BolshevismBourgeoisieCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Student Unity Conference Peoples Front Abandons Defense Groups Bosses Break Contracts duce.
PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1936 and therefore cannot be trusted to ter group dissolve the Fascist leagues. But, Conniying and double dealing are nothing new on the part of Laval not also all and more of Lewis, Hall and Geary. It is to these things be expected from the characterless Cachin writes: Tbe majority of kind of people as we know them ar the Chamber wanted to give the to be, but why Thomas Latimer Laval government efficaclous weapFarmer Labor mayor of Minneapo(Continued from Page 1) help of enormous headlines, tried ons which it could use immediately Is, has injected himself into this (Continued from Page 1) take place on the convention floor.
told the Chamber that the Social to make an argument against the against the armed leagues. The disgraceful situation, is something only points upon which we all The Stalinist substitute motion Ists had a few self defense groups, alleged combat groups the Chamber wanted. and rightly, that not adding that these groups were Communists. And suddenly our Paganon (minister of Interior)
that every worker bas a right to agree and therefore proposed that was adopted by vote of 193 to (Continued from Page 1)
the Oxford Pledge should not be 155, with many of the young SoWhy has Tom Latimer, who has included in the program, that only clalists regreting that they had not and other comrades of the left wing ing made a sacred union with the should immediately. dissolve the ers were present and his honor. Tom Latimer, was there to meet never been a member of the compulsory should be con put up a fight on the question of Stalinist and Socialist bureaucra How thoroughly illogical that same can do the job. Due process Now, let us stop for a moment, the Messiah and Modes of the tions should be called after school sram and had previously voted to Not a but the.
of L, suddenly decided to become semned, that student demonstra war under the discussion on procies. Blum was making no sacrifice anybody should describe a common of law? Poof! What is this, oh and reason things out. How did a Teamsters International?
on his own when he offered these accord among Fascists, Socialista ye defenders democracy? committee of Atty business men hard fought groups up on the altar and Communists as a union sac solution on war.
The only union Latimer ever be authorities.
Fascists Free Thelr Hands gather themselves together, decide longed to was the Western FederaAn officer from The steering committee of national reconciliation We nee. The Stalinists were so disquote from the account given in mayed that they headed thelr ac People front and caused it to ex on the mayor office at a certain ation, condemned and cursed by with the radical. tone of the con tion of the last motion affected the Having forced the hand of the on a common program, and descenation of Miners, an organis stated that he was disappointed met and considered how the adopPopulaire on Dec. 7: count of the day proceedings: pose its readiness to lay the fate stated time. Blum: repeat there is no an. Sacred Union with the Enemies of the French proletariat down on the of bureaucracy for vention. He protested that this was fusion. spokceman reported that Well, first of all, committees do years.
contrary to the impression that he while they considered the adopted alogy between our Self defense of the People? Never! And how the altar of cil peace the Fas not gather themselves, they are the action of Latimer merely was given of the purpose of the motion equivocal and romantisch groups and the semi military could anybody charge the Stalinist cists next day conveniently went always gathered by someone.
leagues which constitute a non party with having combat groups back on their promise and de la this case the gatherer was none same line of conduct that has In means that he is following the student organization.
national army within the nation, Listen to Vaillant: That next year he would be a the fusion and fight for a correct but say to Ybarnegaray: Wo Thores, during the course of the full liberty of action. This dia did not only gather the committee tion. He lends his willing ear to be loyal to the government. There Rocque announced resumption of other than the present mayor; he characterized his whole administra regular in the Army and would position along the line of their own are ready to destroy our former day we with vigor against not please Blum who announced together but he sent them a special the conniver that happens to be fore he would be compelled to with. In the name of the 2008 Al Hamilton then took the floor tions, to dissolve them. Are you? this absurd legend. No, our party (Populaire, Doc. 11. The propo invitation to attend. He (Applause from extreme left, left, has never had any semi military sitton made in the name of my and many center benches. organization. The most peculiar part about direction that he 18 shoved the adopted. From this incident alone, repeated in sharper form the de Volce from conter: Do you also friends still holds.
