CapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers Party

NEW MILITANT VOL. 2, NO. Official Organ of the Workers Party of the NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1936 PRICE CENTS NJWPA Cleveland Hot Air Fest President Speech Prepares the Men Win Pacifist Jamboree Wage Rise Masses for War with the Lie of Peaceful Imperialist America STALINISTS PLEDGE FAITH TO GREEK MONARCH Left Wing is 23 Only Hopein regime.
Silk Strike Toledo Auto Plant Shut Progressives Down By Mass Picketing Gain in AFL Two Month Old Strike Galvanized by Militant Tact Union Meets obtained Open clashes broke out here today e WPA Official the other the present that there practical Workers Pay for Tire War Dreuk proceeds with te threatened police ng med atribe Gets Told by Report Shows Project Union to see materie se rendre NEXT WEEK! Patriots Take Lead in The second of a series of arLeague for War Against ticles on the People Front by Fascism Congress Max Shachtman, entitled The Officials Back Down in Government of the People By PHILIP STRYKER Front, and the People Front CLEVELAND, Jan. The Face of General and the War Danger, will United States Congress Against pear in the next issue of the War and Fascism closed its threeStrike Threat NEW MILITANT. For the first day session here last night, and He Flaunts Slave installment of this series turn Cleveland city officials and busto page inessmen are unanimous in agreeBy FELIX GIORDANO Hold on South Comrade John West will dis.
ing that it was a fine convention NEWARK, WPA workers cuss the decision of the Supreme and that this convention city will in the Newark district have won a America not have such a spending crowd 10 percent increase in wages, from Court on the the Roose 55 to 60. 50 a month, beginning unti the Democrats get here in the velt message to Congress and summer.
By MUSTE from January 2, 1936.
the new budget in the next issue.
The Congress opened Friday eve.
President Roosevelt put on anThis increase was due primarily (The following Havas dispatch is reprinted of its organization, ning with stirring rendition of to the organizational activity of the from the Post, Jan, 7, 1936)
other good show when he made his My Country Tis of Thee. On The delegation announced that the Communist annual address to Congress last Association for Adequate Relief, the second line of this anthem, on ATHENS, Jan. (Havas). The Greek Com Party had decided to function within the frame week in person at nine o clock in Newark section of the which the words sweet land of liberty. munist Party today formally pledged allegiance to work of the present regime.
was the only organization to call the evening. No president had ever Robert Minor voice cracked, but addressed Congress at that hour in the workers to a glant mass meet.
Earl Browder and the rest of the King George II whom it hailed as a guarantee against Faselsm and against any authoritarian taken by Communist Parties in various countries This unprecedented scene followed similar steps ing which unanimously endorsed the entire peace time history of the Central Committee of the Communation. It took a little parliament nist Party (present to a man) manlower working hours, and recogni since the dictum of the Seventh World Congress ary maneuvering to arrange it and fully made up for Minor mishap.
tion of the workers the Republican politicians would delegation of the party that used to call for organization The national anthem was followed of the Comintern last July which called upon have liked to chew our dear Presi and committees by an original verse, sung to the the overthrow of existing governments and the The demanda, presented to Mr.
dent ear oft for thinking up this members of the Third International to support prevailing economic and political system came to tune of The Vagabond King. Lewis, district administrator, Musf Fight to Save Union bright publicity stunt, for nine War is coming nearer, the royal palace today and was received by King existing democracies instead of seeking to over o clock in the evening is a swell brought forth the usual answer Fascist trends grow clearer, George. whom assured of the unfailing support throw them.
spot for a radio broadcast and one that they would be kept in mind. From Stalinist Suicide Natlons rushing to the fall was arranged which took in every Tired of Promises Policies But the people waken But the workers, who had organstation in the good old and From their slumber shaken, quite a few In some of the more beIzed to get results, were not satisForm their ranks and heed the PATERSON, The strike fied with vague promises that bound nighted lands outside our borders call, Under the circumstances we shall the administration to exactly noth in the textile industry in Paterson Forward, forward, etc.
not be far wrong, and we shall also ing. Dissatisfaction spread among has now been going on for over Harold Burton, Mayor of them, which was helghtened by the two months. But the strike in no Cleveland and a prominent Legionfor once be in accord with every knowledge that in Pennsylvania way resembles the historic strugatre, gave the official address of one else in the country including the newspapers and the Republican party, If we assert that was ing states, wage increases had been on In 1981 and in 1933.
