Civil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT VOL. 2, NO. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1936 PRICE CENTS Official Organ of the Workers Party of the War Policy Causes Road Is Cleared for Olson Calls out Militia Clash in Students French Fascist Coup In Strutwear Hosiery Unity Conference People Front Blum, Thorez Strike in Minneapolis Resolution Adopted Ambiguous on Crucial fense Corps trayal ism.
Strike Nears in Texas WPA Crisis Latimer Urges Bosses Break Agreements the reality a shuttering disaster, precursor of worse betrayals to come.
The Fascist Danger Over?
Abandons DeTo listen to the People Front In New Beists, the Faselst danger is practically over. Under the action of the People Front, declared Cachin, Troops Summoned After Cops Prove Helpless French Fascism is going through Question of Soviet Union; and Yipsel a deep crisis and the Hour of HitIn Protecting Scabs in Face of Courage lerism (de In Focque zero hour) Front is realizing the union of Members Fight Stalinist Social Patriotism By ROBERTS In Italy in 1921 Mussolini has been perforce postponed into Frenchmen behind the Tricolor and Blackshirts organized and signed the dim fogs of the future. Hu: the Red Flag, the government is And Militancy of Striking Workers COLUMBUS, Ohio. In spite of all attempts to avoid a clash on the an agreement with the Italian So manite, Dec 13. How has this compromising itself with those who By CARL SHEA major political issue confronting the fusion convention of the Socialist inlist Party for mutual disarm miracle been performed By e. pro divide (the people) and foment MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 29. Following a hard fought battle ThursStudent League for Industrial Democracy and the Stalinist National ament. This pact, made under letarian offensive against capital civil war.
Student League, held here over the Christmas holidays, an open fight on government auspices at a time But no, the voluntary disarmament Guernnt: These (Fascist) mi day afternoon between pickets and seabs, at which half a dozen police seabs injured, sixty National The Stalinista controlled a decisire majority of the four hindred brink of civil war, led to the dis class has been proudly proclaimed not for civilization but for barbar to assist the local law and order agencies in preventing further de when the country teetered on the in advance of the French working tias, prepared for civil war, are Geardsmen were called out by Governor Floyd Olson Friday noon and twenty seveni delegates. The lud 116 delegates and the appearance of the workers red by Blum, Cachin, Thorez and Co. 141. The attached delegates included liberals, conservatives Militia. Their path thus smoothed. It has come about through the and a host of Stalinist students.
the Blackshirts two years later passage of three laws by the Cham their condento them and demand of Hosiery Workers focal has been in effect at the strutwear Hostery Company since August 15. The governor has announced that until The main tendencies represented at the Congress were the liberals, left of Italian workers organiza upon examination turn out to be And in Humanite Vaillant Cou we have surveyed the situation and decided on a definite course, we will close the Strutwear plant.
who wanted a liberal student movetions.
sharp wenpons not against the turier wrote: This is not a matment: the Stalinists, who wanted of politics nor of economie de 1982 Heinrich Fascists but against the workers.
Immediately after the sentencing of three pickets last Monday to In Germany in the same type of organization but Bruening Bonapartist government And these laws were pushed mands. It is a question of troops four and six months in the workhouse, the Strut wear losses, with were ready to accept almost any decreed the dissolution of mill through the Chamber by the for civil war. armed, trained, or the help of Mayor Latimer and the police, began their plan to gradually thing the young Socialists demandly open the plant. On Tuesday a tary politient formations, After People Front! How well the ganized in military style. wound crew of 20 finks were sent in to ed; the young Socialists who in this victory against the Fascists, bourgeoisle knows how to use its ing or killing Frenchmen.
Agniust them the country raises its clean the machinery. The nature their majority desired a broad the Rute Front, workers combat lackeys!
demand for disarmament and disof the operations are such that a student organization which aceept.
organization, passed out of exist On Dec. the debate on the solution. The Chamber must heed.
full crew cannot begin work imme.
ed the Oxford Pledge against sup.
ence. And the Storm Troopers?
