BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismEnglandFascismImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSubversiveWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1985 NEW MILITANT Our Revolutionary Heritage MARCH OF EVENTS WORLD OF LABOR Homestead Strike to Seine District of Socialist Youth Grows Since Their Expulsion By JACK WEBER By Leighton Rigby: Belgian Labor Party Bureaucrats Push Expulsions WAR TECHNOLOGY ment, the keeping of a tight rein on Modern Warfare when it involve attempt to destroy any organized the working class It means the As Left Wing Adopts Revolutionary Position Philanthrople Andrew Carnegle has been described as not only determined the thugs because they the advanced capitalist countries 18 resistance to the well laid plans of the greatest manufacturer that has ever Mved, but the author of were being well pald, and the work no longer a matter of winning bat capitalist profiteers, to check the philosophie comprehensions of the progress of dvilization as wldo as er families because the ywould raThe leadership of the Belgian Labor Party (P. follows dose on ther die fighting than starve.
In tles. It is far more the pitting of workers in any effort to maintain could be found in any other writer. Nor is that all. He was one the heels of its brother bureaucrats in the French Socialist Party technologies Tegalenses each other. Their standards of living or to im. who lwed his fellow men, who suffered, fought, wept and rejoiced with ons barked, but the discharges dia from fourgeois police who Intensify the repression against reporter From the opposite bank, two can hounding revolutionists from the organization. They take their cus The control of coal and iron, of not touch the Pinkerton barge. Honary opponents of war in direct ratio with the imminence of the cotton, copper and oll of the stra everyday struggles of the workers But that the Andrew Carnegie who is being honored by the in Rifles and revolvers ceaselessly conflict.
tegiet materials becomes of major against the exploiters becomes a added to the sound of battle. DynaMoreover in Belgium, nationale and decisive threat made by the rival Imperia. tem, since these efforts of the op Surely it not the Carnegie who stubbornly refused to reconize the strove to blast the paid killers outlready an accomplished fact. Van duction in which they explain the importance. The menace to the entire capitalist sys nocents here and abroad on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. mite boomed as the fighting workersunity with the bourgeoisie is al excerpts only. Following an Introlats to cut off Mussollal oll supply pressed to better their conditions workers right to organize. It couldn be the Carnegie who rendered of the river. The Pinkertons would dervelde, spiritual guide and leader causes of the Italo Ethlopian War is a reminder of this fact. It 18 the system at a most critical time ineffective most of the many strikes in his plants by cabling to Europe be allowed to continue the battle on of the is a member of the and the world war which may folland only by trampling over the Van Zeeland cabinet which at this low, they continue: planning for future war made Thus war forces the capitalists for a fresh batch of unacclimated, slavery boumd workers to live and years in advance by the military and abroad to exert the utmost the Carnegie his workers knew was not the philanthropist the speech in the long history of class warfare, cles by the threat of a wide spread obliterate dead bodies of three thousand honest moment is belng challenged in its Consequently it 18 their fears aroused both at home work in the rotten conditions surrounding his enterprises. Certainly workingmen. Few engagements anti working class monetary poll combat and defeat to arm of each government.
Causes of war and The United States, for example, the workers in subjection. The powers of their dictatorship to keep makers are praising has its plans laid in the minutest class struggle takes on sharpened here or anywhere, have been more miners strike. More the reason for assure lasting peace among the Valiantly fought by the oppressed the threat of expulsionabel Liste revolution and the Institution of the In 1889, at the Carnegle steel every entrance to Homestead, and class, comrades of the Action tion of the necessary Industries the car as well as economic battles: company plants at Homestead, Ps: lookouts kept the committee aware The Workers Victorious Revolutionaire, organ of the left socialist society! In order to put moment war breaks out. Contracts the workers who enter into the ers agreed upon a wage scale to the town. The Monongahela river Pinkerton barge was driven off to The boat that had towed the wing in the an end to war, it is above all in its be signed to start the production pressive role of the government as when this agreement expired, the tered by the workers, in addition to troops, beaten and seelng no other great gratification since it indicates for all war materials need only to struggle see more clearly the op extend over a period of three years was patrolled by steamboat char Pittsburgh and the Carnegie storm 18 therefore published with must fight and defeat capitalism!