Now under stalinist leadership, forum, he declared, with faith in come this gathering to our great addressing the American people and The mood of the workers was the union carries on the strike God, with faith in America, and Wins First Concession From Mathers Spring Co.
not Congress and was firing the taking shape and found expression without the pep and the militancy faith in ourselves to meet the faopening gun in the Presidential In the widespread response that the that made Paterson a byword of ture in the deepest interest of huBULLETIN Radio Workers Decide to election campaign. This only makes it more important of course that idea of STRIKE obtained on the active struggle in the labor move manity.
TOLEDO, Jan. Mass pickets today forced the promise from Affiliate with Lewis ment. Strike meetings are a flop, various projects.
the workers should look beneath Rabbi Barnett Brickner of the Mather Spring Company that the plant will be shut down immedithe workers are demoralized.
Local Strikes Movement ately.
the lovely, liberal surface of the Cleveland (desisting for the eveOn a number of projects, small What are the reasons for such a ning from his labors for his million President speech and behind his The company vice president made this a personal pledge to permission for strikebreakers local strikes occurred, in prepara state of affairs? First, the adven. atre congregation) also welcomed pickets at the plant gates in return By ARNE SWABECK smiling face and analyze what he project workers, which was being called the strike at the most unpro and war were incompatible. Bishop tion for the general strike of all tarist policy of the Stalinists, which the congress, and said that religion to leave the plant unscathed The convention held in Pitts was really putting across Cheerful Picture The content of the speech was prepared by the Association for pitious time by whipping up a false Edgar Blake, Methodist leader Burke Cochran, strike leader, stated that picket lines will continue burgh last week of federal local unions, representing about 50, 000 at many points as clever as the Adequate Rellet, and for which all enthusiasm among a few members of Michigan and vice chairman of until the union demands are met.
workers in radio and refrigeration time and manner of its delivery.
the workers were getting ready of the union mostly Stalinists and (Continued on Page 2)
manufacture, decided to demand Not least the opening touch. In It is against this background stooges and on such a slim basis. from the of Executive Coun 1988 when came into office, said that the sudden decision to hand called the strike. Secondly, the cil that it be given an international Roosevelt, everything here in the out a 10 percent increase is tween striking pickets of the Math.
charter guaranteeing the industrial was in a mess while abroad understood. For, undoubtedly the no positive demands; all that the form of organization.
WPA officials, both local and union is demanding now is a staThe dele everything was quite calm and gutes assembled apparently had no there was general hope that an era breakers, as the company manage state, were worried by the threat bilization of wage rates in Paterdifficulty in making up their minds of peaceful settlement of disputes of an impending strike, and all the son. Thirdly, and most important attempt to reopen the plant which publicity that such tremendous of all, the local nature of the strike, was shut down two months ago it is reported that the delegates bright and smiling in the good old strike, involving close to 20, 000 per which, as the NEW MILITANT Flying bricks sbattered the windsong in this district, would have pointed out as early as last May, shields of scab conveying cars, TOLEDO, Ohio, Jan. Many with the aime of the Committee for and look what a mess things could bring nothing but demoralizinevitably received for are in elsewhere, what with war, By JACK WILSON police billies flew As scores of Authorities Take Revenge ation.
AKRON, Ohio, JAN. Even a blue conts scurried about the picket hundreds of WPA workers bere Industrial Organization, headed by armament building. etc. Fundan. entally that picture holds good But the authorities would not be Yet, against this background, the government fact finding board in line, which is swelling into the Jammed the large Memorial Hall John Lewis.
forced to grant tale in wagen Stalinists are now coming to the the rubber industry was forced to hundreds ose showdown fight ap meeting of the WPA Workers Un portant and indicative of the present on the surface It seems plausible Both of these decisions are im neither for 1933 nor for 1936, but without at least attempting to take elections and asking the workers critielze policies of the rubber pears imminent their revenge. This they tried by to re elect them to office and to barons which have brought lay offs, Although the strike involves only ton, which has been organized by trends in the trade union move and plenty of people will be fooled fring a number of the more mill teadership. And what is still worse, longer work hours and less pay for 425 men, the bitter battle these and is affiliated to the Lucas Coun ment. Once again they prove that by it enough in all probability to indicated in a members of the Mechanics Educaty Unemployed League Scores of under modern industrial conditions reelect next fall workers from Wood, Fulton and the most elementary questions of Nearly half, and this the first vice or warning for no reason ex be re elested, so that the workers report released by the labor depart. tional Society of America bave put other northwest Onto countles asunton organization bring forward hart of the speech, was devoted cept that they carried on organ may be treated to a new and larger ment this week.
