AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1935 PAGE One Year of the 5th Anniversary of Spartacus Youth League Workers Party Your Own Comment. Write Membership and Influence cluding (if necessariuo decisively.
Wh ment. Another eight million are students. In 1930, the Department of Labor reported that no less than 11, 585, 868 youth between (Continued from Page 1)
Does the support of League of Nations sanctions lead to support pseudo progressives in the unions, etc. precisely at the moment when these ages were gainfully employed pr the new imperialist war? British Stalinist spokesmen, By NATHAN GOULD tion is to win and to educate for in the Stalinism most openly takes on the role of social patriotic betrayal. National Secretary, membership in the Workers Party Hence in 1980 the youth comJackson, gives a clear cut answer (see plebs, Nov. 1935. Bureaucratic centrism and social democratic centrism meet to con December, 1985, marks the be and for leadership in the class prised over one third of the total The issue which is being decided now in relation to the Italoginning of the Acth year of the ex. struggle, the masses of tolling and number of workers gainfully em Abyssinian war is whether the League of Nations is of any use as an summate the betrayal, to make it more certain by creating in the istence of the Spartacus Youth student youth of the country. Asployed in instrument for the prevention (immediate or ultimate) of war. To mind of the masses the illusion of strength through unity.
great period of unLeague of America and the concluan International organization it is employment. More important is put this issue to the test Involves punitive mexsures, up to and inIt is in such a period of reaction as we have described that the son of the first year of the post prominently engaged in the work the fact that there is probably not war upon the war maker. There is no other old Internationals finally break down ie. in the sense of succumb fusion Spartacus Youth League of realizing the organization of the one single important Industry in way of testing the ing to opportunism and social patriotism and irrevocably losing the For those who recognize and under Fourth International and the youth the in which the youth are Would a war between the League states and Fascist Italy worth while from the point capacity to serve as a progressive force. In normal times the (with any allies Italy could collect)
youth in modern society and of the the stockholm Youth Bureau, which tion. Capitalist industrial devel process of degeneration is not obvious, it still appears that the youth movement in the class strug our organization together with the opment has seen to that. Further of view of the INTERNATIONAL working class! Of course it would. defeat of Fascism in Italy would be a defeat of Faseism EVERY.
working class under its leadership is making progress. This also gle, this day is a day of exaltation. International Communist League more, important industries such as WHERE. defeat of imperialism in the person of Italy would be a means that the new International comes into being in the period For those who have never under organizations was instrumental in automobiles, employ youth in the defeat for imperialism everywhere, including Britain and France.
stood its significance, it is an invl Counding, the played an ac overwhelming majority because of of reaction, of defeat, and of demoralization for the working class.
Here we have Stalinist social imperialism in the guise of the tation to stop for reflection. For live role in the life of the Bureau the nature of the work and the imThus the Third International of Lenin came into being during the all, this is the occasion to review and in the political struggle against mense speed up.
struggle against Fascism and imperialism!
And the same author finds that the League of Nations can be War, and the Fourth International comes into being in the present and to plan the political course and the centrists and opportunists, who It is not difficult to understand converted into an anti imperialist, anti capitalist forte!
organizational stratecy of the youth succeeded finally in smashing the therefore that the importance of epoch of war and impending war. It Is, potentially, at least as much an ANTI imperialist (and It follows that the cadres of the new International are at first organization of the Workers Parts Bureau by expelling from it the the youth in the productive appar therefore, potentially, ANTI capitalist) institution as the reverse. Same as above. a small minority isolated in a sense from the masses, though they Four years of alligent effort en other organizations that have and considered from the point of Write your own comment!
alone express the true interest and need of the masses, as presently ables us to report the existence of signe the Open Letter for the view of the class strggle and pro becomes clear. These cadres survive in such a period because they youth organization which, in the Fourth International, the letarian victory. they are indistheory and ideology; because they make the clearest and sharpest a factor. The bus today in the southe section the better pensable to the proletarian van cause speed is the primary sail e contribution to the Institutions of guard. This steady relative increasequirement in modern society) the crime and degeneration, the pool break not merely in words or even program but also organization tioning in fifteen cities, in ten ing new forces to it.
