BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismRosa LuxemburgSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE DEADLY PARALLEL 1914. 1918 The Camp of the Bourgeoisie The Camp of the Workers Trotsky Urges Committees of Action PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1935 NEW MILITANT the problems of war and Fascism, the treachery of North China wite which is merged Stalinism, the struggle in the the trade union THE MILITANT question, and besides present simple agitational maPublisbed weekly by the New Militant Publishing Co. terlal to educate uninitiated workers in the fundaFalls to Japs 56 East 11th Street, New York City.
mentals of Marxism.
Entered as second clasa mall matter at the Post Office It is manifestly Impossible. Result: complaints.
From some comrades: inadequate treatment of the Social Patriotism versus Revolutionary Struggle (Continued from Page 1)
at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. more complicated problems of the intra party strugbourgeoise is beginning to exert JAMES CANNON. Editor gle. From others paper is too specialized for Editor Note: We are indebted for this deadly and the overthrow of capitalism and the estab. pressure on Chiang Kai Shek and Subscription Rates: In the United States 00 per our trade union contacts.
his Kuomintang government.
parallel to Revolution, organ of the Young sollshment of the workers fatherland. During the They are both right; under the present set up, cialists of the Selne. So vivid are the quotations on and its member parties that turned socialMoreover Chiang is driven by year: 66e six months. Canada and foreign: 50 per one or the other must suffer and sometimes both.
the instinct of self preservation, ir year: 00 six months. Bundle rates: 2c per copy. There is no solution other than the regular eightIn both columns, so eloquent of the position of patriot. The revolting expressions of Jingoism print by nothing else (and few have that Vol. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1935 renegades or social patriots on the one side anded on the left hand column are statements of pager. The comrades who complain and others who instinct more highly developed than No. 60 don but realize our difeulties can do no better revolutionary internationalists on the other that French Socialist leaders alone. Today Stalinist and the Chinese militarists and Chlaug service to themselves, the party and the working lengthy explanation is not needed. The choice is social democrats allke are in the camp of the in particular) to consider the posclass than to put the drive for the eight page NEW clear: support of national defense of the father bourgeoisie. To the voice of Lenin, Trotsky, Lieb sibility of oppeeing Japan further We Can Make Good! MILITANT over.
land and with it the herding the workers into knecht and Luxemburg is added today the Social Inroads. The mere consideration of 1, 000 subs will take us over the first hurdle! the slaughter and suppressing the class struggle ist Youth of the Selne, who take their place among this possibility, helped along by the first anniversary of the Workers Party, to It can be done; it must be done.
by chaining the proletariat to the war machine or the foremost of the revolutionary defeatists in the Britain intervention (through the which this last issue of the New Militant was With the eight pager, it is almost a certainty. class struggle, civil war against imperialist war world.
devaluation of Chinese currency)
devoted, solid achievements were recorded. The that the second year of the Workers Party will be bas brought Japanese imperialis Party has moved slowly forward but its gains in immeasurably more fruitful than the first!
vigilantly to its feet. Nanking every Instance have been substantial and durable.
hesitations will be met by military Our Minneapolis stronghold is impregnable: the action.
heaviest batteries of the labor skates combined with Fight Against Bourbon Rule Chiang has definitely tried durthe local capitalist class have not even made a dent.
ing the past week arrive at a For the first time in years, 1f not in history, has a THE Scottsboro boye must be freed! Not so obdeal with the Japanese which viously as Angelo Herndon are they red purge been so decisively smashed.
symbol of would enable the situation to drag Add to Minneapolis, the activities of our comrades the oppression of the struggling Negro masses. But out a little longer. He made promIn the Toledo auto center, and the Akron rubber even more obviously are they a symbol of the ter1ses to the Japanese ambassador center, and a sketchy Idea can be had of the role of rorism waged by the Southern slavocracy in order. This historic date, this prelude to a new Propaganda for the class struggle is the duty to keep the Negro masses from raising their heads. era in whleh Immortal France, soldier of Justice, on November 21 and subsequently.
the Workers Party in the sharpening class struggle The Scottsboro boys are in jail, once again under of socialism even in war time, the work of trans.
to negotiate for a full settlement In this entry.
