BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1935 NEW MILITANT The League of Stalinist Agents for Social Patriotism Question Political Analysis of the Lovestone Group And its Reactionary Role Box Some comrades are inclined to scious elements. The me idea view the present Brandler Loveappears several times. They speak By WEAVER stone group whitewashing of of our savage hostility to the ComStalinist social chauvinism as meremunist Opposition for its effective BOSTON ly the latest of the long series of work in championing the cause of Question: Does not the grantsituations in which stalinism has unity in the labor movement. It ing of independence to the Phil found a loyal attorney in this so is clear that these are no mere reIlpines by the Roosevelt governcalled Communist Party (Opposi Intern was that it was ultra leftist. 1014 for the Communist Interna be any but mited wars (involv. were corrected? None, of course; ferences to united fronts! The ment show that there is a tion. They see in the present We, on the contrary, have always loval. As a face saving device, ing the Soviet Union) in this this merely a dishonest attempt Lovestoneltes tacitly admit our fundamental difference between Lovestone Hne nothing more than contended that the ultra left swing there is a perfunctory remark in epoch!
to build up a fake distinction be charge that they are championing American imperialism and Euroa continuation of six years of of the 1928 1934) was only the resolution that if the Comin The most ludicrous aspect of the tween what the Communist parties the cause of organic unity between pean imperialisms?
Lovestone attempts to return to one side of Stalinism, that Stalin tern lines continued it is bound Lovestone somersault is their at are doing and what the Seventh the and the Answer: The question itself inthe Communist International atism veers right or left in obedience to lead to outright social chauvin tempt to lay a theoretical founda Congress said.
Who is served by such a cause dicates that the Roosevelt strategy any price. They consider the Love to the temporary requirements of ism and reformism. The convention for their capitulation, based We began this article by saying Not the Socialist Parts, which has which is that of deception, and stonelte apologies for the new Stal the Soviet bureaucracy. witness tion also dropped the idea of chang on the false analogy from mechan that the present Lovestonelte white taken a position against the war intended to aid him in the coming Inist line as similar to that group the right wing sigzag of 1924 1928. ing the name of the group to Comics of a swinging pendulum. They whitewashing of Stalinist social provoking sanctions which the election, has a certain measure of defense of the Anglo Russian Com Deutying our contention, the Love munist Labor League, and contin. assert that the Comintern chau patriotism cannot be viewed as Stalintern supports. Not the rev. succes. What essentially is changmittee role in defeating the Britstoneltes were left open amouthed ued the old name.
vinism is merely a compensating merely a continuation of the old olutionary Socialists who, slowly ed by the Independence of the 18h General Strike ot 1928; to its when the chauvinist actions of the If the remark that the line extreme right swing from the pre Lovestone line; that, instead, it and baltingly but nevertheless Phillipines? Control of the island defense (even today I) of the Stal Comintern began to pile up. was bound to lend to outright vious left swing. As Lovestone means that by capitulating on definitely, are taking a course in in both an economic and military 50 successful that, with not even been full of sleeful items about meant, rather than the matn line deviations now being made by the Lovestoneltes stand ready for the chauvinism and support of bour as before in the hands of indst line in China which has been Lovestonelte paper had, in fact. social chauvinism were seriously puts it (Nov. 18. opportunist these fundamental principles the fundamental apposition to be the sense remains as firmly entrenched glance at the disorganized as the gradual improvements in the of the resolution defense of the Comintern sections in their panicky most nefarious services on behalt seots democratic governments of france capital. The formal rights As, Ohiang Kai shek gives up North Comintern line when, overnight, Comintern, this would have ex flight from ultra left sectarianism. of Stalinism. This we can now the Stalintern. Not the historic which have been granted the Phil.
China to Japan; to the Lovestone they had to face the fact that the pressed itself in systematic, sharp This preposterous idea of a swing prove to the hilt.
interests of the proletariat, which uplnes may be compared to the forall their Ite allbl that the Stalinists were comintern had gone over bag and polemle against the social chauvining pendulum pervado.
require the smashing and the sys. mal democracy which the workers Justined in capitulating to Hitler baggage to social chauvinism.
