BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceImperialismItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT PAGE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1935 Our Revolutionary Heritage Dorr Rebellion The Significance of the Browder Thomas bate for the Revolutionary Movement By Leighton Rigby AMERICAN WORKERS! WE MUST UNITE! The struggle for only one way out.
bread has thrown us together, has molded our several interests into The Armed Assault common ones. In our fight against starvation we travel the same road.
By ARNE SWABECK front not only for the everyday munique to the effect that: sible outside of the dastardly WE MUST BE COMRADES! Unlted we are invincible! Together rectionists, led by Dorr, gained posOn May 17, four hundred insurThe complete stenographic for the defeat of the class enemy: proves the national defense policy dismemberment we can win freedom!
Ethiopia. Sano While we are divided, the controllers of wealth are our masters, session of two cannons and a few port, printed in the Bally Worker Comrades, he said, let in pu: ot France In keeping her armed tons in the thieves jargon of dip muskets. Late. Dec. 14, fully our rulers. Can we doubt this when city the question sharply Batween to forces on a level required for selomacy. means war. And the call of the wealthy and send the police to cracias always heed our skullsWben marched to seize the town arsenal, usual character of the Browder day and a future victory of as curity. Thomas called the Franco League of Nations, to which the The guards refused admission to Thomas debate, held in the New Cism in the United States there Soviet pact the state governments despatch troops to mow us down at factory military pact with Soviet Union is affiliated, is beginDorr, and a battle ensued. The canRates They talk of peace on earth, good will toward men. But there can nons proved ineffective, either beNovember 27. It reveals in some stands historically only one thing that dishonest broker, Laval of ning to assume its proper function endorsement of an as the general staff of world imper cause of mechanical defects or respects a historical reveral of a powerful people anti Fascist France.
be no peace while workers starve! There can be no good will toward army which in bourgeois France is inlism.
men who force our children to go half naked, half led!
faulty operation. The fighting was roles of the two parties: The Com frout, a Farmer Labor Party.
Jingo Browder AMERICAN WORKERS! Our own revolutionary heritage can mostly hand to hand, with occa munist Party now standing on the No, this is false to the core: Bestill a probable source of Fascist What were the positions presentserve to spur us onward. We have always fought against oppression!
sional gunfire. Extreme darkness platform of social patriotism while tween today and a future victory trouble, an endorsement of an army the defense Let shout out: REBIRTH, NOT BELIEF! ONWARD TO THE and a heavy fog made Identification the Socialist Party, endeavoring to of Fascism there stands first of all under Premier who even now is ed on the question WORKERS STATE AND CONSISTENT DEMOCRACY. of opponents difficult. On the fol rld itself of its right wing ballast, the historic necessity of a revolu. probably double crossing Russia! of the Soviet Union? On this point lowing day, Dorr was driven to is moving in a leftward direction tionary party and a revolutionary in his rebuttal be exclaimed a Browder spoke without equivockwas tion. Pleturing an attack by GerConnecticut.
and its representative presenting policy. Only with this essential very terrible responsibility New Oppression, New Revolts ernment. The new legislature was When the workers and farmers in session two days, and, not at all 25. But martial law was declared, Again the workers tried on June the important arguments in the deprerequisite can a united front de taken by Stalin when he specifical many and Japan upon the Soviet bate.
feat Fusciam. And whatever may ly toll Communists to stop their Union, he asked: WII the militant agitation within the French army, Socialists adopt a position of neuNorman Thomas defended mill be said in favor of one side, it who had fought for the right to strangely, its first bit of legisla and the falls bulged with political tantly the position of the Socialist certain that neither of the parties for that, and only that, was the trality?
life, liberty and the pursuit of haption was a bill repealing the Alger prisoners. price of five thousand wil they advocate the piness returned to their homes atine law. And so Rhode Island had dollars was put on the head of the Party. It was, of course, not the whose representatives met in this meaning of his endorsement of slogan Keep America Out of Warl the close of the War for Indepen two governments.
Impossible! What jingoism! In position of the Social Democracy of debate present such a policy or French military preparations.
dence, they were not long in grasp People governor.
Dorr set out for Washington alAnd what did Browder have to this exclamation Browder nominat1914 nor the position of the ola constitute such a party.
Dorr returned to providence on Guard. Thomas spoke from the.
People Front say on this question? He brushed ed himselt as recruiting sergeant allenable rights were there only masture Sounds he had made his October 31 of the following year point of view of the Socialist works it aside in a very simple bureau for Uncle Sam. and it did not if they were treemen, had no debte Legislature had appealed to the red was faced by a jury made up of attacked the perfidious social patri wildering and unreal. He undoubt for had not the Socialists and the cause of the working class, Inaugural address. The charter and was immediately arrested. He ers who have moved leftward and Ine of the appeared be cism had no significance whatever, misnamed this as patriotism to To Norman Thomas this new cratle fashion. To him this crit make matters any better that he and owned property.
eral government for help, and Dorr Algerines, naturally hostile to otism of Stalinism.
Their oppressors were the money hoped to persuade President Tyler him, and was sentenced to life im he was more to the left than usual, for unity.
Undoubtedly edly had in mind the frantic pleas Communists registered a tremen patriotism to the only country of ulators, the slavers and the indus to change his already expressed un prisonment.
In 1845 he was re Otherwise the new dously big increase in votes in the Socialism today.
trialists. The oppressed were Jailed favorable opinion of the new sovleased because of popular renent using phrases in the style of Trot in every issue touched upon in the Browder, entirely begs the ques portunity to ask: Since when have Browder of ne stood out in a very real sense municipal elections? But this, Mr. This only gave Thomas an op for debts, branded for minor calmer received coldly, and discouraged, fused to swear allegiance to the in the world when Socialists find these issues deserve special com tremendously big election lashed and enslaved. To tell all he lett Washington to return home state of Rhode Island. His citizen obstacles to the united front in a ment here.
ernment. But Governor Dorr was ment, although he steadfastly re sky. It is certainly something new debate. The most important of tlon. Big election gains, yes even Marxists learned the doctrine of gains, the State so as to believe that the would be to on several columns. Stopping at New York, he was ship was not restored until 1861.
supposed move to the right by the Some chustle criticism of the without the existence of might very well have been scored workers in minority parties can In New Hampshire, several hun, promise of fighting men should the maneuvered out of existence. Dorr was bewildered and unable to un Phomas, motivated in the main by the final analysis, these election been defeated as in Czarist Rus The People Constitution was communists, said Browder. He people front was offered by Franco Soviet pact. Moreover, in armles before those armies have the turn capitallatie armies into red farmers, with meter. They demanded at the couraged then, even if the military seeing a fairly acceptable substitute tually have learned from thie dis opponents. The People Front in torles because they rest upon a to organize the workers against general court a reduction in taxes ald did not come to him later, Upon his return to Providence of 1843, replacing the colonial char. defeats and draw certain conclu be a great achievement. In view tion between stalin and the brig war, for world wide Socialism.
thetr debts. Troops drove them he addressed a crowd numbering Inter, embodled most of the things sions tending in a revolutionary of this it seems strange that he ands of French. Imperialism.
This Yes, this is the chief consideration.
In Vermont, Thomas Lee, a vet itant, stirring, punctuated by cuts drawn up and submitted to the should find faults with the New strike breaking act Stalin, who We may ask further, would the The Lines Cross eran who returned home to be through the air by the saber he voters because of Dorr Rebellion, York election platform from fully approves the national de United States under any condition quickly jailed for debts, led a brandished. He was appealing for but it is probable that the mana Apparently Thomas feels the which he quoted the demands for, fense policy of France, Browder enter into a war for the defense of march on Rutland, demanding that an armed conflict to oust the prop facturers, rather than the workers sharp rightward turn of the stala people front. uniting workers, was unable to explain away or even the Soviet Union, for the defense lawyers be excluded from the ertled classes. He found that sev. themselves, had the busiest hands Inists equally bewildering. Here farmers, unemployed, profession to cover up of the country of Socialism? Obcourt. The marchers further insisteral of the new state omolats had drafting it.
we are confused, he said, we are als, small business men, Protest The se Smell of on viously not. It would enter war ed upon cancellation of their many been jailed in his absence. He saw (Next Week: The Debs Rebellion) confused by the nature and the ants, Catholics, Jews, Socialists, Turning to the question of the poses, and to take the position, only for its own imperialist purdebts and other relief measures.
magnitude of the change, by the Democrats, Republicans. On a Again troope dispersed the op could mean tomorrow you may be unemployed. for point in the arch to which the small scale, and adapted to the Thomas remained an extremelvely crit taken by Browder, pressed.
WPA FACTS will they fight together? Yes! It pendulumbas swung.
Then came Shay rebellion and, As for American scene, this platform mere ical. When seeking to dramatize nothing else but to throw the workBrowder, the only thing that can y proposed what the people front his point by saying he wished he ing class support behind the gov.
close on its heels, the venerable POLICIES was done before the WPA in the be said in this respect, is that he in France actually is. The differ could address himself to the dead ernment controlled by the Morgans great Minneapolis strike 7, 000 Constitution. It was not until FERA and unemployed workers adhered to the present line. In ence is only in magnitude; the fifty years had passed that the dla left projects and not only did not e bureaucratic system where lead. policy, with its contusion and de amongst the Ethiopian and Italian and the Rockefellers for the fur cussion entered into by the framers (Continued from Page 1)
sub, but fought it out with the ers appear, not in their own rights ception is the same in France of Italy use of tanks driven by poses. These people have entirely Party, of the Constitution was revealed. enth largest city in the re strikers on the picket line. They abilities but simply been use they leader is Herriot, one of the senioroll sold by the Soviet Republic, he Lorgotten that the enemy is at by the ruling classes to be used in er and there is not one single the Minneapolis Central Council of servile type of mediocrittes, sucives its own peculiar political llence which was made up of stals to fight against one own bror The document was plainly inspired celves 45 a month per WPA work had their unemployed organization are the most consummate and most partners in the Laval government. was greeted with boos and hisses bome. And besides, the only way from the largest section of the au really to defend the Soviet Union their interests. What was said be White collar project in the city. Workers, with representatives on ciently flexible, however, to fit into nuance to the people front. This chistesympathizers. On the ques seotste and to organize on the police tional convention was not made top. on the unskilled Council. In Toledo it was the unpuble until after the aged James labor projects with seo a month per employed and rolle workers who So Thomas argued for the so bourgeoiste which is best adapted ton. Together with this he stressed of making an end to capitalism expected.
Madtson had died. The reasons are WPA worker. Bountiful wages for salvaged the lost Auto Lite strike clalist road, in reality building op to the traditions and the prejudices the necessity of organizing the tace the this debate, namely the political Instrument of the big the Soviet Union of claas collaborationary party that will be capable obvious.
Freedom for Property Owners City: 13. 85 per week. Of 225. 000 ment of that city onto its feet in but against its stalinist emascula gram But the Constitution failed to on WPA In New York City asof onset of the Amendest battles in the tion. He quoted profusely from serialist France, the national defense of im. their own sanctions, which he did proletarian dictatorship, it might slon still continued, as it does to collar projects of the 78 class and The Franco Soviet Paet not believe could be done by trail be said that Thomas had a certain IV. ORGANIZATION Jay, even if it was made legal in up. These facts alone are enough Stalinists. Their Official declaraing along with the League of Na Justification for asking Browder, in the prettiest of words, Slavery. to blow to bits the bunkum of the sable en invincible! In the reformist unlons and to destroy muunist trends make more love to terranean and with the sale ot on social. com Thomas did assert that it troub tions, with British Imperialism. view of the latters boast of the final one sixth the debtors went to fall; foreclosures truth is that many thousands,(par York, its power carried the first They rejected any alliance with love making, however, flows from white and black, was not abolished: high wages so loudly heralded. The cent strike in early August in New the American Federation of Labor. Terriot than to Leon Blum. This to Mussolint at the same time.
earth. It Russia is still 80 weak were not diminished; and suffrage ticularly large families and in strike of WPA workers to speedy Social Democracy.
was still confined to property small towns) receive less than they vietory against General Johnson read: Therefore, to beat the en Unquestionably the Soviet Union that she cannot extend civil liberOne quotation definite political considerations and could have set magulticentes: But Thomas displayed equally the holders. In short, the Constitution got roliet!
ttes now within her own borders.
improved the workers lot not one threat and ultimatum. This is a emy, the bourgeoisle, we must diThe WPA has brought hundreds, strike against the government, rect the main blow against its chier the guiding line for Soviet foreign it it had refused demonstratively Marxism in arguing against a erations which have now become everywhere to struggle against war: Kards to this cardinal question of iota.
thousands together on projects. Against the people of the United social bulwark, against the chief polley under the Stalin regime. In to sell oil to Mussolini. Bat to party aletatorship. revolutionut not all, spoke of man free and They are not at home with the pour seats to being the related postal to the ing class, against Social Democrathe considerations the the Franco his opinion such a refusal would arr party na ra phevet rom interest equal creation, but their bodies walls, waiting for an Investi. revet or prevailing union seales. eagainst Social Puscism. To Soviet pact. its contradiction with mean merely tace saving device for separate and claparand consequently tions in the preambles. Property lle check of a benevolent govern strike found instant response and Browder. An honest lender, when riat shonld be apparent, for Thom could get plenty of oll elsewhere. those of the working class. Nor it can have no interests opposed to and hold other. In other words changed they can now think and lectrical workers locals, carpen soing over to the exact opposite complained about the love making doing something more practical for the border het tona on keme ponerary to.
ote dectele importance or they and bricklayers local 37. The WPA adult the fastest of the past and his criticism of the Franco Soviet ternational power in diplomacy, parts strangled. bped but set non landholding class in Rhode, 18 ganization that will lead the way. urably significant! Even against no such attempt. He made no at have been said. He reminded the So far, however, the road of dip gle of the revolutionists is for the this armed uprising brought about leads to new hope for the unem ship of the of L, the unem road and he could not do so since party of Lenin what could not have been accomployed 28 well as the influence it ployment question makes its way in the ideological barrage of Stalin and Trotsky.
The Madison Square Garden deplished in any other way. It will bave for the trade union move to the unions through the WPA. ism is now entirely devold of any brought the right to vote to the ment.
WAR and the WORKERS bate saw Norman Thomas as premechanics and cotton mill workers Allentown; one month later: ideas of Communism.
senting the important arguments of Providence and Bristol, forcing ITI. THE UNIONS strike! Twenty five labor organiza Come to Jesus By JOHN WEST fundamental point, mill Browder bad thoughts only for searching analysis Into the cause for war, the Imperialist conthe property holders to accept pop There is a basic tle up between tions including the Central Trades tantly, critical and arguing from ular rule. The ruling class today the trade union movement, the and Labor Council endorsed the an esen pe from the pointed charges flicts of the present epoch and a seathing indietment of all forms the left against the reactionary po 1s as unwilling to surrender its po WPA and the unemployed of pacifism and social patriotism. Popularly written, in pro strike in public conference. Result: made by Thomas. Throughout the sition of Browder. As said in the sition. There is a lesson in Dorr gram and action. There is a crisie: spread strike and won statewide debate he reiterated continuously Announcing a new pamphlet, now on the press, by beginning of this article, this indiRebellion no worker in private industry to victory of 10 per cent increased in in the moet garrulous, cringing and FRED ZELLER cates In some respecte a historical Peaceful Action Unsuccessful sure of his job; the unemployed wages and cut of hours from 140 grovelling fashion his plea for Leader of the French revolutionary Socialist Youth reversal of roles of the two parties At least six peaceful attempts have no jobs nor prospects of jobs. per month to 120 per month.
But the Socialist Party has so far unity: Why can we unite on a Already numerous labor bodies wide campaign. Why can we With an introduction by taken only one step leftward.
LEON TROTSKY Charter of Rhode Island in favor than that the unton movement to have endorsed the fight for prevall work jointly in these mass organPrlee 5c copy: 3e in lots of ten or more Lecture of a new constitution. Each time recognizing that the WPA will be ing wage rates on the WPA pro xations. Why can we unite Order from the New Militant. 65 East 11th Street, New York, NY, the change was blocked, elther by directed as far as the government Sects. Thus far, it is true, there forces to begin building. Why INTELLECTUALS AND THE the voters (the property holders) of the capitalists is concerned, into has been no national tie up organ don we do it? Why, oh why in COMING WAR or the legislature. Each try was a drive to lower the standard of izationally between the of the style of the evangelist why Speakers: more militant than the one before living of the labor movement 18 and the WPA Unemployed organiza don you come to Jesus tonight?
JAMES BURNHAM it, and by 1841 the workers were whole. The alarm that spread tons. But in every strike that has only the deepest feeling of reval of Philosophy Dept. Unlv.
fully arowed. Mass meetings were through the unlons was healthy taken place (either those led by slon could arise from the crluging NATHAN GOULD National Secretary TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, at P.
Dorr was recognized as the lead. future. Within op de infanter the ployed relset workers te voereren tone of this supposed spokesinan Friday, Dec, 201h, 8:15 PM er of the movement, and it was on alarm struck an equally significant delegates have been seated on Cen tasteful to upright, conscious work Hot Jazz Band Stuyvesant Casino his orders that a constitutional response.
tral Labor bodies or conferences ers.
Refreshments Drinks Browder pleaded for a united Entertainment 9th St. and Second Avenue convention was held on October Will the unemployed, the WPA that created Joint executive organs constitution was drawn up and and the trade unions fight together? have served the purpose. The logle IRVING PLAZA RALL, 15th Street and Irving Place Aus: International Workers School later submitted to the people as a This has been answered even before and life of the struggles themselves The Important points, however, Tickets in advance 0e. At door 49e.
BRANCH LECTURE whole. overwhelming majority the WPA was called into existence solidified and folned the movements aside from the question of Internal Get tickets at: 55 West 11th Street, or lecture on organle unity be of the fourteen thousand who voted and conclusively proved in the programatically and organization form of organization stand out Pioneer Publishers, 100 Fifth Avenue.
tween the and will be on the matter of adopting the past two months. The question is ally, and victor resulted almost in clearly: given the following Friday, Jan.
People Constitution cast favorable prosed: WPA workers, fight for pre variably.
WPA is designed to still the milAuspices: District, Workers Party Spartacus Youth League 3, 1936, at P. under the joint ballots, and on January 12, 1842. railing union wages on the projects, WHAT TO DO itancy of unemployed and use them auspices of and P, at the People Convention declared The WPA will not last forever. How to organize the field? WPA as a force against the union move Branch 1, 320 East 14th Street.
the constitution to be in effect. When it is over you will be again, thus far seems to be confined to the ment and the standard of living.
But the legislature under the looking for jobs. If you don resist eastern and mid western sections of The answers are clear as well.
BOOK SALE NEW MILITANT charter did not sit idly by through now, you will yourselves become a the country, mostly in the larger For prevalling wage stanwith which is merged the growing storm. Late in March factor weakening the trade unions cities. Almost universally the prodards on WPA projects: hour EVERY BOOK IN STOCK TO BE DISPOSED OF THE MILITANT that body enacted the Algerine and the bosses will use your wage Ject local is the basis of organizaday5 day week, 30 a week, REGUARDLESS OF ORIGINAL PRICE Published weekly by the New M11law, declaring all meetings such as scale and you directly to smash ex tion and seems to be the best for II. For joint strike actions of tant Publishing Co. 55 Fast 11th the People Convention illegal. Isting wage rates. As the WPA con the coming period. They are tied unions, WPA, unemployed.
Fines and imprisonment were pro tinues to tighten up. passing the up in the unemployed organizations III. For a joint national Aight Bound Volumes of THE MILITANT for 1933 and 1934 Entered as second class mall matter vided.
first stage looseness, you will be with the unemployed proper for social unemployment Insurance. 00 each Until December B1st Only at the Post Office at New York, Dual Government in RI. doing jobs for which labor as a through the central bodies. The Tle up the WPA fight with the under the act of March 3, 1879.
Disregarding the Algerine law, whole should be getting union experiences of the Workers Alliance unions and we strengthen the fight will make an excellent holiday gift JAMES CANNON. Editor the workers held an election on wages. Trade unionists: Join with of America and the National Unem of the progressives within the April 18 under the People Constt the WPA and unemployed workers ployed League the two large or of against the reactionary leadCome in or send us a list of your requirements ubscription rates: In the United tution. Dorr was elected governor, in a fight for social and unemployganizations States 100 per year: 650 per six Book Msts will be malled on request.
of WPA unemployed ership. Tle it up, and we rally the months; Canada and foreign 50 and on May he was inducted into ment Insurance. This is your duty in the country, and the organiza advanced sections of the employed PIONEER PUBLISHERS per vear: 00 slx months. Bundle office. He delivered his inaugural to those whom you ask to preserve tions that have led the past mill and unemployed in an economic address in an old foundry building your already lowered standard of tant strikes Indicate that that is and political fight against capital 100 Fifth Avenue, New York, rates: Two cents per copy.
which was the seat of the new gov living. Your Jobs are uncertain the form of organization.
Vol. DECEMBER 21, 1866 No. 01 tion of militancy on the part of the to act are eager for a militant or the trade unions. Deeply. immess for the change. But Browder made did not nearly say all that should bargo, As he called it against Italy power to itsell. Hence the strug.