Indictment which may lead to death sentences, solely can throw her might into the march on toward forming the war of the nations into civil war is the of outstanding Sino Japanese 18We have a failure to record, however not an Ir.
only socialist course in time armed conflict be Bues. He has proposed formula remediable one but certainly a grave shortcoming.
because they are Negroes, and it is Southern bour progress, toward socialism. Pierre Renaudel in Humanite, then the tween the Hists. Lenin, Nov. 1, 1914.
for North China which would give bon policy to destroy Negroes in order to keep the The lack of the elght page NEW MIILITANT.
official organ of the Socialist Party, on Japan control but save Napking If the atre of our organization is taken into con whole Negro people in fear and subjection, and to August 5, 1914, the declaration of war. To national war as the method of solving the face.
sideration, tt will readily be seen that despite the keep race hatred alive so that the Southern white insoluble contradictions of capitalism the working Jules Guesde and Marcel Sembat entered the Naproletariat will not join with the Negro in common tional Union government.
He sent his benchman Ho Yingbest intention our strength still lies in our ideas. Our class must counterpose its own method, the method ching up to Pelping to nexotiate power increases in direct ratio with the effectiveness struggle.
of social revolution. The head of the government (Polncare. beBecause every oppressed minority 18 an ally of of our propaganda. And our propaganda is advanced but up to present writing (Dec. The bankruptey of the Second International is Ho had achieved small progres largely it not wholly through our press.
the working class in the struggle for their common Moves that he must have the support of the whole trage fact.
But Chiang will negotiate and be While we may boast that our paper is the best in emancipation, and because a basic pre requisite of people to line up the country, to prganize it, to sup. Leon Trotsky, War and the International, will settle. At the same time le the labor feld, the only one which gives a clear cut future class struggles is the uniting of black and port In a struggle which will and must be des October 31, 1914.
will bid for support, as he did this Perate.
revolutionary position on the leading issues of the white, and because it is the elementary duty of every class conscious worker to fight for the mainten Of his own will, without waiting for any fur.
past week, in London and in Washday, it must be admitted that our press is weak. Its We must push the class struggle through to its ther demonstrations of the people will, he has ington. When that support 18 ance and extension of the democratic rights of the weakness is its size.
end on every front; fight for evil war and against miserable four pages in forthcoming in more concrete form called upon our party. And our party has replied: masses, we pledge ourselves anew to the struggle which to report events of the class struggle, handle civil peace; use the war situation to rouse the than heretofore, the possibilities for the freedom of the Scottsboro boys.
Karl Liebknecht. Signed by the Political Bureau)
of Kuomintang resistance to Japan of Editorial Board of Humanite The question of just who first declared or first will increase and not before.
and the Socialist fraction in parliament. began the war has absolutely no bearing on the That American Imperialism (an Faced with this aggression the Socialists must tactles of the socialists, Phrases about defense of not walt much longer before acting do their whole duty to their country.
the fatherland, about the necessity of resisting the in its own interests in the Pacific (Continued from Page 1)
Vaillant, August, 1914.
enemy invasion the necessity of defensive war, etc. was made glaringly eviden: this And the Lefte of the Marceau. the revolutionary vanguard but alare nothing but the other side of the same betrayal week by the fact that for the first The last Congress of the Com Pivert type serve to shield this ap so upon a number of objective con This aggression against Republican and peace of the people. Lenin, Berne, Switzerland, 1915. time it found itself displaced in the munist International in its resolu paratus from the indignation of aitions; in any case the mass ful France, this menace to humanity and civilizaChina trade by Japan, who took If the socialist parties continue as they have first place for the monta of Octotion on the Dimitroft report ex. the masses. The altuation can be movement that has today run up tion, we must answer with all our strength and pressed itself in favor of elected saved only by alding the struggling against the barrier of the Peoples energy.
from August 4, 1914, until today, to deny class ber Awarning to America a InperCommittees Action as the mass man to create a new apparatus Front will be unable to move for Resolution of Seine District of the 1914.
struggle, they will become the fatal Instruments for allem and a sigopeet in the adsupport for the Peoples paralyzing mass action; In other words, they will vance of Japanese imperialism in Front. In the process of the struggle it. ward without the Committees of We calmly await the result of the battles of become tools of the counter revolution.
This is perhaps the only progres self, which meets requirments Action, Workers Mutia alve ider in the entire resolution of the moment. The Committees of our armies in Belgium, convinced as we are that Rosa Luxemburg, 1917.
our generals in whom we have implicit confidence, The completion of the China Clipper (what a symbolic name. But precisely for this reason the Action are intended for this very Such tasks as the creation of Stalinists do nothing to realize it. purpose. During the struggle in workers militia, the arming of the are aware of the great responsibilities which rest fight across the Pacific, the plans They dare not do so for fear of Toulon and Brest the workers workers, the preparation of a gen on their shoulders. Is it possible for an honest Socialist not to for a mass formation flight of 41 Pierre Renaudel, Humanite, Aug. 23, 1914. fight against you! You have turned the Socialist naval planes over the same route.
