BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyMarxismPopular FrontsSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGES NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1936 PATRIOTS RUN WILD AT CLEVELAND JAMBOREE serious internet connection mouse mund me the more See ledelse FDR Masks War Plans WO na(Continued from Page fon, for his equal defense of civil, every anti Marxist notion about not germane to the congress, bert, all over again!
is in power, the old age of individuthe American League of War and liberties Fascists and non Fas ways and means of stopping war Thus, deliberately, the congress After Roosevelt has thus foretold allam, of laissez faire is gone. GovFascism, spoke, saying: It is to cists; and Earl Browder, General war, around the war paychology ernment will more and more throw revolutionary ones; veritable and indicated at whom the guns we off any, pretense of being merely an versities that we must look for the When Browder rode to speak, each The one possibly concalvable fun three day parade of preachers and are making are pointed (mainly agency to keep peace between indileadership that shall ploneer the time the assembled veterana tion of such a gathering, the edu. Generals, politicians and profesJapan, of course) it is not hard to viduals in the land or some higher way to a new day. There were Democrats, Republicana, Socialista, cational function of revolutlonistasional pactists, and a small section discern the real meaning of our essence above the battle of ecoother speakers of similar kidney all Parmer Laborites, social workers, making clear the difference between of earnest but thoroughly confused (Continued from Page neutrality policy over which pec Domic forces. More and more openthe evening, and the most honored med et away as the daily wortes methods of struggle against war more confused by the whole pro completely dominant to the econominists, why wo enthusiastic Theretion alrectly through government guest of the Congress, was Majorer, Jan. wrote) he was received that was the last conceivable func ceeding. The vague, pea fog intet mie sense over both northern and General Smedley Butler, with tremendous ovation, cheerstion which the Stalinists could or lectual atmosphere clogged mindstions so utterly unable to challenge certainly, fer it proposes to with fere in every phase of ute, includsouthern continents, European nes no moral consistency about it asendles. Government will Interand hearts, stultipled working class War, declared the General, la and applause lasting for minutes would exercise. autocracy.
racket, but it could be ended. The before he was permitted to speak.
With over two thousand ostens Instincts and bred vast, fantastic. that it can masquerade is the bold munitions equally from the ing the labor movement. Our reway to end war la to amend the If we had not volemnly been able delegates, the congress itself illusions about the struggle against the same way some individual In case they are involved in war orato Mr. Roosevelt, does not Constitution 80 that no armed sured that these wudly cheering was nothing more than a mass war.
forces shonld be sent beyond the delegates had registered as repre meeting, in which the delegates These Illusions were embodied in the good neighbor to his was possible with both in other forms ism of which they prate. Tbey steel, coal or textile magnate play and to keep up normal trade it want to return to that individual continental limits, and to bulld up senting all sorts of organizations submitted to speeches by the gen. iclous succinctness in the ten slaves at the foot of the bill. In oted for wars purposes. For the we have built up now Instruments merchandise which might be realize that in thirty four months a suficient force of battleships and totalling two million membershiperals and preachers. No provision point program adopted by the cour directly, but it may well be inten present, while the preliminary aktr. of public power. Of course, y small cruising radius, all to be used a crowdhof stalinista paylng bom the door. To make doubly sure parts, the first being points dealing drawe his picture of the twenty mishes take place, we can hold Mr. Roosevelt, in my hands in the for defense. When interviewed age to their appointed leader.
later, the General declared hearty. Browder chlet ideological con greased, the rules provided when These are tsues which properly two Americas, arms all linked to go about our business of consoll the powers Wholesome and approval of the American League tribution to the congress was his the program and resolutions were should be raised and carried on by sether and dancing the dance of dating our economic power espe proper. But Mr. Roosevelta campaign for neutrality legislation, declaration that the Communist brought in and shoved through in a broad labor defense organization brotherliness, is telling other naand declared, We must remain Party would help the American scarcely more time than it took to and by a progressive movement in tlong that twents one of them are building our naval and military ma whom he pretends to fight. The Strictly neutral in thought, sympa League reach out to include not read them, that there could be no the trade unions, and provide no essentially mtellites of the u. chine, letting other countries de pew Instruments of public power thy and in tact. We must cultivate only one or two but afteen to resolutions offered from the floor, real reason for the existence of the that the is not going to tol. Even atter the outbreak of large inexorably to Fascism.
