BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismFascismFranceHitlerMarxMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT PAGE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1935 Roosevelt Closes His Third Year with New Deal at Low Ebb Capitalists Desert Savior Purged!
Only Privileged Few BenAs Crisis Clouds Lift lefit from New «Prosperity»
MEYES LEWIS MINNEAPOUS LABOR MOVEMENT PURGE THE William Can SALE tyr Peoples Front Cracks In Cabinet Crisis Auto Strike Impends By JOHN WEST stock market bas been steadily Meanwhile, in half hearted the masses have learned for more In 1932 Roosevelt was swept booming. Bonuses for executives way. he continues his play for from three years of Roosevelt than stormily into office on a broad wave have come back. large number middle class support by talking from the depths of the Hoover of middle class bewilderment, work of Independent as well as landlord about the utilities and social secur crisis. Labor and the unemployed ing class and farmer resentment, and capitalist farmers have more ity and new taxes in higher brack are beginning to realize more and bourgeois fear.
The curve of money with the help of mortgage ets; and now by appealing to pact clearly than ever before in the business cycle was close to its moratoriums, AAA benefits, and a fist Illusions in neutrality measures history that the 1936 choice, be very bottom, on the downswing of combination of high prices and But, alas, the middle classes notween finance capital open and unthe mightlest depression the United good crops during the current ser longer Isten so readily. The mid disguised and finance capital with States had yet experienced. Fin son (a combination resulting in dle classes always jump toward a decoration of appealing phrases, ance capital itself was worried. part from inflation, in part from what looks at the moment like the Is for them no choice at all. They The orthodox solutions, admin last year drought. Chemicals, winning side. With finance capital begin to understand that the presistered governmentally by Hoover, autos, munitions, steel, agricultural again roaring, their depressed conent upturn in business will neces had got nowhere. The curve con equipment, are forging ahead.
fidence again revives. It looks to sarily be short lived, and will in tinued down. The middle classes, Above all, corporation profits have them as if the big shots were right any case and however far it goes fluttering tremulously, saw no out. monted amazingly, each week bringafter all; and in any can only be of little benefit to them. They REOS they seem to know their own minds begin to move toward consciousness ment, proletarianization, and out 1930, and in some instances for all Ironically, every step forward to of class issues.
right unemployment, they were time.
ward prosperity loses for Roome Growing Sentiment for Class Action Big Business Clamps Down losing all confidence in their formvelt middle class support. If you Already this is apparent in the er gods, the big Industrialists and But what this means, from the can have the old fashioned prosper third party sentiment in the bankers. The farme were crushed point of view of finance capital, 18 ity again, reasons the middle class, strength of local Farmer Labor orby mortgages, taxes, and low prices that the New Deal has served its Let let it be run by its authentic ganizations (as in Minnesota. in The workers were decimated by purpose. With profits again rolling representative, by the bankers and the Labor party demands appearing unemployment without adequate re in, no need for any more nonsense the old fashioned Grand Old Party within the of L, and especial llet, by sharply decreased wages about the Forgotten Man and a new Besides, what has Roosevelt donely in the growing sentiment among and part time jobs. The entire po social order. And no more extravathat he promised? No, we will re the rank and file workers every pulation was looking for a savior. cant governmental spending with to the former gods, and sign where to settle fees by direct Roosevelt pranced into the arena, its necessary threat of either un.
up at the Chamber of Commerce. Class action, without parliamentary with the banner of the New Era controlled inflation or increased thankless task, Indeed, this Job Intervention sentiment clearly flung bigh. He offered himself to taxation. And no more playing political dishwasher for finance reflected in the stormy of the people as their needed savior around with concessions to the capital convention. Roosevelt seems to His powerful demagogy rolled out workers and the unemployed. And But times do not exactly return bave retained enough of his demadenunciations of the Torles and the an end to this talk about Torles and 1985 not can be 1920. Rogy to head this off from national money changers new type of and money changers, these slander The Chambers of Commerce over expression in the 1968 campaign, life was to be brought to America ous attacks on American ideals, on play their hand. The farmers re but this can prove only a temporary freed from the domination of greed the utilities and the banks and the main in the majority behind Roose diversion.
