BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceImperialismItalyMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 50 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1935 PRICE CENTS NEW MILITANT Trotsky Shows Road of Struggle in France Thomas Leads Break with Old Committees HERNDON FREED Guard as NY Socialist Party Splits Not Peoples Answer the Fascist War towards fidence.
Yipsels Unite US Agent Can WithSpartacus Find One Scab them som letomar con per le personen mot come you at Toledo Meet Truck in Mpls Mass Pressure Forces Release of Class Danger of Patch up with Right Wing is Profiteers Clear Decks Front Mongers; All out Dec. 14! War Prisoner Still Great Confronted by tidal wave of For Big Drive on Labor By LEON TROTSKY New York anti Fascists are called informed us in its issue of Nov. 17 MARS protest which has been The struggle for supremacy with The Peoples Front represents upon to demonstrate before Mads is as follows: mounting ever since the formation in the socialist Party between the Old Guard and the Thomas Hoanthe coalition of the proletariat with son Square Garden Saturday, Dec. To once more demonstrate that of the Joint Committee to aid the er A. Opens Fight Six YCLers the imperialist bourgeofsle, in the 14 at P. against the openly. the hearts of the Italo American Herndon Defense ended Angelo shape of the Radical party and proclaimed threat of Mussolinis beat with the heart of the far away Herndon isolation from the broad of open split in New York City this smaller tripe of the same sort. The Amerlan agents to arouse sympathy Motherland and that each and labor and radical movements, the week.
When the militants proposal to Exploit Labor coalition extends both to the par for his highway robbery in Ethiopia every national who resides in this state of Georgia has executed its reconsider the motion of the old Join SYL llamentary and the extra parlia and to terrorize all Italo American Motherland of adoption is ready to first retreat since the struggle beGuard to expel the Left Wing Herbert Hoover has come out of mentary spheres. In both spheres and American opponents of the give all within his power to help can three years ago.
the Radical party preserving for Italian Fascist murder regime. Italy fight the brutal International Judge Hugh Dorsey of Atlanand reorganize local New York un bis hole and is making snappy itself complete freedom of action le moet ingen tres es defeatedral de les hores how to do the cars and made Symptoms of Ferment Over oarsely imposes restrictions upon ranized by the Italian American atmost resistance and save a chance the 158 celave insurrection game, the freedom of action of the prole Committee Against War and Fas to the Italian soldiers who are now under which Herndon was senCommittee meeting last Wednesday, removed, paychologically and polit New Turn To tariat.
cism, a united front body. The in Africa to write another epic page tenced to an 18 20 year term on the forty seven delegates from thirty six ically speaking, from March 4, Betrayal The Radical party itself is under Workers Party is participating in of glory in the history of civiliza chain gang. Herndon is now in Militant led branches quit the meet 1933. More substantial evidence to ing and proceeded immediately to the same effect has been given by going decay. Each new election the demonstration and all its mem tion.
New York, under 8, 000 bail. The Fascist sheet further stat constitute themselves the official the annual convention of the NaSymptomatie of the ferment in slves added proof of the passage of bers are requested to be there.
The state of Georgia has until Following are excerpts from the ed. City Central Committee of the tional Association of Manufacturers the Young Communist League is supporters away from it to the Dec. 27 to appeal from Dorsey to party.
held in New York last week and the expulsion of sts members of right and to the left. On the other leaflet issued by the committee When the Grand Officer of the the state Supreme Court. If it does The two City Centrals have since the pathetic attempt of Major the CL and Communist Party band, the Socialist and Communist which gives more detailed informa Crown of Italy, Mr. Pope, began not appeal, or if it loses its appeal, been hurling statements and coun George Berry, formerly president These comrades were expelled in speaking to explain the purpose of the law will be a dead letter, Hernter statements at each other. In a of the Printing Pressmen Union, recent weeks In New York for a genuinely revolutionary party. The Italian Fascists are going this gathering the throng which don will be unconditionally free letter to members, the M11 and now Coordinator for Industrial eritieizing the policies of the Comare growing stronger. The general to meet in Madison Square Garden packed the Hall of Ricciardi Res and Indietments now standing atants charged Waldman, Oneal, Cooperation in effect head of what intern and and defending trend of the tolling masses, includ. this Saturday night, Dec. 14 for the taurant, which was decorated with gaist 18 other workers will be null Gerber, and Lee with being party is left of the NRA) to stage one the ylews of Marxism.
