BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismFootballFranceGermanyIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxMarxismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE «Local 574 Is Invincible. legend.
Fred Zeller, Leader of the Paris Socialist Youth Declares for the Fourth International In this perlod, early 1935, the the By JAMES CANNON now it is conceded on all sides in Labor Union in securing the rethe labor movement that Local 574 THE MILITANCY THAT SCARED GREEN storation of its charter in the Team THE BATTLE OF «DEPUTIES RUN MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 26. The has the upper band over the union sters International; it disclaimed union wrecking racket which used wreckers. The impression is wideany quarrel with the other unions, to work so smoothly under the spread and strongest of all in the pointed to the record of its cooperguise of the Red purge is not anks of its own membership that ation with them in the past and what it used to be. Not in Minne Local 574 is invincible. The name, expressed the desire to continue apolis at any rate. And union or rather the number, has become this cooperation in the future; and, militants all over the country can a finally, the leaders of Local 574 relearn something from the manner Bosses Wary of 574 stated the firm determination of progressdve labor in the northwest, the union to maintain its organiz It is highly significant that the ation and to defend itself against bosses, who tried their hands at all attacks.
breaking the union in the great In these three points is contained strikes of 1934, have nowhere venthe gist of the policy of Local 574 tured to come out in the open to which has brought it such brilliant support Tobin and Meyer Lewis.
success: a policy of militancy, plus To be sure, this cautious attitude cooperation with all other legitihas not been directed by sympathy mate unions; a deliberate policy of for the union under attack and its affiliation to the of and of outspokenly radical leaders. Their unceasing struggle for reinstatehearts were with Lewis, but they ment, plus a refusal to sacrifice its didn trust him to make good his organization or to capitulate to boasts that he would break up the union wreckers masquerading as outlaw. union. They told him labor leaders. This polley. In my frankly in more than one private Local trade union leaders of the lon. It bears testimony to the union strategy of the trade union opinion, is a model for the internal The spacious new headquarters soccer teams compete with amateur found their way into local labor traditional non militant type, de strength of Local 574 and to the militants everywhere, just as the on Plymouth Avenue North present rivals in the uniform of Local 674.
circles, that they had had their spite their entanglement with and held by the local leaders of the policy exemplified by Local 574 in picture of Local 574 in this stage All this is reflected in signs, respect in which this strength is share of expensive trouble last year dependence upon the official serve of its development as a full blown nouncements and gatherings at the and had become convinced that of machine and their lack of official trade union movement of the great strikes of 1934 as a model of strike strategy union, taking care of the daily headquarters their trucks could not operate with any real affection for the wild the of Meticulous attention to every business of its membership, but Local 674 is a mass movement, out 574 drivers The union has men of Local 574, have likewise The Grand Strategy detail organization is another poised for action all the time. Oe. drawing its people ever closer to JAMES CANNON signed new contracts with several shrugged their shoulders at the ap In its reply to the Central Labor one of the secrets of Local 574 cupying two large floors, with two the union, taking hold of them at new groups of employers, and re peals of Green special unlon bust Union the executive board of Local in which Local 574, spearhead of newed its contracts with others. er. The action of the Central Labor 574 reiterated the position which it beading success. For the strike or three times the space of the their work and in their hours of of last year the union set headquarters of the Central Labor recreation, welding them together.
has beaten of the latest attack since the formal revocation of its Union in shouting Lewis down and has maintained throughout the long up headquarters in a big garage, Union, with an auditorium seating formidable, new movement. directed by William Green per. charter by Tobin last summer, and then instructing its executive board struggle: As point one, it declared equipped it like a field headquar. 1, 500, adequate office space, several really Inspiring union, the pride of sonal representative and gained has even made new gains since the to confer with Local 574 with a the destre of the union to remain a ters for the rapid mobilization of conference rooms and a bar, Local the whole northwest, strong in the ground steadily in the four weeks format launching of the ill starred view toward a peaceful settlement part of the general labor movement the picket cruising squads, and 74 is equipped for business and affection of the working masses. since it was first announced in the Red purge by Meyer Lewis on of the diffeulties was a remarkable represented by the of Lhurled them like a militant army doos plenty of it. As many as six hard union to bust, as the bosses of nation headlines. As things stand Oct. 30.
tribute to a so called outlaw un and asked the ald of the Central into action. The bosses, accus, different meetings of separate cate Minneapolis know, and as Tobin, tomed to dealing with horse and gories of workers, including those Green and Meyer Lewis are learn buggy unionism, represented 80 employed on relief projects, take ing. Local 574 is strong in itself, pathetically by a dickering business place on a single night. Over three but its great advantage in every agent, were knocked out of the thousand people were packed into struggle is the enthusiasm and de water by these militant mass tae the halls on the night of the dem votion with which the rank and tics. These tactics prevailed evenonstration against the Green Lewis tle of the other unlons rally around tually even against the police and Red drive, with a large over flow it. Local 574 has won this devothe militia and wrested settlements crowd in the streets listening to tion by the Inspiring example it has clearer leftward direction. One, lutionary program.
