BolshevismCapitalismEnglandFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMussoliniSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT VOL. 1, NO. 51 PRICE CENTS Official Organ of the Workers Party of the NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1935 West Unions Militants AidIWA Meet LEAGUE POWERS PLAN PARTITION OF ETHIOPIA Walkout Conference Sets Date Industrial Unionists; for Tie up on All Cannon Speaks Projects in State Sanctions End in Scandal Dec. 16.
disregard Where Is Roosevelt Relief Program Going?
Direct Relief Remains Central Issue for Unem. Texas Jobless Face Hunger nes Seeks Link with social democrats and Stalinists throughout the world pettlement. This will still be the underlying truth of other dependencies if the disturbance does not soon die last week over the proposal for giving about half of Ethiopia the matter even if the Hoare Laval proposals should be down. Another, ominous (for all imperialists) specter to to Italy, which Sir Samuel Hoare, British Foreign Minister, considerably modified or even shelved altogether for the raised by the fact that the Italian campaign in Ethiopia, and Premier Laval of France advanced as a basis for peace time being.
what with transport and other difficulties, is not proceednegotiations between the Fascist aggressor and the last of it is nevertheless quite evident that the plans of the ing too smoothly. What dangerous thoughts its collapse AUSTIN, Minn, Dec. . An un the independent nations of Africa, fighting to escape Just French and British governments, whatever they may have would put into the heads of backward peoples. In Italy, By Worker qualified stand for Industrial union auch partition. The League of Nations had been betrayed deen, did not work with the smoothness which the respec too, the pinch of sanctions and war expenditures are being GIRARD. III. Dec. Delegates ism and a move to coordinate the specially by the Baldwin cabinet in Great Britain. The tive cabinets would undoubtedly have liked. The fact that telt, and unrest is mounting.
from twenty organizations were independent uolons in the north honor of Britain had been sulled. This was no way to much abrupt maneuvers are necessary is in itself an indicat West with the movement for indusShould Mussolini fall, who and what is to succeed the present at the Macoupin county break into the preparations for the celebration of Christ. tion of how acute the imperialist tensions are at present, Pascist regime in Italy? Completions which might now conference of the Tuinol Worker trial unionism in the of were mas, and more of the same kind.
the outstanding features of an en Whethere. Laval proposals teach the muddle heada, quarter about which we shall learn as the plot of the great from that eventuality might shake the entire Buropean Allance today to preparation for In particular the French Right has the thusiastic meeting of the Northstate wide strike bere today. Forty delegates from of the League of Nations, the real character of the modern intrigue which will not see the light until the workers gain therefore, to read coincidently with the announcement of weet Labor Unity Conference held led into confusion by them, something about the true role men have become involved in particularly falcy bit of probably made it clear to Laval that it will not accept the Another conference was held last week at Marlon, Ill. where thirteen various northwestern points were capitalist state and the anti working class character of the control of some capitalist government and give ita secret the HoareLaval proposals that diplomatie conversations counties were represented to discuss in attendance. Local 674 was rep policy of dependence on the League of Nations which has documents to the world, as Lenin and Trotsky did in Russia aimed at an agreement between Great Britain, France, the strike problems. The conference resented by Ray Dunne and Farrell Dobbe. strong delegation was policy of the Soviet Union, Meura, Honre and Laval with The main factors in the situation are sufficiently clear. Germany and Italy, are under way. From their own polnt here decided to place the matter to present from the Independent Union indeed have rendered a service!
of Packing House Workers at Cedar The League of Nations was never anything but a tool incident which would lead to open warfare between Italy understanding among themselves, and to quier things to time the organizers are for Rapids, Iowa representing Independent packing Britain, carried out their imperialist designs, an idealistic prompt and efficient French support would be in such out their imperialist policies in Asia and Africa and against on dozens of projects.
the Soviet Union.