and private selfishness. The For Stock Exchange Time to get down velt. The Industrialists in the un In the meantime, the energies of gotten Man was to become the basis to real business again. It is all Ionied industries stay with him. the far sighted among the bourof the new social order.
well and good to maneuver and The middle class liberals have seofsle Itself, and of the reformists talk and even accept certain deviSavior of Capitalism given up the Torles for good. And and Betrayers within the working Now it is true that Roosevelt strictions when things are on the ous methods and uncomfortable re labor and ti the unemployed, for all clase, are being bent to make sure their disillusionment with the shat that this awakening consciousness came into office in a sense as a savior: precisely as the savior of edge of the abyss. But now that tered New Deal, are not now will of class needs and class issues is the capitalist order in the United we have again picked up the scent Ing to go back quite as far as the directed into safe channels. Labor of profits, away with this doll play.
States, as a stop gap to tide over rugged Individualists, whose only takers, Socialists, Stalinists, LoveU. capitalism in a dark hour, ing and back to the higb road of tangible promises are a balanced stoneltes and liberals alike try to true Americanism.
as a channel to turn side mass dis.
budget, a smashing of independent move it toward a sane third Thus has big business reasoned content from any development to unionism, and cutting of rellet. party, toward a Labor or Farmer ward genuine social change. But, past year and a halt. And in the the White House.
more and more openly during the Finance capital at heart! Who Is this redoubtable, have you boys against me? Haven ity still be re elected next year, un would it be able to avoid direct atThus Roosevelt can in all probabil Labor or People Party. Thus naturally, to accomplish these ends Roosevelt could not appear in his light of this reasoning, the cam comes again out of its lair: its enemy of their s? What is his re brought back your profits, keptless major economic and social al tack against crpital. The central paign against the New Deal bas limbs rejuvenated with the blood ply? We read it day by day. Roose labor in check, done all you asked terations meanwhile intervene.
actual economie role.
effort of the revolutionists must be The pachotaken form. The Chambers of Com of profits, it roars once more with velt promises a breathing spell. of me? He promises to stop the But Roosevelt victory taken in to give this consciousness its aulogical and political requirements had also to be met. And to meet again with the old slogans.
merce throughout the land ring Its lion volce. It smashes head on He mends out Roper to glorify cap. dole, to reduce the deficit next itself would not be the significant thentic expression, to lead it toward The Into the New them, his program had to embody editorials in the powerful newspa through its courts; and where the fullest cooperation. He pleads with after to bring the budget into bal. would not, for example, at all be its genuine meaning and the actual Deal legislation italism. He promises the bankers year to 500, 000, 000 and the year social symptom which it might seem the sole historical embodiment of the halfformede dreams and precious pers denounce, deplore, and pile up courts have not acted, cat goes its big bustness, through the Adminis. ance. He is the injured servant. vindication for the New Deal needs which it reflects the revolu: though to a less extent, of labor. the phrases about the Stalin, Hit own way in open defiance.
in And what a sham the battle is Administration newspapers: What only to be thrust out into the cold form beneath the public surface. tionary party, This, then, was the material of the ler, Mussolini and anti Chri New Deal: In economie substance, a series of mostly temporary meas2 icals and who but Cachin and his uras designed to help pull the bust Stalinist confreres expected any.
Deres cycle out of the hole; In pey.
thing else? the Socialists in turn chological and political form, a grew frightened. And if Blum got group of vague but enspiriting genContinued from Page scared Cachin was almost petri.
eralities constructed to rally behind Fascist Croix de Feu.
ties that Plerre Laval, their Bon the real class struggle is turned fled for Laval has been flirting with the Administration all who were hanging far out on a lonely limb. The Front Populaire, cracked apartist friend, dissolve the Fas full force upon it.
Hitler The differences among The best they can now propose wide open, offers no other perspec clst leagues and disarm them.
bewildered, confused, and resentful.