The following quotation from the own country that the proletariat schedules already agreed upon with the instrument of the ruling class substitute offered. As in 1914, the leadership individual factories. The Com. These lessons are being drawn to slashed wages twelve percent. The by Carnegie numerous smaller boats.
modity Files division of the Unit day by the Italian workers. They reason given was that labor saving channel of escape, raised the white that the left wing comrades mean of the workers movement. the Pinkerton Are Spotted ed States Army keeps the most up have experienced terrific blows at our flag. They were allowed to disem to fight and not capitulate: Second (Socialist) International and the Third (Communist) Interequipment had lessened the strenubark and entrain for Pittsburgh. As the leadership of the national unite on the question of The sherite of Alleghany county The battle of Homestead was over, becomes ever more deeply involved to date Information on volumes of their living standards. Mussolini lousness of the work. Naturally, no admitted his inability to break the the workers victorious. The casual in the field National Union for War national defense in a capitalist resources of supply, the stock piles in at the same the plans to production of all commodities, the plans for imperialist conquest are mention was made of the increased power of the workers committee. ties for both sides were ten dead it must be foreseen that disciplin Same, preparing the workers to thel the warehouses, the percentages working class even more than in protits derived from the disemploy As, the next best thing, and notori and sixty wounded, several mortally ary measures Bo called will be rticipate in the new. Imperialist. anal thing more the The attitude whicho hoya ment of those workers replaced by ously more efficient, th department is entrusted with the ble fate of every working class in the Amalgamated Association of kerton thugs who were towed late voted the power of government to spelal patriotism company After the smoke had cleared taken against the groups and ele war on the sde of their national bourgeoisie.
task of seeing to it that sufficient time of peace.
supplies can be made immediately Iron and steel Workers was a flat at night on a floating arsenal from Homestead Unthruthful reports tendency which under cover of the adopted avallable at the outbreak of war to WAR IN THE FAR EAST refusal to sign the new pact. Pittsburgh. worker lookout spot intended for propaganda against the struggle against carry on the war for two years even Carreglo boarded boat for his ted the barge and gave Fastist and conflict and which consists in placif the country be completely block reached a critical stage. The Japant, Henry Clay Frick, to face the land children rushed into the streets press throughout the land. There goisle in the new imperialist war. proof sufficient. It is not as ebe alarm. workers were destroyed before they walk prepares the workers to paring the workers movement at the The situation in North Chlos bus native Scotland, leaving his lieuten: Whistles blew, and men, women were dispatched to the capitalist elpate on the side of thelr bour service of the League of Nations of the United States and no out anese are determined to seize the approaching storm. His literary of Homestead, ready for battle was classless peace in Homestead. de sources can be tapped. Bven valopakery pro autonomy, the frona Shakespeare used foul a leaders of Even before the Pinkerton detee and the dingy shacks suddenly felt tack being prepared in top commit spective Imperialisms that the Last week we indicated the at mies but as servants of their re more, this department, in collabora cherished formula of the Japanese clears not without a storm. And had no difficulty in detecting mili. Ing prison cells.
the necessary ships are sent to copertalists. But they would like it was a most furlous storm that tancy in the workers, because they keep open the channels of common to accomplish their ends with 88 came, one of the Dercest battles heard the crack of gunfire as soon greater in Harrisburgh than that to provoke with the Young als, leads directly into national unBut the Carnegie Influence was the leadership of the party sought the second and Third Internationication with those countries which little fuss as possible, with the American workers have ever fought as the barge was discernible to of iron workers. Though the town Socialist Guards) depriving them ton for war and to a new masacre consent, if possible, of Chiang against the scourge of capitalism.
supply necessary foodstufts or raw Kal shek. This pliant tool of the those on the shore.
materials. In this connection all Japanese army is, however, in a When the Pin was still and the departure of the of the subeldy and disciplinary of millions of human beings for the of South America comes under the quandary. He is witnessing the Carnegie 01 to Bonnie Scotland kertons attempted to go ashore, Pinkertons had assured the end of measures, arises from the same defense of capitalist Interests, complete domination of im Before the clouds were plerced to get under cover. Both sides were pitched camp at Homestead.
they were driven back and forced disorders, eight thousand soldiers causare similarly with the art. Fascism means war is the perialism through its naval suprem richest province of China, Shans! notice for Frick to post at the removal from his control of the by a lockout, Carnegle dispatched sanctions against the LIGA (anti deceptive formula by means of Plans under left wing con which the leaders of the workers are even ready for the selzure of supplied him with a lordly income. fect, that the company, no longer and Shantung, provinces whlch Homestead works It said, in eftrol)
close to that of the on the hind the capitalists for the defense of the capitalist Intherland in which tries that produce strategie matering torn a way to be exploited by that the plant would be thenceforth problem of war.