The Maconpin county conference house workers unions were present screen behind which their war preparations could go on. case. Probably a general conflagration would then be well trom Austin, Albert Les and Mason For months after Haile Selassle first appealed to the League nigh inevitable and the powers are probably not ready to To the Workers Party the recent developments did not was attended by delegates from City.
against Italian aggression, the League machinery served face that. Whether or not Stanley Baldwin deliberately constitute a shocking surprise, a miracle for which there the Progressive Moers, Progressive After a speech by James Can Trades and Labor Union, Internaprecisely the function of a screen behind which Italy maneuvered to outsmart the Labor Party in the recent is no explanation, a case perhape of a bad attack of flu tional Hod Carclerz Union and tbe bor New York City, who had poured troops into Africa and accumulated supplies for a elections over the issue of sanctions and League support, on the eve of a badly needed vacation in Switzerland caus the conference on the subject of war. At one point in these negotiations France and Great the fact is that the National government is in power again ing Sir Samuel Hoare to make a regrettable personal mis Support from Many Workers Britain advanced proposals which in principle were no that need of British Imperialists has been met, and the take. Our policy, remains the same: different from the present ones though offering Italy much government can now turn with more freedom to guard progressive labor polley, a thorough Exposure of the role of the League of Nations!
Al Hemmer, Fallon, state rep dlacussion took place in which the less territory than now. The full application of League British Interests at the most vital points resentative of the Hod Carriers in of Opposition to League sanctions!
majority of the delegates partiel sanctions, as the NEW MILITANT pointed out, meant Im peace sentiment. Possibly the steady progress of Japan Against Imperialist war measures!
Union, decided that all members of bts union would be called or pated Unanimous opinion was perialist war against Italy. If now the great powers have in China requires the release of British ships from the Defense of Ethiopia and resistance against Italy by the crystallized that the conference decided that they are not ready for a general showdown Mediterranean.
Independent acti the working class and its alles! John Dee. 16 unless the premust push its campaign for a policy and that therefore Italo Ethiopian conflict must some The recent revolt in Egypt which compelled the British vailing union wage was paid.
Struggle against Imperialist wer by building the more of class struggle and for industrial John Fisher, Gillesple, representhow be stopped, how else will it be composed except on government to restore the constitution of 1923, giving at ment for the overthrow of capitalism!
unionism is a necessary modern such terms as the imperialist powers may agree on among least a semblance of independence to that country, is only Defense of the Soviet Unlon through building the ing loont I, of comprising torm of labor organization themselves? And what should be the function of the League one of many indications that England and France may Fourth International!
membership of 2, 400 mine worke. Hall Movement In of stated that the movement for strike The movement for industrial action had the Anancial and moral unionism which has developed in support of his union. Andrew Me the of waa halled as a big Farlane, state chairman of the Pro step forward, which must be suprelve Trades and labor Union ported and encouraged by all prowanted that he would join with the gressive unionists, whethe of unions in calling his men ed to the of or not. Emoff the projects not paying the phasizing that progressive Indepen FACTS AND POLICIES union scale of wagen.
dependent unlons must on no acTo Meet WPA Administration count give up their demand for inA committee from the various ordustrial unionism and the demo FOR WPA WORKERS ployed; Workers Organizations Must Pantations present are to appear cratle right to regulate their own betore the Labor Relations Board Demand Large Scale Public Works internal affairs, the of the at Vandalia this Conference unanimously recommended that, on By HERBERT CAPELIS week fer a last minute conference.
day: dozens were actually found these conditions, independent By JOHN WEST original announcements promised The Labor Relations Hoard has unions should declare their readiFrom the bombastic scheming ravaging garbage palls and dumpe!