relations with the Latin American twenty million countries, which can provide all who will make this country. de picked resolutions committee, this fact, quite perfunctors, and are any nation from the more barbarie scale conflict the may still for From that and from the war to the concluton of his speech, the stand alongside that other great The only possible place where purpose of the League: its paciet toes it may have to fight the other 17, but In due time, unless the Amer: All lands cannot be saved by paclmerely window dressing for the real continents steps on Uncle Sam time pursue the same supert which Mr. Roosevelt also pointed, General got a stirring ovation from country, the Soviet Union.
the assembled delegater.
In current stalinist terminology poseful discussion was in the one the program is its real essence, American nations too.
Another general was the chief an impertallet country becomes afternoon session in which the These points are the replica of the But the picture of noble, peaceful of the revolutionary International power into their own hands by speaker the following night: Gen force for peace when, like France, congress broke up into commls Stalinist line on the war question. Uncle Sam and his nelghbor, a ist party decree otherwise, when it revolutionary action, smashing the General Pung is belng toured by Soviet Union. The role of the men s, trade union, etc. In theory planks, one realizes the enormous and touching and subtly insinuates from a peaceful polley will workers state and an ordered 600 usefulness of this people front into many minds the idea that plunge again into war. Domic lite.
the Stalinista both here and united front against war. there these smaller groups were to prepare and discusses to Stalinism. Speaking in its ownever such a country as this should It 18 when we thus see clearly anti Japanese movement. An ar pressure bloe to help push the ticle on General Pang appears in United States into a military alll lutions committe. Actually, bow. rased by the barrage of scrape of purely detenelve or unselfishly on speech for me to become photo ofereits blography of the general in Pacifism is part of the ideologi ty smaller editions of the wind days when the comintern was the missionary ideal of carrying to perlalista, a pledge that the adminbaseert the congress to a whole revolutionary organization station other lands the beach on the house and then we look tireless, urter NY Old Guard the national. of the can speak particularly of the clare that France will fight a proof course when such a country now and demagogy of the last half trade union commission, which (Continued from Page 1)
to mention that the general Wasiatlonists has now been forgotten covered. The leaders of the com gresive war which Communists drills troops, builds military planes which has been ecstatically hailed Alated organizations of the elevated to the Central Executive by the Stalinista.
In the heroic Committee of the Kuomintang in mission, instead of presenting rea will support but that at the same and war vessels. It is for the same by liberal and all good Democrats tional party.
May, 1929 at the very helcht days of the Comintern, this doc itions for discussion, ave the time they will prepare for some nasty minded Bolshevik could cratic and reactionary capitalism. from the meeting but sent of civil noble, Irreproachable ends! Only Daniel Hoan abeented himselt as a fighting speech against autotrine Irreconcilable even liberals were being hounded, the doctrine in remembered for the talked on nothing and everything, breath declare its loyalty to bour think otherwise, then Kuomintang reaction when struggle against pacifism. Today floor to a series of speakers who war. Stalinism must in the same a telegram demanding unity and The Certainty of War New Deal Served Capitalism proposing that the five leading facOnce again we note the tengenees The New Deal, ag anti Japan together with his opposite purpose of using pacifism and then, when the afternoon was seois democracy in the People Roosevelt tonalista from each side should chtet. the Christian General, to put pressure on the American over and the delegates were stream. Front but simultaneously swear it Feng Yu Hsian. when they both overnment to make the righting out, called for the election of has not forgotten the dictatorship of international relations today, points out in this very speech, bold ithdraw from party work for the National Split mittee to prepare the trade union so outmoded for the chauvinist Ing to the surface. In the very actness is on the upgrade. Stock quo onderstelling out with Chiang Kal Unionce, fuperiore than the Soviet materie pretende com as the profetariate Athlehle barrage ofrereater ty of War and of course to ne it to be to his credit, saved cars with a periodo Shek. Cable dispatches today re then be declared to be fightingal resolutions.
role of the Stalintern, they can of picturing the deace loving tations and profits are mounting already an accomplished fact in There is no doubt that the spli, port that General Fenys has patched progressive war, the pacifist 11A resume of some of the Inc. happily leave outside when theyRoosevelt conjures up the enemy Relief funds are being drastically New York State, will be extended up with Chang and become his justong will, as during the last dents at the trade union commis League. In the name of the diect whom we are to fight in the ap. cut appear in the guise of the American chief afde. We predict that his Strikes were kept bounds throughout the party. But, from protege, Fang, will shortly return chauvinism, and the war, be transformed into idealistic sion is instructive. labor attor pline of the united front, Hath proaching war. The temper and by Hugh Johnson and his succes: all indications, the old Guard to China.