ja total of twenty six branches func Fourth International and in draw of youth in industry at the expense more strenuous jobs and that the ball, profit considerably trom in ally from the dead and corrupt fody of the old International, and states throughout the country. The importance of the youth or uted to the simplification of ma discriminated against through the who frequent these institutions for because they steel themselves against every weakness in themselves. The is today approximate ganization grows in correspondence chinery in production, the rational application of so called apprentice lack of a better means of disposing one fourth the size of the Young with the increase of the importance ization in production (Taylorism laws, etc.
and every attack and temptation from without. The example of of the long hours of tortured People Socialist League and about of the role of youth in society. Be which requires nimble thought. process of moral and fingers.
Lenin needs merely to be cited.
Unemployed Youth physical degeneration of the youth, To use Lenin own words uttered during the early days of the Communist League. All other po ocuples in the world today it is young and active bodies, with great also the the future of the country. as we litical labor youth organizations safe to say (and it is by no means tact that youth ostensibly requires World War, in such a period the basic task is to unite the Marxian At the present time youth repre. say, takes place and is taking place Hundreds (I. youth, Anarchist youth, an exaggeration) that the outcome elements, however small their number may be at the beginning, to youth, etc. are considerably of the struggle of the working class less to live on (that is, from the sents almost one half of the total at rate unbelievable.
revive in their name the words of real Socialism now forgotten, point of view of direct family obll unemployed of the country. Most of thousands of youth wandering, call the workers of all countries to relinquish chauvinism and raise as factors influencing the youth are by its (the working class sations, although many times he is of these are youth who have been itstless and apathetle; restless, the old banner of Marxism.
There are, furthermore, particular reasons why the growth of strides we have come to be ac masses of tolling and student youth families) enabling him to work at colleges and have been denied by rendered useless by system that a lower wage return. Because of this system the right to participa cannot care for them, they become the forces of the Fourth International on American soil does not knowledged as one of the three po in the course of the post war these factors we find that in the tion in production. Such individu the victims of that society.
litical youth organizations active period the role of youth in the var.
proceed at the rate of thousands a month. Right on the heels of the This multitude of depression past fifteen or so years youth has als properly enter into a category in and influencing the struggles of ious stratekle positions of dusty become more and more of a factor all their own declassed elements. youth (ex students who have been founding of the came the first public announcement of the the tolling and student youth of and politics has assumed an in in basic industry to the extent Never having worked, they lack ex denied a place in the productive apIt is interesting to creasing Importance until today where he has become a vital factor perlence in and basic knowledge paratus of the country) will tomorStalinist 180 degree turn, viz. support of the labor party idea. This this country.
was followed by other breath taking swings on the Stalinist flying berval that our organization, they hold the very lisy to the four to the operation of production of the class struggle and its inevit. row, unless reached and educated contradistinction to the above men arties which vitally concern the Just as youth, counting in the milable implications. Because of an by the proletarian movement, contrapeze. Now many of the points in the present program have tioned, experienced its principal revolutionary movement and its lions, is indispensable to the pro absence of this fundamental class stitute the Fascist army of this a superficial plausibility and attractiveness for the workers and growth during the last year. course to power.
That is the lesson of the especially for intellectuals and liberals. To welcome all people who On the war front youth is the so he is vital to the victory of that unbearable economic conditions in development of the Fascist move ductive apparatus of the country. tradition, functioning under the country.
on any ground are opposed to war and Fascism, who want to see Growth of first and the most directly affected On the economie front It is the sessive force in society which losed on them, they more easily ment of every other country. Ampeace and a semblance of democracy maintained, into one all embracWhile the prepared the liq. greatest physical and moral victim. rely upon and seek support from compelled to resort to other day by this very economic process nature of its struggle, must degenerate (politically) and are erican capitalism is producing to ing united front how sensible that sounds, how attractive, how uidation of the Young Communist In velation to the Fascist move the factory proletariat. The task legal. means in order to live. a huge reservoir from which will imposing the masses that seem to rally to meetings and parades movement, and whereas the Lment it is the most likely recruit.
at its last convention (Pittsburgh, of winning the younger members of It not surprising that Dr. spring tomorrow a comensurable around such a program! It takes time and effort to demonstrate, as In the field of labor polities it this class falls directly upon the Williams of the Paychiatrie Clinie Fascist army. We for our part the attempts to do and must do if it is to be true to Marx and July 19 21, 1935) acknowledged the is the most agressive, the most shoulders of the Spartacus Youth of Childrens Village, Dobbs Ferry, can and must direct the cross dis loss of 20 of its branches since the militant, and the most amenable to Lenin, true to the real facts, that this united front is a mere show, Reading convention the propaganda of the Marxists; League.