to affulate to the of and prattling that accompanied the For the month of July 15 to August The new stage in the Roosevelt that the WPA would be at mart. Spur Demand for General Aree to false wagen ten per cene It was polnted out in the discus Administration, the Waike elsker ver come of less than 30 per family for hele were there are beinst durant en toe at that time the full 600, 000 Would WPA Strike in StateF. of fer to date has been rejected. The Tilinols Workers Alliance, the big Hion that the Independent auto would have been led to believe that the month! Noted in the survey Congress, and has now reached its be on its payroll.
workers unions of Detroit, now on the problem of unemployment in (Special to the New Militant) push behind the strike, 19 standing was the following astonishing state culmination. The publicity agents. Naturally, none of this program utrike, had takes pat for the origioal demands.
this position, and the United States was about to be ment: that these conditions are of the Administration explained has been fulfilled. The July dato By JAMES EVANS the action of the Detroit Independ. liquidated.
general in the larger cities and yet their idea as follows: DALLAS Texas One million The United Mine Workers of Aments was hailed with approval in the adopted resolution. The resolu palgn.
In line with its propaganda cam much better than conditions in the At the beginning e 1835 there became December The 880, 000 people, out of a total population of erica and the State Federation of rural communities. One could eite were approximately 5, 000, 000 per 000 for direct reller grew into a six million, face, government acted with such eventual starva Labor have been asked to cooperate tion also calls for a coordination startling suddenne. Between Sept. daily papers carry a traction of dole. at least part of which came to pat 3, 500, 000 to work. but ac. clients and their families are in ad tions with the oficials for examples indefinitely. the sons receiving direct reliet the billion and a half. The WPA was tion in Texas. These work relief to strike preparations and negotia of efforts and activities of the pro 11 and Sept. 15, 1935, the abolition them. Such were the pre conditions from the Federal Treasury. Direct toally more than 500, 000 were dition to the theusands who are be the demands tald down at the Augressive independent nplonists with of the Federal Transient Bureauland background upon which flasbed Federal relief was to be eliminated. merely transferred to it from the ing shunted on the barred subsin. burn conference Dec.
the industrial union movement in began and was completed. Relief Bergdorf Men la St. Lauts the AF. of in order to hasten to roving workers in search of em. We star of the WPA.
1, 500, 000 of these 5, 000, 000 could be already operating coc, and even tence farms, described in a previous the day when we will have a truly ployment was wiped out to the committee WPA what?
representing the classified as unemployable be with these the December figure is article. After the unified trade union movement or penny, leaving tens and tens of II. FACTS cause of illness, old age, or some considerably below the full 3, 500. This question becomes increasingly striking warehouse workers of st.
reported thelr struggle Kanized on industrial basis thousands people destitute far In April, 1985 the works Pro similar reason. These were to be 000. How much below. It is not yet important in view of the recent at Louis motion was unanimously car from their home towns.
Bress Administration of the FERA transferred entirely to the relier weible to say, since the publicity tack upon workers relief by James nga list the Kroger Grocery and ried to send a wire of greeting to On the heels of this move, Fed close to 5400, 000, 000. On Nov. 30, ties, and cut off from Federal relief. is not noted from Administrator Hopkins office Buchanan, Texas Congreremin Baking Co. who have imported accuracy.
and chairman of the Honse uppro the midwestern section of the Berspriations committee.
dott strikebreaking agency into the strike at Oklahoma City, pledging by Nov. 18. On that date, also, the its 700, 000, 000 appropriation as given temporary work at a secur nounced that the program is e Nevertheless, Hopkins has an.
support in their struggle and ask remaining states received their of May, 1933 By Dec. 1, the WPAity wage by the Works Progressentially completed, without, of being made for getting out of this cense patronizing the Kroger and ing for the establishment of closer Anal unemployment dole, thereby nationally had taken on 225, 000 Administration.
Even now, final preparations are situation. The conference voted to communication and cooperation casting the unemployed entirely on workers: with the largest single work was to continue for the most of what happened to delay comple series of attacks upon the meager tant for laber at the tournee juba This temporary course offering any explanation there has been progresive Louis warehouse strikels Impor business of rellet. Since September Plasty Wiesly store. The st.
meeting ordered 450 subscription municipal relief agencies.