That day Humanite sedulously diately. It takes about 30 days to port of any war declared by the Listen to Roehm, their leader: sestion for Involded reporting that donard build up the operations to a point tinaliy, the Spartacus Youth dele State Relief Administrat. on sigliat had the disappear analier But and inFerriot was moving heaven and where the full working force can Stalinist Sages earth to have his supporters sup betised. ates who fought for fusion on the «Plays Ball» While the dissolution, as before, the dePort Laval Even Populaire did The striking union countered by basis of revolutionary program In the latest issue of the tachments of the Storm Troopers particularly on the question of war.
Workers Starve distributing 50. 000 leaflets among not hesitate to report and bemoan continued to train on the train (Nov.
Communist International. that fact!
The separate conventions of the the Minneapolis workers, appealing ing grounds of the Reichswehr 5, 1935) Manuilsky informs us SLID. and the opened on (Special to New Militant)
La Rocque Army on page 1381 (German army) at Doboeritz, as Coal, Transfer Employers for help on the pickut line Friday afternoon. At both conven By JAMES EVANS on other state training grounds. Such a measure as the clos During the course of the speeches tions a draft program was present.
DALLAS. Tex. Prospects for ing of the Suez Canal demanded Reject Plan to End in the Chamber Only they were no longer called the Croix de On Thursday afternoon pickets el which the membership had never seneral WPA strike in Texas are the Storm Troops but the League hegan to gather to entch the seabs by the Second and Amsterdam Feu, It was revealed that Col. de Contracts with 574 seen or disenged. Spartacus dele enormously increased with the reil they came out of the plant at of Popular German Sport. From International follows the line of la Rocque Fascist ormnization 4:10. As the sente enme out. prosates presented their position at fusal of IL Drought, state ad Roelm Nemoirs. the interests of British Imperial has grown to a force of 712. 000 (From the Northwest Organizer)
both meetings.
rected by 33 coji, about 100 pickets ministrator, to make any conces wen, armedi. traineel.
ism, which is displaying a very Organised year later the armed Nazi rep NINNEAPOLTS. Jan. Tues chargest talt a dozen co went Convention xions to the aroused workers.
equipped with guns, machine guns, day moruing lewdies in the car down the scales were terrorixed resentatives of the German boursuspiclous love for the indepen dence of Ethiopia.
armored cars and even planes. tatt in Minneapolis door or No was tom oft ole of original craft program accepted by to increase wages of skilled laboral disoriented organiza At the convention the brought has refused bluntly eithereois state trampled underfoot the to decrease the working hours or And on page 1515 the same This the leaders of the two student to the union scale. Abrogating one The Perfidions Example Followed of the German working class rumber we are told that: The to the General staff and the big screamed that is committee of little char: window werebroken Five pickets were sur organizations and whose interests of the Federal rules, the slicker Frencit bourgeoisiens to be dis Thomax Latimer in his office to our two and bustled in Communist peace policy inwe are anxious to serve was and his assistants are cludes the closing of the Suez solved at the request of the People demand protection from the racka atrol wagon. Militant workers In France last month the Social forcing vised. section stating that wel, he workers to make time last stand Stallment parties bound Canal. Front by Tavn. puppet of the same eteer and industrial peace de ret love our country as profoundly as during rainy weather Will the Daily Worker Questhemselves to similar agreemen General Staff and the same big stroying tactics of General Driv. Mandel the wagon and neil to mp It ove under cir.
unless their anyone clse was deleted due to cumstances beyond the control of dissolution. In a terrible scene of hourgeoil. What frightful comers to Leal.
fion Box resolve the contradic for mutthul disarmament and brothers were released. The arrest pressure of Left Socialists and the the crews.
exy! But the session of Dec. tion? Or are we to conclude The papers went on to say that pickets were releasecl, and a which the Staliniste tried after flint the Communist peace polApartaene delegates Among the icy falls in line with British young Socialists seven delegates There is a deep sented resentment Deputies on Dec the Socialist want to dnb comedy heavily in this committee business men hurry call went in for more policeprotested vigorously to the mayormen. The picketing qudron with led by Monroe Sweetland voted both against the state WPA and and Stalinist bureaucracies joined derscored the threat that the future about the activities of Local 174 crew for our bour, and the arom imperialism?
against fusion with the on relief administrations, each of the Fascists to set the seal on the still holis.
