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SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1936 NEW MILITANT PAGE Sectarianism, Centrism, and the Fourth International Question. Leon 1rotsky Analyzes the Role of these lendencies In the Revolutionary Movement arrived at the sum of about a Box By LEON TROTSKY It would be absurd to deny the score. He saw in this annihilating presence of sectarian tendencies evidence of our bad regime. The By WEAVER in our midst. They have been laid peculiar thing is that in the bare by an entire series of discusitselt, which has triumphantly pabN. NEW YORK.
sions and splits. Indeed, how could lished these computations, there Question: What is meant by occurred, during few years of in everyone on from. the Permanent Revolution. Answer: The theory of the failed to manifest itself in an plain to him that an active particiston that if experience proved that Crarist legality. for many years came during the initial stages than in all our sections taken to Permanent Revolution. the cerem: Hilelor saber a veure a woniche stande pation in the workers movement the step taken was incorrect, we bougherikes were compelled to considerable number of anarchistie gehetTaken bygetisele, however. tial features of which were som dominant organizations in thejective conditions, and not haughty Is it really possible that after the call themselves at trade union and individualistic elements gerer. this fact is meaningless. It is neeulated by Trotsky about 1905, has working class, and which is sub bulldozing from the sectarlan ros twelve years struggle of the Bol meetings, and in the legal press ataclpline, and occasionally a mere of splits but the dialectics of develally incapable of crean. zational essary to take not the bald satistics three aspects: Jected to monstrous, absolutely un trum. For analysis of reality the shevik Leninists you lack subtielent not social democrats, but consist. fallure who did not make his career opment. After all its splits, the with the problem of the revolation The first aspect concerns itself precedented persecutions all over sectarian substitutes intrigue, gos confidence in your own organiza ent democrats. True, this did not in the Comintern. These elements remained an extremely hete in backward or colonial countries the world? Reformists and censip, and hysteria.
trists readily seize upon every oction to preserve discipline of action pass scot free; a considerable num viewed the struggle against bu rogeneous organization which will in which the bourgeoisdemocratle casion to point finger at our Twins and Antipodes the sectarianism. and most of the ments? Vereecken pafd no heed to vism who were more or less con following manner: no decisions set of great events. This applies essence of the theory in this regard time, they have in mind not our Centrism is in a certain sense the comradely and conciliating argosistent democrats, but not at all must ever be arrived at, but, in even to a larger measure to the us that capitalism has decayed too weak but our strong side: our ser polar opposite of sectarianism; it ments. After the entry of the ma. International socialists; however, stead, discussion is to be in seeks jority of the Belgian section into by supplementing legal with illegal stalled as a permanent occupation. Socialist Unity which is being progressive role; that the only effort to plumb every political situs routes to reality outside of theory. the Labor Party, the Vereecken activity, Bolshevism overcame the we can say with complete justin. torn assunder by atlon to the bottom, and the advance But, despite Stalin famous for roup naturally found itself outside dificulties. Of course, the legal cation that the Bolshevik Leninists contradictions: its tomorrow will democatic tasks is the proletariat: 28y and comfortable decisions to be. twins. formula de falls entirely upon its own shoul Speak and other dunkeys of the even a good deal too much patience splits. In the meantime, the or necessarily leads to the dictator which deliver from cares today, tached from life is bollow. Living ders.
Belgian plutocracy Imposer very toward such types of individuals ganization of the Bolshevik Lenin ship of the proletariat; and that but prepare a catastrophe on the reality cannot be grasped without Adaptation to Legality onerous restrictions upon the Mars and grouplets. Only since an inter. ists, after purging itself of sectar once embarked on this path, the Lats, and thus engenders dangers national core has been consolidated Inn and centrist tendencies, not proletariat cannot stop but must morrow. Coming from opportun theory. Thus both of them, the ista, the accusation of sectarianism sectarian and the centrist, depart It we return to the gist of the But Marxists, who are not as yet that began to assist the national rew numerically, no only take the road to the solution of is most often a compliment. am in the end with empty hands and question, then comrade Vereecken sufficiently strong to create their sections in purging their ranks of strengthened its international ties, socialist tasks. Between the demo Marxian Distinctions ot animosity towards the genuine dogmatic uncouthness. What thta! ode for the struggle against the an actual and systematic growth of with organizations akin to it in or the socialist tasks, there thus Curiously enough, however, we How many times have we met a Lenin spoke of breaking with angers of reformist captivity: our International organization.