ing the petty bourgeotele, quite purpose of glorifying Mussolini flags of the two Nations, the colors and vold.
wreckers and breeders of disunity of those immense get togetbers of They are among the donens ex clearly to the left. The orientation aggression of Ethiopia and to raise which are in the heart of every It the state does appeal, and 11 and gave a lot of their anti work labor and industry out of which pelled in recent months from the of the leaders of the workers par: funds to enable the Black Shirt Italo American, an Impetuous and the Georgia Supreme Court de Stalinist prganizations for revo tles is no less self evident: to the hordes to deprive the peaceful Eth Lasting applause broke out. This clares the law to be constitutional, ing class actions, ranging from pro Hugh Johnson and his alde made tection of Harry Lang, Caban and such gaudy shows in the summer lutionary criticism, a number of right. At the time when the masses toplans of their independence. stirring applause manifested the the defense will take the issue back Hearst anti Soviet penman, to and fall of that year in the age of whom Solned the and the by their votes and in their struggle High American socials, such as spontaneous promise of those press to the Supreme Court, which condoning corruption by Socialist the honeymoon of the New Deal Only recently over hall a seek to cast of the party of the Supreme Court Justices Salvatore ent to enthusiastically contribute to twice before refused on technical trade unions and permitting persons and the ascendancy of the Blue dozen leaders among the Now Radicals. the leaders of the united Sotillo berdinand Pocora, General the success of the Madison Square grounds to hear an appeal. Unques found guilty of misconduct in their Eagle.
York Seandinavian workers were the defense would be it. After obtaining the confidence others, are to be found among those ing to those who want to deny Italy much stronger in legal ammuniunlons to remain members of the The bankers and Industrialista expelled from the for Trotof the masses of workers on the who will Heil tyrant Mussolini her holy and sacred right to live. tlon this time. It will also be party.
who in 1983 were being told that kylsm. Others in the they were going to be driven out Statements Fly Lwho question the recent turn basis of a socialist program, the in Madison Square Garden. It must also serve to show that the stronger in its mase backing, if broad non party youth leaders of the workers parties then This Fascist rally was decided Ave million Italian Americans who every effort is made to build a milThe Old Guard answered that the of the temple, who in chastened action of the militants was a sc mood urged the government to organization and social patriotproceeded to concede voluntarily upon at a dinner in the Ricciardi live in the United States are ready itant movement not only to save essionist movement of a minority: come to their aid and accepted, not ism have likewise been expelled lion share of this confidence to Italian Restaurant, on the evening to sacrifice themselves on the altar Angelo Herndon, but also to estab or dropped for Trotskylam.
the Radicale, in whom the masses of Friday, Nov. 15, 1935.
that the newly formed committee without some reluctance, it is true, The Spartacus Youth League of workers have absolutely no con Supreme Court Justice Salva respond as the consul General Wash the principles and rights involved in was an outlaw organization and some items of labor legislation, are tore Cotillo and Ferdinand Pecora said with a tooth for a tooth and Judge Dorsey decision was by that the break between the social now again fully on the offensive. has covered open meetings Radleals Dominato People Front. The purpose of the participated.
an eye for an eye.
ist Party and the Left Wing group Mr. Clinton Bardo, president of with its literature and speakers.