breaking off collaboration with the would have created without any eral strike will remain on paper if bourgeolele Party into a docile chorus, an apologist for capitla the political and ideological prep hesitation a local fighting organize the struggling masses themselves We are ready to defend French civilization.
ist brigandage at the very moment when capitalist aration in the Philipler, the new Influence over Middle Class Marcel Sembat, August 1914.
tion had they been called upon to through their authoritative organs society of which you yourself were once a mortal appropriations for naval building do so. On the very next day after do not occupy themselves with take the greatest Joy in speaking from this To be sure, in the election of the bloody assault in Limoges the these tasks. Only Committees of platform made of 155 mm guns.
enemy, Jules Guesde stands revealed in its true and the air and naval bases in the Committees not only workers will workers and a considerable section Action born in the struggle can role. Trotsky, letter to Jules Guesde in 1916.
Pacific Islands now belu rushed Albert Thomas, Aug. 16, 1916, in speech to be able to participate but also civil of the petty bourgeoisle would have assure a real militia numbering completion for commercial use workers of Schneider munitions factory, Near Solson, June, 1917: service employees, functionaries, indubitably revealed their rendi. Aghters not by the thousand but Forward Generals! We give you men, you give An Infantry regiment, ding in tracks, waved show that American imperialism 18 war veterans, artisans, small mer ness to create an elected committee the tens of thousands. Only ComUS vietor leo!
red flags and sang the Internationale: the officers preparing to move when it considchants, and small peasants. Thus to investigate the bloody events mittees of Action embracing the Compere Morel, Humanite, Aug. 1914.
mang the Internationale in time with the soldiers ers the moment propitious.
the Committees of Action are in and to prevent them in the future. most important centers of the coun and appealed for strikes and rebellion closest harmony with the tasks of During the movement in the bar try will be able to choose the mo Our blood, our flesh, our life belongs to you.
the struggle of the proletariat for racks in the summer of this year ment for transition to more decisive. Compere Morel, Humanite, Aug. 29, 1914.
influence over the petty bourgeoisie against Rabiot (the extension of methods of struggle, the leadership One company whleh was supposed to take part But they complicate to the extreme the term of military service) the of which will be rightly theirs.
But rather other men lives, for of them all only in a new attack on the Latex MHI refused to go the collaboration between the worsoldiers without much ado would Leon Daudet enlisted.
to the front. Everywhere in the barracks there kers bureaucracy and the bour have elected battallion, regimental Conclusions Here In this warm and living province of Girare posters Down with the war! Death to geolsle. In the soul is united meantime the and garrison committees of action From the propositions sketched onde, every heart beats as one warmakers. Continued from Page 1)
he country love Peoples Front in its present form had such a road been suggested to above there flows a number of conour threatened Regiments which are supposed to march forprogram offered the minimum is nothing else than the organiza them. Similar situations arise and clusious for the political activity Compere Morel, Humanite, Sept. 1914. wird demonstrate, Pirade and sing the Interna being nothing at all.
tion of class collaboration between will continue to arise at every step of the proletarian revolutionists in. Munitions are THE BREAD OF WAR!
tionale, shouting We won go to the front! We The wind up speaker, and chlet the political exploiters of the pro in most cases on a local but often France. The cardinal conclusion Renaudel, Humanite, Jan. 21, 1916.
won go to the front attraction of the evening, however, letariat the reformiston tied toe also of tomation single situation of tonary. Lett. This grouping well armed, airplanes, the latest automatie heunte al national scale. The task touches upon the socalled revolu From the report of General Petain, May 1917. Was Reverend Theodore Adams. Paralyzing and polsonous gases, high speed, pastor of the Ashland Avenue Bapploiters of the petty bourgeoiste this kind. The first condition for Is characterized by complete lack everything that physical, mechanical, or chemical At Solson the mutineers opened up with mil tist Church. The Reverend put on chine guns. major of the Medical Corps received a regular revival and offered tlons of the Committees of action the import of the Committees of govern the movement of the revoselenco can add, everything must go to strengthen The mutineers wanted to start an armed marth American youth the slogan Come would automatically eject the bour Action as the only means of breaks lutionary masses. No matter how our forces. Renaudel, Humanite, Jan. 21, 1916.
on Park reole middle men (the Radicals) ing the anti revolutionary opposl much the centrlets babble about the Military report, end of May, 1917. In my opinion parliament need not yield to to Jesus. sic. and punctuated from the ranks of the Peoples tion of party and trade union ap masses they always orlent them anyone in patriotiem.