cried Vereecken in indignation, spirit (Holland, United States. arloes a permanency of revolutionclear cut program, constant facare often accused of sectarianism smug centrist who reckons himself formists but the Belgian Bolshevik. tional tles, international criticism, groups that split from our inter party (from the right through the theory was historically confirm Let us take a few examples of The attempts to blow up the Dutch ary development. This aspect of but by opponents from the lett. out to swim without any ideological But Lenin had in mind a break ary wing in reformist party can stages of its development.
not only by reformists and Centrats a reallat merely because he sets Leninists enter a reformist party! etc. The activity of revolution national organization at various Molinar. and the American party ed. In a positive sense, in the Russ.
the notorious sectarians, who might baggage whatever and tossed by with the reformists as the Inevit be judged correctly only by evalu (from the left, through Bauer. lan Revolution of 1917. Led by have only led to the internal con the Bolshevik party of Lenin and well be placed as exhibits to any every vagrant current. He is unable consequence of a struggle ating the dynamics of development Strange Example museum. The basis for thelr disable to understand that principles against them, and not an act of Vereecken does not do this either solidation of both these parties. Trotsky, the proletariat, in the solu satisfaction with us lies in our it. are not dead ballast but a life line salvation regardless of time and in regard to the faction Action The French periodical Que Faire Wo can predict with assurance that tion of the democratie tasks, had Revolutionaire (Left is an instructive specimen of the London Bureau there will pro hands, and subsequently embark to take the power into its own our striving to purge ourselves of sectarian, on the other hand, gen the social patriots not in order to wing in Belgian Labor Party Ed. combination of sectarianism with ceed an ever more rapid growth of on the road of a solution of socialthe infantile sectarian diseases, erally does not want to go swim save his own soul but in order to or the Verite group and to rise to a higher level.
TO superficial mind it principles. He sits on the shores patriotism. In Belgium the trade to admit that the has made the views of Bolshevik Leninists, ming at all, in order not to wet his tear the masses away from social 20, he would have been compelled questions this periodical expounds the organizations of the Fourth 1st tasks. The Chinese. revolution of 1927 confirmed the theory in a see that such words as sectarian, and reads lectures on morality to unions are fused with the party, a serious development forward in changing a few. commas, and direct The Road to the New International negative sense. Under the leader centrista. ship of Stalin, the solution of the expressions exchanged by oppo sometimes a desperate sectarian the organized working class. To balance be it is impossible to fore At the same time this periodical How the New International will democratic tasks was placed in the nents for lack of other and more leape headlong into the water, be sure the entry of revolutionate cast as yet. But the entry into the permits with impunity a defense of take form, through what stages It hands of the Chinese bourgeoiste Chinese Communcept of sectarianism as well as the helps him drown.
appropriate epithets. Yet the con seizes hold of the centrist and into the Belgian Labor Party 1504 Belgian Labor Partentis alreads social patriotic surbage, under the will pass, what final shape it wm by requiring concept of centrism has a precise will it be.
So was it; so only opened up porabilities but justified by experience.
guise of discussion, and under the assume this no one can foretell list party to subordinate itaelt meaning in a Marxlat dictionary.
also imposed restrictions. In procover of defending the today, and, indeed, there is no need the bourgeois Kuo Min Tang. The Discussion as a Dogma Marx lan has built a selentlike propagandizing Marxist Ideas it is nec The internationalists of Que faire to do so: historical events will results are familiar to all.
In our epoch of disintegration essary to take into account not only fram upon the laws that govern and dispersion there are to be the legalities of the bourgeois state mistake, Vereecken aanerts that the habit peacefully with social patri meets the tasks of our epoch. On of the socialist revolution as such Extending and generalizing his are themselves unable to explain show. But it is necessary to begin The second aspect of the theory how and why they happen to co by proclaiming a program that points to the permanent character and which were discovered by it lous countries who have acquired ist party (both these legalities, it which split away at different Vike. It is clear, however, that estary to mobilize the co thinkers, formed in constant Internal strug This coloured conquest! How. la Marxist program, most otten by may be added, coincide in a large stages from our International or with such eclecticism Que faire is the pioneers of the New Interna Ele for an indefinitely long time ever, it is not enough to create a borrowing it from the Bolsheviks, measure. speaking, ganization is proof of our sectarian that the working class accept it. aleal baggage into a greater or carries with it an correct program. It is necessary and who then turned their ideolo adaptation to an allen santy methods. Thus, the actual rela least capable of replying to the tonal. No other road is possible. there occur outbreaks of civil war.
The Communist Manifesto, of revolutions in science, technique, But the sectarian, in the nature or lesser degree of ossification.