Yharnegaray, a Croix de Feue give them protection, bol deinanded of his honor that six o clock made at last flying de the ground that the latter would which is possing the buck to the betrayal of the French workers, actions leagues opened in the monstration, Tashing by the plant, accept any program but that their other in the matter of providing betraval not reduced one whit by French Chamber after Laval hnd deuts, rose and astounded his These headlines, no doubt, made armed with rocks, they let fly at real program would lead them to caloyment. They are playing the smokescreen of support the us government in ball while we are starting a lite om apology and explanation with deuce with the aid of a large secteur private individual round. In the destruction of Local 571. They more time doliekens confuso won two successi votos of conti viding for the severe punisment me reading for those who desire the windows, breaking a hundred case it was allied with the Soviet expression that heard outside of which the events were overclouded tion of the Radical (People the possession of arms. also, in live had arriveil the pickets had Union. Another section of the lat relle office several days in the days thnt followed.
young Socialists agreed with the 90. The WPA has abandoned result was perfectly clear The Front) votes influenced by Herriot. He denied that the Croix de Feu minds of some of our shas not! The determination of Minneapolis whose role in support of Laval was wanted civil war. and declared supporters that everything Spartacus program for the fusionerous projects because its adThe result gave the French bour consistently covered over in No doubt, the workers to keep the labor hating the class strugle in society, the ministrators claimed that they that is friend and brother. de as it should be.
alliance of the students with the uld not get sufficient sabor from geoisle a new weapon in its system. columns of Humanite.
la Rocque, was interested only in cnemies of Local 574 were com strutwear plant closed until it re working class and revolutionary the relief rolls. This gives the workers, in preparation for new was on the Laval Herriot decree rending the regime. One of these votes of contidence cleansing the Republic and de forted by these bold headlines, cognizes the unlon made it plain program against war. However, relief authorities option to drop turns in the screws of exploitation laws and deflation policy which Can we not u thinking that at last our union to the authorities that any further was going to be dragged in the mua strike breaking efforts would result trom voting for the Spartacus then there are no WPA Jobs for them under deepening crisis, and in was sustained by a Radical vote and soluta nyot hande andere here and the start of the breaking up in a major riot and further bloodshed. This the hated Mayor Lat.
despite the detastating charge by asked the Fascist deputy. Do process was in sight.
Meanwhile the case workers refuse preparation for war.
to certity for relief people in ac After they had publicly (Hisa Vincent Auriol, Socialist, that the you want to feel on your faces the Those not familiar with the sit. Imer. Farmer Labor incumbent, is The convention also ac tual und dire need. Even the cepted a resolution on war which gardly sums appropriate sate nigrowed any desire to organize the Laval economie program violated hot breath of civil wart He then nation, however, overlooked one hot ready to take the responsibility for the French workers to fight for revo property rights. sce Populaire declared that dissolution was an saliant, incontestable fact. The for.
Pleading an insufficient po concretized the Oxford Pledge. It hungry are thus kept frozen in the lutionary aims, after proclaiming Nov. 30. ineffective and dangerous sole whole story was a tissue of lies lice force, Tatimer on Friday apoutlined three possible types of treasury. while individual case their desire to avert civil war and The keynote of the debate on the tion but proposed disarmament by and falsehoods, fabricated out of pealed to the governor to send in wars which could arise under pre workers are awarded silver loving achieve a reconciliation franc. Political leagues was set by Ram all political military groupings.
sent conditions and denounced supcups for eutting the loads.
whole cloth by the champion union the National Guard to take charge aise, the Socialist and stalinist ette, Stalinist deputy, and Guernut, Disgusting Scene of Reconciliation busters of the United States Meyer Strucke plant. Go. Olson immediport of any of the three: a so called defensive war of the United Persecution of Mexican Workers States: democratie wars against The Mexican workers, most povtory must be examined with the by Humanite on Dec. 4: for the People Front. This vic promluently featured in bold type as he explained afterward in Popa and City Hall, sided and abetted, ately complled with the request, Fascist nations in case of alliance Class, are the especial objects of a Inist reformist vietories it is in erty stricken of the Texas working utmost attention, for like all stallaire spontaneously, out of a sheeraided by that champion jelly fish of pointoing out however, that the between the and a progres. Vicious attack. Local offices of the Waving the French Flag upsurge of brotherly feeling.
