BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninLeninismMarxismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1935 Labor Defense Unity Vital!
Prepare to Don Khaki For Our Says slon. the dansuggestions court.
Russell Gets The Herndon mass meeting in ere and sympathizers. the section on activities New York City Friday night turned The decisive factor in freeing and methods: out to have a deeper meaning than Herndon was the organized mass most defense ralites. At the same campaign which made a popular Defense in Courts. The NonThe Program By JOERGER time that it was a greeting to and politically important Issue of Partisan Labor Defense will pro The Left Socialists are en it it meant one and the same thing and replace it by class collabora method.
According to Bittleman of the on this question of Isolation. as ly used to bury the class struggle patriotism Bittleman expatlates abstractly try and us are terms deliberate this latest expression of social.
the Lenin. Stalin Herndon on his temporary escape the case.
from the chain gang, and a pledge It is important that things like the direction of the organization, their effort to arrive at a revolu sential implication that the vide counsel who will under countering peculiar difficulties in to all classes. He develop the estion.
The unconditional tle up of the of renewed support to his fight, it this be understood in order that and will be formally bound to ac The old trickeries that Lenin proletariat to the chains of the was also important for what some defense be properly planned, with cept its direction. Defense in the try to help them overcome these hopes for a pact between American mercilessly exposed when they capitalist staten forces is precisely of the speakers said about the need its roots in mass movement of courts will be conducted according aifficulties. Daily Worker, Dec. on the style of the recent Franco the 1914 betrayal are now being and Browder exclaim the for defense unity in general.
Those political groupe supporting sympathizers. Only such a move a. Legal Ald. The full utiliza from recent plenum of of Soviet Pact. In doing this, Bittle revived by Stalin faithful lackeys. Communists of all countries will the Non Partisan Labor Defense ment, backing up able attorneys tion of every legal right and action man jumps together the interests of The defense of the Fatherland call upon the tollers to have always stood for defense un (not professional admirers of the for the benefit of the defendant.
Left Socialists may well question the masses and the exploiters of against a foreign invasion is tur victory of the Red Army over the ity. They have tried to collaborate existing order. can win Victories Here, as everywhere in its activi the authority of Bittleman to ex this country.
ther developed. Bittleman points armies of the imperialists by all with the since the for the workers when they are at tles, the Non Partisan Labor. De fact that in the special address of cialists and the masses generally of German imperialist front against Gold Recruiting Sergeant No. He tries to convince the left so also to the possibility of an Anglo means and at any price.
ago and, despite the sabo united defense movement must tend every democratic right granted the Executive Committee of the the defensive position of this the And come to think of Michael Gold is quick to drama tase they have compelled the have such an attitude, be founded under the present social system. Comintern, to the membership of country. in the Far East. He says it, poor American Imperialism, tuze the official line in his column to collaborate in several in on such a program of class struggle It recognizes fully the great vimit the Communist Party of the that it is clear that the present which only recently paraded it in the Daily worker of Dec. 9: stances. The has also or the unity will be worthless to ations of these rights as applied to 1020, the minority faction and war in the Far East directly threat huge naval forces in the Atlantle the line up is such, they, the socollaborated with the General De the class.
Workers; it will neither condone Bettleman in particular were ac ens the peace of the United States. and Pacific,. 1s not yet ready cialists, says Gold, wit Aischt be fense Committee of the It is, of course, well understood nor foster any Ilusions concerning cused of sliding down to petty (My emphasis, if it allied With the Socialist Party it carried that when we speak of the need them. But it will not commit the bourgeois pacifist slogans, in concounterposed to Japanese aggresist parrot to the Soviet Union.
o extended negotiations when it for militant class struggle pro folly of being contemptuous of such nection with the war danger?