Explain This Away Lovestone!
it line, as it continued and deep material on the tematic isolation of the degenerate have under capitalism: Every so without a struggle since the pre The first spontaneous reactions ened. Instead, however, the foues Another theoretical buttress for On June 16, in the period when Stalinist apparatus from the revo otten they cast thelr ballots for vlous mistakes bad resulted in a of the Lovestone group was to es of the Workers Age published since the bridge back beyond those in the Lovestoneltes were undecided lutionists and the questing massescertain people, but nothing is essensituation that made it inadvisable timate the Comintern actions in the convention resolution appeared fortunate few weeks when the on what position to take toward Not the international revolution, to tially altered, regardless of how to fight, etc. etc.
fairly accurate terms. Even Love on September 14, have shamelessly Comintern line was characterized the chauvinist line a long which the Stalintern the most they vote: the real control remain To those who take such a view, stone himself gave speech on continued to build the bridge back in near accurate terms, is the in article appeared in their paper, by vicious obstacle. No! The Love in the hands of the masters, the we wish to point out that all the July 12, 1935, entitled Shadows of along the line that Lovestone be vention of the unclarity of the George Miles, certainly an au stoneltes, by their whitewashing of Anance kapitalists.
neosary conclusions must be 1914 Hover Over the Comlntorn. gan fow examples must sufice.
Seventh Congress.
drawn from the fact that the 7th The same title served for a report Wolfe Somersault covers non existent distinctions betion of organic unity. The article by their role as its agents in its. Because its economic and AnanIn Congress was an open break with from Brandler. The difference in tween what Thorez and Cachin vehemently denounced the French campaign of poisoning the progres cal superiority and control is revolutionary principles, and par character between previous differ Wolfe, who, on August 14 said before the seventh Congress stalinist proposals for organic sive tendencies in the Socialist itself sufficient to cope with com ciple tested on an international Latest was put quite sharply by atlon, has the braku, by November Seventh Congress of this deception of the organizational independence one party with the Stalinista the imperialism able foredrolo de scale in 1914: the revolution in an article entitled, The Comin une modification by the Com line in the Nov. issue asking nothing to do with those who wish what they are the Longue of St. such spheres of influence, e.
struggle against war.
Ertram Wolfe, on August 10. 30, to politely term the Stalinist goes so far, for example, as a head of the revolutionists, and will have Lovestoneltes stand revealed for military and political control of tern in Danger of Degeneration. munist International of certain The Test of Events nder the heading Question of pects of its traditional position. Stalinist chauvinism)This passionately princese diferences Betrayers of the World Revolution Imperialist powers from attempting flagrant to destroy this prinelple. It speaks.
to offset their economic deficiencies It is true that the Stalinist The same Wolfe declares, on Dec. Dimitroff Political Line. and between revolutionists and chau.
theory of socialism in one coun Here are no mere tactleal by military means, and the same Stalin actual stature, if truth concluding the article by saying, vinists, principled differences Proved to the Hilt guns can be used against revolting try (and no other. which bedifferences such as separated the fully reported, is gigantic enough No, it isn Dimitroirs line which expressed themselves in ver came the official doctrine of the Cominters and the Opposition without falsification. Lovestone Wolfe (Nov. 9) says the Seventh itable rivers of blood. It describes On November 23 we published an masser) This particular crcumComintern, and sharply separated tin now. The International is develop the theory that the sole Congress has not spoken clearly the fundamental gap between het article analyzing the stalinist role stance, the absence of American the Left Opposition from both the actually in danger of breaking deviation of the Is on the on the French and Czecho Slovak ormists and revolutionate in and of the Lovestone group. The Nov. troops from certain of its colonies, Stalinists and Lovestoneltes, was 80 issue of the Workers Age re permits Yankee imperialism to take also a break with the revolutionary If It does not speedily, declsively even this deviation arises from the gress has tried to correct some of tion remains, he who comes before plied with characteristic abuse but on a liberal coloration which it Internationalism of Marx and no verso its path, it is headed for laudable desire to protect the 80 them by just dropping them with the proletariat and promised organ with no answer to our political attempts to use in its own inter Lenin. Nevertheless, the full prac viet Union! As if every chauvinist out analysis. What could be clear. ic unity is a charlatan, Is misland arguments. Apparently, however, ests. At the present time the strat formal Indepen.
