AnarchismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyItalySocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 52 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1935 PRICE CENTS NEW MILITANT Celinger Independent Auto Unions Amalgamate Russell Sentenced Xmas To Four Months in Sloan Hosiery Strike Case Ohio Chevrolet Workers Ellis and Swanson, Strutwear Strikers, Get Six Thank Head for Months in Workhouse; Empty Christmas Tables To Appeal Cases To the accompaniment of blar ing newspaper publicity, General 900 Auto Detroit Convention Launches Toledo BULLETIN Motors has climbed on the Christmas bandwagon and out of New Organization with (By Wire to New Militant)
the generosity of its great strike Men Act MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 23. Lahor hating Judge Molyncaux sent breaking, labor hating heart, has 100 enced Al Russell to four months in the work house and Ellis and Projects presented its employees with a tes Present Swanson, Strutwear strikers to six months each for their militant 25 Christmas bonus. The 900 laid off employees of the Toledo activities in the strike.
In Toledo BULLETIN General Motors Chevrolet plant Organize DETROIT, Dee. 22. About 100 delegates from Detroit, Toledo, All cases are being appealed by the Non Partisan Labor Defense, have written the following letter the legal representative of the defendants of Christmas cheer to Alfred Cleveland, Dellance, Pontiae, Chicago and other cities, representing Vernon Simonsen, Strutwear striker, was arrested today and is Sloan for his magnanimous deed: Organize Vigorous Cam America, the Associated Automobile Workers of America and locals of Backs New WPA being held on charges of criminal contempt.
the Automobile Industrial Workers Association came together Satur Dec. 23, 1935 MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 22. On paign to Save Chevday night for a constitutional convention at the Fort Wayne Hotel Set up After Unity ElThursday, Dec. 18, the trial of the Sir: rolet Union It is with extreme satisfaction here in Detroit to amalgamate into one Independent union representing three arrested Strutwear pickets forts Prove Fruitless the Automobile and Metal Workers of America. telegram Illinois WPA (David Ellis, Lawrence Swanson that we have learned through every channel of son and Al Russell) got under way publicity possible of TOLEDO, Dec. 23. The 900 Richard Frankensteen, president of the was read to the conTOLEDO, Dec. 23. Real provention to the effect that the promises to cooperate with the in the Federal Court building in your act of incredible generosity men, who have not been recalled Minneapolis, with Judge Molyneaux Walkout Is in giving a 25 Christmas bonus to the Toledo Chevrolet plant, keen amalgamated union, but was not yet ready to enter the convention gress is being made in the organ.
ization of the 11, 000 WPA workwith resentment, that after six Boos greeted this hypocritical declaration. It is understood that both presiding. All three young boys check to the men now employed in Frankensteen and Morris Fields backed out at the last moment, beers here into the WPA Workers are charged with the same offense, Union, affiliated to the Luca the Chevrolet Motor Ohio Co. plant weeks, the Chevrolet union has here.
cause they feared that they would lose the jobs which they now taken no action to protect their criminal contempt of court, grow Postponed Ing ont of the Novemer 29 disturb There are those who unkindly job and has allowed the union bold. It is understood that eisht locals of the voted in favor Connty Unemployed League The much ballyhooed WPA pro have termed this bonus for Xmas membership to become demoralized, of the amalgamation as against fire that voted against. In spite of ances at the stratwear hosiery this disruptive action by the officers of the a solid delegation gram originally scheduled to be plant, where federal marshala at STAUNTON, Dec. 15. Dele as a sort of bribe (you know that have taken vigorous action at a special meeting last week of a of the representing the Motor Products local and the Pressed under way as far back as last June, tempted to move merchandise from gates from seventy five Illinois Motors has ever given any Xmas number of the so called outside Steel local, attended the convention and voted to amalgamate to the has already simmered down into a weak Imitation of the old FERA the struck plant to a railway sid. towns, including Chicago, met here present to its employees in Toledo, 900 men, to protect their interests new union ing, where the goods were to be today to a huge conference of the one your alleged drive to split un and to save the Union.
After a day and a half of deliberation, a constitution and preamble program, but on a much less stable shipped to the bogus Peacock Co. Hinois Workers Alliance and voted ionism in the Toledo plant and Forming into Committee of were adopted, stating that the final objectives of the new union were basis. Originally scheduled to em in St. Joseph, Mo. to to ploy 18. 000 men in Taicas County, But a dny or so before the trial strike on all postpone the proposed make those who are now working 000, they clected membership the complete industrial and political freedom of all workers and to committee of seven to act in their this end we dedicate our lives. The amalgamated union is to be it has to date given jobs to only commenced, a bill was introduced which had as its main objective iaid off and are now outside your behalf, with James Holly as sec called the Automobile and Metal Workers Industrial Union of Amer 11, 000 workers on the relief rolls.
in the state legislature calling for the gaining of the prevailing union gates as a result of your econom. retary for the group im (A. and its temporary officers are to be Tice Woody of approximately 14, 000 families are an appropriation of 100. 000 tonwake rate.
On Dec. 16, there appeared a vestigate strikes and riots in MinnPontiae, president, Mathew Smith, secretary and Arthur Greer still dependent upon direct relief program. This, you will of course The resolution committee elected say, is all fret.
statement in the Toledo press, It would not be treasurer.
and face the prospect of outright eapolis. It is considered unlikely by the conference brought in the either, of course, the fact that over the signature of James HolAnother meeting is to be held on Feb. at which time dues books starvation with the withdrawal of that any such bill will pass this report unanimously and for over wages in your plant are so lowly, secretary of the Committee will be issued, permanent officers elected, faranelal arrangements comall Federal relief funds, on Dec.
session. Later the city council of five hours the delegntes discussed that the 35, 000 you are giving as of 900 that the automobile and pleted and an organizing campaign planned.
The Lucas County Unemployed Minneapolls passed by a vote of 14 the merits of the line of strategy gift to the 400 men in the To auto parts manufacturers are The convention pledged continued support of the Motor Products League, alive to the possibilities to 11 a motion calling for a con. offered. The resolution committee. Iedo plant represents but a fraction carrying on a deliberate and well: strike and pledged Solidarity with the battle, inherent in this situation, realized gressional Investigation of circum which was supported by the state of the amount you have saved as planned drive to destroy our un The mass meeting of the Motor Products strikers was held at the the necessity for a swift and stances surrounding the federal re officers of the alliance, stated in its a result of the speed up and the ion organization in Toledo. GenSchiller Hall following the convention. Mathew Smith reported on aggressive campaign to orgaulze plevin action of the Peacock Knit report that it was proposing one General Motors low wage scale.
eral Motors took the lead some the successful amalgamation of the unions, to the enthusiastic aptheve thousands of WPA workers ting Company against the strut step backwards in order that the You could afford to spend untold six weeks ago when it moved part plause of the strikers. The Toledo delegates, Brothers Beker, presl. into a stable organization for the wear Knitting Company in which organization would take two steps sums to break our strike last April of its Chevrolet transmission mar dent of local 4, Crookes, Secretary, and Burke Cochran of the Mather achievement better working cona writ of replevin was obtained forward at a more opportune time.
employment strike advisory Committee, local 4, then addressed the strike meeting ditions, continuous through an alleged fraud on the rather than give us a slight in chinery to Saginaw, Mich. and Reasons for Postponement and pledged the support of Toledo for the Motor Products strike. trade union wage scales; the ability court to permit the Strutwear Co.
crease in The committee further reported wages, and spend 5, 000, Muncie, Ind. It is obvious that to get back on relief as the WPA. to evade the anti injunction and argued that a delay was nec.
000 as gifts now. Byt a five per not only do we 900 Chevrolet law and the Wagtier Connery act, essary for the following reasons: projects are demobilized and for cent wage increase last spring was men face the prospect of pauper the realization of united action beism and dependence on publie and to deprive strikers of their 1) To time the state wide walkan impossibility, wasn it?
tween the organized unemployed poor relief but also the remainlegal rights.
Nevertheless, we out to meet the proposed strikes are genuinel Russell Supporters Pack Court and the trade union movement.
happy that the 400 men now ing 1, 400 Chevrolet men who are in other states, notably lowa When the trial opened Thursday working in the Toledo plant are today temporarily employed, as Unity Efforts Fruitless where a similar conference was receiving this 25 Xmas gift be thousands of other union morning, the courtroom was packed held with Lewis, state pres.
In order to create the broadest with workers and lending figures in ident of the federation of labor, are in dire need of it after thrown on the streets to become possible basis for this work the cause everybody knows that they automobile workers, will soon be Lucas County Unemployed League the local labor movement. Dozens presiding. To intensify the month lay off and the low wages publle charges.
In a last minute appeal to save of strutwear striker buttons were campaign to break down the re Raymond Henderson, attorney proposed at the start of the WPA Ferrero and sallitto from deporta for Norman Mini, is proceeding program liere to the Workers Allseen in the audience. Attorney luctance of the state trade union they are now receiving. We wish to make it clear, Francis Helsler of Chicago, who, leaders to support such a strike Since you are getting so much the statement concludes that death probably awaits them, a fight to compel the state of Call joint committee for the purpose of tion on Dec. 28 to Italy where with the next legal steps in lisice of Lucas County to set up a with Attorney Gilbert Carlson of 3) To perfect a more efficient publicity on this act of generosity, anyone who at this time deserts St. Paul the Non Partisan Labor strike apparatus. 4) To permit we feel that it is only your just the union or attempts to create delegation representing the Ferrero fornia to provide copies of the trial jointly organizing the WPA worksallitto Defense Conference had a record, thereby making possible an ers. But Defense had secured due for us to inform the public of out of the troubled situation a attempts to achieve defend all the negotiating committee more hearing on Monday with McGrady appeal by Mini and the other vic joint action with the Workers AlRussell, addressed the court for time to pursue its conferences that other Xmas gift you have dual or competitive union in the of the Department of Labor. The time of the Sacramento criminal llance have thus far proven fruitan hour or 80, asking that all given 900 other Chevrolet employ Chevrolet plant will meet the with WPA officials.
delegation consisted of Ulisse De syndicalism frame up.
charges against the pickets be It is ex less. Some of the Socialist Party ces in the Toledo plant. We, whom most determined resistance from The secretary of the resolutions you recently threw on the streets our ranks.
Dominicis, manager of the Balti. pected that the case will shortly members holding teading positions dropped, on the grounds that the committee further reported that it in order to break our union, wish more Joint Board of the be in court again, when Lienderson in the local organization jurisdiction of the court had been was evident that the sentiment for to publicly thank you for our Xmas palện, the Committee of 900 hela dent of the Albert ruling of the District Court in unemployed leaders who have oft: Folowing through on their cam Rose Peaotta, national vise prest moves to upset the recent adverse have united with Communist Party obtained by fraud. Attorney Hels strike action was mixed, in some gitt.
ler gave the background of the districts, especially the agricultur As we gaze at our empty an open meeting on Wednesday, Strong, secretary of the Defense Sacramento.
called Peacock Company in some al, the workers were in no mood Santa Claus will visit our evletlon Toledo Chevrolet plant, where they Journeymen Stonecutters Union of Committee, which has retained and are using every means to sabo.
Xmas tables, our kids whom no Dec. 18 at the plant gates of the Conference and member of the cially liquidated the Unemployed detall, citing the fact that this for a walkout the following day. notices, we will bless you for a explained to a crowd of 600 Chev. North America: William Taback, Henderson, is opening a drive to tage and prevent any joint actlon The National Sacramento Appeal Councils, have joined the company was formed Nov. It our job to go into those weak most Merry, Merry that none of the three stockholders spots and build up morale, crystal. You have a heart of gold, yes solid action.
Christmas. rolet men the necessity for strike delegate to the conference and forget unlons and other bodies to send between the and the knew much about it, that it had lize strike sentiment and activize gold.
merly a member of the Boilermak resolutions to the California au.
no oficial residence, etc. Heisler the non active branches, he said.
The confusion in the organization Yours truly, Union Leadership Weak charged that the writ of replevin ers Union thorities calling for the release not of the WPA project workers in Opponents of the resolution comCOMMITTEE OF 900, In this troubled period when was entered into to circumvent the mittee report stated that failure During the previous week pro only of Mini but of his fellow pris Lucas County, which the leaders anti Injunction act and the Wagto strike would cause irreparable (signed) JAMES HOLLY, General Motors la clubing the tests from over 100 of and oners. Among the organizations of the Lucas County Unemployed ner tabor disputes act. There has harm to the it would tend Secretary, union on the head, determined independent unions and from hun which have given financial aid and League predicted would ensue, canbeen an offense committed against to smash hopes that had been in Former employees of Toledo to wipe it out, the leadership of dreds of prominent individuals all also adopted resolutions, the not be exaggerated. Because of this court. he said, but not by spired by the strike call and that workers Chevrolet Ohio Co. the union proved to be amateurish over the country had poured in on announced yesterday, are the this hundreds of WPA and weak. The confidence and as McGrady desk as a result of the following: will undoubtedly be lost to both denying the motion, the judge ad the inefficient machine of the which revolutionary drive for such mass protests just Amalgamated Clothing Workers organizations and the strength of mitted that there may have been WPA, Others argued that the trade during the previous strike was sad. These, with personal letters, tele Board. New (General Executive the unemployed organizations cony lacking six weeks ago, when grams and phone calls from many Boston Joint Boards; many lotional warfare that exists.
by the court to move the goods, question. Organizes Project Union to move out its machinery to other Thomas, Frank Morrison, secretary mittee and many of its locals; the and that any attempt to interfere The strike call had provoked cities, the Workers Party gave the of the of L, Samuel Dubin. Lengue for Industrial Democracy: League, finding Joint action imposThe Lucas County Unemployed with this process was a criminal alarm in state political circles and Cannon to Speak on Labor warning that decisive action was sky and Luigt Antonint of the the New York Joint sible at the moment, sponsored and offense.
WPA offices. special WPA cir In the afternoon various federal cular was distributed by tens of War in Mpls. Jan. 5th necessary and that those whole mene. ohh Sebloederscorts Boards and several locals. Jewish helped organize an independent or marshals testified to having seen thousands calling upon the men not But the that the labor the three defendants at the scene to strike the morning the strike the regular weekly lecture of the executive committee marked time: country was to of the York Forward Assn. Proletarian Union. This union is an indepenMore than 500 workers attended (anger facing the union.
of the disorder. They claimed that was called for, Dec. 16.
in the de Group (N. Workmen dent organization, has elected its allowed itself to be seduced by the fense of Ferrero and Sallitto.
On several Circle (N. and many circles. own officers, set its dues at 250 126 pickets had stoned the three jobs workers reported that bosses Workerst Postida beldo near Irving fair promises of General Motors McGrady, as usual, passed the Workmen Sick and Death Benent per month and has proceeded to buck, claiming that the charges Fund (National Office and many organize the WPA workers on the marshals, six pollee squad cars and work, Saturday afternoon, calling. nationwide tour, tear to shreds the management announced that not be dropped and font the night, Young Circle Ject committee subdivisions Into the plant by eight deputy men as they completed their week Shachtman who just returned from When the plant reopened, and against Ferrero and Sailitto could branches. branches of the basis of project stewards and proThe (Continued on Page Continued on Page People Front as constituted in (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) League, etc. Continued on Page 2)
France, can stop Fascism or war France or elsewhere.
Thoroughly analysing the pro gram and the Front showed that it was copied from the social patriotic class collaboration By CURTISS forced to take recourse to job acist and coalition government pro SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18. The tion. The award they received gram of the Second International Issue of job action has assumed some time ago has proven to be a at its worst 1914 18. Quoting great proportions on the West cruel farce, and in order to main from Stalinist documents beginning (Editor Note: The following resolution, earried at a stop work the world ante for democracy, to the war was declared the evils of coast.
tain conditions of living and safety, with the Sixth Congres right down meeting of the Seamen Union in New Zealand, speaks for itself and end war, and overthrow German Tritish and French militarism were The recent convention of the the seamen have been compelled to to Olgin pamphlet on Trotsky shows that the New Zealand seamen are well aware of the lusions militarism for ever. Emphasis was immediately added to those of Germaritime federation organization utilize job action as an ultimate ism printed last June, Shachtman that are being spread by those who would capitalize the League of laid on the importance of sate. man militarism; and at the end of all waterfront crafts on the weapon proved to the hilt that the present Natio in nternational crisis.
ndorse the guarding International law against the war. British, French, Italian, coast) has attempted to resolve The conditions under which the soclal patriotic course of the attitude of the New Zealand Seamen and hope that seamen in the this question of job action, with seamen live and work are described had in the past been roundly de will follow their position, The resolution is quoted from The Mili and on the certainty, If Germanyumphant, and democracy treaty breakers such as Germany and American militarism were tri what success remains to be seen. by Harry Lundberg, leader of the nounced from a principle basis by tant. monthly organ of the Fourth Internationalist Workers Party of were allowed to do as she pleased, where was either greatly weakened every: Job action is a term that de Sallors Union of the Pacific and its present protagonists.
Australia that there could be nothing but in or wiped out of existence. In this scribes a multitude of activities. president of the Maritime Federal The next lecture of the series ternational anarchy throughout the manner the capitalist system man But speaking generally it is action tion: will be held Sunday, Jan. 5, when That in the opinion of the mem working class throughout the Brit world.
aged to survive the conflict betaken right on the job by the men Conditions of Seamen James Cannon, who has just reters of the Federated Seamen sish Empire responded to the appeal Influenced by their hatred of tween the two great capitalist involved in order to gain a demand The seamen are still working turned from Minnepolte, will speak Union the International situation of their various governments to as the tyranny of German militarism, powers, Great Britain and Geror a set of demands 58 hours a week or more for an on the struggle in the of is as follows: Above all the seamen have been sist them in their war to protect the working class supported its many, and after the war profit(Continued on Page 4) and the labor war in Minneapolis. In 1914 the majority of the the rights of small nations, to make capitalist governments. But when (Continued on Page 2)
Rap Ferrero Mini Defense Deportation In New Move well as the defendants otion de cele ne themelet e rendente entrenade 500 in NY Hear fraud, but held that even so, the union leaders would tell to budge Max Shactman Cemetekel scotofel was christ preparing including John Lewis, Norman cals. the General Detence com Class Struggle Issues Arouse New Zealand Seamen Union Adopts Revolutionary Position on Sanctions