For the enlightenment of the The next imperialist slaughter was in a provisional stage, trying gram in defense work, we mean rights as workers have, or of sur It could however be pointed out The peace of the As if Left Socialists who have not yet has thus found its masks in these to get the to join with other nothing like what passed for that rendering them recognizing that that much that was pink and shady American marines in the Yangtze understood it, the Leninist slogan vallant defenders of the peace forces in launching a non partisan with the Stalinists during their un they represent partial victories in 1929 has been graduated to be are there to compete in an Olympio of transform the imperialist war policy of the Soviet Union. defense lamented Third Period. Our com wrested from those in power by come the official line in 1985. This contest!
into evil war is now shelved by The and its supporters rade, Norman Mini, now prisoner long and bitter struggles.
Bittleman comes to his climax.
is true to such an extent that the The best indication of the extent the Stalinista.
He waxes dramatie. the left have never abandoned the fight for 57006 in San Quentin, is paying Presentation of Basic Labor latest pronouncements of Bittleman to which the Comintern has fallen General Line of Betrayal Socialists, he says, should ask unity.
Indeed, they have been the every day for the kind of disrup Issues. The courtroom defense will are typical of orcietal Stalinism. the frequency and regularity with Soviet Union and Defend the neutral. Will we advocate pola Under the slogan of Defend the themselves: Are we going to be only ones to work seriously and tive, provocative tactics which the be planned to bring out, as far as in line with conlitionism, sane which sing phraseology appears peace of the US the Po be work to any means and wat ang meeting or the topit, tamen Heren de criminal syndicalism trial. There sues involved. Every effort will be tions, and the other fruits of the in its omcial statements and recomes the recruiting agency for work by all means and meeting for example came on the the LD. attorney was neither able made to reveal the role of the dec. has just discovered Wall Street.
price to insure the victory of the For example, Bittleman says: To the masses of Great Britain Red Army?
advocating defense units. And at who told the jury to its race that encause in which are workers have cers of isolation. The liberal Every American knows that the the Issues the war slogan Hearst, Cahan, and now Bittle the Herndon meeting itself, Julius me ata not speak to their benefit, a stake, ana this persecution hava pacifist Musion is propagated that Far East concerns this country Support the sanctions polley of man. The logic et social betrayal Hochman words on behalf of debut for the benefit of the four score blow almed against all. This wholem and other powers are progress. Africa is still less of concern to To the exploited of French im one discern a shade of difference by the representative, who room. There the broad masses the sympathy of the jury for an ive steps for the maintenance of us. My emphasis. perialism is issued the call to arms in their appeals. Every American, this counto defend the republic against Phoney and funny, says Bittlestressed the need for a militant, drove them away. and the ation for the organization of mass brought no pressure because the acquittal and for providing Inspir peace Hitler man reference to Bauer.
unifled class struggle defense or Phoney but not funny is the ganization. LD. substituted for mass pres support and defense outside the Anna Damon of the also of its members who came into the Organized sure the anties of a bakers dozen courtroom. Sends Funds for Tarov Aid centralne oporeane. Wasale state the social content of the scribbling of seconded Hochman Mass Support.
for unity. But Damon did not The Non Partisan Labor Defense dence against the German ageres hypocrites and war mongers rant The national office of the Work Miller collection list. 00 sor. This, and more, Avoiding intemperance and pro will conduct systematic campaigns naus. and howl at Trotskyism.
speak at all about polley. She 10. 00 eum.
Build the Fourth International would be content to have unity, and vocation on the one hand, simple to organize the weight and influers Party 18 happy to announce pay no attention at all to the ques: other, unlfed defense movement others to secure the release of the tional committee of aid for com 00 Thus in unison do the Stalintern is the answer to them.
legalism and opportunism on the lence of masses of workers and that it has sent 200 to the interna Dentist 00 and the Second International pre The Workers Party alone uncov.
tion of program, principles, polley would be a great boon to the work actendant, through protests, public rade Tarov, the Russian Bolshe Branch No. 6. 00 pare the mass basis for a new ere the layers of this social demaNo Gratitude to Dorsey Ing class in these days of intense meetings and demonstrations, etc. vik Leninist who escaped from Branch No. 225 world Imperialist carnage. All this gogy in this country by pointing That is not our idea of class class struggle.