Organizations represented at the the tender mereies of the state and section, over 225, 000 concentrated part until some time during 1956. tion from July to December.
cards to the Northwest Organizer. ag had been the situation of the add ironically that 40. 000 out of ployables would be re employed by eral relief grants to the States and Free lunches for school children try where an attempt is being Are the New York alone. One might By then, the majority of the has come tally cut Decantert red living standards of the cutitutes one of the four sections of the coun ference be held at Cedar Rapids, new and horrible depths.
It was decided that a full con unemployed before, it now struck 240, 000 applicants in New York revivlog private industry. The rest through them to the cities. Mean have been abandoned with there to organize the food industry. state wide conference is to be Iowa, on Saturday, February than in any other section of thelly for work glorious tribute to the land more permanent publle works ditional allocations to the states, to contracting anemia induced by theld Sunday, Dec. 15, at Staunton, othe were turned down as unft zhysical would be transterred to heavy while, however, he made some ad sult that thousands of peptis ure The resolution adopted for consid country, the conditiong in the Southleffects of the crisis on the unem projects along the lines of the PWA. aid them in completing the transnutrition Medical service for pe where over a thousand dele eration by all the affiliated organ. fell to unbelievably low levels. Nu, ployed. itions pending the next confer merous FERA surveys (many of Program Not Fullfilled tion to the new program though llef families has been discontinued sates are expected to attend. Dec ence is as follows: them existed ony as secret docuThe overwhelming bulk of proTo accomplish this program this is a little contusing when we and women are bearing infants is the deadline for Read RESOLUTION ON POLICY OF which reveal appalling conditions, projects, public works, highway Congress 8880, 000, 000 was to be same time announced that the unskilled ments and so entitled) were taken Jects put into effect were labor 880, 000, 000 was appropriated by remember that he has also at the with no attendance except that of wage in inols.
THE NORTHWEST LABOR Witness: in UNITY CONFERENCE Atlanta, Georgia, a constructions les bland arounds, we used to continue direct relfet until transition to the new program is tenen pilogrables, anasu rites of cup 600 in Newark The Northwest Labor Unity dom only ten were eating regu velt opposition in the ranks of the ning and the unemployables sent What are we to make of all this? and they will be turned over to the to in direct relief per month Protest (Continued from Page 2) larly. 16 existed on one meal a capitalists has shouted of grand back to the states and cities. The (Continued on Page 2) grafting ministrations of local com LO boondockling at exorbitant rates of pay. the fact is that only munity chests after February Meanwhile rations for other direct NEWARK, Over 600 New6 per cent of the total number of projects nationally fall into the rellet clients have been cut until rk WPA werkers crowded into every available inch of sitting and white collar class. Swiftly and chaotically, and a quarter million No Relief for Paupers standing room in Newark City workers of every sort and varlety Reduce the case load. This is Fall auditorium on Mooday, Dec.
the ultimatum of Adam. John the meeting, called by the Project were transferred from relief relle over to the WPA primarily on so son, state relief director, to his Workers Division of the Association From Norway where she shares the exile of her famous Bolshevik calle unskilled labor projects county administrators and came for Adequate Relief, Newark Hee husband, Nathalie Trotsky has issued a new appeal for her 27 year following Roosevelt formula of conterence of representatives of HARRISBURG, Pa. Dec. tinuance of federal relief. workers. Families are beingtion of the National Unemployed old son Sergel and his wife who have been imprisoned in Russia and putting the unemployed onto use various state wide organisations of Joint pleketing of dropped from the rolls because oue League, gave expression to the tre with whom she has been unable to communicate since last summer full work projects. Works Progress Administration of the daughters may have a job mendous dissatisfaction with the the unemployed in Pennsylvania when news of their Incarceration first leaked out.
