AnarchismCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismImperialismItalySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1935 Our Revolutionary Heritages THE MANAGER CORNER Electrical Worker Flays Stalinists The Debs Rebellion For Use of Forgery in Local Union 10 25 60 20 10 23 10 40 76 80 འ 12)
16 15 10 14) 10 20 25 10 10 20 28 10 Rap Ferrero Deportation Because of these reasons there Seamen Subscriptions are coming in but in this campaign.
not at all fast enough to speak (Editor Note: The following article is written by a member in of the olleers salaries. At sub about it in enthusiastic terms. Our subscriptions received together with By Leighton Rigby Since our last report the new good standing of Local 3, Brotherhood of Electrical Workert, for the sequent meeting of the stalinist total to date is 223. We do not dis the quota of the various branches The Pullman strike of 1894 has The Chicago Typographical last fourteen years. His revelation of the utter corruption of Stalinbeen called Debe Rebellion. Tak Union appropriated 1, 000 for the ism is another indication that this bankrupt movement which serapes Kroup protested most rehe. parage, however, and have no real mently against the vulgar stalin son to do so inasmuch as a couple stand as follows: Ing root in Chicago, that great con rellef of the Pullman workers and and bows before the bureaucracy does not hesitate to employ the vilest ist procedure. was then told that of hundred new readers are always City Quota. Turned in flict quicky spread to twenty seven sent a demand to Cleveland that methods against revolutionists in the trade union movement. The states, from Cincinnati to San be withdraw his support from corif wanted to get along with the welcome.
editors are not quite sure as to what Brother Forman means by a Akron, Ohio. 20 Stalinists should join the ComFrancisco. Indeed, hardly section porations. pure revolutionary party but they are quite certain that if he draws munist Party. replied that did scribers have been added and Allentown, Pa. 30 Since our last report 69 new sub Albert Lea, Minn. 10 of the nation failed to feel the ter As far east as Boston mass meet the correct conclusions from his own remarks he will take a long stop not wish to prostitute myself.
ritic force of the impact. Led by Ings were being held, and the in the right direction)
10 Eugene Deba, founder of the Amer workers were cheering their westIt is necessary to bring out one been changed slightly we would Austin, Minn.
ican Railway Union, the struggle ern comrades. In New York City, By ANDREW FORMAN arles were not to be found. They more point: In the recent still be a good distance from our Berkeley, Cal.
forced the ruling class to bring into all police vacations were cancelled (Member Local 3, International were not seen or heard from, and were conspicuous with their ab we have a little more time and Charleston, va.
play all the means of defense it in view of the growing number of Brotherhood Electrical Workers)
if they were present at the meeting, mence; one of them, Frank Flatley, should be able to make it.
could muster protext meetings they were probably hiding under continued to work on for chicago, IL.
For three years, prior to July the seats or in the balcony, review. more than six weeks during the far the best record in this drive. Columbus, Ohio.
The American Railway Union The leadership in the labor.
The New York branches have by Cleveland, Ohio.
was organled in 1893, and some of unlons was far from reactionary in 1884, a movement the Rank and ing the fight, while those whom strike and stopped only one week Most of them should be able to Davenport, Iowa.
the more generous contemporary most cases. While Gompers warnFile developed in opposition to the they today attack as Trotskyists before the settlement for fear that reach their quota. But we still Detroit, Mich.
authorities estimated its hip at one million in the followine ed the members of the of reactionary and corrupt officialdom were always in the thick of the he would be called before the exec have number of branches wbic Dickson City, Pa.
to stay out of the strike, President of Local International Brother Aght.
utive board of the Union and have not yet gotten into motion or Fargo, Dakota.
year. Although some of the locals McBride of the United Mine Work hood of Electrical Workers.
may have departed from the na ers predicted civil war if Debe was Now that a certain degree of charged with The movement grew in spirit, democracy has been obtained by Sam Rivan by name, a member of beginning Strange to say, this 18 Kansas City, Mo. 10 acabbing. Another, which have made only a very small High Point, tional policy, the union made no arrested. Secretary Hayor of the strength and numbers to such pro the rank and Ale the officials the factory, and though willing and members of which are otherwise Minneapolis, Minn. 76 struggle Local was employed in a hat the case of several branches the Los Angeles, Cal. 26 racial or occupational distinctions Knights of Labor (by then fading portions that, had it not been for against the corrupt betwee the rallroad workers. Fire rapidly) said the workers would be well out by such oppositionists men, brakemen, trackmen, tele asked to form military companies. as Moe Smith, Sam Rosenthal and Stalinists want to rule the opposi ready to expose the Trotskylsta participating very actively in the Mount Carmel, Pa. graph operators all were invited tion. They want to rule regardless nevertheless continued to work in a general labor movement.