United front bodies will be built, Stalin prison in Siberia and 1s Lynn, Mass 25 in the name of Defend the Soviet to the only path of struggle against war, the way of Lenin and Trotstruggle defense policy. Nor Is it Questions of organizational steps wherever possible, in which organ now in an Asiatic country in sore Collected by Roberts. 100. 00 Union.
Below is a collected by Muste. 50. 00 Lenin Castigates Bittleman sky. Only the road of revolutionour understanding of defense that are important. Hochman, for ex. ized groups will be united on a need of assistance we owe any gratitude or honor to ample, speaks of basing the unfied commonly agreed program of ac partial list of the comrades who Lenin long ago asked. How was ary defeatism, the relentless civil the judge who turned Herndon defense movement on the trade tion. Throughout the chief organ have donated and collected dona HERNDON VICTORY. it possible that the most eminentism, is the way of struggle for war against our own imperialloose. How devoted Judge Dorsey unions. It is, of course, most de Ixational objective in building the tions for this fund. more com CELEBRATED IN is to liberty and Justice may sirable that unlons afiliate to a mass defense will be to secure the lete report will be given later.
Several thousand attended the Second International betrayed so peace, and the defense of the But what is essen active support and participation of Further assistance is still neces. Herndon Victory Rally at St. Nich cialism. The most primitive our starting point, understand this be seen from the fact that his de defense body cision includes a recommendation tial is a mass of individual mem the trade unions, fraternal and sary if comrade Taror security is olas Arena, New York City, Friday theory. says Lenin, scems to the legislature that it enact abers of the defense organization other labor organizations. to be finally assured, and all com night. sudden cold spell was no the one that points at an offender and the rest will follow. Publicity and Educational rades who have not yet contributed doubt partly responsible for the state. We have been attacked.
future Herndons may be sent to branches of active militants, in Activities. There will include pro to this fund are asked to send fact that the hall was not alled. we defend ourselves. the inter the chain gong without any tech cluding trade unionists and others. motion of defense aims and activi: whatever funds they can muster to Julius Hochman of the LL. ests of the proletariat demand re nical difficulties. As we see it. Once such an organization is start. ties in the press, lectures, speaker comrade Muste, 55 East 11th presided later turning over the sistance to the disturber of Europ Dorsey let Herndon go because the ed, brond support may be sought bureaus, publication of a bulletin, Street, New York City.
chair to Murray Baroni, Socialist can peace. Page 16, War and Four Months exigencies of the Talmadge Roose and won from unions which amus. etc.
and unionist.
the Second International. velt faction brawl in the Demo. ate. collectively. This and other Ald to Prisoners and Defend Tarov Fond Among the speakers were repre(Collected by Weber)
Instead of European peace cratic Party of Georgia make it un organizational problems must be ants. Systematic campaigns to pro (Continued from Page 1)
sentatives of the organizations substitute Bittleman Teace of comfortable to have a political thrashed out.
tect the rights, improve the living 00 composing the Joint Committee to the and you have the Amer several sherifts cars. On Friday prisoner on the chain gang now But before organizational discus conditions and give material com Rose 00 Aid the Herndon Defense, including ican edition of 1914.
morning the testimony was again that the Joint Committee to Ala Sion is begun, questions of program fort to labor prisoners and other Emma 00 Herbert Solow of the Also Bittleman has the call to link resumed before a packed courtroom.
Police officers testified against Rus.
the Herndon Defense has succeed must be clarified. In this connec imprisoned victims of reactionary Ch. Shechet ed in making the Herndon issue ton we cannot do better than persecution; and to provide aid for Ray 00 Herndon, Norman Thomas, Dr. mula of applying Marxism to the ately broken a milk bottle on the 00 on the speakers list were Angelo Lenin name to this stalinist for sell, claiming that he had deliberpopular with broad masses of work. quote from the program of the their dependants.