Front and thus blow to smithereens paratus selves upon the reformist appara. Meyeras, Socialist deputy, March 14, 1917.
the criminal pelley dictated by with each month of the war, revolt of the masses tack on the Soviet Union, linking Repeating this or that revoluParties and Soviets.
tionary slogan. As you know, gentlemen, the morale of our grew. Karl Liebknecht, who alone of 110 Socialist the workers fatherland with Nazi Marceau Perert country not so good.
the However it would he mistake deputies voted against war credits, organized street Germany! Reverend Adams is the Does this mean to say that the subordinates it to the abstract Stalinista Marcel Cachin to Parliament, June 1917, demonstrations on May 1, 1916. Mutines became in control of the Congress are un to think that it is possible at a set Committees of Action are subetl principle of organizational unity on the occasion of the first mutines. more frequent on the French front.
day and hour to call the proletarian tutes for party and trade union or which in action turns out to be unlFrench soldiers fraternized. The Russian workers, ing to appeal to the church groups.
and petty bourgeois masees to electganizations? It would be stupid to ty with the patriots against the The actual conference, attended In the governments, and in the armles, both in in the midst of the war, overthrew the Czar and Committees of action on the basis pose the question in this manner. revolutionists. At the time when it France and in Germany, the Socialists collaborated after having swept away the Menshevik Socialist. and New America members by 40 delegates, a maiority of of a given statute. Such an ap The masses enter into the struggle is a life and death question for the with the General Staff and the capitalists and deliv. Agents of French and English capitalism set up the in a bloc, lasted about hours on roach would be purely bureaucratic with all their ideas, traditions, masses to smash the opposition of ered the tolling masses to the slaughter. Marcel workers and peasants government. In Central and consequently barren. The worsroupings and organizations. The the united social patrlotic appara: Cachin interviewed Mussolint on the question of Europe, revolutionary forces grew.
Saturday afternoon. One hour of kers will be able to elect Com parties continue to exist and to tures as an absolute good which forcing Italy into the war on the side of France. In Germany, in 1918, the workers took power in this time was spent in again listenmittee of Action only in those cases struggle. During elections to the stands above the interests of rev. when the masses revolted, the Socialista protesto many the Black Bea the French sailors refused to washing machine ng to Mr. McNutt sy nothing in when they themaelves participate Committees of Action each party olutionary struggle.
the polished platform manner of a ed the interests of their masters, the capitalists; the who In some sort of action and feel the will naturally seek to elect its own salesman fire on the Russian workers and mutinled against just slays the y. secretarCommittees of Action will be Socialist Noske, arrassin of Rosa Luxemburg and need for revolutionary leadership. adherents. The Committees of Ac built only by those who understand Karl Llebknecht, misled the revolutionary German their officers.
In question here is not the formal tion will arrive at decisions through to the end the necessity of freeing workers and Jouhaux broke the strikes in the fac ies. Then the conference was die democratie representation of all and a majority (Kiven complete freedom the masses from the treacherous tories in France.
THIS IS REVOLUTIONARY ided into commissions, directed my masses but the revolutionary of party and factional groupinga. Leadership of the social patriots.
in reports on youth and unemrepresentation of the struggling in relation to parties the commit Yet Plvert clutches at Zyromsky, THIS IS SOCIAL PATRIOTISM DEFEATISM ployment, industry, education, war masses. The Committee of Action tees of action may be called the who clutches at Blum, who in tarn and fascism. This was intended to Ls an apparatus of struggle. There revolutionary parliament: the par together with Thores clutches at prevent any full and open discusis no sense in guessing beforehand ties are not excluded but on the Herriot, who clutches at Laval sion before the entire congress on precsely what strata of the tollers contrary they are necessarily pre Pavert enters into the system of resolutions introduced by the Yipwill be attracted to the creation of supposed at the same time they the Peoples Front (not for nothing sels and Committees of Action: the lines of are tested in action and the masses did he vote for the shameful reso If were naked would say that among the The workers have no fatherland. Karl Marx. However, majority report in demarcation in the struggling mass learn to tree themselves from the lution of Blum at the last National grout leaders of the war, Petains the one whose favor of the joint anti sanctions Any defense of the capitalist national state is resolution was reported by the es will be established during the influence of rotten parties. Council meeting. and the Peoples struggle itself.
Does this mean then that the front enters as wing into the modesty, ser tous less and deep and sensible honesty theactfoonry. It leads to the abandonment of the commission on war and fasctam, Committees of action are simply Bonapartist regime of Laval. The is most deserving of sympathy.
clases struggle, to civil pence, for how can we strug.