Indubitable tionships are stood on their head. question what to do (que faire. danger The Internationalists and the Marx and Engels, directly aimed economy, things, comes to a stop upon the But this ad not prevent As a matter of fact, into the ranks social patriots are agreed on only against all types of utopian sec complicated reciprocal action which the family. etc. This first half of the task. Active inter: specimen of this type, namely the Let us take for example the best one thing: never the Fourth Inter tarian socialism, forcefully points does not allow society to reach vention into the actual struggle of Belgian group led by comrade Vernational the workers masses is supplanted eecken. On August 10 the Sparta MARCH OF EVENTS Why? One must not out that communists do not oppose equilibrium, accounts for the per for him by an abstract propaganda kus, the organ of this group, an.
break away from the communist themselves to the actual workers manent character of the Socialist workers. We have heard the sell movements but participate in them Revolution.
of a Marutat program.
nounced its adherence to the safe argument from the we as a vanguard. the same time The third aspect of the theory The Sectarlan Vlew of Society Fourth International. This anmust not break away from the the Manifesto was the program of points to the International characnouncement was to be welcomed.
By JACK WEBER social democratic workers. In this a now party, national and interna ter of the socialist revolution which Every working class party, every But at the same time it is neces UNDECLARED WAR IN EAST faction pages during its initial sary to state beforehand that the military bloc with Turkey, Greece, twins. The peculiar thing, how with a program, R8 recipe of tional grounds; a national revolu.
stages through a period of pure Fourth International would be The guerrilla warfare across the Rumania and Yugoslavia under the ever, is that Que Faire is not con salvation. The centrist propaganda, tho training of its doomed it it made concessions to orders of Outer Mongolia between fake of exploring the base of nected and by its very nature, bilmself by the fumous (essentially whole but a link in the internationcadres. The period of existence as sectarian tendencies.
connected with any meaningless) formula Japanese Invaders and the Soviet sanctions. Turkey will probably cannot be a Marxist cirele ingrafts invariably of Edwardal chain.
Mongolia is the prelude of imper be allowed to refortify the Darda workers.
Bernstein, the movement is everyFor more elaborate treatment of habits of an abstract approach to Vereecken Predietions the problems of the workers Union. It is e beginning of an British Labor partye belichof the about such groups as international. The Marxist draws his scientiae thermanent Revolutions which is movement. He who 18 unable to an irreconcilable opponent of the pressing on without let up to the inlism is making complete war pre stract their views from the latest as a whole, in order then to apply step in time over the confines of entry of the French Communist Siberian border.
available at Pioneer Publisbers.
this circumscribed existence be League into the Socialist Party. has already fallen prey to the in of Nations thus serve as a perfect tare Inner Mongolia parations, Sanctions and the league issues of La Verite, with an admit this program to everyconcrete stage Question: Certain Lovestonecomes transformed into a conserva. There is no crime in this: the ordinate appetite of the Eastern cover, protective coloration of They have no perspectives at all of critical improvisations of the movement.
Ites claim that by the theory of upon the life of society as a great question was a new one, the step o imperialists. The diplomatic term pen. com hiding the feverlish plans of revolutionary growth; but they The Initial Difficulties the Permanent Revolution Trotsky underestimated the peaschool, with himself as a teacher recensenterences cereais en genstes cadent nis het mobile ble modernes for traud bene perpetradenouncine spectives to faktemans of trying to of the New International are ren by Konin. Is this truer On the one side, the initial stepa santry and that this was stated there. In hy opinion the working equally permissible, or, at any rate, olled with armed troops stage in masses, the leaders of the labor learn within the framework of a dered more difficult by the old or portanto matematy unde which existed between lenin and then the task would heldrank around his rostrum. Vereecken predicted the inevitable enemy territory. This is what advocating the views of the bour is difficult) these abhorers of dis. them on the other side they are Trotsky, neither of the two men Though he swear by Marxism in tion of the Bolshevik Leninista as great push that will commence the the ruling class by supporting sanc class (this appears to them to be crystallization which is very din peculiar part of the matter. how ruin of the International organiza waration for the real drive, the class and betraying the workers to ers desire to teach the workingence of the past. The proces were correct, on all the points. The every sentence, the sectarian is the a result of its dissolution in the Second World War. Now as never tions. In this period social patrl easier. In moments of sober re cult and full of torments during who atteinpt to find a basis for ever, is that the critics of Trotsky.