John Sullivan, who were in strate. be their own competency. One can mat factors and displayed a billen Among such branches, and those New Castle, Pa.
The Injunction 20 to join.
10 on the grounds that the railroad ste positions there is no doubt DC Americnn Rallway Union worked strike was interfering with the that the reactionary oficialdom of to do so! One must possed the The truth of the matter is that the which have a large quota, the Al New Haven, Conn.
185 the Pullman shope and lived in transportation of the mails and and the metrol be the lonton stad ability and qualifications that make Stalinists in the local are not there lentowa branch has not yet man. New York City. 400 for lendership to take part in strikes or to build aged to send in a single new sub(Branch 90 58)
Francisco (Branch Not a Word on Union Matters 8)
petition (or more accurately, the Interstate commerce, Attorney and ble and not in the hands of a the progressive movement; their scription. The San (Branch 81)
necenalty for maintaining profita) General Olney ordered the federal and obsession is the important branch has sent in none; the De.
Surely from what have wit pet Pittsburgh (Branch 7. compelled the Pullman Parlor authorities in Chicago to obtain a few corrupt individuals as it is today.
nessed the stalinists lack all of task of fighting the Trotskyists. trolt. Branch 20 Car Company to drastically reduce Injunction against the strikers. The It is not difficult to understand there qualities. By their vulgar. Thus the stalinista kaw At totene branches have sent in one new wages in the spring of 1804. In strike, he held, was a violation of that (Branch a forged copy of Labor Truth, sorition each; the Newark branch (Branch 1)
addition, scores of workers were the Sherman Anti Trust laws in the (Branch opposition movement would polieles they have trightened awas For this special task they found three and the Minneapolis branch 7)
thrown out of work. There was Junctions were obtained, not only tend to decline. What remained of not only the conservative element, it possible to use a stooge Leonhos sentenve Comrades too (District 100 however, no reduction in the rent in Chion go but at other points.
often forget the necessity of bulld Northampton, Pa.
the workers were obliged to pay On July 17 Debs was arrested the opposition movement was more but the liberal and progressive Green by name.
Ing up a creulation for the party Paterson, for the model homes they ecuand on December 14 a federal court or less claw. conscious politically well. The continuous turn over In the membership of the 18 unFalsification and forgery is noth press, of spreading the ideas we Philadelphia, Pa.
pled. As the result of these ctr found him gullty of contempt and inclined element.
questionable and la positive prooring new to stalinism. When the stand for, as the most important Pittsburgh, Pa.
Maneuvering for Control cumstances, the Pullman employes sentenced him to six months in of the party malicious doings. The workers of the world will have de means of really making their ac Plentywood, Mont.
quit work on May 11.
Just about this time, November submissiveness later upbeld the lower court.
Al 1824, several members of the oppo and file in relinquishing their dem bers of local will lend a hand tive and fruitful. We would not Salt Lake City.
10 Company Refuses to Negotiate though Debs demanded a trial by sition The company officials refused to jury, the court held that the jury from the Communist Party and is positive to the bureaucracy history will record the fact that maintain that this is the case in San Francisco, Cal.
dissociated themselves ocratie rights nauseating falsification and forgery had reMinneapolis. On the contrary. In San Diego, Cal. 10 negotiate with representatives of was unnecessary.
joined the Communist League of regular celved thelr deadliest blow.
On November 14, at Minneapolis our comrades have al Springfield, II.
the union and declined to submit ready a substantial mailing list Toledo, Ohio.
the matter to any form of arbitra: amendment to the federal Constitu time on stander, bickering and die meeting of Local two coples of NEW YEAR EVE PARTY bullt up. But this question is too Utica, tion whatsoever. They stated that tion states that In all criminal sension were the outstanding char members as they entered the meet.
We don like to boast of our often lost sight of elsewhere.
the matter of manufacture was a prosecutions, the accused shall en. acteristics of the opposition meet. Ing: one by the progressives and home parties you Washington, know what question of fact and did not lend joy the right to a speedy and public ings of local At times arguthe other forged cops by the they re like. Don cheat yourself are sti not in the running, and Youngstown, Ohio.
It all of these branches which Williston, Dakota 10 itselt to arbitration. And there trial, by an impartial Jury of the mente reached such heights that Stalinists. The forged copy of the out of good time. Be there also those which have made only received from cities in, comrades and fellow workers, State and district wherein the the belligerent elements, Trotsky Stalinists attacked the Trotsky Tuesday Night, December 31.