New York, can report a tremendous satisfaction of these youth into the that it is pacifist and will collapse when war really threatens, as all one year prior to the Pittsburgh yet the most easily deceived by any amount of accuracy that the years among the youth between the proletarian revolution, as the only it cannot be stated with increase in crime in the depression proper channels, the channels of the imposing pacifist movements always have, that this fake united session, the Spartacus Youth virtue of its lack of experience. degree of exploitation (from the ages of 18 and 21, most of whom means by which the needs of these front means in reality dividing the workers from each other, because Lengue reports unprecedented pro On the Economic Front point of view of speed up and gen. have had no previous record that youth can be satisfied for all time it opens the way to social patriotic betrayal in war. similar super. after the fusion the Spartacus eral working conditions in the fre these depression youth are today Let it be known to all that the ficial attractiveness attaches to Stalinist proposals for an all inclusive Youth League Increased its memApproximately twenty four mil tory) is not any worse for the the greatest offenders of the law. Spartacus Youth League is the in labor party, their abandonment of the dual unionism, social fascism, bership by over 144 percent and in lon. or one fifth of the total popu youth than for the adult, it is a wandering and begging, living as strument of the working class de lation in the United States, are known fact that, as a rule, their moochers, is the most dignified signated to execute this vital and united front from below, etc. of the Third Period. The task of creased the number of its new youth between the ages of 15 to 24 wages are lower than that of the expression of the demoralization historic task.
showing the workers that the opportunist ditch in which the branches in cities where none had inclusive. At least five million of adult and that they are given (be imposed upon the youth. America previously existed by 132 percent (To be concluded next week)
now wallows is as vile as the sectarian ditch of the earlier period is further increase in membership not an easy one.
of ten percent and in new branches The companies are thus caught in But if in such a period and for such reasons as we have sketch by 27 percent is reported for the a dilemma. If e a plant produc summer months, period of time ily indicated, workers do not flock by themselves by thousands into ing even a minor part of a car 18 when organizations tend to suffer the revolutionary party, there are compensations. Precisely the shut down, the production line in normal declines in membership, in one of the big companies may be clearest elements, the most healthy and vigorous, the youth elements, activity and in recruitment. These slowed down in a few days which penetrate beneath the surface. They see the capitulation to social figures of steady and substantial means losing orders. The same patriotism, the preparation for monstrous betrayal in the next war, growth testify to the vitality of our (Special to the New Militant) of tool and die makers though its Dillon will of course not cooperarive of competition is leading comorganization and gives Indication the confusion and demoralization among the workers, which must By MUSTE last convention decided for indus ate with the outlaws and the panies to seek means of cutting of its great future.
result from the course of the bureaucracies of both the Second and trial organization) which also had chance that he will be able to do down costs, which means that in exist today in DETROIT, Mich On every side the Third Internationals. These elements tend surely and irresistibly such strategie areas as the cal signs multiply suggesting that be members working in the plant im any damage to the strike smoke the face of rising prices grlevanets accumulate among the workers.
to move toward our program and our banner, met steel district and the southern fore the winter is over the battle are del tele celled out of men and practically nil, Ininois coal fields, The past year has demonstrated that the program laid down for It can be authoritatively stated Thus the Motor Products Corpora hinfuencing for unlonization of the automobile The strike also has the support of that from both sides leaders of tlon strike started over an attempt there considerable of the company to put over a wage the in the Declaration of Principles is in every essential point That the is more condition of the industry, the de: of America (known as the Greer and the John Lewis Committee cut under the cover of a shift from unassailable. As the war issue has come to the front, the and more becoming factor in the velopments among the independent union after its leader. As the for Industrial Unionism have plece to week work. General Mo has been the one voice which has set forth a clear, a complete, a struggle of the youth is best disunions in the industry: the Green NEW MILITANT reported recently, tors is laying up trouble for itself, been making exploratory moves played not only in its active par concrete Leninist position and has been able to explain events in the Lewis controversy in the of the executives of these three inde to determine whether cooperation in its move to decentralize its trans ticipation in the student movement over craft versus industrial un pendent unions in the auto fela light of that position. Steadily this is making its impression on the is possible. Here is the key to mission production, so that it may and in the student strike of April tonism, and the strikes that have have voted for amalgamation into the situation so far as the work.