Harrison 00 En lot, Traynham, Som present world situation. He dubs driveway leading into the plant.
Late in the morning came some of movement.
job action was taken without the patrolmen who pushed job action) derstandings; such committees au the most interesting testimony, prewe believe that the sincerity of thority not to exceed the constitu sented by Capt. Martin Steffen, is never indiscriminate, morgan Now this action was taken the writers of the article in the tion of the Maritime Federation of acting, he claimed, for Adjutant West Coast Maritime Unions mutually agree, they have a just selves with one idea in mind. And tioned.
ized or unjust. As long as the men right on the job by the men them. Waterfront Worker should be ques. the Pacific Coast, and he it further General Walsh as an observer Resolved, that when job action Under cross examination by Attorcrucial reaches a point in the opinion of ney Green (who is defending Ellis otherwise than through job ac port of the Sailor Union, and not question are following the logic of the majority of the maritime and Swanson) and Attorney Heis(Continued from Page 1) tion or Else! states. It is rather tion.
a lot of scares and threats that their extreme right turn. Within groupe affected by having their ter, Steffen admitted that he had average pay of 60 per month. No the last resort of men who have objection: Job action, like any they would be breaking the award the mass movement they are a fet members pulled or the job. and been a member of the National holidays for the seamen. It is only fully acquainted the ship operators Other spontaneous elemental effort and probably be the cause of a ter upon its development. The that to go further may feopardize Guard for 17 years; that on Nov.
natural and just that they have a lor owners with a condition they do on the part of men goaded to ex coastwise strike.
Stalinists will have to be removed the Maritime Federation as a 29 he mingled with the crowd of demand to claim overtime pay not care to sail under. After being tremity, has its drawbacks. Where It was proven that job action as well as the right wing in order whole, the matter shall be referred pickets; that he went into strike after working these long hours in refused the request, the crew has emotion and antipathy can occa is bringing results.
for the union to make any further where and when possible to the dis headquarters; that he talked with stead of time back, no alternative but to use Job acsionally dilute cool reason, mis say instead of discouraging steps in advance trict council for further action or every police officer at the scene. The living and cating quarters tion.
takes are bound to occur. such action, steps should be taken Maritime Federation Resolution adjustment.
that he went inside the strutwear of the seamen as a rule are in ter Following is the case of the Reply: Job action is not spon to encourage job action.
Ambiguous Instead of a sharp statement en plant and asked the Janitor, a labor rible condition, poor heating and crew of the Suweid of the taneous. Neither is it emotional.
ventilation systems, rotten sleeping Nelson Line. The crew of the The men who is job action are ticle appeared in the Waterfront troversy was laid over for solution seamen in order to maintain and names of some of the pickets in the About the same time as the ar: number of weeks ago the con dorsing any action taken by the spy named Carl Hanson, for the quarters, messrooms so small that Suweld knowing the ship not to be the men on the job who are dis: Worker an editorial appeared into a specially called convention of better their conditions, this resolucrowd. Despite the efforts of the men must wait in turn for another any too seaworthy, decided that criminated against. Who knows the Western Worker, organ of the the Maritime Federation. The tion, endorsed by the Stalinists, Judge, it was clearly brought out to ent. This condition and many they wanted the added protection better than the man on the job. Communist Party, attacking Harry Maritime Federation has issued an comes out with a lot of its and that Steffen is a common stool others exist on most of the ships of radio in the event, an Surely not the committee which is Lundbers, leader of the elements ambiguous resolution, which gen. whereases.