In the Chamber Thores declared: one can get a good picture of the claration of the I. He speak for the Commonlsts? associated myself with the dec formally announced that it had know what they were there for belleve that contracta are made to the broad character the student stoln against war. From the reOn Dec. 11 the People Front so called committee did not Do Latimer, Lewis and Corcoran Impression given the students as to stated that his organization wanted Thoros: The Communist Party laration of Leon Blum, but re won its Arst victory.
assolates itself with the declara peat here that the laws for the disuntil Tom told them what it was be broken? For years we have union would take. The chiefs of the Fascist leagues all about.
tion made by Blum concerning solution of the semi military organ spoke of national reconciliation, sults it is obvious that they did not listened to the F. of bureau Spartacus delegates and several know when and how to fight for the self defense groups.
When they were assembled in crats whine about the sacredness students in agreemen with them such a position. The izations cannot apply to us because reads the formal statement pub the mayor office at ten o clock of contracts between unions Guernut (Radical. And we we have not and never have had lished both in Populaire and Hu they sat around halt an hour wait. employers and attacked the pacifist and above is for the defense of the Soviet who haven any, we associate our armed groups.
Does this mean that class character of the program. Unton but will not support the manite. But when it came to act ing for Latimer to arive, dlacussing they are no longer sacred?
selves too (Laughter.
Fire at the Bolsheviks Their substitute program was never even if it were to be in alliance Blum: This exchange can end ing, they refused to renounce thelr among themselves as to what the The astounding part about the presented to the delegates.
with the They would continwith something very definite you the stalinist party was foul provo ples organization detests civil war. When his honor appeared hall ful and crooked swindle on the draft program was adopted. No. and aght for its adoption the ue to fight for their position in the say, Ybarnegaray, We are reads cation. When Ybarnegaray mount. It seeks the dissolution and dis an hour late, he wasted no time part of these of represen. minations were then made for the at the subsequent convention comrades are armed, we accept that Croix de Feu sought civil war, heations to bar the way to disarm. Do any extent that our cd the tribune to deny that the armament of semi military organiz with an apology over his late aptatives happens at a time when a incoming national committee. Then to civil Adam Lapin replied in the name pearance but immediately launched truce bas been officially declared the resolutions committee brought also.
To any extent that there ex tried also to prove that the People it is to spare the country from into a bitter trade against Local by the Central Labor Union be in a report on the war resolution. the statements of the of the Communista. He welcomed military character, we are ready to Do find an expression of the revo volte face. of the Fascist lead. He advised, more than that he the Minneapolls trade union move solution was reported by the minor tv was possible des pite diferences ity of the resolutions, committee. He did not comment on the point Yharnegaray: To the extent had to go to Revolution, organ of and masses of the People Front who comprised representatives from Is this the sort of a truce that an effective defense was made by in dispute, glossing over the basic. organization has a semi the Revolutionary Socialist Youth to see that the Chamber laws are the coal and transfer Industry. Sangsters declare?
military baracter, yes.
Hal Draper of the The differences between the two organallled to the French Bolshevik applied in letter and spirit.
con While we are binding up the majority of the committe contended Izations.
Up Jumper Laval, congratulated Leninists, organ of Fred Zeller, the Chamber on this triple declar partisan of the Fourth Internation only a wait words, sacred upon tracts that they might have with wounds of our enemy. do they that since the Oxford Pledge had Bernard Forrest then asked for In other Fascist compliance.
Local 574 and compel their em think that we are going to allow already been adopted there was no the floor in the name of the Spar.
eleton and announced that he al. And what did he quote? Be The Stalinists naturally have had ployees to organize Into the new ourselves to be stabbed in the back? sense in speculating as to the taculopouth League. He declaret would draw the necessary conclo quoted passages urging the forma to fight back doubts and protests union that has been Perhaps the contracts that are held possible wars which may arise.
stong therefrom.
tion of workers militia, urging in their own ranks.
that the last minute dispute on the There was set up here.
That afternoon, Laval won a new the workers to train for moblliza doubt for a moment in the minds by the Milk Wagon Drivers Union The majority of the committee had He said that all the law enforce are not sacred either.
no substitute resolutions to intro vindication question of war was a complete vote of confidence, 361 to 219! tion against the Fascists, to arm of some, but it has now vanished, ment agencies of the city, county We shall see.
of the course of the Blum announced: express a themselves against the heavily said Thorez at a meeting Dec. 12. and state would stand behind the Spartacus delegates and those feeling of joy and pride at the armed Fascists.