League will have achtered its foul NRA, which had been very good away rendered lip service to the the purposes of the rulers of many sors. The basic industries are sticlatms of majority will not be Candor compels one to admit purpose.
he said, it did away with many ened to declare that this is a per and in Asia have not polnted the llon or more unemployed. But the Finnish and Jugo Slay will go that General Fang la a more principled man than his Stalintat spop fold day for pacifism.
The three day congress was a Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen spective we know that many people were there to peace be to goodwiempitalitatea re cooling cheats, now with the right wing in the split of that profits are being made again and the Jewish Verband majority odd sors. In the days when Chiang variety of Illusion about war was made a speech supporting League los congress are not yet autocracy and agression rule these temporarily. They want to takel will follow suit. minority of the accept Kal shek and Stalin addressed each heard; everything except the volce in. declared: endorse every Icepts the American League program to charge the rulers of these auto concessiong, mainly usory, which main with the official party. The of Nations sanctions and, in clos to unfet party unconditionalto nations. Roosevelt is not satisfied away from the workers even the latter, however, is expected to re the Chinese bourgeoiste had to war. No one was contradicted: thingGenerador Bulletve legbe which is not based on class strug viously Japan, Germany, Italy, etc. to save the system. So there is to will follow sutt by an overwherning Roosevelt realized had to be given Young People Bocallat League render a certain amount of lip ser belfevers in religious ways of keep nisht.
vice to the world revolution, the ing the peace; advocates of refusal speech declaring that President Mexican Popular Front made a The united front uned to be openly than is customary in this masses attention from the truth. tion is divided over the issue; this General yang didn go in for this or sending these cight men atto Cardenas was it to. kind of nonsense at Cleveland. He Washington to stop war; advocates seconded and unanimously adopted, ticipants to accept the challele It was moved and le linee but not requiring all var prepare th therefore to e to fight the peoples of forgotten man.
had a message, and he made sev. of conscripting both wealth and to send a message of greetings to tlonary outcome of the class atrne and the cae American modes to hate against Roosevelt, champion of the lof the rond position of Hoopes. The eral speeches to the congress about men; those who swore to refuse to Milwaukee organization is expected other lands. It is idle, he says, Unwittingly he made it clear to remain with the oficial party. The root of war Is In aggres bear arms advocatena die eerste Cardenas us the savior of demo. the people, cont, the former to preach that the masses of the and that is for as the most impor once the split becomes definitive on stone therefore aggressors must be tonal amendments to stop war: cratic rights. An aging steel work war: er urged the audience not to let and Fascista in the abstract even which are dominated by the twin speech that regardless of who 18 Socialist organization controlled by above all Japan, is to abolish the their boys 80 to war but to keep the elementary conception of inde spirits of autocracy and agression, elected President, which old party Mayor McLevy, on the other hand, unequal treaties and enforce the them at home. machinist dele pendent class action is thrown are out of sympathy with their other treaties such as the Kellogg will probably go with the Old Wage Raise Won the mapoke boom organizing untions and over borte (Another installment on the rulers. They follow blindly and Guard.