The only way these conditions were should have to be sent. For the in most cases slowing up or holding standing for job action. The head erally supports the Stalinist ver tion does not answer any question a military observer. His testiIn reality, this resolu pigeon working under the guise of remedled was by the action of the information of those who do not back the progress of the seamen. ing of this editorial is entitled We słon of job action organized job and leaves the important question mong against Russell conflicted at men themselves, refusing to live know, the Nelson line has been There are elements within the Need Maritime Unity Not Beef action. Let us quote the resolu still open: will the maritime lead several important points with the and work under such conditions.
tion: This action the men were forced intercoastal trade. It has carried organized mass movement of the a fleet of ships in the Maritime Federation who fear the squads.
Workers Slam Stalinists Whereas, we believe and have action or will it try to spend its cers. Late Friday afternoon, Judge to take, as the new existing labor as many as nine passengers on a workers. These are the right wing Harry Lundberg answered this demonstrated on numerous occa time proving to the San Francisco Molyneaux announced that the trial relations board never was able to ship without radio equipment. Noneers who, basing themselves upon editorial in an article that was along that job action rightly used, Chronicle, and the good shipown would be continued over to 9:30 get anything for the men. The of the Nelson ships are very mod some of the better situated sections unanimously endorsed by the Sail with proper control, has been the ers how level headed and sane they Monday morning.
shipowners always manage to stallern seacraft. Out moded laws have of the maritime workers, now find ors Union.
means of gaining many concessions are.
and block action.
no jurisdiction over the specific themselves in the position where The following is the heading of for the maritime workers on the For a Class Struggle Polley Strico. Breaking Courts The Non Partisan Labor Defense The Portland local of the Sail case mentioned above. The steam they are in deadly fear of any dis this statement by Lundberg. Pacific coast, and Unqualified support of any group has announced that it means to ors Union of the Pacific. for ex. ship companies will tell you that turbance of the status quo and Sailors Union Condemns Edi Whereas, in as much as job ac of workers struggling to better fight this case to the end. The is ample, in a letter sent to the Voice they do not carry radio on ships their position. In answer to the torial.
tion is and should be action taken their conditions! No conditions sue at stake is: are employers now of the Federation. organ of the where there are less than fifty demands of the underpall over the following answer to the when any group of maritime work must be given to this support! to be permitted to use the federal. has the.
lowing to stnte, in part: are right. But how about the crew? tions, they litt an admonishing Western Worker received the unan without openly resorting to a collaborationist policy will benefit as strike breaking agents, through Job Action Gets Results Have they no right to state under finger. That there are dangers in Imous and enthusiastically AC strike, and will the worker on the waterfront as a the granting of fraudulent writs of After the 1934 strike the men what conditions they take job action is true, but these dan claimed endorsement of the Sailors Whercas, in order to eliminate whole. And as part of the solu replevins and similar actions? To were forced to job action practical chances with a watery grave? gers must not blind us to the cor Union at their last meeting. confusion and insure coordination tion of this question we must pre permit such an act to go unchally all of the time, in order to force The case of the Suweid is no rectness (as proven by the effec The statement then on to of efforts in the best interests of sent the following: the need for lenged would be a crime against the shipowners to give them their wolated one in job action. The tiveness of the seamen position sharply condemn the attack on all maritime groups concerned, it an industrial union on the water America working class for if the due rights. On the strength of crew were granted their just de for job action.
Lundberg. giving a picture of what is apparent that an organized front instead of a federation of Strutwear bosses got off scot free the united action of various ship mands. Wireless apparatus was in Stalinists on Reactionary Side actually took place rather than the method of precedure for job action unions. The Maritime Federation in this particular case, it would be crews, the owners and the govern stalled and a competent radio of Opposition to job action is per distorted piece of fiction of the be laid down by this convention was a progressive step over the no time at all before bosses all ment were finally forced to hand ficer was placed in charge of the feetly understandable from the Western Worker.
therefore be it.
lack of unity previously the rule over the country would resort to down the present award, which equipment.
point of view of a right wing bu In reply to this sharp statment Resolved, that the term job ac on the waterfront. The first step such dodges in their attempt to they so recently have broken by Que thing become clear from the reaucrat who fears motion of the made by the sailors, the Western tion shall mean only action taken should be followed by a second one: crush the growing unton movement.