izational work on their project. Todose of the same kind of misleader The report showed that every November 18 beginning to stir up far distant as fifty miles helped from the outset the disputed pro Mr. Roosevelt views on the world be sure, this was not the official ship and adventurism.
warning printed in the NEW MIL the coals of class warfare which swell the crowd beyond the 800 gressive issues. They are not in situation and the relation of the This is in itselt reason, but anyone with one eye Why is it that with such a record ITANT three months ago telling of have smouldered bere since the seating capacity to fill all standing Jected artificially. They grow out toward it.
could have seen it, and smelled it, or lack of achievement the Stalin the plans of the rubber companies Auto Lite strike. In response to an room. This meeting was the climax of the problems that arise and significant. In the same breath a two weeks intense organiza and thereby a mile away.
ists will be able to maintain them to lower real wages so that a tire appeal for aid issued yesterday by vonal drive by the new union, and measures for become necessary almost he says that this country This claim was further confirmed selves in power?
the movement to neutral, that it stands apart from price war would be paid for by the strikers to all Toledo working veterans of unemployed organiza adopt.
indirectly by Mr. Michael Condron, Once the trends, now be embroilment in the quarrels of other district labor manager, when he forma coherent left wing, organPrimarily because the efforts to workers were correct in every re. class organizations, scores of work spect.
ers from the Chevrolet plant (memtion here declared it to be the ginning to take form around the nations and he must also say that The board which worked under bers shop the the Americas to Association which to of teat the fring of the men and de ears, and also because the only inbor secretary, made its finding the Spicer Mts. Co. the Lucas ever held in this city.
William Schmubl, WPA ad prairie Are.
ments that lead to the tragedy of mand their reinstatement, that one other group in the Held, led by specifically against the Goodyear County Unemployed League and its the WPA ministrator for Lucas and Wood Join With Lewis Movement a general war. In other words, of the fred men had threatened Lovestonetes and a couple of their hour day last fall after having Workers Union, and from other countles spoke at the meeting in to carry on organizational work on stooges, 18 still living down some Like the unions in other mass Roosevelt glves warning that war any other project he might have of the worst traits of the non lam. been forced on slx hour day in groups, joined the man picket line. wnion that he publicly face the locals in radio and refrigeration cannot stand aloot, we shall be em.
response to the insistent pressure of production industries the federalis coming that we will not and 1930, been assigned to the ented El Keller.
Present attempts to operate the The Association immediately The question poses itself: what Nationwide in Scope plant, or to prepare it for operation WPA workers to explain the car manufacture found their first real Creating War Psychology (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
That this move was part of a (since as yet only several dozen sons for the partial break down of obstacle to organization in the nation wide employer drive against maintenance men have been run (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
The President in all this first workers as we pointed out tong ago, through the picket line under section of his speech tried to create the board admitted in saying, the heavy police protection. began as a psychology which will prepare the American masses to take part a in the next war and in the meanGoodyear with its large production when the management announced time permit American capitalists manufacturers will follow a similar plant, after two months of solemn course.
declarations that they were prepartinue their huge war preparations By a vote of to the National declaring that the whole procedure without Interference. How is this Executive Committee of the Social was unconstitutional and that conservative in its findings, de permanently.
The board, which was naturally ing to move it elsewhere or close it In a sharp protest to President Ham Pickens, Quincy Howe, Chas done Roosevelt, leading labor organizas. Zimmerman, manager of Dress ist Party suspended the charter of his group would not recognize it. clared that, an average of 36 hours Helghtened significance is added tions and prominent individuals to makers Union, and Paul Sturm, the picture of the as a right In the first place, he bullds up the New York State Committee At the same time it was announced per week would mean reducing the to the present developments as all day lald at the door of the Amer secretary of the Workmen Slek eons, noble, peaceloving, irreproach (Old Guard) at its meeting in that an Eastern States Conference working forces by approximately signs increasingly point to the fact tean government the responsibility and Death Benefit Fund. Another able nation. We have democracy.
Philadelphia last Sunday. The under the auspices of the ola 12 per cent. Actually 40 hour that the Mather strike is being for the terroriste regime of Cuba. signatory Is Clifford Odets, noted not autocracy. We want to reduce state committee set up at the Utica Guard faction will be held in the week work prevails so it can safely used as a test battle by the auto. The Cuban general elections, set playwright, who was refused ad armaments (sliding over the fact convention of the Militanta, how latter part of January. Bierak, be said that at least 15 per cent mobile and parts manufacturers too raud. since the only political ſhe went to furvestigate labor condi others are building armaments. If nafasion to Cuba recently because that we are increasing them) wbile ever, was not recognized. Instead, ond Guardist representing the Mas of Goodyear 15, 000 employes have determine the present temper and a 10, are denounced a new temporary committee of Arsachusetts State Committee, which been layed off permanently!
organizational solidarity of Toledo parties permitted to participate are tons.
teen members was appointed as ais formally sponsoring the Eastern The baste reason for these of labor as a guide to the strategy to those of the wealthy landowners. The letter of protest to President virtuously stay out of it and hope a fight breaks out anywhere, we result of a compromise of Thomas States conference, threatened a fensives against the already poor be employed in the general union and emloyers, while every group Roosevelt, coples of which were that this good example will per of Massachusetts and Hoopes of charter of the New York State Com can be extracted from a single par gurated here over a month ago by chado is declared illegal, the trade fery. President Jose Barnet of as the big nation in the western Reading. Pa, who had tried to mittee was suspended. Sarah Lim agraph hidden in the middle of the General Motors with the Aring of unions are ordered dissolved, and Cuba, and Secretary of State Cor hemisphere follow the polley of the steer a midde course in the twobach, representing the Penpaylvania 90 page report 900 Chevrolet union men.
day debate.
hundreds are assassinated or exe dell Hull states in part State Committee, also appeared be It reads, Goodyear management good neighbor and just see the reThe new state committee con tore the and took a similar states to the board that one of the Lite strike, police are being used For the first time since the Auto cuted and thousands jailed.
Letter of Protest sult compared to the frightful mess tains from the Utica conference position, The protest was issued by Normotives in changing from six to in Imposing numbers and are at man Thomas, chairman of the La The present political regime in in Europe, Asia and Africa. Never group and Old Guardiste, some of In a statement defying the eight hours is to effect a reduction tempting all sorts of viclous Intim bor and Socialist Defense Commit the direct intervention of Ambas there existed a greater spirit of Cuba came into existence through in four and a half centuries bas them camouflaged as independ the New York State Committee in costs. This objective appears to idation and provocation. rigid tee; Joseph Wagner, Secretary of sador Jefferson Caffery. After mutual understanding, of common ente. The new committee is to sald: The New York State Com be to increase income. It would be conspiracy of silence which has the General Defense Committee: years of terrible oppression, the helpfulness, and of devotion to the function under the supervision of mittee will continue to function as better to approach such a problem been maintained in the capitalist and Felix Morrow, Secretary of the Cuban masses had finally ousted deals of self government than exa sub committee of three members the duly constituted State purty from the standpoint of marketing press about the issues of the strike, Non Partisan Labor Defenre. Tobnernment refused recognition to the can republice and their neighbor, of the National Executive Commit apported by a majority of the methods and elimination of price in the face of widespread disapMachado. But the American govists today in the twenty one Amertee Krayekt. Allen and Coolidge members. It further declared that cutting warfare than by decreasing proval of the company polleles in Dos Passos, Lewis Corey. Charles government of President Grau San the Dominion of Canada. There Among the signatories are and is to draft plans for state the Old Guard has the support of wage rates and increasing hours refusing even to talk with the un Yale Harrison, James Rorty, Anita Martin, which granted a minimum is neither war, nor rumor of war, convention to be held not later than the states which are strongly or hours per day of workers.
June 30, when a permanent state ganized and that some of them ion committee or negotiate through Brenner, Sidney Hook, Carlo Tres of democratic rights.
nor desire for war.
Workers Shoulder Costs committee 1st be constituted. have already advised the committhe Toledo Peace Board, established ca, Bertha Poole Weyl, Elsle Gluck, In grim contrast to this treatOneal, editor of the New Leader tee that the revocation of the New tlon drive rubber companies to gain ly after the Chevrolet strike, 18 Grace Lampkin, Dr. John Haynes ment immediate recognition of the core. It is only a ew months The relentless forces of compett here by Edward McGrady short Adelalde Walker, Martha Gruening, ment was the American govern.
False Pletures The picture, Again, is false to and James Graham of Montana York State charter means that they market control at any cost and the expected to be broken any day, as Holmes, Babette Deutsch, Sher the present regime which violently since there voted against the decision shall not be able to continue as al cost has been thrown on the work the daily press distils its venom in wood Bady, Anna Davis, seized power and has held it Chaco. American capitalism is 80 actual war in the Oneal walked out of the meeting. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) Huebech, Matthew Josephson, Wil. through a reign of terror. Continued on Pace 2)
as Socialist Party Split Widens en moito tersebut members are momente pentru Regime to Roosevelt Gov noche de la stration de