olutionary position. Continued from Page 1)
which made it possible for the the loudspeaker. In addition, the set before them and by the ready day under the white heat of the Inte collaboration with the Bolshepart, the most progressive, entered Expulsions, War Crisis, Toulon Carry out the indispensable rap. untop to consolidate itself, heal its headquarters serve as a social cen and effective cooperation in time The expulsion of revolutionists, proachement with the Trotskyists. many wounds and begin to grow as ter for the membership. Every week of trouble. From a formal stand For there is one kind of an affair or point Local 874 is an outlaw.
This was Zeller advice to Marceau a dily by day organization.
are brought into sharpest, boldest vik Leninists.
the events at Toulon and Brest, the Pivert, who remains so far, with that a different technique was another, dances, smokers, lectures, They have revoked its charter and relief. It is the showdown time when no ambiguity is possible.
Days of Decisive Struggle fought the bureaucracy, both bureaucracles hammered home, slons concerning Party which they essence of the matter Local 574 is These are the days in France above all on the deustion of na with Bolshevik Leninist help, the In the Sociale the democracy make way for detail and routine. the union baseball, football and labor movement. But in the real tional defense versus revolutionary real Issue: think will enable them to welze its COPS GET SHELLACKING Inside in the hearts of the rank when the class struggle itself ripe defeatism. This period coincided and file of all the other unions. Seeing that the polley fol apparatus and introduce a revoluThese things are the real capital every shred of pretense and hypowith the new turn of the Stalin lowed by the Second and Third tionary policy from the top.
erlay from those who stand in the 1sts. particularly in the matter of of Local 574 in the struggle. In van of the working class. In the national defense, as Franco Soviet reflection and an echo of the Internationals were nothing but a The Two Roads spite of all, it is conceivable that It is clear, says Zeller, that the united forces of reaction in the decisive struggles to come workers will learn who are their negotiations for a military pact League of Nations and that there such a tendency will not go far.
labor movement could crush and leaders and who their betrayers.
was no longer an independent Under the press of circumstances destroy it as they have crushed Stalin Missionaries in France working class policy on a world and the pressure of events, it will other isolated unions before. But It is at a time like this that In April, Zeller relates, two rep seale, and that in fact we were automatically differentiate, just the tide is not running that way comrade Zeller only a year ago an resentatives of the came to witnessing the bankruptey of the as the Revolutionary Socialist avowed opponent of Trotskyism Paris, Kossaroy and Chemodanov, internationals and the decomposlat present. The workers are in a Youth did. The soundest and more militant mood. They are has come forward with the call for and approached him with a demand tion of their national sections, most active wing will come near clamoring for industrial unionism, a fight for the Fourth Internation that he and his comrades take a we coneluded that with relentless to the Bolshevik Leninists. The sick and tired of the policy that al, for new party, as the only sharp position against the Trotsky Inevitability, today or tomorrow, other will return to the elan of brings nothing but defeat. Craft way out for French proletariat.
The youth organization of the Selne International ists, and for adhesion to the Third the indispensable regrouping of the reformists, to the shirt tails unionism is cracking at the seams the whole proletarian yanguard of the bureaucracies.
in the of The reactionand whole federations and parts of Lengthy extracts are given from would take place on the basis of What perspectives does Zeller federations elsewhere in France arles have too many fights on their openup?
hands to concentrate on Minneapo.
will follow his fighting lead. We have deep roots in the Is alone. The ardent sympathy of Through what experience did progressives and militants everythose where is on the side of Minneapo is will know how to be the faithful lis, and that helps in various ways.
young Socialist; every Young Com (From Leon Trotsky Preface to Fred Zeller Pamphlet)
munist, if he really counts himself For all these reasons It appears to In the ebb and flow of pur epoch, amid great defeats and disil.
interpreters of the will of the youth, who will offer it an unme that the militants of Local 574 a fighter against capitalism, will Lusionments, in the growth of the conservative Soviet bureaucracy, stained flag and clear perspec have a fighting chance for victory want to know. Comrade Zeller has the oldest generation of both Internationals has largely spent itself, himself written the answer.
tives, will win the vietory in again. That all they ever asked become a hollow shell and fallen prostrato, The building of the new France.