riallem which takes experience as advise Vereecket to reprint worden before the workers of all lands otism and sanctions become abso flection they must themselves real the Arst stages will asume in the wheelsteine past cantierences, long its point of departure, and always in the Spartakus bis yesteryear their hopes for a better world, nay, ize that their very existence as future an impetuons and rapla since resolved by history, are un returns to it. sectarian does not prophetie documents.
independent organizations is a character. The recent internation fortunate enough to choose those understand the dialectic action and not the chlet evil.
sheer misunderstanding.
al events are of incommensurate questions on which Trtsky was reaction between a Anished pro the fact that in its present declar defense of the Soviet Union against Worse yet to itself, depend on their successtal LAVAL SHAKY Field and Welsbord The Laval government, one that significance for the formation of correct. The Permanent Revolu.
gram and a living, that is to say, ation Spartakus confines itself to the murderous onslaught of worla straddles the two major classes in Imperfect and unfinished massevasively pointing out that In the United States we might own fashion, Mussolini and this tion is one of these When Joffe, a leader of the Russstruggle. The sectarian method French section remained true to its capitalism. The struggle of the modern society in the attempt to mention the Field and Weisbord should be recognized as aided Ian Left Opposition, committed sul of thinking is that of rationalist. principles in a considerable, weaversa se nesolubiy homage tables, betweenplads to a breceni groups. Field in his entire polit the cause of the Fourth Internacide in 1927, he lett a in which capitalists and the icnl make up a bourgeois rad During a certain stage of develop te Vereecken behaved as a Marxist ers Republic. The fight to An enlightener. may even say, a large measure. with the fate of the Russian Work workers, has become extremely lical who has acquired the economic all that is half way and artificial he stated that Lenin, in a conversa save shaky. Its fall is predicted in ment rationalism is progressive, politician should, he would have the Soviet Union must be waged short time. The laws for the discome revolutionist Field would strength to all that is viable. War Trotsky had been correct on the being directed critically against stated clearly and definitely where everywhere, on all fronts, against arming of armed leagues have views of Marxism. To have be and, on the other hand, gives tion, had admitted to him that question of the Permanent Revoblind bellets and superstitions (the in did our French section depart the system of capitalist exploita been made meaningless by the Sen have had to work for a number or leaves room only for two tendence ljution. For the benefit of thost revolutionary proletarian organizamovement: social patriotism which who doubt the accuracy of Jotte peated in every great emancipatory answer to the question of who lauds. The fight must be waged passed in their original form. The create a workers movement of his revolutionary Internationalism that that Lenin could have ndmitted movement stract propagandism) becomes a re or the opponents of entry?
rationalism (ab proved to be right: the advocates against them. Only by the revolu Senato refuses to leave the matter own. Assuming a position to our Ls bold and capable of going to the Trotsky to have been correct, we actionary factor the moment it is tionary struggle for the overthrow of prosecution and punishment to left (where else. Field shortly end. It is precisely for this rer. quote the following from an article directed against the dialectic. Sec Democratie Centralism of capitalism can the safety of the the ordinary courts.
tarianism is hostile to dialecties Vereecken is even more incorrect war approaches the greater the presidente era in the hands of the with the As we sele. the reading events, are waging a rabia 1915, in the Sozial Demokrat. To make clear the interrelation (not in words but in action) in the in his attitude toward our Belgian comes the urgency for organizing armed bands are if you pleaseto was not at all accidental. The urge Hational. They are correct in their lor classes in the coming revolution cabinet. The anecdotic incident that betell Bauer struggle against the Fourth Inter sense that it turns its back upon section that entered into the re the forces of the proletariat against be disarmed and dissolved by de to stand to the left of Marxis own fashion in the rear of great is the main task of a revolutionary the actual development of the formist Labor Party. Instead of imperialist war. These forces, at cree, with no force to actually leads fatally into the Centrist convulsions only that organization party. This task is Incorrectly working class.
studying the experiences resulting present dispersed and leaderless, carry out the decrees. The farcical swamp.
Ready Made Formulas from the work carried on under can be rallied for new will be able to survive and develop solved in the NASHE SLOVO by victories nature of the procedure in which new conditions and criticizing the only under the which has not only cleansed its Trotsky, who repeats his original banner of the the Socialists and Stalinists were The sectarian lives in a sphere of actual steps taken, if they merlt Fourth International.