Pact. If only the signatories had fervently the load of those who Pickets Shut Throughout the debate at the not permitted Japan to break these tive of a United Mine Workers program of the League will ap seek autocratle power. After more treaties. Breaking the treaties sessions of the as in the pear next week. local spoke for the united front.
of this kind, he becomes positively Mather Plant long strusste since the Detroit con 18 an Insult to the other nations, 8, a Charles Zimmerman objected to the truculent, challenging these wicked sign of thelr weakness. America (Continued from Page 1) congress solely on nations to knock the chip off his away on political gues, making no should protect the treaties. This took up the Aght of the tired men, it did not include more unions. shoulder: recognize that there (Continged from Page 1)
thoroughly bourgeois reactionary charging discrimination and de Negro made a splendid speech message was cheered every time the manding reinstatement of the men against Jim Crowlem in the uniond. Need in Silk word for chosen wordt bude preparation for the moment when Carmed Insurrection. vand united can cry out Violence! and Un front with the be banned a general bared his teeth.
on the projects and pay for time Ben Gold made a vicious attack on in any nation that chooses to At a condition for unity The 111The generals were the ace ex lost. The men have in the last few Zimmerman, for which he was duly this shoe to its foot the imple ruly agitators!
htblts of the congress. Their near days been reassigned to projecta, reprimanded the next day for not (Continued from Page 1) tion, if they don like it, to hell There is little doubt but that tants took a defensive position on every agency of the capitalist clam, the political issues and centered est competitors for honors were state office of the WPA.
while the appeal is pending in the having learned the new line. Bim must be done now? Is the strike with them.
Harry Ward, re elected national merman answered by again com necessarily to be a completo rout Let American workers, farmers government, police, press, strike their arguments on autocracy chairman of the League and Amer that the administration is carrying unions in the congress.
Another aspect of the struggle plaining about the lack of trade of the union forces? Will the union and intellectuals make no mistake breakers, reactionary organizations, and the demand for an active and couple that the workers built and tem about it. Primarily, Roosevelt demoralize unionism in Toledo by In the national split, which now Baldwin, re elected to the national found in the arrests (tour to date) Friends of the Chinese People, and smashed?
ica best known Methodist: Roger on against the Association Is to be of speeches, including one by the pered in struggle now be completely speech was an expression of Amer: restoring plant to fall operation appears to be irremediable, the old bureau of the League, famous, as of members of the Association who the trade union commission was director of the Civil Liberties Un are guilty of organizing WPA work. about over.
know of no other answer than the war spirit in the American make strikes during the New Deal per unambiguous program, it will also First: What is to be done? We at its fons, seeking to entender in the face of a picket line for the Guard will have the advantage of ers. Th ested were Thomas Good and Bad Capitalist Bronx Lecture lod. Industrialists are deliberately have the important financial re Morans, Jack Dale, Felix Glordano land trade unionist, arose to exMar Hayes, prominent Cleve one we gave on May 1: Bulld tho By that, we are forced Powers MUSTE and Vietorson. convenient excuse press his indignation at the slan. now considered by some misto port to the two rationalizations by to insist, we do not mean what is The Roosevelt speech gave sup battle.
driving for a violent show down sources accruing from the Institutions under 1ta control, particularly speaks on for such arrests is the distribution ders cast against the League as formed people to be the left wing means of which the imperialists Burke Cochran, vice president of ward was attacked by Thomas as ORGANIC UNITY Leading figure in the strike is the opulent Forward. The For of leaflets.
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1936 tributing leaflets for the Associa: He proposed to settle that kind of venturism. What must be built is out, the Stalinist and social demo been elected to take full charge of cause it has the money. The For Ambassador Hall, 3875 3rd Ave.
near Claremont Parkway be charged with anything from tion which he read. The resolution that can gauge situation objec. class made use in duping the the key speaker at the man meet er, according to press reports, a by mit which is impossible to cet existed to perpetuate the American the necessary program and leader talist war.
One is the idea to which men yesterday which was chine which employed Tammany WORKERS to obstructing and interfering.
This phase of the struggle bas ete, therefore be it resolved that in the building of such a left wing that there are two kinds of big na the forces in the strike. His indemocratie form of government, ship. We have lost precious time ve have already alluded, namely, called for the purpose of mobilizing methods in the party.
Protect Yourselves Against the now been taken up by the recently the League goes on record against and we are now paying dearly for tions: the good, non aggressive, domitable drive, keen tactical sense Thomas, will come out of the split The official party, beaded by Hazards of Life. Join the Labor Defense which is the charge all dictatorships, including the it. Still, the situation is not des democratic ones and the bad, ag na tighting fervor have revitalized with a decisive majority of the WORKMENS SICK DEATH of the appeals.