Madison no means a concession of any Everybody out has taken place over the resistance the pointed in his opening Recently, four page leaflet was The People Front in its pres Square Garden rally, as the Fasciat rights or principles. He was forced Give the Fasclat vermin the an. to release Herndon because, in the of the party to the attempt to imaddress with pathos and feeling to ent gulae, shamelessly tramples daily Progresso Italo Americano swer they deserve.
face of growing mass pressure, pose upon it by these Left wing the Ignominious position in which the meeting held in that elty. In not only upon workers democracy elements of three doctrines dieta employers found themselves until New York in addition to the but also npon formal e. bour nelther the Talmadae faction nor the Roosevelt faction of Georgia torship, advocacy of insurrection recently: For the past two years large district meeting covered, geois democracy. The majority of and violence, and united front with Industry has been driven into the sectional meetings in Manhattan Radical voters do not participoliticians wants to go before the workers the Communists doctrines which cyclone cellar and the normal prob. and Harlem have already been pate in the struggle of the tollers the country to justify are not acceptable to Socialista.
lems of depression have been mag covered. Last Sanday evening and consequently in the Peoples The Militants replied that It 18 nified many times by a deliberate four members of the In Front. Yet the Radical party occutime, the Judge decision, declarIndeed because this group is loyal and well timed rapid fire and devancluding one of expelled, spoke ing the 1866 law to be vague in at the East Side meeting of the phraseology, suggests to the legisto Socialist principles, one of the tating attack by economie crackbnt a privileged position; the worY. The following evening a lature how It can adopt chief of which is Inner party de pots, social reformers, labor demalaw un kers parties are compelled to reSpartacan presented criticism strlet their activity to the program mocracy, that it was forced to take gogues and political racketeers.
der which any opponents of the By ART PREIS such steps as would safeguard the of the turn at the Harlem On Wednesday, it suddenly be existing Bourbon capitalist regime Saying the Country of the Radical party. This idea is Party from Old Guard maneuvers. meeting. The expelled are: TOLEDO, Ohio The youth seccame known that several Strutwear of Georgia could legally be sent to Both groups held rival meetings ers is characterized by a high Medniek, Sec. 22; Nat Herman elections to the Senate have fllu several The new offensive of the employ.
Ethel Winston, Son 22: Louis cynics of Humanite! The latest ceeded into a pturing themselves and stock holders on Nov. had incor the chain sang Sunday night. The Militants moral, crusading mood. Alfred and Jerry King, Sec. 15; Dorsey for Rigld Gag Law secretarles Wexat porated the Peacock Knitting Co.
meeting, held at Irving Plaza, was minated with especial clarity the the Toledo Youth Congress held at in St. Joseph, Mo. It developed In so doing. Dorsey to satisfying (Continued on Page 2)
attended by about 1, 200 people.
ler, Ser. 17; Levitsky, Sec.
privileged position of the Radicals the Central Labor Union Hall. Sat that the Peacock Company had the demands of the Georgia ruling Three significant announcements in the Peoples Front. The leaders urday afternoon, November 30. chattel mortgage on some strut class. These were expressed at the were made The first was a wire of the Communist party boasted Going one better on the Elders of wear merchandise and machinery, recent hearing in Atlanta by Counfrom Norman Thomas pledging supopenly of the fact that they re the Church (Stalinist. who hela and that a writ of replevin bad ty Solicitor Lecraw. He affirmed port to the militants and breathing nounced in favor of non proleta: the fort at the recent American been issued to recover some 5, 000 the need of silencing all radicals by defiance against the Old Guard.
rian parties several mandatea League Against War and Fascism worth of these goods. Mar court action now, in order to pre We are not splitting the party.
which justly belonged to the work conference, the fledgelings Bucshall John Farrell takes the vent the growth of militancy to a sald Thomas We are saving 10 ers. This merely means that the ceeded in preventing entirely any dirty Job of getting the goods point where the capitalist forces from petty tyrants, We are not By LO SEN denying democracy: we are saying us preparing to oppose Japan, others united front re established in part discussion on the war and sanc through the picket lines, threaten would have to fight labor outside Japanese Imperialism cave an indicating continued surrender to the property qualification in favor tions question, which had been in. Ing pickets with a long stay at the courts.
it from lawless dictation of the old other twist this week to the screws Japanese pressure by Chiang Kal of the bourgeoisle.
troduced into the conference by a Leavenworth.