Danger of Sporadle Outbreaks.
of which Sam Pollock was elected sovieta? Under certain conditions downfall of the Bonapartist regle to the death against our own capitalists if we Leon Blum, Populaire, Jan. 25, 1981 chairman. When the report was The greatest danger in France the Committees of Action can trans gime is inevitable. Should the leadare prepared to support them in the struggle with read to the congress, Lottie Gorlies in the fact that the revolution form themselves into Soviets. How ership of the Peoples Front (Herother capitalists. On the contrary, we must take don, representative and We communists, we love our country.
ary energy of the masses will be ever, it would be incorrect to call riot Blum Cachin Thorez Zyromskyadvantage of the difficulties in war to overthrow We, who love our France.
wife of the district organizer, dissipated in spurts, in isolated ex. the Committees of Action by this Pivert) succeed in remaining on them took the floor and charged the con plosions like Toulon, Brest and name. Today, in 1935, the popular its feet in the course of the entire Thorez, Vaillant Couturier, Cachin, etc. To hind ourselves to our own Imperialism un tents of the report to be out of orLimoges, and give way to apathy. masses have become accustomed to approaching and decisive perlod, der the pretext of defending democracy against der. After an hour night on the on any and all occasions.
Only conscious traitors or hopeless associate with the word soviets the then the Bonapartist regime will Hitler is pure docelt and treachery. What will floor, in which the members muddle heads are capable of think conception of power already con Inevitably give way to fascsm. The Stalin understands and fully approves the French democracy look like during the war with by parliamentary conniving. suc ing that in the present situation quered; but France today is still condition for the victory of the pro national defence policy of the French government its censorship and its firing squads? Mutinies on ceeded in preventing any discussion it is possible to hold the masses considerably removed from this. Setariat is the liquidation of the In maintaining its armed forces at the level of the French front and fraternization with the German soldiers will reawaken the strength and rebelon the actual contents of the resolution, it was tabled. During tbe when they will be blessed from initial stages were not at all what unity becomes under these consecurity.
Stalin Laval, May 15, 1985.
liousness of the German workers and give them course of the debate, however, it above by the government of the they subsequently became and in ditions not only a stupidity but a mighty support in the battle to rid themselves of was revealed that the leaders of Peoples Front Strikes, protests, those days they were often called crime. No unity with the agents of In case of Hitlerite agrees on the workers of Hitler. To roma docile, on the contrary, faithful the those staunch defenstreet clashes, direct uprisings are by the modest name of workers or French Imperialism and of the to the tribolor is to lend support to Hltler who can ders of democratie rights, were opthis country would rush to the frontiers.
absolutely inevitable in the present strike committees. Committees of League of Nations to their perthen inoceulate the German working class with the Leon Blum in Parliament, April, 1985.
posed to any controversial subject situation. The task of the prole Action at their present stage have fidious leadership it is necessary polson of patriotism.
being discussed, since such subjects tarian party consiste not in check as their task to nnite in a defen. to counterpose revolutionary Com. To bind ourselves with our capitalists under Bad Frenchmen want civil war.
program of the conare against the pretext of defending the Soviet Union is also gress which is limited only to those ing and paralyzing these movements sive struggle the tolling masses of mittee of Action. It is possible to but in unifying them and Investing France and thus imbue these mass build these committees only by Avant Garde, organ of the French pure deceit and treachery. The capitalists cannot questions on which all are in agreethem with the greatest possible es with the consciousness of their mercilessly exposing the anti revoOct. 28. 1895 be fooled. That polley can only mean catastrophe ment. sic. force for the French workers and for the US. Itsell.
power for the coming offensive. lutionary policies of the socalled The one significant phase of The sole defense of the which is more Well, In onse of a war launched by Hitler The reformats and Stalinista Whether matters will reach genuine revolutionary left with Marcead the genuine than an flusion is the revolutionary assault of the the entire affair tear above all to frighten the Rad soviets depends on whether the Plvert at the head. There is of age. bet the would you advance your sloand principled united front affected oppressed masses of the entire world, of the French foals. The apparatus of the united present critical situation in France course no room in our ranks for wan: turn the imperialist war into a evil wari Young Socialists of the Seine.
between the Young Socialists and front quite consciously plays the will unfold to the ultimate revolu Hlusions and doubts on this score Well, no. Maurice Thorez, May 18, 1985. masses, first of all. The enemy is at home!
Young Fourth Internationalista on role of diaorganiser in relation to tlonary conclusions. This of course TROTSKY.
the basis of a fundamental agreesporadic movements of the masses. depends not only upon the will of Nov, 26, 1935.
THAT IS REVOLUTIONARY DEFEATISM! ment on the war question.
From report of Colonel Durango, June 2, 1917. Youth Meet In Toledo Today