Conditions? 120 hours a month met in the capitol building over the building against the anti. labor cooking or washing dishes for three 55 a month slave wage among the activities of Administrator Ed dollars per week. know of one project workers.
Received here by many prominent Uberals, Nathalie Trotsky at wages ranging from 19 to tops week end and decided on several ward Jones, demanding his re ineident where a case worker told The speakers, Moore, futard, letter reveals that remittances sent to her sour wife to aid in securing of 893 per month. small, insig. Important step for joint action moval and the establishment of his release and attending to his needs were returned after long internificant fraction, such as foremen, Delegates from a young man that per week was Thompson and Rosenberg, received the Pennsylvania Vals marked: RECIPIENT NOT AT ADDRESS INDICATED.
collective bargaining procedure sufficient to support his wife und a rousing hand when they pointed apparatus Unemployed League, the Pennsylva state wide march on the baby. It so happened that the rent out the need for rapid organization This was the first intimation that Sergei Trotsky wife was slee people, etc. receive higher pay and nia Security League, the Allegheny capitol to force the calling of a paid by this family for a leaky and the fact that the workers bave being held the Soviet authorities, generally work more hours. The Unemployed Citizens League, the specialision and exert mane apartment in an old store bulling already won victories over the WPA Neither young Senge nor his wife have ever participated in pol. South Again offers the worst ple Unemployed Councils and several pressure for the enactment of ne amounted to 16 per month. administration in other sections of itics and their arrent is stigmatised by Nathalie Trotsky me a sheer ture: Seven states, Alabama, Fior inter county alliances agreed on the cessary relief legislation.
plece of persecution Impelled by Stalin yindletive hatred for Leon Nor has the state legislature ap the country through strike action.
ida, Georgia, Mmississippi. Tennes following systematic and militant The preparation of a state propriated any funds to provide for Tony Ramugha, President of the Trotsky.
see, and the Carolinas offer the program of united front activites: wide strike on WPA projects for the destitute after the final expen spoke and told of the sueYoung Trotsky is a teacher at technleal school in Moscow and magnificant pay of 19 per month Joint Action Committee higher wage and improved con. aiture of present funds. The Fed ceneful two and a half week strike his wife, suffering from tuberculosis, is a librarian. First news of thele on the so called unskilled labor to present the demands adopted ditions of work.
eral government has cut off Texto In Lehigh County, Pa.
rest became known last Juna Proteste made by foreign liberals projects. Magnificant pay Indeed before Governor Earle, the State The Joint Action Committee, con with a final million dollars New committee was elected to 30 hours a week at a little over Emergey Relief Board and the sisting of two representatives of Deal stake of one round dollar for call on the WPA County admin was not in prison but hunde Serveis de teorities that young Thotels Filure of all attempts to communicate with him and his wife hn there er week to support a family and Works Progress Administration. organization, will be convened each person who has been forced tofrator and present the demands complaints that the men Joint picketing of the cup again to determine on the exact on the dole. Congressman Buchan of the project workers which aroused the fear that he has been killed. Mme. Trotsky renewe in her do not work hard enough and itol and the Governor mansion date for the mare as well as the an has promised his masters that werot minimum of 78. 00 lotter an appeal for the formation of an impartial International com there ought to be stricter dlactmittee to investigate the fate of her son and his wife the present 4, 000, 000, 000 will be month for a work month of me pline. Hovering on the Masonfor the convocation of a special strike.
session of the legislature to com The conference lasted for two the last that the unemployed of the more than 120 hours; recognition The text of Nathalie Trotsky letter follows: Dizon line, Baltimore, Md. sev. slider the demands of the une whole days. In protest against the nation will recelve.
of al project worker organa (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3) ployed arising out of the disco (Continued ou Paco. Continued on Page Continued from Page 2)
an Trotsky Wife Makes New AppealforSonSergei Pa. JoblessOrganizations Unite in Statewide Action the