluded that not only was against Fascism and call upon all of a proletarian party, be it in fight for power, the German retorm cism, then we defend this republic They give you hot air and bally have stopped nt no vile tactic to shocking habit of conjugal infidelprevent unity among the tem ity.
war without the German workers What is important, however, is the this fight postponed to the Greek rral socialists, democrats and reTo warm up your house and make ployed and project workers in the And in such a struggle, what being able to win (that prospect. fact that, contrary to Tenin pol Kalends, but that no steps shoula publicans to a united front for the your stew AA. and Chemployed League. more powerful, even if how shall the Moscow bureaucracy simply icy of subordinating the foreign be taken to organize the class joint fight so that this republle and say, That good enough for They have stooped to the basest we put it. not entirely reliable ridicules over its teacups. That diplomacy of the workers state to struggle in such a manner as to shall be spared the greatest disyou world endanger the construction of the international Interests of the bring the proletariat constantly crace of all, and the toiling people We workers are simply all fed up type of personal slander against and not entirely consistent ally can socialism in the Soviet Union. proletariat, the stalinists have sub closer to the decisive battle. It is the greatest catastrophe of all, vix.
on ballyhoo, leading members of the union and the People Front have than We re tired of all this passing.
League. At a meeting of the union that distinguished paladin of bour.
Therefore, retreat before Fascism ordinated the proletarian movement false to think that the German bloody Fascist dictatorship. When without giving battle.
last week, five members of the geols democracy versus autocratic they control to the interests of the Socialist leaders ever declared that this is followed by the Stalinist the buck and parley vous. who incidentally had been dictatorship. Franklin Roose Far from dispelling the danger Commissariat for Foreign Affairs. the ideal of a socialist yoverorient vote for Hindenburg Benes for There plenty here, as we all can among those for whom the unior it? But this aspect of the see, to the Soviet Union, this abysmally The People Front, wherever it was abandoned by them any more president of the Czechoslovakian had secured back pay and new question so central in Importance blind policy vastly heightened it. is created, is essentially a move than the Stalinists now derlare Republic, one must ask (no answer We don have to begon bended jobs, inspired by Fred Voelker, that it requires and deserves more Hitler in power became to quote ment organized by the stalinists as their renunciation of the struggle will be forthcoming. Where 18 We ll get what we want, and to former Unemployed Council organ ample treatment than can be deTrotsky. the super Wrangel, the a guarantee and a prop under their for the dictatorship of the prole the difference between the social hell with you.
izer and now a leading light in the voted to it in this article.
sword poised for Russia heart. Soviet foreign policy of alliances tariat some day in the fnture the democratic Iron Front in Germany, attempted to break up the Frightened, panic stricken by the and military pacts. As such, it distant future. The crime of the which was so mercilessly attacked ed by Questions union by a vague charge of sell. Next week, Max Shachtman The chairman then introduced out. The rank and Ale union will deal with the question of Period policy, the Soviet bureau for preserving in power in each failing to take power when it could inlat People Front. And Schmuhl, and pointed out that the members took the floor and smashed the Government of the People crats who manipulate the Third country that bourgeoiste, or se not be taken, but in supporting the wherein win the consequences dit administrator was the WPA work. their fimsy lles and laughed them front and the People Front International like Jugglers, made a tion of the bourgeoisle, which is spurious capitalist democracy otter?
ets servant, and that while the out of the meeting and the War Danger. Ed. Toledo Has Its Say llne from by are class,