denying the men collective bargain above extracts, and that is that in masses as the devil himself.
been a tenden ing. Job action forced the Amer the opinion of the men themselves Stalinists, however, have also come creeping, crawling article of which ing to gain from their employers port Industrial Union. The con. cy on the part of the reaction in can Hawaiian, the Shepard Line. and who should know better than out against job action, by coming the main theme was that an attack some concessions specifically pro flict between one section and am this country for the past year or and various other companies to thes) JOB ACTION GETS RE ont for organized job action on the Western Worker is support vided for in their respective agree other section of the workers will so to resort more and more to the recognize the 11 SULTS. The seamen stood for unorgan for the shipowners.
ment or awards and shall also then be done away with. The press courts in order to hold the working We could name hundreds Yet job action has been under Ized job action according to these answer to this hypocritical mean action taken to enforce the ent situation with a number of class in its monstrous poverty and other cases where job action was stendy attack by right wing ele worthies. In the final analysis statement let us refer that paper award or greement to the best in agreements and awards, instead of bondage.
the only weapon whereby the sea ments as well as by Stalinists, who this means no action at all, as to an artile written by two seamen, terests of the maritime groups con one agreement, many of the The work of the Non Partisan pa, or craft Labor Defense Its mobilization of Let us quote from another letter ized Job action, steadily oppose trolmen (stewards) of the seamen, Western Worker, the. Waterfront from violating agreements or It is necessary to also point out wide spread interest and support sent into the Voice, this time by the virile action of the seamen, and who had come out in favor of crews Worker: awards, and be it further that the role of the Stalinists as of the Russell case together with a member of the American Radio emasculate job action.
taking action. For thetr pains the The San Francisco Chronicle. Resolved. that job action should progressives is a false one. Posing the courtroom work of attorneys Telegraphers Association, and ap. Lundberg Answers Conservatives Stalinists received the following the American Seaman, organ of the be confined to a job such as a ship, as left wingers, as rank and files. Francis Hefaler and Glibert Carl.
proved by the Seattle local of that Harry Lundberg, representative reply by Chas Cates, sccond pat official right wing in the Seamen dock, shop, or warehouse, unless their action has proved that in the son, has unquestionably won many of the seamen, in answer to the rolman of the Seamen Unjon: Union, both took the same stand otherwise agreed by all maritime final analysis they are an obstacle friends for the LD. In the past (These articles were written in editorial Job Action or Else! has The editor of the Waterfront as the editorial in the Waterfront groups affected or liable to be at in the workers struggle. In real. week. Labor leaders who formerly answer to an editorial published in the following to state: the Volce giving the pros and objection: They (opponents of the on the waterfront, has so WHAT? In our opinion this issue in question be placed before sives of the John Lewis and a nation wide labor defense organ Worker, the anonymous organ of Worker in condemning job action. fected should be notified and the ity they are closer to progres have been rather cool to the idea of cons of job action. The editorial Job action) believe that indiscrim taken it upon himself to ridicule is certainly no compliment to the them, and be it further Gorman type than to the rank and ization have been frank in express was entitled Job Action, or Else. inate, unorganized job action will and condemn the actions taken by Waterfront Worker, or any other Resolved, that a committee of file. The creation of a genuine ing their admiration for the effec Job Action is not the spontan. prove a boomerang. That it will the patrolmen of the Sailor Union. so called rank and Ale publication an maritime groups affected on the left wing union movement, tree of tive manner in which the LD.
eons demonstration of the will of not only fail, but that it will defl He (the editor of the Water. Instead of questioning the sincerity Job be formed on the crew as the author of Job Ac. nitely harm the maritime workers front Worker) also states that this of the writers of these three mensolidate action the job to con stalinist Influence, is on the order has functioned in the Strutwear and prevent misunl of the day case.
Class Struggle Issues Arouse Reply to todaberite Polacton consent of a recentem of unton