If this to a declaration of war The resolution was then working with them in fighting for Bolshevik Leninists Real Target employers in the event they decid But, stoutly maintains Humanthought that such result which ed to take this step. le molte on the part of the Teamsters In. voted on section by section, Stallo a revolutionary peeltion on warto On Dec. 12 the Permanent Ad ist representatives stated that the be included in the program of the Wis one of the essential objectives ite, this is a sheet edited by proof the People Front should have vocateurs whom we have long de ministrative Committee of the so from 574, that the police were pre the open without the aid of politi course we are against so called that the delegates would conduct employers they had nothing to fear But we will conduct our Aght in resolution was extraneous! ot organization. He further stated nounced. It is with such texts that calist Party congratulate de Blume pared to deal roughly with its clang and law enforcement agen defensive wats Nobody is for themselves loyally within the been in part obtained.
Thorea, however, had some ad Ybarnegaray tried to prove that and his fellow deputies for the way memberso de leaders who would cler a war Let there are combat groups on the in which they happiled all the de object to this contract breaking the United States or while continuing to Aght for ditional remarks to make.
democratie nations against Fracist thelt position. Nineteen delegates them be described by his own con left! Oh, no, nobody is going to cisions of the party in the ever program. He asked the employers ILLINOIS, TOWA RELIEF nations. However they would sup signed the program of the Sparta frere, Valllant Couturier, who pln such. malicious charge on the vigilant struggle against the Fas Fransfer committee what they cist peril and the civil war mak WORKERS PLAN WALKOUT port these sections. The first two eus Youth League. This included wrote (l Humanite, Dec. 7) that Stallusta!
he was astonished to hear Leon Walkouts of relief workers in parts were therefore carried. students from Chicago, Illinois unlQuoting Their spokesman replied briefly Illinots and lowa against the Blum seriously put side by side only had eum that the left hasers. few days before the Natholuht of this program. small defense groups, lonal Council and confirmed the On the third section (no support versity. Akron University, the tiny self defense groups of the rhumanite nods tervently and expulsion from the party of the that they had signed agreement Roosevelt starvation wage scales of of the If it were allied to York University. Hunter party. with the forces of de la this is true. There is no armed or Bolshevik Leninist leaders. The this unlon honorable and honest Inrederal officials a headache early iner. was greeted by the Staliniste legan, Michigan Univ. And other with local 574, that they had found the seem destined to give progressive or non Imperialist pow College, Radeliff, Connecticut, WesBanation of the left, no groups proximity of these two facts is all Its dealings. The spokesman the new year Taken by surprise in the sud organized for street fighting. No insts it was even more striking.
with the Stal with the cry of anti Soviet slan universities and high schools said that there was how Industrial In Iowa the walkout has been der. They repeated ad nauseum The Congress decided that any denness the debate, Maurice shock troops or semi military on Dec 12, under the heading in zrence in Minneapolls insofar as called for January while an orl that since they supported the Ox student could belong to the Thorez said in a word that he leagues. Only the Fracist leagues sociated himself with the declara are armed and militarized.
bold type: For the Union of the the driving crafts were concerned, ginal December 16 zero hour inford pledge they had declared them People of France, Humanite re that it seemed strange to him that minols has been set back in order selves against any war in which the part or whole. national com of Leon Blum. Immediately tionc Tho Taval and then his press, with the What about these two, then, ports the proceedings of the Polit. Latimer who had plended for in that the workers of both states government was involved. They mittee of thirty was elected.
Illinois WPA could however make no direct at leading Officers are members of the BROWNSVILLE LECTURE Chamber of Deputies on the night which congratulated Thorez on his program that spelled Industrial locals bave already offered a 10 tack on the section under dispute Yipeels.
MAX SHACHTMAN percent wage boost bribe in an ef. To reject it out of hand without a The special convention issue of of Dec. aimed at all and any conduct in the Chamber and once warfare.
Editor New International The transfer employers stated tort to kill the strike.
substitute might have endangered Young Spartacue was well received political organizations which might again emphasized before all the will speak on take on the character of armed workers the dastardly role of Trot that as far as their group was the fusion. The and the by a good section of the delegates. THE PEOPLE FROXT Readers are urged to boycott Yipsels had made this clear even The depute on the question of militia, which might cause armed skyism advance guard of counter concerned they had entered into contractual relations with 574 Friday, January 10, at 8:30 demonstrations in the streets or revolution.
the following stores as all are un before the convention in their presswar was the prelude to the con flict that will take place within the 1776 Pitkin Ave. Brooklyn which might attempt by force to and at negotiations.
Why? Because the Bolshevik honestly and intended to abide by fair to organized labor. May Department Store, 510 Ful.
attack the republican form of gov. Leninists alone call treason by its the terms of that contract.