Welsbord is indubitably closer ranks of sectarianism but which 1905 theory withont stopping to led to participate by their eager to a revolutionary type than Field. has systematically trained them in think why life. during a whole ready made formulas. As a rule criticism, Vereecken keeps on com ness for class collaboration, stands but at the same time he represents the spirit of despising all ideologi decade, has passed by this beautiful lite passes him by without noticing plaining about the conditions of EDEN MADE SECRETARY nakedly revealed in this Senate the purest example of a sectarian. calvacillation and cowardice. theory him; but now and then he receives the discussion in which he suffered Eden replaces Hoare as Secre proposal of course, nobody pos He is utterly incapable of preserv October 22, 1935. Trotsky original theory takes in passing such a Allip as makes defeat. The discussion, you see tary for Foreign Affairs and noth sessing an lota of political sanity ing proportions either in ideas or from the Bolsheviks their appeal to him turn 180 degrees around his was incomplete, Inadequate, Anding changes. Those who talk of could possibly have been led to be in actions. Every principle he NEW MILITANT decisive revolutionary struggle of axls, and often makes him continue aisloyal: Vereecken failed to satis the conservative ministry of Bald lleve that lebrun or Laval would turns into a sectarian caricature with which is merged the proletariat and to the conquest on his straight path, only. in fy his thirst with salt water. There win embarking on some new course take any steps to disarm the forces That is why even correct Ideas bethe opposite direction. Discord is no real democratic centralism are merely carrying out their func held in reserve by their masters in come in his hands Instruments for published weekly by the New Mill of the role of the peasantry. The THE MILITANT of political power by it: from the Mensheviks it takes the negation with reality cngenders in the sec in the League! In relation to the tion of deluding the masses. Bald case the workers become unman disorganizing his own ranks.
tarian the need to constantly renopponents of the entry the League win cabinet, including Eden, bave ageable. Far from attempting to There is no need to dwell upon tant Publishing Co. 55 East 11th peasantry, it says, has become ait.
der bis formulas more precise, evinced. sectarianism. It is only one task under many forms, disarm the Fascist bands, Laval similar groups in other countries. St. ferentiated, divided into strata: Its This goes under the name of als clear that comrade Vereecken has the defense of British Imperialism will turn the attack on the workers They split from us not because we Entered as second class mall matter possible revolutionary role has cussion. To a Marxist discussion a liberal and not a Marxist con In the carrying out of this task and will do everything possible to are intolerant or intolerable but at the Post Office at New York, dwindled more and more; a nationis an important but a functional ception of sectarianism: In this he Eden will use cleverly the worked aid his friend Colonel de la Rocque, because they themselves did not under the act of March 3, 1879. al revolution is impossible in Russ Instrument of the class struggle. Obviously draws close to the cen up sentiment for sanctions and the Even if there were not direct evt. and could not go forward. Since JAMES CANNON. Editor sa: we live in the era of Imperial To the sectarian discussion is a trists. It is not true that the dis League of Nations. Already Engdence of the constant seances be the time of the split they have suc subscription rates in the United is, says Trotsky, and imperialism that he discusses all the more de carried on for several months, those pawns of the powers on the this course could be infallibly in capacity. Their attempts to unlte Market Canner med foreigners 60 nation to the old regime, et lihat the actual tasks escape him. Ele orally and in the press, and on an chessboard of politics, the Balkan ferred by the most superficial study with each other, on a national or per year 00 sd months Bandle, contrary, it opposes the proletariat to the bourgeols nation.
with salt water the moreThe Vereecken hade tatile de desconeinee same time the key to the door tot partiet sovernments and the Beas: results in any single cames peculiar raten: Two cents per copy. Here we have an amusing exdrinks, the thirstier he becomes. others that marking time in one communications with the East and cist bands in every country where to sectarianism is only. the power Vol. JANUARY 4, 1936 No. ſample of playing with the little Hence the constant irritability of place is the best revolutionary with Africa, and also the means of Fascism has come to power. With of repulsion and not the power of word Imperialism. IT, IN RUSSIA the sectarian. Who slipped him the policy, he refused to abide by the entry to the backdoors of the Eu out government atd, hidden at first, attraction.
GET SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE the proletariat is already opponed salt? Assuredly, the capitula decisions of the national and inter ropean states that may be occupied more or less open later, these banEIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT. to the bourgeols nation, then it tors from the International Secre national organizations, The rep in warfare on the Western fronts. dits could never have grown and Some crank has computed the means that Rusla is facing a 80tariat. The sectarian sees an enemyresentatives of the majority told Eden first job is to consolidate become powerful.
number of splits we have had and JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY (Continued on Page 4)
ot the gressive stage of rationallam is re have given a direct and an open Union are the capitalists of all have had any real meaning even itionbut he began by deciding to does not stop at any betrayal, nnd death bed statement, or who doubt