In one of the most valuable docu International falls with its main weight upon the young generation, ments of the present day revoluWe are forging in the daily The obstacles are great, the tasks colossal. But it is precisely in the tionary labor movement pamstruggle the cadres of the great in the mass production Industries.
phlet of a few thousand words steeled. The Seine Federation of the Youth and after it the provinces revolutionary party of tomorrow.
And this is also where the real fuFred Zeller describes the evolution as well can and should take an honored place in this work. More From now on we call loudly to of the Youth during the past year faith in ourselves, in our forces and in the future! Let the philistines the working class youth of From these industries the basic in terms of the political develop howl about the tactlessness, the brashness and exaggerations of the France: The Young Socialists of cadre of the movement must be rements which have brought the fight youth. Cadres of the revolationary party have never yet been eduthe Seine have had a series of cruited.
against Fascism onto the order of cated elther in the ballet schools or in diplomatic chancellories. The experiences in the struggle. Now To the revolutionary workers the the day in France, revolution is not only tactless but it is ruthless when need arises.
they have definitely broken with (Continued from Page 4)
objectives are Addressed to his own comrades That is why Messrs. Bourgeois hate Leninism (with Stalinism they the policy of bankruptcy and of mitted to organize under the banmovement and in the Socialist Youth of France get along not so badly. The social patriots translate the bourgeoisie treason of the two Internationals.
sive movement, though he himself, ner of the American Federation of the fundamental question. They and to comrades throughout the fear into the language of sanctions, expelling young Bolsheviks from In the face of the bourgeoisie much lower plane.
at least, completes this cycle on a Labor they are going to organise must draw a clear line between under some other leadership or this movement and individuals who world, the pamphlet gives, with all which is showing its teeth they the party, while the centrist philistines curse on this account the Basically Chas. Howard position in they are going to organize without the rank and Ale will unquestionthe authority of a leading partici Fourth International. This need not do not want to bend the knee but us. All those processes se hace for the elite layers or the burnersey pant, a picture of what has been the progressive bloc to promote leadership. And it either of those lably gravitate more and more to fight!
industrial unionism is somewhat conditions should extenuate, sub ward the support of the progres.
happening in France, a pleture of toersey. One must look deeper into the masses that languish in the They want the Front Populaire in action, a chains of the crisis, hate their slave owners, desire struggle, are cap ternational of struggle which will graphical union lation, the typo mit to you that it would be a farsive bloe on this issues it has distinctly craft more serious problem for our gov.
pitiless picture of the social democable of struggle and in Toulon and Brest have already made their be faithful to revolutionary Marx. conscious. But Howard does un fernment, for the people of this raised. Such support, however, racy and Stalinism in their final, ism, to the ideas of Lenin and social patriotic class collaboration not the false tactfulness of the salon, but clear cut slogans and the glorious tradition of the Bolderstand the importance of organ country and for the American Fed this bloe will recelve as an oppo Ist phase. He gives a living and courageous leadership. Let us hope that Zeller pamphlet will per sheviks of October, 1917. ized groups functioning inside the eration of Labor itself than it our nent of the bosses and as an oppostriking. demonstration of the reunions. He was elected President organization policies should be so nent of reaction. The center of form a service in the cause of the education of the young cadres of sult of the impact of events and the The Second and Third Inter of the union on the slate of a fac molded that we can organize them gravity of the masses to now shiftthe new International!
nationals are nothing more now ton calling itself the Progressive and bring them under the leader logic of the position of the proInfluence of firm Bolshevik ideas.
Firm attachment to the Interests Written on Nov. 7, 1935.
than decomposing corpsies. Party, which for years fought the ship of this organization.
gressives will make it dificult for Henceforth, for tho grouping more reactionary Wahnitas On this particular point Lewis them to draw back. Even the issues of the proletariat led him relentof all the exploited of the earth Strangely enough, Brank Morrison, was even more outspoken, yet ut of trade union democracy as a prelessly from the boom of the social the stenographie record of Zeller the principles of revolutionary under the banner of the Fourth the eternal Secretary of the terly reactionary in presenting requisite to the accomplishing of democracy in which he was our meeting with the representa Marxism We thought, conse tured into firm solidarity with the tives during which the now famous quently, that the moment had Mohal of Land ardent supporter of Communism and Fascism in the any change of policy of live the French Revolut organiza Green, comes from this same typo same cases comunism and Fascismo defense of this principle. Other Bolshevik Leninists whom upon. when he declared: tlou will tend to drive them toward Infunction was given them: If income for the young Socialists of tion!
first meeting he distrusted and this period you make your revola the Solne boldly to take the lead Long live the world revolu this is not so strange after all.
graphical union faction. Or maybe Lowls on What of the future of our coun progressive issues will emerge.