The Stalinists therefore intro organization and shatter all spur.
OPEN MEETING At this point, the transfer emton St. Brooklyn.
ernment. right name. Because the BolsheNational Shoe Stores, Beck, duced a substitute motion. It called tous unity.
Were they aimed at the Fascists? vik Leninists eall for a program players were excused.
on Then Latimer, with the help of and Wise Shoe Stores.
and Will the Socialist Party and the They were passed by a majority of of revolutionary action, for a Chinese people and an attack on Texas WPA Communist Party Unite!
408 to 179 balled as a powerful workers militis, the over Lewis and Hall, made the same Cushman Baking Co. Cushman the Liberty League and Hearst. It TUESDAY, JAN. 7, 8:30 left majority and a victory for throw of the Bonapartist regime, proposal to the coal employers Stores) and their by products Tas concluded: committee. They also rejected this ty. Bread and silvercup Bread.
for the dissolution of the Fascists 131 East 103rd Street At the same time we reject the why was a motion, introduced by by workers action, for the estab the same grounds as did the transdishonest and vicious proposal on United Cigar Stores Harlem Branch, use of such support of the people Adams Hat Stores a Stalinist deputy, asking the bill! lishment of a Workers and Peasof Ethiopia and China as a pretext SAN FRANCISCO FORUMS to specify the names of the organ ants Government, for the forma for war or steps leading to war on (Continued from Page 1) series of four lectures on War, Izations in view, voted down by 380 tion of a new revolutionary party the part of the United States Gov the unskilled. In fact, their only beginning January 6, will be given to 148! This fact is buried way in France which will have done ernment. This convention states concern is simply for those trained BOOK SALE further that whatever other form workmen who have been able to at the San Francisco branch head down in the bottom of the story with the betrayals of the old quarters at 1099 Steiner Street, published in Humanite and is not bureaucracies: In short, for the the allgnment of Internationalfor continue the heavy dues and as The first lecture will be entitled mentioned at all in Populaire. program of the Fourth Interna.
UNTIL JANUARY 15, 1936 ce may take we will oppose the sessments of the craft unions. The The Fundamental Causes of War In other words, the Laval de Intional!
participation of our government in restlessness of the Texas workers to be followed by The Immediate Rocqne maneuver resulted in the Every Book In Stock Drastically Reduced For Immediate Clearance. war, we will be against voting for forces the union politicians to take SCRATCH SECTARIAN.
Competitive prices on Any Book In Print Send us a list of your War Danger. The Lessons of the passage of a law which gives the war credits and of other military some action, but these leaders are War of 1914 1918 and The Bonapartist regime still more lee On another page of the NEW Requirements Book List Mailed on Request steps.
known for their ability to translate Struggle against Imperialist war. way to keep the path to Fascism MILITANT comrade Trotsky shows SPECIALS This motion undoubtedly 18 in phrases into sell outs. An element The lecturer. Murray Weiss, will clear. Ilow easy it will be for the the close proximity between centcontradiction to the policy of the playing directly into their hands is cleal with the Italo Ethiopian con. Croix de Feu to get itself author. rism and sectarianism. We are in Stalinists. However the vaguen the feeling of the unskilted that flict, the role of the Second Interized by the War Ministry to give a position here to adduce additional By LEON TROTSKY of the language and the manner in they need not organize that the mntionnl in 1914, the present role military training. a condition proof for this contention in the which they opposed the of will present them with of the two Internationals, and which excepts it from the applica form of the recent anties of the Thistory of the Russian Itevolution. volumes. 10. 00 resolution shows that they tried to successful strike purely out of My Life. 00. 50 necessity of the Fourth Internation tion of the law! And the Seriate, French Lhuillier group. The Lhuil.
avoid the issue lest it break up the human kindness.
passing the law this week, obliging. Hier group split from the Bolshevik Problems of the Chinese Revolution. 80 fusion. In a sense the substitute Lack of Coordination 1y inserted the proviso thnt it shall Leninist Group of France when the Lenin. 80 was a partial victory for the anti Another unfavorable circumstance not apply to sport organizations latter entered the Socialist Party Germany: What Next. Stalinist forces is the lack of coordination existing The Only Road For Germany. shades of Bruening Rochu. of France (S. This group. 50 WORKERS The Yipsels tried at the last min between the different kinemployed Cabinet Empowered to Dissolvem a big howl (1. e. big for its nter to make up for their previous organizations of the state. Last Protect Yourselves Against the Such was the People Front vic size since it numbered mere conciliatory conduct. They attack year, representatives of every unHazards of Life. Join the tory! But wait, there is more.