lals. Canada with ite monopoly the Japanese war lords instead of strictly non unton. Of course, Carn. The attack unleashed by the you are not and can never be apy.
their tin, lead and nitrates would the Chinese. The blow at the egle was on his estate in bonny the opponents of its pollcy of Na pose that you sacrifice your lite in Leadership of the against think but slaves! For the defense fall easy victims. prestige of this dictator would Scotland, sate from harm. Frick ONCE EXPELLED YOU WILL BE NOTHING, NOT EVEN be great indeed if he submits with aid not post the notice. The boss WIND, NOT EVEN DUST. From a speech of Lagergette, right for war necessitates a rapid coor terests are involved they are oppo LABOR AND THE WAR PLANS out a struggle. The utmost pressent letter after letter, about the wing leader of the Socialist Youth at the Lillo Congress)
dination of the left forces, of the nents of the revolutionary struggle sure Ls being exerted on him, both matter of the notice and plans for revolutionary forces determined to An important aspect of this plan from within and from without (Amstarving the workers into submisning Is the economie side of pro erica and England) to fight in order ston. This sidelight is mentioned membership up to 1, 800.
40 203 new applications to the Socialist Youth of the Selne, of which hold high and firm the banner or against your exploiters! Against seism expressing the duction. The allocation of finances to hold off the Japanese bandits as as added proof of Carnegie deterImperialist capitalist Interests op ner of proletarian revolution.
in the government budget is based long as possible. There is a split mination to smash the union. The 42 public meetings organized by the on careful consideration of prices in the Kuomintang, the Nationalist fact is that, as far as Carnegle was 24 meetings organized jointly with the party.
Ever since the removal of the posed to those of our bourgeoisie, they are partisans of war; but In connection with increased out Party of China dominated by concerned, the end of the three year renegade Spaak who mouthed the against Belgian Fascism they 470 More than 100 joint meetings in which we participated.
put. Greater production of any Chiang, over this issue of war agreement was to mean the end of Four new issues of Revolution whose circulation has constantly commodity can always be stimulat. against Japan. The Japanese are the Amalgamated. further ungrown become a minister in His Majesty opponents of direct action of the ed at a price. But this means that not anxious to see Chiang make the fortunate fact is that the Amalga Leopold cabinet in the first serious physical and armed struggle of the the government becomes interested decision to fight and hence they are futed was killed indeed, even if it new series of leaflets. district poster on the events of Brest and Toulon crisis, and the break with the stal workers. To follow the directives of the inist hireling Dr. Marteau, the In controlling prices as much as it exerting every form of threat took every man of the Pennsylvania poster on the Italo Ethiopian war.
can in time of war. The calcula make him submit peacefully This guards to do the job. has moved consistently to the Second and Third Internationals war will, as in tions of the imperialists and their is the fasue that now hangs in the When the lockout was ordered, Throw away posters for meetings and public gatherings. left. The entry of the Belgian 1014, lead directly into a new catAn edition of leaflets on the People Front.
Bolshevik Leninists and their close military subordinates take into ac balance. War now would ind the the several Homestead branches of count particularly wages. Every Chinese working class pitted the union immediately elected an propaganda pamphlet with our slogans.
cooperation with contributed astrophe for the international labor not a little to this leftward move. No confidence in the League strike tends to become a blow against Japan, but at the same Advisory Committee.
An issue of Revolution confiscated by the government and sev.
That body eral comrades vletimized by bourgeois justice.
ment. We have just received in the struck at the entire plan for mak time struggling also against the be met and issued an announcement ing war profitable. Control of pro trayer, Chiang Kai Shek, to replace that the committee has, after maWE HAVE NEVER BEEN STRONGER THAN SINCE THE EXmails the latest copy of to guarantee peace. It is the den containing manifesto on war of the peoples of imperialist bandits oppressors, duction for purposes of destruction his government by one that would ture deliberation, decided to organPULSIONS AT LILLE!
which takes an outright revolumeans above all to the big financ truly fight to the end against Japire their forces on a truly military. From Revolution, November issue. No confidence in the Van ZeeIers who actually run the governanese and all other imperialisin.
tionary position. Lack of space and government of Belgian capl.
basis. Guards were stationed at permits the reproduction of a few talism, which has alded and still By NATHAN GOULD mates, reports that there are bealds Italian Imperialism in Its agits civil function is made clear by gression by supplying it with raw (Continued from last week)
tween two and three hundred thousand youth between the ages of 12 the following remark made by materials!