Herriot started the detection the three groups were brought out There was, thus, little systematic is the substitution for Laval of ative. The working class parties The Croix de Feu la contemptu from the People Front last week in the meetings of the Delegation (Continued from Page 1)
opposition to the New Deal in its workers and peasantsgovernment have thrown their fate into the lap ous because it knows that France and within the past few days the of Lefts, e. the Radical, Socialist dary. great portion of the mafirst period. Blg business was no. of Joseph Paul Boncour or of of Herriot and now that the lest political crisis will be solved not rise of the discount rate to per and Stalinist members of the Cham Salery of the Chevrolet plant has scared, and needed the help of the Theodore Steeg or Laurent Bonne 1st Herriot has falled them they ve from the tribunes of the Chamber cent and the spectre of devaluation ber early in the week.
Administration. The middle class way or another one of that old moved farther up the line to a but on the streets, arms in hand. and inflation turned the defection The Radicals got Laval promise the NEW MILITANT during the Muncie, Ind. as predicted in es were full of hope.
The farmers school of hardened reactionary polo Boncour! Anything, anybody but It Joers because it knows that into a stampede.
that he would discuss dissolution were encouraged by preparations iticians at the head of a new cab the struggle for workers power.
for commodity Inflation and direct. Inet of Republican Radical coall. Not the workers, but Herriot or tlst successor to Laval can really whole French crisis reduces tee nim put his budget across that in the key position with regards to. During the last five days the of the leagues after they helped April strike. Toledo is no longer governmental subsidy. Labor. not tion! other words, the substitu Boncour or somebody like them dissolve or disarm any more for these pitiful parliamentarians, was enough for them. They voted that it held at the time of the last thinking in terms of class issues, tion of a French von Papen for the must get in to disarm the Pas than von Papen could dissolve Herriot Blum Cachin and Co. Into to support Laval motion on the Chevrolet strike. The Saginaw and was willing to follow its officini French Bruening.
the Nazl storm troopers.
whether they should let Laval in agenda.
Should the turn of the debate The Fascist Croix de Feu, armed leaders in welcoming the savior.
It jeers because it sees Its So troduce his budget frat or whether Muncle plants are completely unorTweedledum for Tweedledee The New Deal did its work. It result by any chance in the down and ready to sleze power, looks clalist and Communist opponents they should inslat on having their ganized. Dillon has no intentions is of course impossible to estimate foul of Laval another good Repub with contempt on the proceedings concerning themselves alone with demand for dissolution of the Fas deputies, for whom the whole fight Cleveland Fisher Body union is in Blum and the other socialist of organizing these plants. The exactly great sa poart the New iteun will follow him to continue in the Bourbon Palace It Joers the struggle on the parliamentary cist lenguer take precedence over against Fascism consists in having a weaker position than it was dar Deal polletes played, over and above the Bonapartist regime which is at the solemn insistence of Radt scene with shadow boxing which all other issues!
the normal economic developments, rapidly clearing the road for the cal, socialist and Communist depu will disappear when the glare of Faced with the flight of the Rad. solve the Fascist organizations, strong, is only an assembly plant.
in getting the business cycle out of dlacussed the advisability of forcthe basement. But on any account Good Time for Strike tional Guard can. So they confering the downfall of Laval on some the part was considerable was, in General Motors is now deliberred with an observer from Ads. technicality of procedure and sub: ately playing its cards, one by one.
deed, unprecedented for this coun try. Without Roosevelt handling General Marx office in Columbus, stituting what? government It is obvious, that what is involved Inte today.
headed by Bonnevay, Steeg or Jo here, wrefully thought out, of the banks at the outset, It is Continued from Page probable that the banking holiday Three main streams of pickets agreed on condition that nothing seph Paul Bencour. any one of carefully prepared plan, to smash Workers Celebrate would have precipitated a mosters arrested. The pickets Jeered advanced towards the plant, con come in or out of the plant and Tonight 5, 000 workers paraded them, according to Blum, leader the Chevrolet unton in Toledo.
severe financial crisis. The India and swore. They shouted thelr cealing the movements by first that the thugs stay within the in victory march over the cool known for his Republican convie There are many factors, however, nary measures helped the farm. right to plcket.