haker doxen, claiming the Bol To Be Published February ed the Stalinist motion because it employed and several sympathetic WORKMEN SICK DEATH The Inw is introduced by Laval Detik Jenlists lind capitulated.
wos abstract and equivocal. One groups drew up common plat THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL AFTER LENIN originnlly wanted to kive the right broken with Marxism. ad nausspeaker referred to Mike Gold form and program of action. This BENEFIT FUND OF THE To lixsolve such political leagues cum. This it did in spite of the By Leon Trotsky statement that young Socialists united front eventually passed into 1881 1935 to the courts. On the insistence of laudable revolutionary work of the critical analytie study of the policies of the Comintern should join the army if the the hands of the Communist Party the People Front this was hailed Bolshevik Leninists who propagatfrom the S1xth to the Seventh World Congress, were allied with the Soviet which let it cramble, since the Organized. manngeil by and for an especial victory the next day ed openly and bravely all the Union in a war against Japan. The Former Labor Party was becomInvaluable to students of the movement.
workers with only one purpose: ihis power was taken from the principles held by them prior to the effect of this reference was negateding the line for the moment. Now to render protection members icons and given to the Cabinet entry. Even the expulsion of the App. 400 pages. Cloth Bound. 50.
by her further statement that Gold the is instructing its unem.
and their families, and to sup! which was authorized to issue a Bolshevik Leninist youth and adult ORDER NOW had retracted the first position; in played contacts to purchase port all endeavors and struggles simple decree to achieve its per leaders by the social triotic rereality his so called retraction was of charters, and to work directly Pur the improvement of toilers, pase!
formist bureaucracy and the violent worse than his original comment, under the supervision of the state About 50. 000 members organ Icon Blum, the defender of dem attacks on them by the stalinists ENGLISH IMPORTATIONS The Stalinist reply was that Mike federation officials feed in 350 branches. Reserves ocratic rights, explained (Popu made no difference to this hopeless Gold is only a columnist and novel An immediate task for the un 400. 000 Inire, Dec. 9) that this was the clique. They live in a world win. Eduard Bernstein: Cromwell and Conmunism. 00 istemployed of Texas is the setties only rapid, efficient method.
Death benefit graded accordAnd sullied by reality, Cole: Short History of British Working Class (3 vols) 00 The Spartacus delegation an up of a state committee which will Now the news reaches that 11. Levy: The Web of Thought and Action. 00 ing to age at entry. Sick beneat Marcel Cachin, who has been howlnounced that it would support the serve as a central strike apparatos.
ayments from 935 to 900 ting for months that the courts try the Lhuillier group has entered the Levy: Aspects of Dialectical Materialism (Symposium. 50 resolution with a statement Only thus will the of lead1. 50 men and women, recording to. Loria: Economie Foundations of Society.
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correctional magistrates. On centrist opponents of the Fourth statement was read to the conven and probably the most bitter class For further information apply thrt, comrades, we know where we International, voting for Pivert Macmurray: The Philosophy of Communism. 80 tion. Immediately thereupon a lead. conflict in the history of the state.
to Main Once stand. We know what the magis resolution and against that of the Hyndman: Commercial Crises of the 19th Century.
ing Yipeel delegate asked that the The workers must be fully prepared 714 Seneca Ave, Brooklyn, tracy of the bourgeoisie is Long Bolshevik Leninists. Contes: Armed Intervention in Russia 1918 1922. 50 statement be considered as a reto deal with the moba of national COME experience shows us that it is al Like their fellow sectarian, Bauer 20 Discount on All Recent Books solution and discussion be permitguardsmen and police that will be ways at the mercy of power, that of Germany, who began with loud In ordering any recent publication, just deduct 20 percent from ted on the question However when unleashed against them.
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the convention the Spartacus subTickets are now available for Washington Square North ness for the Fascists. and then, Fourth International in the reacPIONEER PUBLISHERS stitute motion on war to the pro the theatre party Let Freedom and Except Sundays At the courts take it, there will be tionary sect, the Lhuillier gram was tabled to the program Ring Monday evening, Jan. 18 at 100 Fifth Ave. New York City and Holidays.
Interminable delays. group has completed the cycle committee so that it would be the district Office, 55, 11th St.
The magistracy is all these things sectarianism to centrism.
burled before any discussion could Prices range from 300 up to 50.
Strike Nears. 50