YOUTH AND RELIEF to 20 who roam the country by McCahay, Prendent of the Ch Our slogan remains: Not.
cago Board of Education. We have mano pertalism! Immediate For reasons obvious to all, the means of freight trains, hitch hikbourgeoisle has granted to the mis Ing. etc. Since that period the erable of this country various forme number one u vention based on the War Machine Exploits Misery and Poverty of the Youth to Corral subversive influences with ROTO boycott by the workers of all pro Them for New Capitalist Juggernaut groups in the schools. In Chicago duction and transportation for PWA, etc. These forms have at creasing until, in the middle of alone, the article continues, the Italy! Independent action of the fected primarily older workers, 1964, various sources attributed the War Department is increasing the working class!
those baving families.
number of roaming youth to be sources that even that which was why, of the three relle projects, much as to say that it needs well ROTC here from 17 high school But at the same time struggle It we are permitted to digress closer to seven hundred and fitty described as the purpose of the only the latter thrives.
units to 28. In che month the against our own capitalists and the for a moment we might say that thousanda formidable number. NYA has been flagrantly and crim Hence of the three relief agencies most loyal recruits are to be Chiengo high schools alone has creases in wages, unemployment drilled children and minors. The membership of the ROTO in the government to wrest from it inthe President speech in Atlanta The forms of living, the habits of Inally distorted.
on Friday, Nov. 29. gave clear in. Inte deplorable physical social and Information was revealed when the employed youth of this country, only just left school. Wongues been increased from 5, 600 to 11, 000. Erants pensions, in proportion to Imposed head of the New York Department the first is abolished, the second stoned faith, is soldier best other important cities and the rising cost forms of relief are to be suspended upon them can be most charitably of the National Youth Administra a taffure and acknowledged as a ammunition. Only by carrying on the struggle in the near future. Referring to characterized as destructive, de ton resigned his poet, giving as his mockery by one of its leaders and movement is now on foot to make on this class basis. can the tollers And further. the ROTC compulsory in all pable simultaneously Aght war, capitalthat. thing istand today, and in the ught keep some of these youth from passins et over one third of the third turns out to be a starvation the best one being, men Youth recently confirmed make high schools and colleges in the sand Fascism!
of a definite and continuing econo stealing, Jall houses, certain social period of the plan, nothing abso scabbing forced labor outfit de It will be remembered that Against the policy of collabor.
mic improvement, We have passed centers, and abandoned property lutely nothing had been accom signed to give the youth not reliet, Hence Van Roon raised the cry: the present Agure is to be multiation with the class enemy!
the peak of appropriations. We for the most part, were designated plished insofar as ald. to the needy but to prepare them for a waz in Away with the Landwehr! Not plled by many fold by virture of For a policy of treet struggle can look forward with assurance to as TEMPORARY shelters and youth was concerned.
defense of the profits of those who for the simple Increase in the the fact that each bait year even of the masses against thelrex a decreasing deficit. And later, called transient camps.
under conditions where there 19 no ploiters We do The Chillan Conservation deny them life and who impose army, but for the creation of an In providing relief we Agadint National Defense un are dealing not intend to deal here with the Corps: The OC is America milt upon them conditions of starvation army which should consist main drive for expansion and recruitwith properly self respecting Amer exact nature or the specific faults tary forced labor camps where un and physical and moral degrada ly of youth.
ment, adds thousands of new studera capitalist regime, against Icans, to whom a mere dole out of this institution. Suffice it to employed youth are conscripted (by tion.
How loyally the American bour. dents to this force.
National Union for war!
Tages every Instinct of individual for the overwhelming majority of do skilled labor UNDER MILI assured only if they can be reached is strikingly illustrated not only by army constituted of at least 45 per say that without making provision economic conditions of course) to To these youth a future can be geolsle had conducted this policy Aside from a powerful standing For revolutionary defeatism Independence.
and the victory of the revolution Needless to say, and an early ex these transients (as they have TARY DIRECTION at per day by the workers Party through its the conditions of its draft laws, by cent between the ages of 16 to 25 through the armed Insurrection perience has revealed that the come to be called. the government and keep. So successful has been youth instrument, the Spartacus the ages of the individuals com Inclusive, aside from the National of the working class!
forms of rellet granted is in it has since abolished the transient this conscription that the gov. Youth League, to direct them in prising the present standing army, Guard, the CMTC and the ROTC Down with the capitalist roself a most brazen mockery of the camp.
ernment has by this time increased the struggles for their needs.
but more so upon its specific stress (a larger force than the standing gime, cause of misery, Fascism, very word. However meager this National Youth Act: The the number of camps from 1, 600 to and attention upon those military army itself) constituted overwhelmand war!
relief, workers found that with con. NYA which, according to a conf. 2, 000, and the number of recruits ON THE WAR FRONT Institutions for civplans which at ingly, almost entirely, of youth. For the seizure of power by siderable effort it was possible dential despatch of the De period (six months) from some tract almost entirely youth.