busting the glaring searchlight. plant. No attacks on the picketing of the plant. huge massernment, according to Blum would which make objective conditions in ers and exporters directly and im Children Gassed steady battery of rocks answered line would be tolerated, mediately, loosened up purchasing. Flower replied by ordering his the thugs. The pickets met the vocation would immediately bring Ixed labor in this district represent golve Parliament, call new elee even more favorable today than at and helped check bankruptcles. The thugs to advance in military array clubs of the thugs in a fierce hand a general strike, the union leaders ed and pledging solidarity NRA provisions alded the big cor most of them were veterans. to band battle without flinching. said.
The workers know from the To tions and ensure law and order the time of the Inst strike. First, porations in putting some halt to when they approached the picket The mighty Alst of labor crashed this is the beginning of the season, During the truce period the com ledo Auto Lite strike that the Najduring the campaign.
and the automobile Industry is ex the chaotic and destructive price line, Flower called for them to fire through the gangsterdom of the Dany refused to discuss even the tional Guard can be defeated. They In other words, the Blum per perlencing its biggest boom since cutting, which was endangering the point blank with their tear gas thugs. The gate house, main strong critical situation. They spurned confidently face tomorrow, in one spective is to provide in the event the golden days of 1920. The Mun entire price and credit structure. The thurs leaped to club the blind Scabs rushed out with a dre hose lator who wanted to Mense the situ. Duponts and their tools gung. Five workers fell stunned. hold of the enemy, was seized. humble efforts. The outlay of government funds they counterpart. For this any of the canized rapidly in the fire of batAAA, the various work rellet agen cumbed under the brutal attack. aside. They started towards the ference: in other making a will take every repressive measure mentioned. Bonnevay. Steekor ot the flying squadrons. Detroit cles, loans of all kinds, etc. un crippled girl, going home for lunch plant entrance itself to clean it of sell out agreement and trying to possible under capitalism to keep Paul Boncour would amply sufflce was moribund at the time of the doubtedly did a fair amount of the from school, screamed in terror as scabs, but the wind died down. It fool the workers into acceptance. the workers from victory on the And the Stalinista? Where are last strike. Today it is beginning pump priming which the Admin. tear gas scorched her. Three chil. took over 150 rounds of tear gas Resentment against the company picket Une and they know tt. they left hanging in this sorry parto feel again the first flush of re istration promised. Section Ta, and dren, not over 10 years old, shrleked and plenty of reinforcements for crew as truce expiration time drew The workers aren so sure of liamentary muddle?
turning confidence. It Todelo, with a The citizens committee themselves, however, around the Where Are the Vallant Radicals? its great prestige, would give the government arbitration boards with their home and narrowly missed plant from being demolished. Even begged the union leaders to contin conference table surrounded by Edtear gas, managed to choke of two them. picket, defying the clubs, so the front wall was badly dam ue it for another 48 hours. They ward McGrady and other smooth for Nov. 28, the question 18 According to the Daily Worker lead in battle, the Detroit workers, Alled with accumulated bitterness potentially major strike waves, and rushed to the house and carried aged and every window broken replied they present it to a mass tongued federal conciliators whose Shall Laval be overthrown to and dissatisfaction, might rise up to keep labor in its place. them out. solld barricade was built of meeting Saturday night.
treacherous moves can change a day or has the situation not suf again in a strike that would eclipse The New Prosperity An intermittent battle raged all huge cement blocks and the work LU. Promises Walkout Two minor upturns in the bust day.
The workers reformed their ers prepared for another attack.
The workers, 000 strong at the workers are learning and it me ciently matured? If the Laval gov. the battles of late 1983.
Demand General Strike ernment is overthrown, what shall ness cycle, during 1933 and 1984, lines constantly, using coal and take its a People Front or have now been followed by a more bricks to retaliate against the at. When word of the battle reached general strike, they shouted, unless forewarned against him. Strike in Toledo a Radical socialist government?
considerable rise beginning in the tacks.