He politicians, Thomas Latimer. action wonld not be a declaration Ramette: While the People sive or non Imperialist power. Continued from Page 2) The only truth in the whole report of martial law. Since Friday afteris that there was a meeting that noon, the strutwear plant has reApart from the fallure to present National Reemployment Service morning in the mayor office, the mained closed. handful of unthe basic causes of war and the ul are refusing to register non citizens above mentioned trade union lead formed guardsmen, armed with timate solution, the resolution had as a preliminary to their obtaining (Continued on Page 2)
bayonets, are patrolling the two defects: viz, the Ethiopian sit reliet, although this miserly assist trances to the plant.
uation which involves the ques ance is supposedly available to Publie Against Strutwear Bosses tions of League of Nations sanc every needy person. Mexicans who tions and neutrality laws. was tation while agents of the set up protest are threatened with deporOn Tuesday all negotiations between the hostery union and the not dealt with and the Soviet Unlon proceed to inflame the more back.
was not mentioned, though implicit ward American workers with the ization of the Socialist party was The split in the New Yoril organ side of the new committee.
recognition as the State Commitbroken off by the bosses, who have in the phrase progressive or non Fascist expression, This is a deepened and broadened to a state Activism the Keynote tee of New York.
refused to make any concessions to imperialist power.
The delegates, bent on having an white man country. In many wide basis at the state conference active socialist party that will Issue up to PATERSON, The strike, the union. Public, sentiments The steering committee of the cases, Mexicans actually born in Interest in the socialist control of the Typographical employees of turning more and more sharply for the fusion convention this country have been dented as group held at Utica last week end. inclusive in its membership, man where the National Executive Com off yesterday, when the union ad employers, and their Tory position the Norman Thomas militant be democratie in its procedure and versy now shifts to Philadelphia the two Paterson dailies, was called against the citizens Alliance led was empowered to prevent the to sistance because they could not At the same time, the Old Guard, tested a determination to carry inittee meets the coming week end. mitted defeat and officially with us leading to a mounting mas sion if the general line of this reproduce birth certificates assembled in mass meeting at Coop through the split and to have done the new state committee set up at drew the pickets from the struck anger. Their practise of underpay.
caucus meeting of the dele Texas during the most These are the factors existing in er Union Sunday, with sympathetic with the dead weight of the old the Utica conference will have a plants.
ing their workers, keeping them on gates to consider the matter.
At the convention a motion pression.
winter since advent of the de from other states, denounced Thom Olution adopted puts the issue nition. Waldman, leader of the ducted throughout, nad lasted for use of sptes, etc. is widely known The strike, which was poorly con. apprentice wages for years, their was adopted to accept the spirit for winning the impending strike make a split in the national organ utive Committee with a demand for normed in the press that the presof the report of the national secre. But there are other factors which ixtion it the recognizes the official recognition of the new ent official state committee will close to two years, dragging on throughout the industry and the tary which included the draft pro the workers should understand and the rival organization in New York. committee. The resolution follows: not attend and has declared that militanes and without leadership that the present situation at the wearily and hopelessly. without city.
It need hardly be pointed out gram. Spirited discussion on the be rendy to combat.
question of war was led by SparInstead of concentrating their It appears from the representa WHEREAS the State Commit the recognition of the new commit tacus delegates.