Guard Forward coalition. The post it holds around China. Under Jap shek. These contradictions have a Leeraw argument was opposed The Front, as it joint resolution against pport of by Sutherland, Atlanta attortion of these party. wreckers 18 anese military auspices an autono Logle of their own for the Nanking is an organization for a direct and imperialist governments and their At a meeting attended by the er ney, who argued that the best way clear. They are trying vainly to mous state was set up in Eastern government and the bourgeoisle it immediate struggle. When struggle sanctions submitted by the Youngecutive Boards of Local 674, the to preserve the existing economic tear down a party they can no long Hopel on Nov. 24. Three days represents are between the tighten is in question, every worker 18 Peoples Socialist League and Spar Central Labor Union and the strik order and the existing good relaer control. They support the New later Japanese troope took over ing clampe of a dilemma from which werth ten bourgeois, even those ad tacus Youth League.
ing bosfery workers, AND Meyer tons between whites and negroes Lender which has slandered the control of all railways in North there seems no way out dong a hering to the united front. From and bally. Lewis, it became known that Meyer in Georgia is to allow a little free.
perty, and week to ruin te Socialist China. Japanese troop trains mov. bourgeols rond.
the standpoint of the revolutionary noved, the conference began on the Lewis didn have one single thing dom of speech. By Bugreeting a Call, which has fought for it. They ing down across the Manchukuo are capable of reacting only to hate border brought more than 10, 000 control of China means the final ex. electoral privileges should have meeting at the Civic Auditorium ernment attempt to hurt Complete Japanese Imperialist fighting strength of the Front, the evening of November 20, with a to suggest to stop the federal gov new water tight gas law to the leg of Communism and fear of losing troops Into Tlentain where they are tinction of any hopes for indepenbeen given not to Radical bourgeois featuring a sympoelum of repreken strike. Lewis left after being tola, berdid not take nerously the op thelr control in the party. They being held in readiness for action dent bourgeols development, even but to workers. But in essence, tatives of the Republican. Demo Well, you re no damned good portunist of have lost their capacity to and in North China should such action is limited. The Chinese bourgeotele privileges are uncalled for bere eratle Socialist and Communist around here. The three bodies land.
fight the exploitation of capitalism. prove necessary.
has been unable to resist Japanese is the Peoples Front intended for Parties on What Our Party, Offers then ssued a statement to the press, What he did was to accept the Their record has been a grievots The provinces of North China are imperialism because to do so it defense of democracy Then let American Youth. For over three pledging support to the strike and scholarly, technical, legal contenburden for socialism to carry. to Send Delegation ja Process Sebbeling added to would have had to run the danger et begin by applying it to its own hours, the 300 of the faithful who attacking this latest strikebreaking tions put forward by the New York state attorney, Whitney North SeyThe second was the announce boundarles of the Japanese Empire war. To do this would amount to of the Peoples Front must be the ness of the huge auditorium were.
mour, at the same hearing. The toment by Jack Altman, Multant on Continental Arla. This process the signing of its own death war direct and immediate reflection of drenched by the greatest outpour Local 574 halted the first at tal political situation, measured in leader and temporary secretary of of addition is taking place not in rant.
the will of the struggling masses. ing of reactionary balderdash ever tempts to move strutwear goods by terms of the Talmadge Roosevelt the new City Central Committee, the swift, surgical manner that It could only hope for the active that the militants planned to hold characterized the previous conquestsaid of some more benevolent imThe Committees of Action. spewed over helpless audience, threatening strikes at any transfer squabble for the title of friend of a state convention of the party in but in a slower fashion attuned to perialism, the British or the AmerUtica on December 27 and 28. The the presence of greater Internation can for example, to take up the tions. The proletariat does not de retary of the Yipsels, who openly cer firms who had originally come Committee, dictated to Dorsey, the How Very simply: through elee ances of Ben Fisher, national sec federal government. Several trans pressure organized by the Joint tional Executive Committee of the sire of Japan to avoid, if possible, a struggle the Chinese bourgeoiste side by side with it against Fas of the Stalinists and attacked the Skellett tried to bluff, and a strike rect and Lecraw was wrong on signed by National Chairman the expense of military action. bright hope for a crumb. But in cism, the Bonapartist government support of sanctions and one own now has him tled upThe strikers technical points.