Word spread through the the mass meeting, it aroused the the scabs are removed and the plant All Unlons Involved The strike called by the The county of the terror. Workers workers to a fever pitch of indig closed. We ll go in and take them The issue of the fight against at the Mather Spring Co. of Toledo dominant Internal factor at present came from Akron and elsewhere to nation against the company. Speak out ourselves it the serife doesn t, and realized by every adult in this upon the stalwart action of the plant remains sbut tight as a drum.
One thing is positively certain Fascism, it seems, depends entirely entering into its third week. The the continuance of this new drift reinforce the picket lines. Barrier after speaker told of the terror, voces added. The union leaders town of 25, 000. There is only one Delegation of Lefts. and in the After a flat refusal to conduct any toward prosperity. It is a very cades were bullt, torn down, and women who were hurt demanded looked for Flower. He played hide main issue in the strike: The final analysis upon a bourgeois negotiations with the men, as they peculiar prosperity indeed. Hardly rebullt.
that their husbands protect them and seek until midnight, and then company is trying to bust the un government!
Union leaders called a dent has been made in unemployaid not contemplate any reopening a mass from the thugs. No more tear gas told them he couldn do anything. Ilon and then the other unions will But our Daily Worker writer of the plant, the management has ment, particularly if we take into meeting to protest the brutalities or clubs. Disarm the thugs, the He said this after the disgusted also be demolished.
who says that a People Front gov finally seen the light and consented account the youth who have come all the strikers and 1, 000 sympa workers erled in the meeting. We workers left the meeting.
to working age during the past six thizers attended while over 2, 000 want a general strike to defeat the Last year the Mellon controlled ernment would have to be a gov to meet with the union representaSunday brought a formal vote by Columbia Chemical Co. officials ernment of real struggle (sic. but tives. The celebrated Toledo Peace years. Though factory payrolls are workers and sympathizers remained company! they cried. commit the Central Labor Union for a gon tried to smash the union here. that the Socialist leaders do not Board, set up by McGrady, which considerably increased, real wages on the picket line tee representing 26 unions was eral strike, to be called anytime picket line of 1, 000 workers from yet appear prepared for such a was supposed to avert Industrial of factory workers gene Alarmed by the growing strength formed to consider and plan the needed to ald the strikers. In par Akron and elsewhere brought this struggle, has not followed his news strife in Toledo was heralded ticular by Monday night, when the company to its knees and the union papers carefully enough.
stin far below the 1928 level, and of the workers, the thugs trantical walkout.
in many Industries close to the ly fred more tear gas as night be The Chamber of Commerce be truce again expired, if the plant gained its demands and its leaders Thores, Duclos and Co.
Cachin, throughout the country as an exdecided ample to be followed in all other crisis low. The professional work gan to creep over the battle ground. came frightened. It called two wasn closed. As the picket line were given their jobs back.
Tide Turns ers and recent college graduates three weeks ago that a government cities, has failed to make one step preachers and other Impartial began to grow into the hundreds Now the Duponts are trying of the Front Populaire at this during the entire three weeks of have an enormous percentage of unA strong wind blowing from the citizens to see what could be again today, the sherife, realizing the same stunt. But we know juncture could not be seriously the strike. Only when the local employment and a great lowering plant towards the pickets shifted to pacify the workers. This elti he was licked, withdrew the scate that a solid front against the envisaged. Humanite, Nov. 11. threatened to spread the strike and of living conditions where emIt carried the tear gas fumes back zens committee called for a truce. and ordered the prant shut. apitalists can be broken and what do they offer in ith stead? the Chevrolet situation was coming ployed. The farm laborers, share into the factory. Soon the thugs Union leaders, worn out from the But the company doesn like well win this striko, union government of the left to re to a head aid they finally make a croppers, and poor farmers continand scabe were caping for air and terrific struggle, their workers tear this. It Power can break the leader netd. And for it place Laval. Radical Bolallat move to bring the management to ue in desperate straita. But the retreating.
seed, clubbed and exhausted, strike for them, they think the Na looks that way.
government, in other words. negotiate with the men.
Barberton Labor Plans General Strike. er the then dure thus to get the National Guard.