BENEFIT FUND OF THE When the victory of the wp to clarify the distinction between to the task and actually do bulia The fact that all slike are capital under two months of inactivity, youth. The personal popularity of 1884 1935 front, now being firmly established. defending bourgeois democracy and such a left wing, the union will ist imperialist nations, engaged in tension, uncertain waiting and allm Thomas the Presidential candi new and most important thight Aghting for the democratic rights have a chance to experience a really deathly competition with each living. Today clashes Indicate date will also be an important fac Organized, managed by and for tooms on the horizon of the Asso defend the nature of the workers other, which some day shifts into that the union is going to fight bit tor in the struggle to prevall. Its Second: Will the strike be to render protection to members Noved organizations. From now state. Not the Stalin st! Cole complete defeat? Not necessarily into the background. So is the built up in tey Blizzard weather. composition and its lack of a ded and their familles, and to sup on, it is officially reported, all new Weinstock arose bastills to propose of the left wing is built, and if it fact that in the Pascist countries port all endeavors and struggles resolution be is to At the moment when the scabsnite and consistent policy. This for the improvement of tollers, applicants for relief will not be the resolutions committee, where it yogram, it will be possible. though crate countries are plous hybe appear to start actual plant oper the fruit of the strategy of the masses are told that the dem, and the outcome of this fight mas primarily on the basis of secondando Abont 50. 000 members organ. permanent grocery order system. ence to it being a casual remark may be saved out of this battle red their neighbors and now won determine in large measure the and organizational questions and ation, there is going to be a fight activists in conducting the struggle ized in 350 branches Reserves 3, 400, 000 press as a first step toward the the Congress, that wo resolutions which notorious detect appearances. st them get up and rehabilitate course of all auto unlonism in this evading the challenge of the old Denth redit graded accordsubmitted were not reported out by Ing to age at entry. Sick benefit Guard on political issues.
grocery order system Third: Will the union be smashed masses are to be duped, hypnotized city for some time to come.
The real payments from 225 to 900 to of their political character. Then men al women, according to from being a boon to large stores. came the announcement that Max establishment of the left wing they don realize the truth until Hottest affair since the Chicago fire!
is to be found in an official anMonthly assessments from 450 nouncement to the effect that the Hages, anthor of such resolution. Such a new group would be able they perish in Agony in No Man to give new life to the union, and land administration expects to save 20 was elected vice chairman of the steer it out of its present dificult to 10.
And American League.
other fairy tale is that percent of the cost of rellef by the straits. If the left wing is not built of the small nations who if left to For further information apply return to the food order system. If the trade union commission soon, then the unfon, as the result themselves. wonld be content with to Main Office: Benefit Preparing to Defeat Relief Cut was so formless, undoubtedly the of the defeat, will fall back, lose their boundaries and whose rulers 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, Thus what is really implied by others were even worse. glimpse membership, and become again deep in their hearts follow these NON PARTISAN LABOR DEFENSE the move is a cut in the standards into one of them was provided by what it was before 1931, a small peaceful and reasonable aspirations of relief. What such a cut would the Rev. Herman Reissig, chairman group trying to be a union. And of their peoples. Poor little BelFriday, January 17th PAUL LUTTINGER, mean to the undernourished fam of the religious commission, who all the work of building that has clum, noble, democratic King Alllies of the unemployed is easy to reported that his commission had been carried on for over five years SARATOGA CLUB DANIEL LUTTINGER, 575 Lenox Avenue, picture.
had a long and most interesting will have availed us nothing, and wing, and build it now! Washington Square North Against this new attempt of the discussion of the difference between will have to be done all over again. No mean, task, to be sure.
Tiekets: 00 per person 2 and Except Sundays administration the Association for prophetic religion and traditional The task before the silk workers upon the ability of the Paterson Dancing 10 to A. Midnight Supper Floor Show And Holidays.
Adequate Relief is preparing itself religion, but had finally decided of Paterson presents itself in nosilk workers to carry it out rers for a real struggle.
that a rewolution on this point was ambiguous form: Build the left the very life of the union.
In Newark WPA stound that Left Wing Is meaning of this new step, aside the resolutions committee because Again that depends on the speedy by looking at an illusion 80 that clases Harlem Jamboree Yet