fought tion you are traitors! The Stallo of the regrouping of the real rev tion He describes the growing senti. Laval declaration in May complet olationists and to raise high and Howard genuinely fears that try? Who among us does not know They will also tend to coalesce into To comrade Zeller and all his the of becomes immune to the bazards of the present moment? a serious movement in which the ment among the Socialist Youth ofed the eduention of the young 80France against the social democrat clallats.
fellow. Aghters among the revolu necessary progress, somebody else The teachings of false prophets genuine progressives will take their picture is given of the hesitationary youth of France we extend will take over the fob of organis falling upon the ears of a popula rightful place. The fundamental le bureaucracy of the He They hoped to use us to be tions and the vacillations in some the hand of comradely greeting. Ing the workers. This was the thon that frightened and dis question will then also arise more relates how into this leftward mov.
tray the supreme interests of the sections of the ranks, fostered in Welcome, fellow fighters for the tenor of his support of industrial turbed and depressed and discour clearly as to where the various eleing current came the BolshevikLeninists. At the beginning Zeller aignantly refused. Chemodanot who capitulated to the bureaucracy.
International proletariat. We in particular by the Ist elements Fourth International!
unloniam at the San Francisco con aged, the nocturnal and surrepti ments stand on issues of the class and his comrades were alienated.
vention last year, and he made no tlous attempts of interests to form struggle.
came not to win as from reform The hardening of the cadres 18 Fred Zeller pamphlet, with a bones about whom he feared. At a philosophy, the philosophy of the beginning toward a movement Hatred for Bolshevism Ism but to push us into the arms shown and the development of a prolace by D. Trotsky, will be the Atlantic City convention here Communists on the one hand and is made, and with all the qualifica Despite our desire to take a of our bourgeoisle under the talmovement among the Young Com.
philosophy of the Nazis on the tons necessary in estimating the progressive road, it seemed to us laclous pretext of defending de munists toward the revolutionary in the very near future. Send in previous speech on this particular other hand, equally repugnant and personnel now in the lead, that between them and us there mocracy against the principal en grouping.
contributions to insure the speed point, saying: datasteful to the men of labor. opportunity is presented for millreal was an unbridgeable gull. As emy, Hitlerite Fascism. To serve He describes in some detail the last publication to 55 11th St. Now, let me say to you that the And yet let de comportementarerloua, tant workers Pursuing the tactle young Socialists we had been the needs of poor cause, they evolution of the heterogeneous New York City. Place your bunbrought up in the party with a wanted to yoke us to our General Revolutionary Left led by Mardle orders now!
workers menace for the future.
to organime, and if they are not per It would thus be absurd to agressive issues of today, critical of hatred for Bolsbevism.
Staff. Strongly opposed, we took ceau Plvert who, he writes, was sume that there 18 real distine all attempts of deception, comproThe vigorous activity of the up the struggle flercely. forced by the leftward political de tion between the Lewis forces and mise and eapitulation to reaction, young Bolsheviks all too vigor The brochure develops in detall velopment of the rank and file in ous, it seemed to their socialist the relations between the o. the adult party to solidarize with basle class ideology. Nevertheless, tant workers can become the leaven the present situation is clear to mil for a strong and genuine progresclates to unite in an organized revolutionary wing of the Selne youth. But Plvert stopped in the Itant and revolutionary workers sve movement of tomorrow.
faction under the name of Revolu party and describes the expulsions tull middle of the road. Neither Saturday December at 8:30 in the trade unions, Around the tionary Socialist Youth which was perpetrated at Lille, their sequel, to the right nor to the left that is Issues that stand out today an ag DASCH SPEAKS OLYMPICS formed to combat, they saw it the role of the lsts followers the constitutional formula of Plv. DANCING SKIT REFRESHMENTS gressive policy organization and Friday, December 6, P. at at the time, both the reformists of the Socialist Workers Party ofert. He describes how they took Admision 15 cents industrial unionism. they must 320 East 14th Street, Al Dasch, and the Trotskylsta.
320 EAST 14th STREET, NEW YORK CITY make common cause and a common former Metropolitan 147 Ib.
But it was not long before this their capitulation and the youth part in the organization meeting of faction, under the pressure of ev developing fight of the main body constantly sought to warn and win Joint Auspicest East Side and Center Branches, LA struggle with the Lewis progres boxing champion, will speak on sive bloc. This struggle, once it whether the Olympics should be ents, began to twelt move in a of the youth on a developing revo. Plvert and his comrades to a rev.
takes real bold, will rage primarily held in Germany. Admission free.
Fred Zeller pass to arrive at this Not Hollow Preaching. But Clear Cut Slogans! youth and that is important. Only Who Are the Progressive Leaders of the of party and an in unique. His GALA SOCIAL DANCE ele creme free to questions of courageous and audacious, the mili: