BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1936 Betrayal in the Present War Crisis By JOHN WEST Succes in the (This is a chapter from the pamphlet War and the Workers ary activities within your own attack would only pave the way against war, and the revolutionary has called for the new elections to gically, to turn them aside from the country, because this would upset for its own overthrow. Stalin, with defense of Ethiopla, which is al Parliament, confident of a sub genuine struggle against war, and In the face of the developing war erbis, the forces for the betrayal Peace. permit the working class his eyes focussed on national Rus way a struggle against the capital. stantial majority for the govern es etens het beror ces petellanes poner of the workers in the struggle against war are maturing rapidly. From all sides, in all countries, the liberals, the pacifists, the reformists, crushed under Fascism rather than peace elsewhere, to let him bulld whose governments they are. The People Front, advocating paring war namely, the imperialsocial patrioty under the cover of what look like anti war and risk one ounce of cement at Dniep. at home. He places his reliance, It does no good to say, as the sanctions, becomes the main supist government of the United States pro peace campaigns, are in actuality preparing for sell out to the rostroy or one tractor at Stalin thus, not on the International war makers, are making ready to turn over the masses to the imper grad. And, lastly, it means: sup working class, but on the friend Social democrats and the Stalinistsport of the Republie. that is, of and finance capital, which say, that we should support League French imperialism Laval could that government represents.
port the war polley of your demoly capitalist governments, on any and governmental sanctions, but at reasonably apply for admission; Thus, as always, pacifism in the old ways methods and slogans of betrayal. But the old methods are not enough the work in so veramente decoller the agreements for treate or pacts be the same time point out that the national unity on the war issue form of demands for neutrality working class to the coming im. can come to with them. But to League and British and French im mortally weakens the ripening class legislation in actuality aids the appearances must be added: the masses cannot be deceived again in precisely the old waysIt therefore becomes of crucial importance to the bourzeolste finds its imperialist direct the Communist parties in the perialism are acting only in their struggle in France, which person war makers. It strengthens the analyze the new and special forms of betrayal which are appearing in cims best served by a temporary various nations not toward revolu ing them we are temporarily able ary struggle for workers power strengthens its hold over the people the present crisis.
alliance with the Soviet bureautionary struggle against their gov. to the French and British and the overthrow of every form Since the policy of the government.
ernments at home (whtch would governments to serve the interests of capitalista enemorkers lenders ernment, is and must be war Good» and «Bad» Capitalist Powers Naturally, Marxists do not main endanger the government friend tain that the Soviet Union should ship for Stalin. but toward put interests momentarily, though from lend all their efforts to upholding policy, these demands are in reality The most fatally dangerous doc means both Fascism and war. Fas not, whenever possible, utilize the ting pressure on the home govern. diametrically opposite causes, and defending the capitalist gov doing their part in carrying out the war policy. The capitalists and contrarlictions ments to line up with the Soviet coincide. This is the reasoning of ernment.
systematically propagated during that it marks outwardly a great among the imperialist powers to its Union; and, then, to essential sup a Stalin or a Blum, but not of a Marxists, then, reject and expose slow to take advantage of the opthe recent years by liberals and by intensification of the inner conflicts own advantage. This was the tac port of the home government Marxist. The Marxist knows that as betrayal any and all advocacy portunity. Hearst and Roosevelt both the Socialist and Communist of capitalism, and is thus an indt tic of Lenin. But this tactic can long as it stays or pretends to stay we can never use capitalist sov. of League or governmental sane Alike point out Just as does. Bald parties throughout the world, is cation of the more rapid drive of only be understood as subordinate lined up. This necessarily weakens ernments for the interests of the long. Naturally, however, this win in England that to preserve must be drawn between the com the highest expression of these lutton, and this strategy can base struggle, which is always mainst governments are is instruments to passive, hands on position in the icy the u. must bulld up its paratively good capitalist na conflicts imperialist war. But in itself only on the international the home se represent and possible be used for the interests of the present crisis or in any other national defense. That is to say tions, the peace loving nations the linked chain of causes that working class. Stalin maneuver the end, disrupts the only possible bourgeoisle. On the contrary, we Marxists are not neutral in the they use the agitation for neutrality fight United States on the one hand. tante or the continued existence of the direct contrary of Lenin For which must be a defense against against the governments, and their They are for the defeat of Fascist the same forces of us. Imperial The Marxist knows that ad Italy and the blow to Imperialism ism, to build new and more power and on the other, the altogether capitalism, the democratic nations Stalin maneuvera in such a way and an attack on the international acts wicked capitalist nationItaly have as integral a part as the Fas as to subordinate the working class bourgeoisle and all the political vocacy of governmental sanctions which such a defeat would be: and ful hattleships and airplanes, and and especially Germany.
cist nations.
From the point or to the capitalist powers, not to ad instruments the capitalist govern: in any form necessarily binds the they are therefore for the victory to mechanize still further the alThis theory reasons as follows: view of the working class, therevance its interests. The Franco ments. never a collaboration with working class to the state and the of Ethiopia. But they propose to ready highly modernized the not striking them.
class enemy, necessarily weakens and in such defeat and such victory army Fascism, especially Hitlerism, means can be no good. no peace lov. Soviet pract Every cap example of such subordination We shall see the workers of the class position of the workers not by appealing to capitalist gov.
war is the fight against Fasciamitalist state, democratie as well as whereby the French working class France, England and the United and thus the workers struggle for ernments and the imperialis volved in the so called neutrality war. Therefore, the fight against ing capitalist states, But even more than this is in, to the The form of the dictatorship of the French bourgeoisie, so long as the leaders of the Communist Party for turning the workers over to the sanctions, but to the working classesislation. The substance of such Ntruction of all democratic rights. and 18 thus the implacable enemy only one aspect of the consistent in the army, and fight against war the sanctions find their natural out. Only sanctions which are results can apply them various success of Fascism means the debourgeoiste over the working class, Pact formally endures but this is Defend the Soviet Union: Enllet sanction applyine government when to apply its proletarian sanctions. Legislation, it actually put into fect, can the The destruction of democratic of the working class to defend nd continuous pole vee Stapiteriet and Hitlerism! Defend the Soviet come in the bed samlet en supporto sae; of the independent and autonomous forms of Anancial and economie. and the sanctions lead to war. As in organizations of the working classing class is one thing. But this has powers from attacking the Soviet This policy of betrayal has, also, then we have already by supporting any value in the revolutionary the case of sanctions proper, there.
rights means the crushing of the the democratie rights of the work Lenin, to prevent the capitalist Unton!
and thus defeat for the revolution. nothing in common with the de. Union, placed his full reliance on been systematically developed over the sanctions supported the war. It struggle against war since only fore, the neutrality acts would be ary movement. But Fascism, espe. fense of the democratie capitalist the only possible force which could a period of many years. The recent takes more than verbal reservations these separate the class from the in effect war acts, and the same The former is a primary in actuality defend the Soviet Congress of the Communist Inter. to crawl out of the inescapable state and the class enemy, and only conclusions must be drawn with cially Hitlerism, can succeed only state.
by war, and, since Fascism means anty of every working class party. Union on the working class of the national made it official for the logic of cause and effect.
war, will inevitably undertake war. traitorter the latter will be put working class and Its party were Zyromskl Bauer resolution on war support of sanctions are already road to workers power and thus to Realizing this is enough to expose The disastrous consequences of the workers, which is alone the respect to them as we have already What then follows?
lows is the betrayal of the working the working class against war and country, Lenin reasoned, the gov. mocracy. Unlike the situation at ngo, the masses were turning rar strations, strikes, labor boycotts, class of France, Busland and the Pascism: in practice, it will give crnment of that country would not the beginning of the last war, the laty away from the National Goverenserunds for material aid to who obravely denounce the pola Titel States. For, on the basis of the working class both war and care to attack the Soviet Union, betrayers this time wish to be fulls erument. Then the British Labor Whiopia, refusal to load munitions (Great Britain, France. and then the above chain of reasoning, to faciam, for the bourgeoisie of the since it would realize that such an roady beforehand.
Parts and the British Communist for Italy, revolutionary agitation in the next breath advocate them Kupport the democratie nations in democratic countries will not over.
Party came out strongly for sane Por Marxism as it applies to the under the title of neutrality leg.
war against Hitler is to defend come the necessity for a resort to Sanctions tions that is, came out for the war crisis, these are such sanctions Islation) for this country, democratic rights arainst Fascism: Piscism during the decline of cap.
policy of British finance capital and as the working class must make use. League is. But these will be ineffectual Here, as in any other phase of wheel completes its circle. Defense next war. Indeed, the outbreak of tant feature of betrayal in the pres sets the same as support of sahe naturally, fatally obscured the class in the immediate crisis? They are the sense let rakainst Imperialist of the national state that is, de war will innill probability be the cut war crisis revolves around the tions applied by individual nations issue. Ao longer is there any clear romantic and utopian? It so, then was the fight for Us Seutrality fense of the imperialist bour coisic Meno for setting up Fnaciste gove question of sauctions. The Cove by Great Britain of France. line between the working class the revolutionary struggle is itseil must be of England France and the United cruments in the democratic want of the League of Nations pro States becomes, through this the countries, But sanctions are war mensures parties and the Conservatives on ineffectual, romantic and utopian. the methods and means of the vides that when a nation has been they include withdrawal of finan the war crisis. The Labor Party Perhaps such sanctions will not working class. It is only the workory, a revolutionary duty!
The business of the working class declared an agressor against a cial credit, embargoes on trade, and the Communist Party have solve the present crisis Buting class, operating as an indepen The mortal fallacy in this posi within any country is never under member state, certain financial, various forms of boycott. To en done for Baldwin what he could they, and they alone, will help steel dent force, which can be counted timu is easy enongh to understand any circumstances to defend the cronomic, and even military meas force them genuinely would require not do for himself: they have the class, maierially and ideoogicalon certainly we cannot expect im when ouce examined from the point government. that is, the political ures shall be following an elabora blocknde of the country against brought about national unity on for the struggle to come the perialism itself to put an end to of view of Marxism. The state executive of the cines enemy but ate proceduro invoked by the whoun the auctions were invoked. the war issue. Baldwin of course struggle for workers power, which supertalism, which is what we do ment. Fascism means war is in always to fight for its overthrow other Langue member states against The probable, the almost certain understands this; and consequently is, in the end, the only solution, when we call on an imperialist government to avoid It is not Fascism that To Fascism as to war there is only the aggressor nation. These meas. contcome of such a blockade, as imperialist complete.
war. The fight must be not for a means war. Rather is it the con one answer: the workers revolumes are called sanctions, and history has so often proved, is war Neutrality tinuedl existence of capitalism that tion.
the term sanctions is being ex since the blockaded nation can. government policy of neutrality.
but always a Aght against the gov.
tended to include measures which not accept such measure peace Careful notice should be given to trality policy on the part of the ernment. Defense of the Soviet Union might be taken by nations on their fully without surrendering political a form of betrayal closely related government. What does this own initiative (e. closing of the sovereignty. closely similar preparation for achieve victory in the capitalist Suez Canal by Great Britain) as Thus it follows that sanctions tions. This is a particular danger in the first place, to spread among to betrayal on the question of sanc mean in the concrete? It means betrayal has gone on under cover nations. And it means these things we the measures taken collectively must be either ineffectuala kind in the United States. In the United the people and the United. by.
Iarge scale blufro they must states, which is not League the fatal pacifist illusions about Union. these are the only possible defense This extension of the use of the lead to war.
member, the betrayers call, not for isolation. As we have seen. Continued on Page 3)
As has already been indicated, of the Soviet Union.
word sanctions is significant. It the defense of the Soviet Union is To Stalinism. however, and to indicates a new and ingenious them is certainly no aid to peace relevant to League outsiders but linked up economically. socially san about confiscating the LAND: If they are ineffectual, support of sanctions which are formally ir the United States is necessarily CIALIST revolution! Then the sloone of the primary tasks of the the cynical Austro Marxists, de working class in the coming war. tense of the Soviet Union means: war into support of war. All that war, support of them no matter the present crisis, this demand is In and politically with the rest of the OWNERS and (repeated by Trot.
But, to Marxist, what does de support the program of national is necessary 18 to call the war an with what verbal reservations only an American form of the de. World. Its pretended Isolation is a sky in 1915. after the January fense of the Soviet Union mean? Bolshevism: no word of criticism application of sanctions. Then means nothing else than support of mand for sanctions, combined with seen the more this will inevitably be then we must speak, not of the myth. As we have The essence can be summed up of Stalin and his bureaucratic as it becomes the duty of all friends war undertaken by the imperialist the worst type of ordinary pacifism. Involved in the coming war, will en revolutionary Valvor but of a rev.
quickly. It means: Extend the sociates: put all faith in diplo of peace to support it.
government applying the sanctions.
October revolution. It means to imatic deals with bourgeois powers, strengthen the economic and polit. in military alliances with France of the doctrine of sanctions. League to be applied by capitalist govern. World Peaceways and the League wint this out honestly and straight Works, Volume XVIII, InternationThis indeed is the real meaning in both cases, support of sanctions ten reformist organizations, from part in the coming war. Not to ment valu (Lenin Collected ical organizations of the world Czechoslovakia, in maneuver sanctions are, of course, nothing ments (whether or not these are against war und Fascism to the forwardly, and instead to pretend Publishers edition, pp. 362 8; proletariat, to carry the class strug ing in the League of Nations: re else than sanctions undertaken by League members) is in effect sup Socialist and Communist parties, that some form of neutrality logis capitalized words are emphasized world basis to ever higher levels, to drive toward workers branches of the foreign office of League The Lengue, as we have selves. This means that such sup datory neutrality legislation to be isolating the in the worla duce the working class parties to the leading member states of the port of these governments them are joining in this call for man lation will succeed or even nid in in the original. Even the Lovestoneltes will adpower. It means to put all faith the Soviet state. And it means: do seen, is only the instrument of its port necessarily leads to a betrayal passed by the next Congress, and truggle is to deceive and disorient mit that the Russian revolution to the working class. It means to not carry on genuinely revolution dominant members. Support of lof the revolutionary struggle are demanding a strong neu the masses, to disarm them ideolowas SOCIALIST in character.
had a munzle put on.
So all monkeys were shipped top accuses Trock as the actual murThey went np into the trees rap the new location. Strange to say, idly enough, but none of them they could pick cotton and at a THEATRE REVIEW derer of the Dedham cashier, but would pick any fruit. They were speed that made their owners hapis laughed at when Mirianne, who busily engaged in trying to riapy. Here was the solution of the is the sister of the witness, Garth, themselves of the frightful con labor problem as far as picking WINTERSET (The Diese refuses to back up Mio statement By BILL HAYWOOD trivance that prevented them from cotton was concerned. But their Bridge of the bridge Judge Gaunt makes a for fear that Trock thugs will (Editor Note: Big Bl Haywood, picturesque founder and eating and enjoying themselves. satisfaction was short lived.
Sighs). By Maxwell Anderson, point of law to the cop, who is then rub out the last living witness, The at Martin Beck Theater, nores his advice. Trock, who with her brother. Eventually they are leader of the Industrial Workers of the World, is the author of the fulers were in an aw One day, while all the monkeys Winterset, by Maxwell Ander his pal, Shadow, has just come out both killed by Trock gang.
imaginative tale printed below. Haywood, willo died in 1928 in Moswith so many were at work, chattering while they son, is a continuation in verse of of jail, where both served a short. This play cow, where he had tlved in exile for almost ten years after his escape monkeys to feed which would do no gathered the white balls of cotton, his play, Goods of the Lightning. sentence, fears that the knowledge the light of a realistic fantasy.
be understood in frora a prison sentence for criminal syndicalism was the leader of work in return. They appealed to a gentle breeze wafted a white tuft the drama of Sacco Vanzetti, Judge of his murder of the cashier Certainly the verse patterns, the countless strike strugures in the pre war days in the United States. the Governor of the State, who re from a monkey hand. It amused Thayer, the Commonwealth of known to Shadow, and Garth, the high philosophic plane in in which During one of these organizing campaigns which ended in a bitterly gretfully replied that as the offend him to see it floating through the Massachusetts, and the clectrie uncalled witness will eventually the play dwells, the elements of fought out struggle to organize the agricultural laborers in California, ers were not men, they were not air. He tossed up another bit, and chair. The story of the play is the send him to the chair, since there time which uses all the characters the fruit growers imported Japanese laborers to offset the growing amenable to the law. If they were another. The other monkeys, catch story of the fears left behind when is talk of a new trial. He silences into poems, their sudden meetstrength of the W, among the white workers only to find the he could have them im. ing the spirit of the fun, began to the current of the Public Utilitles Garth with threats and attempts to ing, prearranged by the author and Japanese forming cooperatives against them. The Bill Haywood prisoned and perhaps have them do the same shot, but over monkeys he had no and then handfuls, till the air was setts turned into corpses the Idealing him and throwing him into the accidents, gives it a fantastie touch.
At first little bits of the Commonwealth of Massachu get rid of his pal, Shadow, by shoot in no sense from a series of normal reduces the bosses strategem to the aburd in the following story. jurisdiction.
full of fleeey cotton. It looked as Istic and revolutionary Sacco and river.
The fruitgrowers were again the city to see how Ingeniously they of Cruelty to Animals, who had struck southern California.
What is left when the poetry and The Society for the Prevention though the first snowstorm had Vanzetti.
At an informal meeting between philosophy dries on their lips, 1s, compelled to employ migratory were solving the labor problem. never interested itself on behalf of Mio, the son of the fish peddler, the Judge, Trock and Mio, Shadow that in the minds of all those who white labor, until a wonderful idea The monkeys were restless in the or the Japanese, learnThe overseers were alarmed. haunted by the innocence and death stumbles through the door, accuses participated in the murder of the develop at one of the conventions their honses, the air was aromatic ing that the monkeys were being There was no way to stop the of his father, comes to New York Trock of being an assassin and a cashier, the electrocution by the of the Fraltgrowers Association with the ripened fruit. When they neglected, threatened to prosecute monkeys in their eager playfulness, looking for a witness, Garth, dis murderer. Garth, in fear of his state of Massachusetts, the son who One of the delegates got up and were turned loose, they hurriedly the fruitgrowers it the little sant which, before they had tired them covered by a professor of jurispru. own life, assists Trock in finally is haunted by his father death, suggested that it would be possible climbed the trees. But instead of als were not properly taken care the entire crop of that particular into the trial. Mio, a philosophic all this, Judge Gaunt, pontif, pre out, the Judge who is restless, un Through the criminals who fear to be found as been of.
frutt. This was decided upon to bring the fruit down and put it without hesitation, and steps were into a box, the mischievous little liked as much as the Some The chimpanzees came to be displantation.
person, meets Garth sister Mirl sides with his wisdom of the ob satisfied with his smug, theories of taken at once to get a lot of mon rascais would dart about, selecting of the fruitgrowers owried cotton monkeys on the other plantations where a cop, objecting to the fes him! The State had taken his fa classes exist, that nothing mouthed In some peculiar manner the anne, at spontaneous fiesta, jectivity of the State. Mo taunts the objectivity of the state, is, that key fruit packers.
the choicest fruit, take a bite or plantations in Imperial Valley on learned of the fun, and their pranks tivities, attempts to slug Mio. All ther life! The Judge, coming out by the State is objective justice, The chimpanzee breed was de two, throw the rest away, and go which they had trouble in getting caused the same disastrous result. the characters, including Judge of the semi coma which has caused that the very idealism which seems clded upon as the most intelligent. after more.
white and black wage slaves suff The fruit and cotton growers Gaunt, who sentenced the fish ped him to wander about, says that to guide the shrewd patter of the Splendid little houses, all nicely Before the day was gone, and ciently docile for the work of pick were at their wits end. They knew dler, parade under the shadow of there could not be a reversal of Judge comes from an association painted were bullt and equipped for the monkeys with paunches falling cotton. It occurred to them not what to do with the monkeys, decision, a reversal would mean with the othies of the Democratic monkeys.
They were actually fed had gone back to their houses, that the monkeys could be made until deportation was finally degether and the eldest, with a grin that the forces of law and order State and 18, therefore, class jus.
and taught what they were to do. much damage was done. The wise to pick cotton, and there would be cided on, and the chimpanzees were on his face, hanging by his tall, would lose prestige, and would entice. They are all bound within When the fruit kot ripe, the fruitgrowers had to seek another no trouble about them trying to shipped back to the forests of tells the younger generation bow danger the Commonwealth. themselves with fear. philosophy owners brought their friends from method. The next day each monkey eat it.
Africa, where they now gather to they won the strike in California. In the presence of two cope, Mio and vengeance.