Leo Kryzeki, stating that it would send an official delegation to the brought to bear by Japanese mill perialism has been able to proceed tallets, and all other forms of opcrisis.
Tremendous pressure is being these past four years Japanesa imot Laval, the war plot of the imper imperialist government in a war are asking a new seniority Ilat, that Pressure is not yet great enough, two finks be fired, and that they however, to convince him that Utica, convention consisting of tary authorities on the Chinese practically without tindrance. Not pression and violence. The sole The Minimum Is Zero.
get full pay for the time they are there should be free speech in Kryzekt, Darlington Hoopes, Clar generals in the North to declare a the least reason for this is the fact demand that class conscious wor William Weinstone, who repre out on strike.
Georgia. He wants an iron clad ence Senior, National Secretary, species of autonomy to provide that Anglo American antagonisms kers put to their actual or potential sented the stalinists in the Sympolaw to prevent it.
Thomas, and Oneal, Old Guard the cloak of respectability for Jap. have prevented their cooperation Alles is that they struggle in aestum, completely skirted the entire After falling to be able to hire Herndon return to New York leader. It also stated that the de anese control.
in the East and in addition, both tlon. Every group of the population war question, ducked the direct any trucks in Atlnneapolis, St.
Paul, was signalized by an ovation at cision had been approved by Hoan. In this situation the Kuomintang countries hoped the would really participating in the struggle challenge of Fisher on the Hopkins, St. Cloud, etc. the Strut the Pennsylvania Railroad Station The Old Guard at the Rand regime has been trying to squirm break its back in a struggle with at a slven stage and ready to sub esition on sanctions, and confined wear officials and their government The Joint Committee, of which the School did nothing more than staud its way into a settlement which Japan.
pat In repeating accusations of will avold military condict by kiv: As a result of this conjuncture of the equal right to exert influence on to sugary sentimental plet for or Winona, Minn. who did the mov active constituent is planning a split against the Militants. Ola ing Japan what is wanted and at circumstances Japan has advanced the leadership of the Peoples gante unity between Fride and rday, after be mass meeting on the case. Among Guard supporters passed resola the same time preserve the nominal unopposed and carved for itself an Front.
and Stalinists. Waldo McNutting stoned repeatedly.
tions supportingthe old Central shreds of Chinese sovereignty in enormous empire on continental Scores of the other defense bodies in the Each 200, 500, or thousand clt Chairman of the American Youth windows in the Strutwear plant Joint Committee are the Committee: condemning the bolt the North, Asia. In this the bourgeoiste bas Izens adhering in a glven city, dis Congress, one of the two main were broken by pickets. One pick which controls the detense policy.
ers. and welcoming efforts to heal Japanese military moves in the cooperated by suppressing the mass trict, factory. barrack and village speakers on the program, distin et, Alfred Russell, was arrested as well as the LI. and the GDC the party split provided all doc North during the past ten days have movement. There is a section of to the Peoples Front should in gulshed himself in his remarks by Friday and is being held incom Even if this struggle must go trines of dictatorship and violence been meant to serve eloquent notice the Chinese bourgeoisie, however time of fighting actions elect their declaring the purpose of the Con municado. He was taking pictures through more courta, victory can were repudiated by the militants on the Nanking government that which has never given up hope of representative to the local commitgress to be the uniting of the of the police and the plant. still be won by the presentation of Solomon criticized Thomas for hav. equivocation or evasion have limita getting the imperialist ald it needs tee of action. All the participants youth on a minimum program on able legal arguments and above ing ceased to become the leader Press reports of the past week to oppose Japan, in whom It sees in the struggle are bound by its which everyone could agree. Ev. The Central Labor Union pledged an by campaign of pressure the party in order to become the have contained seeming contradicits nemesis. That section of the discipline. Continued on Page 3)
eryone agreed on the minimum to call a city wide mass meeting in based upon a broad appeal to miltions some alleging that Nanking (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 4) support of the Strutwear strike. Itant principles.
Japs Snatch North China; Put Screws on Chiang Gov