tical consequences of this theory of the International, so stavo aid not declare that he supported er than the brazen affirmation, ing the worlēlng elass, for such is our article has created some sharp egy Isto se, the were not immediately apparent to that 1928 1935 will seem insigni capitalist governments from the deepening, and universal applica impossible.
questioning within the Lovestone dence of its own colonies as a even the most advanced workers.
laudable desire to protect working tion by the Seventh Congress of ranks and their contacts who be stepping stone towards advancing For many years it seemed to them In the draft thesis for their na class organizations from the for the chauvinism of the French and lated to the Stalinists on the ques leadership because of its perfunc of the colonies of the other imper: Once the Lovestoneltes capitu came suspicious of the Lovestone the slogan of the independence a highly abstract issue. It took tional convention, the National eign enemy: and as if there could Czecho Slovak What errors tion of the Seventh Congress line, ten years of defeats and downslla Committee of the Lovestoneltes bowever, the opposition to organic on December 14, therefore, the Britain, e. to make these colonies ing under Stalin leadership. cul characterized the Comintern minating in the German catastroin these terms: phe, before the revolutionary tacgentlemen, premes and Insteadtethese Lovestoneites print a long article, Independente Beitliste about depen Such polley would be open MARCH OF EVENTS gentlemen, who have so often in hysterical in tone, denouncing once dent upon American capital. In.
tion of the Comintern could ansocial chauvinism no matter un the past stressed the distinction be gain our Nov. 23 article. Their dependence was thus granted the tween unity and the united front, second article is, however, no more Philippines because American innounce the death of the Comintern der what banner it would be conas a revolutionary Instrument, and dueted.
and demanded precise terms on illuminating than the first; it main perialism, attempting to establish By JACK WEBER these questions, now are develop tain the necessity of building a new In In the Workers Age of August a strict silence abont all the a territorial base in China, is preternational.
ing a barrage for unity. Work political questions we have raised. paring to advance the slogan of the 24, Mautner said: slightest interest in the Ethiopians ing Class Unity is Need of the land attempts to cover GERARD ON RADICAL this st Liberation of India in case of a Even after Germany, many ad Dominant in the Comintern DOG HUNT or in anything but the power and Hour, says Will Herberg (Nov. lence on the political question by conflict with Great Britain.
vanced workers said to us: Your today is the Social Democratic and declares that the movement its howling and yowling (except The weapons and methods may analysis is still only a hypothesis. chauvinist) trend. This polley James Gerard, former the pocketbooks of English capital for unity is forging rapidly for as we have pointed out above, that vary but there is no fundamental After all, the Comintern has not has not yet been sanctified by Ambassador to the Kaiser Gerlets. The resignation of the Forward, making great headway on it tacitly admits the s role atference between Yankee and formally broken with those funda decision of the Seventh Congress, many, wants to introduce the ternin Secretary does not mean in every front. The article is a fan. as Stalivist brokers for an unprin European imperiallsm: bandits rementals of Marxism which are nevertheless all arrows point in roristic methods of German Fas Baldwin have changed or that the organe unity and the problem of enough method. which in law is generally viewed as the revolutionary position such as the revoluno doubt but that this program cism into Amerien. This agent of actual proposals to give Italy half united fronts; and deliberately so, termed entering general denial, FRED B, BROOKLYN.
tionary struggle against war. of opportunism and social chau the capitalist ruling class sees the Ethiopia were wrong. All it since the stalinist line on war that is a method of denial which Question: What principled arThe Seventh Congress marked vinism has become the line of the class struggle assuming more open means is that the necesary amount makes it impossible to speak of does not come de the Lovestone. Kan of a labor party if the latgument is there against the slo the formal and explicit passage of Comintern.
to gripe with the of diplomacy. e, of sham and united front between pro sanctions actual charges made, the Comintern over to social chau. The leadership of the is more sharpened form here too in vinism. There is no longer any. deserting the most elementary o distant future. Hence he takes ud, will have to be used to cloak Stalinists and anti sanctions Socialites demand that we reveal to them ter is really composed of honest, these real designs and to cloud ists. Herberg throws overboard one sources of Information on negomilitant elements?
thing abstract about our difter principles of class struggle de the opportunity in an address of them in secrecy. The game will be the whole theory principled welcome to some newly natural played with greater astuteness by united fronts on specifte asues, and Comintern representatives and ne grant the attract thesis concern: tiations carried on by them with Answer: Even were it possible to ences with the Comintern. In gory clared Barney Herman.
Presumably in consonance with red ctixens in Jersey City to in the left over Edens and Chamber calls for united fronts on the war gotiations of Herberg and Zimmering the honest, militant elements. no whien contradicts the reallty as to working class during the last war. otie degeneration of the Comintern, Arninst the militants of the work toare. He is symbolic of the Stalinists: and Herberg has the intention of revealing to Lovestoin this country today, the slogan Those who continue to support or the National Committee of the hunt those who will not conform to sy whose roots extend deeply into tioning the social chauvinism of the feet they can be more useful to the wonld still remain false ing class to his speech. He warns power of tritish cant and hypoc gall to do so without once menwho would dominate a labor party our. apologize for social chauvinism, Lovestoneites proposed that either as members or as loyal coming convention drop the one who seek to overthrow our govern bourgeois circles. Only those who two utterly different lines on war ing for the present in the Love revolution but would fight for the the institutions of this country, the labor movement as well as into stalinists! How Is it possible for revolutionary movement by remain. Insofar as it would not stand for group, are acting as social patriots and, striking out independently, womit ander substitute oft me forelem really represent the deepest inter to be reconciled in one united stone groupe precisely because the interests of the workers. a Sabor and agents of social patriots. adopt the name Communist Labor like mad dass in our streets. ested in fooling the masses Onls, which deserves to be printed in Lovestone ralsex his cry for proot, leal party which confines its strug The Seventh Congress What the upholder of American that is to say, the Marxist van acid on his brassy forehead; like because if we reveal our sources gles to the immediate demands of Drawing the Conclusions capitalism means by conforming guard.
the attorney for stalinism that he he will be saved from tuture ex the workers, and to the achievement The official blessing given to is obvions. He means that the emNone of the leaders of the Loveployed workers shall submit to the social patriotism by the Seventh stoneltes explicitly drew any conOUTER MONGOLIA is not necessary to unite on a cor posures and if we do not, he can of reforms for the latter, within Congress confronted the Lovestone clustons from the situation. It re they deem it necessary to cut wise guidance of the bones when group with an inescapable decision. mained for a younger member of wages and lengthen hours: that of the Soviet government of Outer offers as balt the backwardness the workers Age to find all suthi istence thereby, only if capitalism The visit of important officials rect or revolutionary, program, ana nial. But, as we declared in our will permit. Such a party could The Seventh Congress was not their group to put the problem in they shall not attempt to better Mongolia to Moscow is but a sign of the masses.
merely another incident. They had clearer terms. After summing up their lot by daring to organize into of the ominous nature of the site cient independent verification of were still in its progressive stage, social patriotic Comintern or cap Lane declared (August 31. to chooser: Either break with the what all the others had said, Jesse unions and to strike against the option in the Far East. However Herberg Masterly Contribution our confidential information. Our and thus capable of granting such Itulate to it.
pressors and exploiters. He means extended the theater of war, whe Capitulation meant, All of this is true but not one that the eleven million unemployed It breaks out, between Japan and In order to be really fruitful. side the boundaries of the work the Labor Party. therefore, is to this time, capitulation on tunda takes up the question of this de shall starve patiently on the miser the Soviet Union, Outer Mongolia Socialist. Communist cooperation ers Age itself, has proved to the put forth the concept that capital mental principles with no nonsense sertion of principles in relation to able dole given in a spirit of Chris will be an important part of it. must be cemented on such a basis hilt our original contention: The ism is still in its progressive stage about of agreeing, but continuing the future of the Now tian Rooseveltilan charity. without The Japanese army has long de and on such a program as will most Lovestoneltes are stalinist Agents, and the international revolution. our work for under The Love Lane pointed out, unity with the making too much of an organized clared its intention of strangling effectively mobilize the organized to be treated with the same con. thing of the distant future.
stone groupe had either to say that comintern would arst require that nuisance of themselves to disturb the Soviet maritime provinces by labor movement for action, We proceed from the Leninist If the the parasitic upper crust of capital cutting off their communication question is not how correct or how rigeantly, as Stalinism itsell. thesis, however, that capitalism, imsocial patriotism and was no longer Seventh Congress line is carried ist society. Gerard would exter with Russia and the Ural region revolutionary, program or slo perialist character, ts in a state break with it and take the road leclare that the Communist Inter those malarxian vanguard. This could be best accomplished by Ran may be but how reasonable an the FREE WORKERS LIBRARY of decline: that the capitalists, far mightments of campaign through appeal it makes to the trade union Open from being able to grant reforms Whichin spite of their past, would national is no longer the revolu spread the virus of revolt among Outer Mongolia to eat the Trans. Ist who is beginning to feel keenly Friday P. Sunday P. to the workers, can exist only by olutionary forces. Or, if they re But in the same issue in which the other dogs, the working and siberian Railroad. In self defense the need of doing something about Fletion History Economics increasing the latter misery: and mained faction of the Stalintern, Lane article appeared, it was al. needless to say, arise not because Soviet government has been laying Gerard fears, against the Japanese bandits the the danger of war, etc. Our em phasis. Librarians: that even the immediate needs of having capitulated on the funda eady clear that Lovestone himself or any foreign importation of comtracks parallel to those of the on the key question of revoluthe workers can be attained only Morror Miller by an overthrow of capitalism, mentahe question of social chauvin ad no intention of breaking with munism into America from abroad. Transsiberian, but further north. tionary policy, the war question, 320 East 14th Street From this flows the necessity, not ism, they would thereafter have to the Stalintern. In an article whose but because the same struggle for addition railrond lines are being Herbere does this! Who can be perform even greater prodigles of of a party of immediate demands THEATER BENEFIT betrayal is agents of the Stalinist paralleled in the labor movement, ent wherever the capitalist system to be ready to pour troops into the Stalinists who, knowing that the but, as against the latter, a revoluTickets are now available for tionary party for the struggle for Lovestone began to build a bridge exists, in the United States as well Mongolian sector, The seizure of backward workers, imbued with Let Freedom Ring, which has power duced crisis in the Lovestone tunate remarks about chauvinistele he fomes cleaned to be the horkers: Ners has the two fold aim of laying narsisted, wonld move toward Theatre with the original cast. This is the negation of the slogan ot a of kroup. The proof of the signif degeneration, social patriotism, they will know how to defend them the basis for the further gobbling social patriotism, desire to stifle means that you can see the best Revolutionary Party, and it 19 cance which we attribute to the etc. Naturally, after what he himselves against the dog hunters, up of China, and for more exten the revolutionary Socialists in a labor play set produced, with an no accident, therefore, that the home remove themeleventh Congress for the harde said abort raslado wsitepe how to answer the Fascist white sive preparations for invading seconda de propiteater enterochach pater excellent cast at reduced as a tese adoption of the Labor Party slotheir own testimony. For a few slowly. But what he said was set up their own institutions and only a matter of the brlefest time. otism.
weeks, they teetered back and forth plain enough: district office of the party, 55 East cides with the latter adoption of their own standards of conformity. If Japan Invades Outer Mongolia on the edge of breaking with StalThe Tacit Admission 11th St. The date is Monday eve a reformist position generally, and inism. In those few weeks, they The Road Bhek and this seems to be the inten ning. Jan. 13. Prices range from correspondingly, a move for organic HOARE FAUX PAS clearly indicated what the issue tion of the Japanese army the in When we published an article 30c up to 50.
unity with the Socialist Party.
was. Then they turned back and of this tendency, on the part of the To conclude that the beginning cident will be provided that will exposing the political role of the The ex Foreign Secretary of set the world ablaze in a war of Lovestoneltes as Stalinist agents, NEW MILITANT CANNON SPEAKS ON LABOR ever since. As we shall show, they Comintern, towards a Social Demo Great Britain has been sacrificed intervention against the Soviet in which we emphasized the develwith which is merged WAR IN MINNEAPOLJS THE MILITANT James Cannon, who has just loyal opposition after the Seventh cracy is already the full adoption ernment to prolong the life of the would not be long in following. Au Herberg article, the Lovestone Published weekly by the New MA returned from stay in Minneapo Congress, requires an entirely new by the 1. of the attitude of the present cabinet. Hoare tafled to the moves made by England with ites hysterically denounced 18. Bat tant Publishing Co. 65 East 11th its, will speak on the labor war in level of subservlence to Stalinism; Second International, would be the act with that proper savoir faire, respect to Italy have as their dark their very denunciations provide st.
Minneapolis and the struggle in requires, in fact, nothing less than worst of folly.
a whitewash that hypocritical ense in saying background the next stage of develadditional proof of thelr role as Entered as second class mall matter the of He will give a of BOCIRl patriotism There was a struggle in the pleasant nothings while committing opments, with Hitler Germany pre Stalinist agents.
and to play the role of Stalinist Lovestone group, but Lovestone bad evil deeds that is the recognized paring to strike at the Ukraine. Trotskylsts aim to obstruct all under the act of March 3, 1879. struggle of Local 574 against They say the at the Post Office at New York, Arst hand account of the heroic agents for organic unity. We shall his way at the convention, even hall emark of bourgeols diplomacy. England would like to see a solid efforts aiming at the unity of an JAMES CANNON. Editor Green Red Purge.
demonstrate this in detall.
the opposition voting for his shame. The great crime of Hoare la to front of Germany, France, Italy class conscious elements as a basis Subscription rates: In the United The meeting will take place Sun.
Lovestoneltes Caught Unawares ful resolution on the Seventh Con have revealed in brutal nakedness and herself against the Soviet for broad and all embracing States 00 per year; esse per il day evening. Jan 5, at Irving gress. This resolution explicitly just what the Baldwin government Union, with Hitler acting as the united labor front. Since the sec. months The Stalinist turn to Canada and foreign 00 Plasa, Irving Place and 16th Street social denies that the Stalintern has meant all along. The elections spearhead of conquest and reaction. ond half of the sentence speaks per year; 00 six months. Bundle We call to the attention of our patriotism caught the Lovestone come social chauvinist, and in fact having passed, Hoare felt it un Workers must be on the alert to specifically of a united labor front, rates: Two cents per copy.
readers in New York that there group unawares. Their diagnosis gives it a clean bill of health, say necesary to pretend any further aid in the defense of the Soviet presumably something else will be no public meeting held on of what was wrong with the coming that there can be no talk of that British imperialism has the Union. meant by unity of all class con Vol. DECEMBER 28, 1935 No. 52 Sunday, Dec. 20.
of the 1s