not be caught again as it was by genuine left currents in the Socialist Party, in Stalinist circles in 12, but more in the fact that, for already broken out or are about to an industrial union with a preamble ers side of the struggle is conthe Toledo strike last year, by example, in the past four months explode, all point in this direction recognizing the existence of class some measure, and among the politically unattached who, in spite of cerned.
working the men in Muncle, Ind and to some extent because of their confusion and demoralization, branches in seven diferent It is hard to see how a gloantie struggle. The referendum vote of and Saginaw, Mich 25 percent feel the need of some clear, albeit as yet small, voice amid the cities played leading roles in strikes conflict can be avoided. The auto the membership on the proposal. The auto workers, especially longer hours and at ang mobile magnates nervousness is re will be almost unanimously favor. Detrolt, have unquestionably lost of the young forca tempest The few organizational notes flected in all the newspapers in the able.
faith in the of which they still working Toledo. Little won The confidence built up among our own membership during this written on the occasion of the first automobile centers of Michigan, The Motor Products strike is censor, Collins. This outfit cannottoms of ex identify with Dillon and his prede. der the big companies exhibit symp first year and among the most advanced workers in other groups, anniversary of the post fusion sy. Ohlo and adjoining states.
thus the first test of the new amextreme nervousness!
because on the burning, the real, issues of the revolutionary move are Militants and progressives must ment we speak with consistency and authority, is a great achieve. De dead gned to give our readers. The strike of nearly 4, 000 work algamation of auto unions. If it organize the industry. The oppor idea of our present strength and in the Motor Products Co. in succeeds, as seems fairly certain for several years, if it is left to must make full use of it. In a real tunity will pass this year, perhaps not let this opportunity pass. They of the great potentialities of this Detroit is holding firm. It is a the new union will become a very them. On the other hand, the work sense the fate of the American labor ment.
young youth organization.
preliminary skirmish in which the potent rallying center.
Although this first year has necessarily been one devoted to forces that will presently be coop ers are not likely to have the confimovement for a long time to come The reactionary wing of the Adence that any combination of it may binge upon what happens in Purpose of Spartacus organizing ourselves, laying foundations for the Party and its work erating or fighting on srand of headed in the automobile dependents can achieve the huge the auto industry between now and. theoretical and organizationalthe achievements in our external scale are feeling each other out.
industry by Francis Dillon who task, especially as long as an ur The Spartacus Youth League of The strike was called by the Auto gained unsavory tame for his col. sympathetic, reactlonary of progressives in meeting this chalwork have been far from negligible. In the very first weeks of its America is the gulding instrument mobile Industrial Workers Associa laboratton with the bosses in the union remains in the field to keer lenge and opportunity will: May of next year. Militants and existence, the Party, through its own channels and through its sup of the Workers Party in the class ton (the Coughlin union) malo great General Motors strike last the men divided and to recelve the port of the Non Partisan Labor Defense, intervened decisively in struggles of the youth section of ty composed of production workers, spring and was rewarded by Bin bosses support as soon as the inProgram for Militants the Sacramento trial, lifting that issue out of the obscurity into the proletarian population. The but the prin composed mainly president over the protests of the ter. The Independents need the movement among the independent the Mechanics Educational So Green last August by being made dependents really threaten the lat primary purpose of that organiza clety of Promote the amalgamation which the was seeking to throw it. By this and other activities our first year record in defense work was made highly creditable.
outlook. Not in contrast to but as a part of its American work it delegates of the of Inter support of the John Lewis pro auto unlong.