The first factor is the extreme tion at the Utica conference that tee of the Socialist Party of New tee will be the signal for a nationforces on winning the strike, the plant is very unhealthy. All those selfishness of the old line American the Thomas group has edge The first day of the fusion con Federation of Labor leaders. These over the Old Guard in the state duty to advance Socialism in the committee, dominated by the right busied Itselt trying to compete with Drivers strike know that the militin York has by its eglect of its wide split. The Pennsylvania state union, under stalinist Influence, familiar with the long 1984 General vention was occupled with the elec well paid representatives of labor as well as in New York City. 88 State of New York: by its con wing, has also warned the the publishers, and was finally make mighty poor pickets; that only the workers themselves can tfon of committees. On Sunday are not particularly interested in delegates were in attendance at the tinuing sabotage of the National to give no support to the seces successful in getting a few dollars pieket effectively. Also, it will be discussion was opened on the pro. Continued on Page 2)
gram for the fusion. The conference according to the official Party and by its wholly uncon sionists in New York.
had accepted the changes made by report, 43 from New York City and stitutional act in directing and 4s Prom upstate locals. Political is supporting a wholesale exclusion ure in the and to the son, the Paterson Press. In spite of Wight. and would change overnight Hoan of Milwaukee, a powerful figources, with the result that a new recalled that in a similar situation paper is now in existence in Pater, very sensitive to demands from the the convention. The pro? Issue Call for gram traced the cause of present sues were kept in the background, ills the domination of the winner the strategy of the militants apbers in New York State under will probably attempt to forces its almost completely labor back the relationship of forces. The oligarchy over the plain people.
reconciliation of the two contending the new paper is not going to hosiery workers must have faith The American Student Union is brondest possible support of the up Party, has forfeited its legal and ing organizations. This was. Indi belabormer but People only in themselves and the working state locals on purels organization moral right to recognition as a not a political organization. Al cated in a personal letter from him Paper, according to the new lingo class forces which they can rally to though it recognizes the need for racking house organizations and Old Guard state committee and call has been issued to all al questions. The inactivity of the State Committee in New York: to a party member which wes read It is important to note that the their support. To expeot the millbasle social change, it leaves to po unorganized packing house workers its autocratic methods have alien SOLVED that we assume the ro THEREFORE BE IT RE at the Utica conference. The action strike, broken from the start by tary to keep the plant closed until litical organizations the achieving in the Mid West to meet in con ated many of the locals of these changes The Oxford ference at Mason City, Ia. Satur members, as shown by the discuswhose sponsibilities of an emergency of the will very probably lowed to work while the typos were way to a dangerous Illusion. DePledge was endorsed. The abolt day and Sunday, January 11 and 12 slon at the conference, are far convention of the Socialist Party determine whether the split will be out, failed to utilize the sympathy spite the fact that an election 18 tion of the was called for starting at P. on Saturday.
of the State of New York and healed for the time being, localized of other strikers when the dyers looming this coming year, and that The program was discussed seefrom understanding the political proceed to elect a representative to New York or extended on a na local was on strike, almost never therefore the public officials will tion by section. The opposition, to representatives of the Mid West sonal popularity of Norman ThomThis invitation was issued by implications of the split. The per State Committee and take such tional scale. In the event of the attempted mass picketing and kept conduct themselves in careful the program from the right quoted Union of All Packing House Work as has also been a big factor in sary to save the Party in New further action as may be neces latter eventuality Norman Thomas itself in a sort of precarious existmanner, the Strutwear strikers will undoubtedly carry a large ma ence on the strike benefit of the must be eternally vigtlant. Only tthe statements of the leaders of ers of Cedar Rapids, Is. and the swinging a majority of the mem York, and we instruct the State the fusion that we must include Independent Union of All Workers bers of the upstate as well as the Committee to appear before the jority of the party with him in sup International and on voluntary con union workers can run machinery. Continued on Paco. port of the new state committee tributions from a number of locals Only workers can picket effectiveof Austin.
New York City organization to the NEC at its next meeting to claim set up at Utica.
throughout the country.
Utica Conference of Militants Deepens Rupture in Socialist Party Year Strike Is Called Oft Strutwear employers were abruptly Packing Meet the