The aside from the Boy Scouts, Girl the tolling masses through revo(barely) to subsist upon these partment of Interior, Office of Edu 300, 000 to almost 600, 000. It does not require years of ex. size of every military and semi Scouts, Sea Scouts, and other chil lutionary struggle: Mobilize!
magnanimous grants from the govcation, on April 28, 1935, was de gross dispatlataction with the con pertence or great powers of obser military youth organization (para dren military organizations, an Long live the dictatorship of ernment, the funds for which were signed to relieve the prolonged altions of our forced labor camps vation to know that youth today ticularly the National Guards and other military institution exclusive the proletariat!
obtained from the hides of the thwarting of their (the unemployed is best revealed by the reports al figures as the most serious factor the Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts and ly for civilian youth has Down with the capitalist naStarving employed. But for some youth s) natural desires and ambi: most daily of strikes and demon troduction of mass production and grown tremendously in the past of having afforded a military edu With the in other children organizations) has ed the CCC, which cao boast addtoday tional states and their frontiers. Long live the Soviet United gles, rellet was finally granted, and either in a rebellious spirit or in a food, the quartering, and the labor the system characterized by it, we Ave years. The CMIC (Military cation to over one million youth States of Europe. Long the International worker, subsisted hungry. starv some of them will never recover. Mr. Mitchell article, favorabletion of the system of mass murder, tracting almost exclusively youth These figures are a simple working class revolution!
Ing. demoralized but Hence afty million dollars has to the Coc, appearing in The New of the cream of the population the has in the past seven your almost minder for those who have furgotnevertheless. But the youth. 15 been appropriated for the purpose Republle of May 20, 1986, states proletarian youtube to that youth doubled, the number of its camps ten the last war. Just what section AKRON WORKERS!
Hear Up until 1934 the very best that and student youth by paying for pression youth will go through the in war and vital to the victory of enrollment which amounts to over for war. The facts simply an MAX SHACHTMAN nounced beforehand who exactly speak on celved was vermin and disease. rid: maximum of fifteen hours per week, standing significance in view of the by the bourgeoiste than anybody Nor have they neglected the ad are the most immediate and the WAR AND THE WORKERS den flop houses.
Friday, Dec, 18th, P.
Since then, the generous, acab, maximum wage fact that it is an open secret, admit else.
vise given with regards the student. most direct victims of the war that three institutions of relief bave of per week. Forced to scab at ted by the military officials in Long before Karl Llebknecht ut. An article in the Chicago Dally has now already been begun.
Tallors Union HA been granted the youth. We shall 20c per hour per week part charge of the 600, that the latter tered his rich and meanful slogan, Tribune of Aug. 26, 1985, was head Thone facts announce that the 21 Main Street give a detailed analysis of each of mum: a happy prospect for the is not actually a reliet project or He who has the youth has the lined: ROTO Already Biggest in successful struggle against war is these in subsequent articles. starving youth. At that rate, the a social or industrial enterprise, army. King Frederick William of To Be Doubled. The Re predicated upon the realization of army po will be determined by the INSTITUTIONS FOR YOUTH duction of a ine core of mental de bones about it) a military atrair; classes, already pronounced in even military institution in the high Winning the yontu in the cause through the to the question: RELIEF ficients and physical incompetents. an expedient way of training the more explict terms this identical schools and colleges, 18 operated of the revolutionary struggle Who will have the youth Translent Camps. In the But talk of the foregoing on this youth, of preparing them for the thought when he stated. under the direct jurisdiction of the against war and for the proletarian (Next article: Youth and Fus Times of Aug. 14, 1932, subject becomes almost extraneous war, at army scab wages, for semi civil war needs soldiers who War Department. Aside from revolution. The answer to the em, and Youth in Other Labor Hurd, giving minimum figure esti when we learn from authentic skilled union labor. This explains will obey blindly; which to a lits milltary function in warfare, uestion: Who will have the Organisations)
Five Years of Spartacus The subsisting