Hles a general truth: Profits are crime shall bave been committed. ists and Staliniste a small beginning, now speed up not listed above.
virtually ists but did not contain a single 221 Second Avenge on their activities to get new gubthe lifeblood of capitalism, and cap. The celebrated bill of rights settled it with fists: this gave one word against the proposed increase (Auspices, Branch 1) scribers, we will reach the goal set Italists will not willingly or other guarantees rights to workers if the impression of being at the regTotal. 1, 000 wise commit economic suicide by they can be given without steppingular local union meeting or entering into agreements that would on the toes of the ruling capital course, this sort of action which work relief.
Toledo WPA In several months taken action at their last meeting in the late Mr. Holland pamphlet, stop the flow. No number of ists.
seemed to me at the time to have they will undoubtedly be faced to propose to the union a thirty should dispel any Illusions that peaceful conferences or Hettlebeen created by both factions, WAS with the necessity of again fight minute stoppage in all plants in may be held about New Zealand ments can change the basic coning for direct relief. The LACES which they are organized, protest democracy.
tradictions of capitalist production, control of the opposition. Finally We, of course, sympathize with Capitalism must be overthrown. the entire affair was consummated had three years of experience in and arousing the Toledo auto the exploited people of Abyssinia On June 21 the members of the with the understanding that there (Continued from Page 1)
handling these problems and in or workers the necessity of imme and strongly resent both the conAmerican Railway Unlon voted to could be no collaboration between great response on the part of the canizing the unemployed. During alately organizing all their forces templated military attack by the cease handling all Pullman cars on any of the twenty four railroads Although not being a member of old organizational campaign of the demonstrations and won immeas, palen of the automobile manufac the contemplated selling or dividing entering Chicago, and on the 26th up of their country among British, any political party and disagreeing WPA Workers Union is conclusive urably higher standards for all of turers. Continued from Page 1)
they voted a sympathetic strike American and other capitalist in This action, a splendid example it continued, must be foucht in the with both factions as to certain proof that the WPA workers are the unemployed of Lucas County, terests. We sympathize with them of working class solidarity, trans courts. The Defense Conferense policies, nevertheless decided to anxious for organization and that just as we do with the Indian formed the strike Pullman from is determined to carry through the work with the Stalinist faction. a separate organizational form for lations between the WPA Workers them is vitally necessary to achieve Union and the Lucas County Un.
frontier tribes, who are being a localised struggle into one of na struggle until the end, up to the hoping that would eventually suc employed League are necessarily On Sanctions bombed by our British Royal Alr Supreme Court of the it nee ceed in my efforts at reforming the numerical strength rapidly.
From the start the WPA Work. solidified. The union is continuing Force, but we definitely assert that tional prominence and sibulapedry. Upon the surrender of the members of the By the fore. Wall Street paper the way to free the Abyssinians or the situation: It is impossible to two men, mandatory upon Ferrero coing do not pretend that am ers Union has moved decisively on its work with the firm conviction (Continued from Page 1)
contemplate the setion of the many this week, writs of habeas corpus abnetron Hand both the communist workers themselves. By its aggres WPA workers progresses the pres making and the state policies res is not to participate with Birl thousand railway employees in will be sued out and the case taken Party and the workers Party are sive attitude and the constant sure of the men themselves will be quired to back profit making were id or New Zealand governments in blindly following the mandates or for the first time before the courts devoid of what consider the cor pressure it has exerted on the local come irresistable for the achieve re established almost as if there a peaceful cutting up of their terri feeling of wonder and astonish rected to Frances Perkins and Mc rect approach to the international WPA administration the union has ment of joint action on the unem had been no war, and today the tory or in its administration under state of International anarchy, de the League of Nations or to take ment. The truth is that the work. Grady, must now be redoubled to collaborate with a pure rev. the WPA workers in Lucas County. spite the League of Nations, is part in a national war against the ere were not so much inspired by upon the District Court in New class. However, am wil already won major concessions for ployed field.
worse than that of 1014.