national, The Party played a leading role in the Toledo Chevrolet and United Automobile gressives to smash the Green Dihas sought to do its share toward building the world wide movement Fight to smash the Green Workers, has behaved in characterion leadership from inside the General Motors strike, which carried the struggle against the auto of the Fourth International. Each Plenum of the National CommitDillon leadership in the of Istic fashion and has succeeded in of Then the lyn is will be auto union once and for all.
mobile barons on the one hand and the of bureaucrats on tee has seen definite progress: March, the establishment of special ages of the Detroit workers. Dillon within the of which can man progressives prove that they Demand that the Lewis Hull the other to the highest point yet achieved anywhere. In Minneapo fraternal relations with the and the Dutch party, the tried to play an open seab berding include the present independents, mean business by lighting Dillon, lis and the entire surrounding territory, leadership has been given in June, the signing of the Open Letter for the Fourth International role. He stated publicly that he There are reasons to believe that supporting strikes, whether of F strike struggles, in organizing unions, in building the broadest and and the setting up of a Contact Commission; October, placing the would confer with the management the more far sighted leaders among of or Independent unions, and most vigorous left progressive union movement in the country. Party Party, after a vigorous discussion, four square behind the French and take the Motors Products the Independents have just such a undertaking to unite all forces in members played a significant part in the conventions of automobile section of the Bolshevik Leninists, calling for a conference for the workers back to their job at once. perspective.
the industry and in the labor moveworkers, teachers and rubber workers just preceding the Atlantic The strikers met the Dillon blast actual establishment of the Fourth International at the earliest poswith two masterful strokes. First Thas the prospects for a sound ment for large scale organizing City of convention which opened the way for the head on sible moment, laying the ground work with the and the they challenged Dillon to support foundation for building union campaign to start immediately.
conflict between craft and industrial unionists which marked that for a functioning Commission to deal with the work in colonial an election under Federal auspices are better than ever. The work Support Joint action of all ers are astir, furthermore, and convention and made it the most exciting and important in the entire to determine which union repreand semi colonial countries, preparing programmatic documents, elements in any organizing work here and there strikes are break and strikes now going on.
history of the Federation. To a remarkable extent the Party has sents the majority of the men. Dit setting up a close system of correspondence with the Latin American fon cannot run this chance. The ing out earlier than in other sex Alm the creation in this turned toward mass work and it stands out clearly as the one organ sections, etc.
Arm will also oppose it as ong as sons, making it more likely that production season of a powerful ization which has a trade union policy free, on the one hand, front Thus stands the record of the first year in the life of the possible, because to allow an elecenough impetus for an extensive industrial union in automobiles Third Period sectarianism and alventurism, and on the other hand cementing of the fusion on the basis of a Ma struggle will be attained before with an autonomous International tion means recognition of the Wagfrom Lovestoncite Stalinist opportunism and conciliationism toward the season passes its peak. The charter from the of and Der Board and recognition of the tion of Principles; emerging as the one party that combats all forms condition of the industry Itself is democratically controlled by its Independent union!
the trade union bureaucrats. In the unemployed field, in a difficult of social patriotism and proclaims the uncompromising Leninist proalso favorable for an organiza own membership. Even if the Green period of reorientation, the Party has continued to take a vital part, In the next place the strike gram for war: The real enemy is at home: smash your own bourtion campaign and strike action. Woll forces block the movement and leaders are in riting Dinon union not least in pressing for unification on a sound basis of the two geoisie; significant coqtributions to defense, trade union and unemGeneral Motors Nervous to join the strike committee, help force postponement of a decision leading organizations with a mass base, the and the National ployed work; raising higher the banner of the Fourth International them to win the battle and tell running high Detroit turned out tlon, this must not prevent cooper On the one hand, production is until the next of conven Unemployed League on American soil. This is our achievement. We are proud to ing him that they are willing in While the Party has thus addressed itself to the concrete activi stand on it for a moment as the first yeat ends and to go forward such case to have him take all with 16, 810 in the corresponding and strike activity pending final 93. 177 care last week comparedation of all forces in organizing ties in the American labor scene, it has been internationalist in its to greater achievements in the second year.
the credit he wants for the vieweek last year. On the other hand, determination of the of at tory!
competition for business la terce. titude.
THE NEW STRUGGLE IN AUTOS Big Test Awaits Industrial Union Movement