Italian workers, four gallant alles the leader as by their feeling of York before which the cases will olutionary party should one come all pay checks are now mailed into existence. rect to the workers homes in place The present Italian Abyssinian only a few years ago. Our duty is syimpathy for their Pullman com be tried. Already over 7, 000 prorides. The ruling class always test blanks have been sent out. Stalinists for a few months an old workers would spend days walting When working together with the of the old system, where WPA stands and at the comradeship The Non Partisan Labor Defense, profits between workers the LL. the General Defense sympathizer of the bronght in line to receive their checks.
a comBritain and the other dominant exploiting and war making govern Cleveland Calls Out the Troops Committee of the the Ll with him to one of our meetings Throngh the formation Greenl. Although mittee on the Canal Boulevard pro. Continued from Page 1) imperialist powers are as much to ments with the object of obtaining Chauncey Depew, president of tense Conference, and the Greater is the rear as the forefime evinin sand men, the union has secured the executive committee stood by ones, and the very nations we may class, or instituting social develop the pleaded Du all participating in the Dead heard of Leon Green previous sect which employs several thou only 1, 400 men would be redired, blame as Italy and the weaker political power for the working who were hurrying to the beds de letterheads to was one of a committee of three the administration has agreed to split by General Motors into out armed by British firms in the or and thus in the only possible manof dying mothers, wives and child send in protests. Auxilary defense selected to draw up a leaflet for supply the fuel and to erect shelter siders and Insiders. As a re dinary course of capitalist trade. ner putting an end to wars by reren. In short, no stone was lete committees in San Francisco, Cb of the Union protesting against the men. The union, at the present to act and the timidity of the ex: in almost identical phrases, except We therefore oppose any war.
whip ur general public indignationing the campaign over the entire proposed increase in officers sal time is engaged in a campaten to cutive Committee, which should that the word Pascism is substi. making activities of the present against the striking workers. But country.
the strike continued and spread The growing realization of the was not carried out due to the bur they may lose on the job, through battle, the union membership was Abyssinia for poor bleeding Bel presente situation does not alter of their owi It is com. allowed to become completely de Blum, and the League of Nations Fundamentally from that of 1914 with every hour.
On July President Cleveland two innocent men, persecuted by significance of the cases of these eaucratic and high banded methods of the staluists.
mon in Lucas County for thousands moralized.
for sacredness of treaties and and we refuse to be again decelved.
ordered two thousand federal the government as part of a cov Anything Goes of WPA workers to be laid of pro Two weeks ago the executive scraps of paper, to give our lives we will in no circumstances transtroops to Chicago under the com ered attack on the press of the jects and wait long as two to committee split under the pressure and murder our fellow workers in port war materials or troops or in mand of General Miles. At first working class, is shown by the not dominnted by the Staliniats assignment. This cuts their month. three, headed by James Roland, perialist powers may prevail over ments and we call upon all works In September the progressives three weeks for transfers and re from the 900 men. minority of order that one set of exploiting in any way assist any war govern ited or undefined, but on July to make the case a national issue Trut 10 500 members of the and is the biggest issue and the ion membership strike action, and ing class organizations to join with the President issued a proclama. In his papers. That our support is asked In us in resistance to this shameless tion declaring the necessity for seUnion. The Stalinists were in a greatest concern of all WPA work a majority of five, headed by Jo the sacred name of the League endeavor, hidden under deceptive sepla Ditzel, member of the of Nations does not alter the sit. League of Nations phrases, once vere action and cautioning all Inw quandry: they must break the era in Lucas County, abiding citizens keep clear of WORKERS growing influence of Ia bor County wide Drive for Conditions executive committee, recommended untion, for the League, despite again to set the working classes of the scenes of riot. This proclamaTruth. But how? They must The WPA Workers Union is continued negotiations for another the adherence of Soviet Russia, the world at each other throats tlon virtually lacul Chiengo under Protect Yourselves Against the seck the advice of their leader mobilizing all resources and has thirty days. union membership is still what it has been since its in order that capitalist profits may martial law. It is fuitcresting to Hazards of Life. Join the In October a meeting of some requested the aid of the Lucas which had been bled white with formation, an instrument of the be protected and to ensure the condominant Stalinists and sympathizers was County Unemployed League. to inaction and no resistance to the imperialist note in fussingthat Governor powers tinued exploitation of labor.
Altgeld had sent a vigorous protest WORKMEN SICK DEATH Held at Union Square. Sam which it is afiliated, to initiate a blows of the enemy, who had been against the weaker ones and an to Cleveland when the federal BENEFIT FUND OF THE Nesin, the Stalinist lender of a county wide campaign alming at listening to gloomy reports for extremely effective means of once trow were Art directed to move 1884 1935 on Chicago.
committee insisted that the Trot tion to pay the full minimum leadership, voted for the majority class. We therefore refuse to be mis.
In the meantime, the workers Organized, managed by and for skyist renegades must be exposed monthly wage scale with no deduc. resolution.
workers with only one purpose were becoming more and more miland an opposition villetin inust tions any cause which the WPA Quick Action Vital led by the specious appeal to opitant. As for went as California to render protection to members be issued at once. thousand worker is not responsible. This With every passing week the pose Fascism, for we realize that the blockade was almost complete.
and their families, and to sup bulletins If necessary. Com drive will reach focal point in a union bas grown weaker and the wars between capitalist powers are (Continued from Page 1)
State militias and demities were on account of forms of jort all endeavors and struggles upletely disgusted with the Stalin mass meeting to be held on January membership has become more ter not waxed but for capitalist profit upon them to return to work Monpitted against determined workers for the improvement of tollers. Ist clap trap stated the fight must where the local WPA administra rorized Other manufacturers in government, all over the middle west and far About 60, 000 members organbe directed against the corrupt ad. tor will be on the platform to ad. Toledo are already speaking of and further we know that one day and be loyal to the governwest. There were many clashes, ined in 350 branches. Reserves ministration of Local and not dress the WPA workers and fix the moving their plants to other unor is declared, all British demoPolice and sherifts were already not confined to the railroads. In 3, 400, 000.
against the Trotskylst faction. responsibility for the breakdown ganized cities, and it is becoming cratic governments will and must Michigan, two thousand ore miners The Stalinists, however, did not is of WPA projects and deductions in almost impossible to organize new Introduce the necessary means of organized for strike breaking acDeath benefit graded accordwere striking Ten companies of Ing to age at entry. Sick benent sue this bulletin until a special sit. the pay and answer the union men into the unions today as they crushing opposition and will thus tivities and jobless workers who state troops were guarding the nation occurred.
payments from 360 to 900 to demands publicly point by polnt. fear the manufacturers will imme become, for all practical purposes, happened to be idle the morning were Pratt mines in Alabama after riots.
When Leon Green decided to The union realizes that the WPA diately move out of town. strike Fascist governments. Actually the following the conference men and women, recording to Others were out in Colorado and join a group made overtures to program is temporary and will not of 425 men called by the Hritish government in India is of questioned. Secrecy as to the defl.
classes nite time the strike will be called elsewhere.
the Trotskylst faction: when he last for more than another three at the Mather Spring Co. some this type today.
Solidarity of Soldiers and Workers Monthly assessments from 450 found he could not use them as a months in its present form. For seven weeks ago has been turned We know that Paselsm is not still has the politicians and WPA most interesting thing hap: to 20.
stepping stone he went over to this reason the WPA Workers Un into a lockout, and the plant is some totally different political sys officials Jittery. On many projects poned at Tacoma, Washington. For further information apply the Staliniats who were only too ton has adopted the taxation pro still standing idle It is obvious tem, allen to British traditions, but workers report that there is a let.
Troop of Sprague, consisting to Main Omee: eager to accept him with open arme of Unemployed League, that unless the Chevrolet union is that it is merely the name now up in the slave driving tactics uned of sixty men and sald to have 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, beenuse together with them he was providing for the establishment of rearmed within the next few weeks, popularly given to capitalist row. by the bosses. Discharged WPA been a crack cavalry unit, ro willing to issue a forged copy of large scale, socially useful public and strike action taken to reinstateernments when under pressure of workers are also being placed back fused to ride on trains manned Labor Truth slandering the works, such as housing, publle re the 900 men, the Chevrolet union war or economic crisis, they can to work.
by non union crows. The soldiers PAUL LUTTINGER, Trotskyists instead of taking up creation buildings, labor temples, will be dealt a mortal blow and no longer govern by misrepresenta Pledges Support of Local Jack Battuello president of were placed under arrest and DANIEL LUTTINGER, MD the Aght on vital issues pertaining etc. to be financed by taxes on automobile unioniam in the whole tion and ingenious falsehood under locked in a boxcar. These men, to the loent union. It is significant high incomes, corporation profits, city of Toledo will have been set democratie forms but must resort local union Progressive Miners Washington Square North not being professional soldiers, to note bere that in the fight capital levy, etc. etc. The union back for many months.
to the prison, the concentration of America, in Aery address, were, in reality, workers and had 2 and. xcept Bundays against the corrupt officials of Lo also reallues that its membership The Progressive group of local camp, and the machine gun. The pledged the support of his local the shine Interests in common and Holidays cal 8, which was fast and furious, is in reality still on rellet, although 18384, realizing the danger which record of the New Zealand govern union in the Aght of the with the strikord.
these staunch Stalinist revolution the form is temporarily that of they are all facing, have already ment in the great war, as disclosed against the coolle wage.
Toledo Auto Workers Act the exploitation of labor and the workers, but to call on all workers Strike Postponed ment.